tv: LiQlQj Kg -V. .LIER h SMART N-Uiara. fole.nt.on o. Settlement ' " - v rf'Hl NtMOHocMhooci Center" ' - It is very likely that - tlie Congress will make welfare reform one of its high priori ics. President Carter has al ready formed a task force on welfare fefornu headed by H; E. , W. Secretary Joseph . Califano. which is scheduled to issue recommendations by late . April of this year. Congress man Steven J. Solarz has in-: traduced ; two bills .'which ' would both provide immediate fiscal relief - for local govern-: merits and long term reform of the entire welfare : system. The first of these two bills is the .'Uniform Federal Wei-' fare and Medical . Assistance . Act of 1977," which would establish a uniform rate of Federal reimbursement of 75 for the AFDC and Medicaid, Program. It would also man date that the entire 25 local contribution be borne entirely by the states and forbids any state from requiring any of its subdivisions or municipalities to contribute to . the cost of the program. The second bill introduced by Congressman Solarz is the "Family Income ' Maintenance Act" which if enacted would totally change- the welfare pro gram by consolidating the existing SSI, AFDC, Food Stamp and Home Relief Pro grams into one comprehensive program which, would provide all eligible ' families with a minimum of $4,700 . a year. The bill, besides eliminating, existing eligibility requirements relating to family structure which contribute to family breakups, contains strong work incentives and requirements. In addition, the bill would provide special adjustments for high cost of living areas., The "welfare system" con-. sists of diverse federal, states and local programs including social insurance (principally Social Security, Railroad Re tirement, Workmen's Compen sation Unemployment Ipsu--tance,' Veterans Compensation, and Medicare) and income , assistance (principally Aid for , Children. S u p .p I e m e n t a 1 Security Income, Food Stamps, and Medicaid, Public Housing, and General Assistance). Social " Services : are . also related to , some of these programs. ' . . In Fiscal Year 1977 social insurance benefits will equal approximately $1 34. billion. Some of these benefits go to low income families, but most will go to families and indivi duals with incomes above the official povertv line. ; Benefits under income assistance programs, i.e., AFDC : and SSI will equal approxi mately $49 billion in Fiscal , Year 1977. Even with this vast array of programs and services,', nearly 25 million Americans still remain in poverty. Legislation is indeed ' needed to reform our chaotic welfare system. However, one : of the major problems with our welfare . program is the belief among the majority of people, in our society that the system encourages able bodied persons to .be dependent upon the state. There is a great deal of controversy as to whether jobs do exist. The Solarz Bill stresses the referral of able bodied persons on welfare to job opportunities,. However, if members of Congress are con vinced that the jobs are avail able, then would it not be both E roper and effective to pass . R. 50, the Equal Opportu nity and Full Employment Act prior to the enactment , of any legislation leading toward wel fare reform? By doing so, we will put the issue in the proper perspective. Let ypur elected representative know how you feel about rull em ployment, the nation's number one priority. H. R. 50 virtually needs Congressional support. v North Carolina Selected To Participate In IFOC CHAPEL HILL - The in fant mortality and teenage : pregnancy rate is liigher in the Southeast than elsewhere in the United States. " To combat the' problem, the Bureau- of Maternal and 5. Child Health, y. S. Depart ment of Health, Education and Welfare is starting the "Im proved : Pregnancy Outcome Program," said DrJ Vince L. Hutchins, associate - bureau director. . , . 1' n aaiaryr A checking account is a financial "diary." It shows you who you paid, when, and how much. You'll find other uses for this little book. Like itemiiing deductions for your income tax return and making up a budget. Come in today and we'll show all the ways a check incr account T can make vour life riiAL 1 lotseasier. v ft& wmm IBM 6 Trust Compor f. . ' L """" V i' ' II I I fc n r. , k :: ,.. . ' II I ljh ? fj : II ! 1 VI 1 UH ft H- A A j $ c l ''mm J3 Member F. D. I. C. J 5 ' A ! 11 ill 5 I A : ' r ' """" -s-l 4'- 1 Thirteen states with high infant mortality and teenage pregnancy rates, health man power shortages and large num bers of people at risk, were selected to participate in the program. North Carolina and lllll ll ; LJ seven other Southeastern states were-chosen and notification of funding should be received within a few weeks. ; Hutchins described the need for and purpose of the . program Tuesday, March 22 at the Regional Conference on Maternal and Child Health, Family Planning and Crippl ed Children's Services in Chapel Hill. The conference was sponsored by the depart ment of maternal and child health and the office of con tinuing education. School of Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel .Hill. The coal of proved Pregnancy the "Inv Outcome Program," he said, is to im prove maternal care and preg nancy outcome in states which greatly contribute to the inci dence of Infant mortality and teenage pregnancy in an effort to reduce these problems. North Carolina has the fourth highest infant mortality rate, according to Hutchins, following the District of Columbia, Alabama and Mississippi. "There is considerable variation among states in in fant mortality rates," Hutchins said. "For example, in 1975 Gov. Proclaims Foreign language IVeefr NNPA' AWARD TO REYNOLDS - Colin Stokes (center), chairman and chief executive officer of R. J. Reynolds Industries, Inc., receives an award from Dr, Carlton Goodlett, president, National Newspaper Publishers Association, for Reynolds Industries' scholarship program for black journalism students. At the Marth 18 presentation in Washington, D. C, Stokes announced that the program would be extended to include 20 additional students in a second seven-year phase. Seated next to Stokes is Thurgood Marshall, associate justice, United State Supreme Court. Flexitime To Begin At EPA March 28 Flexitime, a work sche dule that offer full time em ployees greater flexibility in determining work hours, will begin at all of the U. S. En vironmental Protection Agency's North Carolina faci lities on March 28. Norman Childs, coordina tor for establishing the pro gram at Research Triangle Park explained that with flexitime, fixed times of arrival and de parture are replaced by a' work ing day with two' different types of times: core time and flexible time. EPA's flexitime program consists of lO'l operating hours, from 7 ajrt. - 5:30 p.m. There is a 6lA hour core time, from 9 a.m. - 330 p.m., dur ing which all employees in each work unit must be present. Flexible time is a 2 hour period before and after one core time in which employees may choose their arrival and de parture times. Under the new system all employees still work an eight hour day plus a half hour for lunch. Childs noted that , the public will continue to be served during the regular work ing hours of 8 a.m. - 4:30 pjn. "By expanding our work hours we hope flexitime will give employees greater control over their personal "and working lives. The new system will also provide employees with more quiet time before or after our regular hours to accomplish work requiring greater concentration," con tinued Childs. "Under flexi time, child-care arrangements public transportation,, and car pooling are often more work able than under fixed hours," said Childs. "and most agen cies have found that flexi time has reduced tardiness and use of sick leave." "Flexitime will also allow some employees to travel to and from work at other than peak rush periods. And for oilier employees it may mean the opportunity to enroll in courses which could not be taken under EPA's fixed schedule." Flexitime will be tried by EPA for a one year period and then be evaluated for its continued use. Flexitime programs now affect more than 60,000 Federal employees in 50 or ganizations tnroughout the country. The program has been adopted at EPA Headquarters, EPA'S Research Laboratory in Cincinnati, and in five Re gional offices. Governor James B. Hunt, Jr., has proclaimed the week of April 3-9 Foreign Language Week in North Carolina, and public school students through eut the state have planned a variety of activities in recogni tion of the commemorative event. "It is. a fact that know ledge of the language and cul ture of another nation makes our citizens more aware of their common language and of. their basic cultural patterns, and more tolerant and appre ciative of our pluralistic society," Hunt said in the pro clamation. Students in Durham countycity schools will participate in many classroom and schoolwide activities fea turing the language and cus toms of other cultures. Many schools in the state will spon sor foreign language festivals, featuring the music, dance, language and food of other cultures, and will invite parents and interested citizens to join them. Some schools will also feature foreign language con tests. Foreign language Week is sponsored each year by the Department of Public Instruc tion's Division of Languages k ranged from 22J per IjCCO , live births hi Mississippi to 12 9 in Hawaii - ' - - .. -Fo - infant tpti 1 II ( months, the mortality rate in , isolated areas is 45 pet cent higher for whites and 136 per cent higher for non-whites than in greater metropolitan areas. And in IS of the 26 largest cities, the infant morta lity rate was above the national rate from 1968-70: The infant mortality rate , for white infants is half what it is for non-white infants, Hut chins said. High infant mortality is usually associated with teenage pregnancy, and in 1973, North Carolina ranked ninth in the nation in the number of births to teenage girls. "In 1975," Hutchins said, "there were nearly 600000 births in the U. S. to women 19 years of age and under. Over 12.000 of these births were to girls less than 15 years of age. The only increase in fertility rates was for girls aged 10 - 14 years, which had risen 8 per cent from the previous year." Saving at CCB is simple as ABC Choose Automatic Savings. All Hours Banks open 24 hours a day. Drive-up windows open 9-6 every weekday. Bank-by-mail. Or come to any of 15 convenient offices in Durham. If you want to save. CCB makes it simple. CCB-The more vou do with us the more well do for you. Member FDIC 16,000 Elderly Got Jobs In 3 Month Period; 20 Arc Black WASHINGTON - The U. S. Department of Labor pro vided 16,000 workers age 55 and over with - part time community service jobs in the three month transition period in 1976 "between" fiscal years. The older workers, all eco nomically disadvantaged, were participants in the, Senior Community Employment Pro gram (SCSEP), in which wages are subsidized by the Labor Department. Almost three fourths (74 per cent) of the participants were white, 20 per cent, were black, and the remaining 6 per cent were American Indian or from other ethnic groups. Slightly more than 5 per cent were of Hispanic origin . The department . spent $10,254,000 for the program from July I through Sept. 30. 1976, the so-called transi- SCSEP offers the communities operates a federally supported pool of workers than can be drawn upon the enhance existing services or to create new ones. It provides program partici pants with a much needed supplement to their incomes. SCSEP projects are spon sored primarily by five national organizations: Green Thumb. Inc., (ar arm of the National Farmers Union); the National Council on the Aging; the National Council of Senior Citizens; the National Re tired Teachers Association -American Association of Retir ed Persons; and the U. S. De partment of Agriculture's .Forest Service. These ; organizations spon sor all SCSEP projects now being conducted in 47 states. C, and Puerto nu: . rt ?HSSlJi2--R,- In the three states and the old fiscal year period and fnnr tAri,itnri nnt rnvpA hu the start of the new period three months later. SCSEP participants work in a wide variety of activities in such palces as day care centers, schools, hospitals, senior citizens centers, and on beautification, conservation and restoration projects. 1 The program also provides participants with annual physical examinations, per sonal and job-related counsel ing, job training, andin some 'cases, placement Into regular, ' unsubsidized,. jobs. Participants wages average $2.44 an hour. these organizations (Alaska. Delaware, Hawaii. American Samoa, Guam, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and the Virgin Islands), SCSEP projects are . being , sponsored by the state and territorial govern ments. SCSEP is authorized by Title IX: of the Older Amcrk cans Amendments of 1975. (PL 94-135) and Includes pro; jects that are ' formerly con ducted under the National Old er Workers Program .Opera '.tion Mainstream, y , CV, EXCHANGE 212 Foster St. Ph: 682-9287 3 DIG DAYS this week Thurs., Fri., Sat. It's m tal, a upr talc, a great takl Values Ihraughwl Hw ton such as you've iwvvr Mm. Mriaemlars, ranf ttlvision sets, stiraot, living 'rasm, dining imai ami bV roam fumiiura ... NEW AND USED ... and with Ihw low price, it will be a sale you'll never forget. Come by and take a look; you'll see hundreds of bargains throughout the stere. 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