; :.ClV.Oi-DUrii!i...):r., -: , . - Fincnslil A!J fcr DTI Tfco University cf llcrth CarcHna '? W' ' :VC;r'- -?JA.-Vw: k The t5uto Eir?!oymcnt and TiaWna C";cs fs jae. -f-"' ' ' 'sir'' ' . tln3 ;?3ea5on lor sponsorship In a fo:inij7bor of ;vCnCDCl Hill , s If, ? ' f II lf. '-""V;' curriculums at Durham Technical Inst.iut3. ;k "- - .! r "w , .r . K' r;-? (.t,J kJ :-Jr:;;j' Muctbjaissidentof Du to City or Pcunty K:i hawdtt Sacr?!artalCtoiical epanlBgi: ta- r ;M ,'v - Ve - Must ba enrolled in a DTI Curricu'um or ( - i - a ClCrkJyp:;t (III) ' V ' - ZVL::AXVZC: S 'J Eaacceptsd for curriculum study. Summer " ' "Tvcltt fllll ' ;.Tj-""-ri in $rs i:;Mr-y tsi j : "Z8".-; ; v t-1 Secretary (III) E' 'wVr -"'-thV Pxrt-TIr.3fp.ara-TI.T.3 ; M ri H-nr-:3ra., ; ;j ,j Deadline nVri 981 ' Jr - ' -' Fc$K'.:n$ ; - , . i" i bVrftYr.h'.iui. o ; . i - CespIstisit of high school ccurti work and ono year of VU''' 7 " CETAdoes-notdiscriminataenthobasisofhanfiJcapln ctertedtiporlcnMioriaocalvEnlcoKfelRStJoaofoduca- '"ri r -R3rt!MSa!itt1,1S) V:,) the admission of any programs or activities." s t , C;a lad txperianci. Vanad tkfiU anif kaowtedgas of i 1 ;PCU;:SC.TE: 2 ?j;lt$f V . f ? ' An Equal Opportunity AHirmativa Action Employer. - Cit:i petftans art: audlcal iarminaiasy, dictaphont, H r i ' " . '-"v4 r ' - - ""' " ' "l"ny 8" ! Tr ! - ttraaa typing akSs, ttaSeScai typing, itascard, book- , UctJqi'lpr.: (Jp;nt:rJ f , . VV , '5 : , :k:spiV cceu " fi4 contact. Salary LV5 Ai$a!Wat10'r-: T -MdntanSnCO r.lCS Cn S - , s nzzUm-tim. fkahaaritetomaofthapart. -' CEt'LrstATE- Kfi 12t J'm ? " . - . ' tapoaKanaara1:C3D..to5:Mp.w. Part-tteioaalary rT,- , :V - CompU'anol grammar ichsal and tWoyaarf ariosca In I taaga;. 14,410 -$5,254, ; r .4 -r CCJtCrvVStcrniAniStr -4 1 pert arclig a vsrteJy of taskt to tea KaJntawsw and repair ' ' , e,--.im .-fJ,rf.H5;w2,Jw - ' ipast ana fcuSdina trade skQ on tta Jottrcy work bvaU or ' - , ConspteSioii of high school courje work and two years of C-M5tp fii(S,U'i' ; j- t1 ; aaa;3toaaitlnatianoJ training and axparlaaca.' a" ' clartwl lecratarW axperiottco; or in tqulvitant com tr ixi'-WiiKnAmtrWArT' 1 ' ' J 1 perienca In waste water traatraant helpful, toy ran;: WMttciirtadu fps IXFv, AT5 Jl AS.? ATrupATL KfTCT. , , '$11,428 15,253. , - wd kitowledgo of medical tarmlnofogy haipfuL Salary V v .Mf1?; ; ; .-.v: - ranga: 3fl0.&0 . v .V C)iHlCSIk7 ' , , "''Mappflcatiaop - iV? : 5B,-tK2l-:? ' . iiiinn M-tVlis 111 fatiigraw HaB, UNC, Chapel HSU, NC 27514. 'pi. iimmt esw4v.ii)Cw .4 HVAC Mechanic w "' 4t:.:: -An EgJ3l Cyg8rtanityAf;irm CF y A V$ v (HaatSng.V0na( f QUAL OPPORTUNITYAFFIDIIATIVE j;.,,,. V .,JW7.. r, v, .,,,.1,.. ! , i i ii ' . AirCondiaoalngj - ' - : f 1 ACTOMCnflTlllffiV. . - vf ' . ' x l , , vIXThn .ir JteMM Pnanco; or an equivalent combination of educatinn and n.!!!nfl Addnii- iJj!!m P. SaHari Ji t'X .fflM.? !5?lK w , owarlanca. Uuit have knowledoo of techniques used in nrvr "V? ih mft, Ur- rynng. ,u9,H,wir. ,; . ' wtema anahjsU and daalon. Exp v i H v , SSfi?m v ' rew HaV UNC. Chapel HllVk . 27514. Ji 6 Mrch v ... , y . Durham, 7T10.; ) -em riiim ftpaTimirYMcrigttfiic prrtny Family Ilurso Fr rT XX Cva yaara axpartesea as cart cf adsTs aai ct-rsa.l erftca te tamTy pin!ng aad tsscsg stsicta a teat staff Reeded. Experiaact to mm area !. ft; avaSatto aa cSnical aaslatact arafsssor to s Ccrrtrri af Pediatrics, cantact Dr. Frisk Lada, Capartsast af Parries; -229-H, UNC School of Kadidsa, Ckspef K3 NX. 27314. The Uarveralty of Nordi CareSna at Csapaf KS H as AT authre ActkmEqual Employment Cpportubty lx$3fv. S !l8f 69 g 3 I 11 t City Of Durham 1W0 WEEK CAlfNOAa turn 1-12, 1881 Tfee Dwtam CM CmmcO tril Md a motor 7:3ap.a. bUMCiy CwmdCkdiibtrtfCiTHM. nwwanlufi to Mm pablc. cny bovmmoi aMOifi tcMdatod larvf tNMttM Mtt MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1901 NEW HORIZONS PROGRAM AO HOC COUlf fTTEE - v i , NOTICE TO MIN0RITfpplS5SE!l'S;t.''-T ; ' ' f vV"' 1 WSINESS ENTERPBlSf aHfTRACIORS - f ' - - - - P$ycho3ducat(onal TJiqrapist. fVj1"',.'' s.uwW'r-f '. f, ; (Part'TlmaZOHauraK ' ' 116 want? sufiips OMTHE foiHO pA)Ct Compiptian of cclisse course work to ipecfe! adycst!aa, . 'rUni y:7'r : vly.Widhood education,'; psyeboioM,' apeach and - "SB!ffl VV" : language, or related held and tao yaara of ralstadteacbing i 'aK'WiOJaei tai '.V'Hlv, o xandor thoripeutifi experience; or an aaulvaiant cemblna, , W'; Vf s-p fend eduction ind experience. WorkWvestsaching, i fi?r3Sr rrTrT? , ; from isychosja. autism: and related commuaicaSoai - V'f v , v plication please contact the Employment Civi:!on, lit Pet- ' earthvrtrkttone, paving, fonclno. seeding, sencfete JnWnjction, , tira HaSI. UMC. Chanel K!!l. KC .27514. 833.2291. Wf' "" Tffv 'T WT, ' b EfiuAL 'OPPORTUNITYAFRRMATIVE ACTWJi: f erience with high level and FORTRAN, projects. Salary Computer Systems ' Analyst IV ComplsHon of college course work with a major in com pKtor science, maw or related field and four yaara ax perisaca In computer systems anaylaia; or an equivalent combination af education and experience- Must be famiEar wfth concepts of data cammuncationa, interactive aarvicoa and remote lob dntryi Experiencd with microcom- putara deababla. Supervisory experience helpful. Salary - ? " ; j .. i :'... " - 1 -I' For an application pleaso cantact the Employment Division, 111 Pattigraw Hall, UNC, Chape) Hill, NC 27514. EQUAL DrTOnTUNITTArrlnMATIVc ( ACTION EMPLOYER 1 - 500 1 5:00 p.m. 7:30 p.a. 10:00 a.m. 10:15 a.a. 3:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 2:15 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 2:15 p.m. 7:30 p.. Hal Ltbbv 1st Hmt) COMMUNITY CONCERNS SUBCOMMITTEE OF HUMAN RELATIONS IParsaami BrtoflM Raw IttFtoar) ITY COUNCIL MEETIN8 (City CmkI Chamber 1st Ftosr) TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1981 PLANNING 0 ZONING COMMISSION (City CmiikK Ckambars 1st Ftosr) COUNCIL SUBCOMMITTEE ON ED6EM0NT COtt MUNIH (Cwnd Commlttea Rama 2nd Ftosr) CETA ADVISORY COMMITTEE SCsund CaamMsa Raam 2nd Ftosr IUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION (City Coancl Chambers 1st Ftosr) WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3. 1981 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE (Caunel Committee Ream 2nd Ftosr) THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1981 FINANCE COMMITTEE tCeunel CemmRtea Roam 2nd Roar) IECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Person net Briefing Ream 1st Ftosr) FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1981 SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD (Inspections Conference Room 3rd Ftosr) MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1981 PUBUC WORKS COMMITTEE (Caunel Committee Ream 2nd Ftosr) cr mZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Personnel Briefing Room 1st Ftosr) TUE5DAY, JUNE 1, 1981 10:00 a.m. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (Councl Committee Room 2nd Ftoar) WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1981 NO MEETINGS THURSDAY, JUNE 11. 1981 10:00 a.m. COMMITTEE-OF-THE-WHOLE (Councl Commlttea Roam 2nd Ftosr) FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1981 8:30 a.m. SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD (Inspections Conference Room 3rd Ftosr) NOTE: Al meetings are bald In the CHy HaB. 1B1 City HaB Plaza, unless otherwise indicated. Additional meetings may be scheduled after this 1st Is submitted tor pubncaUoo. Free parking is avalabia daring On Council Meeting in the Chapel HH Street Parking Garage, located across Mangum Street from City Hal. The audio porttoa af toe meeting it atos carried Hvo on CABLEVlSlON CHANNEL 8. Any citizen wishing to bo heard an agenda matters, please cal 883-4166, City Clark's Office, to place your name an the speakers 1st. SAVE THOUSANDS OFDOttARS r ""in THURS FRI. SAT .xy'r.fTf m J r"""p" ,Tl"ll' mm mmmm nBmwejsjsjfjs -mm, nmjJlHo' ''M&BiMMti& FRq SATo 3 BIG DAYWWG LOCATIONS & 7 EXCITING CAR LINES . e A W-.V". ' m n . mm ' " a v - M " i mm - a ."-. e mm.m mx 'vjyi'i i aniiacs.vQivos. tionaas, tviazaas ana rora cars & Trucis on aispiay at coqqin Fiaza ON THE SPOT FINANCING AI13.99 APR AVAILABLE TO QUALIFIED BUYERS :(":. -' T i.: in i . .1.1111111 I ' - 'f il " ' - -y A r;.:i.jP i J."7' " ier:, Wt.cVj r.-. v .r' v- h al n 1 "M ' J'.". I- ' K.H!if.M'--".? Ps v il i vi- is v..m 'V5 'ft 'Sifi.a. ff. II ir -r; -wTV ,to fen 1 :M?si4Jai tbt A 1 ' 'fx'frbllr'. 'i':L:vV.:' ftv;v: V.'t' " ;;V. 40S4 MA7DAS ipf SAVE UPTO Coggin ; Plaza - lrahtfoBenlngb TheGallery v - ;-v - comesic'e.telion6en)c : th trufy magnificent art of r . : ' X ytno otoos OM'rtPnd'fO omtf: .' V':aconsmen'j0'ijhiqw ; : :;i'on( beiulifuleMvt'onlinM; ' Y-Yi CHS'Wlec?iplv2rhtOllr: 3 IhM'sdoy; Fridoyonci Saturday ,.CaltiVvtenca iAakcerttfplheciiehf :' ;t i'; 9 j? ompifte ort supply haute -.ym) MtiymirH) to ltw crtslx; .?;:;.evjtpi tromino to prints: :,.; v , . 5 :'6haio0feph;pwpid eHiaes ; ; : v aiDldmoi and an vchji other nrt. t: tospridofordcAlt-v;v:v'i,: . :8uwiioi'Fram i-X V Ihii' f f idoV on Saturdcfl poMjc .JV V4.iairlistoaM 'Hrtwsptcng tneti'wctri' ''HcpnlylfyPu,hOvt'm"vvPv' f;ii .HPppoHuniVto buy tomvk--fH '-if bett Pftpndaos:;;'S-. r"- -i - in the cPunV. but olio mt ":::'v '?ttQetpftpt;pW ? 6nd.ptonmn thmfivs.' v- j; ' 1 " "i i SAVE ON INTEREST! SAVE ON PRICE INCREASEI SAVE WITH HUGE CASH DISCOUNTS! 1901 IHUNPcRBIRDS up to v9e4U uplo Pric Incfpcs Savings Cash Discount 520 'UPK.M203 TOTAL SAymos uplo H003 191SRANADA$ 191 MUSTANGS P9$1E$PpRT$ ; IWtlMON15 . 1931 FORD PICKUPS up to '662 J939 -wtoH601 up to 395 .upoHl3S -upioH530 up to $431 'UpfO H462 up to 355 to H 02 3 -up o 3 70 up to $294 i"- YV. uplo H036 -,2iZO l--yr:i9di HONDAS ltlwi-increase iB0af tHo; hortaf e 1982 FORD EXP CASH DISCOUNT UP TO CASHS1, "II' fWIi- M;rh .'.K'.-ir.,-. T'.vr-1; V J

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