mm 1 iBMro caoWLPfA Tnqt ;-tJpt April , im Writers By GBOROE B. RUSS Forum i i aiirr """" MK& MAKY SHAW The evening vu eoliUah and drippy from recent rain and, definitely, not an in ducement for leaving the coiy shelter of home and an eve ning of Sunday television to trek across town to see and hear a junior male chorus perform. No matter the new Chinese-red robes nor the dedication of the supervisors nor the promise of soulstir ring gospel in tonf by a num her of choirs and choruses: The Junior choir of Union Baptist Church; the Mt. Cal vary Choral Ensemble; the UBC Senior Malt Chorus; the Glory Bound Gospel Chorus and, Woods Family Singers. Nevertheless, you give your self an injection of that old homebrewed panacea for the lewlrfic church goer: 'Til get up and go to work come piy morning." So," off jfcjo, startled by your own oping the deed will sOfbdn your nebulous reason lag. ' The occasion was the cele bration of the U. B. C. Junior Male Chorus' 6th Anniver sary; Theme: "Musical Fes tival." As the evening progressed, ate theme took or lions of a "Musical Extrava ganza." And the last vestige of your fatuousness vanish as you listen to the "Happy Am I" sugars. The bow generation has really put glamour into its presentations; vivid colors: mango greens; Chinese led, Deep Purple; sound effects: laatHisisiital end the rhyth mical slapping of hands. The spirit of the occasions art overwhelming cachophous are inspiring joyous! The Junior Male Chorus has twenty-one active mem bers, two advisors, a pianist and two supervisors. ROSTER OF OFFICIALS President . .. John Durant V. President, Michael Wilson Secreary Ray Thompson Ass't Sec'y. Leonardus Rots Treasurer ... Timothy Cates Chaplain . . Frank Pratt, Jr. Parliamentarian . . Anthony Parrish Advisors: Mrs. Myrtle Cates, Miss Annie M. Dunnigan and Rev. John Caldwell Pianist . . Grover Wilson, Jr. Coordinator, Mrs. Mary Shaw Colors: Red and White Goal: Look up and not . down :, Look forward and not back Look out and not in, Lend a hand and be a friend. The Junior Male Chorus was organized in August, 1965. They were formerly the Grady. Davis Baseball League under the direction of VSir ton Currie. As the Baseball Season neared its closing, Mrs. Mary Shaw had an idea that should keep the young men together and should, at the same time, give a place in the church's worship serv ices: A Junior Male Chorus. APEX VARIETY 744 ninth st. Next Door To Charles Chip Announces Something New: PAY LESS SHIRT & SLACK SHOP MEN'S BELTS-N-TIES SUPER 10W PRICES LADIES' SMOCKS 4.99 LADIES' BODY SHIRTS 4.95 DOUBLE KNIT SLACKS . , Sizes up to 50 Volu...y.,.,.iW.... 511MS1295 BARGAIN TABLE JEANS 6.00 Value il 95 Otir Price) V DOUBLE KNIT SLACKS $15.00 vaiue. mmmm MEN'S SHIRTS 6.00 Value cqc Price) J MEN'S WORK PANTS Permanent Press hsr Price $95 LAblfeS SLACKS Solids and Plaids to Enjoy the great Bourbon Mwi. wMm'wi'in1 1 r nrrr --- "'"' mmnm i iowwhu no Old Taylor the rocks taste better. mi.6o ytgal. Mrs Shaw discussed her newly conceived idea with the outer. Dr. GraOtfUD. Davis the idea was readily received and adopted by the castor and church. On the third Sunday in September 1965, 16 young men sang "Old Time Reli- cton" and "Leaning on Jesus." They were proud and honored that they had lifted their voices praising God in gone of eivine service. As time passed, naturally, some of the young men out erew the Junior Chorus ana left to join other singing groups. Some of these young men wese Essex Fields, Jr., Anthony Ttaiberlake, Walter Kee and Van Clark, JlME Smooth sailing has not been the course for the J. M. C. to follow. Our numbers I have shifted gradually and sharply at times from six teen to five and the interest of the young men in church activities was something to reckon with at time, but Mrs. Shaw never lost faith in the fellows; "the boys are tfear to my heart and my dally in sniration:" therefore, the clung to a faithful few and through unceasing prayer was able to salvage and estab lish the present representa tive group of splendid sing ers. "God has blessed us to grow in numbers and in the spirit of true Christians. God, Mrs. Shaw explained graci ously, has enabled . e to travel to many Places to give service. We were a part of the Rev. Linwood Daye's An niversary celebration at Nor folk, Virginia. Also, we en joyed a trip to Fayetteviue, N. C. where we "were guest singers on a church program. Speaking of church programs, we have appeared on "pro grams in various churches around the city." Mrs. Mary anew, ine uray with the smiling brown eyes, nlovs working with young people and devotes much of her time and effort in devel oping a superior male chorus. She is a member of the Will ing Workers Missionary Circle; the Bus s-Sanders Singers and the Dorcas Class. Mrs. Myrtle Caaet, a com paratively newcomers to the' U. B.C. family, is a fervent worker and adds her talent and enthusiasm to that of Mrs. Shaw and the other staff members in developing one of the finest Junior Male Choruses in the . ham. Mrs. Cates is a me if the Russ-San a j".' Unas M CATTLE SICKNESS Grass tetany is ill ness of cattle which sometimes results from grazing lush spring grass. North Carolina State University exten sion specialists explain that the condition is brought about by an abnormally low magne sium and calcium level in the blood serum. The illness can be fatal to the animal. The most common treatment is the intravenous injection of calcium gluconate with magnesium. HXCSUiNT ON AU HAIR AND WIGS Till. fllltu .iM.uil Uk ta oin if me$! rcr u gMenmg and iurc nnnin- nrv rvm r Mpdattv ' ictiv pj Hiig new rtuv.n tc di hiir r a ' use if vatar, nd or-tun, or aa" othw kind of duause. 1 Mutjaimga,. 1, ,!&. I BEAUTY SUPPLY Bl LTTY SHOP A I SHOP Look For The SOUL-LABEL , .1 IM IJ. sftV -Tl" IVIim.MViiliilMlllrHIUIIIIIIIIrllMI BOSS A DOZER I RUN A BIG RIG Man of all ages can qualify. No previous experience Budget Terms Available Approved for Veterans Training. Train through your G.I. benefits. No need tp leave your present job. Learn by correspondence arid field training. '-" ' We have the pros to train you and the newest equip ment to train you on. ; , American Training Servioeo ' K " olChtrry Hi". : own aw 489-7478 TN! MOUSI OF KLKN ONE HOUI CLEANING Dry Cleaning Specials 3 Pair PANTS 1.50 Plain SKIRTS ISO DRESSES, Plain 2.99 SUITS..S.S..JJ9 4 Shirts laundered 1.00 ItwMiMOoWtMSfcvSaHtMOiihr by Joe Black The progressive 60's have come and gone Today, as we find ourselves struggling with the fci tensions of the 70's, we wonder: whatever hap OjSened to all those hopeful programs the "great society" started, a decade ago. -ijussd In retrospect, community action projects have AM not been the end-all solutions to the Black man's KAS' thinS has become very clear. A clenched mibtnstaU0st powerless, it it is empty wnen openea. If MPr(f) maintain the forward thrust of our struggle, there must be something more tangible about our clenched fist. Something real inside it. Something that represents a greater power base. Political power? Yes. But it must be based on (economic power. The power that comes from own ing more businesses. Holding more high paying jobs. Being able to spread more wealth where it will do more good.,., An easy accomplishment? You know the answer to that. But if the evils of slavery couldn't derail the freedom trainj then we can surely pay 'the extra price of timevtraintngj cdttcation, andrnpst important--dedicattorr) to ieern a greater slice of our nation's economic wealth. As a symbol, a clenched fist is right on. But remember, a clenched fist can't talk. Like money can talk, i:. Jbe'Ehck Vice President The Greyhound Corporation tns mm TENDER YOUNG 3 to 4 Lb. AVG. comma stobTT SILVER LABEL com Ur S. CHOICE BON ESS BOSTON ; BOLL ROAST 2-lb. CAN ORCHARD CHARM JROZEN Orange JUICE (6 oz. CAN) SIX PAK I imi( 1 VAUU bllllll I- Willi MpV $5 Order Or More RED GATE APPLESAUCE l-Lb. CAN Limit 4 With $5 Order Or More FRESH CALIFORNIA STRAWBERRIES Qt. VINE-RIPE lb. PRICES GOOD THRU SAT.. APRIL 28. IMS-Q-!A.NTTV MWM RESERVED. f 0mm eeneme ifyi v Life Begns At 62 By George B. Russ Miss Madie Perkins had never seen South Hill in its proper perspective until she had left it. She had been living in South Hilt for the better part of sixty years but she had never cared who her neighbors were: good, bad or Indifferent; so long as they mlnajUl their own business and left her to mind her own. She had kept to the "straight and narrow" path to the Kay pot's, had been bulldozed out of existence over night and she had the worst time of her life bypassing the stuff in the pathway she had travel ed4 for umpteens of years; nevertheless, she had not lift ed her eyes to examine the rows of houses being built. She had heard that a war was being fought overseas, but she hadn't allowed the confla gration to worry her one bit. She had left the business of worrying about sugar and shoe stamps to the Kaypots. And whenever the Kaypot men came home on fulrough, they were always "neat and clean as her pantry shelves" and looked as well-fed as Hector, mister Ben's hound dog, that, she just couldn't bring herself to believe that this was the war to end all wars. Actually, the nastiest blow she had to her sanity was the passing of president Roosevelt. The Kay pots were Republicans and itched to see the last of the Roosevelts, however, when the news came through that Franklin Delano Roosevelt had passed, the Kaypots were as shook up as any of the poor whites and Negroes. She wasn't one to cry easily, but she couldn't refrain from shed ding a few tears for the pass ing of a "God sent man for the poor people." Three times, she went to the polls and cast her vote for him and was ready to vote him in again despite all the talk the Kaypots spread around about the country heading for a dictatorship. Except for the death of F. D. R she hadn't given Mot about what else v happening in the world. She had to admit that the colored folk here in Bayborough had gone from "stink to sugar;" they bad built beautiful homes and drove around town In fine cars. Now that she had made a jennyass of heradf, keeping to herself like a bump kin, she felt awful. The world around her was beauti ful and prosperous. The folk here in the South Hill section were doing things in grand style. She hoped to God that the Kaypots would find time to visit South Hill and see for themselves that all colored people aren't natty, lazy, dance crazy, shiftless, big liars, poor-mouthed begging crea tures born in the world to make life uncomfortable for industrous, creative white people. The Kaypots always spoke of white people though they were something good to eat. Personally, she couldn't think of one thing that white folk do, besides attract money, that other people don't do. All the folks she had met, eat, sleep, work, court and marry or just meet and stick together like flies caught on fly-paper. Miss Madie knew that she was one of nature's misfits in the scheme of things but this ab normality had not disturbed her once she passed twenty five. The intricate business of earning her daily bread; clothing her body; storing fuel for the winter to heat the cold rooms of her abode; laying by a little cash for a rainy day; paying her bills promptly; church going on the Sunday's she was off duty; keeping busy on Thursdays, her day off, doing things she didn't have time to do be cause she had to work and was too tired when she re turned home at night to do more than soak her feet and crawl into bed, had, intruth, kept her so well disciplined that all the things that normal healthy people do doing a life time had left her untouched. Sunday was church day and she spent the tnaping from one service to another, there fore, she was too weary when she returned home to wash hsr underthings or bang up he r clothes or return her Sun day hat 'n hand bag 'n gloves 'n shoes to their respective places. She had always want ed to do all the things people do after work hours: love and be loved; go places and aee things - deep down, she wanted a husband - a the quarrels, poutings, scraps and the making ups that come with having a man around. Miss Madie 's brown eyes squin ted as she smiled dreamily up to the mid-morning sunlight. Suddenly her dream bubble was shattered when a male voice chuckled to dose for comfort; "WeD! do-daddy do. You're a sight for th' sore eyes." Continued. 1 SCOUT S C0RHIR 2 By E L KEARNEY BkW: : CUBM ASTER'S DUTIES 8 K. L. Kearney Not too long ago, I heard a couple of Cubm asters make this statement, "our Den Lea ders are so good, they don't need us." It is probably true that these Cub Packs don't need the Cubmaaters, especially if they accept the fact that simply because they have been invited out of a weekly Den Meeting that their jobs have ended. The Cubmaster has 12 pri mary responsibilities in Pack Management They should be shared with other leaders, but the Cubmaster must be re sponsible for seeing that they are done. These management duties an: 1. With the help of Pack Leaders, plan the Annual Pack Program. 2. Hold a Pack Leader's Meeting each month and run the Pack Meeting. 3. Recruit a Den Leader Coach. Be sure the Coach is trained. 4. Recruit a Webelos Den Leader. Be sure he is trained. 5. Recruit and train Pack Leaders as needed. 6. Work closely with the Pack Committee. (See page 30 in the Cubmaster's Pack- book). 7. Work closely with the Pack Treasurer and Secretary Be sure that ne w boys are registered promptly and that den dues are turned In at the monthly Pack Leaders Meet ing. S. Recruit Den Chief for al Cub Scout Dsns and make sure they are kept informed of Den and Pack Programs and plans. 9. Keep in touch wttn the den through the Den ip'der Coach. Help them with their Cub Scouting Pro blems. 10. Cooperate with Scout masters concerning Den Chief from their troops and on graduation of your Webelos Scouts into Boy Scout troops. Arrange for a meeting of your Webelos Den Leaders and Scoutmaster of troops your boys may join. 11. Keep in touch with parents. Be sure they under stand the advancement plan. 12. Maintain cub scouting policies and procedures. Did you take this job think ing you were going to work directly with boys? Sorry, you are the guiding hand be hind the work of many otner adults who work with boys You're a recruiter, a trainer, a supervisor, a director, a planner and a motivator of other leaders. TV'S CAMERAS ' TYPEWRITERS RECORD PLAYERS TAPE PLAYERS SAM'S PAWN SHOP PHONE 682-2573 122 EAST MAIN STREET DURHAM, N. C. 6iTm YEARS I & OLD MuSjfl " I HICKj lJUH ..,..,...''"" ZlJaLH .Mantakfl iDSTOj WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. s NONE SOLD TO DEALERS -NEW- MIRACLE MARGARINE STServingBowW Limit 6 At This Price With $5 Or More F!pd Order 1070 112 Gal. 86 PROOF PRICES GOOD THRU. APRIL 28, 1973 Astor Full-O-Fruit COCKTAIL Limit 6 At This Price With $5 Or More Food Order 1-lb. CANS BANQUET-ALL VARIETIES SUPPERS I LjHAlf OAtUjl PpMnMrwil 975 12 Gal. 90 PROOF lb. PKG. W-D- Brand-U. S. Choice Beef! Whole Boneless TIPS 9 to 11 lbs. Average Cut FREE Into Steaks Roasters Trimmings Pound or 8, AIM IMS AkllilAllia dKUNjUN '1lfct:tN.l&W MAIN ks TIRE & AUTO DIV. 1014 V. MAIN MRS. JOSEPHINE TURNER HEAD CASHOSR GOLDEN . . I GRAIN MACARONI & CHEESE DINNERS 4M.00I Gold Seal FLOUR 25-Lb.Bog $9 1 c aiO I 4af TOP ROUND STEAK .Jb. M.59 Glove Kid Peanut Butter 99 FROSTY MORNING PURE LARD 4 lbs. 79c WILSON' S CERTIFIED FULLCUT STEAK lb.M.09 CUBE STEAK lb. 159 m mt PLENTY Of COUHm HAMS AND SHOULDERS CRACKER FISH ib. m PEPSI COIA 16 oz. 8 pkg. m SUPER MARKET 910 N. ROXBORO STREET Open 7 A.M. to 9 PM. Datf S ' ' .vfs;iJJ