U -THE CAROLINA TIMES ' SAT., JANUARY 15. 1977 Dfacfrs In The Induguraf ion CHninucd From Page 11 Coticd FrouM ront . well of New 1km; St. Augus- James Holshouser, along with Eure broke the usual "1 do tine's College President, Dr. KWri black dignitaries. with a loud N "Ah-ah-ah- and Mrs. Prcreil Robinson; Gone from the oarade Mayor and Mrs. E. V. Wikins were the usual all-white bands, "oldest rat in the; Dempcfttte Webb, appointed Director of uf blacks in the state, of Roper; Wake County marching units and floats barn" .had his fmly' Bible . , , . . vuuuiuMiwtici uiujunu vw- wiiu.ii prcviuusiy nave mn iuiiicu iu a page "ivu Seated on the platform t!te State .Personnel Division, with, the- Cabinet secretaries Not far- from Webb. was and Council of State was Ho- seated John Edwards appoint ward Lee, Secretary of Natural ed Director of the State and Economic Resources. Lee , Office of Fcbhomfc Opportuni is the first black cabinet mem-. ty. All of those appointments ber. to serve the state since Re- if accountable to a cohesive const ruction.Sealed in front of political force, could be a new the platform were Harold beeinnine for a larger segment FAYGTTGVILIG C1APPElE::3S By Mrs. X H. Kinney - field and her husband James; reflected the racial makeuD of rcorotedlv kissed 10 times Representative and Mrs. H. the counties and cities that each time he has been sworn M. Michaux of Durha; Direc- tjiey represented. Even the in since his first election, in- tor-designate of .the State coior guar(j 0f the 82nd Air- 1936 as he was sworn in, Office of Economic borne and the Army this time as Secretary of State. Opportunity John Edwards; National Guard were very Governor Hunt followed with a Attorney G. K. Butterfield heavily black. not as well practiced by of Wilson; and" former anti- Ajj 0f tj,e cars thai equally vociferous "I do-o-o!" poverty worker and recently carrje(i senators and con- Governor James Hunt pro- paroled Wilnungton 10 de- gressmen in the backs had at mised the thousands of persons fendant Anne Shepard- jeast one or more blacks gathered in the Si-centennial Turner and her husband Lewis riding m the front Xit Even a Plaze "A new beginning" but Turner. few of the highway patrol- said that he could not make THE PARADE chauffered convertibles such a beginning along as he were driven by black patrol- solicited help and "full in- The inaugural affair best men. volvement" of all North attended by Blacks was the Carolinians, parade which included 60 THE INAUGURATION Hunt had been lieute- marching bands, the majority nant governor for the last from the state's high schools, i do was echoed by four years and a legislator from floats, representing 40 Govcrnor Hunt and the County. sound y counties, 11 marching units, Council of State as they took ?.efeated opponents in and 22 military units. the oath of office adminis- XfT The parade passed by tered by Chief Justice Suzie 5aCS" reviewing stands which seated sharp and her colleagues on . defate4 RePubJlcln- Governor and Mrs. Hunt and the N. C. , Supreme Court. tender V !? former Governor and Mrs. Secretary of State Thad a&am, w,th 8 nM black vote' 4 . ii ... : .ii k - . .rv.i-,i n... i. 1 .man nf the Man.h of Dimes..; nappy oirrraay 10 wrs. MCiamci way ... .... - . s n-. ? Mrs. V. R. Lee and Theodore Central University where he Torrey &Wwm. Kinney. - . : - ; majoiJ In history. He is -ers welcome donations so as to , 'it.. . . ' .u t r p. the ch Wren who are fight Dr.. Martin lather King,' Jr. They will reside et,721 Edge- ing the tatttoof birth defects., entetain each of you today hillRd. ' '.'. ; 2c.2rv each of you today in a special way, as mar.y cele brate his birthday ..While we all go marching on." ( f .. ' The test'inony of Sammy is, listic Ministries penormea t cW.tulationsV.re in Mrs. Farr,, Mrs. McDonald, ' hut tamiiv ana Mrs. .iV - -" , - j mmM1mMimm .,inWi iiiiiiiilti.watiiiii,iiiiiinnir-','gey -r""'.. '-"5 -i'MSjt- H PI , MHHiIWK.I mlnlllifKitff1ilill'-' lf -1r- 11 tfti'"" r tn-f 1 inntf '- JciW' "5 l"iWlA(l w MeuitA jpym'-siMiti 'pMimi.rrriwipiilltiiJ'iw"'''""""" r 'Jl'.rfy'"""! ' . : . : " . - 1 ' -11 ' f Gil a . , ,X : if:f.4 . . .X- . ' !': . . . f L 1 v.. Mnl I ' ,"l : l,lItinr iriiHniliiiiii.' 4 M " 44 i V" 4 lmiMiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiwiWf 1 , Bf Hall, a former rock star is now Mr-. Stinson and her ftmily, with a gospel group fc Evange- w.. T.ki..M ur riaviQ listic Ministries penormea t ' 1 lift'' - ' 4 -arnanne uceriy . councu, jwcuneany. , , jympaui wwnuw V: m ' N'-'-T" t daughUT of Jessie Lee and - ' Mrs. Odessa White it 2218 " 'l''. 'ftV " 1 J NdtieToomerCounca married ' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee- Nickey Ave. Mrs." White 'lost Charles - Anthorv Brown of cost Sr. of, Kichmona, Va. : w husband Jim Whive.wnosa Miami, Florida recently at visited their son Dr. Iliomas ' ftnefw :. ? ed at 2,pl. Fii st Baptist Church. , Leecost, Jr., and family during Monday pastes ; v ; . ' ;v , '. Aha weekend. They also visited kV4-i r ':- "'';?.'i;' S)ie attended the Unive Mr. and Mrs. Thewlore Kinney '1 '..;:3 ?ft .W11, ?rcUn f on Saturday. , , ; , C0MSUUEI GUIS! ' Chapel Hill and is presently ' ;. m: vV--'A employed as an assistant mana- Members of the Zeta FW . lttfana''bf "year bud gar- of a Miami s Specialty Beta Sorority conducted a gets are a ; cornmon topiC4 No Shop. ' '- workshop for some twenty matter, how careful we try. to Tt,. ornnm .WiMt guests on Saturday. ReftcA..' be, the' after hoMaylshimp . The. groom attended .. mAr- : 'itiv wiiiHes eiue of the Slm 'w inSlm. .te M- Ctaggett'. homt. bettei time to decide to hindle sponsored a Charm worK- now on"; it?.iA.;, The weddinc of Wanda shop: for Hie debs and escorts. : a Guide to Budgeting for :e JoJ.fttw T, Thoselwho : served as on. theTamflytiaaj tffijj. and Mrs. Euly Joites and Ed- ntsercM hcanPKS ward Kenneth WeBs, son of !V rs M3IlJyn Hester, ment of Agriculture deseed Mr. and Mrs' Robert McPhaul . and W!Uam Clernment. to help you Wrk6uttudg e look place Saturday past at K : 7 It includes worksheets d a Friendip Baptist Church. J g.0 866 FSfc seon on ustag consumer era- The bride's parents were ,arft pwucaiuns m c uiu ror yuu wpj ; u for th r.ntinn .t great inaugural parade on To Budgeting for jthe FanWi Canada Inn. She attended Saturday past. se nd 35 ce o weConsumei Durham CoUege. and niajored w Vi , u . -FiS in fashion. She is employed by Mayr Beth Fin,:h chair- Pueblo, Colorado 81009. BLACKS IN INAUGURAL-Sorw of the many black persons participating in the weekend of activitie involving the inaug vation of Governor Jim Hunt were captured in the photos on this page. They are (above) H.M. Micheaux, aid below, St. Augustine's College, A& T's majorettes and marching band, Congressman Ike Andrews with James and Elizabeth (Wake County Commissioner) Cofield, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lightner, (former Mayor of Raleigh). ciHp;.g!!ii " r nni 0 1 " w 1 Now's the time to stock up on "white goods" from Seagram. In the liquor business, "white goods" are vodka and gin and Seagram's, white goods are the greatest of them all: Wolfschmidt Genuine Vodka and Seagram's Extra Dry Gin. So, forget the sheets and towels. Pick up plenty of Wolfschmidt 'Vodka arid America's fastest-growing Gin, Seagram Extra Dry, now during Seagram's White Goods Bonanza days. ' . ' ' Besides, you can't make a martini with a towel. , $9.65 12 GALLON $3.95 45 QUART $10.40 12 GALLON $4.50 45 QUART I" I 1 1 Stograres 1 1 I . I i. II Exht II :5t W (Ti Ijk .. ijj- I tea Nvs M .5 ,o r nn I ir-nn . . .,, - mm 0 mm W01F8CHMI01 VOOKA DISTILLED FROM CRAIM. 80 PROOF. SEAGRAM' tXTM OW SIN. W80 PlOOf. BISIILUB DBY 01. JI5T1UED FIOM WEIICAS OUW. SEAOMM DI8TIUERJ OOMrtNY, K.TA V . . ' t'J- i .;.., )j;,V -'"'"rt t,j'r ( ; ' i,'f'v t'I'n ' ' -.' , , , 1 - - , ' ' i nn-nn n n oil. .nil llfl 1 1 r K 1 1 " w " 10 . L 1 M '