a-THE CAROLINA TIMES SAT. MARCH 31. 1979 Caneor Pcltlont Sings Praisos of Lord BY MICHAELLE F. ROBERTSON DURHAM, N.C. - With hands clapping, feet stomping and eyes raised to heaven, the young gospel snger began to lead the faithful in singing the praises of the Lord. "It's a highway to heaven; none can walk there but the pure at heart; It's a highway to heaven an I'm waking up the King's highway." Ignited by her enthus iam, the congregation joined in. Soon everyone was up dancing, clapping and singing his way through the aisles of the church. To hear Barbara Rodgers belting out her favorite gospel tuns, and see her body stirrring to the music, you would never suspect she was anyting but the picture of health. But since August, 1972, . ms. Rodgers had been battling for her life against a rare form of cancer of the eye, adenoid cystic carcinoma of the orbit. "I don't feel bad about it," the singer said. "It (the cancer) has taken in a new direction in my life." "The Lord spared by life," she continued, "So I decided to dedicate what little talent I have to Him." Ms Rodgers has been singing since her grandmother put in the church choir at age 14. But only since her cancer was discovered has she struck out on her own. Accompanied by the piano by Onession Brooks and with Helen Peterson as back-up vocalist, the singer entertains primarly at churches, convalescent homes and hospitals in the Greenville, N.C. area. In the last few years, however, her reputation has spread. Now the career of the 26-yar-old Greenville native has reached new heights. She has recieved and accepted-invitations to to sing in churches in Washington, D.C. and New Jersey. "I use my. tinging to encourage people to go on," Ms. Rodgers aaid. Recently the singer's doctors found that her cancer had spead to her lungs. For one week every month, Ms. Rodgers travels to Duke University Comprehensive Cancer Center for chemotherapy (drug) treatments. There she continues to spead her gospel of faith and love through song.' Ac companied by Oren Marsh, coordinator for employee activities for the medical center, Ms. Rogers has twice sung to capacity crowds of patients and staff in the cancer center's facilty for hospitalized cancer patients. "When the that ol' doctor shakes his head, turn away from your bed," she sang, 'Try Jesus." Barbara Rodgers' smile is infectious, her faith and courage inspiring, her singing beautiful. She speaks of voices and dreams. One of those dreams is one day to cut her own records. At home in Greenville where she lives with her mother and six-year-old son, RaShaan, Ms. Rodgers poke of the many friend ships she has made during this battle against cancer, including that of Shirley Ceasar, grammy award win ning evangelist and Durham native. Long her idol, Ms. Ceasar and her mother, Hallie, have befriended the enttire Rodgers family. At home, too, are the brightly colored paintings she does as a hobby. Unable to hold down a full-time job and burdened with high medical bills, Ms Rodgers uses whatever materials he has available to do her, paintings. One canvas, done with bright blue and orange model paint and silver stars is a self portrait picturing the singer rising out of the clouds toward heaven. It was inspired, she said, by a dream. Ms. Rodgers is undaunted by the news that ' ' ' '" .III. I I . Ill M, ! .i...,,. , . .- K J .1 "T-nr ; . L-JL" 1 I 11 """ : ' wiiiIl mm- tf I I . i - in m m. J v.- . Safe mm iifHI o i LIFE SITUATIONS t ZCULIAn TO SliiGlE AGAIiJ PERSONS TO BE PROBED SCOUTS RECEIVE EAGLE AWARD - The Eagle Scout Award was presented to Ralph Vaughan, Jr., and Clark Eger ton, III, members of Exploer Post No. 65 of the White Rock Baptist Church, Durham at a recent Sunday morning service. The presentation was made by Prof. Frank Howard Alston, assistant prjncipal, Hillside High School (far right). Ralph Vaughan, Jr., (center), sort of Ralph Vaughan and the late Mrs. Vaughan, has his Award pinned on by Mrs. Rosetta W. Southerland and his father looks on, while Clark Egerton III, has his award pinned on by his mother and his father, also an Eagle Scout, admires the proceedings. J.W. Carrington (far left) is Explorer advisor. REV. C.R. STONE (inset), pastor of First Ledge Rock Baptist Church. A week of dedicatory services will be held April 9-13. Coronary Bypass Surgery Can Safely Eliminate The Use of A Blood Donor CLEVELAND, OHIO -A patient's own blood, care fully conserved during and immediately following cor onary - bypass surgery, can safely .eliminate 'the use of donor blood, a Cleve land Clinic surgical team reports. The team said that in 50 consecutive patients undergoing non-emregency coronary bypass surgery 47, or 94 per cent, re quired no donor blood or blood products during their her cancer has spead: "When they told me, a sweet peace came over me," she said. "There was no sadness or anger. "The Lord spared my life twice," she told the congre gation, "And now I've got a race to run." The good money's on Barbara. , entire hospital stay. "Three patients did receive donor blood or blood pro ducts but in a period more than 24 hours after sur gery. Dr. Delois M. Cosgrove, one of the team members, said using the patient's own blood eliminates the dan ger of hepatitis, a common complication resulting from donor blood, the risk of other infectious diseases, fevers and blood incom patibility. Dr. Cosgrove and his col-, leagues said that the blood conservation techniques used are a combination of those used elsewhere. Just after the induction of anesthesia, blood , was ' drawn from each of the SO patients and stored in a solution for later trans- T i s&m "lr siiiiiii fusicm. Bloodless solutions were infused into each patient to maintain the proper volume. The patients ranged in age from 33 to 75 years. "We also used various other methods to conserve blood," said Dr. Cosgrove. "Blood that was shed from the chest duirng surgery was recovered by suction and routed through a col lecting and processing system and saved for later transfusion." Cleveland Clinic heart surgeons said that since 1975 the use of donor blood among the average cardiovascular patient at the Clinic has dropped from 7.5 pints to approximately two pints. "In homologous (or (or donor) blood transfu sions it is generally accepted that there is one .death per 1 ,000. units, ot blood, one, cask,!cY;.('ctociaf:;ht per tOO'uhitsj and one cause os suspicious abnormal liver function for each 10 uhits," 'said Dr. Cosgrove. "When blood is transfused in large amounts, the risk increase." In addition to patient safety, the blood conserva: tion appraoch. which is also in use in orthopaedic and vascular ' surgery at the Clinic, helps ease the de mands on blood ranks. The Clinic team pre sented its findings at the annual meeting of the So ciety of Thoracic Surgeons in Phoenix, Arizona. The Cleveland Clinic Foundation is one of the world's largest privately funded medical centers. Its group practice staff of nearly 300 physicians and scientists provides specialty care for more than 2,500 patients each day. The in stitution has a 1008-bed hospital, extensive out patient facilities, a division of research and an institute for postgraduate and contin uing medical education that serves approximately 2,500 physicians annually. The lilac, a native of the Orient, was not introduced into Europe until the 16th century. DURHAM - Life situations peculiar to people who are single again as a . result of death of, or di vorce from, a spouse will be dealt with at a retreat for single again persons on April 20-22. The weekend event is sponsored by the Council for . Adult and Family Ministries of the Durham District, NC Conference of the United Methodist Church. It is open to all who qualify for single again status. Both ministers and lay people will have a leadership role in the meet ting which will be at Crane Crest Lodge at Camp Chestnut Rudge near Efland. A registration fee of $17.50 will cover lod ging and : meals from Fri day evening through Sun day noon. Participants are asked to register in advance, and to bring bedding for, camp cots. Interest areas for small and large discussion groups will include a session on the grief process for those still dealing with this aspect of loss, to be led by the Rev. Paul Mickey of Duke Divintiy School: a session on dreams and fantasies, to be led by Anne Brown, a Durham counselor; Christ ian assertiveness, which the Rev. Edgar Schambach of Grace Lutheran Church; parent-child issues, with Dr. Sally Feather of the Durham County Commun ity Mental Health Center; and a session on "fear of aging: myths and facts," led by Dr. Alan Whanger of the Duke Center for the Study of Aging. The Rev. Julie For ringer is chair for the event, and reservations chair is Ms. Harriet Lyon, 83-D Colonial Apts., Durham, NC. Re- quests for information, and or registration and fees should be sent to Mi. Lyon by April 15, The speakers bring varied backgrounds to their topics. Dr. Mickey has worked with singly again groups for several years. A gradifi!? of Harvard, he ,recijdw)hjbgraduate degree at Princeton Theologicai Seminary. He joined the Duke faculty in 1970 and is now associate professor of pastoral theology, and is widely published in his field. Mickey also serves as chairman of the board of Good News. Brown, a counselor and training consultant in pri vate practice in the Triangle area, will lead a work shop In which participants . will discuss how to remem ber dreams; explore their meanings and learn to in tegrate dream messages with one's waking life. She has done a great deal of work with both in-and out-patient groups. The Rev. Mr. Schambach is a recent graduate of Christ Seminary-Seminex in St. Louis and serves as assistant pastor at Grace Lutheran Chruch. He has special training in developing lay caring mini stries of which one emphasis is Christian assertive behavior, which is his work shop area for the retreat. Dr. Feather, pyschological services director for the Durham Mental Health Center and visiting lecturer at Duke, was one of the early mem bers who organized Solo Parents in Durham, and in the subsequent Parents Without Partners chapter she serves as psychological adviser. In her present pos ition, she is involved in marital and divorce coun seling, often involving the whole family; and she has led two "beyond divorce" groups. . A graduate , of Duke University and its Medical School, Dr. Whanger is senior fellow at the Duke Center for the Study of Aging and an associate professor psychia try. He has written exten sively on the subject, as will as served as workshop leader on problems in aging. He will help single again people explore their fears of facing old age alone. The retreat will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Friday with registration, a fellowship ' period and small group dis cussion. The Saturday workshops will alternate with small group discussions and recreations. On Sunday morning, there will be a final discussion period and a closing worship ser vice before lunch. i ' You don't have to borrow your neighbor's copy of THE CAROLINA TIMES Call Today 682-2913 (oinini(U)lnl My ET(oD fefelpfeln mm mm mm mm W UW 0)fO mm mn) ' f (!) m & ) ,r j t , ' s 9 0 1111 Jill 1 T ' There are times itls extremely difficult it from rcom to room. For only 80? a month, to drop what you're doing to go answer the.. , Come to the GTE Phone Mart today. Pnone,p , , ' , pick up your new phone. And take It home So instead of going to the phone, bring ; with you. . the phone to you. You can have an extension , You don't have to be a big spender to phone In any room In your home. 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