TP THK CAKULANA lUflU Sat, Jmt 2, Wtt B mmmwilii! immmmmmmmW ) Bmmmmmfilfef 41 i BBBBbI Sbbbbb J&KSj I IbbbbrbbbbV mm BhBBBBBS "i-i"1' BaBBBBBBBBBBSJBW i- i&3sRaT 'i'iffl?''' 11111 wjKj. iBBBBBBi :''immmmmmi wKfiBuBtiBm EmmmNmmmmWll Bttj siSt BBM iKLmmml BBBBPBbI BBBBBBm; - BBBfcf ' 'BB HpsMKflBp 'i&IB DEFE.M Home Fashions Come Full Cycle The Primitive Look k Now In ED OAKLAND Calif.: BLACK PANTHER Co-Founder Bobby Seale, 36, aririrPWc hie amnairin tifrn-Lrarc after being soundly defeated by nearly a 2-1 margin in his Continued Fron Front Employment Service which gives Vietnam-era veterans first priority for all openings; -76 900 (February 28) enrollments in Manpower Administration job-training programs; -65,374 (February 28) enrolled in Project Transition, a Defense and Labor Department project to give civilian-job training and other assistance to active duty servicement to . prepare them and Vmf i 'asf- ;V,-y -50,537 (February 28) hired by the Federal Government and the Postal Service. The placement of 263,000 veterans in permanent jobs in these eight months by the public Employment Service agencies represented an increase of more than 66,000 (25.1 percent) over the number placed in the first eight months of last fiscal year. 5 , Brennan said that "although there were 4,286,000 veterans, 20 through 29, in the labor force during the first quarter of 1973 .compared, with 4,058,000 during the first three months of last year -- an increase of 228,000 - the number of unemployed decreased by more than' 98,000." "The reports are encouraging," he said, "and we are looking forward to a continued nationwide effort to offer the best in employment opportunity to our returning servicemen." and professor at the Interdenominational Theological Center, Doctor of Divinity; and Rev. Augustus Burke, Beaumont, Texas, former African missionary and teacher, Doctor of Divinity. t v Richardson, Mrs. Hanberry and Rev. Burke are distinguished alumni of Benedict. BENEDICT Continued Fron Front liachelor of Science degrees, 22 Bachelor of Science degrees in Physical Education, 24 Bachelor of Science degrees in Eton o m i c s Business Education, and 46 Bachelor of Science degrees in Economics Business Administration. Fifty-one Benedict seniors received their degrees with honors, including two summa cum laude, graduates George R, Davis and Johnnie B. Williams, both of Columbia. Eight seniors graduated magna cum laudc and 41 graduated cum laude. Six persons, including PaytoD and Richardson were awarded honorary degrees. Pay ton received the Doctor of Humane Letters degree. Richardson, the Doctor of Pedagogy degree. other honorary degree receipents were Mrs. Annie G. Hanberry of Columbia, former District General Supervisor of Richland School District Two, Doctor of Letters; Mr. William C Matney of Chicago, award-winning NBC and ABC television newscaster, Doctor Of Journalism; Professor George Military Branch of Atlanta, noted Biblical scholar EVERS Continued From Front plans to run again for governor. He tost his last bid in 1971, when he ran as an independent, "Medgar died for all of that but when they killed him they only killed the man, not his dreams and goals". Any black willing to come to Fayette during the summer could look forward to alot of hard work, he told them. "We can only give you food, a place to sleep and a lot of work". -NAACT" Continued Fron Front organization on desegregation. "As integration has approached becoming a reality", he told newsmen at a press conference, "many anxieties, many genuine problems have been turned against it". He expressed the hope that the President might make dramatic policy shifts on civil rights as he has on foreign policy. Greenberg pointed out that the Administration's opposition in many cases "makes other school boards more litigious". Last year, the legal fund, which is a separate entity from the NAACP, raised $4.2 million and hopes to raise $5 million this year. NCCU Continued From Front education, traditionally has focused on specific activities of the elementary teacher. Mrs. Anne G. Fulford of the NCCU faculty, one of two project supervisors, said teachers will be involved in on-the-field experiences at various resource centers. They will work with elementary age children and sessions will be videotaped. The participants will design teaching materials and activities using as a resource the Language Experience Approach developed by Vann Allen. Mrs. Fulford said the theories of the approach place emphasis on "helping children make and use knowledge; providing opportunities to participate in the planning process; helping teachers create interpersonal climates in the classroom that are conductive to learning; and helping teachers develop strategies that will produce flexible maneuvers that are essential to good teaching". Dr. Wills Bryant, chairman of the department of education drive to be elected Mayor of the Industrial City, May 15. Seale . who discarded the militant posture of his party to work within the electoral system was beaten by two-term incumben John Reading in a runoff election. (UPI) Upbeat and people-oriented, the home fashions look for today -and tomorrow-has arrived. Folk and primitive art from Appalachia to Zanzibar is transforming the home into a warm, organic entity. The rich pattern legacy and vibrant color heritage of primitive art instills an entirely fresh congenial dimension in the home. In addition to the congenial, convivial connotations of folk designs, . they also nave universal origins and universal appeal. Many identical patterns and motifs can be found in the primitive designs of such divergent cultures as those of Uruguay and Uganda and of the Western Plains and West Africa. These universal, timeless designs are ideal for the modern home, adding warmth to hard-edge contemporary styles and relevance to traditional period styles. Fabrics are a perfect outlet for expressing the warm, primitive look in the home. Not only are fabrics a less costly decorating investment than other furnishings but they also lend themselves to a wide variety of uses. A new and versatile fabric group. "Dakkabar," is derived directly from folk and primitive art and is available exclusively at Sears, in Durham. The collection's creator, Robert Earl Paige, is associated with Tuesday Art, a division of Tuesday Finds Rodin Bust MOSCOW A bust of Victor Hugo mad by Rodin was found in Moscow's Maly Theater museum, the Soviet news agency Tass reported. It said that until a researcher found a reference to the bust in a book, the sculptor was unknown. sv -jsaSSw s One problem many house wives encounter in the great outdoors is how to make canned foods more appetizing for their families. The follow mtf recipe is taken from a re cently pMished-colleCtiolne-, signed to help brighten camp ing menus. KETTLE BAKED BEANS ' 3-1 -lb. cans baked beans 13 cup molasses 2 tbs. prepared mustard 1 tbs. lemon juice 12 tsp. black pepper 2 onions, chopped 1 clove garlic, crushed 12 cup cooked bacon, crumbled 14 cup strong black coffee 14 cuprum Mix all ingredients together and bake at 350 for one hour, or over coals for 1-12 hours. Leftovers can be re heated in the same manner. Makes 6 to 8 servings. This is just one of many recipes now available in a new camping handbook and parts and accessories catalog. Housewives, hunters, weekend campers and even the kids will appreciate this unique publication. It is being dis tributed by CP Products Corp. of Elkhart, Indiana, to many recreational vehicle dealers east of the Rocky Mountains. A copy can be obtained only from a dealer. at Livingstone College, will be the project director. Mrs. Betty Massenburg of the Durham City Schools will serve as a project supervisor with Mrs. Fulford. Applicants for the program are invited to contact the department of education at NCCU for further information. Parents interested in having their children, from grades two through six, involved in the summer learning activities should make application by June 1. The program will be conducted from June 17 through July 24. WAFR-FM it.3 Durham's BLACK Radio Publications devoted to seeking fresh design talent. The colorful new collection inspires a raft of make-over ideas for every room. Suited to the do-it-yourselfer and the all thumbs home decorator alike, the fabrics are available as cut yardage, or can be installed and coordinated by Sears interior decorators. The Sears primitive-style "Dakkabar" fabrics seem to beg for unusual uses. A dining room, for example, fulfills its role as a people-pleasing setting when a bit of imagination and one of the colorful fabrics are let loose. The ceiling could be completely covered via fabric glue with one of the geometric patterns. If the same fabric continued on walls, draperies and dining chairs, the room would burst with a new warmth and excitement geared to happy gatherings of family and friends. A guest bedroom that really seems to welcome guests can be achieved with one of the collection's floral fabrics. Bedspreads could be used on a guest bed and matching curtains or draperies at the windows. Matching fabrics could then be cut to fit between floor and ceiling at the head of the bed for a striking headboard effect The overall atmosphere of a room in full and genial bloom would provide a true guest shelter. Mixing and matching favorite primitive fabric' looks from Sears can produce a family room that seems to exude a sense of communal interests, harmony and general good times. Draperies could line one window can be repeated in a home sewn table tl Hr!ffifflB mmmmmmmmCF jttmmml mBlv HHkFHP JUS Bs STRAY BULLET VICTIM-PHILADELPHIA: Mrs. Mattie Hollis comforts her son Ronald, 9, in his hospital room in Philadelphia. Ronald was shot in the back while playing outside his home by a stray bullet fired in a youth gang fight here 510. The incident is one of several gang fights in Philadelphia in the last two days that have seen one gang member killed and another eleven injured. ... t cover on the other side of the room. The collection's richly colored throw in a different pattern could be used on everybody's favorite easy chair and the same pattern repeated on sofa pillows. This balancing of different patterns and colors gives a room a sense of the rich texture and colors of folk art without losing the pulled together took of comfortable, contemporary living. The new humanizing ARMY ANNOUNCES $2500 ENLISTMENT BONUS That's on top of the Army's new starting salary of 307.20 a month. You must be a high school graduate and enlist for either Infantry, Armor, Artillery, or one of many new special skill areas like Radio Teletype or li Repair.,.- m Your local Army ReprjserMre ha Complete list of bonus jobs and, qudnmatTofis. for detailed information contact him at: 688-6825 in Durham. Today's Army wants to join you. This offer may end on 80 Jane 10T8 environments that can be created with primitive fabrics are a breakthrough in home decorating. The down-to-earth, people-oriented ambience of folk art fabrics can provide a take-off point for an entirely new lifestyle. EBONY DIRECTIONS With Your Host, KYSER WILSON I . SUNDAY 10:30pm tv tg lurham-Raleigh m w m $150,a month buys a 3 bedroom home in River Forest. t taJT A typical new home in River Forest Home payments build equity. Rent dis appears forever. That's just one good rea son to buy a new home. River Forest -is-another. At River Forest you take your choice of many great homes in the $20,000 to $28,000 price range. And the down payment is low. 5 for Conventional. Minimum for FHA. Nothing down for VA. And all financing details are handled for you. It pays to live in your own home in River Forest. Find out all the other good rea sons today. Drive north on Roxboro Rd. (US 501) to city limits, directly past Riverview Shopping Center. Open 9-6 Daily. 2-6 Sunday. Or call Sales Office 477-0441 ; J. C Parrish. Jr. 477 6979. Bill Mansfield 477-0841; Dave Dunaway 477-0104. ' 'Typical example of VA financing for a home priced at $20,000 No down payment. 30 year 7 annual percentage rate loan. 360 payments of $ 1 50.00 includes principal, interest, taxes, and homeowner's insurance poiic5s;' - ' ',. l INFINITY RQ. yuVt River jjfc. j Fores OLD FARM . SWIM AND BACOUrfCLUS I RIvirvKw '.'A xwng , ft. Ri Forest by The Ervln Company We are pledged to the letter and spirit ot U S. policy tor the achievement of equal housing, opportunities hroughout the Nation We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketrngpram in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, or national or g n BBLsBBBBbI LsBBiILsBBm ' ' ' ' " Sm 'm ' J' jSfc BBBBBb ' ' '"' jffrr tSBBBBBl 1 w S hBs aHP ' ijjj&Lj&ff&ij SBBS.'HK. 8atM Jane 2, 1973 THE CAROLINA TIME8-4B This column of questions and answers on federal tax matters is provided by the local office of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service and is published as a public service to taxpayers. The column answers questions most frequently asked by Q. I just purchased a new car for my personal use. Are there any tax deductions I can take on my 1973 return as a result of this purchase? A. Yes. If you itemize, one bin deduction is the sales tax on the car. This deduction is espe cially advantageous because unlike the case with most pur chases, you can add the actual sales tax of the car to the amount shown in the sales tax tables. In addition, if you bor rowed money or financed the purchase of the car, you may deduct the interest you pay. The other charges you may pay in connection with the purchase of a car, for ex ample, tag fees, etc., are not taxpayers. deductible. Use of your car may also give rise to a large number of income tax deductions. Some of these include deductions for: gasoline tax; travel expenses for a trip to a doctor, dentist, hospital, etc., or in connection with a charitable contribution or to take your child to nursery school, if your wife works and you otherwise qualify for a child care deduction; and ex penses arising from the busi ness use of your car. Q. My son turned 20 this year. Does this mean that I can no longer claim him as a dependent? A. In general, if the person you seek to claim as a depend ent made, loss than f9mfnl0 1973 and you fnnriaaat esf haM the person's support, you may claim him as a dependent, regardless of age. HVVfmT the dependent's age is ea important factor, if your son has 7S0 or more in income In this -rase, H he is 19 or over and not a full-time student, you may not claim him as a dependent. Q. Can I have tax withheld on my pension? A. Yes. Yon may elect to have income tax withheld from the taxable portion of pensions and annuities paid over a period of more than one year by filling out a Form W-4P and submitting it to the payer. The amount to be withheld must be at least 5 per month and the net annuity payment received may not be less than 10. Forms W-4P are available at IRS offices. FASHION' ClILD OF HOt"STOX .TEXAS provided Cynthia Lewis, winner of "Hal Jackson's Miss Black Teenaee America Pageant & U.S. Teen Revue 1972 with an opportunity to receive first hand tennis pointers from pro Arthur Ashe on his recent visit to Houston. The pretty Miss will be providing her own tips for winning to contestants at the national finals for the televised pageant on July 27th in New York City. Contact: Hal Jackson Prod., 350 5th Avenue Room 3308, NY NY 10001, 212-831-6254. Facts About Traditionally Black Colleges And Universities NORTH CAROLINA CENTRAL UNIVERSITY was chartered originally in July 10. 1910. In 1923. the General Assembly of North Carolina appropriated funds for the purchase and maintenance of the school, thus beginning its public status. Its first four uear college class graduated in 1929. Its first president was Dr. James E. Shepard for whom the new library facility was named. Dr. Alphonso Elder, now President Emeritus was named president in 1948 and served until 1963. The Student Union Building was named in his honor. Other presidents have been Dr. Samuel P. Massie and currently serving is Chancellor A. N. Whiting. North Carolina Central University is among the predomi nantely black universities that have professional Schools of Law and Library Science. Its School of Law has grown from a mere handful of law student in 193!) to a tecord enrolment. now oi nearly 300. The NCCU School of Law has the distinction of graduating the first Indian lawyer in North Carolina, Atty. Horace Locklear, as well as providing the General Assembly with its first Indian representative, Honorable Henry W. Oxendirie, from Roberson County. North Carolina Central University School of Law has provided two of the three Black judges in the State, The Honorable Clifton E. Johnson and The Honorable Sammie V. Chess, Judge of the Superior Court. Further, Walter E Ricks III. the first black assistant Attorney General for the State of NC and several Assistant Solicitors of the Court of NC. Generally the majority of the black practicing Attorneys within the state have been graduates of NCCU School of Law. NORTH CAROLINA A & T STATE UNIVERSITY actually began operating in 1890 before the state of North Carolina had actually created it officially. The state, facing requirements of the Morrill Act of 1890 to expand available funds for appropriate education of both white and black students having no agricultural institution which served black students, worked out the plan with Shaw University, a private college, whereby the new agricultural and technical college could begin functioning as an ANNEX. North Carolina A & T operated Tor three years, then, as an ANNEX of SHAW UNIVERSITY before becoming an "independent state institution". North Carolina A & T State University has the unique distinction of having provided the N. C. General Assembly with its first black legislator, Honorable Henry E. Frye, since the Reconstruction Period. WINSTON SALEM STATE UNIVERSITY, established in 1892, became the first black institution to grant degrees for teaching in the elementary grades in 1925, when the North Carolina General Assembly granted the necessary authority ELIZABETH CITY STATE UNIVERSITY began Hugh Bangladesh Named UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. ... Bangladesh has bean designated as the seventh per er to the United Nations. The others are: West South JCorea, South Vietnam Cale, a black legislator from North Carolina who introduced legislation in 1891 to establish it. The school began with two faculty members and 23 students from five North Carolina counties to train teachers "of the Colored race to teach in the common schools of the state". Elizabeth City State University granted its first bachelor's degrees in 1939. FAYETTEV1LLE STATE UNIVERSITY functioned for thirty years under an annual $2,000 appropriation as a "State Colored Normal School". Its last high school class graduated in 1929, and the first four year COLLEGE class graduated in 1939. Of the froup of thirty-three traditionally Black public colleges and universities, thirteen were started as private institutions. Included in this group of thirteen are: Albany State College, Alcorn A & M College, Cheyney State College, Coppin State College, Fayetteville State University, Fort Valley State College, Grambling College, Jackson State College, Lincoln University (Missouri), Morgan State College, Norfolk State College, North Carolina Central University and Winston-Salem State University. im s? r mwm m warn i I SBmm VM i I I VmmmY I A rWT TT-fc KSBBBJM I LjLjlA III i V AM UK JW rimMml iff 1 SEWING MACHINE I !A LjLsM 1 ll "The Best" jW ? 47 I - - ! 1 m w mm, a ' ial 1 & adjust 4 NON'K SOLD TO DKAI.KKS 1 aF am k gMW M? m Y fmi pickups delivery PRICES GOOD THRU I It ALEXANDER'S SEWING I SAT . JUNE 2, ,973 Limit 2 At This PHCC With M 223 W.HonVm, 688-3650 1 M m More Food Order Mw,Mcg,g ipr LILAC PAPER Ifc SUPPERS mmnlimW .rnftW kJU iqs ijjfl fl ffmmmmmw. 4fl MARK SHUBRICK IS A'FUDD" MECHANIC Mark Shubrick joined the Navy after graduating from high school in his home town of Chester, Pennsylvania After boot camp training Mark went to a Naval Air base on the west coast His assign ment . . Keep the "Fudds" flying. Mark is receiving on-the-ob training as an avia tion mechanic He knows his way around airplanes The plane he knows best is the Navy's E-1 "Tracker," better known as, "FUDD" con tains some very sophisticated radar and com puterized tracking equipment It is literally the eyes of a carrier essential to its operation 'IN DURHAM CALL CHIEF TLLLEY OB PETTY OFFICES WITT 682-2800" Fudd is Mark Shubrick's airplane The Navy offered Mark Shubrick the opportunity to get some valuable on-the-job training He worked hard and1 made the most of it The Navy has opportunities for you Good Obs . good training For more information on what opportunities the Navy has for you call, toll free anytime: 800-841-8000 (In Georgia 800-342-5855) or mail in coupon THE NAVY'S NOT JUST SAVIN IT. THEY'RE D0IN' IT! THE NEW NAVY Navy Yard. Building 157-4. Washington. D C 20374 Please send information on Navy Programs for High School Students n College Students High School Graduates O College Graduates Name . Address City .Stale - -10- Telephone No -Age . This funny looking contraption stores neatly in your refrigerator. It's portable, like a suijiase. Turns on and off like a water faucet. And holds 2-12 gallons of Pine "state Fruit Drink. (And after you finish off the fruit drink, it hokrc2-l2 gallons of whatever you want to put in it.) Pine State Fruit Drink. In Lemon. Orange. Fruit Punch. Or Grape. Also in pints and half-gallons. But if you buy it in this 2-12 gallon reusable dispenser, you'll save yourself some money, The whole kit and kaboodle costs only SI .99. TA GAL. PINE STATE FRUIT DRINK$1.99

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