't 6-TKCAr.CLi:;ATl-ES SAT.,JAN'jm33.1S22 The 1902 Friendship Force vis On The MoveTn The Triangle By Donald Marable r The Friendship Force believes that a world of friends :isT a ' world at peace, and that each and every individual in that world can make a dif ference. ' The Friendship Force is an international organization dedicated : to promoting understan-' ding, friendship and con cern among people of all nations. It does this by. creating an environment for establishing personal friendships between peo ple of differing cultures through exchange visits in which each share's the other's - lifestyle. Through exchange visits, a planeload of citizens from one city flies to another city to stay in Legal Notices NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY AMENDED NOTICE OF SALE FILE NO. 81 SP 888 UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained in a cer tain Deed of Trust executed by John H. McNeill and wife. Annie P. McNeill, dated October 17. 1980. and recorded in Mortgage Book 1042. at page 528 in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Durham County, North Carolina, and because of default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and by Order of the Clerk of Superior Court of Durham County in 81 SP 888. the under signed will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the door of the Durham County County Judicial Building in Durham. North Carolina, at 12:00 o'clock NOON, on the 10th day of February. 1982, the property con veyed in said Deed of Trust, the same lying and being in the Coun-. ty of Durham, State of North Carolina, in Durham TOWNSHIP, and more particularly described as follows: ' BEGINNING at an iron stake on the west side of Alston Avenue 828.09 feet in a northerly direction from the north side of Homewood Road and, running thence South 55 degs. 56 West 405.92 feet to an iron stake: thence North 1 deg. 41 " 30" East 129.83 feet to an ' iron stake: thense North 57 degs. 39' East 328.13 feet to an iron stake on the west side of Alston Avenue. E. B. Autry's southeast corner: thence with the west side of Alston Avenue South 35 degs. 19' 10" East 95.61 feet to the ant of beginning, and being private homes. The same t plane immediately brings an equal number of pco-: pie from that city to stay in private homes in the city of origin. There) are three ways to. participate; as an am bassador, a host, or a volunteer. An ' am bassador is a represen tative who travels to a foreign country. A host ! provides a home for a foreign ' ambassador change co-director, spoke on the need for a mixed group of par ticipants. "We need a cross section of people from the Triangle area.' We don't -i have, any restrictions on age, race, religion, sex; or income. We want .; retired teachers, : - v scientists, ; clergymen, government officials and service workers,' Kuralt said. ' 7 The Friendship Force while visiting the United grew out of a project States. The exchanee! sponsored by President lasts from ten to four-1 teen days, with dates sei : this year from June 25 to July 10. Walter Cooper om- - House.' Governor Jim Hunt has been an active participant each year.' Before the exchange; an Exchange Committee will schedule workshops to help hosts prepare for their Friendship Force experience.. .These workshops help to ac quaint hosts with ' the ' culture, . history,; customs, and ; govern ment of their guest's Country. Language aids and lessons are also of-i communication,'' Kuralt . be fed at any pf the said. A bi-lingual die-, following -,! meetings: snary is also a good , From 2 to 4. p.m. in i. Kuralt said that the : Xhapel Hill ; on con- orldy was .becoming;, secutive Saturdays,' Jan. ftOPERTY OF jSDgSHAZptkS - BEAUTY ' SYSTEM. I NCORPORATED-rraS " per plat and survey thereof by J. Watts. Copley. Land Surveyor, dated March 17, 1969. and now on file in the ' office of the Register of Deeds of Durham County in Plat Book 64. at page 29. to which reference is hereby made for a - more particular description of the same. . ;; ', The record owners of the above described real property as ' reflected on the records of the . Durham County Register of Deeds not more than ten (10 days prior to the posting of this Notice are John P. McNeill and wife, Annie P. McNeill. Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 45-21 10(b). and the Deed of Trust, any successful bidder may be required to deposit with the Trustee immediately upon conclusion of the sale a cash deposit of ten per cent (10) of the bid up to and including $1 .000 .00 plus five per cent (5) of any excess over $1,000.00. Any successful bidder shall be re quired to tender the full balance purchase price so bid in cash or certified check at the time the Trustee tenders to him a deed for the property or attempts to tender : such deed, and should said suc cessful bidder tail to pay the full balance purchases price so bid at the time, he shall remain liable on his bid. as provided for in North Carolina General Statute 45-21:30 , Idi and (el - THIS PROPERTY will be sold subject to all prior encumbrances : and taxes and all 1982 ad valorem taxes and assessments. This sale will remain open for ten ( 1 0) days to receive increased bids, as required by law. ; Dated this 19th day of January. 1982. i. 'J.J.HENDERSON. TRUSTEE WILLIAM A MARSH. Jr.'. ATTORNEY PUBLICATION DATES' THE CAROLINA TIMES January 30. February ji. 1982 NORTH CAROLINA ' ' DURHAM COUNTY ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE v The undersiqned . havinq qualified as Administratrix of the Estate of Virqie L. Keys, deceas ed, late of Durham County. N C. does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having clams aqainst said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned at the office of F . H. Brown. Attorney at Law. 4001 Booker Street. P. 0 Box 2005. Durham. N. C. 27702 within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this , notice, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate wis , please make immediate payment ' - to the undersigned i This the 4th day of January. .,,1982. ' ; Hazelta K. Bagby . Adminislralrix Estate of; Virgie L, Keys. Deceased ' . 19EnctekJAve..l Montclair, N.J. 07042' f. H. Brown. . . Attorney at Law ' -. , ; PUBLICATION DATES: ' The Carolina Times January 9, 16. 23, and 30. 1982, munications chairman, said, "The exchange city will be in Europe, but that city will be annonc-' ed after our Hosts and ' Ambassadors have been signed up to go and to ' accept visitors.'' Cooper t stressed the need for 200 interested people. "There are 75 seats available to ambassadors . from the Durham- Orange County area. Priority will be given to , those who ' have been j hosts in the past, and each ambassador will be expected to supply a host applicant. We need 75 people for hosts and fifty people for day hosts," Cooper said. A day host will provide friendship to an ambassador while the main host is working. Wallace Kuralt, ex- N0RTH CAROLINA f DURHAM COUNTY AMENDED NOTICE OF SALE FILE NO. 62 SP 0006 UNDER AND BY VIRTUE Of the power of sale contained in a cer tain Deed of Trust executed by Ahis Walker and wife, Almena Waiker. dated July 15, 1968, and recorded in Mortgage Book 826. at page 460 In the office of the Register of Deeds of Durham County. North Carolina,' and because of default- having been ' made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and by Order of the Clerk of Superior Court of Durham County In 82 SP 0006, the under signed will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the door of the Durham County County Judicial Building in Durham. North Carolina, at 12:00 o'clock NOON on the 1st day o March. 982Uie property xwi.. etd,Jn said. Deed ctvstrJhe.'.; ty of Durham. State of North Carolina, in Durham TOWNSHIP. and more particularly described as follows: ' ' BEGINNING at a stake in the property line on the east side, of North Mangum Street, said stake being 20 feet in a ' southerly direction from the c northwest corner of Lot 17, Block 43 of the Property hereinafter referred to an run- , ning thence North along said , property fine 13 deg: 34 min. - East 85 feet to a stake in the property line; thence in an easterly direction South 76 deg. 26 min. East 150 feet to a stake in, the west line of an ' alley: thence South 13 deg. 34 min. West 85 feet along the west side of said alley to a stake: thence North 76 deg. 26 min. West 150 to a stake In .the property line on the east side of North Mangum Street, . . the point and place of the beginning and being the nor thern 20 foot portioin of Lot . 17. all of Lot 16. arrd the southern 15 foot portion of Lot 15 In Block 43 of the B. L. Duke North' Durham Property -as per plat and survey of same dated' 1901 and recorded in ' the Office of the Register of Deeds for Durham County in - Plat Book 5. at Page 103 to which reference is hereby - made for a description of the same. ' ; House No. 1308 N. Mangum Street is located on this .pro- perty. The record owners of the above described real property as reflected on the records of the Durham County Register of Deeds not more than ten (10) days prior to the posting of this Notice are Atvis Walker and wife. Almena Walker. Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 45-21. 10(b). and the Deed of Trust, any successful bidder may be required to deposit , with, the Trustee immediately upon conclusion of the sale a cash deposit of ten per cent (10) of the bid up to and including $1 .000 00 plus five per cent (5) of any excess over $1,000.00. Any successful bidder shall be re quired to tender the full balance purchase price so bid in cash or .certified check at the time the Trustee tenders to him a deed for the property or attempts to tender such deed, and should said suc- cessfui bidder tail to pay the full balance purchases price so bid at the time, he shall remain liable on his bid as provided for in North Carolina General Statute 45-21:30 (d) and (e) " THIS PROPERTY will be sold subject to alt prior encumbrances and taxes and all 1982 ad valorem taxes and assessments. - ' This sate will remain open lor ten (10) days to receive increased bids, as required by law. . .. Dated this 26th day of January. 1982 . - - . J.J.HENDERSON, I , . TRUSTEE ' . WILLIAM A. MARSH. Jr.. ' - ATTORNEY PUBLICATION DATES' -I THE CAROLINA TIMES - ' January 30. February 6, 3 & fcred. "It is amazing- and Mrs; Jimmy Carter how language becomes in 1973 when ' he was r such a small barrier in . governor of Georgia. ' It such a relationship, was chartered in March Knowing that: you are of 1977 after the Na-:- friends, and after sitting tionat Governors Con-' and breaking bread, you', ference : at the - White ,V And universal means of mailer and that there is need for us to know : neighbors'. From; Marcrtr 1977 through4 . December, 1980, there have been over 100 ex-' changes between U.S. I cities ; and cities in Europe, - Central . America and , th e ,Fa r ' East. Over; 200,000 hosts, ambassadors, and ., volunteer aides have par-! ticipated. : . . Applicants ; 'I for : am-i bassador or host are in- i terviewed r during the time the application is t filed. Applications may. 30, Feb. 6 and 13 at the Recreation Department offices, on Plant Road; from 2-4 p.m. in ; Durham at the main, library on consecutive . Sundays, Jan. 31, Feb. 7r and: 14. . . . . . Applications .' are available at the Chapel : Hill ; Public Library, Wills Book Store at Nor-J thgate Mall in Durham,' the Intimate Bookshops in University Mall and downtown Chapel. Hill, and v' from . committee chairmen. ... - For News Service Computer Programmer III Completion ofcollege course work and two veari tx- .. perience In computer programming wotk; or n . equivalent comblnaton of education and experience Knowledge of COSOL-essential. VS9 experience ' andor experience programming hi a university en vlronmert; preferred. a. Salary range: $18,708 27,204. ' :;, ;: :V:7nir For an application please contact the Employment t Division, 111 Pettigrew Han, UNC, Chapel Hill, NC ; 27514. 962-2991 . EQUAL OPPORTUNITYAFFIRMATIVE - ACTION EMPLOYER - , St,.! (1 i X: -' - ' (farpenterV 'et the best, from both worlds! CHEVROLET & ISUZU The Chevy Luv Truck 42 iaMIHiV't' H. MM Tke1.SUIer,4 Cyl. ; . 3m MgM, EPA EST. MPB s TM2.2Utar,4Cyl. ; ' ' fleMt Model, EPA EST. MPS. 57961 .Pt .C. Tb mi Umu 32hwy.24city 44hwy.32city; USEDCARSYOU CAN BELIEVE IN! HERE ARE JUST A FEWI 71 Ctitcit U Ccr Exx.Mjrt corKfitlon, 4tpd., . . . i raal economy u 71 Ford LTD I Sport coupe, excellent common, : rAT,PS.AC.. - J ft'. 5 ( f f . - V- V,' 'A 7 71 kStfOtfy Cc?S)y Pck Xtcssi Greet llehlng ft.twttj 11 Detan 810 HoSSMCk 4-Or., very low mBee, AC, cellent economical transporatkm, $MX2 1 jfkab3nu W 5 sd AC, 1 locat ovmer. tow milet iAVSrT ' 79 iketesg 2-Or, loaded, tee & drive to appreciate AV3 77FrtlTDn$6dan 77C2;locaIcw,exceilent ' i a real tjuy.......n.;.r, AV3 l TlCw wCUsaffullyeciulp H Dcisan 219 excnrrt mfla3.m... 'WP,-' 74FcdT3t:lWccta4-Jr,AT, ';. "'' corKlitlon..M..,...Mww..w.M f)AV3 71 fei!ek Ccrttiy 2-dr, very good eecond car tAV3 72 Hiffm Ulns 2ooal second carm-.CAV3 71 tailfcS92,loedeooecono 2nd cmu&LnU 72 iorSoq Usrs 2-Drn hunting car' AV3' 71 Toycta Ccrc5a2, good eecond car . tlV3 . 71 Chtv. Cwtem Crt btd F.U.Cmper shea, straight ! drive, good eccnomyM...... UX2 , MILLEN, GA. Ms. Kathy Blackburn holds her 8-month-old black daughter Jenneifer who is the only child she is left with after a Superior Court Judge took her 3-year-old white son away from her and award ed custody of him to his grandmother. Ms. Blackburn has.been given no visitation rights and has not seen Nicholas since June 1981. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY EXECUTOR'S NOTICE ' TO CREDITORS AND0EBT0RS : Having qualified as Executor of the estate of LULA S. JACKSON, r this is to notify all. persons, lirms and corporations having a claim ; against LULA S. JACKSON. deceased, to present them lo the undersigned within six months I from he date of first publication of this notice at P.O. Box 1932.. Durham, N.C, 27702 or same will .. be pleaded in bar of their recovery.'' All persons, firms or corporations -' indebted to said LULA S. JACKSON, please make immediate payment This 9th day of January. 4982. Mechanics and Farmers Bank . Administrator Estate of Lula S. Jackson P.O. Box 1932 Durham. NC. 27702 PUBLICATION DATES: The Carolina Times January 9. 16. 23. and 30. 1982. UPI Photo WHEN YOUR K5XT CAR 13 FROM South Square Motors . YOU'VE MADE A GOOD DEAL! FORMERLY HOUDAY STOUTS ' 3S12DUrJUTJIXHAELI13aELVp. 3-1475 20. 1982 CREDO OF THE . BLACK PRESS ' . .. :-: The Black Press be lieves that America . can best lead the world away from ra- ' cial and national an- . tagonism when it ac cords to every person, regardless of race, col- or or creed, full' hu- man and legal rights. Hating no person, . fearing no person, the Black Press strives to " help every -person In the firm belief that all are hurt as long as ! anyone it held back. 1 L0VEH PMCEG LOVEn PRICEG L0VEB PDICE8 L0VEH FDICES LOWER PRICES L0VER PRICES LOWER FIUCES LOWED ON TRUCKS DauantZXTvto 2SMf ON "81 & '82 LOWES FIUCES lOWEn FBICES FiTICEG wm mm LOWER PIUCE0 L0VEn FQICES LOWER PRICES LOWER FIUCES LOWER FBICES tew HOSwtedlUnSadM . ON '81 & '82 BtamtttumOLUta w-k,"Tirnr tun mim tm DAT0UN0.MUC5TGO! N IMiOONADIiE OFMl DEFUGEBr TlflEY MUCT GO BY: OATUBDAY! ; ALL TDADE-m'G VORTH f.lORE THAN EVER DEFOIIE! MON.-FRI. ;3O-9:00 , , SAT. 8:30-e.OO CLOSrotUNOAV KMVOUTOLOOK , ' MOUND " 3612 DURHAM CHAPEL HILL . M.VO. 495-1471, ) ,. , r V;--;