- 11.3 uuca riC5S Oir Frccdop Depends On It! iX VOLUME L5 - NUMBER 35 jf n't!1 puBiic o?oo:i coiumh A PCNS FEATURE . What would you do if you were the American ambassa dor to the United Nations? How. would you feel repre senting a country that has been described as the mecca of white racism,, primary supporter and ally of Zim babwe; (Rhodesia), Azania (South Africa), South Korea, Chile, Panama and other repressive governments? Turn yourself into a man of color who still smarts under thoughts of a sabo taged Civil Rights Move ment and has to swallow his pride when asked to clarify his last statement - which has offended some nice white folk? Call .v yourself Andrew Young, ' although TypU cat call yourself any -V pf 23-"' be the ambassador to the UN, but whose .credentials- are . just as credible. How is Andrew Young doing in the UN? 1 r Carl Williams, 21 Law Student, NCCU Benoit, Mississippi "He's really stirring up things and is very outspoken. As a part of the Carter ad ministration,, he' is informal and let '8 it all hang out. May be he is what we need in negotiating with Vorster and Ian Smith in South Africa and Rhodesia. By invoking them to respond, he really makes white senators here show the black voters where they really stand on impor tant issues. It's a change. In the past, we haven't had . politicians 'who come out and let the cards fall where they may. Young's outspokenness is a good thing, but some where along the line, I think; Carter will have to muzzle' him." Insido This nock Eagles Host Panthers Weekly . . African Affairs feed Outstanding Americans ! 13 i I i tkke ' University Library Newspaper Department Durham N. C. .27706 "READ BY OVER 30.000 DURHAMITES Y 1 EAGLES GETTING ENR0LLED-A crowd of freshmen wait patiently outside of the Communieationt Building on the campus opportunity to pay their tuition to become full-fledged 'Eagles' as registration began for an expected 5,000 students. (Photos by XWUIIUIIIHIIUU SiimmilliHHiiHiinnmmiH MtwiiiuiiuaiilaiiMUllHlK. J "J I J K t h John Wilson, 65 Retired Durham. ",ei"aoinga'fiheb'Tof a colored man l heard him . talkinc the other night. Hell be the next president. Right now he is trying to bring the white and ' the coloreds to-; gether. He caji't do, it over, night or ( all in : one day. H takes timei I think President Carter and he Young are doing a fine job." Michael Nunn, 26 Durham "I think he's doing some thing, but not all he could do. It's hard for a black person in his position to do much with that much pressure on them. Black politicians seldom do What they want to do. I'm be hind him one hundred per , cent. That's what 'it takes to work things -W for us to back , hint up.,' - , Edison Bertrand,28 , Law Student, NCCU , Virgin Islands "For any American foreign policy to be success ful today, it must be sensitive to the' needs of developing countries. This policy must show them the United States is aware and sensitive to their problems and is willing to help , struggling ' nations by cooperating with them. It can greatly improve our relations with them by the fact we do have a black or non-white am bassador who represents and speaks to them for us. I hope Ambassadpr Young continues to speak his true feelings. People all over are too educa ted to be told otherwise and accept it. Hopefully, the day for covert foreign policies is in the past"? ' llllii ' 4 11-30 .'.r . .-Yi-- iflV.V.-.y.v.'.yVj ' Fayetteville Of Murder FAYETTEVILLE-An unea- sy mi T? tir silence prevails over this military town as the trial of Terry Wayne McDougal con tinues with District Attorney Edward Brannis slowly piec ing together the events of January 6, 1977 at the Terry Sanford High School here that preceded seventeen year old Ricky Miller's death. Terry McDougal, sixteen years old, is black and lives in the Cape Fear, Public Housing project with his mo ther and sister. Charged with first degree murder and re leased by the Cumberland County Grand Jury on Jan uary 1 9, Terry was reindicted by the Grand Jury on Februa- ' -ry t, J 077 ! fof second degree , 1 murdeH aftel DA Ed Grahnis4 reported that probable cause' existed for the first desree degree murijer indictment. Before the trial is over in Toiion Dlaciis By Sbcrotdry of Saf c RALEIGH (CCNS)-With-out much , of the splendor of many other recent swearing in ceremonies, members of , the newly appointed N.C. Judicial Nominating Commit tee were sworn in by Secre tary of State Thad Eure. In cluded were four blacks, three of which were appoint ed by Governor James Hunt and one by Senator John T. Henley. j Appointed were: Leo Hat ton, of Henderson, chairman of the 2nd Congressional Dis trict Black Caucus; Dr. Ste phen B. Thomas, a Burling ton dentis; Mrs. Beatrice Boone, of Murfressboro, an employee of Georgia Pacific; and Ms. Shirley C. Gillis of RALEIGH (CCNS) - Des pite an almost , 300 year of lily white government since the so-called American Revo lution, black faces have be gun to show up in greater numbers than ever in state government. While North Carolina does not have as vicious a system of racial duality in employ ment as South Africa's sytem of apartheid, there certainly , exist patterns in employment which appear to relegate, , blacks to positions of inferior i " pay without the possibility of llanos 2 To President Carter has an nounced the appointment of, two more Blacks to positions in the nation's judicial sy stem. .''( ' ' The President nominated Franklin Payne of St. Louis, Mo., to be U.S. Marshal for the Eastern District of Mis souri. ' '; ' ': Also nominated was Howard J. Turner, Jr., of mm DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA - about three weeks,., approxi mately 150. witnesses are expected to relate to the jurors (ten white women and men and two black men) what they saw and heard . So n far,' the prosecution has pre- ' sented several witnesses who have testified that Ricky , Miller was stabbed during a fight with Terry which, fol lowed an earlier fight be- . tween Terry and Ricky's ! younger brother, Bobby. - Bobby Miller testified that he was playing basketball, ' wun lerry m pnysicai eauca- .; rx ; r V i n tion class, leaped for a '''ff? Ptt?")?' rebound, and accidentally IL 'fiff9 Terry in the mouth- witSW'41V;'-M0,m elbow. Miller related M Mrtex&yK Terrv said hed rtmnAMmxP: ie.ppoinuncm oi A:i ldckF;te followed, Miller 'uSA, $ . f ' 1 ' was quickly broken Up by m the class. Accordmg to hirtt the fight was abqureyeri. '' , ' Sworn In Aberdeen, a stenographer at' Cameron-Morrison School. The Judicial Nominating Commission is a Hunt creat ion which, : he theorized, would allow greater input of lay people and lawyers to the choosing of more qualified judges to serve state. Faced with appointing judges to su perior ;i court; benches that were made ; available by the new speedy, trials act, Hunt r now seeks the help of this commission for nominees. Attorney ' Charles Daye, President of the North Caro lina Association of Black Lawyers attacked Chief Jus tice Susie Sharpens all white appointments demanding that Continued on Page 15 upward mobility . Although the long despis ed practice of hiring the most qualified blacks in meager po sit ons is subject to some changes, which, for some, might still be a painfully slow process - that process began with Governor James Hunt's appointment of Harold Webb, a black man, as Director of the State Personnel Commis sion, last January. Since that time, Webb has quietly worked, , often avoiding the press, to get established rules adopted through which each Judicial System Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to be U.S. Marshal for the West ern District of Pennsylvania. In another action, the Pre sident ' nominated Maurice D. Bean, of Los Angelespal ifornia, to be ambassador ex traordinary and plenipoten- tiary of the U.S. to the Soc-i ialist Republic of the Union of Burma. He would replace ' Davis L Osborn. , ; ; SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1977 vyMs. Caroline JJixon, a teacher at the echool said ' Terry came to the school clinic around noon com plaining of a toothache and f asked to get an excuse to go fhome. Ms. Nixon said she IICCU Appoints 17 Hon .f"A- fT ma.Ji Hie ii uate school are Melvin Carver, visiting lecturer, department of art; Carlyle Johnson, visi ting lecturer, department of art; Dtj Eugene Baskerville, associate , professor, depart ment of biology; Michael Dixon, visiting lecturer, de partment of drama; Mrs. Doris McHaffey, instructor, department of drama; Ken neth Sneed, Instructor, de partment of drama. Dr. Stephen Fortune, as sociate professor, department of sociology; Dr. Beverly A. ' Nichols, associate professor and chairman, department of home economics. Ms. Carolyn Rayford, as sociate professor, department of biology; Mrs. Isabelle 'Levitt; visiting lecturer, de partment of art; Jerry Poteat, research assistant, department of chemistry; James Merritt, visiting lecturer, criminal jus tice program, department of political science; Miss Gurnia C. Michaux, visiting lecturer, criminal justice program, de partment of political science; and Ms. Vicflle, Murphy, visiting lecturer, department of sociology. state department would be re quired to recruit, interview, select, hire, promote, and train minorities. When Webb was appoint ed, black employement was shamefully low. As of Janu ary 1, 1977, 85 percent of blacks employed in state gov ernment earned less than $10,000. Most of those in custodial positions earned less than $8,000. A study conduc ted by the North Carolina Black Democratic Leadership Caucus showed larger number of blacks hired in the low un skilled jobs while as the skill level and pay increased, the number or blacks decreased. " Just how much the job picture - has . changed -since Webb was appointed, Person nel Director it not certain, be cause of the unavailability of many statistics needed to make adequate comparisons. Statistics do show, how ever, that the number of new employees hired in many of . the state's agencies increased during the period between January J-June 30, 1977. The Department of Com Wbuth "Mm , 4 of North Carolina Central University Wednesday morning for an Kelvin Bell ) Accused Chance" noticed Terry's jaw f was swollen, When he checked out at 12:22 p.m., Terry, she said, came back to the clinic at 12:40, checking back into school saying that he was unable to get thirty cents busfare to go home. Building a case that Terry knew that he was being ' sought by Bobby Miller's brother, District Attorney Grannis put Charles Latti more on the witness stand. A student a Terry Sanford, Lattimore testified that dur ing the afternoon of January 6, he saw Terry in the locker room of theschool and asked him if he knew Ricky Miller arid that Ricky4 was looking for him. student atTerWSahfbrd High said," around 3:30 he accompanied Ricky to the Continued On Page 10 Efforts To Unionization Causo Uproar in Porsbn ROXBORO (CCNS) -Steelworker employees RPC Division of Youngstown Steel Door Co. meet Monday after noon in the parking lot of Timberlake Motel here to pre sent a petition to an official of the United Steel Workers of America, AFL-CIO. According to reports, 75 percent of RPC steel workers has signed a petition request-, ing representation "in collec tive bargaining over wages, hours and all other conditions of employment" at RPC by the steelworker union. A copy of the petition was to be filed with National Labor Relation Board, Tuesday morning by union representa-' tiveMikeKrival. The organization effort merce, wmcn naa zoj em ployees as 6f January 1, of whom ; 298 or 12 per cent were black, hired a total of 320 employees between January-June 30, of whom 75 or 23 per cent were black. A very slight increase since a A ifil . fJ. C. Dfacfi Women's PofMcal Caucus Planned For September A statewide meeting of the North Carolina Black Wo men's Political Caucus is plan ned for September 17, at St. Augustine's College in Ra leigh. The purpose of the meeting is to provide a sup port system for black women in North Carolina that will enable them to express and identify "their needs and to propose strategies that will, through the utilization of the political system, allow them to realize their full potential. .. The caucus it an out-, growth of the North Carolina International Women's Year Do not pray for taafci equal to ycur power. Pray for power equal to jrotrr tssk. TEJLEFHONS OM) JOHN W. WINTERS v hut" " f i.f -jTarf If 1 ; r t " 1 , ' ' - ;, M ' J V I (a I 1 l !& Icddonhip Ccrms Honors Oichorjir end Winters RALEIGH - H. M. "Mic key'.Michaux, Jr of Dur ham and John W. Winters of ; festive dinner-dance Satur day, September 10, at the Raleigh Civic Center. reportedly began about five weeks ago, with RPC workers negotiating with USWA repre sentatives from Charlotte: The effort to unionize reportedly stemmed from working conditions in the RPC plant, "low pay rates and heightened union aware ness" ignited by a recent con troversy in Roxboro relative to Brockway Glass Co. The RPC company has twenty to sixty days in which to permit an election at the plant, once the USWA has been officially notified of the workers request to orga nize. Up to this point, it is reported that management in Person County has been suc cessful in keeping the union out. that figure also includes, temporary employees hired for the summer, some on fed eral CETA grants. In January 68 per cent of all blacks hired by the Commerce department earned less than $8,000. Blacks have been totally non I 1 State meeting which was held in June of this year. The Sep tember 17th meeting is ex pected to draw upon the sup port of minority women six teen years and older, in every walk of life from every con gressional district in the state. Every minority woman who has deep concerns tor the growth and development of her full potential should participate In the conference. Wotkshopa wffl held on church, education, consum erism, credit, law and crimi nal justice, wrroloyment, elec ' torsi politics and health care. S!uiy Ctagos ttZI . PRICE: 23 CENTS "MICKEY MICHAUX, JR. The event is sponsored by the North Carolina Black Democratic Leadership Cau rmTl?tiifrf' veteran'- fegis latort have resigned seats in the General Assembly to as sume major Federal and state appointments. Michaux is the recently appointed U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of North Carolina and Winters left his North Carolina Senate seat to assume a post on the North Carolina Utilities Commis sion. The dinner is to begin at 8 pjn. Saturday, September 10. Several hundred guests are expected to attend the event, at $20 per person. The dinner-dance is not a fund raising event, and the $20 charge is expected to cover only the costs of the meal and the entertainment. .Michaux, a native of Dur ham, is a graduate of North Carolina Central University, where he did graduate work in business administration and economics and earned his juris doctor degree with honors. He has been a member of the North Carolina Bar since 1966 and was, at the time of his appointment as V. S. Continued on Page 15 existent in many of the top paying policy-making jobs in state government. Using the Department ' of Commerce again in the position paying more 'than $16,000 annually, one black was hired since Jan Continued On Page 10 To register for the confer ence, a woman need only write on a plain sheet of paper, her name, address con gressional district and the workshop' she wants to at tend. She should send that information along with her registration fee of $3.00 to: The North Carolina Black Women's Political Caucus, In care of Ora Coleman, 401 5 Camelot Drive, Raleigh, N.C. Registration will also be held on September 17th . from 8:30 ajn. until 9:30 un. at the conference site. -3 WAajtT'njjifcvi"

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