r 12 - THE CAROLINA TIMES SAT, APRIL 9. 1977 DdcrJ:n Says I!:;:rc& Hot Pcrdllod Hacry of ncdloirilv' "of. nvy.j Brown - I ..." "You are no . longer per rnjtted the dubious luxury of medtocrity John ;B:; Mc tendon, .JrV:toW,?vSejal? hundred winners of academic. "Just- then, "one players -- Big John. pulled .at my-coattial. I. bent, oirerYsnd lifc whispered. VWhen i ydu get. up Jhere;;'Co.ach'fc rt-(.a ;,: ;-! ,-. ; : rz r 'ler a. : mw v kiiiiitit m ' tiinrdc . inmhAr .that crraf "rnflrnpr sir t--, M . . v . iNorthXaipllna.Centritf 0.", .4Vt.O jumyersityfriday . V ' V : ' : His -first.; chiss at teHh:tri. ; ' McUndon,": who was Carolina College, McLendon A'-V" V'YU, " NOCLTs ' ' head -s basketball 1 $0&;-;wisr; i summer, sthool: y'ysj; f n Kii:ss' du3 K2v:.is At::iuAi v DIACtI AI1D GOID DALL lesff fcoficnd Oif Soul City's Open House Although it was ByRosettaCTozzo rather Agnes L Smith, Ceraldine H. coach from 1940 to 1952 and " class. The -teachers who had later became"; .the: for.:thc & ocach in theean:Basket- ' sii were; older, than the. bafl Assodat sjtoke 'iCthe';22 yearold McLendom 7 . . iiiuWrsity' Awards Day cere-, ' . "1 wrote jny name on the t f monies.: - , blackboard John p. iMc He', presented series of Lendori, Jr':, - arid the name of aneoodotes from .'his years " the'; course.. The, class started at North Carolina College', to . giggling. 1 turned baclfc to the illustrate hiT . point that ..board, to see .what I had success demands humility. . ' written, 'and the giggling ih : McLendon' told of winning creased. " .' his first championship ai'the .-. '.There was a large lady pagje" head coach - Desiring there; She wasrVt just giggling, applause, he waited at the rear she Was jiggling. I turned, tot her of a campus auditorium .so he . .and . said, "Will you. tell" me could milk further cheers .from.-. .What is . so amusing?.": "She the . student body as he was laughted a little rhorei then introduced. He" walked down "said, -'Mister ; Professor, you" the aisle to lou'd cldpping and haven't even taken the tags off started to ascend the stage, your new suit.'" ifi I'll ,The--'Kiitg- Qub;-4ne4- pre- , .a gown of polyester, trimmed sentedit's Eighth Annual Black i in gold and gold shoes. She is and Cold Ball, April 2 at the a native of Durham a graduate ' Durham Civic Center, . with a of Hillside High School. She capacity; rcrowd of 1800, with is emoloved at Duke Hospital. ,i,i- famn. anA Winston. Carrie Terry. Mildred standmg room only on ihi ball Other . contestants were : individuals came out in droves Battle, Linda G. Tally and 'floor; to wjtness the'.crowring Ms. Joe Ann Forte,: second . to visit Soul City to view the' Rosette CTozzo. .-.-' , ' of anew .Queen for the year , runner up; MsvPatricte Parker,- Green 'i Many people were impress- ' l9U'7Si ' .o7,,!. ' ,tfild nnert P; M$;-Marcia;Duke Village : again this past ed with the progress of the re- The Black and Gold Ball has Hayes, fourth runner up; Ms. . weekend, Aprtt 2 and 3. Green ' creational facilities located in become a national event in Gloria - Washington, fifth - Village "is 'designed to Soul City.The basketbaU and ham.drawmgmanyoutof . rurmer up; and Ms courts have been conv ' staters who-me each year to Middleton su convenient as possible.M pleted for some time, while see and participate. "The Kings Qub, Inc. and - - jhose on hand to greet other facilities are still under The new Queen.Ms. Edna J. contestahttrw'hto. visftors over, the weekend lirere.-. 0 laylUI Was uuwucu Vj m. uuu au uk uum cuiu ifibiiua MS. EDNA TAYLOR Joyce Ellis. Louis Owens was Linda Harding; the out-going for their support for this by G, L Parker, meditation by Queen.,The new Queen wore charity event. . . . - Alice McCowan The Exaulted ' ' " v ' ' . &lRuier ' k ::'Bther Thonias iqCAt ORATORICAL X0I1TEST r S&J"tf: . PrtrtA Fart Artiv anA Mre j. ' . . . - . mm m V4ivi Mm u wv wuw SPOilSOR ED BY BULL U I Y tLUb The . Bull City-Elks Lodge ' will be a change in the public were the sponsors of the recent mind to the end that the con oratorical, contest.: It is,. the : stitution will be interpreted opinion of of Elks of the world . and administered, in accordance that : these contests win. direct . with - the fatherhood of God ; the- rnihd of the student to a.: and .the brotherhood of man. .study and consideration of our , Presiding this year over the organic law.constitution of the .program, was Dr. Forte, the U. S.; that the inevitable'Tesults. chairman and the invocation time keeper. ; . ' i First winner was Gwen dolyn - Fogg; second place winner was Pamela Jones. The winner will go to Sanford for competition the third week end in ApriL DURHAM soemwm 5YMINER DAYE 314 Todd St. 477-3370 V r r? A ."" ",V'. "jz .:: v . r I SHOP AHEAD... WE WIUBC CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY OPEN. REGULAR HOURS MONDAY APRIL 11 - HA VI A HAPPY EASTER. Each of these advertised hems Js redulred to ba readily available for sale at or below the advertised prlpa In each A&P Store, except as specifically noted In this ad. . PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY, APRIL AT ASP IN DURHAM il"b V i t X h V If 00 WINNER anut turn S TOTAL : 7 PRIZES v YOU CAN Wlli UPTP ' $1000. Cah Blnao Gama kkvtilabtoineSEMMfn NOrtii cwonna Qraat At tanlietPacHioTM Com pany Store. Thb promo tion It KhaduM to and on May 13, 1077. Bupar kwi tMnoo ww omctai $20 WINNERS 1 Uckot r dittrt-; Miinrtim, w ODDS UPDATED AS OF MARCH 28, 177 HIM . tm- PUMEOI matt 1WH 1 IMT-, OOM 1 :.ywt.. inMt OOpt 11 ' . W8IT1 1 1. mt Ml JED. ONEIDA )tVER v r-.kiaKbi 'and different, a.-'- . rwM..- - -t ..... carina FINE. 5iuvtnrwtv , -r EACH , ' . by ANCHOfl HOCKING ' ' " FEATURE OF THE WEEK - STEMMED EACH . k i - " (ITEMS OFFERED FOR SALE NOT AVAILABLE TO OTHER RETAIL DEALERS OR WHOLESALERS U.S. t BURBANK OA 1 BURBANK JUMBO j5 LBS. C3 FRESH FUJ. OF JUKX (W PINEAPPLE SSci CRKPANOCRUNCHV CCirII-ZLTTSpC ewn vnw rntgri. , mmM 1 LB. lJ PKoa t EAiTnTIs ". Enjoy Your Eattor Holiday ' With Fin Flowar Fiom MP's Flower Shop! IN BOX AND WATER VAIL . . r GREEN ONIONSWMCM). PKU- - IfiffRAOWHFS - ". .FOR "ONLY i I II II f . J Y i ' I - , . s ... I 1 t' x ;' LB. r J, .1 ss ri.' . I .' , HtilV imtn?h szzXzj. fit C tirP 3 niTu AB QUALITY. HEAVY WESTERN GRAIN FEO BEEF N.Y. . . ' " .U.S.DA INSPECTED . .. ; . - B6NEless . noR '. ;r .-7. CcC A4p QUAUTY HEAVY WESTERN GRAIN FED BEEF- NEW YORK rmm n nf boneless . O tTTv. ill JJt..uil Ja- .. .. FROZEN M-JL ASP QUALITY HEAVY WESTERN GRAIN FED BEEF BOTTOM iJW I'M "A HI ri lie ' i nrki II II- "ri J "AT . RUMP ROAST BONELESS a k LB. 139 BONELESS . LB. ANN PAGE BRAND (2 LB. PKG. 229) SUCEDBftCO:i ARMOUR STAR BRAND cAi::.TDFici::cs MP BRAND OLD FASHION MP BRAND - ' r,'EAT FRAILS OLD HICKORY BRAND pobxb.ro. PEYEl'SltECREAr.l a -P. at PSAVES K 50C GAL. CTN. JANE PARKER BAKE N SERVE iT! -r-ir 'rriRjtisaew.Btu.. . bAVE60c1lo Cn)Qn ' 1 LB. UMITONf WTTHTHWIVM u. ORorn Tly?pA rnwf. mi ii i lANE PARKER HAMBURGER ypKos. JANF 0Ja DlPn wF.vntiSCLNT rrrV.'ttwnc? AAPr-OUPON .PwcEnioiPctipi e ApKissna'cziAKS CAVF 9tV. iriinur a r I ItllT HMC WITH THtS JAR till it uionu uininnrmMM. I t i f IsR'W ""V 7 SO Oft DEW Vly , J GOOO THRU SATURDAY, APRIL AT MP mJ LIMIT CNE COUPON PUCtimw'nM.riiiii.. 8 t as i Wtfi5. MllOf PWCE 1 WWM LIMIl M ."i--ssr."""' """" Hi . . ' m jr. d a. . " if ' 'i '"ttvuupnN r-r- in. .iw..j ii , a -fsgsw. OAi7r-r-z : t ' B0TSJ;3 lWi.JI . FLAKE ? la contains rich Brazilian coffees eight o'clock -l"? I 8 ii i i n i . . """"wr?, tmmnt smfmvtmm' ,noT 4573 J I : To ft J f . , A L 1 X. ' Jf :A::sd ,V-'.'X X X -V'f-V X" A X I'-, 1-MARVEL ASSORTED COLORS 'V-f f 3 'f ! 1 A I I "f . V V 1 I ffltrtT' I vlAaUUaWU i B I it " idlHBwajTYdr.an) LA KiAT5 LA . . kAKj ,, A MP QUAUTY ' H Miff m mur JI . LIMIT ONE WITH ADDITIONAL 7.60 ORDER .' Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Walker and Mrs. Odelia Fuller were the guests of Mrs. Mary Walker of Roxboro for dinner ; . Sincere sympathy is ex tended to the families of the late Lawrence Harper, H. Sunday, April 3.. Also a guest Smith, Bobby Long, Iva Berk, was Mrs. Pauline Williams, and Lewis K. Green. At 6 pjn. they attended the Easter Cantata which was The Russell Extension held at the First Bapitst Home Makers Club held its Church, Rev. J. W. Barnes, monthly meeting at the home Pastor' of Mrs. Margaret J. Parker on March 28 at 7 pjn. Miss Miss Wanda Harris, daugh- Vivian Parker was co-hostess, ter of Mr. and Mrs. ..James The meeting was opened by Hams, College Rd, Rouge- the president, Mrs.Burma mont, has been named to the Dunnegan with a hymn and dean's list at Durham Technk followed by the Lord's Prayer. I he minutes were read and the club's old and new busi ness was discussed. Reports were given on the trip to the Pine Knoll Rest Home and on sewing and mending. A : trip to the rest home is nannea tor April 8 tor a cal Institute. Miss Martha Lawson was among the awardees honored recently at NCCU, in political science. Congratulations to Miss Lawson and all other, honorees. Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Bailey --announced the arrival of a beautiful baby girl, 7 pounds. Mrs. Doris S. Perm and children of Freehold, New Jersey are in the city visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Schooler. Mrs. Perm and her children will make a stop in Martinsville, Va., to visit -with her in-fews. - CHEP meeting was held on Monday night, March 28 at 7 pini at Teer House. The meet ing was opened with a prayer by Rev. E. J. Johnson. Mrs. Ethel Jackson was in charge of the meeting. Members present were Roumania Lipscomb, Alco Carrington, Eva Hamlet, E. J. Johnson, Percy Goldston, Ethel Jackson, Ruth Satter- white, Grace Council, Merlin aster Program. The club met at the home of Mrs. Dunnegan in February and at the home of Mrs. Carrie Parker in January. Those enjoying the deli cious repast were, Burma Dunnegan, Frances Harris, Pearl Holman, Fannie Rhodes, Nannie Harris, Carrie Parker, C. Riley, Jean Williams, Mar garet Parker, Lessie Long, Gracie Mack, Margaret Parker, Vivian Parker and Pauline Parker. Pray for sick and shut in: Mrs. Ludie B. Parker, Mrs. Bertha McCloud, Harvey Tilley, Mrs. Maud Lucas, Mrs. Mattie Gaitherwright, Gattis Bass, Mrs. Annie Strickland, Eddie B. Kenlon, William Carrington, Mrs. Leara Parker," Mrs. Viola Smith, Mrs. Allie L. Vanhook, Mrs. Annie Roberts, Mrs. Effie Lee Robertson, Miss Rogers, Dorothy Lawson. .Pnrn R9 e Arthur VatifnA Beie Carringtonj Connie Ser- Roy Rogers, , Sam Cameron vice, Symiiier Daye, Edgar Mrs. Georgianna Moore, Mrs! Johnson. The members were Mary . Justice, Mrs. Mallie sony to hear that Mrs. Ethel Wilkerson, Broadie Daye Jackson will be leaving CHEP. s and Joseph Bass J Peter Pan V SUPERMARKET I I i Thsrs.fri.Sol. . 1 1:- NOT FROZEN IP A FRYERS ib Sf GRADE "A" SMALL X FOR EASTER 11 J FR05TY MORN J FROSTY MORN DAC0H 1 LB. PKG. T SMITHFIELD PICNIC 4-4 IS. Av. -.-6 COLE'S PORK SAUSAGE 1 LB. PKG. COCA-COLA PEPSI-COLA 8-16 0Z. CTN. '1 01 BORDEN DUTTEQf.llL Vz GAL CTN. m VEL DISHWASHING LIQUID I .- " Vy. Jfv: :SS. J J-, 32 OZ.

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