2-TCR0LrTrFS SAT. FEBRUARY 7. 176 4 If J ,ttj . - t . Dan'f lei Clad Ccrsaonity Become A Jungle . . BLACK BUSINESS IS SUFFERING FROM THE EFFECTS OF CRIME ON AN UNPRECEDENTED SCALEJTI5 STRUGGLING TO MEET THEHIGH COST OF THEFT INSURANCE. VANDALISM, SHOP-LIFTING, ROBBERY AND BAD CHECKS. THE PROBLEM CENTERS AROUND MRCV7ll,ANU DRUG RELATED CRIMES. r . ( -U. i & if''' I Child Abuse On Increase Recent survey results show that some 60,000 children are abused annually in the country. We "agree with the experts who feel that this high number is extremely serious and that some attempts should be made to curb such increased abuse of children. It is probable that the figure is much higher, as- many cases often go unreported as people do not wish to become involved. Among the reasons for not reporting such instances of child abuse . is the prevalent feeling among some in our society, that children belong to or are the property of their parents. Those who hold this belief may feel that the parents have the right to make the decisions regarding their property-the child and or children. Further, violence appears to be an acceptable part of the Americam culture. The falling respect for authority at all levels and general obedience to rules and regulations also play a part. Such reports affect the decisions of many parents. Some may feel, perhaps that if it is necessary to accomplish their goals, they will engage in such violence, no matter what the age of the child. Parenting is a skill that is neither automatically nor necessarily acquired by the physical reproductive process. Many children are unwanted, unloved, and mistreated by parents through the ignorance or lack of knowledge. North Carolina, through its Department of Social Services and other Child Advocacy groups has been carefully checking out possible cases of child abuse, but it is a slow and difficult process. Unfortunately as problems of unemployment, with rising unpaid bills, ; alcoholism, and just plain frustration o living affect many parents, some of their tensions may come out as some form of violence toward and against their helpless children. It is most advisable that such parents seek the appropriate guidance and help before they yield to child abuse in a fit of frustration or to the idea that he or she has the decision or power regarding their treatment, especially when it is objectionable treatment not in the best interests of the child or children. Political Realism Political real'ty should be faced by black Americans regarding the many suggestions and views that voters are filled with disgust with the electoral process and need to forego our constitutional right of voting. We should not be lulled into the false idea that our vote is worthless and that our interest is meaningless. The interests of blacks, in America arose at the moment of the creation of this Republic. Each generation of blacks thereafter and throughout these 200 years of growth has chipped away at the many obstacles that have blocked us from what is frequently referred to as the "mainstream of America. Black Americams of today must look at the candidates, study the issues, and the candidate's statements side by side and then dissect those statements and promises in relation to the issues, conditions and problems of today. We must keep uppermost in our minds that nothing is more powerful than the truth and nothing is more dangerous than a half truth. It is worth remembering, especially to black youths between 18-30, that you are the trustees of our posterity. You must not allow useless rhetoric to cloud the real issues of these perilous times. So before you .exercise your ballot, be sure thatthe candidate for whom you cast that ballot has dealt with the truth straight forward by as distinguished from the half truth; and also have dealt with issues and socio-economic problems squarely. It would seem that at this junction in history and in light of our past history, black Americans cannot afford an Alice in Wonderland Trip. LETTER TO THE EDITOR The Board of Directors of Scarborough Nursery School wishes to express appreciation and deepest gratitude to the citizens of Durham, Corporations, Businesses, Organizations and Foundations for their generous and warm support of its Building Fund Drive. Due to the economy our goal of $100,000 was not reached, but we are grateful for the amount of S68.OO0 received. You have rendered a fine service in helping to meet the needs of the little children in our community for years to come. A special thank you to Joseph Goodloe, and Lee Frazier who spearheaded the Drive, and all of the volunteers who so graciously gave of their time, and who, through their efforts, made the campaign a success. Scarborough Nursery School is a United Fund Agency continuously serving our community for fifty years. Wm. Jay Walker, Jr. President Clydie F. Scarborough Executive Director THE BLACK PRESS OUR FREEDOM DEPENDS ON IT! Who is unemployed? There's a growing debate over the accuracy of the Labor Department's compilation of unemployment statistics and the way that debate is resolved could have far-reaching effects on the nation's economic policies. Each month the. Bureau of Labor Statistics announces the previous month's unemployment figures. Each month those statistics are grossly understated, lulling policy-makers into believing things are better than they actually are. It all boils town to defining who is unemployed. According to the Bureau, the definition of unemployment is narrowly restricted only to those who are out of work and who had actively looked for a job at sometime during the previous four weeks. By this calculation, some 7.7 million people were out of work Tn December, or 8.3 per cent of the labor force. That's the official figures, the one publicized each month, and it is a terribly high one that would lead every other industrial nation to take drastic steps to create jobs; indeed most with even lower unemployment figures have already done just that. Bad as it is though, this figure is just the tip of the iceberg. The Bureau excludes from its count many millions who, by any measure of defining joblessness, should be included. For example, among those not counted as jobless are the "discouraged workers,' some five million people who have simply given up hopes of finding a job and are not actively looking for work. When asked by the Bureau's enumerators if TO BE EQUA ly VEENONL JORDAN btctf ra Dirtttor Nofiwal Urbaa Lmqs r v they want to work, they answer that they would accept employment and want it, but they are sure there are not jobs ou t there. Another large group, over three-and-a-half million people, want full-time jobs but can't find them, so they're working part-time. They too are not included among the unemployed, although a Congressional Committee has suggested half their number be included in the jobless count. Any part-time work, even if it's just a few hours a week, makes a person "employed" in the official statistics. Nor does the official count take into consideration, as many suggest, full-time workers toiling for less than poverty wages, a group that includes a quarter of black workers. The National Urban League publishes a "Hidden Unemployment Index" each quarter that includes in addition to the officially defined unemployed, half the part-time jobholders who want full-time work and all the "discouraged workers." This far more accurate estimate of true joblessness in our country showsalmost 15 million people out of work, or about 15 per cent of the labor force, almost double the official figures. That's a big difference. Can Vou imagine the public reaction if the government announced each month that 15 per cent of all workers are jobless? It would lead to tremendous pressures for adoption of a full employment policy. Perhaps that's why there's such resistance to change. In fact, conservative critics want the Bureau's figures even more narrowly defined, even to the point of not counting as unemployed anyone who has a working spouse or anyone who's been jobless for under a month or so. That would cut the official rate quite a bit and make a Depression look like prosperity. There's a real danger that such numbers-juggling would deepen the already mistaken mood of complacency about the hardship faced by so many millions of families today. The only honest statistics are those that actually count people who are not working in full-time jobs although they want to. Politicized playing with false body counts can only result in well-founded charges of covering up the intolerable degree of wasted human and material resources in our country. But the most important thing policy-makers ought to bring away from a look at the statistics is the enormity of personal hardship, artificially-induced poverty, and great suffering they represent. Behind the debate over the current laundered unemployment statistics lies the need for a national full employment policy that guarantees to everyone the right to a decent job. Ford's Budget Roles Poor If you are one of the 11 million Americans currently unemployed. Ford's new budget will keep you in that condition, at least through 1976. If you were fortunate enough to get one of the 310,000 Federally supported public service jobs last year, don't look forward to such luck past 1976; Ford's '77 budget, projects dumping such programs. To quote Ford, "Five out of six jobs in this country are in private business and industry. Common sense tells us this is the place to look for more jobs and to find them faster." Only someone totally out of touch with the devastating plight of the unemployed in this depression could make such a silly, unfeeling statement. But then, the President's new budget and his explanations for the un-called for 8.9 increase in the arms budget, and his cruel cuts in people-oriented programs are prime examples of his commitment to the rich and powerful corporate influences in this countryThese forces, therefore, are going to be heavily subsidized by the President's concept of how to end this depression. His theory is a reverse of the old Robin Hood theme of robbing from the rich and giving to the poor. The President believes that if we give federal VVLnjI U1MJHU l!ai7hhs' 'Column it-.... .UiV, dollars (through clever tax writeoffs incentives) to the corporate rich,.-somehow such largesse will filter (or is it "trickle"; down to the poor. So the President wants the Congress to allow the business community to receive about $6.2 billion in 1977 tax benefits (with more later.) His claim is that such tax relief will induce business to increase their reinvestment into their businesses which in turn will increase production and increase employment To date, there is no substantive evidence that this in fact will happen; most businesses, hard pressed for profits, will probably just pocket this windfall if Congress is is foolish enough to hand it to them. The President has something else in mind for :4 ' tne average American, however. For those that are still working, he wants to increase the payroll tax for Social Security (which already increases automatically with the increase in inflation.) For those senior citizens that have been whipped unmercifully by inflation and the high cost of living, the President proposed that they assume a greater share of their medicare costs which will bite even deeper into their limited funds. There are some people for example that really need food stamps. Too badl The President plans to cut this program by about one billion dollars. In addition, Ford plans to make cuts in programs involving education ($1 billion dollars) and veterans benefits (about $2 billion). This budget is out of step with the times, and the serious economic pitfalls this country faces. So are the concepts of its author. His inability to comprehend the magnitude of this depression on the average American is appalling. !, therefore, believe that the Congress will once again have to face the President's unprecedented use of the veto in order for the Congress to bring a reasonable approach to fiscal responsibility that the Presidenfseems to tack., Presidential Citation In Order for Roy Wilkins Roy Wilkins, the venerable executive director of the NAACP, announced this month that he intends to step down from the helm of tr.o nation's-' largest and most effective civil righ' organization. His move will signal the end of one of the most important eras in the history of the U. S. After more than 40 years of affiliation with the National Association s for the Advancement of Colored People, its executive director for two decades, Wilkins will leave an organization that had the single most dramatic impact on social and racial change of any in our history. His has been an honorable and charismatic leadership leadership however, that has not always gone unquestioned in terms of tactics but never in terms of integrity and probity. For my part, I believe that nation owes Wilkins a profound vote of gratitude. He should, in this Bicentennial year, be called to the White House and presented a grateful nation's highest citation, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Washington Post Columnist, William Raspberry points out the fact that half the American people under age 30 have no memory of a Wilkins-less NAACP. I would venture to say, this is especially true of the black community where, the U. S. Bureau of Census, tells us, that more than half of the population is young - between the ages of 18-35. Menjamin JL. Moohs FCC Commissioned !t has been my good fortune and pleasure to work with Wilkins over the years. A stubborn man, a tough man, but a fair man - a leader with an unswerving goal - equality for the black man in America. He never lost sight of this goal and his mission was forever moving forward and unsullied. The Wilkins' NAACP era embraces one of the most turbulent and significant periods in our history. When Wilkins joined the NAACP in the early 1930's as a young newspapers, (editor of the Kansas Call) the country was in a deep depression. Legal segregation was the law of the land; discrimination in housing, jobs, public accommodations, education, legal justice, voter registration, was rampant, north, south, east and west. He lived to see many of the outward vestiges of racial discrimination removed and while the NAACP did not initiate the freedom rides or the militant young black sit-in movement, Wilkins' , NAACP, nevertheless furnished major legal assistance to them. Along with countless others, I join in wishing the NAACP Board Godspeed in its awesome taks task of seeking someone to fill the giant Wilkins' shoes - shoes that have strode like a colossus across the sweeping landscape of civil rights and human dignity. It is pointless to speculate on his replacement, for like his predecesoor, Walter White, there will never be another like him. We should hope - no, pray that this venerable organization Wilkins has headed with such honor for so many years, will be guided by someone who will carry forward his leadership and standing as if it were on his shoulders, carrying it to even greater heights. It is a shame that this civil rights group that has done so much to raise so many from a stooping position to one of standing proudly erect, should be in a strapped condition for funds. And it would be my hope that the organization while permitting Wilkins to return to private life after a long and honorable service would, nevertheless, continue to avail itself of his wisdom and sweeping intellectual know-how by placing him in a position of an executive-director-emeritus consultant. He would thus continue, on another level, his highly useful existence, and we would be the richer for the arrangement. (NNPA) MAGAZINE WEEK by Sherwood Ross You may not care what happens to the Hopi and Papago Indians out in Arizona but if you want to keep well, and see your children grow up strong and healthy, you might take five minutes to read this warning. WARNING: THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE MAY BE DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH. At least, that's been the case based on the foods that the U. S. government has been peddling to the Indians, and it may well be true of the kinds of foods the government is dishing out under its various programs designed to feed the nations poor. I call to your attention the new issue of PREVENTION magazine, which is charging the government is passing out "junk foods" that are inferior to! the traditional staples of the Arizona Indian tribes. According to. an article titled, "White Man's Food Bad Medicine for Indian author Dominick Bosco said that what the Hopi were getting from the government braintrusters were "barrels of white flour, white rice, degerminated cornmeal, hydrogenated fat...barrels of junkl" No, the Indians did not get such nutritional foods as meat, milk, eggs, fish, fresh vegetables and fruit in significant quantities. Instead, they got starchy, filling edibles that filled bellies but have little to offer in the way of nutrition. Author Bosco compared the Hopi cornmeal to the commercial product and found it had twice the calcium, more iron, and four times the zinc than what the white man was handing out. The same went for Hopi bread and so on. All of which ought to make us re-examine the foods available under U. S. Government aid and doled out to children in the public schools. Are these children being given lots of white bread? (Don't believe 'em when they call white bread 'enriched,' mother. Nearly everything decent has been milled out of white bread made commercially and the 'enriched' that is put back in won't make anvbodv verv healthy.) Are the children being given . North tadtaa 27701. See MAGAZINE WEEK page 8 THE CAROLINA TIMES . LE. AUSTIN Editor-Publisher 1927-1971 Published every Saturday at - Durham, N.C. by Utfted Publishers, Inc. MsJUug Addrev.iRQ.Box 3825 Durham, North Carolina 27702 Second Class Postage Paid at Durham, North Carolina 27702 SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $8.50, Sales Tax .34' TOTAL 8.84 1 Two Years Sales Tax fi8'l TOTAL 17.68 fltngle Cof ....;.....,.;....,....,. Payable in advance. Address all' communications and make alt checks and money orders payable' to THE CAROLINA TIMES, Amalgamated Publishers, Inc. f810 Madison Avenue, New York, iN.Y 10017, National Advertising :ReresenUtive. Member of the United Press International Photo .Service. The Publisher is not responsible, for the return of unsolicited news; .pictures, or advertising cop junless necessary postage accompanies the copy. I Opinion: expressed by columnists In this newspaper do not necessarily represent the policy of this newspaper. : Principal office located at 43( Things You Should Know THE REV. CORNISH Pastor of the African presbyterian church, new york city, he was an intrepd pioneer of journalism . in 1827 he co e0it0re0 the first american ne0ro NSWSPAPR,rREEDOM JOURNAL IN 1630, IT BECAME RIGHTS QFALL IN 1837, HE PUT OUT THE WEEKLY ADVOCATE THI8 WAS LATER RENAMED THE COLORED AMERICAN