SAT., SEPTEMBERS, 1981 THE CAROLINA TIMES-13 Bishop Adams conduclin^ Kap Session with youths Rev. Kasley C:ommunion Service Preacher Mrs. Kasley Makis Remarks Dr. Dolly D. Adams conducts TALKNT NIGHT Dr. Helen G. Edmonds, NCCU Distinguished Professor Emerita bringing greetings Rev. Philip R. Cousin, Jr. preaching during assembly First Annual AME Church Young People's Retreat By Mrs. hiva P. DeJarmon Publicity Chairman for the Retreat ‘•Networking for Christ in the SO's” was the theme of the First Amniul Young People’s Department Retreat of the Second Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church held August 7-9 on the campus of North Carolina Cen tral University in Durham. The focus of the Retreat was “Leadership Development”. Bishop John Hurst Adams, the district’s leader, encouraged the voulh to ’‘enlarge their imagination, insight and understanding of The H ord. The World, and The Church. ’’ Over 800 YPD’ers and their chaperones registered for the retreat and over 1,000 persons were in attendance. Dr. Dolly Deselle Adams, wife of the bishop, and Episcopal Supervisor of Mis sions for the Second Episcopal District, was responsible for the general coordination of the retreat. Mrs. Ora L. Easley, wife of Rev. W. W. Easley, .Jr. minister of Saint Ji oh’s AME Church, and also the Second Episcopal District Director of the YPD, se ’d as retreat director. Chancellor Albert N. Whiting of North Carolina Central U -erslly and Rev. Easley, pastor of Saint Jo.seph's, were the official hosts. Dr. Priscilla Hilliard Former ( hairman, White House Coni'erence On Families in her workshop on HOOP TIME YPD’ers Receive Communion at Jst J^seob’s