.Duke, University Library V .' JJ Newspaper. Department ( ' V -- - - Durham, N..C. 27706 5 7 ' ; - - t Tho DlcXi Press I'orcfc of lycr One who is contented with what be has done will nerer become famous for what he will do. ' r-Bort Oar -Freedom Defends.? On M ' l)"' !rnjj : JiwSo rtcn::7 ilofoscs J , DdFcrt7i1n mmu I .. II ' . X .-i I WW: VOLUME 55 NUM3ER Ig. " -' "READ BY OVER 3350, PURHAMITES" ! ,. DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA - SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1977 ,- TELEPHONE (919) 638-6587 . rm. - " : - ' ' , AMIA. MrilT f -r'U. .iilllllK1 Bil ....... MARCHERS Delegation in Atlanta, Saturday, April uurnam. - More than three thousand marched through downtown Atlanta as a part of "a witness against executions" to the Georgia Capitol to hear several speakers and entertainers. One by one the expert witnesses, all civil rights veterans, spoke out. Each with a message that electrified those Who listened just a few feet from a statute of lth century populist Thomaj Watson. more oeoole than anv other state irf the nation" said Dr: Rjdph Abernathy, President Emeritus of the . Southern Christian Leadership Confer- ence. He continued to attacka UWVi vtullv m;via " " correct crime of homicide and killings through capitol punish- ment. we come cioscr , w noi aeicr cnmuiius. iv-uici, nc correcting crime and horrd- said, executions increase law- cide . . .by providing jobs and kssness. income." He further criticized The cause of rising crime, the arms race and the race to according to Wicker, is "we explore and settle outer space have so much economic injus- saying "(We need to) stop tice in Anierica. Because we wasting our money on the have so many poor people liv- arms race and sending indi- ing side by side with so much viduals to the moon and Mars affluence and that affluence is .... We haven't learned as visible by the eye and televi- yet how to live down on this gfon. ... The poor people earth." know that there are a lot of Ramsey Clark, the first people who have got what they U. S. Attorney General to haven't got. ItYs not fair, oppose capital punishment and that's economic injustice." while in office', spoke. Armed Civil rights attorney Jerry with statistics and historical Paul, best known for his de accounts of Georgia executions fense of Joan Little, called for since 1938, he said that 366 direct action against govem persons were executed in ments that impose capital Georgia. punishment. Paul said that . Clark told of James speeches are fine "but Foster, convicted of a capital nothing , replaces action. He crime in 1956 who was later suggested that opponents to found to have been innocent, the death penalty intervene in There was also Leo Franks who capital trials by confessing that in 191 5 was sentenced to die in they committed the alleged Georgia. Clark said that crime. Franks' sentenced was com- Paul said that executions muted . when, his accuser are a denial of due process, was found to have committed "When you kill a person you the murder. Released from take away that protective prison, Franks, a Jew, was mechanism, you go against due lynched. ( process and you destroy the Clark urged the listeners concept of protection median- Carl Rouan To Do BU Fooodor's Day Spoahor FAYETTEVILLE -r Carl Rowan, nationally renowned journalist who was the first lack American to sit with the President's Cabinet and the U. S. National Security ' Council, will be the featured speaker at Fayetteville State University's 100th Anniversary Founder's Day ceremonies April 17 at CARL ROWAN from North Carolini to 'Witness Against Executions" 10th. Holding the banner In center Is John Stroman of oaDS&iTGSo Ira istt iuoeo8Dns to renounce the death penalty and advocate jobs for all able towork. New York times Associate -Editor Tom Wicker, also was laden with statistics to show that more blacks and males had been executed in the U. S: The majority of those executed Were poor and illiterate. Wicker said the criminal justice and economic systems are designed to maintain the status quo as he attacked the use or prisons as human warehouses and the erosion of "fundamental li- berties" by the U: S. Supreme Court. " Increasing crime, Wicker said is the motivating factor of . " r . ment. But he said studies have proved ! that ,, executions do 2:30 pjn. in the J. W. Seabrook Auditorium.- i While f a freshman at Tennessee $tate College in, Nashville, he took a nationally ' competitive examination that led to his becoming one of the first 15 blacks in U. S. history to attain commissioned ' officer rank in the wavy. From 1964-65, when he was director of the United States Information Agency in the administration of Lyndon B. Johnson, Rowan became the first black American to sit with the President's Cabinet . and with the U. S. National : Security Council. Earlier, Rowan served as , John F.. Kennedy's ambassador to, Finland at that time the youngest U. S. -envoy in the world. Still earlier in the Kennedy Administration, he . served as . Deputy Assistant Continued On Page 9) 1 7f r A . ism. Once the executions have occured there is no more appeal left." Paul was introduced by Anne Mitchell, Coordinator of the North Carolina Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression as a "people's advocate". Ms. Mitchell also read a letter from Rev. Benja min Chavis, Jr. that called on Americans not to be fooled bv President Carter's stance on human rights internationally. The letter called upon Carter to free the Wilmington 10 who are imprisoned in North Caro- Una jails and political prisoners everywhere in they, S. Several , pewom facing 40 years old and very active in the abolition movement war on death row in Florida for nine years. He and Freddie Pitts were released in 1976 after they were found inno cent. Lee said that prosecu tors knew of his innocense but said "that's two niggers that won't join Martin Luther Ling." At the time of his arrest he was on his way to join the late Dr. King and other demonstrators. V Jllnlllf'I'lWWIWIKVIW.""",'"" t 1 " V- CO-SPONSORS EGG HUNT - Durham Mayor Wade Cavln and Assistant Recrea tion Department Director Carl Washington, examine some of the eggs In prepara tion for the 1977 citywide East Egg Hunt. From left; are King Club memberir George Suggs, Sr., public relations director; Walter Richardson, committee members, Claude Daniel, social committee chalrmanj Mayor Cavln 'and Washington. For the fifth consecutive year, the King Club, Inc.; was eoponsor ' of the uurnam necreanon . a a a a I ndepenaent egg nunts, dux some years ago, aeciaea o join ine tuv wim imi.pry . ect. Members of the Kings Club and their families took part in this project in tha natt. colarlna more than S.000 eaas for the citv wide hunt. Harold Brandon. . ..! MAMan. Iinui A Borden, Ervin Johnson, recording, secretary; Andrew Jones, Robert McCloud, Arthur Saunders, treasurer, Raymond Haves, assistant treasurers Paul Weeks, -athletic director and Robert Evans. V WILMINGTON Superior Court Judge 4 Russell Lanier Atlnn fnr hail ftt the untminnn in in thev couUK AM 1 IfctVl w w T f jv . . .. 11.. Jm." De free wruie a'ne rcuuw itBomoii County Court begins considera? Leroy Blair of Wilmington, tion of recent; recanUtions of ; t Rev. M. L. Dillingham of Wil state witnesses and requests for mlngton, UNC professor Dr. new trials for the civil rights Ann Carter, Granville County activists " civic leader Rev. G. C. Hawley, When the 'post convic- . & Administrative Assistant to tion hearing begins on May 9th Congressman Ron Defluim, i . u. wil. Barbara Lee. Manv of the mington 10 remaining in North Carolina prisons will not have been able to confer jointly with their lawyers to prepare their case, Attorney : James Fergusoir told Lanier that un less he was able to get the Wilmington 10 .free on bail that unusual circumstances would lessen the effectiveness of their representation. He said it... .it .l. iuni.iriM i n aiStVSyiSr. Rex Harris, when asked confer with them once --would, require driving j moreif than 1,000 miles. ; v Ferguson also argued that the recantation of Allen Hall last October, and of Jerome Mitchell in February, and the newly discovered 1974 recanta tion of Eric Junious plus the 4400 page proceeding of the first trial would take many months for the Judge to con sider. Meanwhile, Ferguson argued, his clients should not be kept in jail. Ferguson presented more than 100 affidavits of promi nent and everyday people who were willing to testify for the Wilmington 10's character and that thev would return tor trial liufo 1 infer refused to ack 1 - WIUIUUI IC-UUlK liicm. . ( Cao Moutz uepanmenvs annual egg nunv i ne vmo nss conuutiou - J. J X t f ILm IX. - - .t X ft A Ik I a aataa Atuatai' DaKs4 RsIIau rnrrnnnrllnn carAtarx, William . Some of the persons avail able to testify at the trial on the character of the Wilming- ton 10 were Fayetteville busi w , H.lBtMnn Dav Wawifl DV witnesses and others appeared shocked when Lanier handed the affidavits back to Fergu son and referred to them as "stuff." Charlene Mitchell, Execu tive Director of the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression responded with "its more of North Caro lina Klu Klux Klan style juv tlce. fair, shook his head in apparent disgust. ' Rev. Leon White, Execih tive Director of the N. C. Va. Commission for Racial Jus tice, said that he didn't expect any relief from state courts and would expect "the same in the post conviction hearing that we saw today". White said he ex pected relief from the federal courts. At any rate, the post conviction hearing is set for May 9th in Burgaw. The last time the defendants were in that court they were con-, victed for a total of 282 years for firebombing a white-owned grocery. The grocery was ; burned during a seige of white vigilantes upon Wilmington i - black ehetto. oartlcularlv UDOn the WUmtagton-New, Hanover School system. '4 1 V f:, J z; r ' I " iilililiililiSter . if ! Mm W f'i MY DOG'S BETTER THAN YOUR DOG - is what tht expressions of four year old Gina Colvin and Jo Anjanette Martin seem to he saying. And Jesse L. Johnson Jr., is glad they did; Johnson's snapshot of the girls won a $1 00 special merit award In the Kodak awards competition in which more than 325,000 photos were entered. . 'it'.';-5;; f ? :i:;is::?9??: liliiililllllll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii RALEIGH (CCNS) -State enforcement of an Equal Employment Practices Act is proposed in legislation filed in the General Assembly by Rep: H. M. Michaux and Sen. Kathy Sebo. Michaux and Sebo ex plained the legislation at a legislative seminar of the N. C. Association of Human Rights Officials. , Patterned after the federal Equal Employment Opportuni ties Commission (EEOC) en forcement of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, employment based on sex, national origin, race, religion, and age would be prohibited. A Division of Equal Opportunity would be esta blished within the Department of Administration to investi gate, conciliate and make settlements to compensate for discrimination, All complaints made to the Division would be under the director of the North Carolina Human Relations Commission. Complaints of discrimina tion would be investigated within 90 days. After com plaint investigation had been completed the Division would make i finding of whether j "reasonable cause" exists , to believe discrimination occurred ot was occurring; At that time the Division would attempt to get the parties to settle the complaint through persuasion . or concilliation. Persuasion failing, the Division could then; : use its administrative hearing process to gather, infoimation : through subpoena powers and to make a decision. A com : plainant not satisfied with the ruling ofv-the j administrative hearing cpuld "appeal to the Superior Courts of the State, then- to the state appellate courts. Only after the appeals through the state courts andthe 1 run of the hearing iprocess 1, could a complainant get relief 'from the federal courts or the federal EEOC. ; , REP. H. M. MICHAUX Michaux and Sebo said these provisions would be. attractive to state officials and employers who dislike federal intervention. The provision would make North Carolina a 706 agency which means the North Carolina Human Rela tions Commission would act in place of the federal EEOC. The federal EEOC has a back log of more than -3000 com plaints in North Carolina which makes some complainants wait for relief from discrimination for more than a vear. Defending the concept of the State replacing the role of the EEOC, Michaux, said, "1 have been one who has looked, sort of with a jaundiced eye, at states' rights, particularly when it's used in terms of discrimina tion and whatnot. But 1 think this is one of the most sellable pieces of literature for states rights." Racial bigots and segre gationists have generally used the states' rights argument to resist federal intervention and discriminatory attitudes con doned by state laws. The investigative and con cilliation powers of the state Division of Equal Opportunity would be available to local hu man relations commissions if they were constructed to handle comnlaints. However that poses a problem for some human relations units in the state including Raleigh which has recently been dissolved as an independent agency to a division of civil rights under the control of Raleigh City Manager L. P.- Zachary. Whether such reconstituted bodies would be eligible for enforcing the Equal Oppoi tunity Law, is not yet clear; ; Enforcement of the pro visions of the act for some time has been another sticky issue. John Brooks, Commissioner of ' Labor has been .lobbying for the legislation to be enforced within ( the department of febor. Sebo said that Brooks ic9 lEiilrodscod ft 'Si, V', -J . , had been convinced to support passage of the provision under the Department of Administra tion. Sebo and Michaux also said that the cabinet of state and the governor had seen the legislation and many were supportive. - Similar legislation was defeated in the last session when manufacturers lobbied against the bill saying it would destroy the state's right ,to work laws. The bill had 'to effect on the state's right to work laws. Vc:!i Of Evc-ls Hart lea Day At t:ccu North Carolina 'Central University School of Law in celebration of "Law Day" is sponsoring a week of events which began Tuesday. Forums are being held through Satur day, April 16 on topics such as "Opportunities for Women in Law and "Scientific Jury Selection. Aspiring landlords as well as unsatisfied tenants would be interested in the forum entitled "Landlord and Tenant eminar" presented by Durham's Legal Aid Society. . On - Friday, April 15 la B. N. Duke - Auditorium at U a-ra. the Honorable Floyd B. , McKissick, will speakjo the Law Day Assembly, Mc Kissick is the Director and Founder of Soul City i and an alumnus of the ; Univer - slty's Law School That even ing Moot Court Competitions win be open to uxe puous from 7 pan. - 9 pan, to the Moot Court Room of the law school , p Those .persons attending wiU view: the final rounds of the first year class appellate arguments. . , (Continued On Pa Hi