CtftOLINA TIMES Sat., Jan. 27, 1973 FUGGY PIWE LADY'S FACE V SH-H-TrtW!5 SK3N klS SO RED, MOWER I) OF 6000 HEAL1U !f - IF RED CHEEKS ARE A 5K3N OF GOOD HEALTH, by Horace Elmo 'THE LADV 16 "MORE! MEAL1HV ON ONE SIDE TU&N THE OTHER PUCCY KOOK UNCLE! I'M THE FASTEST GUN 111 T"i I r- UPr"r I BUT YOU'VE" JUST METNOUR MASTER.... 7 by Horace Elmo F I'M THE FASTEST TO HANIN THE EASIH) 2 VwS THE FIZZLE FAMILY Know to By H. T. ELMO flfS THE FIREMEN SELLING SNJOyMV ) 'VmSES MWO T yiDOUT LIKE I HRVE ANSWERED pL TICKETS TO THEH? NEVISPftPERy 15? Y TO BEDlSTuRBEC TWE FIRST A I BNNUftL BRU-'f Kip gjy THE FIZZLE FAMILY By H.T. ELMO Itd uke to bin ft Pftlf? 1 I rtc i r if c i isoea Ml MV HUSBfiND .' HE WEPRS r-v SIZE 8 -fHEN.ru (JIVE W if THPTT5 VOU SIZE 9 R THE CPSE MEN PCPPFP O JH 1'LV.TRKE LRRGER SIZE FOR RERL.SOUO COMFORT AROUND THE HOUSE f SIZE 7-. ftFTER RLL.XK'F TO ' ff TflCfV OUT SOME' M TIMES IN THE EVENINGS.' ri euEssTHw ARE THE 1 DON'T LIKE .BIRDS ?Jf MY LITTLE BIkDHOUSE ! I NO SENSE HRVINS ONE IF THE BIRDS - VMONT MOVE IN ! I A.mjcoc TV i it rass- HMAVBE lY IT rUHLjai FINE 11 JL3 jiC U - HOMES; jfSj jjl) FQRSRLC rTELLMF PUGGY.. WHERE 1 fl'M still Wi2VE9 HUT Twom'T SAVMB MICE WAV TO ARE THE POLLOWINS? J VZMTtNS FOR l M'ftM.. f ,T ' TmERE MAY 1 TREAT A PATRIOTIC I IroYMp HELL0)l mLI " iniriTS ALL RIGHT, DEW? KAW TO UNCLE A NOT! 7 .i&ilCH I MADE HIM DIP EVERY BRjj AND THEN ST BOY'.CAN SHE VAKETY "-is THEY VAKETY YAKETY BLAB -yAKETy;yAOETW NICE LIL" YHRTWERE CHAT WE AVOU AND MRS. JONES DISCUSSING! SHE VAKETY THEY Khad.' J rJU5T'iijow)LvH0e AMBROSE "ZZTI r DON'T you KNOW T I 7 SH-H ! DON'T ) T7.. BUT I'M ONLV N I JOBS Continued from Front page thenuelves," Lyon said. Now; the elected Tribal Council representing the approximat ely 10,000 Osages on the res ervation; runs an Emergency Employment Program as well as a Mainstream and In-and-Out of School Neighborhood Youth Carps Programs. Lyons came to the Labor Department from the Com munity Council of Greater Dallas. In that job, he helped set up the Crossroads Com munity Center, which serves a neighborhood of some 75,- 000 persons, 98 percent black in South Dallas. Ironically enough, almost none of our money was from Labor, but rather from Hous ing and Urban Development and Health, Education and Welfare," Lyons said. The center did, however, provide employment as well as health and other services. Before going to the Dallas Community Council, Lyons had earned a master's degree from North Texas State Uni versity, as did his wife, who now teaches music in the Dallas public schools. They have an eight-year-old son. Lyons, a native of Doucette, Tex., grew up in Dallas, and served in the Army twice, the first hitch in 1946-47 and the second in 1951-54. A volun teer, he served with the Sec ond Infantry Division in Ko rea and was awarded the Medical Corpsman's Medal. After the service, he took advantage of the G.I. Bill to attend and graduate from Bishop College, then located in Marshall, Tex., but now in Dallas. -CALL Continued from Front page ask them for their home tele phone number. Even though this occurs, it is still a toll free and will not be billed to to the taxpayer's home phone. The toll-free service is de signed for quick response to specific inquiries regarding taxes. It is not intended for lengthy or detailed discus sions that tie up the telephone lines for long periods. Prudent use of Centiphone will result in greater benefit for the public as a whole. I 7 772 I rr-l 7, SJ 1 . PvvT "There are no uninteresting things, there are only un interested people. (O. K. Chesterton) "To produce an income tax return that has any depth to it, any feeling, one must have Lived- and Suffered." (Frank Sullivan) Rfor your child's safety Dr. Albert H. Domm Needless childhood trage dies could be prevented by responsible screening and ed ucating of baby sitters, ac cording to Albert H. Domm M.D., child safety specialist and medical director of the Prudential Insurance Com pany. "The baby sitter should be as aware of potential dangers and as capable of handling emergency accident situations a s t h e child's own moth er,'' Dr. Domm said. Dr. Domm sugges t s that the parent spend some time with the sitter and the child before leaving the house. "Give the sitter an oppor tunity to get to know your child and your home while you are still on the scene to discuss your child's needs and answer questions," he said. Always leave a list of emer gency telephone numbers, in cluding the number where Sou can be reached, the num er of a trusted friend or rel ative, and numbers for the fire department, police de partment, emergency ambu lance, and family doctor," Dr. Domm said. Dr. Domm recommended that written authorization for emergency medical treatment should be left with the sitter when the parents expect to be out of town for any period of time. "Doctors are not legally permitted to treat minors without parental consent ex cept in the most extreme emergencies," he said. What's the meaning of this "comsat," "counter culture," "cyborg"? Compil ing theie and other modern words Was no mean achieve ment for the makers of a new dictionary. U JBk mm If your Drescnt dictionarv does not enter these terms, you probably need a new, up-to-date one, such as the Second College Edition of Webster's New World Dic tionary. COMSAT: any of various communications satellites for relaying microwave trans missions, as of telephone, television . . . COUNTERCULTURE: the culture of many young peo ple of the 1960's and 1970's manifested by a life style that is opposed to the pre vailing culture. NOTHING'S ECSTATIC ABOUT STATIC You can hear it. You can surely feel it. You cannot taste or smell it, but you often sef its effect. This is static electricity, and it causes clothing to cling and snap. It's with us all year long but is especially noticeable in dry climates and in cold weather. Although static electricity can be in all clothing, it's usually a problem only with synthetics because there is no moisture on which the charge can travel. Static electricity builds up in the form of shock, a snapping noise and an uncomfortable cling. This is especially true of synthetics and permanent press dried at a high temperature. The only good thing you can say about static is that it can be easily eliminated right in the washing machine. Just add one to two capfuls of NuSoft fabric softener to the final rinse, and you'll be ecstatic about the results. This fabric softener also helps keep permanent press garments truly wrinkle-free and eases the ironing of all fabrics; keeps corduroy gar ments soft, smooth, wrinkle free, and puts an end to stiff blue jeans and scratchy tow els, making them more com fortable to wear and use. And a fabric softener is something you don't mind getting in your hair if you're wearing a synthetic hairpiece - because it eliminates static electricity from that too! IT'S A LAUGH! "LET ME CHECK THE UPSTAIRS PHONE, ARTHUR. THE LITTLE PHANTOM NOW HAS A TAPE RECORDER." Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1. Vigor: slang 4. Intersect 8. In the stern 11. Italian river 12. Therefore 13. Pigeon's cry 14. Farm animal 15. Post 16. Weep 17. Get away 19. Slide over 21. Arranging 23. Gush out 26. Upon 27. Char 28. Head cover 31. Books of Moses 34. Watch secretly 35. Pain 37. Send forth 39. Cubic meter 41. Forms a plan 45. Limbs 47. Snuggle 48. Obtained 50. Lark or robin t 3 g rrrrg r "BBSS m - sag mlr ml" 1 WtW g.- ffiT B m Eh so QS& 39 to JBpH J r II g 52. 53. 54. 55. Chair Hail! Great Vases 56. Prohibit 57. Peruse Lake 58. Finish Answer to Puuto BJdlNlsBJd v 3 pjjfjg via UldlvBxIalilwBdlaldil DOWN 1. Not poetry 2. Decree 3. Spud 4. Reminder Of past 5. Age 6. Sponsorship 7. Sounds a bell 8. Grows with time 9. Suit the needs of 10. Plaything 11. Grows older 18. Half quart 20. and downs 22. Pierced by horns 24. Knock 25. Attempt 28. Possesses 29. Deed 30. Playhouse 32. Revised 33. Bee house 36. Be mistaken 38. Gauze fabric 40. Live coal 42. Hind part 43. African antelope 44. Become rigid 46. Father 48. Chatter 49. Eggs 51. Creek TELL ME WHEN WhS THE U.S. COAST GUARD ESTABLISHED? PM HOW MANY words are- J IN mo. IMTUE EARL DaNSOF THE REPUBLIC I IT 16 ft PEACE-TIME POBCC UMhER THE TOEA&UBV DEPT. ir ni i ink., ii i r ' w irifc r t Our language CHfiHS66 CONSTANTLY! SOME WORDS ARE DROPPED, OTHERS ADDED. INCLUDING OLD AND NEW WORDS .THE T0TRL NUM BERQEBHSUSH WORDS EKCteDS 300,000! HOW MUCH AIR DO THE AVERAGE PERSON'S LUNGS CONTAIN? BOUT A GALLON OP AIR IS A PlO'S TAIL A BAROMETER OF ITS HEfiLTW? LfS), r VES ! A PKSS TAIL IS ALMOST ALWAYS CURLED DURING HEALTH AND RARELY WHEN IT IS ILL! TELL ME WHAT FAMOUS AMERICAN SIGNED BOTH 1WE DECLARATION OF IklDEPEMDENCf! AND 1b CONSTITUTION Of THE UUI1R) StWlSSfl iWRMINTRANKUN! H WAS A SlrfTESMAN DIPLOMAT, INVENTOR WlWSpPHERJ PRINTER , BUtHOR , Wlf , AND fiSTUfg WSlWfiSS MANQLLlNONg ! ARL BATS BIRDS? Bv A WW m Noi bats are urn animals... H6 ONLV MAMMALS THAT FLY ! AT HOME IN THE AIR0AT$ ARSUMflffVP FOR LIFE On TH KOUNP... AND CRHNOT even wjlk WHEN DID THE DODO DISAPPEAR? ifctt WERl H0UAND$ OF D0PO in me middu Ages in euRopE.Birr ev IT00THSV HAD VANISHED'. SLALkSH-ftRfd FOR FOOD BY MAN AND BEAST, THE Bird wasfinm-w exterminatisd! HOW HIGH A STACK WILL A MILLION SHEETS OF GOLD LEAF MAKE 7 i T7? mw S 1 pile omw 4 inches high ! 1 WORDS OF WISDOM If I have been lucky it is because I have had enough hardships and trials. Charles M. Schwab V A-' In actual life every great enterprise begins with and takes its first forward step in faith. - Schlegel GOOD READING IK WRITERS FORUM DAILY LIVING PREGNANCY PLANNING SCOUT CORNER DURHAM SOCIAL NOTES PROM BLACK PROM THE PEN OF DONALD LOVE THIS ISSUE By William fMBf By E. L. Kearney Mr- Svminer Day VOLUME 5a-No, 5 job bbbk. ""sjbh 9 1 ati'iP mm mWif'm sMUsi IISm RHsRa r0bH ViVJI rwh'hbS1S4BbJ! w " wSt :rI BfS RShl Wm mm RRRRrV -'mS y.:: SBMB..MlBjBjW . HE Js iSiiS'iwfB BUI bSS SfH p IvBMRv RWRwRs DURHAM, N. O, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1973 uiyau aim ruAiicurc di try PRESS TO HELP FIND SOLUTION AUSTIN. TEX. - Military- I 'I'll'" J uutu i inn rv j iriiv don B. Johnson in Johnson Librarv 123. Johnson died ket of Former President Lyn- 122. His bodywas taken to Washington 124 for State services. Block Community Needs To Examine Revenue Shoring "Revenue sharing means that Black citizens must take a new and hard look at how local and state government funds are spent.'said John Edwards in a statement released by the North Carolina Voter Educa tion Project. "It is most im portant," Edwards said, "for Blacks to learn more about the 'how', 'where' and 'why' of decision-making on how the people's money is spent and for Blacks to contact public of ficials, particularly at the local level about this new program, for revenue sharing may create-4 new problems for the Black community." Revenue sharing, which is known officially as the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, provides for the fe deral government to give $30.2 billion gover a five-year period to local and state governmnets for use as they see fit, within certain broad guidelines. "While the idea of revenue sharing is simple, the implica tions for the Black community are enormous" said Edwards. He pointed out that' little fe deral control means the variety of civil rights laws and admini strative protections will not be available. Consequently, state and local protections will be more crucial. The Nixon Administration has announced plans to cut back and eliminate federal funds for many of the social programs initiated during the Kennedy and Johnson Admini strations. Many of these social programs were I he only pro grams that attempted to elimi ing the Black community, "frf light of this, the revenue shar ing law becomes even more important," said Edwards. Local and state public nom- ies, including revenue sharing hinds, may be used to continue these social programs in many instances, or they may be spent on programs which will be of little or no benefit to the Black communtiy. Edwards fels that there is a great danger that the revenue sharing funds will be spent for such programs as law enforcement, primarily the pur chase of additional weapons, rather than for health, recrea tion, and social services for the poor and aged unless public pressure from the Black com munity te bjuJ)fep bear upon county commissioners, cfty cpuncilmen, and other public officials. Local governmental bodies (coimty commissioners and city councils) and the state government of North Carolina are scheduled to receive ap proximately $670 million of federal funds under this act. Two-thirds, or $446 million of the funds will go to county and city governments in the State. The other one-third of the money will go directly to the State government. The director of the Durham based organization that said all of the funds for 1972 (ap proximately $89 million to lo cal governments and $45 mil lion to the State government) have been, or soon will be, distributed by the U.S. Trea sury Department which admini sters the revenue sharing act. Edwards urged members of the Black community to oon tact their county commission ers and city councilman to de termine how the revenue shar ing funds for 1972 will be spent as many of the governing bodies have not decided how they will spend the extra funds. Edwards noted that several organizations such as the Lea dership Conference on Civil Rights, the National Urban Co alition and the League of Wo men Voters have criticized the temporary guidelines of the Treasury Department. He said that while the revenue sharing act specifically prohibits dis crimination by race, these or ganizations maintain that the Treasury's guidelines fail to as sure that Blacks will be able to participate fully and without discrimination. Other weakness fa the guidelines are: inadequate procedures for community participation ir. planning for and maintaining how the money is spent. Omission of the requirement for a public plan on how the funds will be spent as called for bv the law. The Treasury's rerjort after the money has beer spent. "If these criticisms of the guidelines are valid," Edwqrds said, "it is even more important for Blacks to contact their pub lic officials immediately." UNC Joins Five Top Universities In Consortium CHAPEL HILL The Uni versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has joined five other major American uriiver" sities in a cooperative pro gram to increase the oppor tunities of minority students to obtain graduate education for careers in management, it is announced by Claude S. George, Associate Dean of the Continued on page 2A WASHINGTON - The Black press has the primary responsi bility of translating the pulse of the black community into an agenda and a program of ob jectives, one of tlie top rank blacks in the Nixon Adminis tration told the 37 publishers attending the mid-winter work shop of the National Newspaper Publisher Association. Stanley Scott, soon to be named officially to replace Ro bert Brown as special assistant to the President, told the pub lishers they could count on the Administration working with them in finding the solutions to the problems Balck America nas identified. "I want you to call on and work with the Administration in finding solutions," Scott told them. "Not solutions of rhe toric, but solutions that will stand the test of time." "We don't need any name calling and negative approaches, there ia na over-abundance of these among blacks throughout the nation today. We need po sitive and realistic items on the black agenda." Scott warned the publishers they and Black America could not afford to wait around four or eight years "until the Ad ministration is no longer at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, hoping for a great crusader." "We just can't afford tiiat amount of time," he told them. "We can't afford four years, four months or eveft foux days. We"ve got to gei about the busi ness of positively solving some of our problems." The former newsman who has been serving in the Adminis tration as assistant to Commu nications Director Herb Klein also pointed out that the black press played perhaps, the most significant role any institution in the black communtiy. "If there are real objectives within the black community," he said, "the black press must decipher the rhetoric, tune in tin- people to common wave length, and translate to the public both the internal and external publics, what it is all about." To a large degree, Scott told the overflowing audience at Washington's Mayflower Hotel the black press will help deter- wine what the pages of history "will tell about black people." As the black community grows, so will the responsibi lity of the black press and Scott warned them not to get caught up in political party la bels. "I hope you will remain aloof from political party la bels and weigii out leaders on Continued on page 2A N. C. STATE NAACP IN QUEEN CITY TACKLES ONE OF BASIC PROBLEMS CHARLOTTE - The North Carolina State Conference of NAA '-P Branches tackled one of the basic problems of human dignity, housing, at its annual leadership meeting, held at Holiday Inn No. 2, in a day long session, Saturday, Januty 27. The theme was "Doin' Our Thing in Housing." It was really that. The special guest consultant was William Morris, National NAACP Director of Housing Programs of the New Yctk office. The meeting began at 9:30 ajn., with William Gaines, Max ton, chairman, N.C. State Con ference Housing Committee, presiding. After preliminary opening remarks and the state ment of purpose by Kelly M. Alexander, president, work shops on all phases of housing were set up. Workshop No. 1 was presi- oex by Charles McLean tfflmm: It dealt with bow to.organize NAACP Branch Housing Programs. The con sultants were William R. Morris, Don Harewood, Emily Berger and William Gaines. It ended with a round table luncheon discussion, featured by an ad dress from Thomas Jenkins, Deputy Assistant Equal Op portunity Director, HUD, Wasu ington, D.C., James Johnson, Director, N.C. Farmers Home Administration, Raleigh. Workshop No. 2 featured "(Betting it Together in Rural Areas and Small Towns." Emi ly Berger of the National NAACP Housing Department, served as moderator. Farmers Home Programs were discussed by James 0. Buchanan, N.C. Rural Housing Chief, Farmers Home Administration. William Crisp, Warrenton, Associate Director, Economic Develop ment Corp., told what his or ganization had to do about im proving rural homes. Rights & Resources of Renters were ex plained by Attorney George Payton, Charleston, S.C. The final workshop was mo derated by Don Harewood who brought valuable information on "Getting it Together in the Inner City." Many inner city problems, ranging from displac ed' persons in the ghetto, over crowding in substandard houses dispossession, land acquirement, to family and multiple dwellings The rights and priviliges of all affected persons were fully ex plained. Robert L. Smith, Exe cutive Director, Low Income Housing Development Corp., Durham, explored all phases of Community Development. William R. Morris summed up with "Rappin It Up." He Continued on page 2A I mm :mm mm imm K Greensboro Prepares To Nosf Order Of Nobles Mystic Skrme Oak In May GREENSBORO - Accord ing to information fumisned by Augusta Finly, Jr., Imperial Director for the ceremonies of Gala Day, top attraction of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Snrine of North and South America and its Jurisdictions, Inc., this city will be the scene of the greatest celebration ever held in Shrine- dom, May 17-19. The gala affair will be an in novation in the history of the high order. The jurisdiction has been divided into regions, with Maryland, Distrlc of Colum bia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia and Delaware making up the 2nd Region. All of the Deserts of the region will combine in the promotion of Gala Day. It was rather unique that North Carolina was selected, as tne state, to host the event. The selection of the city brought stiff competition from Char lotte, Winston Salem, Greens Continued on page 2A THE NOMINATION of New York construction leader Peter J. Brennan to be secretary of labor was opposed 119 by critics bottr io m- Mt umi right of Brennan. As the Se nate Labor Committee contin ued hearings on the nomina tion, Rep. Charles Range!, D N.Y. (left) opposed the nomi nation, and Charles Clay tor ) rip. i . ), president of New York Carpenters Local 2947, came out for Bteanan. Publisher Garth Reeves Warns Of Threat to Free Press at Meet North Carolina Central University Law School Hosts legal Education Seminar WASHINGTON -- The press is becoming a scapegoat for pub lic officials who only want to cover up their own mistakes, Publisher Garth C. Reeves charged at the opening luacheon Of the mid-winter workshop of tne National Newspaper Pub lishers Association. Reeves, editor and publisher of the Miami Times (Fla.) and president of the 97-member organization of black newspa pers and magazines, warned his fellow publishers that existing laws "safeguarding" tiie press are inadequate. "The press has lately become a scapegoat for vindictive jud ges and government autnorities seeking to cover their own mis takes," Reeves said. "(And) the frequency of these challenges to newsgat tier ing efforts has prompted fears that a new judicial "reign of terror" may be descending on the mass media - its object: to stifle dissent and journalistic initiative." Reeves pointed out that newsmen have always risked jail instead of name the source of their stories or the content of unpublished interviews, only in the past four years have the courts throughout the nation begun ' to make these demands During the first years of the Nixon Administration, more than 150 subpoenas were ser Continued on page 2A SLIDE STILLED RK 4MBjBjt2jjj II I mmmts -IHI 9pS- - ' MllinBiM mWm " - 'K W&tw MWmWKmmmmWtmgM v v .BjBJgBJj BJHMMBJF W $ Wm BBRBRBIpBRBJj PPf EDWARD "KID" ORY, le gendary trombonist of Dixie land jazz who composed "Muskret Ramble" & "SJvoy Blues," died 123 at age 86. Ory, perhaps the greatest Dixie land slide trombonist of all time, had been living in Hawaii since 1966. He had been hos pitalized for two weeks with pneumonia. The N.C. Bar Association Foundation's legal education quarterly Seminar was held on, Januray 26-27 at Duke Univer sity with NCCU Law School as host. Legal Education Seminars are given under the sponsor ship of the Legal Education Committee of the North Caro lina Bar Association hi conjunc tion with the four law schools Duke, NCCU, Wake Forest, and UNC. The Dean of the NCCU Law School served as Chairman of tiie planning sub-committee. His responsibility was to arrange the entire seminar. Topics for tlie Institute were Recent De velopments in Multi-State Trans actions covering Torts, Con tracts and Estate Planning. Participants leading tlie dis cussions included Hugh W. Di vine, of Wake Forest University speaking on Introduction to Jurisdiction Selection and Multi-State Business Transactions; Claude M. Hamrick of Winston Salem, speaking on Taxation Problems; Frank B. Wyatt of High Point - Bankruptcy, In solvency and Receivership; and Miss Doris R: Bray - Securities; Seymour Wurfel of UNC - Con tracts, Migratory Executive; Novire L. Lay, Assistant Dean of University of Kentucky --Domicile-Domicile; W. Richard Kell of Charlotte, LeMarquis DeJarmon, Dean of NCCU Law School - Multi-State Tort Li tigation, Introduction; w.i,. Thorp, Jr., Rocky Mount - Pro ducts Liability and Other Torts; Continued on page 2A Black Caucus Names Morgan State Professor New Director BALTIMORE, MD-The Congressional Black Caucus announced today the appoint ment of Augustus Alven Adair, Professor of Political Science at Morgan State College in Baltimore, Maryland as the new Executive Director effec tive February 1, 1973. Gus Adair brings to the directorship a. board back ground in political science and practical politics; having ser ved as a Congressional Fellow in 1961 and 1962 In both houses of Congress under the sponsorship of the American Political Science Association. At;nr was appointed assistant diaector of the Institute for Political Education and Assis tant Professor of Political Scie- VICTORY SMILE nee at Morgan State College. In 1966 he became director of the Institute for Political Edu cation and in 1967 he was promoted to Associate Profes sor of Political Science, his present position. For the past nine years Gus has played a very active role in Maryland and Baltimore poli tics, serving as advisor to Jo seph C. Howard; now Judge of the Supreme Bench of Balti more City; Milton B. Allen, now State's Attorney for Balti more City; and Paul Chester, now Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for Baltimore City. Gus Adair's greatest in volvement of course, was his role in the campaigns of Parren Continued on page 2A "' 1 RRF:jB&mMH913&&" iSS6mmb, ' 'RRa : ' VICTORIOUS George Fore man amies after defeating Joe Fraztor 122 for the world heavyweight title. Referee Ar thur Mer canter atqaaattfc fight ia the

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