. . ... . w! i -. ;$vi . . .... ' I, V . ' K ' Y . 'S;-'Ws Y ; Y '.' . .Y" W THE CAROLINA TIMES " Tow My Art Yesc Hhk sat, j. is, 197S ft- I y Uarrif ii. l. ri. iiuiiu Named Prexy is . tttacks are no strangers to backlash, having usually been on the receiving end of it when ever a mmcHnn in cnma lnn. standing abuse has "gone too iir In the opinion of some segment of white society. Re cently a rather unusual black backlash has been attracting at tention and surprising a lot of people. I am referring to the second look many blacks are taking at tiie whole problem of sickle cell anemia. After years in which most blacks themselves had never even heard of the dis ease, it was suddenly on every one's lips from the President on down, and the rush was on, le gislation, research, screening programs, fund-raising drives--the works. Blacks, and rightly so, led much of the effort, in cluding sponsoring the legisla tion. So what's the problem? It has several sides to it. One is the confused distinction between "sickle cell trait," possessed by carriers who in most cases suffer no ill effects but can pass the trait ori to their children, and "sickle cell disease," which can occur in children when both parents have the trait. Often the disease which is serious, and the trait, which is not, are lumped to gether as though they were the same, causing much needless heartbreak and anguish among those carriers to whom the tre mendous difference has not been made clear. It has been reported that bearers of the trait are encountering difficul ties in being hired and in ob taining insurance. About one black in ten is HOLSHOUSER (Continued from Front Page) York Stock Exchange on June 24, 1971. At that time, it be came the first black-controlled member firm in the 197 year history of the Exchange. The firm, located at 64 Wall Street, specializes in institu tional and retail sales and trading, corporate finance, investment tanking, munici pal bonds and total financial planning programs. ALL BLACK (Continued from Front Page) tary of State Thad Eure, State Treasurer Edwin? Gill, State State Auditor Henry G. Bridges, Supt. of Public In struction, Craig Phillips, In surance Commissioner John Ingram and Labor Commis sioner William C. Creel. In gram and Creel are the two new members on tre Council. All are Democrats. Holshouser, at age 38, is one of the youngest gover nors. He is the 63rd elected governor and is a veteran legislator, attorney and form er chairman of the state Re publican party. He is a grad uate of Davidson College and University of North Carolina Law School. The new governor has pledged to end secrecy in government and listed some items that would receive top priority. Among the priority items would be the reorgani zation of the Highway De partment, education, mental institutions and prison re forms. He vowed that bold new trails would be blazed for North Carolina and as such would lead to many improve ments for the citizenry of this state. PAINTER Permanent opening in the UNC Athletic Department. Two years experience in all types of painting required. Some lettering work. Contact Hamilton Martin, University of North Carolina Personnel Department, 106 Vance Hall. Equal Opportunity Employer ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DURHAM Having qualified as Ad ministrator of the estate of Maude C. Pratt of Durham County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of Maude C. Pratt to present them to the under signed within six incMlu. from the date of the arst publication of this notice ot same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All person indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 18th day of Janu ary 1973. Mechanics and Farmers Bank, Administrator of the Estate of Hsnde C. Pratt 116 W. Parrian Street, Durham, N. C. Jan. 13. 30, 27; Feb. 3. 1973 believed to have the sickle cell trait and about one in 400 is believed to have sickle cell dis ease. A real concern is when two trait carriers marry. Two carriers must decide, shall we marry? And if they decide yes, shall we have children? The odds are one in four that a child of theirs will have sickle cell disease. This is misunderstood, too. If they have four children the number affected could vary from none to all four. But for each birth there is a one in four chance the child will have sickle cell disease. Another side to the problem is legislation passed by several states making screening for sic kle cell trait mandatory for blacks. Fears are that this legis lation could be extended, for bidding carriers to marry each other, for example, or used in other ways detrimental to black people. Sickle cell anemia is only one of many genetically caused dis orders. Others are cystic fi brosis (more common among whites) and Tay-Sachs disease (most common among Jews). It is pointed out that no laws requiring screening for these diseases have been passed or even proposed. The National Medical Asso ciation and some leading sickle cell specialists at Howard and Meharry Medical Schools now oppose compulsory screening legislation. The trouble is that screen ing, research, education and new methods of treatment are vitally needed. It would ve a tragedy if, after years of inac tion, they were all to become pawns in arguments and con fusion. Strong leadership is needed right now to steer a course which will continue the progress made thus far and to prevent, the subject from becomming a political or racist football, in which case black victims of sickle cell anemia will be the main losers,. Policeman John Hunter, veteran police officer for 14 years, has been charged with the shooting death of Amos Wilson, a kennel atten dant at a local veterinary hos pital. He was not on duty at the time of the shooting. Accord ing to reports the shooting oc culted at a service station on Guess Road. It was reported that the vic tim's brother, LeRoy Wilson, and Hunter had stopped for gasoline at the Aetna Service Station. No reason as yet has been given for the slaying. Police reports say that Hun ter shot Wilson with a 138 caliber pistol. Wilson was a resident of 5801 Craig Road and was em ployed at the Colvin Veterinary Hospital. Hunter lives at 519 Uzzle St. in Durham County and had been serving as a vice squad investigator for several months. Plastic vs. Cotton Charged WHh Slaying Man Dr. L.M. Harris,' president of Durham College, Durham, North Carolina was elected pre sident of the Association of Private Minority Junior Colleges at the annual meeting and ban quet held at Kittrell College re cently. As a newly organized associa tion, the APMJC, will operate exclusively for charitable educa tional purposes including, for such purposes, the making of gifts and contributions to mem ber institution with the idea of promotion the sound growth of private minority two-year col leges. Dr. Harris is the founder and president of Durham College and is noted for many outstand ing contributions to the field of business education. She is very active in many outstand ing social and civic organizations About Price Controls Meeting with a group of concerned young students re cently to answer their questions about inflation and price control, C. Jackson Grayson, Jr. Chairman of the Price Commission was asked why some prices, especially farm and produce prices, were exempted from the controls. Here is Dr. Grayson s reply : "They were exempted, one, because they're difficult to control and, two, we just felt that in many cases it was impossible to be equitable. "What are you going to set for the price of a used article? How would I control the price of a used suit or dress? There's no way to set a price for that, so we exempted them. "Food is the big one, and that's the one that gives me nightmares, particularly meat. It's been shown that agricul ture is one of the hardest areas to control in any con trol program, in Europe, else where, or even in the United States. It's the closest to true demand and supply, where the price is truly set by the supply, and not by any artifi cial forces. "The reason for an in crease in the price of meat is the fact that there's only so much meat to go around and there's such a demand for it that people bid the prices go up. That truly is a demand situation. "If we interrupt that with controls, you are very likely to have shortages develop. People will bid to get special favors. This happened in World War II. You end up, therefore, with a system of ration stamps. "You get black markets selling 'under the counter.' You'd have all the problems of getting broader and bigger controls." SINUSITIS-OR Many medical authorities claim that a true case of sinusitis is less common than supposed. However, in a sur vey of :i,0()0 people through out the U.S., more than one third said they were troubled by sinus-related problems, at least occasionally. The survey and facts about "The Sinus Syndrome" were discussed recently in an arti cle published in a magazine for pharmacists. Many of the symptoms of sinusitis are sim ilar to those seen in a severe cold, the article 's au thor points out. The sinuses of the nose are spongy bone structure in the skull which are connected to the inside of the nose. There are the frontal sinuses (lo cated behind each side of the brow); the maxillary sinuses (behind each cheekbone); the sphenoid sinus (behind the nose); and the ethmoid si nuses (beneath both sides of the bridge of the nose). These sinuses are lined with mucus membranes which con lain minute tendrils that sweep out accumulated mucus as well as any dust, dirt or germs that may find their way into the sinuses. When the sinuses become blocked pres sure produces headache, post nasal drip, difficulty in breath ing, and sometime facial swelling and pain. What causes true sinusitis? According to the article, pre disposing factors include a secondary bacterial infection A BAD COLD? following a common cold; poor drainage of the sinuses due to a deviated septum or polyps; chronic rhinitis; gen eral debility, such as follow ing serious illness; exposure to extremes in temperature and humidity; emotional upsets; acute changes in the intranasal pressure; maxillary abscesses; allergy; and exposure to air pollution, chlorine from swim ming pools, or excessive cig arette smoke. In an acute attack, there is usually a fever and a physician may prescribe an antibiotic or a sulfonamide to control the infection. To drain the sinuses he may advise the use of a tablet containing a de congestant and antihistamine, which may also contain an analgesic. Or, he may recommend the use of vasoconstrictor nose drops or sprays. A nasal spray was judged preferable by a group of physicians reporting in an article for physicians. The panel recommended spraying with 'A-WK, phen ylephrine hydrochloride(Neo Synephrine). For children un der six, a 'A Neo-Synephrine spray was recommended. Vaporizors, heal pads, in frared lamps and towels wrung out in hot water all help to provide relief for some suffer er. True sinusitis is a poten tially serious problem and should be treated by a phyi-cian. Plant Bed Covers Have Both Good, Bad Points North Carolina tobac co growers are expected to make more extensive use than ever this year of plastic plant bed covers. Those who are using this type cover for the first time may run into some problems. There are advantages and disadvantages in using plastic as opposed to cotton or cloth covers, North Carolina State Uni versity extension tobacco specialists point out. Air and soil tem peratures are consid erably higher under plastic, both during the night and day. This higher temperature pro motes faster germination and plant growth, which is considered a plus for the plastic. Another advantage, the plastic cover costs less than the cloth cover, although the plastic usually can only be used once while the cotton may be used twice or more. The plastic has to be used when the plant bed is fumigated with methyl bromide as nearly all beds are so the same plastic can be used for the bed cover during the plant-growing period. There are two major disadvantages In using solid plastic covers. First, excessively high temperatures may dam age the stand and growth of plants. Second, since water cannot penetrate the plastic, a shortage of soil moisture could affect plant development. The use of' solid plastic requires more careful management, especially in regard to ventilation and moisture. Also, since leaching of nutrients doesn't occur under solid plastic and low soil moisture results in high salt concentra tions in the root zone, there is a definite possibility of fertilizer injury. To minimize this problem the NCSU spe cialists suggest that the fertilizer rate be reduced Parents ShouldWeigh College Alternatives RALEIGH -- Don't encourage your child to go to college if there is a better alternative for him. Your child might be one of those whose particular abilities and needs would find more opportunities for fulfill ment in other places or other schools, observes Mrs. Faye Haywood, extension family rela tions specialist. North Carolina State Uni versity. Many parents may feel that the college or university is the best choice for their child. Some may even consider it the only choice. For many young people, the college or university does provide the needed educational experiences to help them reach their goals, Mrs. Haywood agrees. It would be a real loss if they could not move in this direction. There are young people, however, leaving for the college campus every year because they, or their parents, may not consider that there might be a better choice. College does not offer them the experiences or the education that helps them become the kind of persons they want to be. The campus becomes a dead end, a place of frustration or a lost weekend. What are the other alternatives that are worth consideration? One might be the world of work. A large number of young people need work experience to develop some realistic ideas concerning Job expectations and their own abilities. Others may benefit by consider ing other educational and vocational Institutions such as "secretarial and business colleges, tech nical schools, appren ticeships or work-study combinations. Whatever the choioe, your child should feel it is his choice made on the basis of several alternatives and his goals and abilities. Going to college just because Mom or Dad wants it isn't a good reason. Garden Time Resolve to Make N. C. More Beautiful in 73 By M. E. Gardner N. C. State University A good resolution for the New Year. Each citizen of North Carolina, young and older, resolve to play his of her part in making North Caro lina a more beautiful state in 1973. This cannot be accomplished by garden clubs, alone, or municipal governments, alone, or by the state governmental agencies; but it can be accom plished by the individual efforts of all the Citizens of the state. Many times the character of a family can be judged by the appearance of ahome. Visitors can likewise judge a town or city by the appearance of the homes, parks, factories and warehouses. A well landscaped industrial plant or place of business denotes officers and employees as congenial and efficient as their pleasant surroundings. With pleasant surround ings you find, too, good neighbors, substantial citizens and a feeling of community pride. Real estate dealers tell us that they can get from 10 to 15 percent more for a home if it is well landscaped. The plants become more attractive as they grow and provide shade and color or whatever they were selected to accom plish in the landscape scheme. If the neigh bors match your efforts, and they are inclined to do this, the whole neigh borhood will become a more desirable place to live, and your home or business a good invest ment should you wish to sell. Colorful flower bor ders, ground covers, well selected foundation plants and trees for shade and framing your home all add up to enjoyment and pleasure for every one in the community. North Carolina is one of the most garden minded states in the nation. With more individual responsibility and enthusiasm, it can also be the most beautiful. You may be surprised to learn that the avocation or hobby of gardening, amounts to a whopping 4 billion dollars annually In the United States. I think the reason for this stems from the fact that it is something in which the entire family can partic ipate and that they will need seed, plants, fer tilizer, pesticides, tools and power equipment to do a good job. Plant the flowers, shrubs, trees, fruits and vegetables that you like best and those best suited to your locality. Take pride in whatever you do. Remember, too, that a beautiful lawn is your weloome mat- by 50 percent of that normally applied where cotton covers are used. One way to reduce risks of high tem peratures and low soil moisture is to use perforated plastic cov ers. One-quarter inch holes about two inches apart seem to be adequate. Temperatures will still be higher than under cotton covers. Some of the best results have been obtained by placing the cover flat on the bed, supported by a thin layer of straw. About 15 to 20 pounds of clean wheat or pine straw per 100 square yards has worked well. As a rule, plants grown under plastic are ready for transplanting about 60 days after seed ing as compared to about 90 days with cotton bed covers. A third bed cover, nylon, is expected to be used on a limited basis in North Carolina this year. This material is porous enough to let air, water and fungicides through and does not permit build up of excessively high tem peratures. Soil and air temperatures under ny lon are intermediate between plastic and cotton. Plants under nylon will probably be ready for transplanting 7 to 10 days earlier than with cotton covers. CREEPING GRASS Metal or plastic strips and mechanical edgers can help keep creeping lawn grasses out of borders. North Carolina State University specialists also suggest that certain approved chemical sprays along a narrow strip can be effective for borders, walks and drives. Cheek with your county exten sion agent on which material to use. MRS. ULLIE RILEY RITES HELD FOR MRS. RILEY Funeral services for Mrs. Lit he D. Riley, long time resident of Durham, were held on Tues day, January 9 at 1:00 p.m. at St. Mark A.M.E. Zion Church Mrs. Riley, 99, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mittie Wil liams in Washington, D.C., after an extended illness. Rev. L.A. Miller officiated. A native of Durham, she was the daughter of the late Charles and Susan Davis. She was the widow of the late Joseph G. Riley, who died in 1948. Survivors include five dau ghters: Mrs. Susie Williams, Washington, D.C.; Mrs. Gwenet ta Whitted, New York City; Mrs. Mittie Williams, Mrs. Flora Eu gene and Mrs. Ella M. Ellis, all of Washington, D.C. two sons, E.L. Ri(ey, Washington, D.C, and Joseph Riley of Durham. Twenty-five grandchildren, seventy-seven great grandchildren and six great-great grandchildren. Interment was in Beechwood Cemetery. r 1 i No Di$erim,ination - Anyone Can Buy FOR SALE VA HOME READY FOR OCCUPANCY 829 STARMONT DR. 5 rooms, Brick Veneer I and Frame, Price $23,800, cash down payment I $1,200, balance payable in 360 monthly install- I I I I I I 1 829 STARMONT DR. 5 rooms, Brick Veneer mvnw oi ioo.o eacn including principal payment plus interest at an annual percentage rate of 8. 8 See Any Licensed Broker Or CaU VETERANS ADMINISTRATION. Winston-Salem, .North Carolina 723.9211 Ext. 226 Imagine!.. Only $3888 Buys This Custom Air Conditioned HEW '73 PONTIAC CATALINA 4-DR SEDAN Youll love this Pontiac Catalina . . . loaded with all the extras you want! Like fac tory air conditioning, power steering, power disc Wakes, turbo hydramatic transmis sion, tinted glass all around, whitewall tires, roof mouldings deluxe wheel covers, AM radio, protective bumper strips, that great new safety bumper system and much more! New 73 Pontiac VENTURA 2-DR. COUPE K you buy this LeMans you. never be sorry. Because year after ip " discover new and ex citing things you love about if 2 fafct0? air conditioning EL816"?8, aut0,tic trans- . a rad,- whitewall tires tinted glass, that great new safety bumper system and, most of ail Pontiac prestige! 2588 New 73 Pontiac Le MANS 2-DR. COUPE Great is the only word to describe the 1973 Pontiac Ventura. Be cause it's not only economic on gas and maintenance, but it has ihe . prestige and good-looks of the larger Pontiacs. This one also has 3-speed floor shift, Rally wheels, tinted windshield, radio protective bumper, strips and a whole lot more! '3676 Halfway Between Durham and Chapel Hill on 15-501 H'way Open Daily 'til 9 P.M.; Saturday 'til 8 P.M.; Closed SundaJ ljLl Coggin Gives" irTTp r Whatever Is Takes Cogg in 1 Pontiac , V01V0-H0MDA .unit iii lit ii am .en APi?! mi i nniTi J7.v Ann r -1 ' M Clb SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1973 a Pages in This Section ! Load, Stat and National" Y News of Interest to Alf v j i " Your Picture News Weekly' Durham, North Carolina North s Leading Wek CENTRAL STATE UNIVERSITY TO SHARE IN NEW MEDICAL SCHOOL Problem of Too Few Blacks in Medical Schools May Be Eased s "wjijSjjjft fSSSSSfi firojfitr a&jj ki aaaBwBlBBBBBBB Ji llPfjHi ifPiiiib H illt ffiH K'v SlSflBI Iff1! FOXX(left) star of the presenting REDD television series, "Sanford and Son," who received an Image award himself and acted as master of ceremonies, is shown Winston Willis, Di rector of Rhythm and Blues music of RCA Records, the tro phy wihci signaled the naming of RCA Records as the 'Record award was given by the Beveriy Hills-Hollywood branch of the NJV.A.CJ. RCA Records Honored Record Co. Of Year HOLLYWOOD -- RCA Re cords was honored as "The Re cord Company of the Year" at the sixth annual Image A- Nat. Newspaper Publisher to Hold Workshop WASHINGTON, D.C. - Rep. Barbara Jordan, the first black woman ever elected to Congress from the South; Rep. Louis Stokes, Chairman of the Con gressional Black Caucus; and Clarence M. Mitchell, widely known national legislative re presentative of the NAACP, will address the Mid-Winter Workshop of the National News paper Publishers Association (NNPA) here January 24 -27 at the Mayflower Hotel. There workshop programs features were announced this week by NNPA President Uarth C. Reeves, Sr., of the Miami Times. Another highlight of the three-day workshop will be a discussion of ways of expanding the circulation of black news papers. In addition ot highly successful NNPA member pub lishers.the panelists will include: George S. Wiedemann, circula tion director of Time maga zine, Robert II. Fentress, vice president of Johnson Publica tions; Jack F. Patterson, circu lation director of tne Washing ton Post, and Robert Macklin, assistant general manager of the International Circulation Mana gers Association. Workshop sessions will also discuss: (I) the extent to whicn black Americans may be ex pected to benefit in the future from the programs and services of the Departments of Housing, Labor, and Health, Education, and Welfare; (2) how black pub lishers may acquire more radio and CATV stations; (3) the results of the recent national elections; and (4) now black newspapers may share more fully in Hollywood advertising. During the workshop, the Continued on page 7B wards presented by the Beverly Hills-Hollywood Branch of the N.A.A.C.P. before an audience of 1500 persons at the Holly wood Palladium. In commenting on the award, President Junius Griffin said, "For some two decades the so cial revolution in this nation has received a great deal of its thrust and support from the music industry in general and from the recording industry in particular." He emphasized that the award to RCA Records was "in recognition of its artis tic excellence and outstanding contributions toward the fur therance of brotherhood and the maintenance of dignity of minorities in the entertainment industry." Red Foxx, who also won an Image Award for his role in "Sanford and Son " for NBC TV, acted as master of cere monies and presented the "RE cord Company of the Year" to Winston Willis, Director of Rhythm and Blues Music, RCA Records. WILBERFORCE, Onto -- The problem of too few black students in the medical schools of Ohio may be alleviated as a result of the recent announce ment that Central State Univer sity will be one of three Onto universities cooperating in the establishment of a medical school. Central State University has signed a pact with Wright State University and Miami Univer sity establishing guidelines for an effort to gain legislative ap proval and funding for a new medical school which could open by September, 1974. The three state-supported universit ies all are located in the South west Ohio area. Under the agreement announ ced by Dr. Frederick White, ac ting president of Wright State; and Dr. Phillip Shriver, Miami president, Wright State would have administrative and finan cial responsibility for the pro posed medical school. Central State and Miami would have representatives on the school's advisory board and the president and trustees of Wright State "in consultation and with the concurrence of the presidents of Central State and Miami." Rather than building a com plete medical school complex the proposal which will be sub mitted to the Ohio legislature in January calls for the new school to use existing educa tional facilities and hospitals in the Dayton metropolitan area The chief aim of the school would be to train family-practice physicians with an em phasis on enrolling blacks, wo men and other minorities. The school would attempt to place general practitioners in the in ner cities, towns and rural areas where medical services are most needed. Dr. Carl S. Jenkins, a Spring- Ed. L Willis Named New Pres. Of Alliance Enterprise Corp. PHILADELPHIA -- Ed L. Willis has been named new pre sident of Alliance Enterprise Corporation, the minority en terprise small business invest ment corporation ( MESBIC) formed by Sun Oil Co. in 1971. Willis, fomerly Alliance's vice president, succeeds Ken neth D. Hill, who has been na med manager of Sun's South Amboy, N.J. Marketing Dis trict Alliance, headquarted in Philadelphia, makes investments in a variety of manufacturing retail and wholesale enterprises and helpa generate financing for minority owned and opera ted businesses. In addition, the company uses Sun employees as volunteer consultants to pro vide technical and administra- Black Clipping Service Starts In Washington WASHINGTON, D. C. A National Black Clipping Serv ice has been established as a subsidiary of Oficld Dukes and Associates, a Black owned and operated public relations firm. The National Black Clip Continued on page 7B tive assistance to businessmen. Willis, 27, holds a B.S. degree in Business Adminsitratipn from the Philadelphia College of Tex- field, Ohio physician and mem ber of the Central State Board of Trustees, said he believes this is the first time since the founding of medical schools at Howard and Meharry that a predominantly black institution has been included in medical education plans. , He pointed out that a recent issue of the American Medical Association's "Medical Tribune reported that only 3.6 per cent of all medical school students are black and that only 1,222 blacks are in medical schools other than Meharry and Howard which train more than 90 per cent of all black medical students. Dr. Dwight Pemberton, a Yellow Springs, Ohio dentist and CSU board member, said blacks have been getting few of the medical sciiool spaces in Ohio and that all 23 general practitioners serving predomi nately black West Dayton area were trained outside Ohio. Jen kins said only eight blacks are included in the Ohio State Uni versity Medical School enrol- lement of approximately 800; Although there will be no quotas for admission of stu dents from the three coopera ting schools, Central State ad w hi si mt' n; and trustees believe the medical school affiliation will strengthen the Central State pre- medical curriculm be cause the undergraduate program will be dovetailed with the medi cat school requirements. The advisory committee will be con cerned with the program of the medical school and the under graduate pre-medical curricula of the three universities. Un dergraduate programs will be developed or modified to en able suitably prepared students to enter the medical school af ter three years of undergraduate work. ' WW aaaT WW m jmmh v ...yi m l MBLmm ' jiiai w Jill Women In Action To Sponsor Workshop Saturday, January 73 Black Marines Take to Airways At Cherry Point, No. Carolina 8BB: ED WILLIS tiles and Science and an M.B.A. fro Harvard University. He joined Sun as a senior systems development analyst in August of 1971 and a few months later was named vice president of the qewly formed MESBIC. Prior to coming to Sun he was a structural design engineer for the Container Corporation of America and served as a manage ment consultant during the sum mers of 1969 and 1970. Willis and his wife, the for mer Sherey McHarris of Phila delphia, reside in Sicklerville, N. J. Although Marine pilots firBt took to the air in 1912, there were no black aviators in the Corps until about 20 years ago. Today about one out of every Mack Marine officers is a flyer. Among this growing num ber are three pilots at vari ous stages in their careers who agree that the Corps of fers experience, training and prestige hard to find else where. And, contrary to pop ular belief, they all feel that good pilots are made, not born. Only one, IstLt. Andre Summers of Washington, I). C, grew up wanting to be a pilot. The other two, Capt. Donald G. Ringgold of De troit, and 1st Lt. Emerson F. Carr of Minneapolis, were in their late teens or early twen ties when they decided that a pilot's life in the' Marine Corps was their thing. "Flying had always been my goal," says 25-year-old Summers. "1 can still remem ber the thrill I used to get when my mother would take me to the airport to watch the planes take off and land." Sumncrs was graduated from Spingarn High School in Washington where he was senior class president, captain of the football team and president of the varsity club. He is stationed at Cherry Point, N. C, and is a co-pilot of the huge and powerful Hercules C-130 aircraft. The c i'Mfa main Marine tasks are aerial refueling of jets and long-range transportation ol troops or cargo. Tne plane has a range of 8,000 miles and cruises at aDoroximately 400 miles per hour. It has a crew of five. Between flichts, Summers CYNTHIA LEWIS, of Houston, Texas, winner of "HAL JACK SON'S MISS BLACK TEEN AGE AMERICA PAGEANT & U.S. TEEN REVUE" shares a scene with CHAD EVERETT, Dr. Joe Gannon of the popular MGM-TV series "MEDICAL CENTER" to be seen on the CBS-TV network, Wed., Jan. 10th, 9:00 PM (EST). Cynthia exciting trip to Holly wood Calif, was one of the many ex citing pageant prizes won by the talented miss. and his wife, Bernedette, en tertain themselves at the base's many recreational fa cilities. Capt. Donald Ringgold also flies a C-130 out ot unerry Point and his current duties include administrative flights for the wing staff and piloting his commanding general's air craft. He is also the Opera tions Officer for his squad ron. On a second tonr in south east Asia, CapVRinggold flew missions m marine and visited Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Japan nd Guam. When not flying or spend ing time with his wife, Char lotte, and their five-year-old daughter, Capt. Ringgold uses his spare hours either hunt ing or fishing. First Lt. Emerson Carr pilots an Intruder A-6 air craft out of Cherry Point on different kind of mission. The A-6 is me Marines sud- sonic, all-weather attack air craft. As pilot, Carr handles the aircraft and all communica tions. Besides him sits a navi gator who uses sophisticated equipment designed to locate. track and attack targets at nights and under all weather conditions. Carr attended Minneapolis Central High School where he was an all-state defensive tackle. Upon graduation, Car elected to become a Marine aviator and after flight train ing he received nisi wings. Carr, like his fellow offi cers at Cherry Point, enjoys a relaxed life off duty. He and his wife, Frances, have one son. While the younger Carr takes up a good portion Continued on page 7B Women-In-Action for the Prevention of Violence and Its Causes will sponsor a workshop for chapters and other interested women across the state of North Carolina on Saturday, Jan. 13, from 9:30 a.m. through 2:30 pan. at the Downtowner Motel, West Chapel Hill Street. Mem bers from chapters located in Raleigh and Wilmington will be sharing in the various seminars and discussion groups. Techniques to improve fund rainsing, program planning and other important areas will be looked at in positive ways. WIAPV encourages other wo men across the state to form coalitions of women from all segments of the population be cause many diverse problems still exist in the state and coun try. Committee members who have worked diligently to make this workshop a success have been Mrs. Lyda F. Wray, Mrs. Eula Miller and Mrs. Sara H. Jones. Other highlights of the work shop will be the luncheon where Mrs. James Semans will speak on the "Role of Volunteer Wo men." Special Volunteer A wards will be made during the luncheon. WATCHES AT RING SIDE CAPE KENNEDY, FLA: Charley Smith (left), 130-year-cld who doesn't believe man can fly, much toss go to the moon, has a ringside seat for the launch of Apollo 17. Brought to New Orleans on a slave ship as a boy of 12, Charley watched the launch December 7 with his son, Ches ter (right), 70. BIG FOUR TALK OYER EVENTS HIGH POWERED CONFAB- Four participants of the fourth annual program of the Washing ton NAACP talked over coming events prior to the beginning of the program. Left to right ate Judge H. Carl Moul trie. Superior Court of U Dis trict of Columbia and national secretary emeritus of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Roy Wlkins, national executive director of NAACP; Mark Baltes, Washing ton, C.C., sales manager of BP Ol Corporation, and Rev ward HaUas, outgoing of Washington NAACP and haaa of DCs OK. BP Ol supported the forum seriat ot the NAACP. L.. I v-s paj