'4 ' -THE CAROLINA TIMES Sat., V A ARE THEY X i jtC for vou? a By In Abraharmon, Jr.. M.D. More than JO million Amer icans avoid wearing spectacles by choosing contact lenses. Pitted to the cornea, these plastic lenses float freely on tear. Many persons wear con tacts for cosmetic reasons, but ophthalmologist often pre scribe them if ordinary eye ii lasses cannol correct certain vision defects. B Who can wear contact lenses and who can't? Nervous, ap prehensive or ultra-sensitive people may not be able to tolerate these " foreign bodies" in t heir eyes. Spectacle wearers with relatively good eyesight usually aren't motivated to wear contacts because their cost is high -and they're often inconvenient to insert. Some people may not see well enough to handle the tiny lenses. Those with in sufficient tears or those sub ject to recurrent infections in the front of their eyes also should avoid contacts. Contacts ARE safe. Eye damage can result only if the lenses are poorly made, im properly fitted or carelessly worn. New contact wearers often blink more than nec essary and hold their heads awkwardly. But properly fit ted lenses won't fall out. A wealth of information on contact lenses, cataracts, glaucoma, etc. -is in the new book "Know Your Eyes," 6.95 postpaid fromMedcom, 2 Hammarskjold Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10017. N.Y.C. CELEBRATES 2 BIG BIRTHDAYS ! Do you like birthday par 18 - Paclt All I --,, PRICED BELOW Pillsbury MiriB BELOW PRICED SELOW Hearts PRICEO BELOW lies? II SO, mis is a great year to visit New York City. In 1973, The Big Apple is cele brating t wo milestones! The first birthday is the 75th anniversary of the year (1S98) that all five boroughs (Manhattan, Brooklyn. Queens, Staten Island and The Bronx) came together to form New York City. vr MONEY Whiting GREAT SAVINGS l WEIIIEIIU THIN New Museum of Immigration Now In Miss Liberty's Base The second celebration is the 20th anniversary of the Visitors Bureau's "New York Is A Summer Festival!" pro gram. Everyone is invited to the exciting season of special events, which include the 2nd annual Newport Jazz Festival, the free Shakespeare Festival in Central Park, the Schaefer Central Park Music Festival and free performances of the Metropolitan Opera and N.Y. Philharmonic Orchestra. All of the events and at tractions of N.Y.C.'s big birth day year are listed in a free " 1973 Vacation Planning Kit." For a free copy, drop a card to: VPK, N.Y. Convention & Visitors Bureau, 90 E. 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 10017. Groups planning to visit New York City are asked to write the Visitors Bureau's Group Tour Dept. for group rales and a Tour Leader's Guide, tr- asv fcGET ItPli How? By reducing the a mount of alfalfa that can be fed to cattle. You see, alfalfa is considered the most nutri tious forage food available and it helps to keep beef on the hoof healthy, and beef in the marketplace tender and tasty. When ranchers have to feed their, livestock a less nutritious food, the meat is simply not as good. Until just recently, alfalfa growers had a tough time combating weevils because the insecticides they used became inactive after a very short time. A new insecticide called Furadan, however, can now be applied early in the grow ig season to kill weevils be fore they get a chance to do too much harm. The reason Furadan can be applied no early is that it remains potently effective against these costly crop rob bers right up to cutting. . I & r I ..(I.- 111. Mt HetM April 14. 1973 priced same as year ago We4BttV B3c S 79c mmH PRICED PRICED A&P PRICED Ann A&P Oz. nno -jv Toneriet A YEAR AGO White Frosting Mix A YEAR AGO WHOLE KERNEL 7C 42c . -V- 1 mm mmmr mm -mmMmMmMW mm 1 m -mmw. A&P Golden Cream Corn 2 8cV" 29c LAST YEAR Delight Prunes Necroriied 4Qt 17-0i. Con W PRICED SELOW A YEAR AGO PACKER'S LABEL Dried Navy Pea Beans Vtf 37c ! 19c PRICED BELOW A YEAR AGO ANN PAGE "SaaaaBaSBaaaaBaaaaWB""- . , u..A4ri,. Uoeolakls. Snnn 2 10;:? 25c opirm BELOW A YEAR AGO FROZEN IN BUTTER SAUCE A YEAR AGO Jane Parker Potato Chips PRICED BELOW A YEAR AG-MUIT$ AND VEGI Gerber Strained Baby Food PRICED SELOW A YEAR AGO GENERAL MILLS Onyums, Whistles, Bugles PRICED BELOW A YEAR AOO GUM SLICES OR Ann Page Candy Drops 49c 41;M0c EVh lie Package1! I V 16-O1. oQm Pks- ON HEADLESS AND DRESSED Fish $1.89 Lb. 39c AT AtP WEO ON n.Li.:i Cop'n 3 SI .00 wvwiwii John s JAKD w I 11 n n -fasB'?a FROM ASP WEO S OELI-KITCHEN A&P Brand Pimento Spread TASTI GREAT AS A SANDWICH SPREAD A&P Salads-Egg-Ham ' 79c 8. 55c TRY SOME fROM ASP WEO 5 PEM-KITCruN A&P Brand Chicken Salad ..0, 55c l SAVE ON FROZEN FREEZER QUEEN I MEAT ENTREES J Sliced Turkey, Bef Panics, Meat Loaf or Salisbury Steak 2 Lb. pkg- SAVI MONEY ON "SUPER-RIGHT" WAFER SLICED MEATS AAA BEEF, TURKIT, CHicntN, Tour am V SMOKED BEEF, SPICY BEEF, Choice 29 J CORNED BEEF S PASTRAMI. n. M.. W AND CHOPPED HAM. 3-Ol. Pkg. -rftltEGGS4 VITH 5" ktuin s.w BSjUs! THIS IS ELEGANCE... at a bargain price! FINE CHINA Wm i J 1 ( 1 km. tw NYSfc . Jaaaol Each Place Setting only 39 each a. M Cup srt.Mi i.. wrm: ('KKA.MKK feiNtV .'- MWECK '', 3Pr ..w. u vT r JTI t tr W..U. I. 0.iM-r faV Kwfcl mwmwmwm'mmmmmm mml ...... am wrist a r-.r SAME AS YEAR ABO V 10a 6,-o. Jiu Southern Biscuit Mix Or Corn rood Mix SAME AS VIA" AOO Real Cream Topping Sin SAME AS TEAS ASO Page Blackberry Jelly 'SS Li riil Chunk TnWli'tf 46c 6 LESS THAN A&P VbqetM:iW - IN TIME FOR EASTER AND PRICED BELOW A YEAR AGO OUTSTANDING LENTEN MENU VALUE! r mWi I atS9Bm mmmmmm-rmmWmmW r -'StlPER-RieHTn HEAVY CORN FED Bttr CHUCK BEEF 89 Bone-In STEAK Lb. o Boneless Chuck a Bone In Shoulder Swiss CI 10 AltlaK . Shoulder Lb. Vlii Lb $1.59 Cubed Chuck Steak iritarf fitaska."-" u $1.09 i .ieuT AUALltV EXTRA LIAN "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY DtTRA LEAN Chooned Beef Sirloin Lk. chop AND SAVE AT A&P SWIFT S HOSTESS HAM EXTRA LEAN ROUND FABULOUS A&P WEO SAVINGS ON ALL600D BRAND SLICED BACON FOR MANY USES "SUliR-RICHT" 69c All Meat Fr anks T SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY FRESH FULL QUARTER PORK LOIN SLICED WiWfti0P$88t aaBaaaaaaBaaaaaaaBaaBaBaaa.'i Ml Yskss W Bswsgss 12-FI. Oi. JQg Can rnivtv w-m " All Shasta Beverages PRICED SAME AS A YEAR AGO p CallinA Rrar.kars PRICED SAME AS A YEAR AGO Rtoular 12-0i. 1 9 and Diet Can I I 25c PRICED JAMS Al &.Ai ! r- PRICED SAME AS LAST YEAR IMITAliur Ann rage waniiia uitmi - McCormick Food Colors v... c. wc A YEAR AGO! "JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJjr UJIEW M ft mm 69 Bone-In ROAST Lb. Ck.eilila DllAStl eJHUSSIHE views Chuck Roast In Boneless tX u $1.091 -'SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY EXTRA LEAN Crossd Besf-Rssnd $1.29 Lb. SUPER RIGHT" QUALITY $1.2ScoKNKi)Beef Brisket Intra Loan WEO'S MEAT DEPT. .aBaBaWaaaaBW aaaaaW aaaaam 71 i-Lb, Pkf. Wmw m mt AW pka." s SAVE MONET AT AP W1W un Hormel Utile Siizlers 12-0i. Pka. 7flu fVC WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES ftc Good Trirauah Sotu.doy April 14 Irtmt nn...A A Not Available to Otner Reran A V Dmitri o Wholesalers PRICED SAME AS LAST YEAR 4 fn fll R AVG. PRICED SAME AS YEAR AGO Bole Pineapple-Juice Pack PRICED BELOW A YEAR AOO A&P Pineapple Chunks PRICED BELOW A YEAR AGO CONCENTRATED A&P Pure Grape Juice 49c PRICED SHOW A YEAR AGO A&P Yellow Cling Peaches PRICED SELOW A TEAR AGO m A&P Tomato Sauce . . . 5 PRICED SELOW A TEAR AGO A&P Tomato Sauce . . . 5 PRICED SAME AS YEAR AGO FROXEN A&P Peas & Carrots or Spinach PRICED SAME AS YEAR AGO FROZEN A&P Cottage Fry Potatoes ..... vita leOTSM r a A mm. M . 19 Mfltr Droccuu 10 o sivv 10 01. ..ur vim ir.n IIOIIU i on. fLDG soaan vn Chopped rniKV m ' Z - A&P Fordhook Lima Beans CHECK COMPARE THIS VALUE! JANE PARKER Brown n' Serve Flaky Rolls 3 PRICED SAME AS A. YEAR AGO Our Own Tea Bags '8? B9c PRICED SAME AS A YEAR AGO MEDIUM GRAIN one I.I IS! 5-Lb 70 3 Atsr enncnea nice iv PRICED SAME AS A YEAR AGO Sultana Peas-Green 21c PRICED SAME AS A YEAR AGO A&P Whole Tomatoes 43c ...... .... i.ui A VSAR AGO I aiinrlpw llelfirtyfinl ,.Adl. 88a.P.Vvn...88e PRICEO" THEHAME AS A7JW460 i A&P Pink Liquid Betergent l PRICED THE SAME AS A YEAR AGO A&P Ammonia I PRICED THE SAME AS A YEAR AGO A&P All Purpose Cleaner PRICED THI SAME AS A TEAR AOO SAIL LAUNDRY f OUTSTANDING VALUE mm TRY SOMI TODAY 27 SIZE Florida Grapefruit Pink or White 2 -29c LARGE STALK FRESH CRISP CELERY 19 Priced 6c Leu Than A Year Ago Ea. Stalk Pries' ie Uss Tfcon A Yssr Ao Tsm Fresh Carrots Pricrd ths Sam as a Year Ago Fresh Asparagus PkS the Sams as a Year Ago Idaho Potatoes 'or Many Usss Juicy 'rath California Lemons Try Plump, Firm, Sweet Seedless Howydtw Melons or Mora i a Bund. Artificial Easter 'M Lillies Ea SERVICE CALLS Twenty-five percent of all warranty service calls on appliances are the consumer's DON T 5TRNU UKE tK WUMMV....THE LchST VOU .00 S ftWSVER MEfJ r- ii Et v iv L ' I W I I mmTMmmWL ill I I lEaV ri VAVJT TD YOU ABOUT UA.B(T OP Km "c.0; 39c Number OT. 211-CanC;ili THE 6c.: 26c . M ' 27c .' $1.00 $1.00 19c 25c 4Cr ph. awv 25c C 89c 49o THE - Lb. 45c s H 18c Er 33c "..r 49c Bottles 39c 40-O.. KAot Bot. V0S ro a HANDOVER MNlMTERESTJ EVERY SIMSLE PENNY, y- OF IT! --r N -nr- YOU PUGGY rWOULO SLICE OF PUGGY VVHfN'I A (BUT YOU SAID SHOW UP V WE'D BE I'M GONNA VCUfFSWrlW BE A BOXER! J WE BET Bid! IS f Bog 25C Lb 49c Los. 35c I'M 01 AO aa of PA up and 12 A6AIN v 1 9 SIZE Ea 7fk 2.98 responsibility and could be avoided, reports Thelma H ins on, exten sion home management specialist. North Caro lina State University; THE FIZZLE FAMILY MV HUSBAND MriRRlED)! ME ONLW BECaiSE I 1 CAN BORN OH R-8.2S SO HE'D HAVE TD BUY ME A PRESENT EVERY cm o NcoOc r a i fcnrsy rjf Ml THE FIZZLE FAMILY SPEAK TON VOU PAY NO ATTENTION A CERTAIN VJHEM PEOPLE SPERK TO VOU IT'S PLAIN VOJCS r VE8 YOU NEVER LISTEN BYl THE FABPrvVAY LOOK IN VOUR EVES! FIZZLE FAMILY Kmpmpp RnPPniw mdupV Btmjsr spvnnvn w r I 4 FROM OLD MANTWiRR... HE'S AN EXTORTIONER' INWUTER HE CHAR6ES SOI mTtKKJT IN SUMMER 607 FIZZLE FAMILY Y A CAR AJsiO F5 l DcRK ' it v I jj 'SOME PEOPLE HAVE ALU K A CAR AJ4D K 3BT SMARTTrlERE5 NO FviHAT SENSE IS THERE V THE LUCK'. I WISH X HAD . A YACHT AMD.) , SENSE IN VflSHW FOR 1 IN WISHING FORTHIN0S) A MINK COAT AND A 816 --7 VOURE YOU DON'T HPWE k IOO HAVE? rr- wousj icme r- - -' p PU.GGY THIS WILL 8E A ( NO WOriDfRll ,T.S READY FOR BUSINESS? ILi, W WE'RE CLEANING WMj& nSO fercT tSST. MTFmt VOU LIKE A 1 JtWRNK: VOU 1 ank:ouJ M'AMT BREAD ANDppBk AVJ... .NWO WANTS TO BE A CHEF? X WANNA' BOX AND BE FAMOU6 AND RICH LIKE JACK THEy MAKE DEMPSEV! ASMti GOOD MONEY.' ' s . -.At isv mt m wm PUGGY rONLY A HYDR06ENHI WE MADE are friends BOMB CAN SEPARATE .SPIKE AGAIN! a 1MM , t umrii in. r 11 ininiiu aaaVayNT-Hl- CW IV"llgjaTn. 1 .cSoA SSSSaB women and one pexiMjlk of the men receive consumer information for sound decisionmaking. PON'T KNOW 'HEh National Office of Consumer Affairs es timates that only 35 percent of the young y H. T. Kmy husband SO STN0 HE BVEN GIVE M6 ARSUMEWT! v H.T. art's vmpoute, rHUH?vmi RNO OrrENSWE: 1MI MP VOU'LL DID "yuu BE MORE FfTTENTWE I FROM NOW ON ! By H. T. 7r BUT WHY DOES HE TAKE MORE IN SUMMER 7, JtMBUCAl MOST LO gag SPY IT Tl LIKE TO HEAR UTTlE BOYS SAY "THANK OU FYDU PUT AMERICA'S MOST LOVE ABLE pt WYy y - VHmfc' y 7 R0r 1 jj jJpB By H T BET fWI I kSS 1(1 CVtK MCHKl : VJ lsVaV: .1-1 , !Z3I From Front Page Research as a NattEMtal center providing an exchange of and resources among ELMO schools throughout the is v VJONT s Faculty of Arts AM and Science passed a motion urging the president to set up a commit tef to make plans for the DuBois Institute. The committee which Mr. Leopard chairs was created in response to this motion, and requested "to consider the nature, or ganization, and scope A such an institute, and to prepare a report thst could be used aa the basis for appeals to founda tions and other sources of sup ELMO port." The committee is ex pected to submit its report within the next four months. Continued From Front Page at American University. Robert R. Rice was appoin ted assistant general counsel for the Public Buildings Service. A former assistant attorney general for the commonwealth of Pennsylvania and head coun sel for the Pennsylvania De ELMO partment of Labor and Indus try and Bureau of Employ ment Security, Rice joined GSA in 1971. He holds a bache lor's degree from Gettysburg College and graduated magna cum laude from the Dickinson School of Law, where he was editor-in-chief of the. law re vie w. and class valedictorian. New Assistant general coun sel for labor law is Thomas N. Gasque. A former adjunct pro fessor of labor law and relations at Richmond Professional In stitute and Virginia Common ELMO wealth University, Gasque join ed GSA in 1971 after many years in private practice. He received a bachelor of arts and bachelor of laws from the Uni versity of South Carolina and wa s awarded a master of laws from George Washing- ly mum 'HMm Continued From Front Page ar r v out DrovMons of the Community Development As sistance Act H 1015 Funds of School Brrmloyee Raises: Appropri ates $3.8 million to the State Board of Education tor a iv Her cent salary raise to non- teaching employees who earn less than $5,800 annually. S-657 Farm Labor camps Sanitation: Sets up detailed health standards for camps used by migrant farm work ers. H-1021 Trsdning in Men tal Health Retardation Cen ...rc 1 istris 13.9 mil lion to the Department of Mental Health for the train ing and education of resi LADDIE dents of metal retardation A SAIN centers, ages 6 thfbugh 21. For Muscadine vines. SOME apply one-haU pound of an 8-8-8 mixtuit per vear of age until the vines are receiving about six pounds of fertilizer per vine ner year. Check the house plants. Some may need repotting - or , . a good sDravintt to control insects. If "lPU want to add some e$lor in the house many spring flowering shrubs can be LADDIE brought in and forced into bloom pussy willow, flowering peach and others. Oittnued Research intar-institutional all the country Harvard' r-MTr.'. JL"- I V5--ftrief Sjt. AptS 14, CoBtirssed from Front Pag it if caught early ' 1. Lustrous 7. Heavy; dull 13. Crescent- The disease rarely affects blacks, and when, it does, gen mmWf effects only the palms of the hands or the soles of the feet, which are usually a lighter shade than the rest of the body. Unfortunately, this special factor in the blood of blacks which allows a patient's im mune system to fight melano ma does not work for other cancers. Blacks, recent studies show, 14. Dawn 15. Sharp 16 Ore digger 17. Those who get up 19. Cut trees 20. Suffix: past tense 21. Meado w 22. Silkworm 23. Dysprosium: cnem. 24. Building wing 25. By way of 27. Greek letter 29. Prefix: half 31. Elderly 32. Insects 35. Minister 37. Irony 39. In 40. Erbium: chem. 41. That man 42. Within 43. Electricity unit appear to be more prone to cancer than whites. 44. 47. 49. 51. 53. 58. 58. CAR INSURANCE The cost of automo bile liability insurance in North Carolina has increased at an average Amwtr U rate of 5.3 percent per year since 1957, yet the average cost is less than in most of the other eastern states. Even at that, point out North Carolina State University economists in a recent study, auto insurance is expensive enough to work v a oa o Vila a financial hardship on some people. TELL VlMY DO Nt USH-TMINS mY-Wmm Xmkm XmXT'mm XWwmm mmw aK Ammm IbfjIH bWw bjbbsi bbbbt bH wm wtm I H W I 1 1 ' " W H'W 'I .I'M"'-"" -ttoveus 5p much wm iwilSi0' muxt ift tup noirsiki re TWE W wa, w mr B ri" wrsiwii mwt ' m,jm PHRASE .AUfcOADS LEAD TQTOME a tfnoiU DnuDLVfi ftini rStVin Pft&K Irff" lirn rsy ''nrv wiri iwrirM RflOlflTAMfi FROM ROM 10 RUL PBtTlS Ofl rTBLN HMD VlP&TeKN BUHOPr.... TELL 1CS EftCH STAR IN OUR FLB6 STfiNO FOR RN INDIVIDUAL STATE? NOl THE STARS COLLECTIVH.Y REPRESENT THE FIFTY STATES OF THtT UNION VHICH IS THE SLOWEST M0VIW6 RNIMRL Or"HUU( THE OROINARV SNAIL ; ITS FASTEST PCE IS PLMOST . A MILE IN THREE VEEKS TELL Vfcct FOB (AMPLE. WHEN AGITATED BV MEAT AlR MAS BE SEEN RISIN3 FROM A STCNE OR FA0MTW6 HEQTg-D GROUND f HOW DID MPJINE ENTER THE UNION OF STHTES? - MAINE W&S PURCHftSED 8Y MASSACHUSETTS FOR $ 5,334 BftCK IN 1652 ? i aa aa "aaaaaar I (gVM W BE VISIBLE ? Vf! J 1MB IMS CABOUNA tIBJW IS JS" M W"TBr P I PZTT Bird Act Vegetable Winged Chart Spread out Warship fleet 60. Ball game 61 Farm implement DOWN 1 Dazzling light 2. Clear 3. Burden 4. Moons 5. Cubic meter 6. You: archaic 7. Continent: abbr. 8 Protuberance 9. Started 10. Ding 11. Avarice 12. Measure units 18. Taste 19. Guides 24. Printer's measures 26. French "he" 28. Prefix; one 29. Resort 30. Consume 33. Prefix: three 34. Japanese coin 36. Either 36. Exclamation 43. Gain as due 44. Length PuiiU 45. Mother 46. State 43 Khayyam 49. Place 50. Compass point 51. Baba 52. Age 54. Fuss 55. Animal's foot 57. Above 59. and Mrs. j. v n on ME HOW DID THE CELEBRATED fctfUSH ESSAYIST AMD SCIENTIST. 5IR FRAMC1S BACIDM, EXPIRE? fyx aftw- aw m Av-rnSr- 65. Ut OOMtftftCD PN5U- MOMlR.fOUlOVllKS AN BKfWMWT iu mitm vpriweR.'To stuff A t30066 WITH SNOW VJrWf 3 Books in English Mt tnflN ANS OfntttS? CWfiOt! Trie LfjTTbjC riw Wfw n-gjl LffTEO IHt) M0( 1HRM 3wlfra ME HOW LDNS DO TREES LIVE? THE BUREBU OF FORESTRY SPfS TME fiVEROGE AGt OF TREES IS BETWEEN 200 AND 300 VEPRS IS A RARE STgrMP MORE VALUABLE IF ON ITS QRISINRU ENVeLOBTc VES '. Ai STAMP ATTACHEO TO ITS COVER IS WORTH MORE THAMTHE STAMP BV ITSELF! ME TrtE CUlHUAHUAflHESMAlJLECTlGM WEIGHS) ONLV OUJSfCWS ,AJ THERE SUCH THINGS AS anwSllESS. rLlAk.CC O yESlTHEV CAN BE SEEN IN JAVA AND MLmVh Y4HEM FLVIklfi TUF V FLBTTkrw TVtEM - SELVES OUT UKE RttlONSMH SWUNG FPOMTRBTptRBB: SB aW a I I '-" 1 LsaaT SaaaaaaaaSarg? Mr list's