a &.yo?i.pnSably know' following a grent d:I cf detate.ttie House and the Senate approved Mr. Reagan s tax cut proposal. And at this juncture I want to jom with all Americans in the hope that this tax package will achieve the goals that the President has . outlined accelerated economic growth, more jobs for Americans, and lower rates of inflation. Tne basis of the President's tax oronosal is the old ie to, which holds that by giving wealthy individuals and large businesses huge tax reducr tipns and breaks, the benefits will eventually be passed town trt tn ounnn. ..!.:. . . . . . "7 -'v66 wuiMnjj citizens, unioriunaieiy . this theory has failed in the past and, I fear, will fail jigara. ; . .. ... . The hallmark of the Administration's tax proposal is a across the board tax reduction for all individual ' taxpayers, However, . many Americans, particularly those who called and wrote urging passage of Mr. ' Reagan s proposal, will be disturbed to find less extra" cash in their pockets than they had expected. That's Did you know that the use and nfisuse of automobile account for more cases than anything else in our courts ' today? ' - - .. - t No one likes to think about what heshe will do the next time heshe is involved in a car accident. It is not pleasant. But whether you know about them or not, there are certain moral and legal responsibilities that one has tp fulfill and certain legal rights one has that should be protected when one is driving and has an acci- 1 dent. ,. 1) STOCpS 8 b"ef Hs! ,f.these rihts and responsibilities: ; ' Worth Carolina law says that if you're in a car acci-" ; dent resulting in injury, death, or property damage, you have to pull over and stop right away. - 1 ' 2) HELP THE INJURED. - ' : f The first thing you have to do after stopping your car ' : is to check to see if anyone is hurt. If anyone is hurt bad ly, .try to get a doctor or call an ambulance, whichever is quicker... . ... .,.r : .:,:. - -fr'M Make the injured person comfortable but dont move him unless you know what you're doing. The law says that you have to give any injured person the basic help he needs or asks for, including carrying or getting him carried to a doctor or hospital. JIPROTECT THE SCENE. Do whatever you can to prevent further accidents. If you" can, have someone warn other cars as they ap proach. If it is night, use a flashlight, flares or reflec tors. . A Tax Break For Whom V, By Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins $AT.,Al':u$T15.i:31 because for those who earn less than $20,000 a year, the tax cut which passed will only slightly outpace higher . Social Security levies and the impact of people being . pushed into higher tax brackets by inflation. s . Moreover, although President Reagan claims that this is a "fair and equitable" tax policy, the fact of the mat ter is that 33ft of the tax cuts will go to the 5.6 of the population earning in excess of $50,000 a year. At the same time, the average family with an annual income of $20,000 will see their taxes reduced by less than $600 in 1984, with even less of a tax decrease in the first two years of the cuts. On the other hand, families with in-, comes of $100,000 a year, will see their taxes slashed by almost $6,000. To put it differently, those families who : earn five times as much as the national average will be given a tax cut ten times as large. . It is hoped by the Administration that taxpayers will invest this extra source of cash in productive enterprises, thus providing needed capital for increase economic; growth and job opportunities. Indeed, this is a basic, foundation of the Administration's economic recovery plan. However, there is no guarantee that this will act' Plain Talk About The Law : What To Do In Case Of An Auto Accident By Billy Aronson 4) CALL THE POLICE. The law says that you have to call the local police if the accident is within the city limits, or the county' sheriff or highway patrol if it isn't, as soon as you can. '. Even if there don't appear to be any injuries, it is good to have an officer check out the situation. His of-; ficial report may help you later if anyone makes claims that the accident was your fault. ri ; 5) EXCHANGE INFORMATION, i ' The law says you have to give your name and address, the registration number of your car, and show your driver's license number to the other driver or injured person, and that the other driver must do the same for you. ... : h But don't admit or sign anything, even if you think you're in the wrong. You may not be, and your admis sion might end up being costly. ? 6) HELP THE OFFICER. Stay at the place where the accident happened until the officer gets there, unless you're injured. Give the of ficer the facts, but remember that no one can force you to give an opinion about the cause of the accident. You have the right to talk with a lawyer before making that kind of statement. " ;'vr';:; - Get the names and addresses of all people who saw what happened or have any information about it, and, have them write down what they know. 8) TAKE NOTES. Write down notes to yourself about everything that happened: Make a drawing showing where the cars end ed up after the accident and include as many important distances, such as the lengths of skid marks, as you can. If someone there has a camera, take as many pictures of the situation as you can. Be sure that later you'll be able to point on the road to where the cars crashed and where they finally stopped. 9) ARRESTS. If you're arrested at the scene of the accident it doesn't mean that the accident was your fault, and the arrest can't be used against you later if the other person tually be the case. Lower and middle income workers may well see their tax reduction as a chance to wipe out some of their ever increasing personal debt. By the same token, wealthier taxpayers, with more to invest, have shown no inclination in recent years to invest their in come in productive enterprises. Instead, their cash is go ing into non-productive investments such as diamonds - and real estate. There k no reason to believe that they will do any differently with this increased income. . Thus, we do not have the rosy outlook promised by the Administration.. The great body of workers will be forced to use their tax reductions just to keep their heads above water. There is no certainty that the ' wealthy will invest their do Cars in job-producing enter prises. The entire individual tax cut, hailed as a precur sor to an economic boom, is, in fact, a giant gamble with the weH-being of our economy and our citizens. ' Those who claim that we should give the President's- plan a "chance' forget that if it fails, the results will be catastrophic. -i takes you to court to make you pay for damages. 10 WHEN TO LEAVE THE SCENE. You should leave only after you've helped anyone who was hurt, protected the scene of the accident, called and assisted an officer, exchanged information with the other driver, gotten statements from witnesses, and made notes and diagrams for yourself. 11) SEE A DOCTOR. Remember that serious injuries don't always cause bloodshed or pain right away. 12) INFORM INSURANCE COMPANY. Make a complete report to your insurance company right away, or have your lawyer make the report. 13) PAY NOTHING. Don't pay anything to the other driver, and don't promise to pay anything. The other driver can't make you pay anything or hold your car without legal action. 14) COMPLY WITH THE FINANCIAL RESPON SIBILITY LAW. If your , car has to be registered and licensed in this state you have to either have liability insurance or post a bond or certificate of self-insurance with the state. How many of these rights and responsibilities did you know? They are all vital to anyone who drives. Because automobile cases generally involve criminal law, or are fee-generating, North State Legal Services attorneys may not handle them. But NSLS does have free pamphlets with more detailed information about auto accident procedures, and accident information forms which you can fill out at the scene of an accident, at any of its offices. Jackson Pushes Coke Campaign Before Medical And Insurance Group Speaking in Atlanta, Coca-Cola's head quarters, Rev. Jesse Jackson, national presi dent of Operation PUSH, told the National Medical and National Insurance Associations that black people "must now focus on the private economy in a new ana intense , way mand side jobs and consumer protection. We must have affirmative ac-' tion on the supply side our share of ownership, wealth and control." Lastly, Jackson explain ed, "We , must demand from these corporations an economic development plan and a development , Coping . Racism: Part VIII Destroying the Black Self Image By Df . Charles W. Faulkner The black self-image is fragile and limited. The blackblack's are portrayed as officials of major corporations child has fewer things in which to take pride than the white child. Where the white child can take pride in see ing a steady stream of white personalities on television, the black child receives a steady dose of inferiority. The inferiority is indirect, unspoken and subtle. No i one on TV says, "Blacks are dumb and ugly," but the message is delivered nevertheless subsconsciously: the few black' who do : appear on television, are cast asv r j .. formula Th v rflarm , comSre T&SXl Peking, ; NkSSwi rStfS JiserneiUs glorify Ion, jghtv b ond America has with cor porate America." . Jackson said, "Reagan has driven black Americans from the public economy with his purging of government programs, services and jobs. He has performed radical surgery without anesthesia on black and poor people. But even here, we must not despair. We still have 17 million eligible voters, and the en tire Congress (435 members), plus 33 senators, must come back before black voters within a year. We are the margin or difference for many of the Democratic con gresspersons who voted for the Reagan budget cuts. Many of them are already pleading with us to take their names off the political dishonor rolls, for without the black vote they cannot go back to Congress in 1982. So our political vote still has power." Arguing that there are three principles that must be applied in the renegotiation of the rela tionship with corporate America, Jackson said, "Reciprocity, not merely generosity, must be the ordex-of the day. We can no longer allow companies just to set up a minority budget that' is really nothing but an appendage to their business; just distribute banquet tickets; just provide a feW people ....'it. USmW tricihtfitu ' IrtKc Coca-Cola in Lagos, and Mexicans run Coca-Cola in Mexico is because you cannot get into their com munities I without .' a development plan and for mula. Just to have' jobs and no pay is slavery. Jobs and no ownership is col onialism. Only when there is a formula or develop ment can you move to a just foundation. Every underdeveloped . nation demands a development formula structured into the relationship. "The reason why the ef fects of the poverty pro grams started under the Great Society have not had a more lasting effect on us is because the use of monies for development was literally illegal. It was illegal to develop us. The programs sustained us, they gave us necessary fish from day-to-day, but they would not put money aside for us to own hair: blacks are seldom featured in. commercials; no fishing rod or the industry itself," Jackson con tinued. 4 - , To a rousing ovation and approval, - Jackson said, "Black America, as a third ? jwJrld' nation' within the-fndustrialized world, must demand . a development plait and for ; mula. We are the most; overfed . . and underdeveloped people in the third world. That is t "We have gone' from slavery to the Muzorewa principle. Now we must move to the Mugabe prin- ciple. ilhat is, , the dif- ference between ; Bishop , Muzorewa and .Robert . Mugabe was not 5 their . blackness or their commit ment to black people, but the rules under which they would operate. We cann not settle for new rulers who happen to be black, we must have new rules i that guarantee iselrV determination. We must function under new rules, - which include a new for j mula for development. 4 ThAcn'mnifMiiiiM who' nr unwilling to negotiate under the new rules and apply a development for-, mula must be' dealt with accordingly Black people must Use their $140 billion a-; in disposable income as a national director of the" , Coke campaign, Joseph Gardner r at Operation PUSH, 930 East 50th , Street, Chicago, . IL. '60615, or call him on the special Coke Hot-Line, 312373-4100. J lever for liberation. If .they will not comply, we must engage in a radical .withdrawal . of our con sumer support for them." Although, the Coke campaign is still in its ear-, ly stages, already Cong. , Parren . Mitchell, Cong. 1 Walter Fauntroy, chair' man of the Congressional Black Caucus; ',. Delta Sigma Theta, Sigma Gam-: ma' Rho.i Bishop H.H; with high visibility jobs; km4 nAndnua cosmetics, rather than j substance. We must no longer be an appendage i to, we have to be a part of. Also, black executives must not nolo oeaaena jobs, but must be in line for succession according to their ability. Presently, if the: entire corporate structure of most of these corporations were to col- ( lapse, they would import a foreigner before pro moting a black to the top because our jobs are not in line for succession. ' ' Secondly, Jackson said, "We must focus on the 'supply side' as well as the 'demand side of the economic ledgers It is not enough to have affir mative action on the de- because we do not have a : Brookins, president of. the ' formula for. development !' AME Bishops' Council; which would allow us to : Ben Branch, president of America's Music and u share on the supply side. V' V 4 fiAvin that that is what tithe Coca-Cola "economic withdrawal - of 'enthusiasm" campaign is v all about, Jackson said, ,,MTbe Coca-Cola struggle is articulating these goals and employing these prin ciples. We're still deman-- ding affirmative action on ; ' the job side. We want our fair share of jobs, vertical-1 ly .-and horizontally, decision-making jobs, and jobs in line of succession to top management. But on the. supply side, we are ' demanding our fair share vof - i ownership, ' . of wholesalerships, bottler distributorships, our share of, our money in black banks, the use of black lawyers,! black doctors, " black advertising V firms . and our share of philan- Entertainment Hall of Fame,- Inc.; and, Mayor ,Hatcher. of the J.S. Con ference of Black Mayors have.already joined in the. fighti according to Rev. ' B.W. Smith, chairman of PUSH Selective Patronage Council. Rev. ' Smith ? said press con , ferences were being held ; around the nation j and telegrams were being sent to the Coca-Cola Com-, pany in: support of the PUSH campaign. He said anyone wishing to join in. the National Selective Patronage - Campaign should contact PUSH'S , 1 World progress would tnoye faster if people would talk less and work harder. The message is clear to the black child who watches television for an average of four hours each day. No one said that blacks are inferior. But, the logical mind of thhe child arrives at the conclusion without much effort. The child's mind becomes easily conditioned to the nor malcy of seeing whites portrayed as superior and blacks ' portrayed as inferior. No one makes such a verbal state--: rrient but no one has to..n-; iRi!i;wv:?ti ' Mnl t F"ffls.isdlfflfaritti& beginsarh for4ne black child and is completed before the child attends school. The condi tioning is so complete that the child actually considers it unusual and abnormal to observe a black person in a prestigious position either on the television screen or in real life, v ' . Watching Fred Sanford make a fool of himself amuses the black child who laughs heartily. Little does the child realize that heshe is laughing at himselfherself. The amusement transfers from (1) television to (2) real life to (3) other blacks to (4) himselfherself. The black person on TV represents the "real" black at least in the mind of the black observers and the black person begins to react to himself, and other blacks, with amusement. Being inferior is "normal" for blacks and the response becomes conditioned and sub conscious. The reaction is automatic and blacks regard each other with the same amusement and contempt. We think "blacks sure are silly." After a while, however, being black ceases to be amusing when the black child grows up to adulthood and discovers, unfortunately, that being black means re jection. It means that the person with a dark skin will have a difficult time getting a job, will be treated dif ' ferently in every aspect of endeavor. Being black changes, then, to self-hatred. The responses that were produced and conditioned in very early childhood surface and control the behavior of the ' adult. Thus, the child who has for years observed blacks in inferior roles adopts the conditioned jresponses.of an inferior individual and automatically behaves in the same manner often without realizing it. Few of us are aware of the extreme effectiveness of media behavior modification and manipulation but each of us is easily affected by it. Your suggestions are welcomed. Suggestions for future articles will be appreciated. Casette tapes of this and other articles are available for individual use, discussion groups and classroom use. All letters and in quiries should be sent to: Dr. Charles W. Faulkner, P.O. Box 50016, Washington. DC 20004. r 1Hin it ! u C5o.nnfrmrrnnini Tl"57 i , On Sept. 17th, we're going to make headlines I just for buying only Black newspapers that day. , BOCA is asking all Black men and women to show their support for Black media by buying , Black newspapers Sept.' 17th. It will be the first time there's ever , been a nationwide show of support for . Black media. And millions of people are expected to participate in this historic demonstration of Black unity. We urge you to be one of them. All you have to do is buy a Black newspaper Sept. 17th. You'll be joining . . in a massive vote ot confidence for your Rlark media. And vou'll he sending a " message: that you care about Black i newspapers. TTiat you value them as 'a source of truth in the community. And that you recognize the ' 1 historical relationship between Black ; papers and Black freedom. (One of the very first Black businesses was a Black newspaper:-The Freedom Journal -started m 1827 by an ex-slave, John Russworrrt.) Just as important, you'll be a part of an opportunity-a chance for a grand scale demonstration of the consumer power that exists When millions of Black Mark your calendar for Sept. 17th. Buy a Black newspaper and only a Black newspaper. Then be prepared to read all about it. September 17th is brought to you by BOCA who is proud to be sponsoring this Press for Power. a 9 a 'i f .. V. , , 1 I J 1 s 7; r V 1 amnions of Elack men anU, " n people work together. And that's something you can be proud of. r Just a$ White newspapers across America report news that reflects the interests of Whites," Black newspapers continue to struggle to present the newst , : - newspapers, Sep. A that reflects Black interests. y w-;. 4 v " .? ; f 1 etlr tlzt A. 'tcacraft Ceorp . . Chart . .-"these " fouttdecL , ,. wsU saj . thr-a tnjn how BMK t Fin?1? ATfco CIcsSx Orjncd Ccn:n:nnisGlicnoili:iznso n! vjj7r U RO. Box 2757 Grand Centre! Station, Nc.'rtrjrk, NcvAfcrk 10017