2 - T !S CAROLINA V"Z ' ;o3DBacpa5g If 11 DR. ASHAN 1 1 , isssaapoaaa . . . PART7 'The heightening of the physical and mental powers of man seems to be the true aim of ail voodoo ceremonies; here lit ' the meaning, the social ' function and the value of voo doo. The symbolic actions, the libations, invocations, animal sacrifices, fire-baths and so on, in which the possessed take park In a completely conscious state, as weO as the states of possession themselves, all serve only to increase the physical and mental powers of man. In voodoo ceremonies there are many gods ,that "mounts" those possessed, each with his own powers. This paper wiD not attempt to be tnoroucn m deicrtntion or these gods or groups of gods and will mention only the most important ones. The highest ruler of all gods is Bon Dieu, the good Lord. He is the creator of the world, but so high above man that he is not concerned with him. He Is so far away that he only laughs at the suffering of men. However, one does not pray to Bon Dieu. Even in the Christian church many wor shippers prefer to pay to Jesus or to the . virgin or the saints instead of to God. In the voodoo ceremony the first god to be invoked is Legbs He is the lord of roads and streets, the protector of crossroads and doors, the pro tector of the herd. His wife is Ayizan, the Goddess 'of the market and the highest god dess. Legba's symbol is the cross, whose meaning is not in . common with the Christian cross. The vertical world-axis 1 is occupied by the gods and the horizontal bar of the 'cross signifies the earthly and human world. Only at the crossroad, where the human and divine axis meet, does contact with the divinities take C um ate caosv aiae. ,aS4IIAP8L BILL BLVD. uaAaia.e 4 t V ) r.v...j mx tAT.. APRIL 18, 1877 Zhdi f.lhd u Bv Dr. Taltcem C. Ashsnti Department of Psychology : North Carolina Central II n H University U , " , . . . . ac.ThU croaroad ta guarded Tmballah is the god of fertility. He lives in springs and swamps. His sign U the snake, and whoever is rjdden by him hisses like a snake, creeps about on the ground m snake4ike curves, climbs up the rafters, and hangs, head . downward, from the beams of, the roof. His wife is Ayida Oueddo, the goddess of the rainbow. Agwe', 'the rolling one," is the ruler of the seas. Fish, boats, and oars are his synv bols. His color is blue. The person possessed by him sits on a chair and pretends to be rowing. Zaka is the god of agriculture and a peasant. He is avaricious, suspicious, a lover of litigation, greedy for oroflt. and dislikei dtv oaonle. The person who embodies him is always afraiJ someone will rob him. Baskets are his symbols. Ogun, the Yoruba divinity of iron and fire, who has seven forms in Africa, has become in Haiti a whole group of goods (loss). They symbolize black smiths and war. Whoever is possessed ' by them behaves very martially, shows his sabre, chews thick cigars, swears and demands rum. Erzulie Freda - Dahomey has often been compared with Aphrodite. She belongs to the group of sea gods, and has be come the embodiment of feminine beauty and grace. She Is coquettish, sensual, loving adornment and amusement, ex 'tremely extravagant. If a psati pr,wtoftfcr jfort or woman, appears in a silk robe, his or her fingers laden with Jewelry, and perfumed from head to foot, then the therapist knows that Lady Erzulie is there. The loss of the Guede group are gods of death: gro tax Prcpflrationf Ot!:tr Tax Services dbdtkcjFinjj Services Duiiness Couiiselins ; 0Hle4M-4aa ' MBMa-74f4 '4 A (Y, Lo Tobsol The E. C. Toiand & Co'. Inc., has announced plans to extend its Le Tolanol hair products market. The announcement was mie recenUy OT Ul ta. . ' . . . . , Co e, who Is sales manager ?, ?1 Angeles and Atlanta based corporation, said W. b nationwide promo- ttonal campaign, is planned for "P--V;-:.-V "For some . time now, our products have received enthus- siastic endorsements from our current retail and wholesale markets," informed Cole, "Quite naturally, with such endorsement, we" are encourag- ed to break ground in new areas," he said, Cole said though the cor- poration has marketed its pro- ducts in all regions of the country, it now plans to cover more cities and towns within each region, Television, radio, newspaper and magazine advertisements, ss well as in-store demonstra tions snd counter displays are planned for the campaign. tesque, absurd figures mostely, and very obscene. On his black altar standi i black wooden cross ornamented with silver. It is the same one that symbolizes life; it is at the same time the Cosmic graveyard, into which those who have died enter and sink into the depths of the waters to rise, again as gods. Each cermony closes with the salutation to the sod of the. dead uueae. ine person wnom UUGU9 IMUUIHI 1CUI lUliwou iu 10 me gruunu, ivh iiw and does not move. Voodoo treats the invisi- marl .L. I UlAm Ulm knf k 77' r -""7 ' . k. menus 01 ww puwbi w used. and the supernatural as a disease to be turned to good account. To do so the priest must know as much about black as about white magic, and? keep both in the context nf the relitdon lit view of African philo sophy, the gods an force, and in ' "possession" man takes these forces into himslef, in tensified his own ' nature, and - Intensifies the;, force which he himself Is. He'experiences him - 'self as universal' force, streng- thpn. w,' hPins hu vital force tfirot'"''!- crnrr, "iciition with ii'L-iVATviii A - m.'jiiVi'bltli thew'Dresident. titled . president r".fTr. -rr " ; force, m f wHf-. - 4 Bon Dieu IS. in name the ' Christian "Good Lord" who is , close to men and donems him self about the destiny of in dividuals, Voodoo Is not Chris- tonized' , through this ldentlfi- cation; put. wnnstianny is voo ' doolzed;' assimilated to the residual-African religion, j if m NEW NAME Dick Gregory helps rename a St. Louis street Dick Gregory Place and the black comedian and activist said, "I've got 10 kids. It's the first thing named after me that doesn't eat." Gregory, who has fasted, jogged and been jailed on behalf of civil rights said "Who knew that one day the President of the United States would get In trouble because he es poused human rights." Gregory is a native St, Louisian who lived on Wagner Place which was renamed for him. (UPI). AGGIES CITE DUDLEY FOR THIRTY YEARS OF SERVICE The Durham Chapter of the A&T State University Alumni Association held its annual A&T Awards Banquet ADrji o at Durham College.5 Albert Smith, , Vice . , rw Chancellor . for Development and University Relations at A&T State University, was the keynote speaker. He cited tne Keynote speaKer, ne cixea 1 t. ,,TOm that ufli "rnrt thtr: 7 enhance the progress of the university. Recognition was given in the following categories: Community Service - Lemuel Harrison , Carl D. Hodges, and Ervin 1 L' Kearney; Service to Local Chapter - George A. Scott, Susan Norman, Ralph Hester, Teresa Phillip and Patricia Hayes. . . .. V special , rawajas:. yw . recognition w weTe ; giverf- t o Samuel L. Dudlejr for 'over thlrtv vears of dedicated aer- vice. ' Ratnh Hftnturnast chanter . . Susan Norman tor her , ver satility and uniqueness in striving to develop lasting leadership among other chapter members. A case in, point to be remembered by ail; according to Hester, is that . Ms. Norman is the. first female to serve the chapter a? presi-" dent in its sixty year history. m ....ji .. UHC Sponsoring Certification Procraa The University of rar0Una is sponsoring a program r. ...lu iiwiuuiB " sorrie 'field of education cart use this as a ease ror oouirung either a principal's certificate or a supervisor's certificate. The h -rnflved in consideration for admission to the program is: ;; Write a letter to Lester Ball. Administration and Supervisor Program, School of Education, Peabody Hall, UNL- Chapel Hill, N.C., 27514. Thr' - Jack ' Heyman, President letter should indicate that you 0f Merit, received hundreds of deare to nave your uanscnpi evaluated in terms of Obtainmg a principal's certificate andor supervisor's certificate. .. r-. Enclose a copy of, the master's ; level' transcript (not undercraduate) or transcripts., Upon receipt of the letter and transcript, an evaluation will be conducted, ; indicating thl courses and requirements that would . need to be met for recommendation for certifica- tion In one or both programs. IS ' , When you park , Steiwart's desk; he takes a back 4. seat and listens, ft:) You tell him how much you. I ;;wnt to borrow And when you . . ; ; ' heed your money:. 1 Jeff will then explain how ; 1 ' Guaranty. State Bank's auto loan I rates'can lower your monthly . : , payments. You'll probably get your loan j approved faster than you thought, too. . . Jeff Stewart is people, As soon as he tion, the wheels The Triangle - Friends of itu..,i r? ur 1 ...211 uic unncu rami mji&cis wiu . be selling farm worker salad at Chapel Hill's f annual Apple Chill Fair, Sunday April 17. Visitors to the; UFW support group may also pick up current information about ?. the r progress of the - United a sins tt wiivvis auu uiv uutivu . wide consumer boycott of non- iifw iVoKoro ipttiir '.. taWa ' ' grapes and GaHo wmes. UFW -Schroederat48?-5. Eosters, - bumper-stickers, , To celebrate VtNatfol; ; . uttons, and tee shirts will be Farm Workers Week, May, lf V on sale. the Triangle Friend o;f - unto r "We are excited about United Farm Workers trft en-v - SrES participating in the fair.and listing support for-the. W-TS W.' ' are planning ' some '-special' from churchei and reUgibus study, the needjr offarm treats for the ' farm worKers booth," say, Joan Preiss, chair- person ot the group, " since this is our Spring Fund , Rais ing event, we urge everyone to come to the fair and support the farm workers." . The fair, featuring crafts, and displays organizations by community will be open The closing of several Redemption Centers has left many people with trading stamps that cannot be redeem ,ed locally. , . p Their question Tlhese-' stamps are worth money, but, how can I get the value out of them?" , . . One answer is to swap the stamps for stamps issued hv Another firm that still maintains a local Redemption Center. And there is a trading . stamp firm in Miami, Fla -North Mri TnAina JJtamo Exchanee jr , which is ATVA w- r - w ucensea to ... Wa12 ; nucu tus Humus v. Valuc Redemption Center in s Ceirtral Florida lett "people,; with thousands of unredeemed1 Trading stamps, TODAY ' iur iH Merit operation and advised their readers that they exchange the stamps by mail after first writing and getting full details from the Miami firm fetters, and gave personal attention to each one. "People seemed so happy to find there was such a thing . a stamp exchanee. he said. ".But many made the mistake of sending us their stamps with no instructions. It jg important that they write first so we can tell them what ! services we offer and what the charges will be. The service is free but a stamped, self-, addressed envelope must be yourself at Jeff s one of our'top , gets your applied start turning. Tiding SffQys Airo DbDra: Mo; ; SoS Pond; LiaoDDna : 'from one until 5:30 on Frank- cii . L ' r. If nil un oi. r uui iiwiuwii " cancels the fair, the Triangle Friends will move to the New-, man Center on Pittsboro St..; fbthind tie Carolina A Inn) between 1:30. and 4:30 pjn. . -All proceeds from the . booth -will- go - the United- cr 'u;rtrVr mirn x Anvone, i ami ji ui nvia-ytYi Mv jm ' who can help prepare or stafff thm Knth v dimilH call Carol sroups f throughout ; tne , in- ingle area, - "At least 5U cnurcnes in the area wW: be contacted," Joan Priess said. v -n.. ,Tat.vn t au tributing pamphlets to church members which explain the "brutal living conditions oi migrant and seasonal farm enclosed." Hey man said that each w auest must be handled ; Indi vidually because books have different numbers arid the market of pages va J stamps fluctuates. Usually when books are exchanged, the number of stamps received is less than the numoer ongmauy neiu.jmu TIU9 CQVPIS IUUM vl uut wiioiva. In some cases, there is a $1 ser vice charge, especially in cases where less than a full book of stamps is traded." ' ; . He stressed that his firm does not handle postage stamps the trading stamps erven witn purcnasps 01 ,JS&m,js1 '-c ...i."' jS'SU ''SSSSSlSSuSR for Mswerir questipM anq in vltes inauiries from anyone who wants ;anyS" kmi .of v information ' about trading stamps. Fofosf ry Incontivos For Iporify land Ounors The future supply and cost to you - of paper, furni ture, homes and other wood ' prod ucts will be reflected, in part, on the success of a two phased program - personal contacts and . use of news media - in increasing wood production by minority owners of forest land.. About 60 per cent of the nation's forestlands are owned by individuals - including a large number- of black and other minority members, according to. the y. S. Depart- merit of Aericultiire's Forest . Service. Fifera'sitia.te forestry ' "The trip, was arrange4 by.J.ones . incentives progs afe offered .represehtaUves from the '.. to private owpers, bf fore stland . Alabama Forestry Commission '' ' ro''eh'courage.'theinv'to ipiooaeii'':' j," ' ; " ''''" " more timber: Future shortages ' Jt team reviewed forest are anticipated unless; these ?wn by four black fami owners product ' more,- wood. "f8 durin8 the 1 two day visit. However, many owners- ana ' : ate preparation for forestation especially persons'ftornmmor--. . and.tree Pjtln8 were carried ity groups, may not be aware .-. out . 5V of ,land of the incentives .programs; ,RwnedL bX Mes. More available to them. These pro-';. )han the cost of these grams pay part of the cost of Forestatioh programs is borne planting frees1 and improving by -Federal' and State agencies., forestland ' owned; v by. . Before the Minority Contactor small landowners, - i 5 project ; was Implemented in In an effort , to increase' public awareness of these in ' centtve programs, a' 14 month Minority Contactor pilot pro ject was conducted under a $25 poo cooperative agreement between the Forest Service's Southeastern Area of State and ' Private Forestry; and the Ala 'bama Forestry Cornmission.. The pilot project, .coordinated by Otis ; Jones of the Area office m-AtlaAtaiind Bruce . ( Johnson, a county, forester in, .-Team participants includ - -.Atobajha,' faulted ;vljiv';.difect ed representatives of the . approximately 21Q imhority - landowners in Bullock, Elmore . and Macon Counties; Alabama. - Mass media was used 14 times in . the form t of newspaper. , articles, radio ahrioiincerhents, and television programs. A team ! of Washington Office personnel and other n ' workers and ask them to help the United Farm Workers un prove tnese communis oy ooy-. cotting products of growers who refuse to sign contracts with their field workers. , ; ' " . Numerous Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish groups across the r country have n Mimd their support to uesar r O - . . f " Chavez and the Umted rarm WrtrlcBrs. including the Nortfi . wwii, "v:;"--' " . J??.Z sucitKut, M reseated 'wUm; Farm Workers. We call upon them 'also to seek ways where- oymey may ww assisiance u .;,;f". ."",, . iustice and human dignity The Merit Trading Stamp Exchange pioneered in the business of exchanging the trading stamps,, as well as buying and selling. The firm started in 1961, and is. licensed by Hade Countv to operate at 3 S. W. 8w St 335 During the past 15 years, Heyman has exchanged tens of thousands of trading stamps many by mail from distant states. With so ; inany trading stamp companies consoHdating or closing Redemption Centers, . Merit I people r News media must be ? raised for supplying this in ormation . to subsbers as part; of their cpnsi information program. i owned land in the three county area. These practices were site , preparation;; tree planting and timber stand Im provement. Each, landowner applied for and received cost snare assistance to carry out these approved, practices. Each landowner learned about the incentive program through the Minority Contactor project, and the Agricultural Stabiliza tion and Conservation Service. They reviewed the results of forestry practices that had been carried out on minority Federal and state agency repre sentatives assessed the effectiveness of the pilot pro ject in a visit to Bullock, Elmbre! and . Macon Counties, this area, few blacks aware of this kind of forestry assistance. . 4 ''.,.' . - . As an indication of the. importance attached to such, programs in the minority community, the Mayor of Tt 1 1 ... lusKeeee, jonnnv roro . addressed the review team at a dinner and program on the first evening of their arrival. Opportunity. Office of Civil- Rights, the USDA Personnel Office's ' Equal . Employment .Opportunity Staff, the Agricultural Stabilization and r Conservation Service, Coopera- thre Forestry, Soil Conserva tion Service, Extension Ser vice and the Alabama Forestry Commission. . . $acp:rt lb C:rhd Cc!l:;3 The little bank on the corner. Main&Maiiet RoKboro&Maiynard. Member FWC 1

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