1 - Tl! CAROLINA TIMES ' SAT, AUGUST 6, 1977 UdLSJLfiJi-L 7 3J THE COST OF CAPITAL : Capital money what it takes to start and expand a business has a price. But like everything else the cost of capital and subsequently its avail ability has always been too high for most minority businesses. That's what the Small Business Investment Policy and Advocacy Reorganization Act of 1977 (S. 1726) is all about taking steps to end the capital shortage mi norities face. It's no secret to minority enterprise that 64 of our businesses are in re tail trade, most in depressed inner cities, 94 of minority firms operate as sole proprietorships, the majority having not even one employee. It's no secret that the total gross of all minor-, fty firms added up, came to only $7 billion last year, substantially less than the $2.4 trillion in gross receipts of the ' non minority business community. For lending institutions and invest ors such statistics do not identify a good thing. But if minority firms are to establish business parity by die end of, the century, 'it will require an In vestment of more than $440 billion in minority business enterprise. - Why should be government -create acclimate to encourage investors to make such money available to minority business? Because making capital avail able to minority firms i is the best way to increase productivity throughout the : total economy, the best way to prevent the loss of billions of dollars from the GNP that results from underutilized economic resources in the minority business 'sector. , ; I iThe," Reorganization Act is the first step in creating a defined policy out- TELL "A HURRICANE IS MUCH LSRCStf "I'M 1l,-1 Iff WTfclf, Vrl MM n tossmvo tzzm ovgg land; : V, -.HOW DO Hffft HEUP fe-r MflNWHD?: - HVMV5 RffRCK AMD OX4SIME ?.fOTiTYiRm:att& COULD . J . I DR. BERKELEY C. BURRELL President, National Business Leairne lining government's role in stimulating investment and other capital resources for minority business. ' The Act, in elevating the adminis trator of the Small Business Adminis tration to Cabinet rank and in estab lishing a Small Business Economic Council Commits the government to formulate? the beginning of a coherent federal policy that places particular emphasis on strengthening the role of minority business in the overall econ omy. The proposed legislation would also require a Small Business Investment Policy Report to be issued annually by the President. Such reports would con tain an assessment of the unique prob lems of minority firms in meeting their investment needs and offer substantial recommendations toward solving these problems. Establishing greater capital resources and increasing their accessi bility depends to a great extent on de veloping and maintaining pertinent eco nomic data on minority enterprise. Fur ther capital formation strategies depend on such information being available. We should strongly endorse the infor mation gathering provision of the bill. The proposed legislation has only one real shortcoming. Representation on the Small Business Economic Court , ' cil does not include the Director of the Office of Minority Business Enterprise. OMBE is the only federal agency ex clusiyely concerned with minority etn terprise; , QMBE's presence in ! the "for- ' mutation of economic policy that -di-rectly impacts upon minority .business.: is vitally necessary. With OMBE's in clusion in the bill, the Reorganization Act will be a good thing for rninori ties getting down to business. - ,.,-- . ,, HOW HISH CBU fWN6 fWWA 50MS HRV CSN KNOWN 40 eOPR 2fntrM gecflpms -their mw& ? NMej 6omc maw xm fQ$IUR(MRtN$ Of-fW HUGS 6& fWlHO OlMWflURJ (IrSa 1 6! AH AT ABOUT 186. 000 MILES PtZ ECOMO wad much ice nwwctoi &oe QU 7.000.000 CU8C MlUS OP IC6 flWO SHOW 01RHKET AHrTARCnCA.... AOCOWINQ "TO . Lcgai Hoticcs' ueeo Mo&r optIB w tvasH? ; 4 yi - it-- ' till I Mft; irf IS JUST A CL06B 1WRWHRBUUTTI NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND UNDER DEED OF TRUST ' Under and by virtue of the power of tale contained in that certain deed of trust executed on the 1 3rd, day of October, 1976, by I'iMt Pridgen (widower), to J. Henderson, .Trustee and re coided in Mortgage Book 927, at Page 879, in the Office of the ' Register , of Deeds of Durham County, North Carolina. Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured there . by and the necessary findings to permit' foreclosure ' having been made by the Cleric of Superior Court of Durham County, North Carolina, on the 1 1th day of July, 1977, the undersigned Trustee 'win offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at public auction at the , Courthouse door in Durham County, North Carolina on the 1 1th, day of August 1 977, at 12:00 o'clock noon the follow ing described land in City Town- : ship, Durham County, North Carolina: Tract 1 , P . BEGINNING at a point on . the north side of Dunstan Street, 500 ft. in a westerly direction from the west side bf Fayette ville Streetv same being the south- 1 west corner of Section "A" Lot , No. 25, Map of College Heights, running thence with the western line of Section "B Lot No. 25, North 26 degs. 35s East 118.6 feet; thence North 73 degs. 04' . West 45 feet to the northeast -corner Section, A, Lot No. 26: thence along the eastern line of said Lot, Section "A" Lot No. 26, South 28 degs. 59 West 110. 7 feet to the property line on Dunstan Street; thence with the property line of said Street in an easterly direction 50 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Sam? being Section !A" of Lot No. 25 and Section B" of Lot No. 26 of COLLEGE HEIGHTS. For further reference see map of same duly recorded in the Office , of the Register of Deeds of Dur ham County in Plat Book, at Page 129. . r 0n this property is located House No. 3 1 1 Dunstan Street Tract II BEGINNING at a point on the 'northern property line of Dupree St , (formerly Lucille Street) said point being South 89 degs. 00 East 156 feet from the intersection of the eastern pro- ' perty.line of Menick Street and the northern property line of Dupree Street, and running thence North 16 degs. 57 East 249.9 feet to a point; thence South -16 degs. 57 West ;235. 6 feet to a point on the northern property., line of ; Dupree Street; lBKCe"Norr9"egs, WPJt " along Dupree Street 52 feet to the beginning, and being Lot No. 19, Block I, as shown on Map of Stokesdale. Tract III BEGINNING at a point on the northern property line of Dupree ; St (formerly Lucille Street) said point being South 89 Degi 00 East 208 feet from the intersection of the eastern property line of Merrick Street, and the northern property line of Dupree Street; and running North 16 degs. 57 East 235.6 feet to a point; thence South 73 degs. 03 East 50 feet to anoint; thence South 16 degs. 57 West 221.3 feet to a point on the northern property one of Dupree Street; thence North 89 degs. 00 west along Dupree Street; 52 feet to the beginning, and being Lot No. 20, Block L " shown on map of Stokesdale. , . This, property will be sold subject to all taxes, special assess . . merits and prior liens affecting the property. The highest bidder win be re quired to make a cash deposit of , 10 of the amount of the pur chase price being due upon con- summation of the sale. 1 This the 13th day of July, 1977. J. J. Henderson, Trustee i Henry D. Gamble, Attorney for Trustee, Suite 304, Snow Bldg., Durham," North Carolina 27702 Phone (919) 682-1166 The Carolina Times: July 16, 23, 30 and August 6, 1977. Isloy Brothers Go Platinum GO FOR YOUR GUNS the tremendous hit album by T-Neck recording artists the Isley Brothers has been certi fied platinum by the RIAA for sales in excess of, one ' million. Eighteen years after their first hit "Shout," in 1959 -the Isley Brothers are still going strong packing theaters and ; getting heavy album sales. The group consist of Chris Jasper, Ronald, Marvin, Rudolph, Kelly and Ernie Isley. 'PUGG? by Horace Elmo LIKE VOUK OTEATOf n 5jp r . 'ill Ji 1 ( mml Services UsoTfio Ccrolina NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND v UNDER DEED OF TRUST ; -ii ' . - Under any by virtue of the power of sale .contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed on June 11, 1971, by G. H. INVESTMENT COMPANY, INCi to J. J. Henderson, Trustee and recorded in Mortgage Book. 858, at Page 855. in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Dur ham County, . North Carolina; that the property mentioned in the- above Deed of .Trust was sold and is now owned - by WAYMOND McDOUGALD and wife, MARY McDOUGALD; and default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured , thereby ' ; and ' the necessary findings to permit fore closure having been made by the Clerk of ' Superior Court of Durham County, North Carolina,' on the 26th day of July, 1977, the undersigned Trustee wiU offer for sale to the highest bidder for , cash at public auction at the Courthouse1 door , in ' Durham County, North Carolina on the 24th day of August, .1977 at 12:00 noon the " Mowing described land in City Town ship, Durham County, North Carolina: ' f BEGINNING at a point on the East side of Wabash Street, which point is located South 17 degrees 15 minutes west 256.00 feet from the southeast point of intersection of Wabash and Cooper Streets, extended, at the . southwest corner of Lot No. 18, plat hereinafter referred to; thence running along and x with the southern boundary line of. said Lot 8, South 72 degrees 45 minutes East 120.00 ' feet to a -stake; thence running South 17 degrees 15 minutes West 59.8 feet ' to a stake; thence running North 77 degrees 30 . minutes West 120.50 feet to a stake on the East side of Wabash Street; thence running along and with the East side of Wabash Street, North 17 degrees 15 minutes East 70 feet to a stake, the point and place of BEGINNING, the same BEING ALL OF LOT No. 9, of the property of Bill Dickerson, as per Slat and survey recorded in Plat ook 49, page 37, Office of the , Durham County Registry, to which reference is hereby made for a more particular description of the same. This property will be sold subject to att taxes, special assessments and any prior liens affecting the property. The highest bidder wOJ be required to make a cash deposit of 10 of the amount of his bid up to and including $1,000.00 with the balance of the purchase price being due upon consumma tion of the sale. This the 27th day of July, 1977. . J. J. Henderson, Trustee By Henry D. Gamble, Attorney for the Trustee The Carolina Times: July 30, August 6, 13, and 20, 1977. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY. Executor's Notice Having qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Elizabeth J. RansdaU this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth J. RansdaU to present them to the undersigned within six months from the date of the first publication of this . notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AU persons indebted to said estate, please make immediate payment ; This 6th day of August, 1977. t Mechanics and Farmers Bank, Executor Estate of Elizabeth J. Rans daU, deceased 115 W. Parrish Street Durham, N.C. 27702 The Carolina Times: August 6, 13, 20, and 27, 1977. NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY - J . EXECUTOR'S NOTOCE TO . CREDITOR'S The ; undersigned having . qualified as Executor of the '. Estate of GUY HOLMAN, JR., Deceased, late of Durham . County, North Carolina, this is to notify aU persons, firms, and corporations having claims', against the Estate of GUY . HOLMAN, JR. to exhibit them to the undersigned at: ' 3200 YanceyviUe Street, Greensboro,' North Carolina 27405; or: Eric C. Michaux, Post Office Box ' 2152, Durham, North Carolina 27702; on or before the 30th of April, 1977, or this notice will be placed in bar of their recovery. This 27th day of October, 1976 Wendell P. Jones, Executor of the Estate of GUY HOLMAN - Eric C Michaux, Attorney . The Carolina Times: Publication Dates: October 30, November 6, 13 and 20, 1976. riaos Oassim Socto For Fas? Hosuffsff! FOR SALE i WANTED USED FURNITURE Top prices paid for your old furniture and appliances. Trade in on new furniture or sell outright. Call Rose Furni ture, Ph. 68 84796.' SINGER GOLDEN TOUCH ft SEW Like new-1 only. Singer Golden Touch ft Sew. $71 or $7.10 per 'mo.-No interest Has. every thing. w: CLAYTON SEWING MACHINE', 2836 Roxboro Rd 477-7735. NEW COMPONENT STEREO $88 or $6.11 PER MO. Make payments on new com ponent stereo system with AM FM stereo radio, 8 track Upe player wrecorder adapter. In cludes stereo turntable ft dust' cover, (2) large - woodgrain speakers. Pay cash of $88 or $6.11 per mo, including wa ranty ft free delivery. . CLAYTON SEWING MACHINE 2836 Roxboro Rd. 477-7735 Fuzz Buster w-Beeper $79.95 COBRA CB's - 40-channeL Free power mike. Limited supply $99 or $10.00 per mo. CLAYTON SEWING MACHINE. V $500 DOWN Mark Fisher Heights - NEW BRICK HOMES 4 Bed Rooms, 2 baths, Good size kitchen. Electric heat. We will arrange your loan and pay closing costs. HERITAGE REALTY 493-2561 Night: 477-0921 or 489-8533 FOR RENT HOMES LARGE 3 BEDROOMS $100 mo. stove ft refrjg. . furn. (D4 2) 286-1251 ALSTON AVE. AREA large 2 br. $80 mo. avail, now. (B01) 286-1251 . WELLONS VILLAGE AREA 5 rmi appls. kids petsok.(E23) 286-1251 OFF FAYETTEVILLE ST. large . 2 bedrooms available (B43) 286-1251 NO LEASE OR DEPOSIT for details 286-1 251 $75 MONTH ideal for a lower income famfly (E61) 286-1251 $60 MONTH large 2 br. close to Watts Hosp. (E22) 286-1251 ' UNFURN. & FURN. U2, 3, ft 4 br.houses and apart ments available att areas, kids ft pets ok. 286-1251. ; UNITED CAROLINA RENTALS 1006 BROAD STREET . OPEN 7 DAYS A - WEEK 286.151 help ivahtepx AVON REPRESENTATIVES NEVER LOOKED SO GOOD You can, too. Lean how to be come as) Avon Reprasenative even if you've never told before. Can: Bernita Mumford, 489-6640 HOUSEKEEPER PART-TIME -Retponsibfe mature person to : care - for third , grader after school and general housework. r , Mon. thro. FrL 1 to 6. Prefer person with car. Pay above ? minimum. Call 489-0449 after 6. Intrusion DetectionProtective Systems Have you often worried about the protection of your ( home or business against unlawful entry or fira? Local security service co. has sophist icated surveillance system at reasonable rates. For free estimates call r VIKING SECURITY SERVICE 682-8204 , ",. Ii DirkfB Cfll IXt. Horrli 929-2514 li Choptl Hill flai::;er Town of Chapel Hill. Prefer matter'! degree in City Rag Plnng or related area, min 1 yr experience in field of community dvlpmt Start $1088mof excellent bene fit. Apply by 81577: Personnel, Munic Bldg, 306 N Columbia St, 27514. V EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Medical labordory Technicisn III Completion of college course work with a biology major plut two yean of laboratory experience pre ferably m human diagnostic cytogenetics, tissue cul ture and photography; or an equivalent combination of education and experience. $11,680 - $12,660. Con tact he Employment Dhrliion, 111 Pettigrew Hall, UNC at Chapel Hill. EQUAL OPPORTUNITYAFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER MAi:uFAcruai::G FOREMAN Outttanding opportunity fori highly motivated' individual with experience in manufacturing supervision. Assume responsibility for the total' operation of ; an alectro-mechnical , component assembly area of our dynamic organization. An understanding of work mea surement principles and experience in the Implementa tion of cost reduction programs In desirable. Position requires the ability to work effectively with people. v i Reply in confidence with resume and salary history t R. S. Gandy 4 ' ', f v Personnel Manager .d;-') Cutlaammer - 'h'h V Selma,N:C. 27576 4.;,s:--'k:V$; An Equal Opportunity Employer Mf' 6 TRAO OPPORIUKITY; KKM. ttWJ i ArtlM. -i,r;t M training. Free related classroom instruction, VA benefits if eligible. Applications accepted on a year round basis In ' the following trades: Carpentry, sheet metal, air condir tioning. Call Robert Royal, Carolinas Constructiort -Training Council, 286-9324,' Mondays, v Wednesdays, Thursdays: 8:30 a.m. til 10 a.m. ',' " " B?iOYi-nn o?pom:ities The following Jobs are available for unemployed per--" sons who reside in Durham-Orange Counties. In addition to the required skills persons must meet the eligibility requirements for the federally-funded Public Service Jobs Program. Available positions are: City of Durham-Jobs for Eligible Residents of the City of .Durham.',.!; ' Property Researcher Recreation Leader I (Fine Arts Coordinator) Librarian Laborer I ; Retired Senior Citizen Volunteer .Program SecretaryReceptionist Child Care Training Project , Instructor Secretary Health Counseling Service Physical Therapist Nutritionist Grants Assistant Registered Nurse Special Events Coordinator ;, . . (3 months) .. , Firewood Collection Project ! Labor Foreman I Leborer I, 'ly i,-y:r , .,. Maintenance arid Construction Project::; H.-',. Labor Foreman I Laborer II Reading Project Counselor I CounselorTutor Development Specialist . . Secretary .'" t Tutor Arts Project , Art Facilitator Neighborhood Arts Project Artists No. Starting Annual v Salary 1 $ 9,155.00 1 $7,530.00 1 $ 9,155.00 1 $ 6,898.00 1 $ 7,164.00 2 $10,000.00 1 $ 7,020.00 1 $10,000.00 1 $ 9.600.00 1 $10,000.00 1 $10,599.00 1 $ipr94.00 1 $ 8,303.00 , 1 . $ 6.888.00 . ' ?1 . '"j, ' 1 $ 8,303.00 9 , $ 6,503.00 ! .,' ' 'ii ... ' ' 1 $10,000.00 1 $10,000.00 2 $10,000.00 .1 $i $ 7.020.00 1 $ 8.000.00 2 $ 8,760.00 i 2 $7,800.00 Orange County-Jobs for Eligible Orange County Resi dents. Status of Women Coordinator 1 ; $-,8,500.00 i ' Cedar Grove School Renovation Project ' W'X' 1 $ 7.809.00 Plumber 1 , $ 7,809.00 , Electrician 1 , $ 709.00 ,4 Unemployed persons who are Interested and wish to find out If they qualify, should seek information at the Job Service Office of the Employment Security Com mission at: ; ' s ' ; 616 N. Mangum Street ' " " Durharn, N. C 27701 , C'.:!::'...T;''.;'''' '. pr;?v;r ''''v-'rv'-N 179 East Franklin Street' : ; Chapel Hill, N. C. 27514

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