4 A THE CAROLINA TIMES HOOKED IB I SAW an- J-.2Q, Funeral Services Held For Kenneth Wayne Taborn There are mam objectives in our world thai could be reached if only each person would find his relationship with God our Maker. Many loose 'pats that are not put tofether by men like us. will not cause things to work as they ought unless we use what wd have to glorify God through men. In raalin God has .no hands ex cept ours. Therefore, each in dividual should use what he has to please the God of his salva tion. There should be a type of hunger within nun that drives him into action. In other words. one isn't satisfied until that which is out of rhythm or or der is placed back into operation When man has little or nothing to offer God In return for re Coring order to our confused world, there must be a cause. A problem never exists without a cause. Henry Van Dyke, a religious thinker said. "Self is the only prison thai can ever vind the soul." In other words, man en slaves his own soul or very often leaves himself open when some one does it for him, but nasi' rally, the individual is resoonsi- Rev. C.R.Stone. D.D. ble. If a mai.'s soul is bound where he may not worship his God under any circumstance, then man somewhere along the way enslaved his own soul. In essence, man sold out to a god that failed him at the time that he needed him most. On one occasion in biblical history Paul and Silas were ! - - DUiliHHiAn tAtl kill DOUI1U 111 r lllllfpMli jati uuv their souls were not bound, therefore, they were free in the sight of God because they had done no wrong for their en slavement. He who hath ears to hear let him hear. Funeral services for Kenneth Wayne Taborn of 2507 S. Rox boro St., Apt. 54, were held at 2:30 pjn. on January 15 with Bishop Jerome S. Brown 3ffi dating. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lula B. Taborn, two sons, Darryl Wayne and Harold Douglas Taborn and one dau ghter, Miriam Jennie Taborn of the home; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ifwin Taborn of Dur ham; five sisters, Mrs. Joyce Barnette, Mrs. Margie Reed, and Mrs. Eleanor Johnson, all of Durham; Mrs. Carolyn Har rison of Landover, Md. and Mrs. Elaine Johnson of Los Angeles, Calif, two brothers, Miles Taborn of Durham and the Rev. J.T. Scott of Gastonia. L KORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as ad ministrator of the estate of PEARL CARRINGTON LYON, deceased, late of Durham County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against said estate to exhibit them to the under signed at 1116 N. Hyde Park Avenue. Durham, North Car olina, on or before November I. 1972, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate arc asked to make immediate payment. This, the 24th day of April. 1972. James Carrington. Administrator of the Estate of (Mrs.) Pearl Carrington Lyon. Deceased M. Hugh Thompson. Attorney 203'- E. Chapel Hill Street Post Office Box 1422 Durham, North Carolina April 29; May 6. 13. 20, 1972 NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE uHomMSam virtue of thevtw cffHW'tWltarnrxl in a certain Deed of Trust executed by LACEY KNIGHT and wife. BEATRICE KNIGHT, and recorded in Mortgage Book 704. at page 138, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Durham County, North Carolina, default hav ing been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to fore closure, the undersignd will offer for sale at Public Auc tion to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse Door in Durham County, North Carolina, at NOON on the 16th day of February, 1973. the property conveyed in said Deed of Trust, the same lying and being in the Countv of Durham and State of North Carolina, in Dur ham Township, and more particularly described as fol lows : . ALL that certain lot or par cel of land on the West side of Booker Avenue a short dis tance from the City of Dur ham, being known as Lots Nos. 239 and 240 of FOR ESTWOOD PARK, as per plat and survey of F. M. Carlisle, C. E., dated November 30, 1046, and being recorded in Plat Book 18, at pages 132 and 133 In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Dur ham County, and being more particularly described as BE GINNING at a stake on the Southwest side of Booker Avenue, said stake being 648. 8 feet from the southwestern intersection of Booker Ave nue and Cook Road; running thence South 65 degrees 34 minutes West 150 feet to a stake in the lines of Lot 238. 271 and 270; thence South 24 deg. 26 East 50 feet along the line of Lots 270 and 269 to a stake in the corners of Lots 269, 268, and 241; thence along the northwest line of Lot 241. North 65 deg. 34' East 150 feet to a stake in the west side of Booker Ave nue; thence along Booker Avenue. North 24 deg. 26' West 50 feet to the point of BEGINNING r , THIS PROPERTY WILL BE sold subject to all prior en cumbrances and taxes and all 1972 ad valorem taxes and THIS 5AI.K will remain oeii for ten (10 days t'i re reive increased bids. av re nuired by liiw. This liah day uf January, urn J. J. Henderson. Trustee H'ilttfw A Harsh. Jr.. Attorney Jtn. 2ft. 27: Keh. :t. 50. 1973 I lie payment of the indebted ness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned will offer for sale at Public Auction. to the highest bidder for cash ;t the Courthouse Poor in Durham County. North Carolina, at Noon on ilu 2fith dav of January. !973. the pronerty convey in said Deed of Trust, the same lying and being in the Coun ty of Durham and S'alc of North Carolina, in Durham Township, and more particu larly described as follows; BEGINNING at a stake on the western side of United States' Highway No. 70, said stake being in the northern line of Lot No. 15 as shown on plat of the J. W. Evans Estate made by E. L. Cul breth. C. E.. on June 12, 1fl37. and recorded in rat Book 12. page 13, Registry of Durham County, which said point of -beginning is also North 18 degrees 40 minutes Fast 122.1 feet from the point of intersection of the north western line of the property taken bv the North Carolina SUBS Highway, and PubWft tv"orks CommissTdri, and the western property line of United States Highway No. 70 as it existed at the time the plat was made of said prop erty by Credle Engineering Company, on the 31st day of January. 1958. and running thence North 86 degrees 40 minutes West along the line of Lot No. 15, as shown on said plat recorded in Plat Book 12, page 13, a distance of 96.65 feet to an iron stake; thence South 5 degrees 43 minutes West along the line of Lot No. 14 a distance of approximately 125 feet, more or less, to an iron stake; thence North 71 degrees 0 minutes East a distance of 140.07 feet to a stake in the western property line of United States Highway 70; thence along the western property line of United States Highway No. 70, the western property line of United States Highway No. 70, North 18 de grees 40 minutes West a dis tance of 74.5 feet to an iron stake, the place and point of beginning. .. On said property is located a store building known as 948 South Miami Boulevard. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE sold subject to all prior en cumbrances and taxes and all 1972 ad valorem taxes and as sessments. THIS SALE will remain open for ten 10) days to re ceive increased bids, as re quired by law. This 26th day of Decem ber, 1972. W. J. WALKER, JR., .Trustee WILLIAM A , MARSH, JR., Atty. - December 30. 1872 January 6, 13, and 20, 1973. Wm. Payne's Rites Held In Newark, New Jersey Thurs. William B. Payne of Ne wark, N.J. formerly of Dur ham, died in a Newark hospital on Thursday morning, January 11 after a brief illness. Funeral services were held Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. at the Perry's Funeral Home in Newark. Survivors include : a daugh ter, Miss Robin Payne of Ne wark; his mother, Mrs. Mabel Payne and a brother, Cardell Payne, both of Philadelphia, Pa. an uncle, Sam Scott, Sr.; two aunts, Miss Blanche Scott and Mrs. Evelyn S. Evans all of Durham; and a host of rela tives and friends. He received his education in the Durham City Schools and was a graduate of Hillside High. He worked at the VA Hospital in Newark for a num ber of years. GOD AND ME By Donald Love NORTH CAROLINA !rilllAM COUNTY NOTICE OP SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contain ed in a certain Deed of Trust executed by WINGATE T. JONES and wife, VIRGINIA D. JONES, and recorded in Mortgage Book 41, at page 587. in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Durham County, North Carolina' :1B (fault having been made in Manuelito was a Navajo lead er during the lMOs who led his people in a struggle against the U.S. government. Last Rites Are Held For Mrs. Eula Prince Funeral services for Mrs. Eula Prince of 1806 Fayette ville Street were held at 4:00 p.m. January 17 at ST. Joseph A.M.E. Church. Rev,. -WIlHam Turner officiated. Survivors include four dau ghters, Mrs. Eula Mae Hayes, Mrs. Juliet Prince and Mrs. Mildred P. Seals, all of Day- tona Beach, Florida; Mrs. Eu nice P. Sims of St. Petersburg, Florida; one sister, Mrs. Ger trude Winslow of Durham and with whom she resided for several years; 15 grandchildren, and 13 great grandchildren. Interment will be in Mt. Ararat Cemetery in Daytona Beach, Florida on Saturday, January 20. By DONALD LOVI This is a personal declara lion every one has to make sometime in the life time of that individual. You can not send any one in your place, this is your task. It does not necessarily has lo be in the life time of that or any per son, you will have to meet Him dead or alive. This just might sound strange to you hut it has to be done. One of the strangest thing about man is, he is so doubt ful. He docs not believe any thing nor any body. It is amazing how man rejects and will not accept how God created and the method He used. Because the world was not put together the way man would have done it, now it is wrong. . & Wc have two forces, good and evil. The good force is or could be classified as posi livc and evil as negative. The two forces are controlled by two spirits, God and the Devil. It so happens that God is in control of both but he allows the devil to be the chjcf of this evil force with limited power. Wc say: "The Devil is mighty but God is almighty." Wc confess, the devil answers to God. When God met the devil and man in the Garden of Eden and issued curses upon the devil, man and woman for disobeying Him. The devil has not done what God said not do. He has followed the commands of God. Can man make these claims? Out of all of God's creation, man caused more trouble than all others combined ( Yoti, might -wonder, why man has caused so much trou ble? Man is possessed with both forces, good and evil. Man also has a choice to make over and above the other cre ation. When God blew Into man the breath of life' and man became a living soul, God did not do this to any of Hi.s other creations. When the devil persuaded woman to do what God said don't do, then is when this evil force en tered both man and woman. God spoke to vegetation and commanded it to do cer tain things, but it has never crossed God as yet. You have never seen pear trees produc ing plums, grape vines Bear ing berries, oak trees bear ing acorns, later begin to pro duce oranges. The same is true with the animal king dom: the fish of the sea, the fowls of the air and beast of the field. All of these obey God except man. WORDS FOR THE WORLD THE MATERIAL WORLD is the world of corruption and death. It is the world of evil and darkness, of animalism and ferocity, bloodthirstiness, ambi tion and avarice, of self-worship, egotism and passion; it is the world of nature. Man must strip himself of all these im perfections. BAHA'I WRITINGS ENCODER OPERATOR General Telephone Company of the South east needs an individual capable of averag ing 12.000 keypunch strokes per hour for work as an encorder. If you can meet the qualifications and are available for work 3:45 p.m. to 12:15 a.m., please call or come by our employment office. GENERAL TELEPHONE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE HOLLOW AY STREET PHONE 68? 0411 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY .EMPLOYER God has punished man so many time, but man desires tn be rebellious and brings more of God's wrath down on kim The world was . destroyed once due to man fighting back st God. God used water ana wiped man, off the face of the earth, saved eight: Noah and his family. God wiped out a city once by means of fire and brimstone, save Lot and his family. As much as God lias done to man because of his stiff neck against Him, when will man turn to his Maker? Cities were lost by means of wars due to this fight hack man used against God. Wc have nations today mai oc lieve not in God. And nations just as ours. America, who say that we believe in God. Why are we so afraid of the ungodly powers? David, just a boy, chal lenged a man, ndl even a man but a giant of a man. He re membered how God took care of him when out on the plains with his flock. All kinds of wild beast would slip into his herd seeking food for themselves and no doubt their young but Dav id s task was to look after his father's flock. He remember ed the bear he killed with NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DURHAM IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION NANCY McARTHUR STOROSHENKO KANE, - Vs - CHARLES ERNEST KANE, Defendant TO: CHARLES ERNEST KANE, TAKE NOTICE THAT: A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. That nature of the relief be ing sought is as follows: To secure an absolute di vorce on the part of the plaintiff based upon the grounds of one year separa tion between the plaintiff and the defendant; You are required to make" a defense to such pleadings not later than the 14th day of February, 1973, and upon .yum- iauure 10 CIO SO MC party seeking relief against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 37th day of De cember, 1973. G. B. HODSON Attorney for Plaintiff P.O. Box 183 Chapel Hill, N. C. Jan. 6, 13, 30, 1373. 1888 1971 White Rock Baptist Church Lorenzo A. Lynch, Minister 3400 FAYETTEVILLE STREET OA." Sunday, January 21, I TO H HC 9:30 A.M. CMlJKOi SCHOOL 10:55 A.M. : WORSHIP qSBRMON: i 22 The Senior Choir Leading the Singing Mr. J. n Gattis, Organist, Director 5:00 P.M. 7:30 P.MA 2C 4 3Dv OPE lBHrAm!lf ,.. .. I 14 pnii rtionti that strengthens is emphasized in our inspiring memorial service. We seek to comfort the bereaved by reminding them of the eternal truths of their faith through our tribute to the memory of the deported SCARBOROUGH AND HARGETT, INC I Pit N I R A L DlRICTOIt -. HOURS AMPUlAMCI MRVKX 34 m g BpiMiinnMBI fP Church Page his bare hands, the lion he killed also with bare hands. Ho knew that 'was-not David, he gave credit where credit was due and that was to uoa Now faith has come and he is more determined now than ever to take en this giant in the name of the Lord for the Lord. Man knows nothing but wars. He Can tell more about war than any other subject. I am not referring to Ameri ca, this is a world wide prob lem. Wc have wars ariaf' ru mors of wars. It is unftcliev- LL. able Just how many war fronts we have today. All the wars we have had up"M0 is due to man constant re belling against God, and God is pouring His wrath put on man due to this disobedient heart. When man turns to God as he should and as God requires of him, not America only but man as a whole, then wc can lay our swords down, remake our war arma ments into garden and farm mr tools I have a part to play in bringing about good relation ship among man. The love that I am suppose to have should rub off me on to some one else. Did I carry myself so this could have been done? When God gets me hy myself with Him, this and , other questions I will be asked by Him. I have been called Into judgement by my maker as to how I conducted myself doing the things He required of me. Doing my best will be a frightful time when we meet, God and me. OPENING FOR Advertising Salesman GOOD PAY RAPID ADVANCEMENT - FOR REAL WORKER Need Energetic Person With Inititative, Dependability. Must Have Car Call For Appointment With1 J. ELWOOD CARTER, Advertising Manager DIAL 682-2913 or 688-6587 f A.M. to 4 P.M. An Equal Opportunity Employer CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION OF Mechanics and farmers Bank -.. of Durham in the State of North Carolina and Domestic Subsidiaries at the close of business on December 29, 1972. ltd ic:toit mil iT ptth and due from banks r. .... U. S. Treasury securities Obligations of other U. S. Government agencies and corporations Obligations of States and political subdivisions . . Other securities " . i '-. . , . i -) U " . Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell ...... . . .'! Vv. . .". Other Loans :'. . . . ; T. Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises Real estate owned other than bank premises .... Other assets V' i liW .mlf. tn; $ 3,766,416.3 t . 3,730.701.45 . 7,581.994.64 . 6,103.702.40 . 9,041.72 . 8,800.000.00 . 11,436108.16 857.261.18 10.916.04 393,016.26 TOTAL ASSETS $37,694,158.24 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations , Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Deposits of United States Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Certified and officers' checks, etc. TOTAL DEPOSITS .'. .$34,166,230.59 (a) Total demand deposits $14,289,922.89 (b) Total time and savings deposits .... .$19,876,307.70 Mortgage indebtedness Other liabilities 10,709,674.02 17.139,482.15 1.904,024.98 3.782,521.56 630,527.89 222.806.48 425.748.14 TOTAL LIABILITIES MINORITY INTEREST IN CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARIES ..$34,814,785.21 RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES 22,500.18 Reserve for bad debt losses on loans Reserve on securities TOTAL RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES ,. . CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital notes and debentures $180,000.00 at 4.95 due 1990 ; $500,000.00 at 6.25 due 1982 ......... Equity capital, total Common stock-total par value . . ( No. shares authorized 200.000) (No. shares outstanding 134,156 ) Surplus Undivided profits TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 150,368.14 . 1.500.00 .$ 151.868.14 680400.00 2,025,004.71 670.782 50 TOTAL LIABILITIES. RESERVES, AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS . . 1,158,474.50 195.747.71 "21705,004 71 $37,694,158.24 MEMORANDA Average of total deposits for the 15 calendar days ending with call date $33,201,492.52 Average of total loans for the 15 calendar days ending with call date $11,347,219.68 I, J. B. Anglin, Jr., Comptroller, of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that this report of condition is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Total deposit of the State of N. C. or any official thereof $994,626.36 State of North Carolina, County of Durham, as: Correct Attest: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 16th day of January, 1973, and I hereby certify that I W. J. Kennedy, Jr. am not an officer or director of this bank. j is www Josephine S. Strayhorne, Notary Public My commission expires December 10, 1974. J. 8. Stewart Directors fP omen's Page Durham Sorfrf NofesOf Of hrttrtsf MRS. SY MINER IUYE 1ELEPIIONE 477-B70 ATTEND PUNMAL Mr. ami Mr. Thcodort YYiitiuui :ml faintly of Whiti Mains. .w Jww: Mollis Shaw of New York: Mr. and Mr. Billy Simmon f Tako m fan. Md.: Mr. and Mrs tannic Forte and son of Orange. N. J.: Rohon ?hsw of Sew Yorh weni in the city alK'tulinc the funeral of their father, the late (trover Shaw. "... tt V; Mrs. Sola Folks of Itnuno tnont. visited her daughter son-in-law. and grandchild ren. Mr. and Mrs. Itcsic Mae of Kinston. recently. s Mr. and Mrs. Prince Peaks of Philadelphia were home visiting her father. Sain Par of Bahama, and her sisters. Miss Annie taura Parker, and Mrs. Anna Lee Yanhook of Rougcmont. O 4 Regular service was held at Red Mountain Baptist Church on Sunday. January 7 at 11 a.m. Installations .sermon was delivered hy R e v. James Stewart. The guest speaker was presented by the pastor. Rev. N. Harvey. Rev. Harvey said Rev. Stewart is known as "Father of Wisdom." Rev. Stewart's message was taken from St. Matthew 11:38-29. "Getting Uack Home Rev Stewart spoke of God's offi cers. Matthew's symbol was an ox and he wrote for the Jews. Mark's symbol was,-a lion and he wrote for the Romans. Luke's symbol Was an eagle and ho wrote for the Greeks and John hsd a uni versal duty and this duty was for everybody. John Said' 'V was in the spirit on the Lord's day " Rev. Stewart- also said the church is a spiritual In stitution. Music was rendered by the junior choir, under the supervision of Mrs. Pattie P. Bullock. The men ushered. ji igrat ulations to the proud nts. Rev. and Mrs. Wil Wye. orrfhfir5 new ar rivala precious little baby girl! fMrs. Elnora . Joyner Weav-er-and daughter of New York spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jcfyncr of Rosedale Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Carter and son. Hugo, Jr. spent the holidays with Mrs. Carter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Isiah Parker of Bahama. Mr. and Mrs. Carter and son reside in Omaha, Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robin son of Hampton, Va. spent the holidays with their par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Irene Long in Dur ram. Mrs. Kara Mae P. Harris of New York spent the holidays with her sister, Mrs. Irene Long of Durham. Congratulations and best wishes to the newlywcds, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leon Smith. E. J. .Hedgspeth and son, Gregory, of Washington, D. C. have returned home after spending a few days with his sister. Mrs. Murdle Reams, brother. Ford Hedgspeth. Gregory spent his time with Marcel I Parker. 0 STUDENTS HOME FOH THE HOLIDAYS Misses Gizzettc Webb, La; Wanda tawson, Tralia Eaton. Anedia Fuller, Cathey Fuller, Palelia Mason. Esther Shfl ton. Gloria Itig. Sharon ling, Elizabeth 'Jones, a teaeher. Cathy Scoggins: Joan Scoggins. Wanda Lips comb. Brenda Wilson. Brcnda Tiirrcntinc, YoLanda Urn stead, Jackie Jones, IxVcrn Yancey. Rostand Umslead. Sylvia Holman, L a Wanda Weeks. Dell Glenn, Wanda Gentry. I.uanne Edmonds, Mi rl'ollc DeJarmnn, Elmira Mangum, Mrs. Emma Bridges. Mrs. Mary Irving. Gloria Johnson, Phyllis White. Unda Lipscomb, Mary Glenn, sheita Bullock, Clem entine -Bullock. Rosalyn Gale McLatvthltn, Sheila Evans. Klitla McMillian. Dcneise Woods. Joyce Martin Jean Glenn. Davie Glenn, Robbie Glenn, Gcrlas Glenn, Tomi acne Moore. Dianne Harris, Dorinda Smith. Anna Wil liams, Jacquelyn Maltoy. Norma Alycc Bennett, June Williams. I.eroy Parker. Sri. larry Torrent inc. Jr.. Rodney Love. Connie Johnson. Everett Wv Johnson. Jr.. Connie Bullock. Bernard Glenn, Chirk' Talc. Michael White. Oliver Buttnek Jr.. Ranald E. McUUftNlin.' and Ronald McMillian. .Sincere and "heartfelt syn? " pathy'$ the jsjte MiN.jiel&i halt Hollow ay family. Mrs! Mary Justice. ; l The late Amos Wilson fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Har ris and family. Mrs. I.ucy Wilson ad fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Par ker. The late Willis Cornelies Judkins. The late Mrs. John Hollo way family. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Dave, and family Rev. ;&lph llolloway ami family, ji-. Mrs. Viola Philpol and fam ily. Mrs. Fannie Parker and family. The late Charlie Atkins Jr. family. Mr . and Mrs. Charlie At kins Sr. famih Rev. and Mrs. T. Taylor. For God so loved the world, the He gave his onlv begot ten son. that whosoever be lieveth in Him. should not perish, but have' everlasting life,- ' St. John 3:1 :t SICK" AND SHUT IN Mesdames Lucendia Jones. Elvevinla Dumas, Lena Par ker, Lola G. BuUock, C. Nix on, : Martha ' ; Harris, Mary Glenn. Sandra Mebane. Edith crisp. Martha Giraham. Elena lone., .loan Chambers Katie Long, Annie (Uep) Mack, Ma mie Edwards. Tessie Jones, Misses Vessi Ma Turrentina, Michelle Parker, Jennie Mae Jones, Selena Wall. Messrs. Moten Parker, Har vey Tilleyltr'rr Warren. Claiborne Tapp. Otis Rogers. ' William Carrington, Meardie Mangum. Sr.. Ellis D. Jones. Sr., Macon Hester, William Thompson, Sr., Joseph Wade. Willie Haskin, Sr.. Grant Rob inson, Willie Long. Jake Pointer, Richard Timberlake. Sr., William McMillian, J. Hunter, George Nurm, John nie Tilley, Charlie Atkins Sr.. Johnnie Tilly, Selena Wall, Sammie Parker. Andrew Par ker; Miss Grade Evansback, home. Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I wlii give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me: for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. St. Matthew 11:2849. pastes Don't Just Clean Teeth A listen of Dentistry" wrrtteavjn 1720 recommended "wet sponges as well as med iated herb roots" for clean ing tie .teeth. Handkerchiefs, rags,,'and sponges dipped in wet jlt were also used bc fort ilh brushes and tooth pMlHI we now know them came into being. Today, in addition to vast changes in toothbrush de signs since the original one a twig there is also a wide choice of dentifrices to choose from many of them devel oped to meet specific situa tions. There are creams, powders and liquids to cleanse teeth, some of them containing flu oride and other ingredients to help prevent cavities, oth ers with "special tooth white ncrs," and one containing a harmless strontium eloride (Sensodyne to desensitize 'touchy teeth." The tooth paste is also reported to re move plaque and polish teeth effectively when used cor rectly. In this jet age, there are many toothpastes that do double-duty. One cleans and polishes teeth and acts as a mouthwash at the same time. Toothpastes also come in a variety of flavors. Stores that sell "novelty" items have been known to offer tooth pastes flavored with a choice of scotch, bourbon or other liquor, as a spirited way to start the day. A dentist is the best person to consult about the kind of dentifrice that is best for you. Toothpastes have become ore sophisticated and so nave many of the persons who nse "em. According to an article a Drug & Cosmetic industry, dentifrice sales in 1965 amounted to $150 mu tton. In 1971, they rose to almost 906 million n was learned from a recent check with the research editor of J American Druggist, another pharmaceutical journal. How ever, it has been observed that a substantial proportion of our population stUl does not practice regular tooth brushing, and that there con tinues to be need for public awareness of and interest in preventive dentistry. PREGNANCY PLANNING AND HEAliT9! MR. k MRS. RILEY Miss Patricia Diane Elliot Is Bride of Earl The setting for the 5 pan. wedding of Miss Patricia Diane Eliot of Durham and Earl Ri ley of Leban Township, was 123 Masondaie Avenue. The Rev. R.E. Page officiated with Miss C. Annette Page as organist. The bride was given in marriage by Donald Elliot and Best Man was Reginald Eliot, brothers of the bride. Bridesmaids were Misses Joyce Fbwler and Bernice Rley (sister of the groom). The flower girl was Lila Renee Page and Ring bearer was Freddie Fleming. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Elliot of 1315 Riley Wiley Avenue, Mr. Rley is the son of Mrs. Connell Riley and the late Mr. Eariie Riley of Le ban Township. The bride wore a pink nylon floor length gown with pink satin lining, ruffled neckline and sleeves. A pink satin waistband highlighted the gown. Her veil was also pink in color. Guests were Mrs. Lyda Wray, Mrs. Bessie Suitt, Mr. and Mrs. William Fleming, Mrs. Betty Parker, Miss Tresa Suitt, Miss Vivian Knight, Miss Oe lores Hart, Miss Lisa Piersawl and Mrs. Catherine R. Page. Yotr Body knd Your ffeofrfc By JOHN F. S. CLARK, MD The Rosedale Avenue Com munity Club held their annual Christmas party December 8th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Webb. The Club sang Christmas carols. Mrs. Law rence Perry provided the music for the group to sing. Rev. Law renee gave a beautiful prayer. Miss Mammie Webb gave a read ing. Mrs. Chester Webb, the pre sident, welcomed the guests. The club played games and was served with a delicoua After the ninner, presents presented to each member. Pe ter Joyner was the Santa Cams. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Marie Bradley on January 25. All members are asked to please be present The Durham County Mis sionary Union Council, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allah Nunn on Edmon Street Satur day, December 16, 1972 at 6 o'clock. Devotion was led by Miss Ethel Stanfield. Scrip ture was read and prayer lead by Mrs. EJ5. Norris. "No Room" was the topic which was discussed by the sisters. The President is Willie Sneed. All the business of the meeting was transacted. After After the meeting we were served with many different kinds of dishes each as ham, biscuits, salad, cakes ,etc. The house was beautifuly decorated!! for the season. Irvin and Cheryl Rogers, boy: Mohammad and Fate mer Hibibian, girl; Gerald and Carolyn Ange, boy; Mi chael and Marilyn Groce, girl: Philip and Joan Stew art, girl; Ray and Ruth Huff, boy; Wayne and Marianne Colt, girl; Freddie and Wi liah Satterfied, boy; Vernon and Ella Clark, girl; William and Nora Daye, girl; William and Mary Mayes, girl; Lind sey and Patricia Dean, boy; Jesse and Mary Nance, girl; Glenard and Christine Wil liams, boy; John and Mary Evcrette, girl; Kenneth and Linda Wall, boy: Adam and Evelyn Wall, boy; Arnold and Eva Soloman, girl; Frederick and Joyce Demmings, boy: Norman and Mary WiUiams, boy; Peter and Pamela Law rason, boy; George and Jan Silver, boy. The following births reported to the Durham Coun ty Health Department during the week it January 8 through IS: Is them an ideal metnodof birth control? It is dear that at the present time no such method exists. If ther warn the ideal method would never fail; it would be 100 safe and have no' side effects, no matter how long it was pneticed. It would he cheap, always avail able, and equally easy for all women to use whether they have ever been pregnant or not It would have no ill effects on the sexual pleasure of either man or woman It would ttqt affect a woman'", natural t'erii i itv whenever Um niethod wan discontinued in order to have a T planned baby It would be so simple that' no confusion or mistakes in its use would be possible. w v. Finally, it alight very well be practiced by the man, rather than by the woman, as is the case with nearly all of th me thods now in use Though no perfect metnod of birth control is likely to be found in the near future, tiie fact is that the needs of almost any couple can be met fairly satisfactorily by some one of the present contraceptive me thods. A method perfectly acceptable to one couple may be totally unsuited to the needs of another couple. And what is suitable at one time of their lives, may be unsuitable at an other for the same couple. Before any contraceptive is perscribed, fitted or inserted, the couple should be fully in formed about how the method workd and what is required of them to make sure that It pro vides them with proper con ception control. The physician informing them must consider the method's effectiveness, the couple's medical history, and whether the method will be completely acceptable to them. The joys of motherhood are most appreciated when they come by intention rather than accident. The planned baby is more likely to be greeted by parents who are emotionally, physically and financially ready for his arrival. Also, babies :tiat,aj!e planned. and come at e right intervals are likely to healthier. 1 Family planning is first of all effective contraception. Af ter that it is really timing not having children when you are not ready; then, it you want to, having them when you are ready. Dear Mrs. 1 am a teen-age gwi of 17 go keg on IS. I have a serious pro blem with my mother concern ing my boyfriaad. I have talked t over and over with her, but she st HI rejects hha. I am a asabr in high school but because my boyfriend is a drop-out and drinks beerAy mother thinks that I should many someone with a higher rank. For Christmas he gave me an engagement ring, but my mo ther forbids me to wear tt. Listen Gloria, I love this boy very much and he loves me, too. He gives me anything I want to prove it. He has a good job and makes good money, plus he al ready has money in the bank. The way I feel now, if I cant wear his ring and marry him, I don't want naybody else. Mother hardly ever lets me go wout with him. I guess she thinks I will get pregnant, but he uses condoms anyway, he promised he wouldn't get me pregnant until I was out of school and we am married. Please tell me what to do. MkC. Dear Miss C. : You and your mother pro bably have a lot more in com mon than you realize. You are both concerned over what is best for you. If your boyfriend is a high school drop-out, your mother has every reason to worry, no matter how fine he Is as a person. High school drop-outs have a very hard time competing in today's Job mar ket. You say he has a good Job in the future without a high school diploma? If your boyfriend loves you as much as he says he does, why not ask ban to save the money he now spends on pre sents for you and send himself back to high school (or take night classes). After he has fi nished high school, he will be in a better position to ask you to marry him. Too, you would be older and in a better posi tion to know -whether of not he is the one you want to many Many early marriages break up either because the couple is too young to know what each really wants in a marriage partner, or because financial burdens be come too great. is one more thing f should ike to point out . Yew say that your boyfriend has promised y o u he will not get you pregnant before yon are married. Although condoms see a good method of birth control, they are not 100 effective. Statistics show that if 100 couples use condoms EVERY TIME they have sex for a year, at least five would still become pregnant A broken I condom could mean a broken promise! Therefore, your boy friend Is not realty in a position to make such a promise. Consider the situation if you do become pregnant: Your boy friend will no longer be able to go back to school because he will have to support a family You will not be able to get a job because you will have to take care of the chid. Your parents wll be hurt. You wll have to give up your role as a teen-ager and become a wife and And the efcM - aw yam reaX' at M, tw jhm ban the them Mm ftm reedy for all thai re P (baity ? Is your boy fMggfK' ia a lot to tkeak .bout, hat R7 Deer Mrs. Riggsbee: I km been tskkegtfcw birth control dUI for four months and irm wotk flaw. My is that I stiO fed kHi of sick to my stomas ift ! take them. Is there any oom medication I emaM take as I wouidat teal aansHd ate every paY? Mm. W. Dear Mrs. W.: The women who seem to have the most trouble with nausea are those who take the pus on an empty Take, for example, the who gets np early every ing, takes a pil, then several hours getting her i re n fed, dressed and ready for school. By the time she baa a chance to relax and have some breakfast, she may fast Baa seated because she took the pH on an empty cooking hints 9 8CSAUE SCOTT STAFF ASSISTANT from CARNATION FOOD SERVICE CENTER Here is a smooth and light Peanut Butter Pie for all you peanut butter lovers. Cook a simple custard, made rich with egg yolks and veJvetized evaporated milk, then blend with creamy peanut butter. Just pour the mixture into pie shell and cool. It is very tempting, and very good. vBef ?sSKS HP -'sBKir .aWfiM apH B JFb cup sugar Vz cup cornstarch y2 teaspoon salt 1 cups undiluted Carnation Evaporated Milk i cup yolks PEANUT BUTTER PIE (Makes 8-inch pie) 3 slightly beaten 1 teaspoon ranUb Vi cup creamy peanut butter 8-inch baked pastry shea V cup chopped peanuts If Beauty is Your Thin Then You Should Visit GRACE McFADDEft onedia McGHEE ADME PAYNE AT Pana-A-Rama Beauty Salon CALL 682-6342 or S. ALSTON AVE. Cpcn Tuesday thru Saturday! tea DfESSrONAL PROFESSIONAL SHOES for the look you wont.... the comfort you need... U4W. MAM ST. 1 STATEMENT OF CONDITION American Federal Savings & Loan Association of Greensboro 701 EAST MARKET STREET After the Close of Business December 31, 1972 ASSETS MORTGAGE LOANS AND OTHER LIENS ON REAL ESTATE ALL OTJER LOANS REAL ESTATE OWNED AND IN JUDGMENT CASH ON HAND AND TN BANKS INVESlllntojTS AND SECURITIES GREENSBORO, N. C. OFFICE 6UILDING, FURNITURE ft EQUIPMENT, LESS DEPRECIATION. DEFERRED CHARGES AND OTHER ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND NET WORTH SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ADVANCE FROM FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK UMWmWOCBSS ! OTHER LIABILITIES GI JHjlFSERVES L. LSPlbIIJTLES $6,006,272.44 187,804.02 2,367.93 466.569.87 100,000.00 165,020.31 67,807.75 $6,995,842.32 $5,388,947.83 1. 200.000 00 228,460.93 12,851.92 1 65.58 1 .64 TOT, $6,995,842.32 NO OTHER SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION IN GREENSBORO IS PAYING HIGHER EARNINGS ON SAVINGS THAN AMERICAN FEDERAL The association's savers received $135,039.23 in dividends for the six months ending December 31. 1972. Dividends paid to savers for the year 1972 totaled $361,103.88. During the year 1972. the increase in savings was $741,877.98 or 15.96 wittom increase in mortgage loans of $1,538,980.42 or 34.45. The assneitinn' in.,uattw4 ei 7r m to or 32.21 f-Winging the total to $6,995,842.32 at vear's end. We mvi IS OF COK FOR ... ni 1 iT MeTTT. to open a savings account or add to your account today. SAFETY OF YOUR SAVINGS INSURED UP TO $20,000.00 BY THE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN INSURANCE N, AN AGENCY OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT J. Ken A. S Melvi; B. J Miss Mildred J. Brown Mrs. Louise H. Morales fleers and Personnel President Executive Vice-President and Secretary ier Vice-President Treasurer Office Sect'y and Receptionist Teller Mrs. Joan J. Haith ..... Miss Patricia A. Mayhand Teller Teller E. E. Smith ...... Melvin T. Alexander Waddell Hinnant Arthur Lee J. Kenneth Lee Directors Chair an Charles A. McLean Julius A. Rankin Arthur S. Totten Clarence M. Winchester AMERICAN FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GREENSBORO FEDERALLY CHARTERED" ASSOCIATION IN THE STATE MANAGED AND . . U. IS THE ONLY BY