V Durham Social Notes Of Interest U Mrs Sv miner Daye. 477-JJ70 MISS PAULA D. HAHRELL Miss Paula D. Harrell Named . Outstanding Young h-'Woman-i981 Miss Paula penise Harrell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Harrell, Jr., 2509 Janet Street, has been named as otte of the Outstanding Young Wnmn nf Amprirn for IQSt The purpose of the Outstanding Young Women of America Program is to recognize young women who give of their time, talents and service to enrich the quality of American life.' ' Miss Harrell - received her B.Aj degree from North Carolina Central University and the M.M. degree from Ohio Stale University. She has worked as the assistant directoraccompanist of the Gover nor's School-East Chorus in Laurinburg for the past two summers. She currently is a music teacher with the Fairmont City School system and operates a private piano studio. Missionaries Hold First Meeting of Year Missionary District No. 1 of We.st Durham Bap tist Church held its first meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. Cora Cole McFadden Sunday. January JO. : ,.- ':;;;.;:; : : r;.-'; :.-., Members .present were Mrs. Ethel Holloway, Mrs. Helen Jones,, Mrs. Shirley Cole Mrs. Ella Jackson, Mrs. Lillie Carry, Miss Ruby Heroin, Miss Marv L. Stenhens. Mr Rdi Winctnn Mr Bowting, Mrs.Mattie Bagley, Mrs, Alease Bynum. Mrs. virgim Jackson, Otha Day; Robert Faulk, Ot ha Jones. .':' .t,;-' . v ' V'.-'1 v'' ' After the devotional, the members were served a delicious meal prepared by Mrs. McFadden, Mrs. Clara Cole and Miss Cathy Cole. Happy Birthday anniversary to Kcrmit P, Parker, Georgianria Ray, Matthew Williams. Lcroy Gregory and Stephanie McLaurin.. . Congratuations, and best wishes to ncwlywcds. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Glenn. i t v. -r ''h MfV On Saturday, January 23. Misses Etta Marie Mc Clary and Linda' McClary. and William McClary, Jn. surprised their parents with a 25th wedding an niversary dinner; Lots of relatives and friends air tended in spite of the bad weather. Mr. and Mrs. : McClary received lots of lovely gifts. Attorney and Mrs; Elvis Lewis and sons of Faycl icvillc spent the weekend with Mrs. Syminer Daye. Mrs. Lewis mother.-in Durham.: ; , Mrs. Hill Hosts Club The regular meeting of the Better Homes and Gardens Club was held recently at the hqme of Mrs." Beulah Hill. Mrs. Ella Floyd led the devotion with appropriate readings to start the new year; Mrs. Hill invited members into her dining room for a delicious repast. Included during the business meeting , which followed were correspondence, various reports and coming events. Members elected to serve on the Garden Clubs of Durham Council were Mmes.' Helen Brown, Ways anJ Means Committee; Carrie Vereen, publicity chair- man; Beaulah Hill, General Flower Show Commit tee; Annie Creen, Dismantling Committee. Highlight of the evening was an informative talk by J.W; Hill, husband of the hostess, on taxes, fil-. ing personal property and IRA's. A question and answer period followed. Birthday distribution went to Mmes. Helen Brown and Ella Floyd. Members present were Mmes. Minnie Cromartie, Ella Brown, Annie Creen, Ethel Taylor, Martha Dalton, EHa Floyd, Helen Brown, Alberta Harris, Catherine Page, Thomasina Shaw, Beulah Hill and Carrie Vereen; and a guest, Ms. Coral Dalton. Mrs. ..Creen thanked the hostess. Please, pray for the sick and shut-in -and do something to make them happy: Mesdamcs Anna Jones, Alberta Holloway. Hal tie Parrish, Georgianna Ray,' Pearl Foskey, Esteljtf. Nixon, Daisy Hart, Carrie Newman, Ella Mangunv Thelma Lawson. Viola Love, Clementine Bullock, Annie Myers, Mary C Holman. Annie Roberts. Gloria P. aimer Irma Burton. Quennie Jacobs. Alice .Roberts, Nannie Torain, Ola Lyons, Delia Perec,' Annie Lipscomb; r .'' ,;- ' -f . ; Messers.; W.A. Harris, Wallace Rochcllc. Lucious Holloway, Jude Harris. Brodic Day.. Earnest Mangum, Bonnie Lee Allen. Nathaniel Harris, Thomas Clayton, Joseph Wade. Ervin . Lyons, William Carrington, Willie Parker 7 Jural ' Johnson, Johnny Bullock, Jack Bailey, Hosca Moore, Ike Mason, Nathan Green. Emerson Bur ton, Charlie Catcs; Wallace Hinlon. Willie Parker. Sincere sympathy fo the families of John Hollowly; Andrew Parker. Mrs. Louise I . Tavlor. Mrs. Flonnie Morrison McAllister. Breakfast Club Meets The Nurses Breakfast Club met January 20 at a local restaurant. Members outlined the program and projects that will be carried out during this year. A major focus will be to help someone in ' need. Those having birthdays during the month of January were: M. Gattis, G. Richardson, O. Rogers, B. Snipes and E. Turner. Hostesses for January were: E. Riley, B. Snipes and A. Ingram. Other members present were R. Daye, C. Scott, J. Lynch, L. McCoy, K. Evans, G. Pretty, A. Black, J. Bell, D. Self and P. Nuchurch. SAT., JANUARY 33, 1332 THE CAROLINA TIES -13 .. , . , J' , ... , ' .1 . - "N , ,1 ... Named To Dean 's List Miss Geena D. BounseQ, daughter of Mr and Mrs. John H. Bounsei! of 5625 Barbee Road, Durham, has been named to the fall semester dean's list at Bennett College in Greensboro. " y A 1981 graduate of Jordan High School, Miss Bounsell is majoring in accounting at Bennett Col- College View Duplicate Bridge Club winners for January 21 were: Mrs. Ruth Belts and Mrs. Virgie . pavis, first place; Mrs. Hedy Echard and Douglas Kemnitz, .second place; Ms. Theresa Jeffries and Wiley Hammonds, third place; Mrs. Constance Patillo and Mrs. Thelma Smith, fourth place. After Holiday Dinner Braving the snow and ice on Saturday, January 23, the LPN Class No. I was feted with an after holiday dinner at the home of the Graham Prettys, Jr. on Sedgefield Street. Durham guests present were Mrs. Amelia Harper, Ms. Bernice Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. George Glover, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reddish, Ms. Dewanda Parker, Victor Parker, Jr.. Sedrick Hor ton, Mrs. Carrie Brooks, Leroy Pretty and Ms. Bel tina Pretty; Ms. Rita Felton and Ms. Gayle Pretty of Norfolk, Va., and Ms. Sharon Brinkley. Winston-Salem. Class members present were: Mmes. Lucretia McCoy, Charmin Watson, Sara Pugh, Gamaliel Pretty and Grizzelle Stone. Following a social hour, dinner with all the trim mings and beautifully arranged in the dining room, was served buffet style. Mrs. Stone thanked the Prettys for the delightful affair. On Duty In Okinawa Marine Sgt. Ronald W. Williams, son of Mrs. Lorena William of 5908 Ncusc St.. Raleigh, has reported for duty with the 9lh Engineer support Battalion on Okinawa. Reports For Duty Marine Pfc. Ricky N Daye, son of Mrs. Bon nie Daye of Guess Road and Ms. Alice Haskin of 12-F Lynn Court, both of Durham, has reported lor duly with Support Battalion, Camp l.e-iuenc. ( 5?-i r-F n H vA A I N.C. SCHOOL siimi into noin ihc . mu-i n.il aiul csicmal woik inus o' i he school'. I riciii. In the Viiv. .in ,i . siiiiiuhi siiuk'ju l.isi VC.ii." Ms. Sirinuci viioii,iui , Koii.iKI McNair ol lloiisloii. ;.; JVViis'Vi'S; Wl iliv lsUV. f- ' -r Mv'N.lll l'l.uliiutotl lioiii oiih i'iiiolin.i W I Siaic OniuTsii hi )7 ivc'i in,i! a Diulicloi of Sciona' devivc, in .plivsios. I t iweived his I.Mi. I) (Continued From Page 1 1) IK IM III (MlVSICS HlMll I he Miissacliiisoiis In siiiu.U' ol kvhnolo' in VV.h and Kveivv'il an honorait khviot o' tlc-i'iev lioni N( ,t I w MS . , . I esse. lack soil.' "i.uluaie situiijiil'i-'nf jis:V!i!ax:;'-l'Jsi3. 1 ' Si.ne tttin'fimuif - a on i he tut tt-li n lloanl ol I iiiskvs ol N( SSM aiul has smkv lesiciieil in uler lo s-ie as .i misiee lor hiv .ilin.l ' niaiei in ( iieenshoio ' . 6 STORE LOCATIONS: Mon. thru Sat.. Northgate open 24 hours Wellons Village 7 a.m. til 11 p.m.: Riverview open 7 a.m. til 11 p.m. University Drive 7 a.m. til 11 p.m.: South Square 7 a.m. til 11 p.m.. and Elliott Dr.. Chapel Hill 8 a.m. til 10 p.m. All stores open 9 a.m. -9 p.m. All prices effective in all Big Stars in Durham and Chapel Hill PRICES GOOD THROUGH SAT., JAN. 30, 1982. QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED. NONE SOLD TO OTHER DEALERS. rat farms- U.S. GRADE 'A' MIXED FRYER PARTS FAMILY PAK "I v s-. t-MU.ll.tN mm LB. Fayetieville Happenings BrMrs. T.H. Kbiney PORK EARS: TAILS NECKBOiJESfi FEET LB. FULL CUT BONELESS . ...r. ... , ROUND STEAK Junior Oi If Wells will.headlhie the performance of "The Emperor Jones" in Reeves Auditorium. February 4-6. at Methodist College. The play is be ing presented in-connection with the observance ol ni'i.'ls UKL-ifu Me 14 hi' I'tiiii k'irUv it-ill direct the fourtecn-meihber cast. All performances are free to the piiblicl A saline to and. for Black Histoi v lodav. . The I'ayi'lU'vHIr Ohwnrr reciijinied the "Civic Minister" and his family with an interesting "wriie up on Sunday past. He is C ity Councilman Aaron Johnson; Rev. Johnson has been a pastor lor ,t I years. He learned .politics' ai an early a:e. havinj been active in both hiuh school ami. at Raleigh's. Shaw University-where he worked for the. voter registration campai.tm. He credited former Mayor Jack Lee 'with., pros idinii some; political "guidance., alonj.'. - with I). A. Williams, a l ayeiieville .State University professor and active Democrat. 4 1c iltK's not limit his political future. Rev. Johnson is nianied lo Mrs. Manic Johnson and they have one daughter. MvlXvette Johnson, and 'one son. .Jamah. Rev. .hhnson is pasior of Mount Sinai Baptist Church. 5 ';.' ' James Noi man, Moore, Jr., a I -aVettexillc poM of- , lice siipervisoi. was .appointed Spruit! 1 akc poslinasier last Ihursday. Moore. 4.t. a superinten dent of window ser ices, replaced Howard B. Pate, who is reliiinj alter 31 years. Jhc C'larktoii native began his postal career as a distribution clerk. Shaw University pi ads held t1-ir regular meclin.u last Saturdav afternoon. ; 1 - The regular PlA of li.L. Smi i Hieh School met Tuesday eveninji in the school auditorium. A film was shown. Sitint I . uke AM I. Church presented " An l ivening of Gospel Music" with the Reid:Ross (iospel' Singers, The Kings of Harmony and The H ppy Cousins last Sunday afternoon. Rev. H.I.. Ing m. the chtirch pastor, invited the public to attend . Fayetieville area Methodists will meet this v,.ek for an intensive workshop on church missions. .'-- ('. The chairman of the depanuK'nt of, pi ir macology at Meharry Medical College in Nashvt le, Tcrtn.. Dr Charles Proctor, presented a public I x t urc on opiate addition Wednesday at Fayetieville. State University.. Many attended the basketball game Saturday at Cumberland County Arena between1 Fayetieville State University and Saint Augustine's. ... Mr, and Mrs. James D. Murehison announce the engagement of their daughter, Dcaisc Alfrcda. to ,lKI Jackie Louis ('avion of Fori Ihaug. The prospective bi ideeroom is the son of MkjikI Mrs. l.onnie Payton of Greenville. He is a graduate of Rose High School in Greenville, and serves in the U.S. Army ai I'on Bragg! Che wedding is planned for February 27 in liethel AMF. Zion Church. -The bride-elect is a graduate of North Carolina A&T Staie: University. She attended the University of Nonh Carolina-Giecnsboro and is employed wilh the Cumberland County School System. Che Rev. and Mrs., James A. 'Wood announce the engagement of their daughter. I inda I ay. to Her man Floyd Peterson of Winston-Salem. The wed ding is planned for April 10 at Catawba College Chapel. Miss Wood is currently a senior al Winsion Salem 'Stale University. 'The prospective bridegroom is the son of Sgi . and Mrs. Herman Peterson of Spring l ake. He is a senior al Wisnton-Salem State University. ASSORTED CENTER & END CUTS PORK CHOPS 8 LB. OR MORE $-l38 LB. I) choice j II BP) LB$f8 LOW PRICES ON FOOD EVERY DAY! WE GLADLY ACCEPT FEDERAL FOOD STAMPS The hums Siii in da v. held their reeiilar meeting on last Ninecre sympalhy is extended to' each family: -.'Funeral services for Hodges Tucker were con ducted on Saturday afternoon at Mount .ion AMF Zion Church in Fastover by the Rcv i. liskine I. owe. I le was 74. Funeral services for Mrs. Corine Joy, 321 Robeson St.. Were held Sunday afternoon al Clin ton, Chapel Church bv the Rev. CM.. Jackson. ,- Fuijeral services for Mrs. I ula Haggeil Searcy were conducted Saturday afternoon at Lock's Creek AMF Zion Church. Mrs. Searcy wa 45. (iineial services for Sherman McDonald. 57. were conduc cd Saturday morning at Baptist Union Church bv-"lev. Maurice Hayes. Funeral services for Mrs. Maggie Jane Richard son. 73, vere conducted on Sunday afternoon at Washing on Park Baptist Church. . .:. ,',' '. . Mrs. Marie McNeill,' 60, was funeralied Sunday afternoon at Wiseman's Mortuary Chapel. .;;;' .. ' y ...- . ; ; Mrs. Jenie Whde was was funeralied Sunday ' afternoon at JMin Wesley United Methodist Church by Rev; Albert Schuler. Burial was in Max- ton.-;: -:i -': ' : ,'',' - -' ;, Funeal services for Mrs. Nellie Baldwin Sher man, 81 , and her nephew, George Williams Moore, about 60, who died in a fire at their home, were held , last Monday afternoon in Evans Metropolitan AME Zion Church! Dr. L.A. Miller officiated. . I r 20$ OFF LABEL CRISCO SHORTENING 3 LB. $1 69 CAN I LIMIT 1 W$10 . ORDER 20COFF LABEL ii , " "."'uu """ - IT DONALD DUCK ORANGE JUICE w iu FAB DETERGENT $59 49 OZ. LIMIT 1W$10 ORDER WASHINGTON STATE EXTRA FANCY RED OR GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES V VvLB. ,3) -f" ' "' ' " ' n i .lV,.l'Mt,,i. ,,.., I in ii m ,wm nw" II i mwf in in ii.iw.i, ,. , , , , mm, ii 4X,Ji