IA THE CAROLINA TUBS 8at, April 14, EDITORIALS & COMMENT of illBMHW TWt is fl - R.y. Mwtm Lu t h . r King, Jr. Legacy of Undeclared War A self -study by veterans at South em Illinois University reveals some interestinff data on the more than six million veterans of the Vietnam era and among some 2yi million served in Indo-Ghina, These veterans are reported to be probably the most capable and highly educated generation in history and held powerful latent motivation to contribute to the rebuilding of Amer ica. Yet, our society sees them as dregs and droupouts, dehumanised killers and drug addicts, or pitiful victims of a hated war to be avoided or shunned. While returning P.O.W.'s have been cheered and doted upon, there is a growing feeling that other veterans have been patronized and neglected. Despite the Administration reports that much more is being done for Veterans than ever before, critics, including veterans, see their plight growing worse and worse each day. In listing specific categories by their own account, the plight of Vietnam era veterans has been conspicuous in a number of ways. Employment Finding a job has be come all but impossible for many veterans who could not avoid the draft because they were poor and un educated. The Bureau of Labor Sta tistics points out that last year 808, 000 Vietnam-era veterans could not find work. With the various budget eats the growing unemployment is getting even worse; Education Veterans of G. 1 Bill Stipends today cannot begin to cover the cost of a higher education. World War II veterans had his or her full tuition paid and also received $75 a month living allowance Today's .ingle veterans must make do fa mg him to the least expensive public colleges. When you consider that Boost tuition costs run well into thou sands, one ean see the total limita tion for higher education. Another gripe is the lateness of receiving the funds along with the inadequacy with today's rising costs. Drug Rehabilitation Senator Al lan Cranston has estimated that there are at least 100,000 addicted veterans, although the exact number may never be known. Many picked up the habit in service. Veterans receiv ing less than honorable discharges for drug related offenses have bean generally barred from treatment (Recent legislation will help). Military Discharges Daring the Vietnam War, more than 178,000 servicemen received undesirable, bad conduct and dishonorable discharges, not infrequently only on the basis of only a commanders' administrative hearing. They have been denied medi- 0TJEDAND MORE sal and educational benefits and with the tad paper" stigma, these vete rans are the last to be hired and the first fired in the tight labor marknt Borne say "they can only become either welfare cases or stick-up Ro Entry A great many veterans have contended with emotional ma laise termed as PVS or Post Vietnam Syndrome is explained as "a pro found sense of the uselessness of what they have done, of having been used, manipulated and cheated by theft government in particular and society in general and a lowered esti mate of their own worth. The 98rd Congress has begun ' lake notice of the problems. When the Administration attempted to cut ike $160 miHion in benefits for dis abled Vietnam veterans, Congress men protested so loud that the in tended budget cut was withdrawn. In March, the Senate passed three pieces of legislation that offered vet erans better health care, larger bur ial allowances and expanded drug and alcohol rehabilitation The last bill would also aid those who received leas than honorable discharges. These bills had been pocket-vetoed by Nixon last year, but are now before the House which held hearings on them last weak. One can imagine how many per sons feel about the returning 598 P.O.W.'s but certainly some aid must and should also be given to nearly 6 WWto Vietnam Era Veterans who managed to survive and are now the victims of unemployment, medical disorders, drug addiction, education al disadvantage and the many other psychological disturbances brought on by the war. The latest episode in the Admini stration game of cutting back the budget killed the Vocational Rehabil itation Bui when Congress failed to override the veto. With reduced Vocational Behabffi tation programs, what opportunities wiU these returning veterans have those who gave so much and yet who now will receive so little? "Ttae To Dtsl With Tfct Rssi . . ." 2i are-XL 1 r Mms .i.,m rtn v i jii u iiilj i- i. i m mi m . r i Ti n -r -irar Roy Wilkin Column B&l ' -. fflFlnmj WW RICHER DISTRICTS AID SCHOOL BEGINNINGS Some millions of Americans, most of them in die states where public schools are supported through taxes on property, read the decision of the Supreme Court on an appeal from Texas with satisfaction. The court held 5-4 that wealthier school districts could spend tax money on their owe district schools without sharing it with poorer districts, More millions of citizens read the decision with uahappmeas. Demetrio P. Rodriguez, plsintiff in San Antonio, read it with bitterness. If a chid lives in a rich neighborhood, he can have more money spent on his schools than children in poor neighborhoods. Theoretically, he can start the race of rife far Education is Si the Way The much heralded report by 'Com mentary Magazine in the article by Wattenburg and Scannon entitled "Hack Progress and Liberal Rheto ric" point up some interesting factors hi the mobility of Black Americans. They report that Black Americans have been making economic and so cial progress hi such large and grow ing numbers that a majority of blacks can now be said to have moved info the middle class. I don't know it is truly middledass or neome. According to the re port, it says that "a majority of black Americans a slender major. tyf nevertheless, have now moved into the middle class. The dramatic progress of blacks is evident in in come, employment and education. It is pointed out that according to Census figures, income of black fam ilies increased by 99.6 per cent. Young blacks, especially black males, aged 26-84 earn 80 per cent of white levels of income on a national basis. Striking advances have also been imilies ledian income of Mack hus band-wife families in the North and West, with the head of the family under 88 yean of age, rose from 78 per cent of white income in 1959 to 18 par cant hi 1870." On Employment "there has bean the number of blade teen-agers neither at work nor in school is only about 5 per cent." says the authors. Blacks have made major advances hi gaining access to middle-class oc cupations. New and better jobs are held by blacks in union jobs, includ ing the most highly skilled of these trades. In Education, the level of black at tainment went up sharply in the 19608. By 1970 the rate had increas ed to 54 per cent where as hi I960, the level of blacks who had finished four years of high school was only 86 percent. Blacks are now much closer to the proportion of whites m college than previously. It is important to remember that these startling and great advances of American blanks have taken place, in the period that witnessed the pas sage of the Civil Bights Acts of 1986 and 1080, the Voting Bights Act of 1964, the Public Accommodations Act of 1968, and the Housing Act of 1968, "all this legislation . . . broke the back of legalised discrimination in America,'' says the report The tireless efforts of liberals all over America, with legislation enact ed by Congress, helped to break this "decades-old legal, political and so cial logjam." The authors do not say Does Nothing The majority opinion written by Associate Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr., concluded that the laws in question should not be declared unconstitutional "merely because the burdens of benefits there-of fall unevenly. ." This is felicitous language, but it does nothing for the feelings of the poor. For the poor are barred from the wealthy school districts. The poor blacks have the additional handicap of color. The poor Spanish-speaking people have a language barrier. The burdens certainly do "fall unevenly," with a good chance that such uneven ness will last until death.. Even at the present moment, electorates and zoning boaVds are jbusy blocking the entrance of poor famines fo housing outside the inner cities and the suburbs. White activists will get tremendous encouragement from the court's Dim View The non-white and the poor may be driven into a doser coalition by the court opinion While interested executives pointed out that .states were not prevented from devising more equal financing plans, Associate Justice Thurgood Marshall took a dim view of thb prospect. W "I am unsatisfied," he wrote, "with the hope of an ultimate 'political' solution sometime in the indefinite future." He declared the majority opinion to be a "retreat from our historic commitment to equality of educational opportunity..." The opinion, he said, enables the states to "constitutionally vary the quality of the education which it offers its children. The majority conceded its action "is not to be viewed as placing its judicial imprimatur on the status quo in school financing," but said the dissenters would have produced "an unprecen dented upheaval in public education." Divided Opinion Nineteen years ago, come May 17, the court did produce "an unprecedented upheaval in public education" with its unanimous opinion in the Brown case. Recent opinions bear a more cautious outlook, veering to 5-4 and 5-3 opinions. In a Pennsylvania case, it held that a refusal to serve a Negro state legislator did not violate' the Constitution enough for aa unconstitutional ruling. Another opinion permitted the states to dilute the one-man-one-vote formula ia reapportionment The opinion baffles students of black-white abrasive ness in public education. Observers have been struck with what is now called lack of communication. It is said that some black students just do not understand fully what the teachers and administrators are saying. They need better school systems, better teachers, smaller classes, better discipline, better estimates of community backgrounds. Who to Blame? But all this costs money. The black parents blame the teachers and the teachers blame parents. Now the Supreme Court has told the nation that, regardless of the constitutional guarantee of equality in education, wealthy areas can continue to vary the education and remain within the law. Mr, Rodriguez's children must be content with an education at $356 per capita, while his fellow citizens spend $594 per capita- s difference of S238. More importantly for Mr. Rodriguez, this difference represents 66 per cent more per capita. True, this amount b not, in Mr. Justice Powell's words, an "absolute deprivation" of benefit, nor is it hardly approximate equality, much less ''absolute equality" P Congressman Hawkins' 13 Column JhBL By REP. AUGUSTUS F. HAWKINS The Common Touch One hundred and eight years ago (1865) on Monday of this week General Robert E. Lee, leader of the Army of Northern Virginia, surrendered to Union Forces under General U.S. Grant at Appomattox, Va. APRIL 9 - Marian Anderson gave her trium phant open air recital in Washington, D.C. in 1939. The Daughters of the American Revolution wouldn't permit her to. sing in Constitution Hall. APRIL 9 - Paul Robeson, internationally known baritone and prominent actor, was born in 1898. APRIL 10 - Judge Belton O'Neal (1793-1863). advocate of the enlightenment of the slaves, born. APRIL 11 Spelman College was organized in the basement of Friendship Baptist Church, Atlanta, Ga., in 1883. APRIL 12 -Battle of Fort Pillow was fought during the Civil War in 1884. APRIL 13 - Lucy A Laney (1854-1933), founder of Maines Institute in Augusta, Ga., born. a far sharper drop in unemployment sponsible for the progess made, but among blade married men over age many liberals feel that legislation 20 than for the population aa a did make the difference, prodded on whole, although black teen-age em- rf course by the other outside fac- has fatten worse. On the trs. a far !argr number of The writers say that the data on are hi school and black advancement has not been pub licly acknowledged by civil rights leaders, but we differ. Only smatter ings of the aecomp btah reported by some media. However, the great numbers of black Americans, the low income whites and the elderly still need aid to help them up the ladder and this is what the many black black press are all about. The message for Black youth h) that you need all the training possi ble and it can be sharpened by and through education. The talents and energies of those who are now what ddle class or middle in come certainly stemmed from a de sire to go on to secure the necessary talents and skills to move them up into the higher income brackets. So education is still a way for black economic mobility. Your tank n to become more diligent to the tasks that will help to improve' the many necessary skills for great and rapid advancement in the 1970a. Our nation is headed far a Shaky and dismal future if federally funded programs are drastically cut and dismantled as proposed by the Nixon Administration, the poor will not stand by quietly while denied needed services. The anxiety and apprehension reflected in this statement is indicative of the mood expressed by the many concerned citizens, agencies and businessmen who appeared before the House Subcommittee on Equal Opportunities Hearings of the THE NOVEMBER election is all but forgotten by many of us. The campaign rhetoric has been forgotten, and certainly many of the faces and issues have long since faded into oblivion. The excitement of preelection campaigns has traditionally been an important experience to the common people. It is during this time that citizens are reminded bow important they are. The Nixon campaign, prior to the last election, was generally the same, with one slight, difference was that Mr. paign for himself. His campaigning was done by members of his staff and cabinet. Thus, our President did not need to exercise the common touch by personally wooing the com mon people's vote. It is apparent, however, that his cam paign staff did a most effective job in selling the country four IT HAS BEEN FOUR months since the election, and we are already in the midst of "some very critical days." The Administration's proposal to eliminate the Office of Economic Opportunity would seriously effect millions of the The 1964 Equal Opportunities Act signaled the beginning of the "War on Poverty." More than II million Americans were lifted out of poverty through the OEO programs and the late President Lyndon Johnson's economic policies. The effectiveness of OEO prior to 1969 can be measured by its many achievements, such as the development of Headstart, multipurpose community health centers and the involvement of paraprofessionals as well aa thousands of volunteers. These, and many more programs, were designed to Involve the common people. WHILE THE ACHEIVEMENTS of OEO programs prior to 1969 have been many, achievements since that time have been camouflaged for the most part by spokesmen of the Nixon Administration who have continued to make basajsas charges of wastefulness in an attempt to discredit. OEO programs. Since ism,, under Mr. Nixon's economic policies, the number of people living in poverty has skyrocketed. Thus, in the name of economy, the Administration is at tempting to sacrifice (he OEO. It appears that Mr. Nixon has permitted his ''generals" to wage their own war, a war not against poverty, but against the poverty stricken, the disadvantaged and the minorities. Yes, these are "critical days." It does appear that our Chief Executive lacks the "common touch." His apparent insensitivity for programs that offer the greatest hope for the poor, has created great anxiety among the common people across the country. FROM COAST TO COAST, we are reminded that many of our cities still bear the scars of earlier confrontation, borne through the unheeded anxieties of the common people, We are also reminded that should the Administration continue to pursue its port-election course with OEO, It could inevitably create the same conditions that ignited those earlier con The battle lines are drawn, but it must be made clear on who is fighting poverty. This battle must be won, but more importantly, it murt be done in a manner that is acceptable THE HOUSE SUBCOMMITTEE on Equal Opportunities In holding regional bearings in Washington, Detroit, Boston, Los Angeles sad Atlanta, is receiving testimony from wit nesses to be evaluated so that effective legislation can be developed in order that such vitally needed people-oriented Off v Hp importance of elimhisting poverty to our n be over emphasized. This should indeed by the country's first priority. H is hoped that with the national concern that is being siprsMSd regarding the plight of the common people, perhaps through some act of providence, our President may yet develop a human heart. 'wjnBV BnaTnnm imW':m'-'R JAMES BALDWIN NOTED MOVEUSUHAVISTAND PLAYWRIGHT WHO WROTE THE CONTROVERSIAL PLAV-BLUES FOR MR. CHARLIE-WAS BORN IN HARLEM IN 1924. THE SON OF A LABORER AND THE ELDEST OF 9 CHILDREN. HE GRADUATED FROM DE WITT CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL. A PRODUCT OF M GHETTO BALDWIN WAS INSPIRED TO BECOME A WRITER .HIS FIRST NOVEL GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN WAS PUBLISHED IN 1953 AFTER 10 VEARS OF WRITIN6.HIS-AN0THER C0UNTRV-T00K7-VEARS. ESSAVSOH THE BLACK MAN IN AMERICA WERE ACCORDED RESPECTFUL CRITICISM. IN 1965 HE WROTE AN K5AV FOR J THE NEW VORKER -WHICH BECAME ABEST5ELUN6 BOOK CALL ED -THE FIRE NEXT TIME. HE FOUND HIMSELF A CELEBRITY OVERNIGHT; HE WENT LEAKING TQURS.DURIN6 MB TO 1957 HE LIVED IH PARIS. HIS TRAVELS INCLUDE SWITZERLAND, AFRICA AND ISTANBUL (1970). AMONG MIS BOOKS ARE: GIOVANNI'S ROOM ; NOTES OF A NATIVE SON ; AMEN CORNER AND NOBODV KNOWS MV NAME. VnBtoMiV J.W ' """" V THE MAW F" THE MANY M00DJ Of JAMB BALDWIN. Che 3 .HBjEHh Editor-Publisher 1927-1971 1 ...... I E. AUSTIN Published every Saturday at Durham) "N. Ct . .-" by United Publishers, Inc. . 1MRS. VIVIAN AUSTIN EDMONDS, Publisher; RrARFIN'R 'lM)N'NIETTK . .7V.7. Business Managefl If. ELWOOD CARTER .... Advertising MltnSfdrt Second Class Postage Paid at Durham, N. C, 27702 t i SUBSCRII'TtoN RATES United States and Canada . t , 1 Year $6.00; (inited States and Canada . v. . 2 TMrtj $11.00 .Foreign Countries ..: . ...1 Year 7.g: Wide Copy ... .... ... .... 20 Centt Principal Office Located at 36- lst P-tHyrew Street j Durham. North. Carolina 27702 .j btg WINNER Alonxo Bea- net, left, checks out trip he won to San Juan, Puerto Ki- co, as one of Michigan's prize winning automobile sales- " 11 ml'A-, iA'".-J-i.'rJijii:iii men. oennen, 9 oecame one of Michigan's four top Chrysler - Plymouth salesmen when he sold 420 cars in a 12-month period from Chin onis Chryrsler Plymouth in flint, Mich. He is shown with Bias T. Chinonls, center, president of the dealership, and Clyde E. Elba, Chrysler. Plymouth district sales man-agar. HaSaSMMI i in iiiihii iiiiiillllliMHi 1 4a . - . "REFLECTIONS"! FROM NCClH IY MARY I OH ANON iMfjBSNSJS The contributors are mem bars nf th Proof lu A wu;.. Class of North Carolina Cen tral University nnrkr tha ttiu mege or Miss Mary Bohannon, Whom talents She considers worth developing. The students range from the freshman level Ithrought the graduate level. INTRODUCTION If you will remember, the introduction to this column began with the assertion that all Afro-Americans were not born with inferior capabili ties in any field of endeav or. This assertion was not a personal opinion unrelated to documentation, but from a half century of struggling, and dedication to a purpose. Some may wonder why I dwell on the above false In dictment attributed to all Afro-Americans. I prefer to reassert it because I, myself, am a product of the establish- HUM u, 4uvcV vv uy by potential because of color. The attempt became my chat lege rather than my retarda tion. To my students and all those who are unbowed I contend that to do is first to Know 10 mow is urai to know how to know how is to accomplish. Degrees mean nothing if not applied intelligently. Sat Isfactlon with one's own ac complishments is a fatal blow towards reaching perfection. Mary Bohanon REVELATION I stood alone, Shorn by the rays Of a gold-tinted morn. I heard crickets singing. A myriad of multicolored butterflies Kaleidoscoped the sky. Creation gave her fragrant sigh, Her floral smile. These things were a part of my own being I know that I was. I USED TO CALL IT HOME A snake-like trail revealed where my duffle bag dragged down the corridor. From an unseen doorway loud shouts of laughter bolted out ... I pressed on, As I opened the Army-green door, seventy five watt bulbs blurred peo ple of various sizes, shapes and colors ten doll-like cubi cles signified what was home for twenty enlisted men at R.A.F. Upper Heyford, Air Force Base, England. Veiled in smog, perched at the top of a hill was Upper Hdvford. Located lust sixteen miles from the famous Ox ford University and fifty miles from the multitudinous metroplls of London, Upper Heyford exuded a most pro digious quality. Quaint est-, tages housed villagers who spoke cockney brogues, and quiet pubs served querulous townspeople their nightly pint of bitters (a thick black ale), while their faces ques tioned the antics of garru lous American soldiers. ' It was here that hundreds of military robots were as signed to complete a two or three-year tour of duty for the United States Air Force. It was here, separated from friends and loved ones that the single men were able to make some semblance of life in an austere Quonset hut a pre- fabricated dwelling, hav ing a semi-circular root that curved down to form a wall. It was here, despite the re semblance to a stark, un friendly hospital ward, that many lyric poems to far away girlfriends were com posed, and wistful thoughts regarding life, after military commitments, were relished. Where Are the Black POWs? One of the primary reactions of the Black com munity to the seemingly endless parade of return ing American Prisoners of War in the press and on television is "Where are the Black Prisoners of War?" The answer is that they are few and far between for a number of reasons. " vf I , Although Blacks were represented in casualty figures during the Vietnam nightmare in numbers far above their ratio to whites, few served as pilots or officers. VOLUNTEERS Most of the POWs are upper-middle-class white officers who volunteered for hazardous duty in the skies of North Vietnam. Many, in fact, returned once or more times to Vietnam after their original tours of duty were over. r The dead and wounded Americans in South Viet nam, however (over 50,000 of them), were largely working-class and poor youths, an unusually large percentage of whom were Blacks, Puerto Ricans, Chicanos and Native Americans whose only choice was to enlist in the Army or wait to be drafted. Cynics have charged that the POWs would not be getting nearly as much publicity if they were non whites or if they were from poor working-class fam ilics The news media in this country, by and large, are owned by wealthy whites and are designed to serve other middle-class and wealthy whites. IDENTIFICATION Suburban whites, in other words, can readily i dentify with POWs they see on their TV screens who are reunited with their well-scrubbed, well-dressed and pink-cheeked wives and children. We'll never know, however, whether this analy sis is completely accurate because it will be a long, long time before the armed forces place non-whites ijl highly skilled, highly paid positions such as pilots and navigators who can then be returned by some "enemy" as POWs at the termination of hostilities. it was here mat in winter the snow crept np to windows and - propelled an intricate blanket on some unsuspecting head, through the holes la the walls, while sirened winds hummed their haunting mel odies. Then on early morn ings, after sleeping under itchy, horse-haired blanksts iter extra warmth, we braved the icey-tempered cement floors. It was here in sum mer we returned home (as such) after nine hours of mickey mouse work, greeted only by unbearable best, quivering: in the middle pi our barracks aisle. It was here we hung drapes on bar ren windows and threw rem nant carpet on highly-buffed floors, and erected bookcases for those fortunate enough to have books. It was here in the smile of spit-shinned shoes and Niaepra-ftw.'h uniforms, weekly white-gloved Inspections, weekly ;. X parties with mops, buckets, brooms and buffers were con ducted. It was here we over came any problems which our unified forces darred to resolve. It was here Out we all became brothers, all shar ing the same relationship, Uncle Sam's children. Fletcher J. Allen . .' YOUTH What happened then EXCELLENT ON ALL HAIR AND wies rhU exclusive formula with Ian olin Is magic for brightening anil iondlttonlng dry, dull hair. It ii specially effective In giving new meen to dry hair or hair abused y water, wind or sun, or any ither kind of damage. J -"- m (aHdV Mwsisiiiiiaiio anfc I BLiooJ SOLD AT YOUR BEAUTY SL BEAUTY SHOP BARBER SHOP Look For The SOUL-LABEL yi si srii s w assess im mnrwmm k r l. ; By GEORGE B. RUSS sy jay Writers syaaaiaiai mmmkm m ajasyaa)Sss Now a days we hear a great deal about what Is causing the nation to fall apart. A number of reasons are often given as to why the establishments; homes, schools and churches are disintegrating. In truth, more reasons are given as to why ve are all doomed for per diction than antidoes are of fered to turn the tide of let quitiousness, A little more than a cen tury ago EdmuOnd Burke, a British statesman, writer and orator born in Ireland, had this to say regarding man ners manners, said Burke, are of more importance than laws. Upon these, in a large measure, the laws depend. The law can touch us here and there, now and then. Manners are what vex or soothe, corrupt or purify, ex alt of debase, barbarise or refine by a constant, steady, uniform, insensible opera tion, like that of the air , we breathe in; they give their whole form and color to our lives; according to their quality they aid morals, they supply them or they totally destroy. Naturlally, the reader rush es to read the long list of May seam Incomprehensible In retrospect, Too compressed, J Too dense For chronological dimensions Unless we adjust time To youth's rhythm. Toby Jones V OUT OF THB DARKNESS From a tradition Of second jfcletfMi l4laN&tMir Through a legacy of sorrow, pain, and toll, Emerges a man, black skin ned, of African roots. Proud that his heritage yield an Inheritance Of perserverance and survi val to echo the cries Of eternities of oppressed na tions that, by birthright, $ AH" Morris W. Barrier Ifii PERCEPTION IE Utrfietfilliiii- jgWfcgs. An old image But a new experience. Carolyn E Green Don't we an ft to a whirl at persoAsMty 4 Doat contradict people, even If you're sura yea are right. Don't be inquisitive about the affairs of even your most intimate friend. Don't underate anything be cause yon doat possess it. Don't repeat gossip, ven if it does interest a crowd. Don't go untidy on the plea that everybody know you. Don't overdress or under dress. Don't jeer at anybody's religious belief. Don't be vul gar, but dont show that yon are trying hard not to be vulgar. Don't expect too much from other people, but encourage a great deal from you and so goes the list After reading these don't and your score isn't more than 70, don't keel over changing times naturally ef fect our manners some where along the way, we slipped between the ridges slipping between the ridges dont leave us blameless but, we can become less critical of the other fellow's inhu manity to man. Despite the busy crowded activity calender at Union Baptist Church, the Easter Season, as it should be, has taken precedence over aO else. "Moments of Medita tion" for the first time, in its long history, slanted its pre-; sentati on alonff ' the lines of a given seasonal theme when the imimatible trio put in a recent appearance at Union Baptist recently: The trio was at its best Hats off td a group that refuses to be- Sat.. April 1 4, 1973 THE CAROLINA let P. Rogers, soloist DeNfna Smith, organist, '.lis Sealer Choir', panto mine, "After The Cross, The Crown." was thonraghly a Joyed by one and ail Per haps knowing that everyone would eventually make M the Pearly Gates and receive the crown of Ufa gave rise to the happiness of all concern ed The may of the drama never ceases to thrill the hearts of the church audi ence, however, one enly has to look over one's shoulders to fully realise that crowns are net worn by thrusting aside temptation with a stony store or closing the eyes to our stumbling blocks. SOYBEAN EXPORTS expnnsids mi IPS export of O. factors: a sharp tlcmifrm Pea Droductkm of fiafj OSS pundtass of 40 million , bushels of soybeans by the Soviet Union; the continued expansion of livestock Imhawrlas in western Europe and Japan. U. S. export sale o f soy be ans la SmpBCtSd to total a record 460 million buabato this fiscal year. Safety standards soaght for school buses. Administration of oil quotas to changs. ISSSuSF Coming to DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA A GREAT TRACK SPECTACULAR! The 5th Annual Martin Luther King Games Saturday, May 12, 1973 1 30PM WALLACE WADE STADIUM (Duke University See some of me 1972 OLYMPIANS from the USA and Foreign Countries DONT MISS NORTH CAROLINA'S SBUTtST ONE-DAY TRACK ATTRACTION! ) TICKET ORDER FROM MAMI ALL SEATS RESERVED 5wawttfy Pf vca ! ABORIU I S3 HZ 23HR SfiSBS CITY. JTAT1 UN sua Pa if ism mttm hanArM 5 TOTAL Msjkc Checks sihJ msnwy wsjsjfs poyoW tvs Martin Luther King Games P.O. BOX I0S7 DURHAM. N C 27702 Mm Mnrthrroto Wnro npn 13 lHdaS iiE&bvaw - iirkv Hnnrc IssMVIlJ llUUIlla ADEM O A Northgote Downtown Chapel Hill Roxboro Gmt for ' tnrtUnc, ktuKn. r crapta 4t" x TT t to nTn m m ami Mm m 0 Soft, Thick, and Colorful STATION WAGON PADS festival Horol Design SIT-ON HAMPER cmbrtobbV.nllrSMl. Won't CO), Ull'l M kUKiH 1 13 m ii nrm i .-j- ri?iTijfi"M. . - Pae cnawiiiSi hssfcaai IS $ 1 93 ttnlmta .daVsK3RaSS9BaasBnat namf ' .o-Hs I Ron. v $fi7' SHHttv m "i a Spaulding j Fielder's 1 lov with aM1, being, form podurt, R-Z Hx M90 with all nylon stitching, Red, Blue, II In 1AOOD at Aw m dOBBBs& mSS'm MATERIAL M lySB m 60" Wide-Machine Washable TM P JLf HOSE & w a nrn TlAfri e m fir Quality-One W f Ml CIV IVWIELJ I Cunn Icnnrnnvl 'HfiBf Sixe CoKee, m&immm u-... n: u- t ' -V n uj i aj mr ' mym ClfiARETTES mM 4 r I ll Reg. A Kings Super 100's mmm Bf Umi 23i $21? Juliet e STEREO SYSTEM ''ami' - . j, Complete withstand amT TD A V Mt Air Suponslon ipeakert SJ BV M ..-b. 3mm I ITM I n amfmfm stereo mm MMMM m MmW T A Dl FWeL multiplex radio k ( I tocontivo efowowoy 4KL Built-in FM llnef-card In ' - . t ef at sV Wnh n I imfiwiM - r mm i . -mm mm mmi. . ; imi i mm i i n i 71.. 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