fjl iMlllP TIMES Igfct, Jam. 27, 1973 Louisville Executive Leads March of Dimes Chapter KEEPING IN TOUCH with teito-members ol the Louisville, Ky., chapter ol the March ol Dime is only part ol a busy day lor radio executive William Summers. He is co-chairman ol the voluntary health organization s local chapter. By JANET DeJlLlO The National Foundation March of Dimes is supporting vitally needed research into the causes of birth defects." re ports William Summers, co chairman of the Louisville, Ky.. chapter of the voluntary health organization. "My main aim is to help keep the public informed about developments in this field. Birth defects strike some 250. 000 infants every year in the United States, denying too many children their full po tential in life." Mr. Summers, president of WLOU Summers Broadcast ing. Inc.. was asked to join the chapter about three years ago. He became deeply interested in March of Dimes programs and soon became more and more involved in building com munity awareness about them. "It is important for the pub lic to know that vaccinating children against rubella can re duce the risk of congenital damage to the unborn baby; how prenatal care can safe guard mother and child, par ticularly in the case of the high-risk" pregnancy; and why good health and nutri tional hat are imDortant to develop early in life." Through his chapter, Mr. Summers encourages distribu tion of March of Dimes litera ture, films, and health infor mation projects in Louisville. Volunteer Efforts Since joining the chapter, the busy radio executive has orga nized a fund-raising Walk-a-thon at the Women's Correc tional Institution in Pee Wee Valley. The 90 residents either spon sored or arranged to be spon sored by local business con cerns. The contributions cov ered each mile each person walked. As a result, they raised $500 for the Ohio Valley Chap ter. Mr. Summers also is im pressed with the dedication of Mothers' March volunteers. These women plan and carry out the traditional March of Dimes neighborhood appeal every January. "It is always my pleasure to work with these women," he comments. "I admit I am con stantly astounded by the time and effort these hard working volunteers put forth. "Marching Mothers are the most beautiful people on God's earth," he says. . . Consumer Tt Tips On Selecting A Clean" Oven Ten yean ago when the consumer went to buy a new range the ovn wag hadly a factor in the purchasing de cision. There was only one kind of oven - a grey porcelain-enamel-on-steel lining that required liberal application of elbow grease and various cleaning compounds when ever you wanted to remove the baked-on spatters to see what the original finish looked like. Today, choosing the oven is a major part of selecting an electric or gas range, with the consumer having three, and possibly four, choices, accord ing to General Electric's Con sumers Institute. The well known standard range with an oven which the homemaker must clean her self is available in some cases with a removable oven door. Also on the market are a few models with removable easy dean Teflon panels, although most manufacturers have dropped this type of oven from their product offering. The two remaining types -both of which are promoted as relieving the homemaker of the unpleasant cleaning chore -are the ones vying for the bulk of consumer dollars. One type is known as the "self cleaning," "pyrolytic" or P 7 oven, while the other is called "continuous-cleaning" or Clean-Look, While many consumers think both systems provide carefree oven cleaning, there is a world of difference be tween the two. The "self-cleaning" ap proach - the first automatic oven cleaning system intro duced uses a special l-to-3 hour high-temperature clean ing cycle to make oven spills and spatters disappear, leav ing at most a tiny amount of fine ash. The "continuous-cleaning" method employs a special por ous ceramic coating on oven surfaces which helps reduce some food soils during normal baking and roasting opera tions, out primarily serves to conceal most stains and spat ters. It is easy to spot the differ ence between the two oven systems when shopping for ranges even if a salesman isn't present to point them out. Because the "self-cleaning" method is able to re move all soil, oven interiors are glossy, smooth and light in color. "Continuous-cleaning" ovens, on the other hand, are a dark, dull color, to help mask undissipated soil, and they are rough to the touch because of the porous ceramic coating applied to .the panels. General Electric, which of fers consumers a choice of both types of oven cleaning systems, is one manufacturer who also calls attention to the extra cleaning required for its Clean-Look ovens with prom inent instructions printed on the removable bottom oven panel to preclude any con sumer misunderstanding of what they will and won t do. While the oven shelves and shelf supports, broiler pan and broiler rack, lamp cover and the inside of the oven window are cleaned auto matically in a "self-deaning" oven, these parts along with the bottom panel must be cleaned by hand in a "continuous-cleaning" oven. Also, stains which may ap pear on the porous ceramic coating cannot be cleaned with conventional oven clean ers or abrasives which would scratch or damage the coat- JON flOWO point, with pride to his near-perfect report cor. i ana ur. Y. Edward Hila it duly Impressed and pleased. As director New Haven Generics Clinic, ho guides the early treatment of PKU patients, like Jon, who might otherwise have risked retardation. Success story: nnvjl Early Diagnosis and Treatment oj FKL Now Prevents Mental Retardation by T t. Hsia, M.D. Director, March of Dimes Genetics Clinic Yale University School of Medicine Jon Florio brought his re port card along when he came in for a check-up last June, be cause he was so proud of all his "Very Satisfactory" grades. Many of our children show off their kindergarten report cards, especially when they say "Pro moted to Grade I." But Jon's academic success was much more special. If he had been born before Connec ticut doctors began testing every newborn for PKU dis ease, Jon might be entering an institution for severely retarded children this fall, instead of the top half of his first grade class. Jon has been coming to the Yale-New Haven uenetics Clinic for treatment and diet instructions since he was ten days old. Results of a newborn screening test showed that the nhenvlalanine content of his blood was too high, suggesting a condition called phenylketo nuria, PKU for short. This inborn disorder in an infant causes phenylalanine to gather in the body in excessive amounts, resulting in interrup tion of brain growth and men tal retardation. A diet low in protein restricts the level of phenylalanine and can prevent retardation. At the Yale-New Haven Ge netics Clinic, which receives support from The National Foundation-March of Dimes, we diagnose and treat PKU and other inborn defects. Parents Reassured Jon's mother was alarmed when she learned that her baby would need medical treatment for a disease that she had never even heard . of t.and about which her pediatrician knew very lit tle. At the clinic, her fears were shared by the other parents whose infants had had positive test results. Only about one in 10,000 ba bies is expected to be positive. Mrs. Florio suggested that they form a "club" to help each other through the bewildering period of adjustment. Mney iacea ineir prooiems together, which included get ting: used to the strange new diet imagine an infant not be ing allowed to have milk! And what about cookies and a birth day cake, later on? Under the guidance of the clinic dietitian, group members used commercial protein sub stitutes, inspiration, and im agination to see that their chil dren had facsimiles of a normal diet-including birthday cake. ' That was seven years ago. We're delighted with the medi cal success of our program, and it is interesting to see how this is reflected in the changed at titudes of parents at the clinic. At first they were worried and frightened about the un known, but the next group of parents were not as fearful. They were reassured by the successful results they saw in older PKU children at the clinic. Now, most of the parents feel much more comfortable about it. The "club" has disbanded and only a few parents feel the need for group support. Although we have reason able control of PKU, future problems may emerge. Pretty little girls, whose phenylala nine levels have been success fully controlled by diet, grow up to be attractive young iadies who marry and have children. There is a risk that their ba bies will be affected before birth by the phenylalanine in their bodies. Excessive phenyl- nlniiviA ....... vaah thfi fotua aiaiiiuc wait i vuvii iuv .. ..... through the placenta and cause brain damage. Diet in Pregnancy Doctors are trying to prevent this by strict diets for pregnant women with a PKU history. In fact, many obstetricians now routinely test their patients for PKU, since there are women who have had the disease, are not retarded and do not know they might have a PKU baby. Meanwhile, through re search, medical services, and well-allocated March of Dimes funds, youngsters like Jon Florio will outgrow their need for low-protein diets, usually by the age of 5 or 6, and go on to a normal life. The Yale-New Haven genet ics staff won't be surprised when Jon comes back to show us his college diploma. After all, anything'? possible for a boy who's just been promoted to first grade-upper level. from MARY KAY OSWALD Manager. Consumer Affairs Reynolds Aluminum Q What is aluminum foil? If pure aluminum; a large block of tiie solid metal is rolled, much as pie crust is rolled, until it becomes a long, thin, continuous sheet. It's fire proof, lightproof, moisture proof, odorproof, greaseproof and recyclable. did you know . . . You can use your griddle as a warming tray. If food is not to be served right away, cover lightly with a sheet of alumi num foil and set control dial at 160'F to MOT. When heating frozen dinners, cover each tray with aluminum foil. I I 1973 SINGER Ziq Zaq, Buttonhok Monogram,! Overcast Upfront Dropin Bobbin. $59M Clayton Sewing Machine 306 S. Driver St. 596-3904 Frozen foods require a moisture-vapor-proof covering in order to retain top quality. Use Reynolds Wrap. Aluminum foil rolled into a ball and used like a scouring pad does an excellent jobof re moving rust from auto bump ers and metal trim. It can also be used to polish metal lawn and kitchen furniture. Fireplaces lined with Rey nolds Wrap will reflect more heat, use less fuel. Lunches wrapped in alumi num foil keep fresher. Sand wiches do not dry out and raw vegetables keep crisp. Custards, canned fruits or other soupy items can be car ried by making a cover of Reynolds Wrap for the con tainer. . . - e Drawers and shelves lined with aluminum foil are easy to keep dean and are very attractive . . . especially good in the kitchen, for medicine cabinet shelves and in cos metic drawers. . For more Bright Ideas send a seaddressed stamped ( 16c ) large envelope to: Bright Ideas, P. O. Box 27003, Rich mond, Va, 23261 " A smaller and smaller percentage 5 percent of the U. S. population is required to produce the nation's food and fiber, while in a country like China 80 to 85 percent of the popula tion is directly engaged in agriculture. ' ass sbs FILMS ... INTERVIEWS i . . SPECIAL EVENTS . . WITH YOUR HOSTESS, WANDA GARRETT. FRANK DISCUS SION OF BLACK EVENTS IN THE DURHAM AREA; SATURDAYS AT SIX ON TCUMH Raleigh-Durham ing, but must be given a spe cial gentle cleaning. After ex tended usage stains may build up which become per manent An added plus of the "self cleaning" system is that yon can also clean the surface unit reflector pans, and racks and panels from a companion oven, in the master oven at the same time. "Self-cleaning" ovens cost more than "continuous-cleaning" or soil hiding models, and each cleaning uses some 9 to 11 cents worth of electricity, but most homemakers who understand the differences a gree that the added conven ience is well worth the small extra cost COMPACT WALL PHONE - c-erfect for kitchen, patio, halls, workshop. DESK SET - stylish table model for the home "office" and formal rooms JOB OPENING FOR Advertising Salesman GOOD PAY RAPID ADVANCEMENT FOR REAL -, WORKER I fjy Need Energetic Person With Inititative, H Dependability. Must Have Car Call For Appointment With v i. EL WOOD CARTER, Advertising Manager. :.piMj 682-2913 or 688-6687 , f7 y f 'tJf. U 4 Mf An Equal Opportunity, Employer a I SBSSBBBataSESBBl'SBI SB1 BB3? "SI lH I BnJSsSMSSSBMHflRlV vli SBa BBWTfBBi BBW BbI BbVw. BSbVbI BBr B'si BBS J m I fc jjljjg 1 1 a JPM 1 1 1 1 1 1 SC I BslBBLBBBBBBBBBylR 1 SBBBBBW mm MLk mmm in 1:1 ' ijE kISsbbbbbi bb! ly1 BsW'' nNJP ildjr' fl -JbIt 3mIsbbbb:' slim. trim, dainty - ideal b SlSk . gfc WfM Lbbbbbbbbb! LV jK5SGHs lor her" room or nbssbbI H jbf ;yWyl B jl LivVaH sCT's iivirnj room. x BB aBtHrtJS BBBBBBBB&fu UB9sT mm swHw 2 M 5 jhSlCj jjBBSSS the General Telephone "Touchables" Collection now on display at our business office Why not add "Touch Calling" to the pleasures and convenience of your day? Touch Calling is both the businesslike and the fun way to phone. Simply punch buttons instead of dialing. Easier. Accurate. Faster, And now, General Telephone offers Touch Calling in . . - - L- ! i , . n n 1 rtlkl A t r f . i , i , . , . 1 . . . . - white, beige, ivory, blue, turquoise, pink, yellow, and jet black. Come in and select your "Touchables" at our business office today. STYLELINE II it PHONE puts the work liahtly esF in the palm of your hand - it's the handset with Touch Calling buttons and a recall button, top- Open 8:30 AM until 5.00 PM. Call our business office. Newsmen To Explore Farm Issues o81)r- ronmentsi problems major concerns of far mers in 1973 will be explored at the annual Farm Press, Radio and TV Institute, to be held , in Raleigh on February 16. "Who'll be meddling in farming next?' is the theme selected for the Institute, according to an announcement from Jack flank ins of Kinston, president of the N. C. Farm Writers and Broadcasters Associa tion, and W.L. Carpenter, Head, Department of Agricultural Information, N. C. State University. The two organizations co-sponsor the annual Institute. Hankins and Carpen ter pointed out that far mers are facing a multitude of regulations and pressures from government and envi ronmentalists and other groups. A law passed by the 1972 federal congress can result in fines up to $1,000 and imprisonment up to 30 days for farmers violat ing pesticide handling and application rules. One of the touchy issues in the 1973 North Carolina General Assembly is expected to be the question of farm land taxation. These topics, plus soil and water manage ment and livestock waste disposal, will be dis cussed at the Institute, to be held in the Faculty Club on the N. C. State University campus. Looking Ahead 'tPiy Jsj p sR BBBsWtiviaHjjsHH Sfe DR. NELL J. RYAN checks the progress of Darryl Smith, 6, at the March of Dimes Medical Service Program, University of Missis sippi Medical Center, Jackson. Darryl, who has had two opera tions for hydrocephalus, is doing extremely well and now attends school. The voluntary health organization supports programs directed at the prevention and treatment of birth defects. "God must have loved the plain people; he made so many of them." (Abraham Lincoln) Expert Study Plants 'Stay Watered' With Use of Capsules B':'::M 3fm Sbbbbbbbsw ''' bsW bbbb! W id- GENETICS SPECIALIST, Dr. Richard C. Juberg, director of the March of Dimes Medical Service. Program at Louisiana State University School of Medicine, Shreveport, checks chromosome findings with Ruby Mulhern, research medi cal specialist. The program offers genetic services to resi dents of Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas. Some day you may be able to go on that long vacation without having to ask the neighbor to keep your houseplants watered. Tiny water cap sules placed in the planter will keep things moist and growing until your return. This is just one of the possible uses of the fish egg-like capsules being studied by North Carolina State University hor ticulturists. There are many other possible applications. Researcher Dr. Roy Larson and graduate stu dent Vincent Bonaminio report that the capsules which release their water slowly over a long period, have been used on a wide range of plants under greenhouse and sim ulated home conditions. The results have been varied but generally encouraging, according to Dr. Larson. Geraniums, for exam ple, have been grown from transplanting to full flower a period of three months only on water supplied by cap sules that were incor porated into the soil at transplanting. "It appears that the encapsulated water is more effective when incorporated into the soil rather than spread on top of the soil," said Bonaminio. He and Dr. Larson cited other examples of the water capsules' effectiveness. Large poinsettias requiring twice-a-day watering required additional water only once a week when the soil contained the capsules. In a study with chrysanthemums, plants in soil containing the cap sules recovered much more quickly from wilt ing than conventionally watered plants. rsitr TTim mm BACKGROUND ON BUSINESS m ::l::::il::::l::i:i:::i::i':i::i:-.i'".ii"inni IXIASSl CONTROLS HELP CHECK INFLATION GROWTH The Economic Stabiliza tion Program has had "a sig nificant impact in reducing the rate of inflation" during a period or fiscal and monetary expansion, Price Commission Chairman C. Jackson Grayson, Jr. recently told the Joint Eco nomic Committee of Congress. Grayson pointed out that Hf) percent of the items in the Consumer Price Index -- the most widely used measure of how inflation affects the A merican consumers -- have increased at a lower rate during (he stabilization program than in the year prior to controls. He noted significant declines in the rale of inflation for rent, medical care, clothing and other areas. "The controls have helped keep inflation in check while other measures were effect ed to encourage economic growth," he said in testimony before the Committee. Gray son xaid this conclusion is substantiated by major price indicators, studies by inde pendent economists and eco nomic analyses made by the Price Commission staff. "The best estimate econo mists in the Price Commission have been able to derive, based upon an econometric analysis of macroeconomic wage and price equations, is an estima ted reduction in the rate of inflation from what it would have been without controls of between 1.6 and 2 percent age points," he said. As s result of the controls program, Grayson said, busi nessmen, labor snd consumers have more confidence in the country's domestic and inter national future. "Our present inflation rate, in fact, is the envy of many nations," he said. Grayson said there had been positive and negative effects of the controls pro gram. On the positive side, he said,"more people now realize that increased compensation without increased productivi ty only leads to inflation." Additionally, the stimulus of controls has heightened com petition between companies and helped to reduce prices. On the negative side, Gray son said, price controls inter fere to some extent with the allocation of resources, affect investment decisions and are an added cost to doing business. He said the Price Commission is monitoring the extent of such problems in an attempt to minimize econom ic distortions caused by its regulations. Qn another topic, Grayson said there were reasons to believe consumer prices will not rise at the same rate as recently reported increases in the Wholesale Price Index, a possibility that has been a source of concern to some observers. Increasing produc tivity, the reporting of list rather than actual wholesale prices and the large increase in prices of raw agricultural products account for the lack of harmony in the wholesale and consumer price indices, he said. "We have searched and fail ed to find a good correlation between the Wholesale Price Index snd Consumer Price Index rates of increase, there by throwing doubt thst the Wholesale Price Index in creases will be reflected en tirely in consumer prices," the Price Commission Chsir msn ssid. Other results suggest that the slow-release watering may affect flower quality. In some cases, there has been an intensification of flower color and the keeping quality has been extended. Other preliminary experiments by NCSU scientists suggest that the capsules may have other potential uses. For example, one scientist placed some of the capsules in a container of stored apples that had begun drying out. After an extended storage period with the capsules, the quality of the apples was largely restored. And Dr. Larson, a floricultural researcher, believes the quality of cut flowers might be better maintained in shipment if the encapsulated water were included in the shipping container. "When the capsules are placed in a closed container, the relative humidity immediately goes to 94 percent and stays there," said Dr. Larson. Don't Believe In That Stork? In Atlanta They Certainly Do By PEOGY TOLINS Child psyfholojrists may have shooed the stork out or the baby delivery business and sent him into exile, but ener getic memlKTM of Zetn Phi Beta Sorority have appropriated his nests and are fUHiiK them with jroodies for needy newlioriis. It started in Atlanta, Ga., in the sprint; of 1971, when the Epsilon .eta cnapier oi inc national sororny set up inc Stork's Nest, a nonprofit redis tribution center for maternity clothes, baby wear, layettes and furniture. Epsilon Zeta is a member or BIB, a prenatal care service and education program of the At anta Chanter of The Na tional Foundation-March of Dimes. Twelve organizations participate in varied volunteer services. The Stork's Nest is open to needy expectant mothers who are referred by a prenatal care clinic. The items are either new or in Rood used condition, donated by stores and private individuals. Articles are avail able at minimal cost, only to those who attend a clinic, as an incentive to increase the number of women seeking early and continuing prenatal care. Such mothers are more likely to have healthy babies because they are reducing the risk of birth defects. National Project So successful has the Stork's Nest been in meeting a need, that a network of similar out lets is being planned. A second store opened in Houston re cently, thanks to the efforts of the Lambda Zeta chapter of Zeta Phi Beta, assisted by Zeta Amicae, a nonacademic branch of the sorority. The joint Zeta Phi Beta- March of Dimes effort fulfills the sorority's pledge to become more deeply involved in the health and welfare of children, while the voluntary health or ganization continues to work toward its goals to prevent birth defects which affect some 1 Sat,, Jan 27, lt TBE CAROLINA tive and safe for eMtsfNp to play witt. Use tWm adds. f I REDECORATE HOUSE The Samuel Alston family of Warren County has taken many steps to improve the interior of their house. Included in the project was the redecorating of two bedrooms and a TINY GARMENTS, available at the Stork's Nest, Houston, are assem bled by Zeta Phi Beta volunteers (from left) Bessie Davis, Emmer Smith, Maud Randon, Carolyn Sanders, Helen Brooks, and Roberta Livingston. Donated clothing and furniture are offered at little or no cost to expectant mothers attending prenatal care clinics. Project Is combined eflorl of the sorority and March of Dimes. 250,000 children annually, and to better the quality of life at birth. On the national level, Zeta Phi Betas have adopted the Stork's Nest as part of their project ZIP, Zeta's Involve ment Project. The ZIP objec tive is "an equal chance for all babies to have a healthy start in life." Stork's Nest goals, they be lieve, will help accomplish this aim. Aside from providing clothing and nursery items at little or no cost for expectant mothers who utilize community health services, and encourag ing them to attend a prenatal care clinic regularly, Zetas also plan to ofTer informal health educational programs, and to contribute generally to the physical and emotional well being of these mothers and their children. Half the battle the volunteers feel, is showing a woman that someone really cares about her and her family Atlanta and Houston are metropolitan areas, but zeta members consider atom s nesi a flexible project suited to areas arge or small, urban, sunuman , , XT 1 or rural. r.acn aiorn s hcm luii be adapted to the needs of its community. Adapting to Needs Zeta Phi Beta Sorority awarded Atlanta's Stork Nest project its top Community Service Award when the or ganization's national confer ence took place in Oklahoma City recently. Stork's Nest was chosen as the best among 23 chapter community projects. With the continued enthu siasm of graduate, undergrad uate and nonacademic sorority members and National Foundation-March of Dimes coop eration, the prize-winning pro ject may soon be seen in many more communities. As one observer predicts: "Don't look now, but that em pty shop behind you has just turned into a Stork's Nest!" Bird Seed Make Good Toy Animal Stuffing JANICE By CHRISTENSEN Bird seed is not only useful for feeding birds; it's also good for stuffing toy animals. Mrs. Marvin Haddock, Princeton, Rt. 2, has been using bird seed as stuff ing for over 100 toy frogs, says Mrs. Pat Brown, associate home econom ics extension agent, Johnston County. THE HOUSE OF KLEEN tONE HOUR CLEANING SSS Sa lH- Pair PANTS 1.58 Plain SKIRTS 1.50 DRESSES, Plain.... 2.99 SUITS...?.?... 2.99 5 Shirts laundered 1.50 ThsHt ft mm Otl fm stay Mm Only i-l. JESS a SJ - fusssW aaJ sas-J -i AaIm p"SJsS wnwn ffftsjssssjsjyt sjsjsjsssjy, fjvsssj WW fsnfltsnrf Vtliy Before toys, Mrs. stuffing the Haddock does heat the bird seed in the oven to dry it completely and to kill any insects that might be present. The stuffed toys, which are lightweight and very flexible, are attrac- U. S. CHOICE CHUCK STEAK BONE-IN LB. MSB Presents the . . Dr. Soul Show 9 P.M. to Midnight Monday thru Sunday Radio No. 1 Durham WSSB is the only Durham Radio ; Station that stays on 24-hour a day 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Radio No. 1 Durham ; REDGATE APPLESAUCE 16 oz. CAN LIMIT 4 WITH 15 ORDER OR MORE. DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES WALDORF Bathroom Tissue 4 Roll PKGS. ALL PURPOSE MITE POT ATOE! 5LB- AAc BAG E7r addition of a 3 ays Mrs have of feed required to dues s pound of live Chicken from 4,5 la 1 940 to only f today. sion agent. genetics 'and nut r U! on reduced the amount WAFR-FM 90.3 Durham's BLACK Radio COLONIAL STORES RIB HALF PORK LOIN SLICED INTO PORK CHOPS PICK-OF-THE-NEST LARGE Doz. PRICES GOOD TUMI SAT. JAN. II. UIS4UANTITT i . . t i i

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