I' 0 - U.S.AFRICA -:'.:'-' .:.1.-.;V Angolan Prisoner Exchange Seen Likely MT.. FEtSBMT 20. 1S32 TKCAS3tmTI-" -1J. ..V r IAN the Angolan government has agreed to release two American mercenaries in exchange for two Soviets held cap tive by the Angolan in surgent ; movement UNITA.' A ": third "American imprisoned in Angola, a pilot Captured just one year'ago,' Will probably not be included in the swap, which after several delays is now ex pected to take place later this month in Kinshasa, Zaire. . ":-lr-If successful, the deal will give a boost to the Reagan administration's dual track Angola policy, which. has com- : bined hard-line talk and a "public tilt toward UNITA with ongoing diplomatic interchanges wiin lilt uudiiua itgiiuv.. The two mercenaries are Gary Martin Acker from Sacramento, California, "' and Argentine-born Gustavo M. Grillo, a New Jersey resident. They were cap tured in February 1976 . just days after entering Angola to fight for the 'National Front for the Liberation of Angola FN LA), 'led -by Holden Roberto, then loosely tallied with UNITA. They ;had been hired by a . t C !. vamurnia recruuci, David Bufkin, who said in a March 1976 inter- -view with Africa News his money was coming from the CIA through the FNLA. According to informa tion that later became public,- the U.S. commit-; ted some $30 million in covert aid to UNITA and :the FNLA, before Con igress blocked the in tervention by adopting jthe "Clark .Amendment" in December of 1976. With 'Soviet and Cuban back ing, the Angolan govern ment defeated the FNLA, while UNITA has waged a continued ;bush war in southern 'Angola assisted by South Africa, . v . uaniei uearnart were tried along with ten British mercenaries. (A fourth American, George.Bacon, was kill ed in fighting.) Four of the thirteen, including' Gearhart, were executed.. Acker was given a sixteen-year sentence, Grillo thirty years. The Angolans ap parently agreed to the ex change as a gesture to both the Soviet and American governments.; Negotiations began a few months after UNITA shot down a Soviet air transport in November 1980. Kolia Mollavey, the pilot, and Ivan Cher- ; nietsky, an engineer, were captured virtually unharmed. The Soviet government is believed to have asked Zaire President Mobutu Sese Seko to act as an in termediary with UNITA. Discussions followed, in volving at various points the governments of Angola, Zaire, the U.S., the USSR, and South Africa. , After tne South African another Sergeant-Major Nikolai Pest rctsov, during the in vasion .of Angola .last September, there was thought " given to broadening the ex change. The U.S., for its part, would like to free the American pilot, UNITA. , Early ' on, the White House asked Con gress to repeal the Clark Amendment. ? Contacts ; between Washington and Luan: ; da, which ' do not have official relations, began .to develop as the U.S. '"resumed the diplomatic initiative on Namibia. In September, Secretary Of State Alexander Haig, Jr., met ' with Angolan Foreign Minister Paulo . Jorge at the United Na tions. In October, Assis tant .Secretary of State Chester Crocker visited Luandar And .last month, 'Crocker and Jorge met in Paris. , For fear of jeopardiz-. ing these negotiations as weUs the Clark Amend menri: repeal drive, the administration asked for a delay in the U.S. visit being organized " for , UNITA President Jonas Savimbi early last year. Withrpro-UNITA senti ment building among ad ministration supporters, however, Savimbi was finally permitted to come !tor; Washington h for. meetings with both Haig and Crocker hn . December, the same . month - Mobutu was in .town. States has nels." - 'Wi have not made ; Cuban troop withdrawal a .precondition of ; the Narmbian settlement," i n ill! In f interviews""" laST v -Crocker Said in October, month in Rabat, Moroc- -" "Bu the problems are; co; wttb' several Por-; empirically related." Huguese ;lpublicaitons,( ; The Cubans' presence ; bavimoi -portrayed nis ne argued, Vis a major Washington talks in the : best possible light, The U.S., he claimed, has put two pre-conditions on aL Namibian v settlement:! withdrawal of Cuban troops from Angola and reconciliation V between UNITA and the Ruling party, the MPLA TV' He also dismissed sug-; gestions that UNITA .suffered a setback when; j Congress in " late December did not repeal, the Clark Amendment.! Saying he has been receiving U.S. aid, he' told the conservative ! weekly " Tempo: "Material help is not dependent on, nor limited by, the Clark Amendment. A great country like the .United Rogers-Herr Honor Roll This' Rogers-Herr Junior HighjSchool Honor Roll list for the second nine weeks reporting period has been announced by the prin cipal;' R.L. Yokley. -, Honor roll students are: Reginald Alston, Shannon Alston; Warren Alston, John Beatty, Lori Blake, Melissa Brower, Tammy CateSv Katherine Cheat wood, Karen Crawtord, Melissa Crawley, Paul Crenshaw, My Dung Do, Raymona Evans, Sonja Gib- (joping Defeat Stress And Win Success impediment to progress ; on Namibia." -r f The major problem, as ; the Angolans see it, is the ' continuation of attacks from South Africa, whose ; forces launched major v invasions in September Wi'-- and November. The South African : actions hav prevented the Angolai government from plann ing with the friendly government of CUba the end of the military aid I that has been given us," i MPLA Secretary1 General Lucio Lara sai4 last month. ; , The Angolans have, been alarmed by what they regard as Washington's ac quiescence in Pretoria's aggression. Five 'weeks ago, the Angolan news agency ANGOP charged ,an escalation in the cam paign "to try to over throw the MPLA government or force it to negotiate." A new insurgent movement the Military Committee for Angolan Reisstance,. with the Portuguese' acronum COMIRA was readying 2,00() arm ed men in northern Wilder. Treavesa Watson,, Angola, ANGOP said, Dexter Watson, Jenny alleging that the move Whitney, Kim Wilson, An- ment formed "in close thony Williams, Steven i;aison" with Zung. , 'Washington and "in close collaboration" with Savimbi, as a replacement for the defunct FNLA. , . "Washington likes lo have a finger in.-every pie," the dispatch con cluded, expressing what . . . - ". r .... J CARROLLTON, ALA. A civil rights coalition comprised of the SCLC, NAACP and the Marti Lather King, Jr., Center for Nonviolent Social Change kicked off a two-week march front here to protest the im prisonment of two black women on vote fraud charges and to dramatize support of the Voting Rights Act. Shown (l-r) are Tuskegee Mayor Johnny Ford, Walter Fauntroy, chairman of Che Congressional Black Caucus and Board of SCLC, and the Rev. Joseph Lowery and his wife. Lowery is President of the" Atlanta based SCLC. urmnM A Woman's Guide To Social Security son, Gail Hollowell, Tonia Hopkins, Hdbert; Lewis, Donna Mangum. Vickie Mebane, Sarah Pernell, Mark Pippen, Andre Pitt man, Laura Quinn, Alonso Salter, Preston Sandlin. Deborah Smith, Christopher Stevens, Teneki Tate, Dwight Thompson, Carlos Torian, Cabell Townsend, Chrissy , By Dr. Charles W. Faulkner If you are a divorced woman, and were mar ried to your ex-husband at least ten years, you can receive social securi ty retirement or disabili ty benefits when you turn 62 years of age. This is according to a free booklet put out by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser vices called A Woman's Guide to Social Security. To get your free copy, just send a postcard to the Consumer Informa tion Center, Dept. 513K, Pueblo, Colorado, 81009. Another important fact women should know is that all social security records should show your correct name. This is especially true if you are '.unemployed, since your employer reports a demanding situation is not a necessary component of your life. As difficult as you may think that it is, stress can be easily be eliminated. You need only to apply the proper procedures for eliminating the stress that you feel. How do you- know when you are under stress? Rapid heart- beat, trembling, increased blood pressure, nervousness, irritability, quickness of temper and rapid breathing are but a few of the symptoms of stress. Most of the unexplained physical problems that you have were probably caused by stress. Untraceable aches and pains, brit tle fingernails, skin rashes, constipation, hair breakage and stomach pains are sometimes caused by stress. What can you do to control stress? 1) Use the breathing techniques, progressive relaxation techniques and guided fantasies that I have presented in previous columns, If you missed those columns, you may send me a self addressedstamped envelope to: P.O. Box 50016, ' Washington, DC 20004. 1 will forward them to you ' immediately. 2) Stop competing with other people unless you are Involved in a well-defined,' structured contest. Constant psychological competitiveness causes ten- 1 sion and physiological discomfort. Achieve the best results of which you are capable and be satisfied that you did your best regardless of what others do. 3) Siop being overly concerned with what others think about you. Your positive opinion of yourself is far, far more valuable than negative opinions others may have of you. Be your own person. Be the best judge of yourself. 4) Live and let live. Life is short and should be lived and enioved to its fullest. St on criticizine army captured others for their shortcomings. This consumes too Soviet pilot miirh timp and enercv. Remember, onlv a few things in life are really important, Concentrate your energy and attention on those really important things. Don't belabor trivialities. Be bigger and stronger, than everything with which you come into contact. . 5) Don't be afraid to try something new. You ' may be quite surprised at how successful you might be if you just give it a try. d Don't he afraid to fail. Do vou know of Geoffrey Harrison anyone who has not failed at something? Everyone " Tyler, who was captured ; has failed but vou will eventually triumph if you continue to try your hand at something new. If you do fail, learn from your failure and use your new knowledge to do better the next time, But, first give it a try. Fear is your greatest enemy. Your greatest friend is your constant dedication to keep on trying even if victory seems far, far away. , 7) Daydream your way to the success that you desire. Let your mind be your guide. Let your dreams of success be the motivating force in your life. Dream about the wonderful, almost impossi ble, things that you want for yourself. They may' not be as impossible as you think.. But, never, never daydream about failure. Let your dreams Devour friend. '-; 1 -:- r . ' -,-7 ,7 ,:i' 8) i Encourage someone else. Try to be a positive i, and valuable force in the life of a relative, a friend or a stranger, While you are saving your own life, you may save the life of another person who needs you desperately. - , -' .. '-. :. : - 9XForget the past and look ahead to a bright : future for yourself and others. Then, make it hap- Y pen., . ,''. . 10) Stop trying to be perfect no one is perfects But, you have all of the ingredients necessary for success. Use them, i Dream , a lot and prepare , yourself for the success, that will be yours if youy continue to figfit in spite of possible setbacks. may be. official am bivalence aboiitt f the Reagan administrM ion's approach If th'iail ?yo.ur farningS under the "wk will mov 10 cenie'fl wliewer yptr chanrhfl .stage.". '- , 1 name you use in employ- ment, whether because The Carolina Times of marriage, divorce, or Call Today other reasons, you 682-2913 should notify Social Security. Otherwise, your earnings will not be properly recorded toward security credit. : To report a name change, just fill out an Application for a Social Security Number Card. . You will have to show proof of identity under both the old name and the new name. You can pick up the form at any social security office, and find out there what documents you will need as proof of identity, If. a woman becomes disabled and can't work for a year or more, she can get disability checks, provided she has worked long enough under social security. These benefits start on the sixth full month of disability and continue as long as the disability persists. After 24 months of disability payments., a woman is" ?jtftf 'Wgftrie ffifr Medicare protection. While collecting disability benefits, payments are also given to unmarried children under 18 (or under 22, if full-time students). This includes stepchildren and legally adopted children. To get social security benefits, you need credit for a certain amount of work, depending on your age. The- credits are measured in "quarters of coverage." Starting in 1980, employees and self-employed people received one quarter of coverage for each $290 of "covered" annual earnings, with no more than four quarters credited in any one year. If you interrupt your career to raise children, the amount of any mon thly benefit you might earn could be affected by the years of no earnings. If several years of no ear nings have to be counted, yoyjr .benefit may , be lower than if . your worked throughout your life. If you stop working .before you've earned enough credit, you can't get benefits. But the credit you've earned stavs on vonr record, and your can add to it by subsequently returning to work under social security. ' When you order A Woman's Guide to Social Security (free), you'll also receive a free copy of the Consumer Information . Catalog. Published quarterly by the Consumer .informa tion Center of the GSA, the Catalog lists more than 200 free oi low-cost consumer publications. For News Service 682-2913 Oei t EntDire ,E conomv pincfed Aiirpoirt Fadli D eissim as 5 On many occasions it is literally the lifeblooa that keeps us all at work. last February when he landed his plane on a road in southern Angola. In addition, Portugal is seeking the release, of 'several of its citizens held by Angola and by, UNITA.. Last week, UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi was reported to be in Kinshasa, where he has not been welcome since Mobutu worked out a' , rapprochement with Luanda in 1979." But it appears that the ex change, if it comes' off, will be limited to the two Americans and two Soviets. ' . The Reagan ad-, ministration took office with leading figures, in cluding the president, on record favoring recogni tion and support for y ymi urns &mum VOTE TUESDAY, FEB. 23 Al( that's needed is your approval. Designed to pay itself off with new and existing revenues . not one dime of your own tax money. -'',, , vV-'"f",-' '' ", ' ' ' '., ., .. . Will have a very definite effect on our future for decades to come. v Sponsored by citizens who m ''umll i ' " I II II nil want to keep Durham growing lirnwii n' i "nm

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