I£GAL NOTICES NORTH CARORUNA DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE OF SAEX UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained In a certain Deed of Trust executed by BOZIA LEAKE FARRAR, (Widow), dated April 24, 1968. and recorded in Mortgage Book 824, at page 73, in the Register of Deeds of Durhsm County, North Carolina, default hav ing been made in the pay. ment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to fore closure. the udersigned Trus tee will offer for sale at Pub lic Auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court house Door in Durham Coun ty, North Carolina, at NOON on the 17th day of December. 1971, the property conveyed in said Deed of Trust, the same lying and being in the County of Durham and State of North Carolina, in Durham Township, and more particu larly described as follows: No. 2202 Chautaugua St.: For further information, ref erence and description, see Deed Book 98, at Page 99. in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Durham Coun ty, North Carolina, to-wit: BEING LOT NO 38 of the Fitzgerald property near Nat ional Training School, Dur ham, North Carolina, said lot fronting 50 feet on Chautau gua Avenue, being 125 feet deep and on the west side at the corner of Park View Avenue, according to survey of R. M. Pickard, Civil En gineer. dated October 28. 1921, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Durham County in Plat Book No. 3. at page 151. Savings and Excepting property conveyed to City of Durham for the purpose of widening the Street by Deed Book 198. page 610, and Deed Book 268, page 671. THIS PROPERTY will be sold subject to all prior en cumbrances and taxes and all 1971 ad valorem taxes and assessments. THIS SALE will remain open for ten (10) days to re ceive increased bids, as re quired by law. This 16th day of Novem ber, 1971. J. J. HENDERSON, Trustee WILLIAM A. MARSH, JR., Attorney Nov. 20. 27; Dec. 4, 11, 1971 NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE CF SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale con tained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by JOHN C. WHITE. JR and wife, MA RIAN VIVIAN WHITE, d.ated January. .2,7, 197JL and record ed in Mortgage Book 853, at page 220. in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Durham County, North Car. olina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the under signed Trustee will offer for sale at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse Door in Durham County, North Carolina, at NOON on the 17th day of December. 1971, the property conveyed in said Deed of Trust the same lying and be ing in the County of Durham and State of North Carolina, in Durham Township, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the northern property line of Club Boulevard, said point being approximately 330 feet east of the intersection of the east property line of Lindberg Avenue and the north property line of Club Boulevard, and running thence along and with the eastern property line of Lot 3 as shown on the plat here inafter referred to. North 21* 47' 30 seconds west, 143.39 feet to a point in the south ern property line of a 16-foot alley as shown on the plat hereinafter referred to, said point being the Intersection of the southern property line of the 16-foot alley and the northeastern corner of Lot 3 and running thence along and with the south property line of Mid 16 foot alley north 68* 12' 18 seconds east, 60 feet to a point, Mid point being the intersection of the northwest corner of Lot 5 in the southern property line of said 16-foot alley; and 88 seconds east, 143.18 feet to a point in the northern prop erty line of Club Boulevard; and thence along and wKh the northern property line of Club Boulevard south 68* 00' 41 seconds west, 60 feet to the point and place of be ginning ,and BEING ALL OF LOT 4 as shown on the plat of the property of Stewart M. Pickett Construction Co., surveyed by George C. Love, Jr., Registered land Survey or, dated August 21, 1969, and recorded in Plat Book 63, at page 80, Durham County Registry, to which reference is hereby ihade for a more particular description of the same. THIS PROPERTY will be sold subject to all prior en cumbrances and taxes and all 1071 ad valorem taxes and assessments. * THIS SALE will remain open for ten (10) days to re ceive increased bids, as re quired by law. This 16th day of Novem ber, 1971. J. J. HENDERSON, Trustee WILLIAM A. MARSH, JR., Attorney Nov. 20, 27; Dec. 4, 11. 1971 EXECUTOR'S NOIICE Hiving qualified u execu tor of the estate of Janie Man gum Holraan, Deceased, lata of Durham County, North Car olina, this it to notify all per sona having claim* against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at 112 Dunstan Street,' Dur ham, North Carolina on or be fore the 29th day of April 1972 or this notice will ha Pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persona Indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment. Louis Russell, Co-Executor ' William Jerome Russell Co-Executor Bum peas, Belcher, 4 Avant Attorneys At Law 112 Dunstan Street Durham, North Carolina Nov. 8, 13, 20, 27 NOTICE TO CREOITORS Having qualified as Admin istrator of the Estate of Mrs Peart Eppes Patterson, de ceased late of Durham Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the under signed at 116 West Parrish Street Durham, North Oaro. line 27701, on or before the 24th day of May, 1972 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This 18th day of Novem ber, 1971. Mechanics and Farmers Bank, Executor of Estate of Mrs. Pearl Eppes Patterson, Deceased 116 W. Parrish Street Durham, N. C. 27701 Nov. 20, 27; Dec. 4, 11, 1971 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE The undersigned having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Pryor Anorum, deceased, late of Durham County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against said estate to present them to the under signed on or before the 15th day of May, 1972 or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will peJase make immediate pay ment to the undersigned at 1216 Lakeland St., 'Durham, North Carolina. This 15th day of Novem ber, 1971. Joseph A. Ancrum Administrator of the Estate of Pryor Ancrum, Nov. 20, 27; Dec. 4, 11, 1971 NOTICE TO CREDITOR'S Having qualified as admin istratrix of the estate of Joe Weatheito, deceased late of Durham County, North Cartlina, this is tp notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned Mechanics and Farmers Bank, 118 W. Parrish St., Durham, North Carolina 27701 on or before the 24th day of May, 1972 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. Hiis 18th day of Noven*- j er, 1971. Mechanics and Farmers Bank, Administrator Estate of Joe Weathers 116 W. Parrish St. Durham, N. C. 27701 Nov. 20. 27; Dec. 4, 11, 1971 NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contain ed in a certain Deed of Trust executed by WILLIAM H. BYNUM, (Single), dated May 13, 1960, and recorded in Mortgage Book 650, at page 184, in the Office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Durham County, North Carolina, de fault having been made in the payment of* the indebt edness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by terms thereof subject to fore closure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court house Door in Durham Coun ty, North Carolina, at NOON on the 17th day of Decem ber, 1971, the property con veyed in said Deed of Trust the same lying and being in the County of Durham and State of North Carolina, in Durham Township, and more particularly described as fol lows: ALL OF LOT 4 in Block "F", as shown on map of Forest View Heights, dated January 15, 1957, drawn by William Ragsdale, Jr., R. E., and recorded in Plat Book 31, at page 100 in the Durham County Registry, Durham, N. C. THIS PROPERTY will be sold subject to all prior en cumbrances and taxes and all 1971 ad valorem taxes and eMeoments. THIS SALE will remain open for ten (10) days to re ceive increased bads, as re quired by law. This 16th day of Novem ber, 1971. J. J. HENDERSON. Trustee WILLIAM A. MARSH, JR , Attorney Nov. 20, 27; Dec. 4, 11, 1971 BLACK CAPITALISM is our bag, what's yours? Let us share a great opportunity with you. For appointment Cell .682-9436. MtL* WAKTWO SIOODO weekly poaaible |4- dreaalng mail for ftrma—#bll and part time at lmtua #M>i damped enve lope to Slaber Co., Box IMM, O Pafo. Texaa 7»11 TV Will Do On.Historical Events HOLLYWOOD Producer David Wolper hopes yet to salvage television's most disastrous season with a series sf five one-hour specials entitled "Appointment With Destiny." All deal with historical sub jects that have been treated previously in fiction on television and in motion pic tures. They are: "The Last Days of John Dillinger" "The Plot to Kill Hitler"' "Lee and Grant at Ap pomatox" ' The Crucifixion'' "Showdown at the O.K. Corral." Wolper win utilize a pseudodocumentary technique, reporting the events as i[ they were taking place and being photographed newsreel .style for contemporaries of each par ticular place in time. Aged Film Even the film will he acred and yellowed to lend verisimilitude to the exposition of the individual segments. "We chose subjects on the basis of drama and the ra tionale that the camera if it had been invented could have captured the persons and historical or Biblical figures we're dealing with." said Wolper who also produces the National Geographic series. "All our actors are unknown to the publ'C. This was our posely done to add believability to the specials.'' Wolper is convinced his form of documcntary-drama is tele Sniper in Belfast Kills Briton, Wounds Another B EI.FAST. Northern Ireland —A sniper who fired only two shots in gathering dusk killed one British soldier and seriously wounded another in Belfast's Roman Catholic Short Strand area Thursday, an army spokesman said. "Unfortunately, it was ex tremely good shooting," the spokesman added. The soldier was the 37th to die in Northern Ireland this year and the first since another was gunned down a week ago in Londonderry. His death raised the over-all 1971 toll in ihp four-sided battling involving majority Protestants, minority Catholics, British troops and the outlawed Irish Republican Army (IRA) to 127. The two soldiers were at an army post near the Short Strand bus station when the marksman opened fire about 3:45 p.m. Dusk was failing on the violence-wracked capital. "This cold-blooded murder was carried out at a time when the area was completely peaceful." an army statement said. "People were out shop ping and there was the usual volume of midafternoon traf fic." The soldier died as opposition Labor party leader Harold Wilson wound up the Belfast leg of his fact-finding tour of Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic in search of nevJ ideas for ending the bloodshed. Before flying to Dublin for a dinner with Irish Republic Premier Jack Lynch. Wilson said he found the Northern Ireland situation "potentially as desperate as any problem facing the British parliament desperate because of the evidence I have seen of fear, of bitterness, of the breakdown of confidence, and hatred even." Meeting newsmen at a heavily guarded hotel. Wilson said Britain must devise a STORING TOBACCO North Carolina tobacco growers who are storing cured tobacco on the farm should be sure of the mois ture content of the leaf, warn North Carolina State Uni versity extension spe cialists. Tobacco stored as high as 15 percent moisture will be safe from spoilage. At 18 to 22 percent mois ture, it will keep well during the winter but begin to show mold growth and deteriora tion in April. cr V '" "THE AFRO" SQBO J PUnty Ff— Forking vision's best hope in tne tuture. "We tske ss few liberties as we can with the facts," he said. '•Nor do we distort what historical resesrch was open to u.s. Each show had a leading authority in the field a s technical adviser. Marked Resemblance "I think viewers will be shocked at how some of our actors resemble the principals. A man named Billy Frick of Naples, Fla., looks exactly like Hitler. When we shot "The Crucifixion" in Jerusalem there were dozens of volunteers to play Christ. "None of the actors speak in the series," Wolper continued. "Everything is done voice-over by the narrator. This heightens the effect of a documentary." Wolper was encouraged to proceed with this block of five shows on the basis of his suc cess last season with a similar approach to a special on Lin coln. Mail, reviews and ratings were astonishingly good. The first of this season's segments will be the Dillinger show beaming tonight via CBS. "History is the richest source of drama, comedy, tragedy," Wolper said. "Yet it is seldom employed properly in an en tertainment format. Also, too many liberties are taken with the facts. "The O.K. Corral has been done many times inaccurately. But the true story of the gun fig+it is more exciting than fictional treatment. Just wait and see." political solution but it could not be put into action until violence is ended. "I don't think it is possible to approach this situation except on the basis that the rule of the gun and he bomb must be destroyed.'' Bomb blasts destroyed a paint store and a hardware store in Belfast during the night and a movie theater in Dungannon, 35 miles to the west. British troops, keeping up their raids on suspected IRA hideouts, seized 29 persons in Catholic areas. The ar,my said 15 were later released. U.S. Delegate At Talks Terse, Tough PARIS William J. Porter, the chief American negotiator at the Vietnam peace talks here, maintained the tough stance he has shown over the last few weeks by saying almost nothing yesterday. Porter greeted Xuan Thuy, the representative of North Vietnam who returned to the conference after a two-month absence, with a 23-word state ment that implied that it is up to Thuy if the talks are to get anywhere. Porter said: "Ladies and gentlemen: We have repeatedly made our position clear, we are awaiting a constructive reply and. therefore, have nothing further to say." Thuy and his Viet Cong colleague. Nguyen Van Tien, had little to say either. Pham Dang Lam. the Saigon representative, took his cue from Porter and limited his remarks to seven minutes. The result was that the 136 th plenary session lasted one hour and thirty-two minutes, not counting a lunch break, and was the shortest on record. 80MEHNG NEW IN THE BLOCK VWW SPORT SHOP as & purnoßßw ST Nt*t to Tour Own Ttriaf Sani-Flush wipes out germs. . Sani-Flush* Toilei BOW|/HB Cleaner wipes out com- f I mon household germs M in 15 seconK^_^^^ Disinfects as it cleans. ® 1971 It. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-SoUm, N.C. S only natural. |jy NATURAL MENTHOL.'.: not the artificial kind That's what gives Salem Super Kings a taste that's ,3^l never harsh or hot. r i " „ ft Jtaiaa miw J \(juw- —I HIH ?Q mg w~ 13 mg mcotinj «v (*t cigiftttt. FTC "WKI AUG 71 iKßMfllm RICARDO PRIVETTE Youngster Sets Good Record As Newsboy By JAMES VAUGHAN In an age of unrest, con fusion and rebelliousness, our youths are often miss under stood, and too often are type cast as disrespectful. We take pleasure in introducing to our readers a young man who stands out, in our opinion, as exceptional. Ricardo Privette, for two and a half years has exemplified honesty, trustworthiness and dependability in his dealings with us. He is a favored paper carrier for The Carolina Times During this period, unlike scores of other youths ven turing in and out of the office, he has maintained a steady volume of sales. He has con sistently accounted for all papers he has taken ouf; and, most amazing, he has never failed to be courteous and re spectful. Ricardo, age 11, shows the promise of an outstanding young man. We commend him. Moreover, we salute his parents Mr. and Mrs. Richard Privette, Jr., of 3036 Foster St. Ricardo, we hope you grow to like school more; we hope that you will forever be able to play football; and, of course, we hope you will con tinue to be an example to other youths. Ecuador, China Break QUITO, Ecuador Ecuador has broken diplomatic relations with Nationalist China. lb meet your goals team up with someone who meets his: ■P* JH Mack Elridge/ Achiever. Mack Elridge has been with North Carolina he works with Achievers like you who want Mutual's Birmingham office for eight years. Three of something more for their family And the future those years, he s been Combination Agent North Carolina Mutual understands achievers of the Year. We ve been helping blacks reach their goals since Mack knows that with the right kind Of 1898 It's made us the largest black-operated planning any goal can be met. And he knows how to financial institution in the nation today do the right kind of planning. If you have something you want to achieve, call For himself. For his customers. He's a North the achiever company We understand your goals Carolina Mutual agent. And an achiever. Every day And can help you reach them See your North Carolina Mutual man in any of theaa Kate*: Alabama, California. Georgia Illinois Maryland Michigan New jersey North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania. South Carolina. Tennessee Virginia District of Columbia DISTRICT OFFICE 104 W. PARISH SI. DURHAM, N. C. Society's Worst 111 Is Racism, Bond Says HIGH POINT -Julian Bond, black Democratic member of UM Georgia HO«II of Representatives, said here yesterday that the greatest ill ia the United States today is racism, and suggested that the country's most desirable goal should be to contain and eradi cate that ill. Bond, speaking to a group at High Point College, also called for the defeat of President Nixon in the 1972 election, challenging any candi date to deliver "realty not rhetoric to the black com munity." "Since the President took office, we have spent billions more on war; over two million more Americans have been added to the ranks of the unemployed; and 2.3 million are are on ever mounting ef rolls ... and many American cities face bank ruptcy." Bond said that a policy of full employment, equal opportunity regardless of race or sex, public service employment with Incressed wage minlmuma and wage coverage, and the Institution of a national health insurance program are necessary steps to begin solving Investigate our liquid assets 2 over lunch, ft You'll find the Plymouth martini a sound f JRg investment. Just as your English J counterparts have. Since 1793, the British have realized all the virtues of Coates & T4LK*T in Co.'s crisp, extra-dry 94.4 proof gin. IP! Things are no different today. We still distill with the softest, purest different sources to pre serve our secret recipe. ft [V mBL. wl Discover the gin n far that was said to be Plymouth Gin goes pabik. w 94.4 Proof. 100% Groin Neutral Spirits, Schenley Imports Co , NY, N Y ©1971 man? of (oeiety'i pnMtw. The Jl-ye«r-old legislator laid "There can be no denying durt one at the directions black and poor people moat take the remainder of the IfTW U tewirdj a real and meaningful 1 Thorpe's Barber Shop mL THORP* Koted Barter ft Fays t» Cook Tow M SHAMPOOS AFRO HAmCPFS ~ HA® COLOMNG MASSAGM fm Fiwlw Jkrmms Darkam, *. €, iatchdav, mm. sr. vm THE CABOUNA IBM- participation in politics. "The racist policies at public and private U. 1 Institutions continue to insert that blacks wfD suffer more than others, in good times and bad." 11

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