? - TTS CAROLINA TWES SAT.. AUGUST 13, 1977 u:::h to .Consonor'- Parficfpafion of UoioIiborLiood Caoa!;' Contois Stodiod By UI3C-CC1 Groduato :Stcdcpt CHAPEL HILL Consumers hold a majority of board-of-director positions in federally funded neighbor hood health centers. ' -,-. But how representative and influ ential are they when policy decisions on health care are made? ' Jean - Latting Jones, a public health graduate student, at the Uni versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has received a $44,000, one - year Sant from the National Center . for ealth Sciences Research to study this question. She will be looking at con sumer representation on . boards ; of neighborhood health centers (NHC). : ' In her-study, "titled "Consumer Representation: Attaining Influence," Mrs. Jones will be analyzing how the boards of 15 NHC's are organized to ' either help or discourage consumer in put. She also will be finding out what methods consumers can and do - use to make themselves heard. . , piiiyare more in 1 1 i 1 1 ' ':. 1 1 : ill' iv 1 1 ... ti ii rr ii 1 1 . . nil .it JUULVV JUL JLJ ilPSW'W'IBHBWIWff Mrs. Jones has not yet decided whether she will study health centers in the Northeast or Southeast ' , -V; Her findings, she said, will help NHC's set up governing boards that are ... open to consumer participation. It also "will inform consumers on what steps they can take to become influential. - ; NHC's, said Mrs. Jones, a doctoral ' ' candidate in the School of Public Health department of health administration, ' are an outgrowth of President Johnson's War on Poverty. They originally were , designed to provide health care to only low income persons, but they now reach out to persons of. all income groups. Jones said there are three neigh borhood" health centers in North Caro lina: Durham's Lincoln Community Health. Center, the Orange-Chatham Comprehensive Community Health Cen ter in Carrboro and Healthco in Soul City." ., ";.,:.:.,;!: " v10 A main thrust of the NHC plan, she said, is to have consumers, people , w,ho are actually patients at the center, participate in policy making and the planning 1 of services, "When' HEW took over the program it continued Johnson's mandate that:a majority of. professional jargon used by the health providers. "Consumer representatives,'' Mrs. Jones explained, "do understand the . issues as they affect their community, . family and friends. But when it comes to making a decision, ' for example, between two x-ray machines, where one may be more expensive but also more suitable to the clinic's needs, they don't have technical knowledge providers have to make the distinction and decide: between the two." . . A board that takes the time to explain the technical side of , such de cisions she said, is showing its concern for active consumers participation. What has happened in many cases, she' said, is that consumer representa tives are not prepared to discuss techni cal healUi issues. They don't have the medical knowledge or understand the board positions be held by consumers for this reason," Jones said. "But the '$ problem often has been that consumers either directly or indirectly are shut out of the decision making process,". Mrs." Jones said. ,.' Information Mrs. Jones hopes to gather through questionaires and per sonal interviews include; what the NHC chief executives' attitude toward con sumer participation in center policy is; whether public hearings are held - to obtain consumer opinion arid to ex plain j in lay language, health issues and policies; whether board , meetings are open to all interested consumers or just consumer representatives; and how are MRS. JEAN L. JONES consumer board members selected. Mrs. Jones said she also wants to discover what channels consumers use . to gain power on the board ; and how consumers use health providers or social service professionals who are considered consumer advocates.. The UNC-CH graduate student will be look ing at' consumer use of militancy, how well it works and what type of board or ganization works best with militant con sumer groups. . Dr. William Freeman Leaves Wake School; Takes No. 2 Post liiiiiiil i r, : IT T U 1 Nothing can mean more Jto your family than the little things you give them every day. A smile, a hug, a game of ball, or a simple walk in a park are things your family needs to feel happy and secure. But there's something else you give your family that matters a lot An income; WitH it, you pay for a good place to live. Clothing. New bicycles. Dentist bills. A vacation. A car. ; And you use your irtcome to save for things in the future, like college for your children or a new home. ; If something happened to you, all these things could be gone. Unless you have life insurance. That's why you should call your North Carolina Mutual agent . Give your family love. But also give them protection. ales 0 NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFB INSURANCE COMPANY ; 'jkrrfimiilyhecdsywu. Andlifeinsurance. DURHAM DISTRICT t 601 WILLARD STREET 682-1541 N. C. ORDINARY DISTRICT MUTUAL PLAZA 6884571 w m is c- v. . . -t $ I piQQ M THIS SPACE CAN BRING YOU FAST RESULTS DIAL 688-6587 Lfi KYANIZE PAINTS j(Af Dconitiiif ttt Morrto BL Dial C8USSJ WtSptclallzt In 7 Leiltt tzi Gists : AinXATIOKS t smiss -I - ; -i --ft SUITS tuci to otnt ttm m To Vtii scon J TAiionsa 104 Morris Street:; Phone 688-1 917-;. 1 m BEST BUYS See Us , First For The Best . Buys On Rings, Watches; Musical Instru . ments, Shotguns, Pistols, Bicycles, . And. Other Valuables. - - DinilAf.1 ::pAivn sno? .339 W. Main St. ' , 688-8491 Heed Quick Cash? We Can Help You Meet rnwjnncies With Cash ' for 1trm Not In Use. - D D 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 D 0 0 0 D D D Cameras Televisions Typewriters Component Sets We Loan Tha Most SAM'S PAVi) SHOP Phone 682-2573 122 East Main St. Durham, N, C. D 8 0 D D 8 Di D! n c! D D D D Dnnnnnaaonl KEED PUNTIK5? - We Give Expert Printing Ftfr PROGRAMS 8i BOOKLETS , WEDDING -INVITATIONS TICKETS, FLYERS, POSTERS BUSINESS FORMS- SERVia Fn:m::s .$04E.PETTICREWST. Durham, N. C. 683:2394.. AiSOTRY-OUR QUICK COPY SERVICE RISIOtNTIAU COMMeRtlL An INDUSTRIAL WIRING E..H. toolo a sons ' 4, PHONE 682-3486 NIGHT 682-6506, . GENERAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR. CUICTRICAt AND MECHANICAL REPAIRS UOHTINC FIXTURES ANO ELECTRIC SUPPLIES WIRINO FOR UCHT. MEAT ANO POWER ftXPRIOERAtlON AND AIR-CONDITION SERVICE 1 .A DIA6CS-2475 J I Cflllf R 608E.PETTIGREWST, II 4MLjIVU DURHAM, N.C. . Dr. Wm. M. Freeman, a veteran educator in the Wake County Public Schools, is leaving Wake to become Assistant Superintendent for Personnel in the Nash County School System. He will con tinue to pastor the Kyles Temple A. M. E. Zion Church on Dunstan Street . Dr. Freeman, a native of Nash County, has come up through the ranks, havihg ser ved at all levels in the Wake LEGAL NOTICES STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY Executor's Notice Havihg qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Elizabeth J. RansdaU this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth J. RansdaU to present them to the undersigned within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said .estate, r please -: make Jmmediate; j " &a5TMs6ti fray St AuguSt 1977. j r ; ... Mechanics and Farmers Bank, Executor .. ' , Estate of Elizabeth J. Rans dall, deceased 115 W. Parrish Street Durham, N. C. 27702 The Carolina Times: August 6, 13, 20, and 27, 1977. .. , NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND ' UNDER DEED OF TRUST . Under any by virtue of the power of sale contained in liiat certain Deed of Trust executed on June 11, 1971, by G. H. INVESTMENT COMPANY, INC.. to J. J. Henderson, Trustee and recorded in Mortgage Book 858, at Page 855, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Dur ham County, North Carolina; that the property mentioned in the above Deed of Trust was sold and is now owned by WAYMOND McDOUGALD and wife, MARY McDOUGALD; and default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby and the necessary findings to permit fore closure having been made by the Clerk of Superior Court of Durham County, North Carolina, on the 26th day of July, 1977, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at public auction, at the Courthouse door in Durham County, North Carolina on the 24th day of August, 1977 at 12:00 noon' the following described land in City Town ship, Durham County, North Carolina: ' BEGINNING at a point on the East side of Wabash Street, which point is located South 17 degrees 15 minutes west 256.00 feet from the southeast point of . intersection of Wabash and Cooper Streets, extended, at the -southwest corner, of -Lot' No:';;, 18, plat hereinafter referred to; thence running , along and with -the southern boundary line of 1 said Lot 8, South 72 degrees 45 ' ' minutes East 120.00 feet to a A stake; thence running South 17 degrees 15 minutes West 59.8 feet ' to a stake; thence running North 77 degrees ' 30 minutes West 1 120.50 -feet to a stake on the ' East side of Wabash Street ; thence , ' running along and with the East side of Wabash Street North 17" degrees 15 minutes East 70 feet to a stake, the point and place of : BEGINNING, the same BEING ALL OF LOT No. 9. of the system. , He ; has- been a teacher, a counselor, a high school principal of a black school, principal of $n in-' tegrated elementary school, a principal of an integrated high school, and an assis tant superintendent. Prior to taking the Nash County post, he was Director of Federal Programs, for the newly merged Wake County Public Schools, the second largest in the state. Dr. Freeman spent six years in ' the Harnett County Schools before coming to Wake County. ; On taking the Nash County post, Dr. Freeman Will be one of the first blacks in the state to be employed by a school system to work with personnel at the assis tant superintendent's level. He will be responsible for the employment of professional personnel for the 12,000 stu dent system.. .. Dr. Freeman says that he is both honored and proud that his home is bringing him back after 26 years in edu cation to assume the system's No. 2 position. Freeman says that his family will remain in Fuquay Varina and they will main tain their home here. DIAL 682-2913 FOR NEWS SERVICE n n n Mi oCJUU property of Bill Dickerson, as plat ana Sook 49, . fl npr - ;, lat and survey recorded in Plat page 37. Office of the Durham County Registry to which reference is: hereby made ' for a more particular description of the same. This property will be soid subject to aO taxes, special assessments and any prior bens affecting the property. - , The highest bidder will be required to make a cash deposit of 10 of the amount of his bid up to and including $1,000.00 with the balance of the purchase price being due upon consumma tion of the sale; This the 27th day of July, 1977. . J. J. Henderson, Trustee By Henry D. Gamble; -Attorney for the Trustee' The Carolina : Times: July 30, August 6, 13, and 20, 1977. . -mm. ' Yes, it sounds crazy for a New Year Sale in August, but Augus) 1 st marks the start of a New Year at our store. We want to kick off the New Year with a sal where everybody can purchase fine furniture and save mon ey! YOU CAN. SAVE between 40-50 on many items throughout the store. ? NEV YEAR SAVINGS... ASSITT4-PC. bedroom itift. deer dramr VMi mirror, deer cHeit, njghMerie', headbaord '. tf?.so.........wow 449.50 STONIVIUlTobleandddieirt JM 50......... NOW 239.50 IMflM 4-?c. ceirttmpererf bed, ream wilt. Drawer with twin mir. ten, doer (belt, nighhtend, king tiu heedbeerd .' IJ J0..... NOW 839.50 TIODOIN t ft. centemeerory ' dining room iuit obk, 3 tide1 ' thoiri, I arm cheir, chtno tea ' ,.NOW3Yy.3W i n r 47.00.. KINCAIO 4-fcColomolbedroem ulte. Dreiur with hutch mlrrer, ehfit, cennenbeU bed, nighhtend I357JO.......NOW 754.50 THOMASV1UI 4t. trriittaMi bedreem Mitt, Drener with nir. jeo dwit, nightitend, heddbeord tMjft........wow 449.50 IVIUNIION NeiSI 4K. troditienol bedreem wire. Dreuer with miner, cheit, nlehtitand, S'so... now 539.50 WXII 4-fc. Country French bed room wite. Drener with mlrrer, chitt, nighhtend, headeeord iffjc..;... now 599.50 LARGE SELECTION OF MERCHANDISE .. . OFF BWo AND BARGAINS . . . lACKSMITH HOf Table, tURUNOTON HOUSI 5-fc ce bench, 3heiri , i : lonlal greup. Sefa, chelr, 1 tablet, ef. im m tote cheer m nylen plaid : mJt...,.....MOW Zy.5V leg. . -A tlHOVl t-f,, centenieerery diiv IOdJO...w.'.NOW IdUU Ina-reem mite. Table. S tide TMNDUNi g-ffc colonial groue. choJrt, Term choir, terver, china ; Wo, choir, leeeal In nylen print, Sjo.:.....now 849.50 IWe) Cenlemperory tela 'and levewat. Camel ehret now.249.50 724.50 l4dJ0.......NOW MUO Centenperary tola' toveieat In ml brick velvet , lift JO.. 599.50 CHBTNUT CMIK Celenloi Mykt wfa ki nylen ploid . 4t1J0. Stablei trtTM.. DOIAl Cottttmperary ityle wfa in Herarion tweed i ; :o.. now 249.60. WAIKIR TredUlenal Mia in tripe material 1 f JO., ...... .NOW 479.50 AMHrCANA Troditienol nfa in 299.50 5fjo......'.Now 299.50 AMD r.lUCU nOllE TO CELEBRATE OUR mxi YEARf' cash & cahy c::iyfi::a::ci::: acced All Merchandise Subject to Prior Sale! J?-. "tfrmti, m-.m0ppi'--