ft ; l-'i'. ;Y I ljst il Il i " u ;,v- 4 S RJR Jo Help Promote UT.tFCSUZAaY7.1831 THE CiUCUKA TIMES 3 Developing Administrative Grads MS. NEGLETHA JONES kwnncel!AGEHT J X. MNVMVWKMr .It Your ldepende I viranceAqe is 'rained - ha.d a a :t V'tir iisura. ce ee'ls Life Heal'h H new crs ' J solve your I nsurance pr -ble s. ra . vr.i drne.den- Insurance Agen- odayl Bob Wallace yw j Unhn Insurance and Reai y C- reurese a r e 2515 Apex Highway (NCHwy 55) 0 596-8102 , 596-8103 Nif s M-51 ; gaj Register Now For The January - May Semester At The Studio Dance School KayfcC 2509 E. Weaver St. Phone 688-6961 1311 S. RoxboroSt Bus: 682-6382 Tentative Class Schedule: Saturday Tuaiday u.Ho..iUw 10-11 lajW 5.6 Tra Ballet JSgfa. Tap 11' M Bag TP. M AdttBEMfC,M JOO WrW Jazz 4:00-5:30 Toa 9-6 Bag. 8allt 0-7 Adult BaUat or Techniqua Adults interested in daytime classes please call to make the request. : GREENSBORO-Jh'e oil and gas industry , is overlooking valuable source of prospective pro fessionals when it recruits .solely . fro, '. schools ' specializing in petroleum -studies, the chief executive? of Aminoil USA, Inc. told North Carolina A&T University -! educators recently. Discussing petroleum career opportunities with A&T officials, George E. Trimble, who heads tthe energy unit of R.J. Reynolds Industrrics, Inc., said the meeting , represented the begining of an expanded Aminoil program to seek and assist in developing ad-, ministrative and techinical graduates from schools j that do not specialize in' petroleum studies. "This visit is particular ly significant to me sisce it represents AinoiPs initial step in an intensifies effort to seek out prospective professionals at predominantly black schools which do not offer degrees in the petroleum disciplines," Trimble said. "I believe that the petroleum industry is overlooking a valuable source of potential ad--ministrative and technical talent when it recruits solely from those tradi tional institutions that focus on petroleum studies," he aded. A&T State University offers several degrees in engineering and business administration, although petroleum engineering is not among the university's areas of specialization, Trimble said his com pany's development pro gram would enable non petroleum ' technical degree graduates to 'convert" to petroleum engineers. Trimble added that graduates holding business or finance degrees provide almost '. immediate value to a com pany sisce little additional formal training is re quired. t Trimble said that the current levels of oil and gas exploration and pro- ' dUctiori .activities," which ! ) point siscetne lyxs.nave I placed a heavy burden on ' the pool of professionals available for careers in the i oil industry. He said j minorities blacks and i women currently repre-, ' sent a very small persntage of the industry's profes sional, particularly in the specialized fields of geology, geophysics and petroleum engineering. Trimble said that his 'company's new program will make it possible o take a person graduating with a mechanical; engineering degree such as .,'1- that offered at A&T and provide exten sive training to prepare that person for a career in petroleum operations. Aminoil, which is the nation's third largest in dependent oil company, is Jieadquarted if Houston, Texas, and engages primarily in domestic ex ploration and production, although it also has foreign operations. In ad dition, Aminoil also pro cesses and sells natural gas liquids; markets crude oil, natural gas ans petroleum products; and develops and supplies geothermal Steam. Trimble said that the company's wide-ranging operations ofer careers in , an industry that has a : relatively low potential for unemployment in the long term. He said that Aminoil's ongoing affirmative ac tion program has increas ed the company's utiliza tion of minorities in job categories ranging from blue 'collar asignments at exploration and produc-j tion sites to managerial! fiositions at Aminoil acilities throughout the ; country. Trimble said that in ad dition to the intensified ' recruiting program. Aminoil is providing' minorities' and women more opportunities to be exposed to the company's .operations ' before graduating from college. Under a summer intern program, an individual may have the opportunity to wok at onshore sites or offshore platforms, possibly becoming an; engineering aide, perform-, ing calculations and tak ing on an indiviidual assignment. The intern program also, provides op portunities for career development in financial and other business ad ministration posit kins. - "This type training pro vides early exposure to the nature of our business and enables him or her to more smoothly plot a career path," Trimble said. R.J. Reynolds In dustries, with head quarters in Winston- Salem, is the parent com pany ft R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.; Del Monte Corp. (processed foods, beverages and fresh fruit); R J. Reynolds Tobacco International. Inc.; Aminoil USA, Inc. (energy); Sea-Land In dustries Investments. f.. wiUimH . I.J si NCCU DANCE GROUP r The Black Student Alliance and the Duke University Union present ANGELA B0 FILL a ii t. n r . . j , n i m Of. J 1 ATWOOLWORTH WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Knitting Yarns 177 SKEIN 4-ply Irosted or worsted acrylic yarns. 7-oz. skeins. "Squire" Blankets 72x90" non-woven polyester blan kets In gold or browa Laundry Detergent BOX 147-oz. box of heavy-duty nophos- pnanpowaer. f 1 Horl effective m0i f Wi Affl J thru., 0O 14x50" Door Mirror 01 Plate glass mirror with walnut finish plastic frame. nzzssf aza ftssart Hcori Poodorlzern I ...d hiTyZLT . I nrasn piastic frame. I J;;', f' ' 1. ,s ,s , ; 1'S9 knee ni " ' k 5cxl0rffc8lt, rT':.. u, "in ii lf--"-- - - -. , irnfinrtil1liilliWfiiii nwiirrurr 1 i" "' )' T. - s cf 43 sheets. OifTV t'; i.i dryer to re Vr t JC3 static cling. FCH t In Concert Monday, February 16, 1981 Page Auditorium Two Shows -7:30 & 10:30 All Seats Reserved $6, $7, $8 Tickets on sale at: ' Page Box Office ' School Kids Records, Raleigh Also Appearing: One Real Band ;Abrm Clocks flc or travel ,;.rff:u ! arm clocks. feMH Vaseline,,, II. r Intensive Care Bath Beads i&oz. size with 17 Polyester Double Knits First aualltv. m 60" wide, In spring colors. II YD. 4 v UshtCuIsa. Usi75t mail-in " yomrtNAtcOsr ' 7C m, Vi.'vv -vT"-- . . ' Il orkno.i. . i WW : 6-Roll Pack Toilet Tissue , Batteries with Free Flashlight Buy a 5-pack, -m m Sta5eU 11 shlight U '0mm. a " j CO Lorraine v-KaxIPads-;: Cs!t:asa fenv . ' I-Ir9 napkins. , , - t") minis 1.1T U 2i t- ... 25 Feet of Diamond Foil Standarch JTti aluminum foil r QloMpIt! AT WOOL WORTH a aaaa ,:..(UT"f-faT.l C ) yjSA Lakewood Shopping Center 124 W. Main St. iuy vrmt ccxFiSDirc MTCfACTlCJI fiUAKAJmia!