iBMnil MM Qt In. I.t 1973 yww 9 I Carist Reraraing J By Donald Lore r mi .. Wlmn we speak of return mg. we an aetmety saying, they worn bete but are due back, it is true that Chrtat wm ban. It wts to atatad by the prophet feat Ha wm to nime. So mam of them mentioned His coming it was, really believed by many I hat Ha was to coma and they looked for Him. Many were disappointed, they died before. He came. The prophets saw Him by means of visions and told wnat they saw in their visions to the people. Them visions were di vine, at least they turned out to be so. All of their visions came to pass. God gave each one a different picture but the meanings were the same. There were in those days hard hearted people as we have today. Tney will not believe anything or anybody, so they died not believing but Christ came over and above their doubts. Because they did not believe He was to come as was predicted or foretold by God's specialist had nothing to do with Him coming or not com ing. Ciirlst only had three years to do this repair job that was wrecked by Adam and his mate Eve. His first year, He estab lished that He wm God's son. Most or many of these people believed in God. They profes sed to have the laws or Moses down perfect. Tney nad been taught by their parents the laws and they are teaming their children. So they ware well versed on the requirements of God. It waa there Christ had trouble with from the beginning of His work that His father had laid out for Him, until nis end. There were those who went over board believing in Him. They were able to be convin ced that He wm God's Son. He then had to prove that He wm to die. The believers wen right in reverse. After getting over to them His mission, He wm to die and not live. Now they don't want Him to leave them-' All four Gospels men tioned haw He came to die and not live. Take a glance at St. John, 15th chapter. He if tell ihg His followers how entangled He and His father were and how entangled thny. also could be once they accepted His doc trine. Matthew 25: MS, tells of the ten virgins. Matt. 26: 1 46, some of the things mat would happen after His com ing, Revelation 21: 1-27. I have and I'm quite sire you also heard that Christ is not the one to return, it is someone else: These persons, I have ne ver heard of any of them be fore that is to come.. Why have their names and what tney have done been withheld? I am a nit-wit when it comes to believing in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. Any other names and individuals means nothing to me. j-.. . . i in. 1. 1 unnsi, asuea nis lavuei lur a special body to come and re deem Man from all of the blackness he was in. God fixed it for Him He came, He died and was to return. He is the one that I am looking for, you can look for anyone you care to. tl ...... H...,. ,!,,.., ikMi TT 131 C yuu lIltTJK "'tip crucified my Lord? Were you there when they stuck the sword in His side? Were you there when He hung His head and died? He is the only one that I am even thinking about look ing for. Wken Is A Bargain A Poor Buy? Anything you buy is only a bargain if you gat your money's worth. And price isn't the only measurement For example, a tow priced suit or dress that you wear infrequently is often a much poorer buy than a more ex pensive one that you can wear often. Sometimes it's not only the price you have to con sider but the upkeep. Many articles of clothing cost half theft purchase price for ammal mttihlewmcft Whereas some man-made materials save many dollars because of infrequent cleaning or washing of permanent press cloth ing. The same is true with food. People often got trapped wth the cents-per-pound or ounce labeling of the some 8.000 items to the supermarkets. No matter what a non nutritious food item or an empty calorie drink costs, it's no bargain. Even wjjth a basic product like milk, it's easy to lose sight of its true value because of price considera tions. Rather than propound the philosophy that milk costs only 14c to 17c a pound (it milk was sold by the pound) or that its "real" price is the 10 minutes of work it takes to earn a half-gallon's worth, it might be better to look at the product itself. Milk, unlike meats or many vegetables, has no bone or skin or waste materials. And milk is a "must" buy in today's society and a "bargain" for all buyers. It is rele vant in today's healthfood era as a natural product that iNrovides vitamins and minerals in a tasty and safe way. 0 mmmm m s MmYvMm-mMm-aiavemwV Church Page damm-'Mmam,,:l'v mmmsmmm-' I W.fc- WSifiM.. -., .atfHfimmm I IWIMI s " i it LOCAL SHRiNERS SHOW CONCERN FOR CHILDREN During the ChristmM season ZAFA Temple No. 176 and ZAFA Court No. 41 extended hands of fellowship to the child ren of the Durham communtiy. Approximately 100 children were invited from the John A very Boys' Club, the Salvation Army Boy's Club, and the com inanity at large. Noble John Armstrong wm Santa Glaus, Noble James Cam eron was overall chairman, and Daughter Blanche Noel was chairman of the court. Favors from local business " firms ware also given. These favors included pencils, tote bags, rulers, calendars and combs. Noble Raymond Sharps do nated the use of one of his Juke boxes Which contained tha I.a,-. . . ... .' I tum ftvftsoiuu ana nit selections. Life Business Assets Rise; Investment Earnings Higher Total assets of the nation's life insurance companies rose about $16 billion during 1972 to reach over $238 billion at year-end, ac cording to estimates by the Insti tute of Life Insurance. These assets represent money invested in the U.S. economy, fi nancing the nation's expansion in the housing, commercial and in dustrial areas. The net increase in assets amounted to 7 per cent, the same as in 1971. However, total dollar investment growth was somewhat greater than in recent years. Net earnings on life companies' investments (before Federal income taxes) totaled $12 billion, which was ) 1,069 million or l per cent higher tiair :1 I97l Thfnet pre tax earnings rate on investments was estimated at 5.59 per cent,, the highest in 46 years, compared with a 1971 rate of 5.44 per cent and a 1970 rate of 5.30 per cent. Earnings on investments by life insurance companies help to keep the cost of protection down to pol icyholders, affecting the rate of div idends paid on participating poli cies and the premium rates charged for non-participating policies. . Meeting Business Needs Life companies continued to help meet business needs for financing in 1972. Corporate bond holdings rose $7.2 billion or 9 per cent. Total corporate bond holdings by life companies at vear-end were $86.4 billion, according to Institute estimates. The $76.7 billion in outstanding mortgage loans is one of the larg'i est categories of life company in vestments. Mortgage holdings rose $1.1 billion or 2 per cent in 1972. Life company holdings of stocks are relatively small in comparison with other investments and the companies bought less in 1972 than in 1971. Net purchases of common stocks (mainly under separate accounts for pension funds and variable an nuity plans) were $2.6 billion, com pared with $3,5 billion in 1971. The life companies' overall com mon stock holdings showed a net increase of $4.3 billion or 26 per cent in 1972. The year-end market value of these holdings was $21.1 billion. The estimates do not in clude assets of mutual funds , as sociated with life companies. ' -Polky Lose Policy loans showed a net in crease of $1.0 billion or 6 per cent. INVESTMENTS Of U.S. Life Insurance Comoaaisi i;,'. (Ill Billions) $222 jsnm $197 2Lij in 1962 1969 1870 1171 1972 'Estimated. Source: Institute of Ufa Insurance. 1 ' ifl Us. .dhnaaOkhk. .m BsV Pvji bm- ssW PJLJHPmFj bTssm' , eSam El Pint State Anniversary Special. Fill your freezer now. And till a lot ot tumftiies with ice milk that tastes better than a lot of people's ice cream. ' J - H ALf GAL PIW STAT VAWUA1S.WLK54 during the year, with $18.0 billion outstanding at year-end. This some what limited the funds that life companies had available for cor porate bond financing of business and industry or for mortage loans. the Institute of Life Insurance estimates that the assets of U.S. life companies at the end of 1972 and net changes during the year were as follows: NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTk ajOTICf Qft $ALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contain ed in a certain Deed of Trust executed by WINGATE T. JONES and wife; VJRCBNIA D. JONES, and recorded la Mortgage Book 41, at page 887. in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Durham County, North Carolina, de fault having been made In the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by me terms thereof subject to foreclosure, th' undersigned will offer for sale at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash st the Courthouse Door in Durham County, North Carolina, at Noon on the 26th day of January, 1973, the property, convey in said Deed of Trust, the same lying and being in the Coun ty of Durham and State of North Carolina. In Durham Township, and more particu larly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the western side of United States Highway No. 70, said stake being in the northern line of Lot No. IS as shown on pan oi we i. w. Estate made by E. L. Cul breth, C. E., on lune 12, 1837, and recorded In Plat Book 12, page IS, Registry of Durham County, which said point of beginBing is also North IS degrees t minutes East 122.1 feet from tha point of intersection of the north westeni Hni of the property taken by the North .CaroUna State Highway and Public Works Commission, and the western property ww of United States Highway No. 70 as it existed at the time the plat was made 6f said prop erty by Cradle Engineering Company, on the Slat day of January. 1858, and running thence North 86 degrees 40 minutes West along the line of Lot' N. 13, as shown on said plat recorded in Plat Book 12. page 13, a distance of 98.68 feet to an iron stake: thence South S degrees 4S minutes West along the line Of Lot No. 14 a distance of approximately 128 feat, mora or less, to an iron stake: thence North 71 degrees 0 minutes East a distance of '& JiO.07 feet to a stake in the western property line of United states Highway 70. thence along the western property line of United States Highway No. TO, the western property line of United States Hhthway No, TO, North 18 de grees 40 minutes West a dis tance of 74.8 feet to an iron stake, the place snd point of beginning. On sakt property la located a Store building known as ..w- nilevard. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE sold subject to all prior en cumbrances and taxes and all 1872 ad valorem taxes and as sessments. THIS SALE will remain open for tea (10) days to re ceive increased bids, as re- 26th day of Decem ber. 1071 W. J. WALKER, JR., r-is4 Trustee WILLIAM A MARSH. JR , Atty "December SO. 1071 .(January 0, IS, and SO, 1073. NOTICE OP PUBLIC HEARING The Durham City-County Charter Commission is In the process of preparing a char ter providing for consolida tion of the governments of the City of Durham and Dur ham County. The Commission has scheduled a public hear ing oh the preliminary draft of proposed charter to .be . - -'-luary 17, 1978, at 10 Ml in the (fair mrm' f encouraged te attend. 600, 1971 Session Laws, copies .. . i- rdhary :KmxW ma proposed charter are avaitowTeV, puWIc imrpec tion at ptoltyn -Office the City Clerk of the City of Durham, CMy Itadl; Office of the County Manager of Durham County County Office Building; North Carolina Central University Library, Fsyettevflle. Krset; Perkins Library, Duke Uni versity West Campusj jaft Durham City-County Library, East Main Street. Copies will also be avail able for public Inspection at the following places: Durham College library, Fayetteville oa . e.nni T. Warren Branch UkW.jWS'S. Street: Forest Hills Brtoch Ubrary, University prive; Bractown Branch Library, Dearborn and Ruth Streets; McDougald Terrace Branch library, Lewson and Sirna Streets; Durham aty-County Library Bookmomie unji, Durham High School; HlHside High School; Northern High School; Southern High. School; Jordan High School; Brogden I. LMmK Cvkr,l- Cfr Tr Hi oil School; Holton Jr. High School; Shepard Jr. High, Whitted Jr. High School; Chr rington Jr. High School; Git hens Jr. High School; Nasi Jr. High School; Pearson town School; Parkwood Ele mentary School; Oak Grove School; and Hi 11 an dale School. Durham-City County Charter Commission Room 403, First Union Bank Building Durham, North Car olina 27702 By E. K. Powe; Chairman J n 6. 13, 1973. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE DURHAM COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Having qualified as Execu tor of the estate of Maud E Logan of Durh?m County, this is to notify all persons having claims against estate of Maud E. Logan to present them to the undersigned within six months frcm the date of the first publication of this notice pr same will be pleaded in oar ttrthetr re covery. ; AH persons indebted to said estate p'ease make im mediate payment. This 23rd day of December, 1972. Mechanics & Farmers Bank, Executor Estate of Maud E. Logan 118 W. Parrish Street Durham, North Carolina Dec. 23, 30, 1972; Jan. 6, 13, 1973. WORDS FOR THE WORLD THE REALITY of man is his thought, not his material body. The. thought force and the animal force are part ners. Although man is part of tha animal creation, he pos sesses s power of thought su perior to all other created beings. BAHA'l WRITINGS 1 I LOOKED AND I Slw By RaW.gTOtfB WW. If Beauty w Your Hiing Then You Should Visit ORACI Mr F A ODER . ONWMA McOHBI ADOI8 PAYNI ,4 -AT Pana-A-Rama Beauty Salon CALL 682 6342 or , . Com By . Ai At HMU ASMS n Tuesday thru sacuroaj -Qraeaf; By Rev. C Jt. Stone When God made man, He was given the power to rule and accomplish things that seamed impossible with men Man may not be what he should be, bat he si the best creature of God's engtlon. In other words, oar Father thought enough of man to place the world in his hands here on earth. This is something special for each man to accomplish only if he would listen to the voice of his maker and do what the Master says. For example, one owes it to his maker to Seek and know the truth that not only he may be free, but that others as well. The task that is set before man is a never end ing one. Although one does not complete his course of work, God through the son has pro mised to be with man even to the end of his world. To the be liever, this is a might reward ing promise. One who belie ves in this divine force called God cannot loose for winning victories for the Lord. For in stance, the believer is constant ly rewarded hero on earth and does not have to worry about everlasting life when done with m - n n c...... T TV riev. j. v. owwi mis worm, uw u o -. able to enjoy working for the one whom he knows is sure to muratvl him. Grace is that unmerited fa- m A 117- vor that comes irom uoa. m as sinners deserve nothing less than death, but it was God who kU Wtfh i hie in minfl. gnvt? lira iu.c , niw . , twenty-four hours are not long enough to give Man salvation thraucrh works. It shall take the twenty-fifth hour to save m ,tT 1 . f 1. ... -jsrsfl, llfi . Man. we nuw u there is no such day that car ries twenty-five hours but with tnracA there is the unmerited favor which completes the be- i I T 1 never in our wm. He who hath ears to hear - let him hear. ' 1886 1871 White Rock Baptist Church Lorenzo A. Lynch, Minister 3400 FAYETTEVILLE STREET Sunday, January 14, 1973 9:30 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL L0:55AM. WORSHD? Annual Installation of Church Officers SERMON: "On Daruch, of the 0. T., an Ideal Example for Church Officers!" (Jeremiah 36:4, 6, 21, 23) The Senior Choir Leading the Singing Mr. J. H. Gattis, Organist, Director f 8:00 P.M. Officers Planning Meeting' ' ' imwnw 7:30 P.M. Conversations with White Rock and Epwortn Congregations at White Rock, Room No. 1S8. is oppracioted by familht who ore facd with tha necessity of unarol arrangements. Our modern facilities, together with our'many years of ex perience, relieve them ot this burden. JCARBOWOGH ft RUeStlT, FUNERAL DIRECTORS,,-' names 682 mi or 681-1172 919 Payette villa SL Durham, N. a S4 - HOURS AMBULANCE SERVICE - Hi Presentg the ; Dr. Soul Show 9 P.M. to Midniirht Monday Durham is the only Durham Radio that stays on 24-hour a dav T J I nnm i s a year. I 1 IOpe Radio No. 1 Durham 1490 Ir-m AND HEALTH IryMmfRajgsbee 111 Ainiiy riMiininu Jear Mrs. Rlggsbee: I have two children and ex pect my third baby in July. I had, hoped before each baby am thst I would enjoy sax more after the baby came, but T don't. My husband and I love each other. We have been using the rhythm method and I'm always afraid of getting pregnant. None of my three pregnancies ware planned. Do you think that we would be more relaxed and better adjus ted to sex if I used some other birth control method? Let me know what you think. Mrs. F,N.S,. Dear Mrs. S.: If a woman is not ready tc have another baby, and if she does not have a method of birth control with which she feels safe, these things can often in terfere with her enjoyment of sex. The fear of an unplanned pregnancy can be enough to make her so nervous and tense she cannot enjoy sex with her husband. There are, of course, other reasons for a woman's lack of. response to sex. For examnle. if she is tired, or not getting along with her hmband or if she to worried about some thing - all these figure In the problem. Physical or emotional problems can cause lack of en joyment of aex. But in your case the chances are it is fear of an unplanned pregnancy. Many women have told me that Ifter the fear of an un planned pregnancy wm remo ved by the use of a reliable me thod of birth control, they en joyed sex for the first time in their marriage. So use of a re liable method of contraception may be the solution to your problem. You might also con sider the possibility : with three children already, perhaps you and your husband may be in terested in a permanent method of birth control. Ask your ob stetrician about having your tubes tied just after your baby Is vom - this 20 minute opera tion may solve your problem if both you and your husband are convinced you want no mora Dear Mrs. Rlggsbee: My sister and I are going to be married next month and we need some advice. I am 20, my sister is 18. We would like to know if you think it would be s good idea for us to have a premarital esaminatlon. We live with our grandparents. They my no, but my aunt says yes. If my mother ware alive, I would ask her, but we both think my aunt is probably right Please advise us. Mist A. V. Dear Miss V I most strongly urge women and men too, to have premari tal examinations. North Caro lina, as well as most other states, requires s premarital blood test for both men and women. This is to check for venearal disease which unless detected and cured, will be transmitted to a baby. a Most physicians also recom mend a general physical check up tt well as a gynecological ex amination. When this is done, medical conditions that might be present can be corrected be fore the wedding day. A test fc the Rh factor, an inherited condition, could also be done. Another plus for the pre marital examination is that It gives the engaged man and wo man an opportunity to ask tue doctor candid questions about sex relations in marriage and also to discuss family planning and marriage responsibilities. Send letters to: Mrs. Gloria Rlggsbee, 214 Cameron Avenue, Chapel H81, North Carolina 275U Dear Mrs. Rlggsbee: Would you please send mc 4'-free booklet concerning permanent birth control methods? My tubes were tied four years sgo, snd s doctor told me thst I could have them untied. I would like very much to Become pregnam last ehild died from injuries . . ... . i. i sustained in s csr wr;. . have four children and would Ilka very much to have an other. Is this possible? Please send me you rreply at oncn. Mrs. S. Dear Mrs. S.: Please accept my deepest ayntpnthy for the loss of your tuld I knok It has been an agonising experience for you and your family. When we spesk of "tying the tubas," it does not actual ly mean that the doctor ties a loop In them which can he :::: f untied. What happens is thst the doctor cuts each of the two tubes in half and then ties up the ends so they will not grow back together again. To repair this operation, the doctor must take the cut ends of each tube and try to sew them back together. This to is a difficult operation it to considered major surgery and is successful about 40 of of the time. It is also a very expensive operation rl j-. Considering the cost and the fact that only 40 of these repairs work, I think you should give this a lot of serious thought. I know that you feel the loss of your child very deeply, but you do hsvc four other children. Since no other child can com plete!)' take the place of the one you have lost-r-not even a new baby perhaps it would be better for you to devote your time and your love to the four you already have. This is a decision only you and your husband (and your doctor can) make. I am sorry that I do not have a booklet on permanent birth control methods which would tell you any more about repair of a tubal ligation than .what I have already mentioned to y0U , Dear Gloria: Why do some girls skip their montly period 4-sometime as long as six months when they are not pregnant? m. ;ar- Dear M. T.: Often when a young girl first begins menstruating, her periods may be irregular for the first year or two. Missed periods' are not unusual dur ing this time. It seems to take the body a while to get a reg ular cycle. When established, this cycle is usually every 28 days. However, many women menstruate every 30 days, or 27 or 29 days. As long as late time between the periods- to the same, we say this is a regular cycle. Some women never do establish a regular pattern. One time the number of days between periods may be SO, another time 28 days, another the inconvenience of ntHh m atfflf tfl'plan "ttrfeiWi telle! is nothing to worry about in most cases. However, six months Is quite a long time to go with out having a period. I wpuld say a checkup with the doc tor is definitely in order to . . ... ... 4 '! . . ... . . ia al. make sure every umw right. V Address letters or requests ,.i,t,,.-! .... hlrth lor a iree uwmci v control methods to: Mrs. Glo ria Riggsbee, 214 Cameron Ave., Chapel Hill, N. C. 27514 I mmmmmmmmmmmm B mmrnm mmmnai il iS&Smml Lmm am::imK ' ' HmKHmmmmBr - : '': ::8Uamm smm smmBrMHmmmmY Swsmmmmmml Lmm IB mmWl?SW iV'mml kml Bra MMelPJp iLJ jssmmms WW W WW amm MS? (:mBnBl smm jKBj smml I cf Lmraa smml I M . -:em.: m Azalea Garden j pub noi as aims Dreaxiasr Ht.. Jam. IX, im NOSE DROPS HELP WHEN USED PROPERLY When a child cannot Sleep because of severe nasal ob struction or stuffiness, a -pediatric allergist recommends the use of nose drops or sprays. However, the physi cian, Dr. Doris J. Rapp, ttis that they should not be .used more than three times day for three days. They ma$ be given again for three I or more days after nott using them for several days, Dr. Rapp instructs. "This j?will prevent irritation of the in side of the nose," the physi cian explains. j' - In a section on nedicjitions in her recently Swished book on children's jjlJjrgies, she describes some typarops as too strong for pliildren, but notes that "there is a different strength ofco-Sy-nephrine nose dropji for in fants, children, and adults." Mr. Charles Leon Smith and Miss Rhoda Marie Mummer of Durham were united in holy matrimony on Saturday, De cember 23, 1972 at 3 o'clock in a family ceremony held at the bride's home, 2709 Fayette ville Street. The Reverend Percy L. High of Mount Vernon Bap tist Church officiated in the double ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Ettie H. Plummerof Dur ham and Mr. James M. Plummer of Manson, N.C. She was given HiW 51mE 'u .... m iin),-tu 1 m marriage py her jinde, Jam T. Hawkins and her father. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Smith of 719 Plum Street. The bride wore an "A line" white satin bridal gown with matching fron lace, scalloped neckline, a Cameolot cap with short veil and carried a Bible covered with a white cascade bouquet of carnations and white sweetheart roses. Miss Dorothy Smith, the maio. or nonor, and sister oi the groom, wore a melon satin dress and carried a melon and green carnation nosegay. Mrs. Sandra Harrison Willis, cousin of the bride, and a bridesmaid, wore an emerald green satin dress and carried a nosegay of melon and green carnations. Both were from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Best amn was the groom's father. The other attendant was Leon Goldston, cousin of the bride. Music was furnished by the groom's cousin, ' Mrs. Gwen Haskins. Mr. Smith is a graduate of North Carolina Central Univer sity and Maryland Institute of Art, with a Masters degree in Art Education. He is presently employed with the Baltimore City School System. The former Miss Plummer is a graduate of N.C.C.U. and holds a masters degree in Li brary Science from Rutgers,' tt i ti. t'i... M0 ftsmAlu. univeialty. one woo iwiiiwsj: FILMS ... INTERVIEWS 1 . . SPECIAL EVENTS . '.. WITH YOUR HOSTESS, WANDA GARRETT. FRANK DISCUS SION OF BLACK EVENTS IN THE DURHAM AREA. OMIvmmmsv st spam wie Tm employed with the New York City Public Library, Washing ton D. library system and at North Carolina Central Uni versity as Curriculum Materials Center Librarian. She is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha -Sorority. A reception in the Candle light Room of the Holiday Inn West, followed the ceremony. Following a brief stay, the couple will reside in Baltimore, Maryland. Holiday House was very well attended by our friends and neighbors. The noma of roe names sisters st bus ooutsi Alston Avenue wm decorated I beautifully by the dub mem bets. Mrs. Millar and Mrs. Alan did an excellent job of creating amnmnMMits- Everyone worked hard to miko fka mffmiv In mtcant- I ing one in our community. We HVWMOU UBltf Ul UU1 UIUCO SS5SSS" bars with a purse from the i mi i wm Mrs. Effie Cotton. SI he responded wen a kiss to eacn dub member. We wish for all garaeners a nappy new rear. Mrs. Hazel McBroom of Price Street entertained the Azalea Garden Club members with a breakfast for dub mem bers and friends during the holidays. The food was excel lent with all the Christmas trim mings. Mrs. McBroom's Christ mas Cactus wm in full bloom for the occasion and it was on display for the breakfast Rvnrv mm J one enjoyed the gala affair. Sfax' Sfaole Ta Ifcl sVJIJ nay miaem The Staple Singere, Stex re cording artists, have been in vited to represent the United States at the seventh annual MIDEM International Music Pamammu 1 if J n. uviunam ui Cannes, r ranee, January 21-27. The Staple Singers will per form at the opening gala dinner January 21, at the Palais des Festivals, before an antivipated international audience of 10 000. CAROLINA TIMES 5 A 'mmm - rWMEFOtCWmWjss Mr .Charles 'Bobby" Al Im mo th e r . Mm Mrnma w Al ton OB flamta Avenue AREA HELP WRAL CU For i Wants to help you with problems In Durham, M84306. la Raleigh, 832-7578 MISS CARVER Mr&Mrs.Carver Announces Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Melvin K. Car ver of 812 Hanson Road, Dur ham, N.C. announce the en- I aaffement of their daughter ! Carolyn Jean, to. Ir wing P. Mc Phail of Baltimore, Maryland, the son of Pressley McPhail and the late Mrs. Mauise Mc Phail of New York City. Miss Carver is a 1969 gra duate of North Carolina Cen tral University and is employed as a social worker with the De partment of Social Services in Baltimore. Mr. McPhail is a gra duate of Cornell University and received his masters degree fron Harvard University. He is an instructor in Reading snd co ordinator for the freshman reading program at Morgan State College in Baltimore. A Fegruary 24 wedding is planned at Community Bap tist Church. "We must view with pro found respect the infinite capa city of the human mind to re sist the introduction of useful knowledge" -Thomas R. Lounsbury gmja fmmmmmmmW'' - " ufif 'miji Mmm M mwLrk. SwAfer 3 amfeMtkLfeXa X at- 4V dtmV ZJJ' s e vaX m bw 1 V lUI the look you wont.... the comfort you need... 0 Short 114W. MAIN ST ban 84 SEMIANNUAL CLEARANCE SHOE SALE SAVE 575 LADIES' HANDBAGS Values to $15 41 Selected Styles, Odds and Ends. LADIES SHOES Door Busters! m 'AM am em Broken sizes and colors, odds and ends. LADIES' SHOES VALLEY and M FL0RSHEIM $ 1 & Values to $30.00 JL WW Value$y$?4.00 JOYCE Values to $23.00 GRAN SOL Values to $20 00 S.R.0. Values to $19.00 fbshion Boots Values to $36.00 OTHER BOOTS 291 lEN'S SHOES REDUCED FALL 20 off GROUP OF LADIES STYLISH J?S"gli' HANDBAGS 4 60 OFF 11 Am ALL SHOES ON RACKS and TABLES FOR EASY CHOICE . v 1 14 Main St. in Downtown Durham