f m:-r4 nn. mtmiMk,V cabouha i im ii Fir iisf ' fiaaRyafr ' affnrts ion. He never thiun rtavs to exDlain to berated a writer for getting it wrong or for being unfriendly, jp, (Continued on Page 1 2 A ) anaTAoi me and to other iqnrtM important details and IPg mm I effects of lecislal I 1 THE REASON WHY... w have tilled $o many thousands of proscrip tions i bocaoso our proftssional skilJ, prompt service and rea sonable prices have earned for us the con fidence of physicians nod their patients. 1 I U -Jbv - 1 jfiihk. ye Warm'n Creamy Beauty creams for your complexion . warmed in seconds! ' A Totally new Rertiitv Concept ., . Warm. Beauty . Creams For Deepg"1 Skin $J78S CLEANSER REFUl $461 MOISTURIZER $M( REFILL AAI .. OK ' I '1.4. 1 Make-Up MIRROR LM2$ Just a twist of the dial twitches on day, evening, home or office light to make jure you'll look right In any light. - ,. 3 :m j General Electric STEAM 'N DRY IRON 25 vents give mora acorn coverage. Switches from steam to dry at push of button. Fabric dial can be set to correct ironing temperature. r mm 1 111 ir pleasure . . . 1 West Main St. 1223 University Drive i Broad St. e 3527 HHl.borough Hoed I 6 Roxboro St Chepel Hill-EaHte I schooTpwcils i rcnviLDWA i h mam answers, NB RBf " t supplies jP7 eBj tlllpBBnnT reference intormation ifll KT B a to students questionsl High- flj impact polystyrene case Br"ffl H jB ' hinged caver, safety' catch. f m FREE 5" x 7" -Full Color ENLARGE with , ol KX)10I Wii punted ittf developed It tttarts! he yeu. tsvonte snspshot hem e!fJ punts site M'U tnttrn H toe ye. ft el chugs. . - " V lM ' SCHICK ,'fliN DRYERS for men model 336 HT - so star 99 Stule drv and aroom your hair naturally. Great for travelling. No. 322 ;rHiCK HAIR DRYER With Beautifyinq Mist Dries hair totter, mere evenly Extra-large hood tilt ol rollefj,. 4, tetnperotvre settings,1 '"i1"" 1 The calculator with fuH f functions, 12 digit entry and readout plus a host of . other great featurest automatic decimal selection;; true pre-bolancej 4 zero suppression; S .r overflow indication, AAJI (TIVUOI AC-1 k Back-To-School riMi uiiiii DET ANGLER The Power Detongler Lelr tou Untangle You Hair Quick and Easy. Try tM Filter Filter King Super King Menthol k Buy a canon tuvay FILTER KING $99 SUPER KING S2M Warning; The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health . King: 19 mg. "lai", 1 A mg. nklim: Super King: 19 Rig. "Ui". 1.5 mg. mum, MemM-. IB g Ht", 13 mg. nicotine w. per cigareiie. f IC Repot i (Aug. 72). AUTOMATIC K DRIP FIITI I I' COFFEE MAKER teg. $7W $33.33 -W Drip Filter Coffee Maker automatically regulates temperature and brew ing time to extract the J most desirable elements il avor and aroma. ! Hi km. TABLETS Bottle of iS Iwwulnn THERAGRAN or THERAGRAN M SJ99 SUSPENSION MAALOX S 09 liquid JXCEI TABLETS Bottle QQ of 100 Tf VITAMINS Bottle of 130 The CLASS Sit AiMn On- BINDER SET S 1 69 1 W Ring Binder Theme Book Filler Paper Index Divider Dictionary lift in FLAIR fHS , iy v i colors to choose I from 3. 99c ECKERD'S 360 Count FILLER PAPER low, low M price. A First quality gT Erasable Bond TYPING PAPER Back-To- Jftl School WW uORBl' Ee SPIRAL THEME BPOK regular 39c each 4.99 irr.Ai DAIIt Large Site LEGAL PAD HOLDER Reg. $1.39 $ 1 TO i I TUCK CELLOPHANE TAPE . Vi"xl000" fr ..ie-ts-4 ; THEME BUUtV 2 ler 99 Colorful cover contains 58 ruled filler sheets. 8100. I f vc"; m. 11 I f ." . A Four SUBJECT THEME BOOK Standard Size 120 AO Sheets M.-TW ' i APSCO Midget Economy Dciirii SHARPENER V3faa 5Sr"d it Pencils CARTER'S TYPEWRITER RIBBON For most Typewriters General Electric High-gain VHF tu ner, solid state UHF tuner. Private ear phone, jack. Mono pole antenna. 74 tq. m. of viewing area with front toUM and controls. 'B ettVTeoLelv ggMIB llv . fBBMJgtMpalH . 4 OK M H 11 1 Bfty. jB Hf The SCHICK HOT LATHER MACHINE . Refills available inregular,menthol,$l 09 lemon & lime. Reg. $14.88 SCHICK' flAvamatic ma- Out-Shaves Today's leading Electrics! ctik "- ... bocetifo Miinnor onovstisj hood iRoeno raoeei mnmx ei Reg. $24 50 ci A99 15 I ECKERD'S PLAYING CARDS single deck 3 for 13-Oi.Sixe Asst. Formulas Fer BARBASOL SHAVE CREAM 11 -Oi. Aerosol Reg. or Menthol For !1 FAMILY SIZE IP All A TOOTHPASTE Special Only For tAROL SPECIALS!. HERBALESSENCE SHAMPO& Normal or 3ily 41 io)m$rtRE $09 LILT PERMANENT. $11 MISS BRECK HAIR SI r c Aelortd J - Colon SPfOAl OWY I I Mr- . I SB a SBBM-.' S1SBI gA .vA'asBEaeVeaBjooBsisaoeeiiiiM . " -j . NEARLY 17-YKAK SKRVICK --SMher mmhing wtth to men or sstering iiternly at their actions, ('.yStft. Vtymi Prod or Is the epitome of a Marine drill instructor. He served three times in Vietnam, seeing action on each ocvaston. Sttttloned now t San Diego Recruit Depot, Proctor has been in the military nearly 17 years. ,i ' ' RMHBtRlHG GEORGE WUfY by Xiek Kot. Not long ago George Wiley spent an eeniiig with his children. Danny and Maya, and with friends at my home, talking about his life and about his plans and hopes for a better America- lor a country in which economic and social justice would be extended to all citizens, for a country in which groups would not be pitted against each other to their mutual detriment. It was & warm summer evening and. as we sat on the back porch. I was struck again by how little we really understand or appreciate a great public than such as Ceorge Wiley, who for 10 years was in the forefront of the fufht far vmnnmip iustice in America. His public image was that of the firebrand founder and leader of the militant National Welfare Rights Organization, and so he was. But the tele vision cameras and newspaper interviews that recorded this bear-sized, handsome black man, speaking passionately about the human ana legal rignu oi ' could not capture other things about him. - Seeing him there on the porch nuzzling his 10-year-old son ana ar-iu im we .could,' appreciate his gentleness" and his sensitivity. When the children went off to play, he talked quietly about the toll that 16-hour work days had taken on his familv. All his non-working time now was devoted to the children. He had agreed to dinner, in fact, only on the condition that the hour be early and that his children come with him. He talked that night about his dream of getting a little boat and spending a few days away from it all with his children on the Chesapeake Us,- He hnuirht the boat, an old second-hand one, on Sunday, August 5. And only three days later, in a freak accident a few miles off the Maryland shore, George Wiley drowned. His death has deprived America's poor of perhaps their greatest champion of the past 10 years. George Wiley's ideas for achieving a more just America were sun evolving ai un . , . .'.a. 1M t ..tt,,.,l n.it Ii IK oi ms aeavn. ne ' i . I . . iM that evening aouui Movement for Economic Justice, an organization he had recently founded to bridge the gap between the poor and the ordinary working people who are not impoverished, by government standards, but still harti H""'r ot problems making it in America. Iktcause of the deadlocked Congressional struggle tor welfare reform of the last few years, George said, he had become convinced that justices for the poor and for welfare recipients would never become politically feasible without more general reforms that also deal equitably with the needs and problems of the average uMsrlrur. f:.:'. ..... . ; . .Li :..U Listening to mm snai "ks one uld hear the scholar, the former chemistry professor who changed his vocation out never stopped learning. He had accumuiaiea detailed knowieoKe -. P'.l . ....... . . ..''1 understanding anom iiw American wx iyww. .j:..:v.a.. 1M t 111. .... uSi.int We COM. oi. nemvn vwv, -v""v eonsumer nmim hmv 'TfTa i .. - II.. uU he was prices. , -tth I Ihul the workinti mh tnii the noor had far more in nimmnn in terms of needs and self interests than they had differences. Yet he realized It would be a mammoth undertaking to undo the work of the workers against the welfare poor and . minorities. George raid to illusions that he bad any magic answers, or that the Movement ler Economic Justice would grow to maturity overnight. But he yw tpl afraid to tackle these fundamental problem? lb American life. He also listened to others, a trait that many public figures somehow lose as they grow powerful. George was actively soliciting the thoughts of his friends. He wanted their ideas on how to end divisions, on how to create a political majority that would stand for greater economic and social justice. He learned quickly from others, perhaps because he Was so lacking in pomp and pretense. But George Wiley was not afraid to stand alone when he felt that political compromise would hurt people on welfare more than It would help them. At several meetings of the Leadership Conference on Civil rugnis, ne siooa virmnuy muiie in opposing a labor union-backed compromise on the Nixon Family Assistance Plan that he felt would badly shortchange the pooh vv s The public view of George was generally that of an big aV,Wdlf rightly colored daJshud, exhorting audiences with fiery speeches. He could stir a ' crowd, a.id for thousands of poor people, particularly those forced to exist on welfare, he provided self-confidence and hope. He gave them strength to be proud Americans, to realise that being on welfare was not their disgrace, that to pursue' their own legal rights was an exercise of good citizenship and was in the nation's interest as well as their own. The private man was far more complex than the public figure and just as exciting. Civil rights workers in CORE remember the soft-spoken chemistry professor who persuaded them that tneir organization had to directly engage the poor black masses. Middle class liberalism alone would provide empty victories, tka mi urhn harl tasted aaiu vn ,., ... - - - - ii. .. some of the success of middle class respectability. Welfare mothers in New York or Indianapolis, in Atlanta or Houston, remember his intelligence, patience and courage in planning and executing the grueling direct action and legal campaigns that won them their rightful allowances for clothing, groceries, school lunches, and due process of law. Congressmen and reporters remember the keen intellect and dissected the fine print by' which the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee repeatedly tried to legislate repression in the name of welfare reform. I recall 'WfmfA I rmk- '' Above EL Actual mP Invoice H on New 1973 Plymouth Satellites, Fury! & Chryslers Terrific Selection to Choose From OPEN 8 a.m. 'til 8 p.m. ELKINS Chrysler-Plymouth Exprosway,Downtowrt Purham 688-531 1 kTRjl aoHEftloBB - aoaaakw TooafB!gl CM 10 OFF ALL Dcmii ad :i7i. nLUULnii oievi. CHEWS 400 IN STOCK 1973IMPALA 350 V 8 engine, hydramatic transmission, power steering, power rokes, radio, white walUires, wheel covers, molding package. List Prico 4586.b0 20 Off 013.00 NJ3,655.00 ;iiay''Chorgair B i SM OPfeN 'til v r.N. 600 East Main St. Wl',,tw,, mm l w v OPEN WEEK NIGHTS TIL 9 vi i i n I JUST A SAMPLE OF MANY GREAT BUYS 72 Botch Mob finish, vinyl toolfull power, air conditioning, low itinooga. 72 Ssskk Ibftro $ Cudom 4ioor hardtop, blue Jin. ih, vinyl Hoof, Ml power, air tonditioning, local owner: 72Clsff4waWfeHMf $JM 44oor, hrory finhh, vinyl reel, power (oat, door locks, air . ten ditiening, 19,000 mUet. liBeJckSMerk . MIIS 3-deer hardtep, light green fin ieh, vinyl roof, road wheels, air conditioning. 71 Olds Cosiest Sim 7 door hardtop, V I, automatic, power Mooring, brakes, air con ditioning, 34,000 miUs. blue fin ish, white vinyl reel, XX dean. SS Sokh liier. SHU M power, ai' conditioning, rally wheels, red finish, black vinyl roof, eitra dean. riBokbleSebre 4-door sedon, green finhh, pow er steering, power brakes air conditioning. ' lll 72 "eat. Unary laHoes $22U 2-door hardtop, while finish, vinyl roof, power steering, brakes, air cotsditiening, like new. , ' 70il.leMosM I2W Spoils 2-door hardtop, blue fin ish, white vm-d roof, power steering, power bwkes, air con ditioning, extra dean &8.nt. Caroline $9SS 4-door sedan, whiM finish, vinyl roof, power steering, air condi tioning. " jF MsWckleSoW.40e suss 4 door Hardtop, tarqueise finish, full power, ah conditioning. ?Cfc.BelAir S7M 4 door sedan, while finish, V-S, automatic, 47,000 mnee. i DOWNTOWN DURHAM ' 326 E. Main Dealer 610. Oial6l2-S4t OLDSMOBILE '73 Driver Education Cars Very Low Mileage Almost New AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS is' Eighty-Eights Delta 88 Town Sedan Cutlasses FOR EXAMPLE Station Wagons Cutlass Hardtop Sedan Turborrdranvetlc (rant mission, power steering and power disc brakes, tieted windows, body side mould ings, vinyl roof, atr, remote control oultido mhror; Urn.,,.:- Mfg. Sugg. "i .3888 Tinted windows, body side moulding, vinyl roof, loc.' oir, power dm brakes, tur holiydiomntii transmission, fJfcllH, white side wheel dm s, AM ro prbtertiv. bumper strips. Mfg. Sugg, lelail ; S4S93.20 Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd. 489-3331 ? Dir. 1853 ww test give. Ii? sT- unioif' I ledfl ggSiaawlil EMVRs--, Bh BflBflHH l I tBReaBBliN' eaojjj BR" Fed Ex. Tee. I GenerafeFstTK I d.aBnTlBBfc. BflktaaV ("SaBBaL j BB aH SS MAG WHEELSVVC JKtC BT I Robert Corbett Salesman New & Used 115 For Better Tire Service T1 Robert Corbett. Call ; fjy, I 6 82-5461; Home 688-3189 I Charge It gi . at General Tire I I ING0 LD TIRE CO. I H Pnc.d o, .non ! Q.ne.m Tire Sl .'..;' ' , BB Cottipeliftvely prlcea at inoepertdertl tWBs;HB2HBni Sooner or later, you'll own QeiioreeBsHBs t I Stock Number mamannRel 1 070 Maverick, 2-dr, radio aa 1 295 I 73 186 111 I " ,A I i ox.fi F,a' tu,tom' ' lwfl,,r' ,,,to,mrtit 89500 1 2095A I 7 OY trasoa-ssk, factery ak I i ota To,ino gt-h,d",P' au,6ma,it si 39500 1 2520A I ft W ratio end Itetler, leiee. iiaaaT I ttLL Cmwrtl, l-W kor-lep, "rtetn-k ttestrsslon, STCOO I 2275B I 00 radio and heater, meehanits special " 1 070 pntiot Ca,0linfl W090n' Vl' h"i,9p' pow,r i"'m' SOO500 1 73-78 I W fadery air conditioning, a little reoek. T W I AA Plymouth Fury III, 4-door, V8, automatic transmiss.on. A OJ00 I I 1238A I 00 power steering, air conditioning, Blue 1 0.40 chvroM impoia' 4door' v, au,omo,it umimn- 895 00 1 I 6249B I O radio and heater. Green I A ft Chrysler Wagon, V, automatic transmission, power 595 I I 73-156 I 00 steering, air r- Jitioning, Gold I I 1 OTA Go 500' Vl' GU,w,,fl,it ,ranHni$siefl' ,,M,i 5 1 10500 1 73-173A 17U l-e1er,pewers1sern I A A fori XI, ? deer baretop, VI, aetnafa triiilt.i.e, $R9S0 I 73-185 I V0Y power stoerittf, redia end kaafar, llgtrt IU 1 I A A f oatiac Grand Prix, 2-daar, atasitk haas-sissioa, power SlOOCOOl 2252A l0 steering, air conditioning, Dark Green 1 AA t.,4,wlpsrter,- 595 I 1795B I 0 transmission, Blue - " 1 A 7 I Maverick, 4 door, cylinder, eutemalic transmission $ 1 C Q C 0 0 72-33 I" I r-i-,B. ... I AQ Ford LTD Squire Wagon, automatic transmission, radio, l.t.r$ 1 1 Q T 0 0 I 2045A I 00 power steering and air tiaaMiatif, fro. 107A Torino, 2-d. VB, rok SlOCOO 1 72-241 1 7 V ek cael.nie,kcfc wnk nssyi tap- L,5 196 "sr--5iwsM 1 51ttA 1969 ZttXs? -$l 1 tSf I Over 50 more BUDGET BUYS IN STOCK If you are , j looking for low-cost transportation, Drop by. I ALEXANDER FORD Dealer 1 659 Expressway at Duke St., Durham r ftv M-.71, myth-makers and politicians Mar who have plttea oiue cuhv

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