4 -THE CAROLINA TIMES SAT; APRIL . Blacks Destiny JI3BIFWmt:CgOFMIHMMr& m:o;icaourt3wwu$.r -'- CLOUT IStlOT HAHtTAIUEO tfHEtl BLACK -n'MFifrwsnouEtnnoTHB ,. mVZ&M$Tm'0F-8tiiMtOjiE BLACI(C0ttflWIITYC0i!0?nf ' HKHKAH CHRONICLE snxnraoAiLA Uelfare- Fact or Fiction As the Carter Adnunistration works to better adjust the welfare problems that have seemingly become the battle, cry of millions 6f middle-income tax payers; it's first task is Jo secure the actual facts airrounding the ' Welfare Programs. Before any .meaningful or effective adjustments can be made, the Carter Administration must strip the programs down to the point where it can be viewed in the bold relief of truth. . . ,.:... . .-..C::'J: Heretofore, the and problems Ihave jr '. often distorted by rumors and mis conceptions that bear little resemblance,, to the truth as to who really, receives needed welfare benefits. Of course, such.; rumors and misconceptions can be re-; inforced when Business Week Magazine features on its cover, the $60 billion Welfare Failure, by' showing a collage of food stamps, ragged blue jeans, medicine - and painting of a black mother with two children accompanied by a silhouette of a man. s Even though many protests ; were made, that picture remains in the minds of many middle-income persons who saw it . ; iV ' - The rumor and misconception that blacks receive the greater part bsuch aid should be viewed and compared with the latest reported FACTS on the issue. v The typical family on .welfare is WHITE, not BLACK,, with 2,800,000 white families receiving public assis Tax Re-Evaluations The huge outcry by many Durham city and county residents about the apparent unusually high increases added to their taxable properties calls for a closer look at how such re-evaluations were made. Many widows, senior citizens and other citizens are now wondering how some eight (8) to ten (10) thousand dollar increases have been added to their property values during the period of a depressed economy. Many of these homes have had neither additions nor TEREMC'E PUBLIUS TEREN71US AFER I900C 199 DC UlCaUMXCD AMONO LAXM POTTS, HE MM AM OfCCFiraOREATEST HUMANISTS - OF ALLTMC BROUOHT TOftOWt AS AN AFRICAN LAV HI VMS SO UEAftNEDTHXr HIS MASTCR rnea mhhe uft six major puts -j pud- ' USHtPCOUNTLCSS TIMES HAaLAHftMCES, 1- ' . . wHKMtwmaMcmacrfiyfuTiN 0TYUPMtTU)NTPlJtrMrrUNCUJaNQ t"7er?Rj Pcro KAct . 1977 b (tarn Hands SVBURBfA , tance as of 1974 and as against 1,500, 000 black families. ' Whites also oujhumberblacks, in the Aid; to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) programs. In May 1975, according to the National Center for Social Studies of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 3,400, 000 families received assistance under AFDC. Of this total, 1,700,000 were white; 1,5.00,000 were black. Consider the Food Stamp Program. In July jl9,7Ji, full 4,400000 house- . . - , . - - . ... , iniS lOWl, OZ per Cent Were wmte total, 62 per cent were households and 36 per cent were black households. f ' . A far larger percentage of blacks are poor in - this country than whites. In 1976, 27.1 per cent of black families had. incomes that. fell . below the. offi cial poverty line, compared with 7.7 per cent of white, families. This means that one's chances of being poor are greater if one is black than white. However, these figures should not lead us to conclude that poor blacks outnumber . poor whites. THEY DO NOT. The total of poor white famrlies in 1975 was far greater (3,800,000) than the total of poor black families which was 1 ,500,000.. X . When facts and not fiction become i part of the bare truths of the Welfare Programs - meaningful benefits can then be adjusted, advanced and proved for the total good of nation. - im- the improvements or repairs. Some of the homes, located within the Durham City limites are very old, but yet, on the reappraisal, the evalua tion has doubled, while after spending millions of dollars on revitalized pro perties have received substantial de creases in tax evaluation from this appraisal. It may be well at this time to recall the' old historical warning that the .''power to tax involves the power to destroy." - 'kkVl '. tmj I. -, To Do Equal Carter's Youth First,; the good ews; TheCrtef Arjminte "pobi- 'ind mtaorhy. yourig people-would mean tratioYhas announced a $T,5 biljion. youth jobs y' very strict federal guidelines and the fiwhelingxf program1' that if expedts vfll create meuimVuI.T program funds 'ough;wmmunity'based agen--r jobs for -200,000 ' people in the 1 6 ,24 age X cies with a history of serving the disadvantaged, . bwket$.'-i;j'V:':'."' ' , . -r' ; and' withdeep roots in the affected communities.- . And the bad news? Well, the program stops . . - , ' By diffusing the yoOth jobs funds to 466, far short of the. kind of comprehensive youth -'a eovenunental units to distribute.ihe Administra- development program our nation needs.1 It's an important first step-toward the goal, but no one should mistake the initial step forward for the final destination, h : ;:tv And it's not an unflawed first step, either. Unless Congress and Labor Department officials plug the gaps, the program could well go the way other well intentioned programs have gone. That's because the bulk of the money will go. to some 466 state and local governments for youth work projects. The history of other national programs left to local governments to administer reveals a pattern- of neglecting the most serious problem areas the programs were originally intended to deal with. In the youth job program,' the intent is clearly to do something to solve the persistent unemployment of economically disadvantaged young people. Many are black - teenage black unemployment is triple that for whites, and in many inner-cities affects two-thirds and more of all black teenagers who want to work. Targeting the program to fit the needs of i' -. - CoaoNsnan Hdnlibs' Colcon Affirmative Action Fighting Another Battle The case of' trying to provide equal educational opportunities to minorities in' this country, wfll face its severest test, when the United States Supreme Court reviews the ruling of the California Supreme Court's- Bakke de- cision. .-.'.;- , AUen Bakke, who' is white; appb'ed for' admission to the University of California's " medical school at Davis, Mr. Bakke was re-' fused admission. , ' . He brought suit against the university, charg ing that minority students "less qualified" than he , were admitted to the school, thus pre-empting the slot to which he otherwise might have had access. :; . V . There is evidence,, however, - that Bakke's accusation falls pretty short because while he has unfortunately fqcused his case, against the wims Muucms wnu idiiKcu ueiow jum. were admitted due to their nrnt amaltk nr Mliti,v.i -i--w-w ww vwivii v vmiwai Deniflrnrn L floofis lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIItlMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllliliiiiiiiiiiM A Renewed SuDDort of the Black Press The National Newspaper Publishers Associa tion, representing some 200 Black Newspapers in the U. S., Canady, and the Virgin Islands, held . its Mid-Winter Workshop recently in Washington, D. C. The event also marked the ; Sesquicentennial (150 years) of the Black Press and was the occasion for some soul searching introspection. (. The NNPA's theme, "The Search For a Black Idology - The Role of the Black Press" was indeed appropriate for these uncertain times when the Black Press is becoming more and more ' the object of criticism, especially by young blacks, some of whom are questioning out-' right whether there is, indeed, a continuing need for such a medium. It was interestinn to observe some of the , ; representatives of the Black Press, many of whom are legendary or near legendary figures, wandering casually through the lobby, haHs and meeting rooms of the International Innn when the conference was Iheld. They were casualty exchanging greetings, enjoying a brief heaijyJaguh, engaging in small taUc, or off in a corner lost in serious conversation, or . solemnly eating, singly and , in groups, their minds racing ahead to next meeting; or seminar. There were, to name a few:' energetic. Dr. . Carlton' B. Goodlett, NNPl president who . is i also publisher "of tTie-' Sun-Reporter 'in:' San' Francisco; blunt talking, but shrewd William O. Walker, NNPA chairman, Black Press Archives, antj publisher of, the Geveland Call and Post; John H. Murphy, III, slender, pre-; occupied, he of the famous Baltimore Afro American Murphy clan; John H. Sengstacke,. of the Chicago Defender, his strong bulldog-ue 'jaw symbolizing the toughness and tenacity "that has kept the Black Press alive and thriving for a century and a half; charismatic John H. . Johnson! of Ebony-Jet magazines; Ms. Ophelia De Vore Mitchell, still looking more like the,' famous beautV' consultant v whose De ' Vore -4 ' f "If there is no struggle, there is . no progress. Those who propose to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation,. are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They, want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the oceans majestic waves without the awful roar , of its waters." ' r " . . '.. : ' ' ' Frederick Douglass .1 unH!!niin:iiq!ii::iinu;!!niiinnHUH::KHiHn!i!iqniii('iiuintiiiiiiiiii!i!ii .' Jous program . tion inevitably leaves the program .vulnerable to subsidizing jobs for ycfurigsters not in urgent . need of assistance while neglecting other young sters who desperately need help. - While an urban neighborhood -improvement "". program .will be set up; putting young people to work refurbishing . inner-city neighborhoods, more money and more jobs will go to a similar program for parks and recreation areas, most of, which, are removed from central city Areas where youth unemployment is highest. ' And while a large block of money has been " set aside for experimental projects, the Labor V Department has to take steps to ensure that the same old universities and thinktanks with no real ties to minority and poor communities won't re- ' peat past performances by slumming off most of the funds. . . Despite these and other faults, the program; holds great promise; it's an important first step. ", Still on the horizon is a comprehensive youth employment program that aims to provide every young person with the education, skillsj training power. What Bakke is doing though, is raising the whole question of the access of minorities to. equal opportunities through the affirmative action process. ': - .And the consensus among civil and human rights groups is that the United States Supreme Court's decision in this case will prove to be as monumentaUy important as the school dese gregation decision in 1954. . ' At this point no one knows which way the Court wfll go in this matter. There are those that believe that the Court should not hear the case, because the University's development of the record is poor, ill-timed, and ill-advised. The Uni versity feels otherwise, and has so moved. The irony in the University's position, is that rt of affirmative action "in faculty t hirins ai rffy Student' admission has been . lukewarm at 'best ;and evert down-right hostile m some instances Girls in the SO's and 60's were among the most sought after models in the nation, publisher of the Columbus Times; Mrs. Lucfle Bluford, ' whose gentle demeanor gives no indication of : true occupation editor of the Kansas City Call; quiet, efficient Longworth Quinn; editor publisher of the Michigan Chronicle, one of the nation's most successful black newspapers.. And so they were gathered there, a group of intelligent hardworking men and women whose watchword is commitment - commitment to the ideal of making this country one in which every man and woman is treated as a decent and deserving child of God and country, where all are equal under law. They are wothy successors to the founding fathers of Black Press; the fiery Rev.. Samuel Cornish; Presbyterian minister, and John Russ .wurm, .the second black college (Bowdoin) graduate in the history of the country. In March, I827in New York City, conditions for blacks were . almost, as . wretched as they were for the chattel slaves "hi the soum. TJie 'to riots in which lareelv mobs of immigrant lrh tnAt to the streets and killed more than 1,000 blacks, was yei ro come. , . ... U..A 1 . . ... .1 ui ciumuymem. nousine . ana social con- - ditions for , people of color were such sympa- meiic. ooservers were appalled. It was at that time that Russwumi and Cornish started Freedom's Journal, the first black newspaper in this country. . - 'it ..,r,vvr',','i It was designed to give a voice' to the Voice less, to agitate ' against the .wretched living conditions of blacks in the north and to cham- ' pwn the abolitionish . cause against 1 hated slavery in the south. ! v,. . . , .-' Today, the Black Press is yet the advocate against prejudice and discririnaUon;for. ' decencv.equality, fraternity. .' V" ' Yet,, the ever lengthening, stream of young blacks, armed with degrees in journalism and 'communications! from the f,natloiC&liiets'.:. By VO:i L.J03U lilfflliiUHUIUJIlMtMll JlXICUTIYI CIIECTCI, NATIONAL UXIAU IEACUI and work habits to enable him to become a fully, productive member of our society.' v - - jf-i That's something that" requires more than . just creating Work opportunities; it means a care fully designed program geared to the needs, of: youth. - , , . t : And.a central part of such a plan should be. an educational 1 component ; that repairs the damage done to so piany youngsters by inade quate schools. Alongside of the jobs, there should be classes that teach bask: reading, writing and math . skills needed for today's decent jobs. ; ' And part-time jobs' should not be neglected either. Providing work opportunities need not encourage dropping out of school if jobs and stipends become available to enable young people to continue their schooling; That's the difference between an emergency crach program to get kids off the streets and into work ex periences,, and a comprehensive long-term pro gram that seeks to widen individual opportuni ties and encourage independence. -. With enlightened .foresight and close co operation with minority groups and community based national organization, the Administration's program can be refined and sharpened to ensure success. Then, it can serve as a base from which a truly all-encompassing program to serve our ; nation's youth can be developed. It4 tbbrftie University of California at Berkeley for example, four years to come up with an affirmative action plan that projected hiring 178 minorities andor women in 30 years! The plan estimated that within that time, the following might be hired: 97 women, 20 blacks, 42 Asians, 10 Chicanos, no Native Americans, and nine-"others". This could hardly be caUed moving "with all deliberate speed!" Lest someone get the notion that paralysis and immobilization has struck the minority community, it should be noted that a prestigious array of talent has been organized to battle this thing down to the wire, Included is the Con gressional Black Caucus, the N. A; A. C. P., the National Urban League, and the Mexican - : :n American lesal Defense Fundr,! , , . snowii And they arc all ready to bite the bullet!. FCC ties are unsure where to place their hearts and skills. They are idealistic and sensitive to black confcerhVbut decry their limited options: going to the white press for a decent salary and limited reportorial freedom or working with the Black Press with wide-ranging freedom to write, V report and investigate - a young reporter's delight - but small salary. The Black Press is aware of this. A broad capital base jis needed but there is difficulty, yet, in securing the blue chip national adver tising that makes this possible. But NNPA - the Black Press is tackling this thorny problem head on with the never-say-die spirit that has charac terized its astonishing survival in the past. Washington, D. C.'s first elected mayor in a century, Walter Washington, told NNPA: "There has never been a time in the history of this coun try that we needed the Black Press more." And successful black publisher John H. Johnson put his finger on a crucial point. "We deal' with stories and events that the white pressL does hot ' always deem important or worthy." - ': The Black Press needs no new ideology, just a continuing vigilance and vigor and a renewed support from all of us. L Iv AUSTIN Iditor'- PubUsher; 1927-1971 Published 1 every Thursday (dated Saturday) at Durham.' N. C, by United Publishers, incorporated. Mailing Address; P. O. Bon J825, Durham, North Carolina 27702. Office located at 4)6 fast Pettigrew Street. Durham, North Carolina 27701, Second Chun Postage Paid at Durham, North Carolina 27701 . SUBSCRIPTION RATlvS: One yea-, $8.50 (plus $0.34 sales tax for North Carolina residents). Single copy, $0.20. Postal regulations ' REQUIRE advanced payment, ort subscriptions. Address all .communications and make all checks and money orders payable to THI: CAROLINA TIMES. Natk)nal Advertising Representative: Amalgamated Publishers. Inc., 45 West 45th Street, New York, Ni w York 10036.. ;K' Member: United Press International Photo Service, National Newspaper Publishers Association, Noah .Carolina , Black Pubhshers Association,' Carolina Community Newsservice. , 11 , ' Opinions expressed by columnists In this news paper do not necessarily represent the policy of this newspaper. This newspaper will not be responsible for ftc return of unsolicited picturei ' Hilll 'lUMKHHWUM-jllHwilM i i