lilto'AmKA' TOO Ss, Ju-IUW tapapapapaaajasnjBJ aj ayaasjw at ii -ir ByGKMUB&IUSS in forum waasBsnaaBBBBssnM Ust war if the year that t'ipfw mawnt of try i bold nr tNta wWk yon try to fiture oat sxepiac test year's resolu tions: to make for you and yours happier, store praa perorn Hem Year, throws any light on your plight. You know for certain that your greatest danger this year and it's not really a danger in the strict sense of the word Is that you might sort of slide along without making the most of what can he the greatest year in your life time. No punches bared, you ad mit that you do have a lazy streak in you. Your potentisl possibilities are super-plus once you're roused by a maj or ambition or a challenge to your pride. Beware of promises to do tomorrow that which needs doing today. The blase is habit forming. Avoid the easy going periods in which you may be strongly tempted just to sit back, re lax, and enjoy yourself no reprimand intended who needs an active, thought gath ering evening? It is a very pleasant thing to let tomor row take care of itself, but, you could wind up New Year's Eve 1974 having spent the year with a nice comfor table sense of well-being. and not much else to show for it. On the other hand, if you prod yourself a little -from time to time, your resolutions can prove to be the stepping stones to the happiest year of accomplishments. ' ' This year's New Year cele brations were the best of any ' vintage! Peas, collards and cold sliced roast pork topped the list of foodfare at most, parties:.; hostesses inate a point 4 'greying M w Year , jajmm.u festive- bosffdsjbt, i-M wfc will Mrs . Pauline Boxley of East Lee Street, , wearing canary vellow hostete pajamas and ft hecrfufc -smilc . served a de- licioustMHffieT Mbpasseafrauti gifts to h. . friends and, never hinted' that she had' an appointment with her physi cian art Lincoln Hospital for an ((Deration The guests, for the most part, were Adult Advisors of the Junior Department at Union Baptist Church. And, oeueve u or nui, mun these gradbus, thoujMM-la? one. includin". the men pres- Miss Annie M liunigan, omMxw of the U B.C. Jun ior Department was at her informal best. Miss Nancy B Hill, a resident of nusnuw. N. Y.. rtatting family and friends of Durham, mined Miss Dunigan in delightful repartee. There was nweu talk about unbuyable gift. sueh ;.s kindness, thoughtful-iH-. lonrteiy, consideration, and good naiare. Deanna Pratt's parents toss ed a New Year's Eve Party for their daughter. This gala affair was stsged as a thank you" party for the cast who supported the tiny-tot in the "First Christmas." A colorful, dramatic pageant presented during the 11 o'clock worship at U.B.C., December Z4th. A Hattic P. Partin Produc tion. The party was an ex- travaeanza on several counts a delicious buffet supper, gor geous decorations and good- cheer. The Willing Workers Mis sionary Circle held their an nual New Year's Day Party in the spacious social-room at Union Baptist Church. Party time with this group is strict ly family-fun-time; and the Chairman of the Social Com mittee, Mrs. Doris P. Holland, goes way out to make the oc casion cheerful, convival and commendatory. 1973 official Staff: Presi dent, Mrs. Celestia Sanders; trt Vice Mrs. Willie Mae Fields; 2nd Vice Mrs. Lois Brown: 3rd Vice. Mrs. Tempie Vouna: 4th Vice. Mrs. Annie M. GUmore; Sec'y, Mrs. Annie E. Daniels; Treas , Mrs. Mo zelle FlintaU; Corresponding Sec'y, Mrs. Alease Henderson; Mrs. Madie Tucker, Program Chairman; Mrs. Irene Hall, Knrial Committee Chairman; Mrs. Doris P. Holland, Flower vxtnA Chairman: Mrs. Willie Mae Fields, Self-Denial Fund Chairman; Mrs. Ella GUmore, sick Committee Chairman, Mrs. Christine Mitchell ? New Year's Day found the Hospitality on the move away from The was aitriptoChapel H1U and visit tofst. Paul A. M. K (jhurclfc Dr. J. R. Manley, pas tor, where they ltotoned to Dr. cJsWt Cobb, the Black 'Ministerial Alliance's (of Chapel Hill) annual Free dom Day speaker. Subject: "A Time For liberation." The remainder of the day was stent vlsting friends in the city hospitals, spreading good cheer for shut-ins. They even Mm time to sing "Happy lirthday" to the president of the Mr s H. Bum and a hmg time friend, Mrs. Merma nun ,gan of Maasey Avenue. making a good start have any thing to do with a " fa! year's ending, the ami able, charming, beautiful to dies of the U. B. C. Heapttal tty Committee are well .out front. ' - iit m to a child, a boy. Lto say it just right smudges n all: Dear aunt manic, mtr py Birthday and May God Bless you. Love, WUBe Ed ward Muse. DIETARY CONTROL: MOPE FOR, INHERITED DISEASES? Many disorders that are in herited, including some neu rological diseases, are now recognized to have their bi ochemical basis in an enzyme deficiency, according to Dr. Morris Fishbein. In an editorial in Medical World News, a publication for physicians for which Dr. Fishbein is editor, he writes that In a few of these dis orders, brain damage is pre vented by the use of a spe cific dietary regimen. This offers hope many other in herited disorders may be sus ceptible of dietary control." apaaasef ee apoaeeeavteeetooa P love He, love if lilil rr ire hi w f-'''- aaVaVaUAaaAAdu Chad was too flabbergasted to retort. He refused to digni fy Bob Johnson't blatant ig norance with an intelligent reply, therefore, he dropped angrily upon the metal chair, giving every indication that he had forgotten his assail ant's presence. Bob Johnson removed his overcoat, and fluffed the crushed petals of the bright red geranium in the lapel of his glossy black tuxedo; "like I told you, I can throw in a poetry reader with no extra charges." He said, prancing up and down, gesticulating with bis befinged fingers. "Soul-brother Fm out here to make-ah living I can't make it if mah customers sit me up for-ah-loser." .Bob bounced inside the aisle in front of Chad. He had no wish for his salesman's show manship to be wasted. Chad fumbled beneath his coats, found his billfold, se lected several bills. "Sixty dollars is too much, but Fd tsaaceeaaeesseBgtgaa DAILY LIVING 1 WE SHOULDN'T DEPRIVE CHILDREN'S MORALE I have heard many discus sions about dealing with chil dren. Some people say chil dren are not reared like they were years ago. Many adults have told now their parents reared them, and the hard times they had when they were children. They even tried to compare their child hood days with the younger generation of today. It inter ests me because I deal with so many minors every week. But when I hear someone talk too much on the nega tive side of our children of today, it forces me to try to bring out my ideas and feel ings about the subject. &&gga gK: I 1 E I JL i IH eat afta aKalBssaJWBTf ORDINARY MEN j mmmmmmmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ftBBUS to these days of rockets and mttelttes. of space and orbits the question the Psalmist takes on meaning. "Thou has made him Uttlt tost than God, and doest crown him with glory and honor " We haw long known that the earth is but a spec k f dust in the far corner of the unhorse, but now the realty of oar saw and posi tion has been thrust horns to as to a dramatic fashion As we stand tiptoe on the vary of space, we stop a snd think of these words." what is man that those art mindful of him it b a bat a realise that H Is not nor yet his sheaf Ms am to) pay to of life, to be by prestige attod as to the real veins of JjJLlLlf wtoja they aatoieated to ftja. born in Betbaiem to of whom the world has seen or heard. A m not be judged by his outward ppamnro, but by the heart. Today Scouting is available who haw big hearts for littie boys. So many be ussd to loaves, may bless the lives of countless boys If men only The call today Is for nary men, the call Is for to work. Christ men and tax collectors to be hat disciples and watt them "turned the world upside down". Will torn Carey was a orphan. There to no limK to what em to they .... ..i(ti;W to m ttftostt 4 I .The The Is useless until a ta put to work. So It Is with pro gam Utoc with understanding them. Remember, we were once children, ourselves therefore, we have experi enced that stage of life. What do we expect of the younger ones as they follow through the oaths we came over? We wouldn't look for them to act like en adult, think, or be at the stage of maturity. Just think! They didn't have anything to do with co ming into this world, and when we look at our children, we are looking at an off soring of our own flesh and blood, and observing the on coming future generation So whv blame everything on them when they don't act or do like we want them to. I know you can remember when you were a child, some of the things you did then, you wouldn't do now. We can see that children will always do childish things. Now. I wouldn't dare tell anyone how to raise their children, but I can give some warning on depriving Weir morale. When I hear parents say that their children get on their "nerves" or "bug" them, it brings the following three things in my mind that can lead up to keeping their younger ones from having a good mental health condition, such as courage, confidence, and enthusiasm. Fhst, it's not the young sters all the time. It could be some disagreement or misun derstanding between the par ents which caused their ten sions to rise. Therefore, the least little thing their chil dren "do" or say, they take the spite out on their kids by being tyrannical (cruel) to get things off their own chest Second: they tonia1eii take the time to- face me facts of taking the responsi bilities of meeting their obli gations that's required of the rearing of their children, and give them proper home-training and education so they can have the qualifications and requirements to face life in the future. Third: some parents could be trying to let other people share mailt of their burdens by shifting their children over on their own relatives, neighbors, school teachers, or perhaps rely on their older child to help them escape si tuations to make their own lives easy. All the things I have men tioned comes from self ex perience, and dealing with the public a long time In my opinion? most par ents could influence children If they would tatol more time with them, and talk in a man ner that they got what it takes. Children take notice of everything, aaftfjbay like people who have a nice atti tude. m Finally, tyraflal , parents can deprive their children's morale, and can cause young- rather over pay you and get rid of you than have you around breathing down my neck." Chad wasn't earing how he sounded: be was up to his neck with contumacious people; he was slowly but surely being strangled to death by folk interested only indulging their own egoisms. Even simple-Simon Frank be lieved he was the gods' won- dorous gift to the human race, therefore, he found cause to laugh at everything. Bob Johnson eyed suspici ously the bills thrust toward him; he had been putting the squeeze on for a much lesser sum. Now, without using more than a fraction of the persua sive methods he was prepared to use, he was being over paid. He didn't trust Blacks bearing gifts. However, mon ey is a real charmer no mat ter who is passing it out; nevertheless, he didn't want anyone to feel that they were giving him something he had earned: "I still have time to bring in, at least, a half doz en Honorary Pall-Bearers." Let your conscience be your gajde, Mr. Johnson." Chad's sarcasm was borne out in the title. "Mr." Bob Johnson hurried into his overcoat "you take it easv. Ml round UP some -of mah lodge brothers the full dress won't cost you-afa-dime extra." Bob said in his spe cially nice business tone, eased the bills from between Chad's fingers, shook the be nevolent fingers, then dashed off with the brisk confidence that accompanies a satisfied mind. Long before the heavy front door slammed behind Boh sters to become and feel like they are not wanted. It can make, them dread to go home when they are out, and probably cause them to further withdraw, seeking love, attention, and assurance from someone else And remember, a child can become emotionally disturb ed; from top much anxiety, and they will able to cone with life because they need :teettone guidancf, and the most of all their par ents. Johnson, Chad had settled down in the comforting lap of good riddance.. However, the aftermath of the man's nasty attitude was hanging over his head like a cloud of impregnable doom. He would n't swao Places with a vul ture such as Bob Johnson for a vast fortune. The world is full of asps like Bob whose sole purpose In life is to turn easy buck; big time opera tors whose goal, aside from putting the bite on a "broth er" for a dollar, is, to sur round himself with young chicks. An old fuddy-duddy like Bob Johnson has to pay dear for his pleasures; the more cash, the merrier the party. Bob knew the score and kept ready cash in his billfold, at the risk of a brain storm, to keep the chicks fawning. The wear and tear on his arthritic bones was playing havoc with his health but old owl was hooked and so long as he was able to pick up the tab for bis hot blooded chlck-a-dees, be would be eternally young snd virile. He kept his scalp bladk with the dally applications of a cosmetic stick nobody wants you when you're old and gray. The black rubbing off on the pillows of his love nest didn't matter to the young gals. Only an old wom an would mind the black rub bing off on the pillow slips the young ones preferred the color of bis money. Chad wanted to think of more important things, but he found a temporary release from his own problems, think ing of the Bob Johnsons of the world whose state of af fairs were more pathetic than his own. Thus, he was sus pended in a cloud of somno lent contentment when the doors of the Armory began opening on the right and left and folk began filing inside the drafty building Woodard, the funeral direc tor. and Bob Johnson strode down the wide, center aisle and, apparently, mapped out plans for seating the imme diate family and an ideal place for placing the coffin- Review the remains. Chad made a fast exit into the outer hallway, then, head ed for latrine. A terrifying funk gripped him now as he inspected his appearance in the water streaked mirrors on the sweaty, industrial-gray walls. Fof the first time, he thought of where he would sit. Would the immediate family iiatfwfriendr approve of him being seated with them? (Continued) The recent snow prooamy gave you some time around the house to find out wnas your wife does ail day. Well, not your wife but s an oi peim who find themselves at noma during the day for one reason or another. One way or ano ther they usually wind up watch ing the boob-tube, greet Ameri can propaganda machine or am ply television. And more than liken thev tuna to the "stories" or more amply soap operas. You know the inspiration for psuedo gossip, the Secret Storm, or Search For Tomor row, As The World Turns, etc. Soap operas and their ideas find their way in to all too manv Black homes. What we have failed to do to to analyze their effect, as well as their sub stance. They rank dose to ath letics as being the leading pro duct sellers. From day to day they drive home the point ofj what is the best soap powder which toothpaste gets teeth (or dentures) whiter, what to feed the dog, and leftovers from the supermarket (called Hamburger Helpers). Thus many people who have very little money to start with, wind up being per suaded to spend it on expen sive products that have been "pushed" into the minds, often of Black Women. As Bill Cosby once described soap operas, this to where infi delity is king. Everybody has a husband and a lover. The husband is in love with some body's sister or cousin. Every body has an extra baby left over from an affair with some body other than who they mar ried. And they' all go to mother-in-law, grandmother, or best friend next door (who inciden tally is making passes at the paperboy) for advice. So what happens, the little tody sees daily thirty minutes In the life of make believe, and she to an expert on family problems. The problem starts when she is in volved with somebody (like her husband) who has't seen the story. Now there are at least two a doctor or lawyer, or making out with one or his sister (point number 2). Now you ask what is the problem. Well for us, points 1 and 2 Black people who are emoaad from dav to day to a make believe world of what life, especially family we ought to be, am in for some shocks. There are serious ques tions in my mind as to whether anybody lives like they do in the stories, not even white peo ple. Now the problem comes when Willie Joe comes home from digging a ditch all day and Beulah Mae expects him to behave like Dr. Whitey on the Secret Edge of the Stormy Night. For the most part Black people have too many pro blems to deal with that are not even a part of the make believe world of television. Like what happens when a greasy white plumber comes to fix the sink before the Black woman has finished dressing, and how does she tell her man about the plumber's Insulting expecta tion? Where to the reality that most families (especially Black ones) break up or have difficul ties stemming from financial problems not infidelity or slip ping around. Of course you want to tell me it 'is only entertainment and we all know better. I ask you just listen to the seriousness the next time you hear some body talking about the stories. And then tell me that some of this stuff to not rubbing off. Look in the grocery cart next time and tell me about the num ber of brand names you see despite their price, and tell me the stories are not doing a job. It is clear to me that what' to projected over the television can have an effect on those who watch it. We must be ever conscious of what we observe and how seriously we take it. We must be ever mindful that the time we spend looking at television contributes nothing to our liberation, certainly not or soap operas. more imnortant things to note,! Ratnomhar nor imnrnved Just about all the people in the SOAP Opera gets minds 100 . . l ,i , r . .. .'. stones are wnne peopie ipoini. whiter ! number 1). Everybody to either Presents the . I Dr. Soul Show ' 9 PJM. to Midnight Monday thru Sunday Radio No. 1 Durham WSSB is the only Durham Radio Station that stays on 24-hour a day; 7 days a week, 365 days ar year. ' Radio No. 1 Durham' . .. jc m Mm Immediate Openings. Call loll Free. 1-800-845-7907. In SC dial 1-800-922-1847 9AM to 8PM. Your local Army Reserve needs the skills of men and women for four 4-hour sessions a month and two weeks each summer. You'll earn from $2.85 to $4.50 an hour. Plus promotions and retirement benefits. Call today or mail the coupon. Accountants Accounting Clerks Administrative Specialists Ambulance Drivers Artillerymen Auto Mechanics Card Punch Operators Carpenters Cashiers Clerk Typists Clinical Specialists Communications and Electronics Specialists Cooks Criminal Investigators Correctional Specialists Cryptographers Data Analysts Data Processing Specialists Dental Assistants Dentists Doctors Draftsmen Drill Instructors Equipment Storage Specialists Finance Clerks Information Specialists Interrogators Inventory Clerks Laboratory Technicians Law Enforcement Specialists Machine Operators Medical Lab Specialists Medical Supply Specialists Medics Military Policemen Nurses Operating Room Specialists Orderlies Paratroopers Parachute PackersRiggers Personnel Management Specialists Programmers Radio Repairmen Repair Parts Specialists ShippingReceiving Clerks StenographersTypists Stock Clerks Supply Clerks Systems Analysts Teletypewriter Operators Truck Drivers Wiremen Army Renew OppiMliiiiilicn Drawer ('.. Five Points Stulion Columbia. S.C. 21I2M) I Tell meull the reason it pays Ioro to mectinga and give me more information about the Reserve unit near my community. 1 understand I'm under no obligation. Mr.Mn.Mi. Address State -Zip. Current Employment . -Atre- Miliury Background (If any) Rink PMOS SMOS Date of Separation I . The Army Reserve. It pays to go to meetings. I - jl mil ' ill i. m ill 11:11 iii Ihl W iMWli S ri. Dcubte you, money bk S yooV. no, comply Sd w any no. P-rchosed of ASPWEO. (PRICE LABEL OR REGISTER TAPfc rMtitaaMM, Wwrww ft ... - - DURHAM "SUPER-RIGHT" QUAUTY HEAVYCORN-FEDBflF -SWU .RIGHT" QUAUTY HSAVY CORN no MIS cumiiDER ROLCT Hr u CHUCK BONE-IN 68 weo WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES A&P POLICY: "SUMS-SIOHT-' QUALITY HSAVY COSM-MD BIIF sHouuMm "SUMS-SIGHT" QUAUTY HSAVY CORN-FED Ntf CUBED BONELESS ROAST SUPtRRlGHr PORK ROAST sSgte. SUPF.R RIGHT" COSN-KD FSISM PORK SHOUIDIM W PORK STEAK -78 'SUMS-SIGHT" COSH PORK !4 LOIN SUCCO INT OZtN, BUS, CHICK f. CHUCK STEAK "SUMft-KIGHT" QUALITY HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF CALIFORNIA ROAST "SUMK.S16HT" QUALITY HEAVY CORN-FED BF 6R0UND CHUCK .-- tXCttlLCNT FOR SOW- -8ISF SA SHANK MEAT V 79 All MEAT FRANKS K 49 PURE BEEF BOIOONA ALL MEAT WEWERS 89 COTTO SALAMI ft WWi blRVKIM SWIMS-:,, AAtJkifc, POT PIES 5- l00 'ACKED aajk L HAM - Mr is- 39 79 I DELIGHTS LIME CHERRY ORANGE I DELIGHTS FROZEN BREADED PRE-COOKED CAP'N JOHN'S FROZEN Alwoy, do what it honest ood fair every tuHomei RAINCHECK If on odveilived ipeciol is evei sold oi ask the Manager fof a Roinhek It er titles you to the same item a price the following wnek Oi if you wish we II give you a tomporable iiem at the same special price GUARANTEE: A&F offers on unconditional money back guarantee No matter what it is no matter who makes it if A&P sells it A&P guarantees i Ils OSCAR MAYER VACUUM PACKED SLICED w 59 in . 10 LBS. OR:MH SELF BASTING I STAB 1STQ 1M L. I ! J !.... VdiAfrlhlll I GERBER BABY FOOD Chopped Fruits and Vvfctablft GERBER BABY FOOD SIMILAC BABY FORMULA f. ....1,,,- ,,...., , :-::...:-:-:.,:-. ::,. 4',-Ol ift mt ' wv O. 1 Jar WW-. RAND DAYTIME SAVI MBANttMl WITH SOME Am s. REGULAR OR DRIP M a. SLICED OR HA MAXWELL HOUSE offee HEARTY AND VIGOROUS , fiilD imiil TTA RAAC mm TCK W WITH SOME 43 LUCKS PINTO BEANS 27-0. m l-Os : 79 YEI PORK ANDBEANS ! 16 V4 mmmm ?sV?SL mm Wm AT A&P' :mm ( FLAVOR DEX( 10 EY BUY M 1 . n i w m wii i mi LIE ON SAVE WITH SUNNY Ml LUl LABEL BRAND REG. i-o. Cans i ALL FLAVORS BORDENS ICE CREAM Round Ctn. 7TC I ALL FLAVORS MARVEL ICE MILK "cT 49c CRCAT DESSERT TOPPING ASP HANDI-WHIP i . n Bikivta rui tatucu raitD A&P POTATOES 89c i SERVE TOPPED WITH BUTTER (Broccoli Spears X' 29c 39c GREAT MEALTIME IDEA SAVE ON REALLY FRESH MgA i-T ANN PAGE MAYONNAISE & 49 A&P SHOP ASK WIO rOK 5imw mvn, nw MM ANN PAGE KETCHUP -25 ANN PA(iC BRAND 9AJa ANN PAGI SRAHO "f C SANDWICH SPREAD KB S nm DROP CANDY " 29 PWTO BEANS GREAT SERVED HOT TOPPED VEL ICE C 2I-0. H Pkg. IB-Oi. H SAVE ON 31 MA mkmrn brand MUk PANCAKE AND Mr WAFFLE SYRUF SAVE ON PACKERS LABEL DRIED JANE PAR RYEBRI I X it 35 A&P Brand SUGAR 5 39c 16-0 Uaf tuivu run c-t-illnM , ,-. uaiit rniionu vnil IAV 69t LIMIT ONE BAG WITH SJUM 0 I MORE ORDER AND THIS COUPON Good through Mt., Jon- whre JSP? ie csltoal Lm THE BEDROCMtf BOOK FigsmogOsB! NEW YORK I EL) inar your hitlluRBS SSjsl or Irostrsthur. Km to ehopM from, where bejriiJ? A new fruirJc Bedraom Rook." rii pie rule of thumb: Let farnihinir reflect litv. taate and in The book, published by Indastneft, s lesdinff tn rer of betlroom furniture, BJfl i - -e three bawie nlftut; Early American. Mediterranean amm eclectic. ' If you like simplicity, it" Early American tor you. fOur founding fathers ilidn't haw the facilities to net very artsy with furniture.) Ita styHmr and de--iitrn are baic simple eleaa lines and wood trraina a rry the motif. Warm it up with ft patchwork curtains, quilted eaav forterx, pewter candlestick. Ca lonial accessories, bring the Jar orator look alive. If you're hopelessly romantic. youH want the Medi terrain look lots of scrollwork, carv irtjc, interestintr uses of reil and black color. Mediterranean can mean Italian or Spanish ami it means fancy, so keep the acces sories simple. For a .-ealistte touch wrought iron sconces to excite the walls. What do you do when you I colonial four poster beds your husband is just mad Spanish treasure trunks? Mis and match! If anybody asks what style your room is say it's the eclectic look, a mix af many periods. Wired For Sound War, inflation and crime-ia-the-streets notwithstandiasr. there i some (rood news these' days. At least ( and little as it la. it's something! fewer women than ever are walking- around "wired for sound". The demise of the old-fashioned, wear-and-wait hair roller, bejrun with the introduction of electrically warmed instant setters, is being confirmed as the devices move from the gift-fcadget category to a staple appliance in women's lives. Newest are the three-way hairsetters permitting a condi tioning; set for dry hair, a steam set for loose waves and curls, and a regular set for long lasting curls. Machine-age beauty at its clever best! DENTIST WARNS AOAINff PERSISTENT THUMB SUCKING Nagging and scolding ss not effective in breaking s child of thumb sucking, ac cording to Dr. Sidney KoBSw Professor and Chairman, De partment of Pediatric Den tistry, Fsirleigh Dickinsafi University in New Jersey. Dr. Kohn states that thumb sucking is normal during that first few years. Dentists SB concerned with children wha continue the habit through the period of eruption of the permanent teeth. When cosv . tinued too long, the effects of thumb sueklhg are the same m iiressarf induced through orthodontic appliances To break the habit. Or. Kohn recommends a good dentist-c h 11 d relationship, careful persuasion, snd whs indicated, a simple appliance that acts as a reminder. FAMOUS FORTS I ' tW-kSt Kl-ia&Uj I I 2HHaSaWia m BTWEHaai Baa 'Baa LONDON LANDMARK. The Tower of London is really 13 jrj. towers. One-known as taw White Tower-is the oldest 52 part of the fortress. U was be gun by William the Conqueror in 1078. It's now a muaeusa which are displayed oaf arms and armor. 2-Lb fk9 mi 39 aawsTsD WALL... CBisr a FRESH CARROTS Z iUICY FLORIDA WHITE gas, tJk GRAPEFRUIT 5 591 FRISH AAA TINDER mtnmtmm - greek p . ' .""' mm..., .m. mu, wnswswava .., wnimmim air mm . SWEET POTATOES 2 KALE SPINACH sr33STRJ m 4 EXTRA FANCY WISTfiRN ioo sizi FOR ONLV WMKRC THERE'S A ' there's a way. Kreuawertaewa on the Main is a town acar Wurzburg in the Federal Republic of Germany. A Af fense tower there is aotae 1.200 years old. Bsc swat Ma walk werecouaidered a trjiTw menace, the town council d cided to move the tuwev in Ma entirety. An iron grate rtceafc ly was slipped uaderaeesk 111 stable foundations. The kw is now "out of the Bray" tod yet remains standing tor ad miring tourists. jl aa Stoni3ch Upsrt byGasandAddT i tfinr ritmrrr r mTTsai lvii i' ns,n m MaWaamW'Raamsl I IW TM'I ITm. JSaa Sal "III I I mma 111 Ssa I I I I I ESBLllaWbfBaBBBSgUASBBBB BUaBS T bBSH awaBBaT aawJ w w.w.i BBSV BBEaWI y I V W .aaWl Jt i,H BBB II aa BBBalBISBBI mm Sil 1 irifrtWl BWaWawaaaeaBBBl BWaaarBBEBW BBWaa BBWaY BWaTBBBWOS wan rTmgMMmmmM'f"'f& aaag!af aBaninTTtl'LllMAl.lM. .MCAlmZkmZmLmhmmlMlmmmmmm mmrLwLrLTtTWm VJEnflBVlBnH LaMatMMtS BwasPsfVBal bbVVTSbbI t-M VtiTl iWii aaflaflGlH nilNVllH IPWPPnH9IH9VVIVPIV KPPWIreoll.KIW Mail TTM mujim mmbmnT mmvtr V,..-r.rtlfifcJ Cf: l"g.g.g-l i BtV'IW. .T'lnT'TtV isaga&tt'IlALsHllJamaamwaaaW IsWla? "MM MriVMaal mmtmWym H fJT- f- Wi WB W 1 Mr a." l i i K ir t i mi aaiiaiBniiBaaTissfB tin ii fa J Ami SuMMSmmWifwKtB bHbH namvrvrvm aaTTCTaP''aTfcaBBaai HHKbTv kFJ i awaaaawaaai awaaaawan aaan bbbbpibwBbi bbbbs aBervaamaBK t m-n? on - vjanaw saaa a awaa aaa w eaawa aawa aaa. i a saar . bbb . . aaaaa a saw aawa laaii - III 1 . V. . . bbbbI bIbbT a wsawaaawaafa w P'ESBBL- ESBBBBB . IK 1 fl EBBST . aa ' . faaaa. a aaaa, bbj mM t A ESBBBJ Baaaa 1 ! I gEi 1 1 1 aW I saBsaasW aalaMBSBi mi Th unique discovery breaks up nd removes painful gaa- SBilMBB. Your relieTis complete because Di-Gl ttelsMan the atdicsatio Iktawl Product oi Plough. Inc. rati -FT '-'VjW't'!'.

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