Sat., April 1, tm THE CAROLINA 1001-4 glgHMpLINA Tllfllh 9 April 7, 17S Getting The Jump On Easter Daat wait for the bonny to deliver Easter eggs to mar Inn this year not if you want to get the moat family fun out of the Easter holiday. Making Easter eggs together is a super activity that delights every generation. In fact, you may want to invite friends too, and stage your own egg-painting party every year. How many eggs will you need for the decorating orgy? More than you guess. One native twelve year-old can whiz' through a dozen eggs suigiehanded be fore vou can turn around. Boil all the eggs the day be fore the party- To prevent racking, start them in cold water to which a spoonful of vinegar has boon added, then increase to boiling slowly. Remember, a cracked egg may be decorated, but as a safety measure, don't plan to oat it afterward. When eggs are hardboQed. store them in a dry place at room tempera ture rather than putting them in the icebox. Refriger ated eggs have moist shells which are very difficult to decorate. Decorating materials in clude watereolor points and brushes, wax crayons, col ored paper, glue, fabric scraps, sequins, feathers, and anything else that occurs to you. Several bowls of egg dye in various colors should also bo provided for overall dip ping. Using wax crayons on the eggs prior to dipping is a favorite trick. It's a good idea to keep this egg-dipping area in the kitchen. Set up a sec ond ana, such as a large table in the dining room or den, for leas messy decorating effects. Here everyone can play around with the sequins and the glue, and try their hand at watorcolors. You'll be too busy admiring everyone's handiwork to fuss much with refreshments at this time. Plan to serve some thing simple and refreshing. Carnation Instant. Breakfast, mixed with fresh whole milk, hits the spot with every gen eration. Serve it hot or cold to keep your decorator's en ergy up, no matter what the time of day. After the eggs are decorat ed, appoint several children as judges to award a prize to the most original egg. litis winning egg should be identi fied with a mark of some kind. Now the eggs are ready to hide. Whoever wants to play Easter bunny takes all the eggs outside and hides them around the yard. An egg hunt on Easter morning is the happy ending to this imaginative party. The person who finds the special prize egg wins a small present-such as a kite, a bag ofgumdrops, or a new kazoo. The last thing before the guests leave, remember to diwy up the eggs. See that everyone takes some home. That way, there's no waste. You spread the Easter cheer around . . . not to mention the egg salad sandwiches. GOLDEN TOUCH OF HOSPITALITY . . . from Best Foods Kitchens 'VBgRiHPH gaSslsPIBBBBBBBBBBW BSnl BBBBBtilP5 mm m LssssM m m iiHlHl KPH9H H :Msssslsannnnnn nnS bbbbbV -' : - ssnns BBBBsnnlsPIsilnBBBnl bbbbbb gasnWAhnsnnnnnH B l Mm ' JlllSH LnRSiilaannVannnnBB Cookies Galore from One Recipe A good cookie recipe that can be adapted to make several different varieties, is an invaluable aid to any family. Nuts, Jelly, chocolate and coconut each of these can be used to make a different cookie from this basic dough. All Purpose Cookie H cup corn starch 1 cup sifted flour Vi cup confectioners sugar cup margarine Sift corn starch, sugar and flour together into mixing bowl. Stir in margarine, mixing until soft dough forms. Shape as desired. Place about 1 Inches apart on ungreased baking sheet. Bake in a S00F oven about 20 minutes until edges are lightly browned. Makes 2 to 3 dozen cookies. Variations: Form cookies with a press; or shape by hand into balls, rolls or crescents. Ron In chopped nuts before baking; or, after bak ing, dip cookie Into melted chocolate or dust with confection ers sugar. For thumb print cookies, make a depression in cen ters of cookie balls before baking. After baking, fill depressions with jelly. For Double Decker Cookies, press dough Into 8-inch square pan and bake 40 minutes. Sprinkle with 1 cup semi sweet chocolate pieces and place in oven just until chocolate melts. Spread chocolate evenly. Sprinkle with V cup flaked coconut and cut Into 12 squares. Education Revenue Sharing Will Hurt Blacks in Urban State WASHINGTON - Blacks in large urban states will be the primary victims under the Ad ministration's proposed educa tion revenue-sharing plan. Opponents of the measure believe they have sufficient votes to block enactment of the proposal, which the Ad ministration has dubbed the "Better Schools Act." President Nixon wants the Congress to repeal the Elemen tary Education Act of 1965. Assistance to the disadvantaged will be shifted from large urban states to poor rural ones under the President's plan. The Administration's propo sal will require concentration of aid to the disadvantaged in the meddiest districts first. This, in essence, means that poor youngsters in "better" school districts may not be able to qualify for aid under reve nue sharing . Basically, the Nixon bill will pull together some 30 educa tional prog rams into five aid for the disadvantaged, the han dicapped, vocational education, aid to school districts with large numbers of federal em ployees living op federal pro perty and other supporting ser vices such as the school lunch program. The President has asked for $2.7 billion in the coining fiscal year. HEW Secretary Caspar Wein berger ays the plan will elimi nate the bureaucratic red tape which "ensnaris tite educator in time consuming rrivia which are counter-productive to his primary goal-education.'' He said that criticism of the pain was "understandable' and that the federal govern ment had committed itself to providing funds to improve the education of poor children. But he said the federal gov ernment needed to stop "act ing like a national school board, telling states and communities in great detail what they should CHILD WELFARF I BA IMuiisS ' km &VWBffVfBeBeBKBS'.-l' As a young priest, Bishop Edward E. Swangtrom cov ered the waterfront as a fight er for social justice for Brook lyn dock workers. Since 1946, he has covered the world in an even more challenging role, heading a war against want for impoverished peoples every where as Executive Director of Catholic Relief Services. In those years, the two fisted, globetrotting bishop has administered the distribu tion of millions of dollars worth of food, medicines, clothing and child-care ' serv ices from Calcutta to Caracas . . . from Pakistan to Pana ma. You can help Bishop Swangtrom carry on his vital work by contributing to the American Catholic Overseas Aid Fund, Empire State Building, N.Y., N.Y. 10001. : "A Sight Better Than Glass" A number of factors enable a Shoe salesman to keep his best foot forward. Tasteful clothes, an enthusias tic attitude, the decor of his store all play significant roles in convincing a customer he's come to the right spot to make his purduue. Mirrors are an especially im portant part of this successful sales formula. The definitive showcase for the merchandise, ixirtable minors must give an accurate reflection, have an at tractive appearance, and be sturdy and safe. In an increasing number of shoe stores across the country, mirrors of clear PlcxiglasW acrylic plastic are replacing tra ditional glass units. Plexiglas mirror provkks a totally new dimension in reflective ma terials. It possesses the image reflecting characteristics of con ventional glass mirrors, but un like glass it can be strip heated and bent to fit around corners and can also be cut into an end less number of shapes. At the same time Plexiglas mirror has many tunes more breakage re aistanec than glass mirrors, is less than one-half as heavy, and fcMgBSfcr to assemble and install. It is also available in a wider range of colors. One store employing the "new look" plastic mirror is Miller s West Town in Kaox vihe, Tetm. Hem a free-stsod-ing, lS-foot-by-two-foot unit cosMfaucted from a single sheet of Plexiglas inirror enables shop per. in the ladies shoe salon to flnSBBBBBBBaetsBBSW :Sf52ssT BnSk iflHBs anl snvaBsT BstsSsI Bar nsBSzflr psat tLs m fai V !aw BP v mmw im " Plexiglass mirror: m safe, light-weight, economical, and attractive tool la get a clear, contemporary view of the footwear they try on. The distinctive design of this sales tool was practical due to the thermoformfng characteristic of this new reflective acrylic sheet; the effect could not nave been obtained econoniically in glass. "The Plexiglas mirror is a small element in the overall decor of our shoe salon,' com ments Jim Caramon, manager of shoe retailing" Miller's West Town,, "but it docs :i big job. Its unusual design at tracts customers' attention and in a figurative sense reflects fa vorably on the fasliionableness of the shoes we sell." Clearly, Plexiglas mirror is worth looking into. Plexiglas is a trademark for Rohm and Haas Company's brand of acrylic sheet and mirror. from IF. impact spend and how much." ji Weinberger said that alto gether the states will still have to spend certain required funds for low-income children, they will also have more flexib in switching federal fundi one category to another. This would eliminate IWiptBgory f tiie school aid program which has given hundreds of districts mil lions of dollars annually. ;i j Unfortunately, at the same time, the revenue-sharing pro posal also provides that states which now spend more than the national average per child form their local and state funds will lose under the plan. Although school districts would get the same amount of money for low-income chil dren this year that they cur rently receive, in succeeding years the payments for the low income are expected overall to be lower. U. S. Representative Carl D. Perkins, Democrat of Ken tucky, and chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, was the major ar chitect of the 1965 act and he is pushing legislation to ex tend the measure. When the act expires in June, it has a provision for a year's automa tic extension. That is likely to happen. Representative Albert H. Quie of Minnesota, the ranking Republican on the House Edu cation and Labor Committee, is also critical of the Adminis tration's bill. Quie says the bin uses in come levels in school districts as the determinant for educa tional aid. He has introduced a bill to counter that element of the Nixon proposal. Job Placement Rise Sharply for Blacks, Poor , WASHINGTON A dra matic 31-percent rise in job placements of blacks took place between the first half of fiscal 1971 and the corresponding period in 1973 (June through December). ' v In announcing the rise, Ad ministrator Robert J. Brown of the U. S. Employment Ser vice said that placements of poor people rose 62.8 percent and placement of minorities increased 37.4 percent. The "turnaround" In Em ployment Service volumes of persons placed in jobs, and job listed by employers, began in 1971 after five years of a downward spiral, he said, and he is continuing a sharply up ward path. In the first half of fiscal 1972, Brown said placements of poor soared by 39.1 percent ov er the first half of fiscal 1971; placements of minority members went up by 20.6 per is In the first half of fiscal 1972, 1,309,000 persons were placed an increase of 21.6 per cent over the 1971 half-year figure. In the same period this year 1,610,000 were put into Jobs, Brown said, an increase of 49.6 percent over the 1,077, 00 placements made in the first half of fiscal 1971. , Nonagricultural job listings along, he said, for the first half of fiscal 1973 totaled 3,838,00Orup sharply from the 8,060,000 and the 3.057, 000 totals listed for the first half of fiscal year 1971 and 1972 respecUrelj. e He said that as is always the case, some employers lasting job openings with the Employ merit Service filled those jobs directly or through private a gencies, and in other cases, no suitable applicant appeared at ES offices. (fiP) Sights On Safety y by UL Public Information Offfae Proper Care And Use Of Outdoor Appliances During the gardening season many Americans will be using electric appliances such as lawn mowers, edger-trimmers, cultivators, grass shears, or hedge trimmers to make' their outdoor work both easier, and more enjoyable. However, aldng with the increased, use of these convenience items goes an increased sense of re sponsibility for adherence to rules of safety. Underwriters' Laboratories Inc., an indepen dent, not-for-profit organiza tion, that tests products for public safety, recommends that you observe the following guidelines when working with outdoor appliances. Keep the work area clean. Never use appliances in damp or wet locations. Keep all visitors, especially children, a safe distance away from the work area.' Store appliances in high, dry places when not In use, and keep them out of the reach of children. Never force an appliance to work faster than the rate at which it was designed. Never use an appliance for a job it was not intended. Never wear lose clothing or jewlery which could get caught in the moving parts. Use rub ber gloves and proper foot wear when working outdoors. Never carry an appliance by the cord, and never yank it when removeing from a recep- am H " RPPSlMmnssBsfiB lBiam mYS3MT tfimmmm Hi I ' UssFj m. mmW i 191 &saBBnf a . xSfij fnSSV"' 'a: '"" ,wMT aPfSBfl ""fens ' 1 jgLjaaj wigrw ' '" tacle. Keep from heat, the oil, cord away and sharp Never use an appliance In the rain. Keep proper footing and balance at all times, dont overreach. Keep appliances sharp and clean for best and safest per formance. Disconnect on ap pliance before servicing, changing accessories, or lubri eating, and follow the direc tions. Look for the UL symbol in a circle when purchasing out door appliances. Such equip ment has been evaluated with respect to hazards affecting life and property, by undergo ing rigid tests which duplicate in-service uses and abuses that products may receive. UL further suggests observ ing the following rules of safe ty when working with edger trimmers or lawn mowers, i Keep guards in place, and in working order. Keep blades sharp. keep Hands away from the culling are,;' ' Hitting a rock or other such foreign object with a lawn mower can be very dangerous. In the event that this should happ en, take the following steps. 5 1. Stop the mower. 2. Inspect for damage. 3. Repair the damage before restarting and operating the mower. f Whfin vnu aet m atssSSsetsB s' 'wr-, Ir-a ar-i mj-x. 1 lalmm isjii s nr-i m vn r nnnnp tmm nr. tmr ..... i. v .' m, in i i i ii mini ussi mi more than a phone. '.iB BHuH& . . .... jHt,Sfe: liw i". 9: . 1 4 ::1 You get service. And you get maintenance. And replacement of worn or broken parts. And updated equipment. Including the latest devices for business communications, every thing from automatic dialers to data phones. And as new changes and improvements come along we will make them available to you. You see, we have to. We're in the telephone business and want to keep you as customers. As happy customers. GEI1ERAL TELEPHOflE The people you cen telk to One-to-One. m I frictf In Th i I JaS1 Ka? I l,cm Offered I ThrMh WrMT Ar Not! Y B , W W W m rnere may have Dn a nrM I $.t., April WM M A..,i.kie To T T TiPI B EVTDA lAUa! Mother Goose, an Elizabeth I mam mOw T'tKfll "M' R""1 B I gfck jfl j mWk j atara. W il ?0tet Botn wh mJ&JW m. A. ' mm mri Z compromise M WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES MM AAPPOUCY: a,.Ys drM.,v h -nd (-V RAINCHECK: , odv vpo... Moo,f. - t ... th.- follow. -q ' V GUARANIIL A&P o.f m0;:z h.-- rri't?!- no molt.- " AO,!' o o t o o ' Willi Mill I Tv ll'ri'ssssssssslsssssssi BBBBBft M I I 1 , W !.7. . ssssnaaw BammAjskssssSBsafassssl m7T7 at a mm 1 1 1 s iialini WHIP DESSERT T0FPING - WPSIrakns .i flavors of age UIMB A BRAND Q. ftU4 SAVINGS ON f0H AS SpWj. Z9C Krnr.cuii iv-w .iliar. 8 O'ClocW a. T. CBIW J.AM jsji.-i i a ilNl)l V'1 ' .. BIO '1 sssssiw 1 75 3-U l-Ub. nt Bog Bog TTTTT 1 1 MtTTTTfTI 1 1 1 1 1 LLLUliJ - i mmuaaasi -wrTtrn i LillliUUsssssssl II Ulll II Ml VV'fl3:AaUalasH uiuiTP BREAD FLAKY KUi v Chocolotc Iced Coconut Square Your CVioic 15-0 Pks- 1 1 I I I I mm ILssssssssLissssssl . il,. .,,nl'uv!hl;!5fl $TsOX .HSTAHTCOfl, VOIO AfTW ATW 5 0'"''-:iSS A&P SU6AR S & 39c w , air. Wl' ... , ,,MMHI , YOU r-"' ' - r Aiir iriu .... nul SAG WtJ 'Inro BBP l,M AND W .aruuilt i bbs m m m m w vs w m m bbj bbi . -wn bbj su EXTRA LOW, PRICES! ABSOLUTELY NO COMPROMISE IN QUALITY! grandchildren! Tbcltotltn'OoosshtMl to be 92. the oldest ana at which a woman has become a mother is 58. That record set by Mrs. Ruth Rustier of California in i 965 That's right, Double your money back if you're not completely satisfied with any meat purchased at A&P WEO (PRICE LABEL OR REGISTER TAPE NECESSARY, OF COURSE) ' 1 " ROAST CHUCK BONE IN LB. Stew Beef Shoulder Roast Chuck Roast Chuck Steak Cubed Chuck Steak Chicken Steak I Chuck Tender Bant In Boneleis Boncleti lb. lb. Lb. lb. U lb M.05 M.09 M.19 M.59 M.59 M.59I STEAK Extra Lean tontleu Ik 1.39 "SUPER-RIGHT" EXTRA LEAN Ground Chuck ''tJvC $1.09 Ground Round ':r' CHUCK BONE IN LB. JL2SJ Beef Shank Meat Bone In 89 SAVE MONEY AT ASP WEO ON "Super-Right" Wafer Thin Sliced Beef, Turkey, Chicken, Pastrami, 3-Oi. Corned Beef, Spicy Beef, Smoked pkrj. Beef and Chopped Ham CAP'N JOHN'S PRE-COOKED FROZEN Fish Sticks ?' 55c Weeceo! SAVINGS ON Dak Chopped Ham mMAT SAVINGS ON ft) WHOLE 1-lb. Ogf Can nPapaj CHICKEN Weeeco! "SUPER-RIGHT" All Beef Franks FROZEN CHICKEN. BEEF OR TURKEY Sultana Pot Pies SAVE MONEY ON ALL VARIETIES 79c A&P Pimento Spread CHECK AND COMPARE SAVINGS ON a OB a Fruit Cocktail HOT JVa-ib. 39c 95c 99c l-Lb Pkg. 8-Oi. Pkgi. a Mandarin Oranges Save Money On Number 1 Thin cap1 43c Market Sliced Bacon Top Quality Grade "A" 4-7 Lb'. 24upfhcup 75c Baking Hens rVt ON "SuPIR-RMSHT" PURE Lb Lb 86c 59c SAUSAGE a Hot MiM t-L. Rail m GRIAT MANY WAYS TINDIR Fresh Yellow Corn GREAT TASTING Western Cantaloupes "sr 'FIRST THING IN MORNING TRY 27 SHE Florida Grapefruit 2 MAKES GREAT TASTING LEMONAOE Fresh Juicy Lemons TRY SOME IN A TOSSED SALAD Crisp Red Radishes SAVE MONEY AT ASP WEO ON Fresh Pineapples 5on"' 49c e. 49c For 29C .?',92 59c 19c SAVI MONEY AT A&P WEO ON JUICY FLA. ORANGES A&P Soap SAVE MONEY WITH ASP Bathroom Tissue GREAT WITH ANN PAGE SOUP Barh Siic 4-Bor Pk, Single Ply 4-Roll Pkg. Ea. Only 39c 3? $100 I 125 Size 59c 39c Nabisco Premium Saltines MEL-O-BIT PROCESSED American Cheese Slices GREAT FOR PARTY SNACKS ANN PAGE Olives ,ooBot 49c SAVE. AT A&P WEO ON Sultana Mayonnaise Regular Size a Bar Pk, 2-PI 4-Roll Pk,. l-Lb Pk,. 12-Ox. Pk,. Stuffed 5' a-Or Bot. Qt 59c 49c 43c 75c 49c 49c GREAT FOR SLAW AND SALAD CRISP CREAM SUNNYFIELD Grade A North Carolina Produced 1 ml pt;q T .onto Li-TSPW.;-: ;.:?w SUNNYBROOK EGGS ln ci? WF r i Lb. Pr.n or 12 SHOP AND SAVE AT A&P WEO ON SWEET Ra1SBBBSaa fssBBBBkk iairaasSBailti n nmaSBBlBBlM aaRSSBSiaikKi. HHUhMtJltfi m W. m mm wW&Bwmm mmmmWk m mum W wYr ,"-- g&JkaVaKJrjdBj mAgagtMmJmJbmmmA HHasdsaslBsssssBsa TF.XI7F INDUSTIIIAL STRENGTH CLEANER Q ' V - fWlHiiiB .....! r -w -r .- ;- . ::--vvKMs:.-iSsssssWrSssssssi I SBBBBaT RSBBBS 57 IK BBHTOODsllB 79 GET YOUR OVEN CLEAN WITH SPRAY CHAN YOUR BATHROOM WITH imulfl 409 SHOP AfcP WEO tOK SP! A&PAmniMiia HmuUfWifM FOR MANY USES AROUNO YOUR HOUSETRY AtVP Cleniw SHOP AI.P WEO FOR SPRING CLEANINO VALUES CLIAt:' ' OR LEMON LINE YOUR KITCHEN SHELVES WITH SHELF PAPER FOR YOUR SPRINfi CLEANING NEEDS ALL PURPOSE DISPOSAL TOWELS inCt. Pk, FOR YOUR SPRING CLEANING NEEDS ALL PURPOSE EAT SAVINGS FOR SPRING CLEANING ON AftP A&P Ganbm Bw$ SPRINGTIME WEEF.0 SAVINGS ON AW Tfmh Cm Iwm DEODORIZING CLEANER SET YOUR FLOORS ACRYLIC FLOOR F POLISH YOUR FURNITURE WITH LEMO uo Can GIT YOUR FLOORS SHINY WITH FLOOR SHINE CLEANER ACRYLIC FLOOR FINISH FROM AP 30 Cr Pk- 20. Cf Pkf. 2BOt. Bottla J2.0t. Batfta 27 0. (tat. !4-0i. Bot GREAT FOR SPRINGTIME WINDOW CLEANING ALL PURPOSE 28-0 Rat. 45 AP Wiwltw Spuui IS-Ot. wnn s,. AMMONIA a'T , 87 S33 89 65 THIS IS ELEGANCE... at a bargain price! Porcelain FINE CHINA W. Ml 1 This is Queen Anne. An unusually hand some pattern with all the lavish decor and rich colorings of the Rennaissance. Worthy of a formal dinner occasion. 4 SALAD PLATES SAVE 50 BREAD & BUTTER PLATES ONLY 39c EACH withavarv SSpurthaa Rcsulaily 75c Next week, cups. Follow the weekly sale features and build a service for eight only M il No purchM lasjpstajl m mm WmwBr mmwfe: I started something. According to a recent Gall up Poll, women now consider two children to be the ideal family size, compared with four just a few years ago. Probably women are more aware that besides the pill, diaphragm and loop, there are other good birth control methods including some like Conceptrol or Deifen they can get in drugstores without a doctor's prescription. In 1938 a British mother bore the smallest baby to survive, 10 ounces. The big gest, 25 pounds, was delivered in 1961 in Turkey. The picture above is of Mrs. Anna R. Jar-vis of West Virginia. It was in her honor that Mother's Day began to be celebrated, in 1908. 1 BKaBBBBE. JBBBBBJ m hi A bra-sized bikini by Bobby Len that stoetcnes to fit, fin ishes off with its own slit skirt. "California ih end of the rainbow." (American Proverb) That with the increased yield of new A-3 Polaris and Poseidon reentry vehicles and their independently targeted warheads, a sea-based deter rent is expected to provide a high probability that as many as 1000 enemy targets could be destroyed even after losing some U.S. submarines to an enemy attack? a That sea-basing appears to be the ideal deterrent-yet the idea of depending only on sea-basing has been rejected because it simply wouldn't meet the needs of a credible U.S. nuclear strategy for the future? That the beat defense for the U.S. is based on the Triad system of land-based missiles, land-based bombers and sub-marine-kunched ballistic mis siles, for then the enemy is faced with a complex of cur rently unsohrable strategic and tactical problems? That you can get a reprint of a magazine article explaining the need for a diversified U.S. deterrent? It's available by writing to: Reprint Editor, American Ordnance Association, 819 Union Trust BUg., Washington, D.C. 20006.