a - T! 7CAR0UNA TWSS SATSPT.3,1977 iitmiiiiiiiiimiiniiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiuiHiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin ExCCCtiYS DifCttCf IIAACP Hew Day Begun .!": f '9 W j - :? '' ) y "t( -. YALUES I ; Vv OOOPSTIONJ-smRj'fg .-one uath nature - T(5 v- WORSH IP LIFE -SPlr rrUAli'. UM1VJERSALISM. ' On THE STAIR of HUMANITY WHICH WAY WILL YOU CUMb? Voua FAMILY AMD OUR COMMUNITIES FUTURE LAY IN YOUR, Preserving What We Have Delta Sigma Theta Sorority is to be commended for its support of black colleges through the award made at its' national convention last week of $25,000- $30,000 to Tuskegee Insti tute. The grant this year will be used to .fund a "specialistdistinguished professor for one year to teach in an area of study currently not available at the institution." t i ; While integration and the right to attend any college is and should be a choice, we believe the future of black folks hinges on the survival of the traditionally black f institutions of higher learning. They, along with the black church, have been and hope fully will continue to "be - the cata lysts which have implanted and re enforced values intrinsic to the basic ideologies of those persons of African roots - often contrary to those prac ticed in American society - but vital to the survival of all humankind. . Traditional black values - coopera tion, sharing," one with nature, wor-' ship of life and the right to life, spiri tual universalism often conflict with traditional American values - compe tition, ownership and materialism, Special Plaudits For Class The North Carolina Central Univer sity community, Durham and the State nf Nnrth Pamlina alri nVa?tirf in the high percentage of successful NCCU School of Law grads who took" the. North Carolina Bar J examinationjhis year. We are especially pleased with the NCCU School of Law class of 1977, For this particular class was enrolled in September, 1974 when the additions to and renovations of the Turner Law School Building were inf progress. The students were forced to study under the most adverse conditions and with in limited quarters - sometimes utiliz- JMviBRICAN VAlA)ES CDMPETlTlOM-OWMERSHlP AND MATClAUSM DOMINATING MATURE TECHNICAL WoRSMiPJjt DEATH - RACIALISM . H HANDS, i dominating nature, technology, wor ship of death, racialism. This his been the cause, to a great degree, of inner conflicts suffered by many blacks who must operate or aspire to Operate within Jhe American mainstream. It is the traditionally black college which has led the way in preserving what is vital and intrinsic in its students while teaching what is necessary for them to function 1 successfully in America. As Dr. Luther Foster, president of Tuskegee Institute pointed out in his acceptance speech to the sorority, "studies increasingly document that, during the century of their existence, ' black colleges have, trained 75 of all . 1 black PhD's,"75 6f aD black mffitary? officers, 80 of all black federal judges, 85 of all black doctors, 90 of all black veterinarians, more than ;. 99 of all black professional forest ers." An impressive record, we think. ; We congratulate Delta Sigma Theta and hope 'their support will stimulate other Organizations and individuals to channel more financial help, toward those psrituti6ns?dedicated 1p ;pre serving what we have as we work to ward what we want. ing - neighboring facilities. Administra tive offices and student offices were then located in the sub-basement , of .Aftwe Day Shepard Dormitory: Qasses We 1eld anywhere space was available on the campus., , , . Having' survived and succeeded in spite of these tremendous and difficult circumstances, the. class of 1977 from the North Carolina Central Unviersity School of (Law is entitled to special plaudits of us all. Certainly a little praise and much success is wished for all of these gradu ates and new lawyers. k V riVadavia oaH &67 FjWST PRCSIOEWT Of ARGENTINA NATIVE Or BUENOS AIWES.A MILITAhY . HAHj HE REPELLED ENGLISH INVADERS ; 1780-1845 . ' v W IS0 ANO 1807Mf CCAME SEC'V OPWAR W ltd -MII20, APTER'lNOE ,.;, P'EN0ENCE WAS DECLARE0,HE BECAME BEC'TOr STATE IN IB26THE UNlTARIOS.t A PARTY IBEit THE fEDERy 121? AND ELECTED HIM PRESIDENThE ABOUSHEO THE SLAVE TRADE. V MADE MANY OTHER SOCIAL CULTURAL AND ECONOMIC ADVANCES -- The peculiar genius of the National Associa tion for the Advancement of Colored People is its Insistence on taking the laws of this land,' written, as comedian Redd Foxx might say, "of white folks, by whites, for white folks' and relentlessly hammering away until these laws apply to all. In saying this, 1 do not believe ! can be ac cused of excessive braggadocio, or swelling vani ty of proprietorship or affiliation. The record of this organization, long, tortured and tena cious, speaks for itself.; ' So although these are, unfortunately, dark and difficult days in which some of our form- ; er friends in Congress are turning against us and ? attaching .anti-busing amendments to a wide-, ranging number of proposed bills, 1, for one, am not discouraged. , r I am not discouraged even though the Su preme Court of the United States, through a series of rulings the most important of which concerned seniority, recently seems to be on a ; determined course to reverse the hard fought civil rights gains we have made in recent years. Nor am' I staying awake nights, gnawing my fingernails in worry over the possible adverse outcome of the pending Supreme Court Allan Bakke case that seemi to be a sword of Dama cles poised at the jugular of affirmative action. In the first instance, I feel most of the anti busing amendments, are doomed to failure But if one or two manage to effect passage, I say we must redouble our efforts to get them off the books. As to the. Supreme Court ruling on seniority, I think this was based on the court's interpretation of Congress's intent, not To De MJIIIIlllllIltllllUIIIIIItUIIIIUIlllIIIIIIUIIItlUUllIIIIIUIIIIllll IIIIIIIU1IIIIIIII FBI Choice The appointment Of U.S, District Court Judge Frank M. Johnson to head the FBI is an excellent one., It is also significant, both be cause of the agency's importance and because it signifies the Administration's determination to give the FBI the kind of leadership that will end past abuses. And there have 6een plent of abuses. It had become routfiie procedure for the FBI to Jape phones, harass rights and political activists, and tcrids -foughshod over constitu tional rights The re&Hf serious erosion of public confidence. The agency exhibited a Cold War mentality that viewed almost any dissent as proof of dis loyalty. Nurturing a carefully fostered "G-Man" image through the late J. Edgar Hoover's flair for publicity, it eventually came to feel it could do no wrng. r K - A federal policy agency that is a law unto itself is a threat to all citizens. And when 'such an agency becomes politicized, as it did in the Nixon years, it can become the instrument of subversion of democratic principles. Over the years it became obvious that the image of a super-efficient FBI was at odds with reality. Concentrating on spectacular criminal and spy cases, the agency virtually ig nored white Collar crime and organized crime. More energy seems to have gone: into public relations efforts than into enforcing the law within the confines of legal, constitutional police procedures. v TXI5 Cy DISSENTION 1 . Ambassador A n d y Young is known for occas sionally having anthrax. An- -i out tor socwnustice. Equal t jV ML '; in adUressing tne con vention President Carter in-1 ferred ' that the civil rights' goals puld only be achieved if blacks were "cooperative.", , He said "it I takes time to change ?r the trends, . of history and to ,. reverse the bureaucratic mechanism to , one ' of support, and com- ' on a constitutional princfcle. Hence, we can seek redress in Congress through passage of a ' more clearly defined bill. 'ft; ; ', 1 -And as for the Bakke case, it may bear with in it all the dire and destructive elements that -spell doom to affirmative action in this coun try, as some fear, but I say if it comes to that, , it will be a battle lost. Not the war. That will , continue and, in the end, I believe we of the NAACP- we will ultimately triumph,?; y - For as Carlyle truly "said, "Truth crushed to earth, will rise again.? Some' of our critics point' derisively at what some former allies are V ' doing in Congress in respect to busing. They play up differences, real or perceived, we have with labor. Xj 'vf They say that both are now so committed to the white male that minorities and women have become irrelevancies on the, scale of their priori- ' -ties. Well, perhaps so. But we have problems everywhere and from time to time even with -fonnerallieri:,;.:.;:; V ' But we have learned one hard lesson in the .:. long struggle for equal rights, in this country: that we can have no permanent alliances with . anyone which; will jdeter us from our purpose. Jo we will have our coalitions with. labor; we will form coalitions with business, with the National Organization of Women, witn mem bers of many 'political persuasions irV Congress; with the National Chambers of Commerce, with anyone who is pursuing the goal we'je in pur- suit of at a particular time. . ,f , : , Herbert Hill, NAACP Labor Secretary has analysed affirmative action as clearly as anyone IHIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinilUmillllipifllllHIIII With Hoover is czar, the agency had deteri orated to the , point where, well-paid, skilled agents were concocting phony rumors to dis credit anti-war activists and civil rights mili tants. After Hoover's death, one of the tempo rary heads of the FBI actually destroyed evi dence in the Watergate case. x,i So Judge Johnson inherits quite a mess. The prime qualifications for a new FBI Di-: rector are personal integrity, leadership abili- ty, firmness, and respect tor the law. ana tor the consiituUonal limits .it: places- on, pouce ' rwe..The nation's -top cophas- tojw? some one who is completely devoted to enforcing; the law but not;at the cost of destroying the personal; liberties the law jdefends,. ff 1 On those ground, the President and the Attorney General 'could, riot have chosen a better persorvYbiiead the FBI. If Judge John son's record on the bench is any indication, he will reshape thagea?y nto an effective law enforcement arm of the government, while ending the abuses that have characterized its ' past record; ,'j : . . ;' , ; '.x, In -his 22 years on the bench. Judge John-i son has shown a fierce devotion to civil rights.'' He has presided over controversial cases and delivered crucial decisions that integrated buses -and public facilities, abolished the Ala bama poll tax; directed desegregation of Ala bama's chools, required reapportionment of voting districts, extended women's rights; and CI G.E.UQ0TE Excellent 1 -",'!.. : : X. thrax is a malady of warml .passion,. and concern, and. blooded animals, common to .'enthusiasm.- cattle. It is generally known ',i- NO CHASE as rhoof (foot) In mouthH ' ' If a Republican presi- disease. . -v dent had ; made those re- ' , When A m b a s s ado r? : jmarks at a black conven Young addressed the National-, -tion, he probably would have Urban League Convention he i been chased off the platform, .adjured them to be leery of ..What a difference a political those " who "attempt to ' party identify makes. ' generate dissention". RIGHT-ON He of v course was re- ' Vernon Jordan was (erring to those ware critical correct when he voiced dis of President Carter, and who ' satifactlon with President vocalize his failure to provide Carter's reward to black jobs for the "unemployable voterswhb assured his elec black youth; jmdJiousing for tionpEveH had b acks not the masses still lrvfitg in sub- voted for the President, the standard accommodations; pbserVatlorT of Inadequate re and federally , sanctioned sponsivenejs to the sock) abortions for mothers. : economic plight of ; black - PUNISHMENT America Is appropriate. , ' Open dissatisfaction with , ' President Carter and his the inadequate civfi rights Cabinet Membets have placed performance of President' the iblame. for inadequate Carter may carry a brutal commitment to alleviate the denial as punishment, similar dismal: problems W black to that imposed by, the America at the feet of Con Kremlin against so called gress. H? is partially correct. : Russian dissidents who cry . Yet too las accountability. .vl warning uie democrat von- gress can not , relieve mm oi his responsibility. ' . , THREAT President Carter during a private1 conversation cau- tioned Vernon Jordan that criticism of his Administra tion would ' damage v "the hopes and aspirations of poor people". This was not a veiled 5 1 know in this country, and ne pomts out: The : extensive bodyof case law; under Title VII ot - - r . the Civil RighUct of 1964 has clearly trans- formed the SegatJye duty - not to discriminate - into a' positive obligation. : ' Under the guise of defending merit systems that in reality do not exist, the opponents of affirmative. aion. are, in fact, attempting to maintain the unstated but traditional discrimi natory practices that result in the exclusion of blacks and other minorities from desirable jobs in every sector of the economy. A major factor in the resistance to new legal remedies is 'that white expectations, based on; . systematic denial of the rights of minorities, has become the norm. Thus, any alteration, of this , norm is considered 'reverse discrimination. "It should be evident that what is really in volved in the debate over Affirmative Action is not that blacks will be given , preference over whites, but that a substantial body of law now requires that discriminatory systems which operate to favor whites at the expense of blacks must be eliminated." We of the NAACP strongly believe that, as in j the past we can take the laws of this land and make" them, in time, apply not just, to some people who have white skin, .or to some who may have great wealth, or to some who have certain political or religious affiliations, but to all people, white, black, brown, yellow and red. We may lose a skirmish or two here and : there, a battle now and then, but in the great sweep of historic struggle the victory in war will belong to us. 't " I By VOII E. JOSDAII EXECUTIVI miCTOt NATIONAL URIAH LEAGUE . protected' prisoners and mental patients again ' st officiaTabuse and neglect. That record is unique among federal judges for the boldness of the decisions as well as for the fact that many of them preceded similar Supreme Court rulings. He wasn't just foDow ; tog in the path of the Supreme Court, he was deailrig creatively and constitutionally with key cases and set the pace. Behind that record is his bersonal integrity and rus courage.Becaiise ot his crvil nghts aeci- , sions he was onrficued. Friends stepped w . . .fi ling,; cranKS staneu cauuig, na Domo-imeuis meant , rpund4heclock police protection. A lesser man would have tailored his de cisions to meet the prevailing mood of his community. But Judge Johnson wasn't about to allow racists and fanatical segregationists . to influence his decisions,' even though it cost him heavily. , -, 1 ' . That kind of iron rectitude will come in handy when the flak starts flying as he tries to reform the FBI. And so will his devotion to , firm justice, proved by his refusal to treat government officials and white collar crimt nals more leniently than other criminal of fenders. - - S- Any man George Wallace once called "an integrating, carpetbagging, scalawagging, race mixing, bald faced liar" has to be pretty good. Judge Johnson will make an excellent FBI chief. v wow threat. J Rex Granum, deputy White House press secretary, said the President's comments were neither a "warning" nor a "reprimand". Contrary to vmat the President's loyal staff may aver, it was an unmistakable admonition, and intimidatioi of free thought by blacl America, reminiscent of be havior of a plantation' over seer. This black America mus remember. AMEN QbtGavc L, E. AUSTIN Editor - Publisher , 1927-1971 Publlihed every lnuiway (da tea Saturday) at ; Durham, N. C, by United Publishers, Incorporated. Mafling Address: P. O. Box 3825, Durham, North Carolina 27702. Office located at 436 EastPtttoew: Street, Durham, North Carolina 27701. Second Class Postage Paid at Durham, North Carolina 27702.. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year, $8.50 (phis $0;34 Mlei tax for North Carolina residents). Single copy, $0.20. Postal - regulatioiu REQUIRE , advanced payment on lubscnptioru. . Addresi all communications and make all checks nd money orders payable to THE CAROLINA TIMES. ' National Advertising Representative: Amalgamated -, Publishers. Inc, 45 West 45th Street, New York, New York 10036. r ; Member: United Press International Photo Service, National Newspaper Publishers Association, North ; Carolina Black Publishers Association, ' Carolina Community Newsservice., '. y-v ; Opinions expressed by, columnists in this news- paper do not necessarily represent the policy of this newspaper. This newspaper will not be responsible for the return of unsolicited pictures. )