Sat 13, 1S73 tHE CAROLINA mm CUMUNA TIMES S.I., Ju. 4. ltli What WIN ! Hit Rob? 6 BIC 25 DIS I EDITORIALS & COMMENT A Message from HJI AA.. I nlhAP If inn lr VII 5. IVIdlUII LUUIGI limy, vi. v ; It is very Ratifying to know thM mil lions of people this year will b observing lilt 44th birthday enniverssry of Martin Luther King. Jr., January 15th. On this fifth consecutive year of nationwide com memorations, it is a pleasure to send you this message My husband's birthday anniversary is a day for the celebration of his life and the perpetuation of his teachings. It is a day for recognizing his leadership and under standing its meaning for the future. The uniqueness of Martin Luther King was that he not only spoke of his ideals with uncommon eloquence, but that he also took action in a movement for the fulfillment of those ideals. He observed that the rights of humanity should be val ued even more highly than one's own in dividual life, and he made the ultimate sacrifice himself. Martin Luther King also proved that lasting social progress can be achieved without resorting to hatred and violence. He set in motion a struggle for political and economic liberation of black and other poor people, and for peace rooted in justice and equality. Many achieve ments in thttstruffto are already history. The challenge to us now is to continue the struggle and hasten the time when his dream becomes a reality. Yes, he was a dreamer, but a planner, too. It is left to us to carry out the plan - a nonviolent movement, pragmatic in its action, moral in its purpose. If the deepest tragedy in the loss of Martin Luther King was that his work was unfinished, the greatest inspiration in his legacy can be found in his own words: 'The arc of the universe is long, but it bends toward justice." January 15th is a day in which black people justifiably take special pride. But let us remember also that the life and leadership of Martin Luther King, Jr., transcends race, creed and nation. Let us resolve on his birthday to re-dedicate our selves to his quest. Every time a single person grasps what he stood for, and makes a commitment to his movement every time any individual anywhere takes a position against human suffering and injustice... the ideals and legacy of Martin Luther King. Jr. will be vindicated and strengthened. Idealism and Generation Holding Interest groups and elections as well as styles in reforms help to bring about many idealistic movements among the youth and the young. But such movements, fueled by the youth, seem to quickly pass and makes one won der about the depth of true com mitment to such ideals. Civil rights, the war against poverty and peace demonstra tions have been well out front movements. Ciyfl rights move ments helped toJMing and bet ter focus attei&on. by-all seg ments to the- many injustices rendered against blacks, women and other minorities. The war against poverty pointed up the devastating plight of the poor, educationally and economically, regardless of race, creed or color and many, many welfare pro grams were instituted to help alleviate some of the conditions under which many of the less advantaged and poor existed. Peace movements turned our Vietnam policy into a more seri ous search for a way out of the "undeclared war." The determined, humanitari an spirit is a product of personal development, but may be tem pered or attenuated by the op portunities and trials that a time in history imposes. Reformers make themselves at any time (we are grateful for that), but society makes more progress at some times than others, j We perhaps think of youth as an interest group, and as such, they have played most dramatic roles in the past few years. But "the manner in which young de termination and compassion col or their adult lives will affect our nation longer and deeper. It is hoped that true commit; ment toward these very human istic ideals will become the watchword of not only our youth and the young, but to others in policy and decision making roles as well as we move forward with great hope that peace will soon come. A New Governor The inauguration of James E. Holshouser on January 5 signal led new and long sought desires for Republican readership among North Carolinians. Many will re fer to the election of a Republi can governor as a mandate for change ; others will simply cite it as the way of politics; and still others will have a "no comment" or wait and watch attitude. A 8 one looks at the power vest ed in the office of the governor of North Carolina, you will be quite surprised. For among the 50 states, North Carolina's gover nor is the only one who does not have the veto power. This means that any legislation the governor's office thinks or be lieves may be undesirable for the state and or its citizens, must be accepted by the governor A FEW UNIONS HAVE REGRESSEPTO THE POINT WHERE THEIR Aoe AHi RONGE5T0ULUAPKS UFE. InCY HC TCIHMWefv MAINTAINING THE STATUS QUO AND INCREASINGLY HOSTILE T0EFF0RTS OF MINORITY GROUPS" S WHTNEY YDWJ B160TRYHASH0HEAD ttIR CANNOT THINK; NO HEART, ANDCANHOT FEEL. HHEN SHE MOVES, IT IS IN MATH; WEH SHE PAUSES (TISAHCST RUIN; HER OffJMVi ARE CURSES ' HER GOP IS A DEMON-HER The People's Holiday ft has been said that, sooner or later, the United States Government usually p with the leadership of the We hope this will be true in the ease of the drive to make the birthday of the tote Or. Martin Luther King. Jr., an annual, legal national holiday. It is high time thet Congress pass the pending legislation to create this holiday 15th. Millions of people At least 14 States and 33 cities have already proclaimed January 15th as "Mar tin Luder King. Jr. Dey ." The schools are stores dost or take time off to pay auk able tribute to Or. King. Most of the present national holidays glorify past wars and their generals, or have become too commercial and SlsofMey. Unions neve a dey off with on A national holiday honoring Or. Kim I honor all Week people. It would It would honor Justice and It would honor brotherhood, ft would honor the rights of all men. These ere the vetoes Martin Luther King, Jr. stood for. These art the ideals for which he gave hit life. It is not too much to call unon Oa I an to follow the of the nennle as asses aaain Pw ajajtw r e immiBm ejeasawn mUHIIUITW K nrBTH. WSSSSW 1 SSSS BBBOw .' mw ! I wf n iviinrri - i nggalBBBjajMf-: ifesSo-r;WSBjj gupw A I fA Elm V aTmPlflfij ''Xmrnm HsW jf' 'warn r mm. mVi i tw a4Wa jmm mAW HraLlaCaH I Sm 'ta3sel BNffl B tjjBjHBjBMBjjejBjjajmgj TO BE 'EQUAL LgggggggK ft' ' H Jy Vernon Jordan pHPP Here's How You Might Prevent Theft Will Burglars Break In Your House This Year? TW YORK to day of the unlocked door is no more. It's an unhappy fact of Urn times that families today most at least consid er the possibility of burgla- dwellers, ev en more than any homeown er, should fake precautions agaiBat break-ins if the sta Mattes art any guide, actuaries at Conti nental Casualty Co. predict, snore than Sift million rent ore will .utter insurable loss this year , and thieves will bo responsible for more half the losses. in terms of lota likely, IMng fat an apartment i very different than living to a house. In a house, the art 240 per cent high- will be caused by burglar. VWITINO neighbors, or stepping out to the laundry room without locking your door is asking for unwanted visitors. Evan when you art at home, be sure all doors art locked, Many a thief, entering an unlocked door, has grabbed Valuable objects while the occupant of the house was la the back of the apart ment, or upstair Never sat down on a hall it away, out it, immediately. IT 18 best to Invest in automatic switches that will .'WfcM,,,! light off at eiiff din or television eet also wiS give the impression! apartment or bouse is oc cupied. Running a television tat coats a little less than a penny an hour, Be sure, however, to put it on a tim er if you sort going to be away for any length of time your purse tahttTul tig IF, DCSFITC your pre cautions, your aptjtraant is burglarised, what do you doT Even tf you believe there's pcjMnpa of BBeoytring what stolen -a. not an unrea- ble attitude an many lay Gillespie says you should report the theft to the police. Then call your insurance agent One of tno first questions he'll ask is whether or not you have reported t the rtf ...serje. cities wx 7 since North Carolina laws re strict and vest all such legisla tion to whatever the legislature lfiay vote on and the governor would have no power to veto such faulty legislation. ... However, the most important power is the governor's power to appoint citizens to offices or po sitions. It is in this capacity that many changes may be anticipat ed that will, and can make North Carolina a better place for all its citizens to live, work and play. It is hoped that by his power to appoint citizens to such posi tions opportunities for North Carolinians with many ialents and skills will be afforded to share in shaping the future of our great state. fire or storm. Only 13 per cent of homeowners' insur anct craims art due to theft EVERT TEAR, says Cow tlnental Casualty's Jim Gil lespie, nine out of a hun dred apartment dwellers have soma kind of tost, and that doesn't include statis tics for the many tenants Who don't carry insurance For all apartment dwell ers. Gillespie sa& the ex pected average cost per year for losses due to theft. fire or storm damage is $35, The average WPHs about $400. DependUglb location, losses could be Jgich higher and more freJ3, he said. WHAT'S fhtW way to prevent burglaries? Gillespie suigSsts: Buy heavy-duty bdtejtcks, solid core doors without windows, bar the wtodtl and keep the doorstop ' DP JOVE dopy locks auto matically on lto way out, lthas whet is .Mown as a spring lock. A five-year old could open it with a piece of stiff plastic, such as a credit card, Gillespie said. Wat adefluato . protection, afiOB9tflaii Ppfltki losefca plus door frames that over lap the doos . i ".''V; ';'' W TEE door has a win dow in it, S double key lock la tailed for so that a bur glar can't break tat glass, reach inside tad unbolt the To most apartment dwell- Congressman 9 Hawkins' Column flBB ; 3ft; -f , t f , Is IIP AUGUSTUS P HAWKINS The long-brewing crisis in Smg, and who depend upon the public houirsj is about to erupt, .m of housta ggj, as several taator local housing of ffW alternativeg ITagble authorities art tottering at the edge of bankruptcy and nearly forty others may have to throw in the towel before next winter. he public housing program, which provides shel ter for mora than three million low-income people and which has proved itself over the past thirty -five years, may be ren dered useless at the very mo ment when the need for more housing is desperate The crisis has come about because the federal government has put a lid on operating sub didies to local housing authori ties. As originally conceived, public housing was to be built with federal aid, but rents were supposed to wver operating expenses. This arrangement became unstuck in the 1960s. whdn rising costs and inflation led to rent hikes that threaten ed to place such housing out of the reach of the very low-Income families it was built for. Congress then passed a law limlttog public housing rents to 26 percent of a family's income, resulting in rent cuts which the government made up i through payments to the local authorities. Such an arrange ment is fair and reasonable, but since the government has failed to release the funds it is obliga ted to pay, many local authori ttes may go bankrupt. . Basically, they're left with two alternatives to board up their houses, or to turn them to them. ' It makes no sense to aban don public housing now. Con gress has set a goal of six mil Hon new housing units for; low and moderate income families by 1978. That goal probably wont be met. Federal pro grams to encourage home owner ship and to subsidize private ef forts in this field have been shot through with scandals thai; may cost far mare than the operat ing subsidies needed to keep public housing afloat f Even if subsidies continue to rise several times over, they won't cost the government ss much as its present subsidies to middle and upper income home owners in tax deductions hot available to tow income rent ers. ; Public housing projects have come to for 4 tot of criticism, much of it amply merited. But there is evidence that many have learned from past mistakes and taken as a whole, the pro gram houses more loWiincOmt pie in decent homes than any other means yet devised. By and large, it has created a pool of managerial competence rarely to be found in the pri vate sector, and has becomes - source of employment; as well as housing, for many thou ands. j . ' j While the spectacular failures such . as , the Pruett-Igoe pro ject In St. Louis nave been headlined, the many successes over to the federal government of the public housing program Either would be disastrous. E victton of hundreds of thou sands of tenants and the dosing up of 'sound buildings b un thinkable. A federal take-over would lead to even higher costs and chaos. ' ' u ine local Housing aumo- just try to tighten their I save money by cutting Inance and Upkeep, the building will deter id rate and new slums will have been crea ted. - Caught in the bind between the .local ho usipg authorities and federal budget -watchers art low income families who cannot afford unsublsdized hou haft' been relatively ignored. In many instances, the pro blems created by the private sec tor, whose refusal to enter the moderate-cost field leaves low Income families with little choice in housing. 'Discrimina tion too, raises public bousing coats since it forces more build tag in fiJh land cost, central city disiiits. J-'Isii it is mkr that the system of public housing must be saved and while further experimen tetkw In housinaf is to order, this valuable institution should improve ami extend so that decent bousing will finally be within the reach of every family . tog to Russia to stay out of Greece, Turkey and Southern Europe. He also strongly supported the birth of Israel and insured tJ. S. support. . L ; Do's And Don't home owutri strong bsrs on windows art both expensive tad unstrac tfyt.IlyiJpf tanttogo this far, aUleapto suggests, PWww5(t5B)4WSi afrSaS-sss dews, be sure any ' to tut baok. Heavy Another Truman Dimension TfjrARRY S. Truman, 88, the 33rd U. S. President, died on XX Tuesday, December 26, 1072 at 7:50 a.m. in Kansas City, Missouri. This news made headlines sll over the world, followed by the details of a rather simple and brief burial service in Independence, Missouri, his home. What kind of man was Truman? He wss oftentimes characterized as a little fitsty, industrious and blunt poli tical giant. His command of salty words snd tendency to articulate them, publicly denied him the suavity of his pre decessor. Franklin Roosevelt. Truman possessed a style of brazenness snd independence that was admired .by many Americans, but was also disliked by many. The latter thought he was unrefined. Inheriting the Presidency early in Roosevelt's third term, due to the letter's desth near the end of World War II, was not an easy task, nox was following in the footsteps of a great staesman and charismatic personality. Roosevelt had. established a domestic and international agenda upon which Truman was able to project himself as a strong decision maker, capable of shocking the world. , He Met Momentous Events ! v Three weeks after he waa sworn in as President, fifty nations met in Sen Francisco to proceed with the building. of the United Nations. Just short of one month after Truman took office, Germany surrendered, ending the war in Europe. Three months later, Japan was hit by deadly atomic bombs, ' bringing about her immediate surrender. , Harry 8. Truman was a clever in-tighter who place high priority on winning, and seldom lost crucial political battles. However, his bluntness and sense of independence often times got him Into trouble, but he Usually managed to come out on top. His dismissal of the Alger His case as a "red herring," promotion of Integration in the U.S. military and equal employment legislation, China policy and firing of wartime hero, General Douglas McArthur. brought a rash of public criticism. v ' 1 I will never forget the worldwide criticism that emerged when he let McArthur know that he wss the boss and wouldn't tolerate his defiance. Truman also saw to it that the old soldier didn't return as McArthur predicted. In at uncertain terms, he pulled McArthur out of Korea, and con demned his desire to excellerste tot war. , , . In 1P4I. when Truman wss elected President over Thomas Dewey, few Americans thought he could do It, be cause he was Identified verslal issues In oke up the next moral ' tf jti M lla - JB jl RL j fl jbBBaV jVaUaufllflaBk LgI J I flUsaV MVll mtXA li ff .-sBBfV "r Do Noisy Eaters Disgust You? detested. be protect wktoh wm discourage the ior Qf Western Europe Political historians rate high Truman's postwar 1 Plan, savior of Western Europe economically and his mWjMB for the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, which protected it militarily. Other strong defensive positions -wert hit ward- Chr Carols gistfir Editor-Publisher 1927-1971 L. E. AUSTIN Published every Saturday at Durham N. t ' by United Publishers. Incv Q.'v MRS. VIVIAN AUSTIN EDMONDS, Publisher CLARENCE BONNETTE Business. Msnsger? J. BLWOOD CARTER Advertising Manager Second Class Postage Paid at Durham, N. C. 27708, :. 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