VOLUMES-NUMBER: : "REAP BY OVER 30.000 DURHAMITES" DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA - SATURDAY. JANUARY 8. 1977 TELEPHONE (919) 6834587 1 "Sllpi . 'SMBWyy :. '1 Illlii.. ; -:&vi. i 111 SHinil. 111!!. - ' "' yyyuv A i ' .:. " : ?lliyyyyyiyy. ,: ty ) I run i v rnrn rauttviii rnH Dottle Kina. flashes a "- wMTC1ftttfr--irWUirfr- m'l mi inn tr in c'dedKthe cently. Dottie, a native of Lumberton is apology r major completing her studies at FSU the first W.TAbS-S,"' Glosfor B. Griffin NEW . YORK r- NAACP Administrator Gloster B. Current sharply criticized Pre- rident-lect Carter for iiis de- r M Ar CiV DaII'b mamKsr. Had ' 4etenoea- ,ns ..Aiwrneyr General-elect . diiring ao,.intef ' " Jl k MM AO1 view on tne abc-iv "uooa p- : yy w:. v - '-y- ; , ; ; v ( ,; ; -, . ' - ' " ' :'-4 - - - COMMON OCCURRENCE - Clubs which exclude blacks, women or Jews and perpetuate racism are so common In America that Jimmy Carter probably had a hard time finding cabinet nominees who don't partici pate, Benjamin Hooks executive director-designate of the NAACP said on ABC's "Issues and Answers" on December 26. (UPI). Sen. ffarf Remembered For Rights NEW YORK The- ki a Arc tki. ..lr .v.n4 it. .-. 4..n ..,rr.lthu,, tn tha TVI T ajiiijawij iv i.iiw wiiiv..." i f widow of Sen. Philip Hart of rights legislation by the Con Michigan who died on Decern- gress for nearly two decades, ber 26 of a heart attack. The NAACP telegram to Mrs. "He was a man ' of in- Hart at Mackinac Island was teoritv whose leadership in the sent by Mrs. Margaret Bush Wilson, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr- W. Montague an tint of Directors, Dr. W. Montague . . .j.. .j r... ;. codd, rresiaem, ana ivoy nu- kins, Executive Director. In their telegram, they ..u. said: "We of the National Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Colored People extend our very deep sympathy to you in the death of your, beloved and distinguished husband. Philip i& $1 M VA P fe? State University senior pretty smile as the mer- M Current Blasts Carter For Boll's Private n. e- Mornine America Droeram The text of Current's state ment follows: "President-elect Carter's ct of amfnt that rritiricm rf memoersnip -that, exclude" .1 .'til oasea on Aaivities Hart was a key protagomstin mir ramnaicn to secure tne on ar-t mpnt of meaJlinClUl ClVU Senate was recognized and acknowledged by opponents and supporters and across the i i II III . m and supporters and across tne ... is!.. ...-H . us. pany uncs s . highly productive and success- ful lift, and he was fortunate MtAiioh th see manv of h is enough to see many oi nis oals achieved. He was above all a humanist, guided by his commitment to the highest ethical standards. Philip Hart was our friend. We join you in mourning his loss.' j-:j:5;S:i&.SS . ! DEATH PEUAITY SUtlDAY j j Thp Durham Ministerial Hav. Jan 3 to endorse Jan. 9. On that day ministers throughout North Carolina are-being asked to mediate on the re , jj Ugious immunities' opposition to capitalpunish- , ment. Rev. Z D. Harris, President of, the Minis- i ? terial Alliance, who nas long peen on recoru a? j it an opponent of the death penalty voiced support : f tL mnnt nf neath notes that this is an issue of particular importance ; f as it is fnr mamher CnnirriV. W'! gations of the Durham - Ministerial Alliance. ;s : WW rarnlinUnt' Acninit tWe Death PenaltV' fe:5 h3HH hv William Geimer. f are spearheading this particular effort. The en- of tast Larolina nas oeen urcins the participation communities as possible. Harriot Quin, Co-convenor o( the N. C. voal-v Mf stinn Aoainxr the Death PenaltvViiFiid-'is 'assisUns M with the local effort points out that this coming ; Sunday is a particularly religious witness to opposition to re-insiaung uic Death Penalty. The 1977 General Assembly will convene January 12. Already, N. C. legislators, have heen at work drafting a new Death Penalty law with the assistance Rufus Edmiston's office, proposed Capital out no as well as many groups which have fought so hard to abolish capital punishment. , m inia' Club Hopborstiip grpund fails to deal with the basic problem confronting Judge Bell. Inat prOOiem IS inc piu- ot a person remaming aw mm 9 mm - when the case of a Biscayne Bay private club reached that court. 'The issue in that case was whether to uphold or reverse Aanann nf a tvainr Mr fl WVIkiava V a v v judge, outlawing the religious and racial restrictive member- ship policy of the club be- cause of a lease between the Blacfis Complain About f Jot Getting Enougfi Incurjural Invitations HENDERSON (CCNS) -"The Hadden, Chairman of the where to go and the process Inaugural Committee requests Second Congressional Black of getting the invitations once the honor of your presence and Caucus helped to deliver a solid in the nation's capital, participation in the inaugura- black support for Carter in the ; Green said that he and tion of Jimmy Carter as Presi- November election. Hadden Hadden have been in con dent of the United States of was one of the earlier politj- slant contact with John Baker America and Walter Mondale cians in the state to support and Harold Webb, coordinators America ana waner munuaic as Vice President of the United . . . . States of America on Thursday the Twentieth of January, One Thousand, Nine Hundred and Seventy-Seven in the City of Washington." The proceeding is an invitation to a select group of more than 300,000 invitees from Jimmy Carter's Inaugural Committee. That invitation in- vites the receiver to the inaur vites xne receiver iu uic uiau- gural parade and to the swear- ino in ceremonv. VIP's received an addi tional invitation to the "Inau gural Party" to he held Thurs day evening following the cere monies. Not really an invita tion, but an application, the receiver is entitled to attend ma41ac tvtfk ent of $25 per ticket up r ... Fr tl each ... i-.,:tM 1 entitled to an the invitee is entitled to an Inaugural Book. ine inaugural panics ww be .tttnded by fewer ton 50 blacks from North Crolln. on- ISefbK-LSe'S The inaugural parues wui black supporters, organizers, .L.o... that he A v. ana wmuivwvis " pected to; attend -wiU not. : Typical of the Carter that haven t been United is .Henderson physician Dr. J.P. Greene who recetveo a letter from Carter's staff in early December indicating that he would receWe ticketUo the parties. Greene, and; Leo .Ani 'iiiiiiiiMlW" i1'"-'! - ' .... .. ". F? F . ' Death Penalty Sunday I' 5 i; " Penalty "Sundav." He Favetteville attorney, acquirea. inis group i ,- of as many religious ; - . $ appropriate time for a of Attorney General Alliance. voted Mon office. Opponents of the new , m Punishment law need to speak :m nc rhntar-.t their legislators. The iiii pppohehts of the new Dofonding City of Miami and the Yacht Club. V "Judge Bell, while a men -n. nnt fnrS racial . and ., , . .. r .-.onii, : nartidbated.'" with the fact that JudeCyBell is from the South or .'that President-elect Carter i from the South. The overwhelming vote - that Governor Carter received from black oeoole in all Darts of the nation should - f " - "demonstrate thaj regional bias is not a factor in their reaction to the Bell appoint- ment." cians in mc mic u wyyvn Carter. Neither politician has .. . received an invitation. Greene said that after several inquiries in late Dccem- ber he received a letter in- forming him that "if you haven't received Invitation be fore December 31st come on to Washington and get them here." Greene has problems with those instructions. The wun inose inuu.ii9. letter, according to him gave no Information concerning Dr. Hartin To Sppqh By Capitol News Service ." ' Dr. Martin Luther King, ST., WW assist me Rev. oruce r-j. . . , n.... xowaras oi me riauis oapusi Church, to , ellly momt prayer rvlce at the Lincoln fe0W service wiU. take place on the i . . . ..: , eas";' sieps oi me memorial where iDr; , M e0- cruently gave his famous "I u...-n.-. uu-ia yMM most mernPrable event In a iona s-ries of free social re- ffiJfflJrW Sffi-a: SS& tUbim, cohalrperson of the f - iia mm m drtaiiMHWlTT r I1 1 nr ''i - '.x:-?;;:;?.:;f.:: 3 Dl iUTlTlAU nrau baui1. .u:-ii u l G6rgia for their meeting with President-elect Jimmy Carter. Leading the group are (L to R) Bob Bergland, Agriculture; Andrew Young, UN Ambessador; Patricia Harris, HUD and Griffin Bell, Attorney General. (UPI). 'w ' OlII I? I A laliiU UjUM PI lyi 115 ten bureaucrats within the people, we'll have to upgrade Carolina's "right to work" law (CCNS) A. J. Howard Department as policy making the skills of workers in that and the number of strike Clements. III. an official of the and thus exempt from coverage you can't expect them free days would advertise North Carolina Caucus of of the state personnel act. to come from Michigan or under his administrations as Black Dcmocf at s said last week None of those ten policy wherever it is to North Caro- during previous ones, Hunt that Lauch Faircloth. N. C. makers was black. Within the lina tn nav the same waee for said. "We have a rizht to work ii)mmerce aecrciary designate apparently has not been told by Governor-elect Hunt that all sta(C departments including the Commerce Secretary designate -r- - cj . ...itklw .(..ffol Wv Kli, l.c 'Huh(t'.'iini. Nativ -.Americans, lv foBowine his aDDointment by Hunt, if he would appoint any blacks to the ten posi- tions declared by Governor- elect Hunt to be policy making nnsitinns in the. Commerce henarimeint Fairclnth re- w . -w - - sponded, "well, I'm not sure." During the proceeding week of December 22 Hunt requested 1 the resignation of ' for Carter in bkek communi- !-.. ....... thm ctat "TheV are ivi. - ties across the state. "They are trying to work sometningoui, Greenesaid. E.V.Wilkins, black mayor of Roper, hasn't received an in- vitation to the inaugural party either. He, too, contends that he was informed that his name was sent by Webb and Baker to the Carter headquarters. " ,,v : rnT . . Wilkins, mayor of the largest Continued On Page 3 L Ung, Sr. At Inaugural 1977 Presidential Inaugural Committee. The committee, al- so co-chaired by Vicki Rogers , "".. Y . y i-...nlli fo.tSual ufhir-h lasts , ui8' .. . ,!,, fromToesday. Jan. IStoSa.u,. When .liy.Jjn.JJ.. k . . "nnSS by tlttJZ ana comoineu uiuu u..uc, that ouutanre nf Nfirman Scrib- " w ; V u u- ner, 1 Duector of the Washing- ton Choral Society. "Never before will so many people, have such a f Mnce ? iaK.e Pa" !" inauguration of a president, Mid Tirana- "This wU1 be a true T'1 Governor Carter wants." 'ir-iirw --lnJi miml i inn unn-l- "M tViiii L ran ArPfC vo rf H oahiH A l U 3) 0 0 III U 4S LaX UUC Uw UW f ARIMET "L - ALJUUJLj U nine departments of state nine departments oi siaie government and the 169 top policy making positions, only two departments had black denartments had black - " 1 - - 1 f 1-1 niimWir-iH onlv thrpp v riements will hold Hunt for the Wring of PQrmmewe,an9, pther mere nave oeen agreements? by Hunt: to appoint blacks to specific posi- tions in specific departments, except for the rhetoric that blacks, whites, and Indians would be hired equitably in all areas of sovernment." Faircloth said at his announcement ceremonies that he and his wife gave $6,000 to the Hunt campaign ($3,000 each), the maximum allowed by law. Faircloth, a wealthy Clinton businessman and former Chair man Of the Highway Commis sion was designated according to Hunt because Of his "busi ness experience." Hunt con tinued saying, "His (Faircloth) is a Horatio Alger success story. He grew up on a farm in Sampson County and has literally built his business from scratch. He knows what it takes to make a business grow." Hunt expects Faircloth to -r ---- spCnd much of his time in- tnctrv hnntino if two Ot niS t - dustry hunting if two of his proposals to cnange me uut- ture of the department are accepted by the legislature, The proposal is to remove the Department of Natural and Economic Resources (NER) the Division of Economic De- velopment to the commerce Department and to create a , r - labor resources board. Industry hunting, accord ing to Hunt's proposal, and industrial development are to be overlooked by a board of economic development com posed mainly of financial and business people. Hunt says that taking the economic develop ment section from NER would improve the economy. Hunt reiterated his pro mise to bring top paying in- a I..;- Nnrth Tarnlina dustries to INO nil Laiounu. -r naio sinuiar worKers m umei Hunt rMied Smu can't tales, "1. ell them wh are alter are industries wnicn S thrn i e hat kind of skills that require that kind ot PY "Continuing, Hunt said, S teS to S them ut weU have to train Iihhi'm u: a. i I . J..:. .4 A ltfl 1 MTH EMIT IrdU U VUUMU umuljuu u labor that can't do as good a labor that can t do as gw job. We've got to get t skills up so that they cai just as good or better j t those can do inct a ancA or hetter inh " jww rj " ------ i J n,i.r;i.ni.nt mnnM Ko u4Mt tn rrmit inrinstrw anH Uhen asked whether North, NEW YORK - History Quiz: Which is the oldest college which had as its original purpose higher education for Blacks? "Lincoln University in Pennsylvania was founded as Ashmun Institute m 1954 by Presbyterians, near Oxford, Pennsylvania. In 1866, it was renamed Lincoln University." Source: Black Culture Quiz, published by the Sperry & Hutchinson Co., 330 Madison Avenue, NYC 1001 7.. Two former homicide detectives in Harlem have been named deptuy chief investigators to conduct the House investigations into the slayings of President John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King. They are uitiora a. remon, and Edward M. Evans, 45. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of its independence, Lesotho, formerly Basutoland has issued four new stamps, featuring symbolic designs of its celebrations and progress. Lesotho, with a population of over one million, is entirely surrounded by the Republic of South Africa. The Manpower Development Training, sponsored by the NYC Board of Education is marking its 15th Anniversary in 1977 with a two-day citywide job fair, "Careers 77," on Thursday and Friday, Jan. 27-28 at the Norman Thomas High School. Ill East 33rd Street. Object of the program is to get jobs for unemployed and underemployed adults and youth. The program has a reservoir of highly trained adults ready for employment. Basil Paterson of NYC has officially resigned as Vice Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. He was highest ranking Black on anycommittee. Among the House candidates without major party opposition in 1976. many of whom enjoyed substantial surpluses 20 days after the election were Rep. Parren Mitchell (D.. Md.) who raised $50,000 spend $41 JOOO and had a surplus of $8,900; and Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D NY) who raised $52,000. spent $41,300. and had a surplus of $1 1.000. Solomon Watson 4ih. a Howard U. and Harvard Law School grad has been appointed assistant secretary of the New York Times Company. Watson, 32, joined The Times two years ago from the Boston Law firm of Bingham, Dana & Gould. Blacks, Hispanic persons and other members of minority groups climbed to a record 19.1 per cent share of New York State's government jobs as of mid-1975, according to a report released by the State Department of Civil Service. This was a rise from 14.4 per cent in the department's first annual ethnic survey of 1967. ' A U. S. Census Bureau study reports that the I I million Americans of Spanish-speaking origin are worse off economt- aiv than whites but better off than Blacks. The study showed that unemployment among Hispanic Americans la March registered 11.5 per cent compared with 6& pet cent for whites and about 13 per cent for Blacks. ; ; . Rirharrt Clarke, head of the Richard Clarke Associates. a 19 year old NYC firm that is the nation's largest recruiter of black management-level personnel, says his business is "running about 50 per cent ahead of just a year ago" and this 'soes good for professional black job seekers; There Is a shortage now, lie says, for accountants, staff lawyers, sales men, personnel experts, engineers and scientists. -.-. -. 4 .1 Um Miicnrnva Plantation ill Airtf M M I LUU irU U 3UU law in this state. 1 believe in it ana norm carouna oeneves in it. There is nothing wrong with savins that's our law. v . T1 . .... .... state hut we thniilri not imnlv that we're not -coins to oav out worker fairly."

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