I ATHE CAROLINA TIMES Sat.. April 7, 1973 EDITORIALS !COMMENT H you wiH protest eowwgeotisJy Mi f wWi dignity aid Christian Love, when the history books art written in future gen rations, Hie historian will novo to pause j ti amd m arHt ninnU n black rmoole who Iniected now maaaino and MO SOYi IBOrO O " swwve. rrvr www eseiwiwe iiww ensvwsseseey '" diqnirv mto the teles of ll.Billin.' This is our chatt.nat and our imp l iniiniiiiiTT" Rev. Marti Luther King, Jr. Who Comes First - Human Beings or Materials Things? A growing awareness that human beings or humanistic needs are being east aside for material things by the Administration seems to be taking shape at many levels. It may, how ever, be too late. An many persons and groups have pointed out the present trend by the Administration of sacrificing human needs for materialistic gains by bud get cutting has begun to seep into many minds. Millions of Americans who are handicapped, elderly, educational in stitutional leaders who depend on aid for their students to secure an education, medical and health care facilities, returning veterans who have given so much and seem to ap pear to be getting so little, the low income and otherwise disadvantaged are feeling the severe budget cuts. ! . . . ' " lift Many Congressmen have rallied in support of these groups, but they seem to be losing ground. Unfortu nately most persons cannot truly understand the many problems that will be caused by the continuing cuts until it hits their purses and affects their life styles. It does seem unfair to sacrifice the very human needs of so many mil lions of Americans by balancing a budget that forgets these very needs. Perhaps as in other times of growing recession and possibly eventual de pressions more citizenry will awajfcen to their tasks of continually calling for aid to those who have been most . . i-I ...... W..Jma4 negiecvBa oy we bvywv uuusc vur ting. It is past time for all right think ing Americans to rise to the tasks of seeing that human needs take precedent over material things. Job Gloom Is Everywhere The doldrums of the New York Stock Exchange or Market reveals that at least four securities firms have begun laying off workers and this action is expected to step up before long. This bust on Wall Street is coming on when industry is supposed to be booming. People on the trading floor say this has. been the worst quarter in years. And with summer coming up, things could get really brutal. Histo rically things go very slow during the summer, but this action has already started well before summer Statistics show Jbat people just aren't making any killings any long er. Even the small investor can't be depended upon now,' in fact, he seems to be extinefcr-ss. So, it appears that "big business" is facing job cuts and lay of fs as well. Perhaps the old saying when my neighbor is laid off it's a recession, but when I am laid off, it is a depres sion can be aptly applied at more levels than we know at this time. fl " . : - ' ' Again, perhaps, these are problems faced by all Americans and not just minority issues as some would have flyott-to believe. . .' M ; iAll Americans need to join in the efforts to secure more job opportu nities for all persons. For it is only with adequate employment that all citizenry can then enjoy the growth and potential promised in the great American Dream. M Wm Aaamst Food Mas The revolt by the masses house wives, workers and politicians has brought about the called ceiling on meat prices. This protest against soaring meat prices, coupled with boycotts that appear ' to be growing, does pose many problems in the econ omy. Employment cutbacks in the meat industry, plant and equipment orders cut downs, building permits slow down, packing house woes and even stock prices have dropped sharply as the meat buyers boycott picks up steam. Each day lists workers fur loughed from their jobs. It is too early to forecast the re-. suits at this time, but from all indices reported via the mass media the boy cott of meat prices and other goods as well continue to boom in most Only time will tell us what the true effects wUl be. With No Name The enemy was no definite name, though in a certain degree, we all know him. He who puts always the body before the spirit, the dead before the living; who makes things only in order to sell them; who bas forgotten that there is such a thing as truth, and measures the world by advertisement or by money; who daily defiles the beauty that surrounds him and makes vulgar the tragedy. -Gilbert Murray iiiimilllliiliiii;-,,A) ,Wxv ) ."' d... uriik ihnir tvinint pven with their ovs closed. Things Yon Should Know y Ar SaWVV AVI iiW Watte SUl'Te-WAM .Born inlouisvillkx sep't. 12, 1873; this famous NEGRO CHARACTER ACTRESS SIGNED HER FIRST MOVIE CONTRACT IN 1913sHE DID OVER iJb 40 YEARS IN FILMS, INCLUDING "CARMEN JONES ! Drugs Are Real Black Destruction . . I DRUNKENNESS OF DOPE IS A FLATTERING SK 1 UHICH WHOSOEVER DOTH COMMIT, DOTH NOT COMMIT SIN, BUT HE HIMSFLFIS WHOLLY SIN. KP' AtmsriNF j Jf fu BANK Continued from front page settle her $2,000-a-year tuition bUl. That helps explain bow she won the following awards while holding down those two part-time jobs: . . 1. The Clarence Bonnette Award for Outstanding Leaden ship as Delta Beta X President for 1971-72. ,r 2. Best Student in Short hand, 1971. i. Best All-Around Female Student, presented by the Durham College Alumni, 1971- m mi J ra?i:tif The 1971 summer, between her two years at Durham, Miss Harper had come to Washing ton to work for a temporary help agency, which placed her at the World Bank. The bank and its a f filiates lend about $3 billion S year to 122 mem ber nations for development -purposes. Its employees num ber apiaiMdnuitdyv3,300P; the headquarters are housed in five separate buildings here. Miss Harper worked out so well, that she was re-hired after graduation from business col lege. She Is currently private secretary to the evaluation officer for the office of pro gram and budget, She is still saving her money, because she did have to take out a repayable federal National Defense Student; Loan. She is also saving her money for another reason many other Washingtonians share - getting back home on long weekends. GANDY Continued from front page tional Conference of Christians and Jews, a team traveling through Europe, the Middle East and the Soviet Union. He has been consultant to the Southern Regional Council, a Dan forth Fellow at the Uni versity of Chicago, a founder and past president of the National Association of Col lege and University Chaplains. In 1960 he was Director of a student European Seminar in volving a study of our cultural and religious heritage. He is a board member or consultant for many civic and civil rights organizations, including the Neighborhood Committee on Urban Renewal, the Urban League and the NAACP. He has been guest lecturer or preacher on numerous cam puses, as many as fifteen in a single year. Before coming tp Howard University as Dean of the School of Religion he was pastor of the Kenwood United Church of Chirst In Chicago. Dr. Gandy will preach at the eleven o'clock campus service In B.N. Duke Audi torium on April 8. He will be open for conferences and class room visitations on Monday and Tuesday, April 9-10. De tails concerning his visit to NCCU may be obtained from the University Minister's Of fice at 134 Student Union (extension 490). U.S. aid to migrant farm ers found deficient. PANEL Continued from front page ment of minority contractors' associations, and assistance to businessmen and other persons or organizations on where to apply for money from the gov ernment or other sources, and serving as a clearing house for ways to imporve existing pro grams. , The director of the agency, Ben Holman, though approving of the Administration cutback of bis program, conceded that CRS devoted 88 per cent of its work last year to preventing crisis rather than mediation. But the President's new bud get has proposed a reduction of $4 million in the $6.8 mil lion allocation for the agency, leaving only the mediation role to CRS. Other agencies would assume the crisis prevention phase as well as local commu nities with certain revenue shar- 1 t i Tr, 1 1 i .r. 1 tag. I Among the federal agencies who would take over the crisis prevention function of CRS would be the Departments of He alth, Education and Welfare and Housing and Urban Deve lopment, the Equal Employ ment Opportunity Commission and the Law Enforcement As sistance Administration. A number of Congressmen contended at the hearing that no other federal agencies would be capable or equipped to take over the CRS functions, but Holman was especially defen sive of the budget cuts. Later, however, he conced ed in response to questions that he had requested as large as last year and that the request was cleared by the Justic e De partment. But it was cut back when it arrived at the Office of Management and Budget, headed by present Secretary of HEW Caspar Weinberger. In defending the budget ... . j 1 . . cuts, nounan sua iney wuuiu permit the agency to devote far more time on settling crisis, but only two years ago he told the House committee that the 1 prevention of crisis role was far more important. Holman, who has been CRS director, for four years, said notices had been sent out end ing 70 jobs by the end of April and that he is beginning to close down 32 of the agency's 42 field offices. Although the cuts haven't been approved by the Congress yet, Holman said he plans on reducing the staff of 341 to only 103 to carry on the agency's new function. Rep. Don Edwards, D-Calif., called all of these actions illegal. But he told Holman: "I guess you're an Indian, not a soldier, in this massacre." The chairman of the House Judiciary Commitee, Rep. Pe ter Rodino, D-N.J., said the dismantling of the agency was another indication of the ad ministration's attempt to "re nege on its civil rights responsibilities." COURT Continued from front page pose of receiving evidence on all aspects of the proposed plan and pending such hearing allow parties and intervenors to engage in relevant discovery proceedings to. more fully demonstrate to the Court the respects in which this proposed settlement plan is unfair, un reasonable and inadequate and violates orders of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit." Mr. Jones announced he would appeal Judge Smith's ruling denying the motion. Associated with Mr. Jones in the case were Attorneys John L. Kennedy, Tom Sampson, Bobby L. Hill and John H. Ruffin of Atlanta and Samuel Tucker and Henry Marsh of Richmond, Va DAY CARE Continued from front page soon thereafter." : 0. .1 . " - - ....... "9 .1.. . OU uuu evei y aiea wt uay care will be fully explored, the Day Care Task Force is divided Into several study areas. Anyone who wishes to contri bute to the study in any way is invited to contact Task Force personnel before the end of April. The committee-at-large in cludes W.W. Gnatt, Mrs. W.W. Happer, Jr., Mrs. Asa T. Spauld ing and A.C. Sorrell. Mrs. W.B. McCutcheon Jr. is heading the committee on physical facilities, with Mrs. Amette Shearin as her c o-chair-man. Roger Ray is chairma n of the funding committee, with Mrs. J.C. Scarborough as co chairman. The education com mittee has Dr. Elizabeth Fraz- ier as chairman, and Mrs. Char les Johnson, co-chairman. Mrs. Charles Roe, Chairman, and Mrs. Frank Dorsey, co chairma n, are investigating re lated services, and Mrs. Shirley Callahan is chairman of the health committee. Health co chairmen are Mrs. Thomas Cate and Mrs. EJS. Toms Jr. Additional study commit tees are manpower and training resources, Mrs. Paula Mack, chairman, and Mrs. William S. Lynn, co-chairman; public in formation, Mrs. Will London, chairman, and Mrs. Alfred S. Bryant, co-chairman; and in dustry, James L. Nicholson, chairman, and A.C. Sorrell, co chairman. Vivian Parks and Dennis Cogswell of Community Plan ning Services are ex-officio members of all committees. Each ' group is considering existing programs and facilities, unmet needs and undeveloped resources. Based on their find ings, they will make recom mendations on changes andor additions, with suggested plans for implementations. "This is a citizens group," Mrs. Will London said, "con cerned with the social welfare of the community. Good day care is more than just custodial Mtro rt haHvelHna li Intmlva ..."- v ft i.H.j iii.biii. ft iiiTvim the full development of a child, with ultimate benefits to the whole community, both cul turally and financially." The goal of the Task Force is timely action where action is needed, to alleviate what Parks has called "one of Durham's crying needs." BARNES Continued from front page life and gave the veteran civic and church leader "Ids rasas while he was able to enjoy them." Dr. Grady D. Davis, pastor of Union Baptist Church in Durham, professor of psycho logy at Fayetteville State Uni versity and a substitute speaker for attorney T. L. Dodson, cited Barnes a man of groat physical, mental and spiritual traits. In his brief speech, Dr. Davis gave living examples of these traits as they applied to Barnes. Commonly referred to as "Mr. Black Republican of NC, Barnes was presented a NAACP life membership plaque by Ed Muse, chairman of the national NAACP life membership. In ft! U 1 .1 ...ill. accepting UJC piaque aiuug mm his wife, Barnes said, "Whether or not I deserve this depends on how well I dedicate the rest of my life to the things I've started." Mayor James Hawkins be gan the parade of speakers to the platform by citing Barnes for his better than 20 years of service to the Durham Commu nity. Lem Long made brief remarks about Barnes in refer rence to the AME Zion Church where Barnes has a long time director of public relations of the organization running un opposed for the position for many years. Several letters were read from people unable to attend the dinner. These letters in cluded messages from President Nixon and Governor Holshou ser. ' v ' The letter from the Presi dent read "It came as no sur prise to me that fellow citizens and friends in the Durham area are gathering to honor you. Your name is synonymous with the highest traditions of journal Ism in America. And your reputation as a church and civic leader has earned you the respect and affection of countless men and women. I welcome this opportunity to tell you publicly of my per sonal admiration for your life's achievements." Gov: HotshoUsw wrote in part "Alexander, your stead fast dedication and loyality to the Republican Party have helped us arrive at where we are today. Your work for the party has taken a great deal of personal sacrifice on your part. I am sure you have been the recipient of some personal abuse over the years. It is be cause of people like you that North Carolina now has a Re publican Governor and United States Senator. But, Alexander, the job is not yet finished. Another election is not far away." Frank Weaver substituted for Lew Manner, superinten- ' dent of the Durham City Schools, and called Barnes one ' of the gnat crusaders in the fight for quality education in North Carolina. Dr. C. E.Boule ware pinch-hitting for John Wheeler, brought remarks for the Durham Committee on Ne gro affairs. On behalf of the Carolinian Newspaper where Barnes has been employed for 20 years Earl Mason made special pre sentations to Barnes on be half of the staff and manage ment. . From the fraternal order Basiles R. Lewis, Bro. I. H. nn- Bro. B. A. McGoachy and Noble E. S. Douglas brou ght remarks. Representing Fayetteville State were Perry Leazer and Nehemiah Parker, national president of the FSU alumni association. Parker contributed much of his success as national president to the work of Bar nes. W. M. Gilliam, a long time friend of Barnes, brought laugh ter from the gathering when he made the statement that "when Fayetteville State got through with Barnes, he came on to Livingstone College and there he discovered the world." Gilliam went on further to cite Barnes as a guiding hand be hind the raising of money for Livingstone. Moments or "Tius is 1 our Life Alexander Barnes" follow ed as Lenzie Barnes, brother of the honoree, reminisced a bout his brother's life from early childhood in Cumber land county all the way up to the present days. Lenzie Barnes had a photo album of his bro ther's life with lleterature anc pictures from as far back as the early childhood days of Alexander Barnes. Rev. J.A. Brown gave the invocation and Howard Hill sang two very beautiful solos. "If I Can Help Somebody" and "How Great Thy Art." Rev. J. A. Stewart gave the benedic tion. Oif, Charlie Ray, who ' Iras', One of the members of the Friends of Alex Committee which planned the affair, ser ved as toast master for the oc casion. Other members of the committee were Lenzie Barnes, Mrs. Annie M. Bynum, W.M Gilliam, Thomas Hayes, Sam uel Pompey, James T. Hawkins, Mis. Tommle Young, Mrs. Ad die Barbee, Mrs. Mabel Powell, Mrs. Barbara McKnight, Nath aniel White and Mrs. Roxie Fowler. Sir: The recent Supreme Court decision denying human rights to unborn infants, re calls another tragic, decision in the 18908 which denied human rights to people with dark skin. The latter deci sion was cancelled out by the bloody, fratricical strife of 1861-65, although the rights were not fully implemented until 100 years later. Perhaps it will require some terrible catastrophe to cancel the decision permitting infanticide, and bring us back to Christian thinking and Christian living. lbs late Theresa Neumann, the holy woman of Bavaria, told American soldiers who visited her after VE Day, that God would purify America by great disturbances hi na tun.- f1nflfa. fires, tornadoes. hurricanes, earthquakes and terrible storms, until we learned to obey God's Com mandments and on our knees begged for mercy. The murder of the unborn may fill the cup of wrath that mankind will have to drain to the dregs because of the countless sins that of fend the Divine Heart. "Heavenly Father pronounces a dreadful punishment for those who refuse to do His Will." (Words of the Blessed Virgin Mary to a holy woman in Germany a few years ago.) God is not mocked with impunity. If people realized fuUy what is done in an abortion, most would be repelled by the cruelty, indecency and bloody mess of this act. The little developing body is chopped up with a sharp in strument and the pieces suc tioned out. Many doctors and nurses icjiuot iu nave any yari tu this unnatural deed which t - 1 ft M M nas oeen conuemeneo as ue- testable in the Mosaic code and in the Christian moral law which our forefathers In cluded in the state constitu tions. Respectfully Richard Lend Editor-Publisher 1927-i7r L. E. AUSTIN Published every Saturday at Durham) N. C. - by United Publishers, Inc. V :MRS. VIVIAN AUSTIN EDMONDS, Publisher. CL'AltbNfCl: NNteTTE . . . . . " BuslhesTTTanagelrl tl. 'BLWOOD CARTER Advertising Managdrf Second Class Postage Paid at Durham, N. C. 27702 t SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada 1 Year $6.00. -United States'and Canada . . . . . 2 Ywre $11.60 Foreign Countries . . ... . . 1 Year $7.50. Smale Copy ... .. .... .... 20 Cents! Principal Office Located at K-at PttWtrew ' Street , ' 2 Durham, North Carolina 27702 Sat April 7, 1973 THE CAROLINA TIMES 3 A life Begins At 62!4 h 1 laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . ss s mm By George B. Russ Miss Madie was proud of her ability to shed tears easily; Mrs. Savannah Kaypot was touched twenty dollars more in her allowance. Fifty two dollars a month wasn't a for tune, but, on the other hand, it was a welcome mat away from starvation. With a bit of skimping here and there, she could rub a well fed belly with the best of South Hills' "better class of colored people." Leah and Mary were dumb founded when they learned that a mouth's pay wa s all they would receive ; and, she didn't calm their wrath one iota when she told tham that the Kaypots had taken out of their allot ments enough to pay for some of the liquor they had drunken during the year they had work ed for the Kaypots. Leah was "plenty nasty about the whole affair; she didn't bite her tongue when she blurted out that John Kiy- pot had been generous to her because she was his outside woman. Miss Ma die defended her virtue fast and furiously "Miss bitch, you can squat that rabbit 'n hop another one. Talking about me being some kind-ah-outside woman, Ugh!" Miss Madie clicked her plates together angrily; "You'd better gimme time to get-ah-inside man." The day passed without a fight, but this was the only neg ative that was not fully exe cuted. Miss Madie disliked leaving the Kaypots," mad-as ah-wet hen," but her time had suddenly run out and there was no need nursing the cold ashes of remorse. The devil's doll babies had set fire to her wig this da and she was plumb tuckered out. Her pride had really taken a beating John Jay Kaypot was fine as gnat's liv er, but she had nothing foi him to do after he paid her each' week-anli, gave fer the time of day if she asked for it. Sleeping with him might be just as good as sleeping with any other man, but she "Just didn't have no taste" for white men when it comes to mating. They look fine-neat n clean 'n polite as her pantry shelves but that was as far as her feeling went. Mary 'n Leah was always telling her they were chased, by one man or a nother but she couldn't add her two cents worth to their hair rising story because she had never been chased by anything other than a bla ck snake. She had never gotten around to saying so, but she had a feeling that the men who chased Mary n Leah were hard up for something to chase. They could have done better stirhw up red bugs in a huckleberry ticket. Hn thai as vnn will or Mi f.-. . . si .... J --- - may," she left the Kaypots' new home, fit to pop. And to add insult to injury, Emma Lou put the finishing touch to her moment of distress. She was sitting n rocking 'n fanning madder than hornets in July when Emma Lou Flopped down on one of the little, dainty, hlack wrought iron chairs on the wide, green grassy, neatly clipped lawn, not far from where her sister-in-law sat, ap parently, enjoying her solitude. Miss Madie knew she should have been more hospitable to her brother's wife, but she was I. nA mAAl trw oeMa nmorii. Ill ItU IIIUUU IV1 9VVIW ties, so, she held on to her own misery. She grunted her greeting and continued "chew ing the fat." She might live to ft- 1 k...Jwul txwA fmn IO oe one uuuuiou auu mi years old, but, she would never live down Mary 'n Leah's "crack" about her be ing Mr Kay pot's outside woman. John Jay was nice as snuff n not nearly as dusty, but she didht want him looking like a pot bellied stove. She knew her fretting didn't amount to a hill of beans, however there wasa certain satisfaction, in being in suited enough to want to snatch knots in the necks of "New" Old-Fashioned Chicken Dishes " IK.' ,-tjlS j7 JPfar ;UftlW Old-fashioned chicken dishes, such as "Savory Chicken En Panillote", were favorites in grandma's day and they re still pop ular with today's generation of cooks. New and easier ways of preparing these all-time favorites are now available in a collec tion of "Old-Fashioned Chicken Dishes." "Savory Chicken En Papillote", for instance, takes the old fashioned French chef's method of cooking en papillote (food deliciously seasoned and oven-braised in a "butterfly" of parch ment) and makes it easy for today's homemaker by substituting Alcoa Wrap as the papillote. With all the recipes in the folder, old-fashioned dishes take on new style and flair. For your copy of the free chicken recipe folder send a postcard to "Old-Fashioned Chicken Dishes , Wear-Ever Kitchens, Wear-Ever Aluminum, Inc., Chillicothe, Ohio 45601. SAVORY CHICKEN EN PAPILLOTE 14 cup wild rice, raw cup regular rice, raw 2 cups boiling water 4 chicken bouillon cubes 1 4-ounce can chopped muNhrooms, drained Dash pepper 14 teaspoon basil leaves Combine wild rice, regular rice 4 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 whole broiler-fryer chicken breasts, halved Y2 cup Rose wine Paprika 4 slices lemon bouillon cubes in l- water, quart sauce pan; bring to boil; cover; simmer 10 minutes over low heat. Remove pan from heat; remove cover; allow rice to stand at least 510 minutes, or until part of liquid has been ab sorbed. Add mushrooms, pepper, basil; mix thoroughly. Place rice mixture in center of four 12 x 15-inch double thick sheets of heavy duty aluminum foil; dot with butter. Place chicken breasts on top of rice; pour 2 tablespoons wine over each; sprinkle with paprika; top with lemon slice. Close package care fully to avoid spilling wine; use tight double folds over top and each end. Place foil packages on rack in shallow pan. Bake VA hours at 425"F. To serve: Slit foil across top; push down around rice. X AVFF-ON MOTOKCYCIE COMPANY , I COMPLETE HONDAS IN STOCK FULL SERVICE FINANCING INSURANCE .Monday-Friday 9:00-7:30 Saturday 9:00-5:00 Sunday 1:00-4:00 mi Wi5sV CHAPEL HILL 1 929-2364 her adversaries. Emma Lou fanned 'n fumed finally, she said her piece in one mouthful; "you know, Miss Madie, the good Lord works in mysterious ways. Now that you won't be working, you shouldn't mind helping me take care of daddy. Curtis and I must work hard to keep up the payments on this place. I'd die if anything came along and caused us to lose our lovely home. Don't you like it here?" Miss Madie's rocking 'n fan ning stopped at the same time. A hotness swept her, the like ness of which she had never known; she sat speechless; Sure ly to God, Emma Lou wasn't expecting her to wait on her daddy head, 'n feet. Old Be n had to be bathed, diapered and spoon fed. After a while a cool breeze fanned her burning cheeks and she was able to speak; "speck you'd better get somebody who can look after your daddy th' way he ough- tah-be tuck care of. I ain't say ing I wouldn't do my best by him-but, I'm mighty much afraid that you pouted round too long before asking me-I have some plans of my own." Emma Lou puckered up to cry. To miss Madie's way of thinking, th' fat lady looked just alike a busted Valentine And with a little prodding, she could have sat right where she satand let Curtis's "wine" flood the place with tears. If her memory served her correct ly and she wasn't mistaken, the old folks told her, "the more you cry, the less bed-wetting." Any way you looked at it Emma Lou could afford to lose. Mrs. Perkins spoke through crocodile-tears; "the responsi bility of paying off the mor tage, furniture bills, light bills, water bills laundry bills and" Hold it! Hold it right there, Emma Lou! Continued LIVING VjL j; !" 1M Lack of True Love and) ' M : . Real Understanding inM,nnB j I ntslbficgateMnd( WILLIAM THOsWigsaggyratfy Since man cams into being on earth, he has demonstrated SJaUapfS' Inability to gat along with his fellow humans, either in the family group or as nations. This graphically proves that life is an individual proposition and that, until we change our own thinking and attitude toward others, we can not expect them to change theirs toward us. Impersonal and no reflection; we have the spectacle of wives divorcing husbands and hus bands divorcing wives, claiming Incompatibility, and they can't get along. And yet each in his or her feverish search for the right mate, hopefully marries again, only to go through the same unhappy ex perience. Never seeming to realize that the trouble is fun damentally within themselves and, until they correct this trou ble, they cannot be truly happy with anyone. Not only husband and wife, but just think about the diffi culties that members of a family experience in getting along with each other. If there are any individuals who should understand and love one another, it is those tnsjnnnj nw Csssnjr group boons- Is one oat f spnv panrjr wtth hseUksr, son Is at odds with father, i tster can not mother. B Is dtfrkuk. ' sows, under various meaanne mWmW to hoM the right feeiksg eaav Stantiy, whan Otn? morale Is low, when we ass Js ureses d, wa transmit our feettngs to other loved ones, friends, ox asso ciates. The same k true when they are down in the dumps. Mf a nsnjnf.-niMtpP ' ; ais of Una negative eannV new coma, nans the net rf tnsf toe ani seat ssnhul td- ammtm sjp nJgMglB really enjoy hre, or healthy body. SHEER CURTAINS The demand for sheer curtains is increasing, from basic looks to embroideries. As al ways, white is by far the biggest part of the curtain business, fol lowed by champagne, says Mrs. Edith McGlamery, extension house furnishings spe cialist, North Carolina State University. PRICES UP By fall, the cosawuner can expect to pay higher Clothing prices. Better dresses will cost around eight percent more this fall that's a three to to five dollar increase. Less expensive garments will cost about seventy five cents more per garment, according to Harriet Tutterow, exten sion clothing specialist, North . Carolina State University. : . -- .1 . ... li..1.... ,1,11 timmmmmmmiimmm swfiDiiwEn mien TCAAH I nMiVi u" . . s W nnlnBs BanwawwarBBT i 1 rj&s&ziWmT ft v nl I CREST TOOTHPASTE sOt U7 Regular or Mint. Nfw70i. Family Silt ... ., ... . .... , .. . flflA TIIIECf tmmmmmmmmm 1 1 ) w 1 1 ii 6 Convenient LOCATIONS 12 w. main jirmr 800 Broad Street . i ZZiOKOxooro ko. 1223 University Dr. . use a I m .I Chapel Hill Eastgate I 1 A must for all "Cook-Outs"! 10x20 size 1 HIBACHI GRILL "It's Coofcouf Time."' 1 C4 Q 3 adjustable positions, odjusln- rWM J fm bU drafts.. QW "floor fo Ceiling" Adjustable Heights ' SNYDER BATHROOM POLE SHELF Three shelves with two towel holders. $588 Woman's Day says ji 11 11 m SPRING in: HAwnrminiriii " -rnm naai n nmn mmm I ni'i V JSrWI SHOP AT ECKERD'S And SAVE! 3 BIG DAYS BAUER & BLACK MEN'S SUPPORT HOSE Lightwoioht -cool Uniform Support Over The Calf TUESDAY WEDNESDAY m . si n v A farts fflfcjjjgji Trusted 7,500,000 Times ... and a SAVINGS of $4,000,000 during 1971! Your forth in ui paid off, too! Xpur overog ECKERD'S prtiaip lion coit you 60c LESS than .lb averog; prescription in tho USA! So you see lhat os you continue to receive ECKERD'S QUAII1Y ond SERVICE we promise to strive to bring you MORE ond MORE SAVINGS! Be Sure to Visit Our 2 Stores in BURLINGTON, N. CUM PARK PLAZA MOLLY Exclusive Flower Designs Gorgeous Needlepoint Kits $495 Only Each regular $10 value - 3 for $13M Pick Up Your Needle Point Kit Coupon At Our Cosmetic Counter Limited Time Offer! A 8 I i mi V II ULBJLI H i I it c. hlJhP HILLS MAIL jmM B7 J i III snm nl Ml LOUNGER UWTf mmmW - m mmm ' ranlWJTSir - iff' comMm jjpKJr (J L ike 3 choirs in on! -36 positions! Opens .lot for I sunning, f inger-tip control. Built-in headrest. "ttSSrJBB .91' W. r LK I I m'W .nP s i uew Mft-Suga. $1 19 Price $2.50 1 mm 3D-R Cleorer, sharper, bi-.ghti reception wtth the aid of this electronically "on-tenna-gineered" indoor TV . antenna. Outperform, aft ethers PAINT PAN and ROLLER SET Do it yourself the fast ond easy way. All you need is the paint. ONLY Buddy! 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