llia"tS"i.eiji ib tL,hm.M,irn THE CAaTfOLIlf A w- ma. uuwLiwa linu ;u , Jan. zg, isro H etWuiaBv llill PAY BY CHECK is the safe easy way to pay all faf&a. Your cancelled cheek b proof poetttw that you have paid your MIL Ton eaa open a regular or special account, depend ing OB your needs with mininmn balance. A Full Service Bank Checking - Savings - Loans Mechanics & Farmers Bank CHARLOTTE mm lllllllllllltlllllll Friday Highlights WTVD. CHANIfKL U. DURHAM Wednesday Highligks 7 a.m. TODAY - Frank UcGas and Barbara Walters discuss Saturday's inaugura tion. WRDU 4 1:99 a.m,NOT FOR WOM KN ONLY - Further discus sion of woman, and politics WWW 9:30 am. - MIKE DOUG-LAS-Mike's guests are ac tress Mario Thomas and co median Stan Kami. WRAL 10 am. DINAR SHORE -Poet Rod McKuen reads his poem "A Cat Named Stoopy." WRDU 4:30 p.m.-MOVIB - Six men and women make a haz ardous journey on the "Stage coach to Dancer's Rock." Warren Stevens. Martin Lan dau and Jody Lawrence star in this 1962 film. WRDU 9:90 pm. GENERAL AS SEMBLY A discussion of the people and issues of the 1973 legislature. WUNC 9 p.m.-MOVIE - Alfred Hitchcock's 1956 thriller. "The Man Who Knew Too Much," stars Jimmy Stewart as a doctor who learns of an assassination plot from a dy ing spy. The doctor's wife is played by Doris Day; their kidnaped son, by Christopher Olsen, WTVD, WFMY 9 p.m. - NORTH CARO LINA: THE ARTS - A doc umentary on the work of Randall Jarrell includes views of his bouse in Greens boro. WUNC 10 p.m. - BORBY DARIN Bobby welcomes guests Burl Ives, Dyan Cannon and Mimi Hines. WRDU 11:30p.m. -IS CONCERT A videotaped show by Grand Funk Railway in Madi son Square Garden. WRAL Midnight - MOVIE - A federal agent works with convicts to try to destroy a moonshine ring in "The Devil's 8." WTVD, WFMY 2 a.m.-MOVIE - "Love and Kisses" is a 1965 film based on "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet." Rick Nel son sings. Jack Kelly is a guest star. WFMY 4:30 tem. apwettw ' 7:00 CBS NtW 4:00 KanBereo :M Merv OfWIn 10 00 ! Wllrt 10: Pries I Rett) : lt:0O Gwnbtt 11 .30 Ltv at US am sswr Heart a U5 3:00 Love 1:S) Secret Starm 4:0 Dana Boon Mi mat 4:M HMM ,:oo Tint Girl HoUrW.,1 11:39 News 12:00 Metis WRDU-TV, CHANNEL 28, DURHAM t'M Today :00 New Zee Rev. :30 Not Women Only 10:00 DIM 10:30 COftowi irton 11:00 Sen. - NMei'VMe eeWPjf)! 13:00 JeeeeroV 12:30 Who. What. Wh. 11:44 NBC News 1:0 YOUT Child 1:30 1 on o Match 1:00 oars Our Uvas it me i 3:09 Anottaar Werte) 1:30 Nil. Per "I 4:00 Another World 4:30 Movie 4:00 Newt NBC Newt 7:00 Ktthy HHt 7:30 Wldsrt 9:00 Circle of fesr 10:00 Bobby Detm 11:00 NV 11:30 Tomohl WFMY-TV. CHANNEL 2. GREENSBORO 4:00 Good Mornlna 7:55 Oevotlens 1:00 Cent. Kanoeroo 9:00 Old ReftM , 9:30 Merv OrHrm 10:30 Price It Right 11:00 Gambit 11:30 Love Uft 11:00 Where Heart 11:25 Newt 11:30 Search Trow 1:00 Todeyt Woman 1:30 At world Tgmt 2:00 Guiding Light 1:30 Edge of Night 1:00 Love 1:30 Secret Storm 4:00 Vln Scully 4:30 Gomer Pv 5:00 Bit Valley t:00 ha 4:30 CBS NOWt 7:00 Andy Ortffttn 7:30 Maude 8:00 Mission imps 9:00 Movie 11:30 Newt 12:0 Mow , 2:00 LttO MOVle I i WRAL-TV, CHANNEL I, RALEIGH 4:00 Daybreek 4:55 Commentary 7:00 Newt 7:30 Bullwlnkle 4:00 Uncle Paul 1 1:30 Belle Elliott . 9:30 Mike Douglas 11:00 Password 11:30 Bewitched 12:00 Newt 12:10 Spilt Second 1:00 All My Children 1:30 Make a Deal 2:00 Newiywedo 2:30 Dating Game 1:00 Gen. HotpMal 1:30 Tell me Truth 4:00 Perry Mason 5:00 Truth, Conaeo, 5:30 Jeannle 4:00 Newt 4:30 ABC. Newt 7:00 Ponderota 9:00 Room 221 9:30 Tar Heel Poeut 10:00 Love, Am Style 11:00 Newt 11:30 Entertainment WUNC-TV, CHANNEL 4. CHAPEL HHX 9 a.m. - MERV GRIFFIN Filmed interviews with George C. Scott, Stanley Kramer, John Mills. Faye Dunawav and Jack Palance. WTVD. WFMY. 9:30 a.m. MIKE DOUGLAS Mike interviews Sen. William Proxmire about government spending. WRAL 4:30 p.m. MOVIE - Hugh O'Brian plays an Arizona sheriff who captures an outlaw with the aid of his girlfriend's brother in "The Brass Legend." Raymond Burr also stars. WRDU. 7 p.m. NOW Topics under consideration are whitetail deer, fondue, greenhouse tomatoes and antique clocks. WUNC. 8 p.m. - STRANGE CREATURES - A documentary which studies bats, hyenas, horned owls, and blind cave animals, WTVD, WFMY. 8 p.m. - HOW TOwlS THE NOBEL PRIZE -Linus Pauling and Glenn Seaborg are among those interviewed. WON? ' i 8:30 p.m. - BOB HOPE CHRISTMAS SHOW - Highlights of Bob Hope's tour of U.S. military installations in Asia. WRDU. 8:30 p.m. - MOVIE "Female Artillery" is a humorous Western about a conflict between a gang and a group of women allied with an outlaw. WRAL. 9 p.m. - EYE TO EYE -A portrayal of the art of the commercial on TV and elsewhere. WUNC. 9:30 p.m. THE FINE ART OF GOOFING OFF -Presentations of a number of easy ways of passing the time. WUNC. 10 p.m. COLE PORTER IN PARIS A salute to Cole Porter, featuring Perry Como, Diahann Carroll, Louis Jourdan, Connie Stevens, Charles Aznavour and Twiggy. WRDU. il:30 p.m. MOVIE Glenn Ford and Ernest Borgnine star in "Torpedo Run," the story of a World War II submarine commander. WTVD, WFMY. 11:30 pm MOVIE ' Part 2 of a hew videotaped - version 'of "iMfflmfa WRAL WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17 WTVD, CHANNEL It DURHAM 9:30 Phys. Science 10:00 Sesame St. 11 :00 Granny 11:20 Images 11:40 Film 12:30 Electric Co. 1:00 Ripples 1:15 Math 1:30 Phys. Science 2:00 Moth 2:30 Sign Oft 4:00 Mlsterogert 4:30 Sesame St. 5:30 Electric Co. 4:00 Evening edit 4:30 Zoom 7:00 You the Oeat 7:30 N.C People 1:00 Wash. Week 1:30 Gen. Assembly 9:30 Sign Off 4:30 Sum. Semester 7:00 CBS Newt 1:00 Cept. Kangaroo 9:00 Merv Grlftln 10:00 Jrt WIW 10:10 Price It Right 11:00 Gambit 11:30 Love of Live 12:00 Heart 12:15 Newtbeet 12:30 Search 1:30 WorkT T terra) 1:00 Guiding Light 1:30 Edge of Night 3:00 Love 3:10 Secret Storm 4:00 Daniel Boone 5:00 Wild Wert 4:00 Newtbeet 4:30 CBS NOWO 7:00 That Ofci 7:30 Dragnet 4:00 Creatures 9:00 Medical Cent 10:00 Cannon 11:00 Newthom 11:30 Movie WRDU-TV, CHANNEL 28, DURHAM 7:00 Today 9:00 New Zoo Rev. 9:10 Not Women Only 10:00 Dinah 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Sole of Centurv 11:30 Hollywood Sejueret 12:00 Jeopardy 12:30 Nho, What, Wh. 11:55 NBC Newt 1:00 Your Child 1:10 Three on Match 1:00 Our Lives 1:30 Doctors 3:00 Bay City 3:30 Ret. Pey. Pt 4:00 Somerset 4:30 Movie 4:00 Newt 4:30 NBC Newt 7:00 Goldlggere 7:10 Protector 1:00 Adam 12 1:30 Sob Hope 10:00 Cole Porter 11:00 Newt 11:30 Tonight WFMY-TV, CHANNEL 2, GREENSBORO 4:00 Good Morning 7:55 Devotions 1:00 Capt. Kangaroo 9:00 Old Rebel 9:30 Merv Griffin 10:30 Price It Right 11:00 Gambit 11:30 Love of LttO 11:00 Where Heart It 12:25 Midday News 12:10 Search Per Tfew 1:00 Todev'a Women 1:30 At World Turns 2:00 Guiding Light 2:30 Edge of Night 1:00 Love 3:30 Secret Storm 4:00 Vln Scully 4:10 Gomer Pyle 5:00 Big Valley 4:00 Newt 4:30 CBS Newt 7:00 Andy Griffith 7:30 Parent Game 1:00 Creatures 9:00 Medical Center 10:00 Cannon 11:00 Newt 11:30 Movie WRAL-TV, CHANNEL S, RALEIGH 4:00 Daybreak 4:55 Commentary 7:00 News 7:30 Lldsvllle S:00 Uncle Paul 1:30 Bette Elliot 9:30 Mike Douglas 11:00 Password 11:30 Bewitched 12:00 Noon Newt 12:10 Split Secono 1:00 Alt My Children 1:10 Make e Deal 2:00 Newlvwed Game 2:30 Dating Game 3:00 Gen Hospital 3:30 tell Truth 4:00 Perry Mason 5:00 Truth Or 5:30 Jeannle 4:00 Newt 4:25 Commentary 4:30 ABC Newt 7:00 Ponderota 1:00 Paul Lynde 0:30 Movie 10:00 Owen Marshall 11:00 Newt . 11:30 Entertainment WUNC-TV, CHANNEL 4, CHAPEL HHX 1:40 :00 ' in-rui IV-w 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 Ready Set Go Cultures PhYt; Science C.M jamf) St. Math Nutrition Film Elec. Co. 1:00 Sd. World T:30 Phys. Science 2:00 Flfm; 2:30 Cultero 3;00 Film 3:30 SDPl 4:00 Mlsterogert 4:30 Sesame St. 5:30 Elec. Co. 5:00 Newt 4:30 Drama-Speech 7:00. Now. ! 7:30 SDPl 8:00 Win Nobel Prize 9:00 Eve to Eye 9:30 Goofing Off 10:00 Soul READ ABOUT WURSllf EACH WM IN JM CM0LHU miS. IT'S YOUR PAPER. 1 1 , f WHY I liUY? J TELEVISION RECEIVERS BMALS CONCRETE MIXER ROLLAWAY BEDS PARTY RENTALS HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT sanding mourn s POWER TOOLS CARPENTER TOOLS SEWER AUGERS LOADING TOOLS PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT WATER PUMPS UGHT PLANTS CHAIN HOISTS POST HOLE AUGERS SPACE HEATERS LAWN MOWERS BABY EQUIPMENT AND BEDS INVALID NEEDS GARDEN AND YARD TOOLS RUG SHAMPOOING MAI MINI ' lOVV BARS CAR TOP CARRIERS SOLOING TABLES & CHAIRS AIR COMPRESSORS IANS , I ADDERS ELECTRIC HEDGE TRIMMERS TRACTORS MANY ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST 2W 286-4414 aAVAMf TRUCKS ROTARY TILLERS RUCINO i MACHINES DURHAM'S FIRST COMPtm RENTAL CO. 2334 GUESS ROAD DURHAM, N.C. m Saturday Highlights 7:30 am. MOVTE-Torn-my Kirk and Yvonne Craig star in the science-fiction film "Mars Needs Women." WRAL 10 s.m.-lNAUGURATION Coverage by NBC of Rich ard M. Nixon's inauguration from Washington, D.C. WRDU 10:30 am. INAUGURA TION Coverage by CBS from Washington, D. C. WTVD, WFMY 11 a.m. - ACC BASKET BALL The Duke Univer sity Blue Devils play the University of North Carolina Tar Heels at Chapel HilL WTVD, WFMY 8:30 p. m. MOVIE "The Apartment," produced and directed by Billy Wilder, is a comedy about adultery, starring Jane Fonda, Jason Robards and Dean Jones. WRDU 9 p.m. - MARY TYLER MOORE Problems arise when Ted Baxter gets seri ous about a girl he met at Mary's party. WTVD, WFMY 9:30 p.m. BOB NEWHART SHOW Bob refuses to wear an expensive gold watch which Emily has given him. WTVD. WFMY 11:30 p. m. INAUGURAL BALL Coverage by CBS and NBC of the inaugural ball from Washington, D.C. WTVD, WRDU, WFMY 11:35 p.m MOVIE Ninon Sevilla and Raymond Gay star In the horror film "Cry of the Bewitched." WRAL Midnight MOVIE A Western entitled "Death of a Gunfighter." WTVD Midnight MOVLE The struggle of a group of sur vivors of a wreck in the Amazon jungle is portrayed in "Valley of Mystery." Richard Egan, Harry Guar dino and Julie Adams star. WFMY SATURDAY, JANUARY 20 WTVD, CHANNEL 11, DURHAM 4:30 Semester 7:00 Across Fence 7:30 Now 4:00 Bugs Bunny 4:30 Sabrlne f:00 Chan 0:30 Scoobv Dot 14:30 Inauguration 2:00 ACC BBALL 4:00 Goir Clattle 5:00 Dal Reeves S:30 Nashville 4:00 Black Unlimited 4:30 CBS Newt 7:0O Hea Haw 4:00 All In Family 1:30 Bridget Levee t:00 Mary T. Moore :30 Bob Newnert 10:00 Carol Burnett lf:00 Newt 11:15 Inauo, Sail 12:00 Movie WRDU-TV, CHANNEL 28, DURHAM 4:00 Houndcett 1:30 Roman Holiday 9:oo Jettons t:30 Pink Panther 10:00 Inauguration 5:00 O. Martin Open 4:30 NBC Newt 7:00 Untamed World 7:30 Stand Up 4:00 Inauo. 8:30 Movie 11:00 TBA 11:30 Inauo. I WFMY-TV, CHANNEL 2, GREENSBORO 7:30 Globetrotters 4:00 Bugs Bunny 4:30 Sabrlne f :00 Chan t:30 Scoobv Doc 10:30 Inauguration 2:00 ACC B'ball 4:00 Roller Derby 5:00 A&T Report 5:15 B. Waters 5:30 Your Life 4:00 Newt 4:30 CBS Newt :00 Hoe Haw , 4:09 Alt In Family 4:30 Bridget Lovei : Mary T. Moor 9; JO Bab Newhert 10:00 Carol Burnett 11:00 Newt ii:M inauo. San 12:00 Movie WRAL-TV, CHANNEL 5, RALEIGH 7:09 Cartoon Fat. 7:30 Movie 4:45 Scouting 9:00 Osmonds 9:30 Superstart 10:30 Brady Kids 11:00 Inauguration 3:30 Bowling 5:00 Wrestling 4:00 Arthur Smith 6:30 Wagoner 7:00 Lawrence Wek 4:00 Hera Again 4:30 Touch of Oraea 9:00 Julie Andrewt 10:00 3 women 11:00 Newt 11 iSS MOV Thursday Highlights THURSDAY, JANUARY 18 WTVD, CHANNEL 11, DURHAM t; i VI - .J. -u. 9 a.m. - MERV GRIFFIN Guests include singers Chuck Berry and B. B. King. WTVD. WFMY 9:30 a.m. NOT FOR WOMEN ONLY - Barbara Waters continues discussions of ytxmen and politics. WRDU 10:99 am DLNAH SHORE Guest Carol Warning pre nU a fashion show of hat WRDU 4:39 p.m. MOVIE "Bella of the Yukon" pro mniM the problems of open ing s gejM"g bouse in Alaska. Randolph Scott, Gypsy Rose Lee, Dinah Shore and Bob Burns star in this VM film. WRDU 9:99 p.m - ADVOCATES Tonight' question is ' Should we grant amnesty for those who have evaded military jsfesr WUNC Wut - MOVIE - At jfi Otdwock's m thriDer. "Vertigo," stars Jimmy Stewart as a detective who is ' afraid of heights. Kim Novak plays a mysterious woman whom he is assigned to pro- ; tect. WTVD, WFMY 9:00 m, -JACK BENNY'S FIRST FAREWELL SHOW Jack welcomes Bob Hope, Dean Martin, Flip Wilson, Joey Heatherton, Isaac Hayes arid Lee Trevino. WRDU , 9:90 p.m. - AN AMERI CAN FAMILY - The second episode of a documentary en the life of an American family features the emotional meet ing of mother and hippie son. WUNC 11:10 p.m. - MOVIE -Barbara Feldon sad Robert Powell star in "Lady Killer." a story about Wde and her murder er husband. WRAL Midnight MOVIE "The Last Rebel" is an Italian Western starring Joe Nsv math. Jack Elan and Woody Strode. WTVD. WFMY 4:30 Semester 7:00 CBS Newt 4:00 Capt. Kangaroo 9:00 Merv Griffin 10:00 Jokert WIW 10:30 Price It RlOht 11:00 Gambit . 11:30 Love of Life 12:00 Where the Heart 12:30 Search 1:00 Peggy Menn 1:30 World Turns 2:00 Guiding Light 2:30 Edge of Night 3:40 Love Is 3:30 Secret Storm 4:00 Daniel Boone 4:00 Wild West 4:00 Newt 4:30 CBS Newt 5:30 Parent OS) 1:00 Walton . 9:00 Movie. I WRDU-TV, CHANNEL ZS. DURHAM 7:00 Today 9:00 New Zoo 9:30 Not, Worn. Only 10:00 Dinah Shore 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Sale of Century 11:30 Hollywood 12:00 Jeoperdv 12:30 Wh, What Wh. 1:00 Watch Child 1:30 3 on a Match 2:00 Dtvt of Uvea 3:30 Doctors 1:00 Bay City 1:30 Peyton Piece 4:00 Somerset 4:30 Movie 4:00 Newt 4:30 NBC Newt T-M Call of West 7:30 Jona. Winters 4:00 Jack Benny 9:00 Ironside 10:00 Dean Marttft 11:00 New 11 :30 Tonight ShoT WFMY-TV. CHANNEL t, GREENSBORO 00 Good Morning oo capt. Kangaroo :M Old Rebel :30 Merv Griffin :30 Price It 00 Gambit 30 Love of Lite oo When Heart :30Seerch 1:00 Today'i Woman 1 :30 World Turns 3:00 Guiding Light 2;30 Edge of Night Itoo Lave it 3:30 Secret Storm 4:00 Vln Scully 4:20 Gomer Pyle 4:00 Bio Valley WRAL-TV, CHANNEL I, RALEIGH 00 Daybreak a Commentary 20 Make With 00 Untie Paul 30 Elllott-LeLenne :30 Mike Douelat :M Password jo Bewitched :00 News 1310 Spilt Second 1:00 My Children 1:30 Make Deal 2:00 Newlvwed Im Dating 3:40 General Hot. 3:30 Tall the Truth 4:00 Parry Mason 4:00 Truth Or lilt Jeannle 5 H ' 7:00 Andy Griffith f:00 Movto 11:01 NnvM i I 4:00 New 4iMCjt VmN Kung PM 10:00 Street lliOt Nagej. 11:30 SnterfalrirnatJ WUNC-TV, CHANNEL 4 OUAPEL HILL 0:11 Ripples 9:30 Loom to Think 10:00 Sesame it, ! 11:00 Culture 11:2 Film 1:30 Granny 1130 Moth :J0 Culture 3:00 Film StSO Reedy, Si : Tm graliieertjW firMufll Savings Announces New High Yields. DAILY I NTEREST COMPOUNDED DAILY Effective Jan. 1, 1973 PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS 5 S 5.13 $S,000 MINIMUM BIPOf IT (iaMitNiTrmt 534s5.92 $S,000 MINIMUM DEPOSIT (t) Month Tsrm) m m I Cemeeeeded aa M wAlelhl.l.re.1 rilftcllvt Yield 5.39 $ 1 0. OOO MINIMUM DEPOS'T (24) Mentis Tarm) 6 6.18 Mt ecceiints west rsmain eeen SO aoys to eetn. Mutual Savings & Loan Association 11 2 West Parrish Street Durham, N. C. PUGGT ..ii.i ' --mf iita-B- rTLiFFVS IDOKme TOQV hope YOU PUSSV SW6 HE'S 60NM A PIN VOUR CARS r v. BACX. t ' .....m.m uiui nvrisir iirinrr f NrVHEWE 1 Hchku mc If ho -rtOWXX He 5KltBll RUM IVJTO OJOWT 5BC- FLOWOft TW I FLPtTTEH HIM UK! A act, oo Vou LIKE OUR FftRM, kpU6Y . - i eat. . 1 I V vk oiittI flOnno Oiirsavts UPQnrl Wr "TUPCfF A. SCREiTN i f BUT. "THERE'S ONE" 1 Dont LIKE Um A.U. these fues.mlon your winlww, j i on my hehw: i Wf A.ROUN0 HERE! If WteOC'W SCREEH9 .SAlrTZllM r , ... sfl I NICc W?W. I ivj tuW 1 in M 14a. wta. LPU6y? 7 1 1 tltAslalllBJpV --1 tup OtrusVtiLl f ' aagojjeen ON MV uvicua WOLD unniMiU I s.tr iwvsvr : i TUE MELONS fV. I 1 M J 1 II 15 t7l Ut I CEQbrtkl rs T k,ni- uvict s THOU6HT HIS . FORTUME VBSMRDE! I MUX I V Lffi 1 17 iit Aiuvf l I it nil i 9ic i wn r i MoT6viTv WAS J I i : . A x i - i w i HKV6ST V"' -A 1 1 1 EVEN ON6; r. i v sAi i ItWffi--,.! TRE vines REVj sp FRST THEV VtORE OUT WmXM 0RR661N" I 'Em PrROUND ! rWANNft OOTOV I'D XII (NMMT A MINUTE! J (VOO DON'T V ( ?$Z cIEBX THE CtRCUS iTLOVF ) X".L DASM IN ftND) I NEEO SUCH A ItJrr FOILED PM VJTH ME f) TO. (CETA BETTER FANCY OTL IrLS SdERTHE "r hLmdl lSfiRS iKV irPXLi - -1!'!!'' fl r (for the ,X.7cc -at THE FIZZLE FAMILY 7 w h t hho rmNICE OF VOU VFINEIUL- I I I IHlfill T HOWS "THE .i ki--viufyr m-rr nnn i DELICIOUS f tnaty 1 -4j ar ..-W. . m BT fV WWtX r--r Kuci i o ncuT;T? ) . A aW . ak 1 U.U.UUDTST I K IHf ..lOVLni S' L& 3 nuuuv, ' - ' II 1 VI t " " ' I " ' " 1 tintSr-- XSta T..IM.T Ml S. II mrd V LYfgoNg, 4 iit w l. fa M,vi , m OVSTERS0O, SWSSSi hrr MV HLrSBftNO'S f r THE FIZZLE FAMILY ELMO from the position of Film Edi tor. Murray, also fim critic for the New York Amsterdam Nw and author of the forthcoming Bobbe-Merrill book on Hack fimmakirsj, "To Find An I rnsjje" said that material sub mitted by five contributors wai gleamed from more than 50 recent interviews conducted it Hollywood and New York at well as supplementary research obtained during some 15 months prior to publication. -AWARD (Continued from Front Page) that his troop has won. 108. The final presentations were the "Eagle Awards to Daniel and Eugene Jacobs, students of Rogers Herr Junior High School and the sons of Mr. & Mrs. Frank Jacobs Sr of Moreland Avenue and Sylvester Smith the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Smith of Cornell Street, and a student at Durham High School. The awards were pre sented by Mr. Billie D. Judd, Boy Scout District Chairman. Encouraging remarks were given by the Rev. A.L. Thomp son, given Institutional Repre- wentation and pastor or fttsi Calvary Baptist Church. Only those who have tra veled the "rugged road" of scouting and attained the Eagle Award can know the joy and pride of these young men and the distincetion of being an Eagle Scout. Due to the ag gressiveness of Scout Master Jacobs and his assistant Scout Master RM. Hayes' educated conscientious leadership, Troop 108 and the Lyon Park Com munity haveN their First Eagle Scouts. Mr!" Jacobs asked to become the Scout Master in 1967 when the troop was with out a leader ssai since that time has f Bled a church Bufte tin Board and Scrapbook with badges, trophies, ribbons, etc., I w - iH I 1 1 . tH mm 'i&i- i aaV' iH aaaawf ajS ijaSsflaal mm fiNf CM ANCE in 90 or. trie ejeMa of fJttt Babbl anal Mrs. Oemnol Mwotrts o Met w haaHieel to Dr. Ralph W. UttewJ 'owrNJcrrlon-March af L ll ifilSJ. Tr""-"- Oimos, who hat twhe taut, grown mm u r B T rs e . i mi ' 1 KZaof-jriM gJJ-yiY lSr3KtS5X. (WeoQ 1 " l m 'i is bs m-- liwl TELL (Continued from Front Page) perience, he was successful in unseating a corrupt city of ad ministration by becoming Ma yor of Jersey City. -John Edward Mogk, 33, Provessor of Law, Wayne State Boby doctor soys: 'Twins Mean Double Everything: Twice , I 4 :r tTw.v. rwnrl Prtontltfll C.tlTP. University of Law, Ofebott, Michigan He organized and headed a highly successf ul com munity action organization which took command of its own destiny and is rtwerstng the "dying process)" of one of Detroit's central neighborhoods. - -Jon BBot Rohde, 31, Resi dent Pediatrics, Children's Hos pital Madfcal Center, Boston Massachusetts, A distinguished medical scholar, bis work is es pecially significant In defining the bwkgicai mechanisms of cholera. He also headed relief operations in the wake of the 1968 typhoon which brought death, sickness and starvation to Pakistan, later giving further medical aid to refugees from that country. -Larry Gale Rohrman, 34, Pastor of the First Baptist ii 1 1 UiaoiMinM tjnurcn, vactuuu, When Hurricane Camille smash ed through Bltoxi, Mississippi in 1968, Rohrman directed re lief operations which brought food, water and clothing to that city's 60,000 inhabitants. He later became Pastor of the largest church of any denomina tion in Mississippi. -Joseph Stanley Sanders, 30, Attorney, Los Angeles, Califor nia. An Ail-American football athlete, Rhodes Scholar and graduate of the Yale School of Law, Snaders grew up in the Watts community and returned there to enrich the lives of its citizens. Sanders co-founded the Watts Summer Festival at that time one of the largest for Black people held anywhere in the country. He has also been active in legal reform on behalf of human rights. -Bobby Loyd Thomas, 35 County Judge, Waco, Texas. I s. . ,., a mb11 HP a vac farm in DJlll V 11 a 9IUOU x tyAu .. " depression times, Thomas was stricken with polio at age 15 and has since been confined to a wheelchair. He overcame these conditions to become a distinguished law scholar and to build a great record of pub lic service In his home state. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1. Rant 5. Joke: slang O Tim; 12. Image 13. L-ara game 14. Ore deposit 15. Fried cake 17 Pnssaeewav 18. Ally 21. Latin 22. Be 23. Dawn goddess 27. Roofing rock 30. Look at 32. Leaner 33. Nails 34. Monkey 35. Japanese coin 36. Tellurium: chem. 37. Map book 39. Clever 41. Ocean 45. Split 47. Appease rrrr ; r'rjT" e 7s . a.g- - 5 1" 35 ! hy Ralph W Gause.M O Senior Medical Consultant The National Foundation March of Dimes Twins! No matter how blase you are about a baby, you feel a twinge of delight when faced with two smiling cherubs identical from top curl to big toe. After the first shock and ini tial chaos at home, parents be come accustomed to the double dose. And they never quite get over the wonder of having twins. The chances of this happen ing are about 1 in 73 for black women in the United States, and mauiot wmie wnwu. avninninit nrnira even less 1 muuiu ww often among Orientals. Women 35 to 40, with several children, are more likely to conceive twins than a young woman pregnant for the first time. Twins can be identical (mon ozygotic from one egg), or fraternal (dizygotic-from two eggs). Geneticists believe that fraternal twinning is a family characteristic, inherited from either the maternal or paternal But they are less certain about the factors that lead to identical twins. Use of fertility rlnm which can result in mul- I mi - , ii-s- tjple ovulation ana muiupie births, may have boosted inci dence statistics in recent years. Whatever the genetic or hor monal mystery, there is no doubt about the extra prenatal care needs of a woman expect ing twins When the diagnosis is made, she is considered a "high link" mother. Early Attention A "high risk" pregnancy is one in which the mother has a history of rmscarriage, diabe tes, high blood pressure, or other serious health problems. A multiple pregnancy is also 'Oiigh risk" for many reasons. There is excessive stress on the mother's uterus and greater danger of prematurity. An unborn twin has the same needs as one growing alone, and '48. Pure and simple ,49. German "1" 150. Experienced R1 Cnmtnrt 52. Bashful 53. nun DOWN 1. Swing music 23. Recede Aniwtr to Puttie ihrase 2. Land measure 4. Come in 5. Flashed 6. Main arteries 7. Depart 8. Baba 9. Evergreen shrub 10. At rest 11. Animal 16. Sings in a round 17. Public notice 19. Printer's measure 22. Wing Z4. uver: poet. 25. Breaks 27. Weapons 28. Golf mound 29. Sea eagle 31. Poem 32. Showy 34. Fasten to 37. Article 38. Shuffle 39. Pinnacle 40. Appeal 41. In 42. Chinese weight 43. Eskimo house 44. Whale 46. Service charge 49. Lives WHICH FORM OP CURReMO.PflP oft com. is M0e comv mm SOvtRUMftlf 10 MftlNfftlHg JL . row c swei iw 19 MOKE? WW ruoki nue veAgf I wae iwe itnum &m of i WW BfliBElv V- mW fltaaasl, "'jf"- Wk J4j rto'rtt i k 'atflUiCCU lt.OsJ UlrtU Cuff f reUHIr4S IT IKI COILs J "1 a' .... ask .ABtAaearline1 HCArV MAI4V R05E PETALS ARE RHOUVWD TO MA POUMCE OF ATTAR OF DSE6? 2 TOMS OF ROSE PETA15 WLL rrv.ir-e u OllvirP DC TUkC PPPRSMb MO! IK 10 sink foR& -me ymfy VtfiU ki- Cr-vn urMtl n o DCQCnti StftV flUVg LOWER WI1H WIME ORVIn-fURl? CAU SURVIVE LOWefR CM WfttW SlVie VOUtD HOT dUCMCH 1HIR5TI YJHAT VoTWE TEMPERATURe OF THE MOON ? THE SUMWV 6I0E Wptj at 3gi - 3 At- icm4 aenu vPCC)' l - aaaaaE. gaaaaaaaaan i urn i NO! IT IS ACTUAU.Y rid it can be a struggle for each to receive enough nourisrunent, especially in the last two or three months. Early, regular prenatal care (PNC) is essential for every pregnant woman, but particu larly for one at risk, PNC re duces the possibility of pre mature birth, with its dangers of retardation, lung or heart disease, or many of the birth defects that affect some 250, 000 infants annually. The National Foundation March of Dimes emphasizes prenatal care in its educational material, and, in cooperation with community organizations, helps support prenauti care clinics for mothers and inten sive care nurseries for dis tressed newborn Forewarned is forearmed" for the obstetrician and the pa tient I can't exaggerate the importance of early diagnosis of a multiple pregnancy. We know that to prevent pre maturity or other complications this mother will need more rest, k.Wor niitritinn and more at ---- - tention than the mother with a single pregnancy. Special PNC Needs When twins are coming, I am particularly concerned about the last three months. We can detect unexpected be ginnings of labor and prevent extremely early delivery by confining the patient to bed. Many doctors prescribe long periods of bed rest during the last weeks of a multiple preg nancy. Twin studies promise to help shed light in physiology, im munology, psychology, genet ics, and other scientific fields. But, just the way it is twins provide endless subject matter for jokes, pranks, fun, excite ment, joy. Ask the man who's been there; my twin sons are 4WI . U now t) years oiu Skyjacking is an increasing concern. Stewardesses may be asked to peas along the aisle with barsrkuffs for everyone. Distaff Deeds Many Uses Found For Holiday Basket Idea By JANICE CHRISTENSEN No need to spend a lo of money on Christmas favors. Instead adapt ar idea from Anson County. It seems that just be fore Thanksgiving, mem bers of Anson County's Extension Homemakers Clubs got together to make tray favors for patients at McCain Hospitals The baskets, trimmed in orange and yellow, were attractively filled with artificial grapes, chewing gum and candy, reports Mrs. Rebecca Gaddy, home economics extension agent. As the homemakers worked, they began to think of all kinds of ways to use similar baskets. One lady decided to use them for her child's kindergarten friends as a Christmas favor. A school teacher plans to teach her students to make them as Christmas gifts and a 4-H leader is planning to use the baskets as table favors for her church group. "The baskets have really made u bit with the homemakers." Mrs. Gaddy concluded, "and the idea has spread to many other organiza tions." LADY MECHANICS Twenty Alamance County homemakers now I know more about the operation of their cars and are able to make some simple repairs, thanks to a Powder Puff Mechanic workshop for Extension Homemakers. The women became so interested in the work shop that they have asked the instructor to give them an advanced course, says Mrs. Ozetta Guye. home economics exten sion agent. SPRUCE UP ROOM Learning to refinish furniture has given a Rowan County home maker the incentive to spruce up her dining room. The lady, Mrs. Carl Hawkins. Salisbury, Rt. 8, refinished a fairly large oval table during a workshop conducted by Edith Hinshaw, extension home economics agent. And Mrs. Hawkins was so pleased with the results that she started working on two otter tables and a china closet that were gives to hex. Hawkins installed wall-to-wall carpet in the dining area artCi the family ordered new chairs that would match the refin ished dining table. Small wonder Mrs. the rest of her furniture refinished. the aalst noted. 7T ' tmummt. "V Vrrr "if

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