KX., APRIL 13, 1377 THE CAROLINA Tl":$ 7 i .. . A !' .,iK:Si,'i-..j'-?(r.!.v.4 a -::: -;..':.... . . .: "'-v::; I. ::.:-::;.: vr A . T-' ;;:;-ii:.ii:i ii sk;s-s5': . :: j 1 ' ' f t " " ' ' t v J: "i.vA.'- ' '.'' ...I.t O , C "V V r , ' t ;1 .. Covenant s United Presby- Fayc B. Jacob, Miss Audrey., terian phurch was the scene of Nance, Mrs. Harnette r. B. ; the 4 pjn. Saturday wedding Parker, Miss Hazel A. Sanders of Miss Carriella Elise Hern-"and Mrs." Anita P. Williams, don and Leonard Lee Nance of ' ' Charlottesville, Va. The Rev. ; The oridt t 'bjrother, Cod George F.: Neal officiated and B- Herndon of Durham Mxi Gloria Timberlake was a best man- IJshen were musician. . William L. Anderson, Lynn The bride is the daughter of ,mP ,ames E. Dennis Mr: and Mrs. Godfrey Melvin : J' " Henry Jacobs,,, Jasper Herndon of 626 Dunbar St. "wson and Wayne. Strick- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H Nance ,and. , of Panama City, Fla. are the . - - . , . . parents of the bridegroom. . A 'feotion was held at the r , student union at North The 1 bride wore a gown of Carolina. , Central University, -embroidered - Swiss lace and . . , lace flower appliques, designed he ;bride is a . graduate ol Hy Mrs.: Juanita PageV Her veil NCCU where she was a mem- r of silk 4 chiffon was bordered b of Psi Chi honor society, with seed pearls and attached Alpha Kappa. Mu honor society to a coronet of beaded' lace and . Alpha Kappa Alpha flowers. - The bride carried a Sorority. She is a graduate : bouqet of daisies, .carnations, student : at Duke University. talsman roses, babies breath . 1 , - centered with orchids. - The bridegroom is a gra duate of Gulf Coast Junior . . Maid ::. of honor was the College and the" University of brides :xousin; Miss ecilia West Florida. He deceived his ; Rawlins of Wheeling, W. Va. master's degree 'from' Duke Attendants were Mrs. Noma University and is an instructor ; Bennett .Anderson, Miss Eileen , at Piedmont' Community ::.Cy Bass,: Miss, Linda S, Came- College in Charlottesville, ron Mrs; Ruth B. Curtis, Mrs. where the couple will live- Clubs And Socials r ' . t, J: 'I ;7 In i iinf .:a-jat CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY -The Hornets Club celebrates its seventrriAaiwI? sary on Friday, April 8 at the Downtowner Motor Inn. A cocktail hour and a dance highlighted the occasion. Members are: Seated, left to right: Mesdames George Quiett, Emmett Gill, Henry Garner, Erwin Allen, Cart Easterling and John Plummer. Standing, left to right: Mesdames Walter Grandy, Haywood Allen, William Amey, Stanley Smith, Frank Burnett, Thomas Womble, Samuel Jordan, Willie Bradshaw, Russell Blount, and Edward Allen. MRS.' LEONARD L NANCE Sara IJocJgfiins to Speak lo Durham WCl Annual tteetiag If Doinfoivner : Ms. Sara W. Hodgkins, Secre- symphony orchestra, the firstx tary of the N. C. Department of outdoor symphonic drama, the Cultural Resources, will be the state-supported zoo, the featured speaker at the 57th state-supported School of Annual Meeting of the YWCA J Arts the first Governor's of Durham. The public is Sch9o1 for gifted high school vited to this dinner meeting students, the first permanent which will be held Thursday, art gallery for the visually April 28 at the Downtowner handicapped and the state Motel on West Chpel Hill JSt Provides purchase funds to the , Mrs. 4 Hodgktos' . UTX will tat? Museum of Art, include a slide presentation qf A Z30. P- reception wHl the various , opportunities , Prefed hJ mn" at 7 00- afforded North, Carolinians Ticket! are $6 and may be, through the Department, of fMjtae y Jtl7Tng u Cultural Resou . , ' WCA at 68-4396 or by She is anxious to femoye!the ritulU.YWCA Umstead v rsnob and elitist teehngs' about. Si'?,et Durham, 27707 art and artists fcfld to spread the Co-enuring the Planning enjoyment of. our, state's re. Committee for the Annual sources to all the "dtfcemy. Meeting are two VWCA Board The five-year-Old Depart- of Duectors Mrs. Sarah H ment of Cultural Resources in -J0"" MLrt lohtl Stewart North Carohna is allotted an Wrkxn8 mthw ""l ar! MLS annual budget of $U million. Shirley Few Ms. Esther Smith, This is just over one-half of one Mrs. Alma Bennett, Ms Judy per cent of. the total state BvMs:. Gret?,h?nu J00?' budget to , this multi-faceted Ms- Vetalclme , cheU, j department comprising the s tI Lawrence, Ms. Gladys Archives and History, Arts and gunttag Mrs. Eula Harm Mrs. State Library Florme Robinson, Ms. Gather North Cwohna is somewhat lTTajk r1, Eve'y? unique as far as the arts go. It ?akDe. MsM parson and has the first state-supported Ms Ruby May West Point Hill To Bo Dedicated ' TheeUicsltloo and formal , Mangumr House committee, : openHwest Point the -w'speajt bn 'the Wialf iaf t Eno will be tielcl Sunday v April he Junior League of Durham. - '17 at; 2:30' pvm.. Thfe; guest v Following the ceremonies, speaker for the occasion will be the house,. mill and . grounds. Dr. Larry E.-.Tise, Duector of wiU be open to the public ine im. . v wivisiop v ut,e8 raemoers of me ouaru oi and History.( W. T. Coman,1 directors Aof 'the, Friends of Prefddent of 'the Friends' of We!t Pomt'wfll act as hosts West Point, Will preside. Mayor,, 'and guides from 5 to 1 , 5 Wade Cuvifi willeIcome.lhe ,V , r, ' , DUrhan. ' Margaret Nygard, may" be 'Teachedy turning chairman, ' pf, W fluUV WTX?-' the stop. light on' I Committeey Wul speak, on the Roxhom Road 'opposite- the , f ' Weit iPoint Mil; IancyM4v HiYWiew Chopping Center son, chairman; pf the Mc-CoVrl Wuth )pf the Eno River tndee , OOftONA STREET CLUB MEETS 1 A ; ' Rev. and Mrs'W5lliev McMillan- were hosts lfpr the recent "'.'on Gaston Avenue," ' ' ,', . . r 'Devotions ,were qifected by, Rev., McMillan and president, -Kev;'-.caraen--:rainsn-;Di ' . RiRsbee read 'minuter of the last meeting and they were ' The special interest ff the eluh i$ to serve the Various needs - of the tomffljmityv Members aso tender services at the pine 'I KribllRfcstHom . i ' ' ' 'f .' . -Others: : present'. were; .Mr.s Annie :Ue- Mr5.Thema.Pa1Tlsh,:..; , ' Mrs. Etta McCtiin," Mrs Alberta Leak, Mrs. Essie Blake, Mr and ' , jvirm -iv ft 1 1 fiN iwii. ivn x: i Aiiu.ti niuuiv iiiwvt ii biuub-i i.-ivii-a.. niutf d '.- ' Suggs, Mrs, Francis RossyMrs Susie1 Taylor, and Mrs Edyihe " j King. Mrs. Rhina Gamble was reported j11. :''; I Rev. and Mrs. McMillan, served a dehcious repast. Mrs. King . thanked the hosts for their hospitality. ' FRIENDLY LADIES MEET .( The FriendlyiLadies-Club: met at the.homeof Mri. Agnes. ;:' I Hinton on April ) witfi Mrs, Amue Cruse as cQostess. There was. a ery , spiritual devotional period, which was . I enjoyed by all. . , - , . . t s ! The meeting was presided tvef. by the president Mrs. Hastie: j Price, afterwhich: the hostess. served a delightful repast to. the--1 fgDowing members; . Ljijnie- jose, Susie Dilihunt Ella Crawford 7;. , Viola Thompson;- Anges. Hinton,. Hastie Price, Ahnenta Hinton, : ; Eva Lyon,, Ernestine pike, and Annie Cruse. 1 , The next-meeting will beheld at the home of .Mrs. Una Mae .. ' ; gaunders - , v , i l:!' ys. " lOTrn 'S'". 1 MP QUALITY HEAVY WESTERN GRAIN FED BEEF Each of these advertised hems is required to be readily available for sale at or below the advertised price in each A&P Store, except as specifically noted in this ad. v PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SAT: APRIL 16 AT AAP IN DURHAM 4 29,602 UNREDEEMED CASH PRIZES $1000 WINNER ft' Mm ARRINSTON ' MST0N, N.C ' i- .. . t.. $114,797 UNREDEEMEDl $20. WINNERS ODOS CHART UPDATED AS OF APRIL 4, 1977 UHMrl poet OOM ODOS MUW 1 11 M CMMM MBM ' VlttT VIKTt VltlTl '-.V-f it U r :RM .' Ih TMt ito 'i'.X 1- '. aa .1M W !' '41 M .vs,,.v,i.TiMW UH IK IU Ik n4 " ..m ...i .i . m ik ':.. ...! 1 " Ml k in mt n .' i in, m 4 TWII-.- 0:. . .. . :-. .. ttmrn - tM Ik ' t l Ihn o n MHCMtCN. cur.a.& wmimm. r.c. noo Qm tvallibl in 63 Enttni i Qrt Atlantic A Pacific Tm Com Super CmK fllni Nortn carollm pany Stoma. Thla promotion M acnaoulad to and on. May U 177. SuparCaah Bingo will officially and, nowawar, whan all gama tickata ani dlatribufad. M i CUT FFOM THE CHUCK .. ' . M S - . 3. I $0!rmprfT!ifc XjD LB. g(0) AP QUALITY HEAVY WESTERN GRAIN FED BEEF r- CHUCK STEW BONELESS K M i i I9 " 2SP UVU t.i .1 1 m j i r.i . t j lill :,. Ill liwi HOT BOSS CARL BUDDING BRAND WAFER THIN I JTMniiitivTJ1-lnai3. l CALIFORNIA GROWN ICEBERG LARGE 1 HEADS; ONLY U3 - FLORIOA GROWN FULL OF JUE r. .Jk CALIFORNIA EXTRA FANCY LAGE 1 OifJLfeiill OHEEijS n -iST RADISHES Jsll? A&f QUALrry heavy western grain fed beef SWISS STEAKS A&P OUALrTY heavy western grain fed beef B0::aitss steaks SPECTEDFBt SHOULDER ROUND BONE LB. CUT FROM THt CHUCK LB SUCEDT.liATS SMITHFIELD BRAND SLICED 89 . t 2" ii2oi'T00W 1 LB. T129 I I I 1 L'o HEADLESS AND DRESSED W 1 f f rWEt lies flromttttl wiIJTiriG 3 - L'o YLt iisi STiais 2 IP l, J il v j j i i i 'i 8i- '"n-" f mi n ni " r- i --r r'Hiiiifimm m 111-111 mr mmfmiMmiMitiir' mmmm,mmmm'mmmmmmmmml '7T""--!'"'"'MF'COUPON'''""'''''''"l f KRAFT , I jrt PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING lQ r.iAYo:::Ais j (TRnrMj) i - A I, in-. limit ONE with I. : I 1 lf T.r?' Ji Mi I THIS COUPON AND el,Vt 3 LB LI ! If JAR if ADDITIONAL 7.50 , S??. S U A .-,: I order Z IV r CAN J P"J IjltlES I "aiw LIMIT ONE COUPON. GOOD THRO SAT.. APRIL 16 AT A4P C-670 J I -v nrr I i""" coupon. I ' . f 1 I 1 I dataaM-iaMHktaw IM ISvl" A hi LJIIkH-O BHHalaaMaV 1 ' WHITE YELLOW DEVIL'S FOOD BUTTER RECIPE GOLD LEMON MARVEL WHfTJS. , ' ""V V FZCAUTlTOlsSsi?0 imffi 1 ,, :-mp sweetmilkOr buttermilk'; . TRlFACCTVii: ri UJlaVla Ml Ihlai I202 nicnnvc -.lj,cans aWalMrWilMl U KRAFT SINGLE WRAR" ' "S ailEESS F003 SLICES .'V ; ? NU'" ,16 0? PKG, OVAL noft PuiM; 11 SEALTEST ; - " .'v jl ry 1 1 us:it tr iiveiy (ojfo;? " pla5tic:bR5Tue:: v-v ' ' 5TV : '' each-" . 1 scrx"3crji!i ordmstER EACH GREEN GIANT ' .-: BRUSSELS SFuOUTS 1002;. - PKG.O IN BUTTER, i SAUCE.: GREEN GIANT BROCCOLI IN , CHEESE SAUCE OR cr.occcu SFuARS 50 OZ. v: PKG.; I LIMIT TWO WITH THIS COUPON AND I ADDITIONAL 7 50 I ORDER 18'.OZ. PKGS. LiO a-i-aa-a aaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaajni S A&PCSmilT SSa, i::rariTcc?ri2 SA!T"S MoiEio) )00- isozEt JOY . LIQUID LAUNDRY DETERGENT- I'l IYOUPAY IOC I ONLY OFF 32 0Z LAbl-LI LIQUID DISH DETERGENT ITEMS OFFERED FOR SALE NOT AVAILABLE TO OTHER RETAIL DEALERS OR WHOLESALERS i SENECA y K' . ' '''-- ior;.c:i Krt JUICEj 3Sf.(h : KRAFT REGULAR " SMOKED .,' f. . . . : . SilUCE 'Kfgh BTL. V St YOU PAY ONLY- 20c DPP I AREI I. 33 02 I , I BTL L. fllS LIf ICaiU.ki 32 OZ AIJTI S EPTI C BTL'

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