20 THE CAROLINA TIMES SAT., FEBRUARY 27, 1982 M t French I57ih Division. Al Verdun, over 3,000 large shells were poured onto the trenches half by the 371st. Not one man retreated.' Both regiments received the Croix de Guerre with Palm. , i t Toward the war's end, the United States demand ed that the 93rd Division be returned to the States. However, France refused to do so until the Ar mi si ice was signed. Finding untrue the information in Confidential Bulletins issued by the Department of the Army to the various Europeans countries that maligned the black troops, the French waited to insure that the Division would get its: just recognition and participate in the victory celebra tion. Participate they did in a parade up Fifth Avenue in New York, marching behind the famous band of "The Fighting 369th". . ' The 92nd Diyisipn did not fare as. wclLAs part of,. the American Army, they were constantly inflicted with libelous charges by the white American of ficers. Only one regiment, the 368th saw prolonged combat duty during which ir captured the town of Binarville. lis French commander, , Colonel ; Durand, commended the men, five of whom were, awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, the United Slates' second highest award. Considering ' that the regiment was poorly equipped (no artillery '. support, no grenades, no barbed wire cutting? shears., etc.), it acquitted itself well in battle. ' f At the end of the war, the majority of black' soldiers were, eager to return Aa civilian life.. - However, those who wished to remain were assign ed to the four Regular Black units (9th and lOtlj Cavalry; 24th and 25th Infantry). When all slots .were filled, reenlistments were closed. The final total of black line officers in the regular army was two. The oilier branches of the Armed Services evidenced strong prejudice against blacks during the hostilities. The navy, which had been particular ly liberal in earlier wars, had only .01 per cent of its force composed of black men. Of this number (he majority were mcssmen or coal passers. There were a few petty officers who were gunner's mates, elec tricians or water-tenders. Thirty black women were yeomanettes who performed clerical duties in the segregated office in the Navy Department. There were no.black marines. And so it would remain un til new hostilities resumed. World War II World War II was so extensive that it would, re quire its own chronicle. Much of that which js com mon in today's armed services had its inception either during, or following, the conflict. Blacks now enjoy opportunities and integration in and on all levels of the services. All have senior ' officers. ; ' , As a result of the successes of the 99th Fighter Squadron, which was born at Tuskegee Institute and commanded by (then) Colonel Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., the fourth black West Pointer, all dreas of the Air Force are staffed by Black Regulars, One ; of the airmen trained at Tuskegee, General Daniel (Chappie) James, went on to become Deputy Asiiis tant Secretary of Defense. Although Tuskegee In stitute deserves much of the praise for being the backbone of the early Black Aviator Corps, West Virginia States was the first black college granted the right to institute a Civilian Pilot Training Pro gram in 1939: Many black colleges and universities have ROTC programs; but Hampton, Institute was the first to have a Navy ROTC program. ' v'- The Naval Air Force became integrated in, 1948 when Jesse Brown was commissioned Ensien and received his wings. That same branch awarded (the -late) commander Earl Carter his winus as their first jet pilot in 1950. ' T -. Women, too, .have achieved status in the various branches. No longer must black "ycomaneites" toil . in segregated offices, or tend the sick or wounded in " inadequate separate facilities; ' ;.. '. At this writing, inequities may still be found, pre judices in individual areas may still persist, but basically, the blacks in the military have finally achieved suffrage. r , ft iff '1 - - i - i 4 1 Km-- u i- - t Oil iuii ii.uut.t BLACK HISTORY MONTH SPECIAL SECTION, PART Hi: Charles Young, third black to graduate of West Point jv' 1 My if f ' rnW , "Jffr ;r-- A A ' h1 ) '& ';V 1 ,;'-.( ; 1 Y-VjP&? , .'i ,; . .. p f 'A. , vvMtr-''- L, ' t j-' f .i y J ' 'Vr " V - - ' " l ' . '. 1 . t . Vt .1 "V. f The famous Massacre at Fort Pillow, Tennessee Spectacles: A Closer Look Reflections On Miles Mark Fisher, A Centennial Man ' - ? V By Ada M. Fisher It seems mosl appropriate now at this point in America's conservative political fervor that we try to examine the black historical record for those who might have called it right. In examining Durham's Centennial Celebration and the Durham Library's Program. wxas started her by Dr. Fisher running two weeks and averaging 500 children per week. This program was concluded by a "Bible School, Parade" and gave the children a cross cultural ex posure to nlaces, things and experiences which exhibit on "Black Durham", the line "The Old might otherwise not have been available to them I irrie Religion is applied to Miles Mark Fisher and his ministry. This line had an impact and a message worth reexamining in this the last week designated for Afro-American History Month. ' t An outspoken advocate of the needs of black people and a voice not to be silenced, Dr. ifslier spoke, with understanding of 'the consequences of the integration moves of the. 50' s and 60' s. He .'cau tioned:, When t he schools are integrated, it will be the black teachers and principals who will lose their jobs; it will be our buildings and institutions . which.; are brushed aside; and it will be our historical markers which will be demolished.. He understood that it was essential for black institutions to be preserved in order that they serve as training grounds for future generations. He practiced what he preached using the pulpit at White Rock' Baptist Church as- a forum . for young aspiring black ministers who learned under hi .-'Watchful eye. He took life's sermons to Shaw University ""where he faithfully taught without pay for more than twenty1 years. As Professor of Church History for Shaw's Divinity : School," his sdiolarlyv insights helped ; prepare his students who have reached everv corner of North Carolina and this nation. His' ministerial service prompted his 1954 designation bv l-honv as' one ,o f ten ou t st and i ng preach ers . I ong before l he 60's "Black Revolt -, Rev. Fisher was' savinu it loud. "He was black arid he ..'-.was'' proud'. '-To -develop self reliance arid feelings of accomplish ment, live church tirtdcr Fisher's leadership took its message and programs jo the people. ." . Scholarship wa "stressed and students encoiirau cd by Rev; Fisher, to take advanjage Of cdticaiioifal opportunities. Scholarships honoring Dr. Jair.es U. Shepard and C.C: Spaulding. Sr.. were established in his congregation; and Shaw University's. Missibn understood and promoted. During his, membership on the Durham Ministerial Alliance, the black church's obligation to support Shaw financially and otherwise was always' at the I'orefioni. .From his own pocket, the cost of educating .many students was often paid without their knowledge. The superintendents of the Durham City. Schools an-, nually were invited to White Rock. Dr. fisher's let ters of. recommendation helped to secure countless numbers of jobs for black teachers in ihe Durham City and County Schools with no demands being, asked of the giver or receiver other than thai they do excellent jobs for our children, fisher allowed no man to be held in.awc by viritiie of coinnuinjty standing, stature or color. All ot' the governors of North Carolina; including Broughton, Umstcad, Hodge.svand Sanfor3 spoke o While Rock's con gregation and the black ; community. The Work Protects Administration (WPA) served the black -community during depressed times through Fisher's efforts. What some parents couldn't provide, he tried to make sure all of our children shared. A Day Care Program was started at. White Rock allowing , parents.to have a secure place for their children dur-' ing their times away. The Vacation Bible School Scouting at;W.hiie Rock .saw Troop 55 evolveand be vigorously-promoted by Dr. Fisher, The develop ment pf young people's talent was always a top priority -with .him as he" knew that talent was no respecter of class or' ethnic origins. ' The scholarly historical work for which Dr. Fisher is .nationally recognized was his book Negro Skive SonM in tht- Uniieti Stales. Fisher's 'Slave Swift was the f irk book to 'analvze the deener mdaning-of the spirituals. The obvious religious p'ramcwork which many had thought tb;be para " moimi was shown interlaced with oral history and' symbolism relating to the black man's life with its struggles for survival, hopes and aspirations. He preached on the African traditions passed on in our songs. The planningteaching strategies of our historic "secret meetings" were revealed. He understood the heed for freedom of assembly and .White Rock Was "a house of prayer for all peopled' - (he Durham , Coinnii.te,vlon? Negrx). Ai;fais met there, And it, was under Miles M. Fisher that the NAACP, 'in "Durham was restarted in the 1930's in ; Durham with the White Rock congregation being one of the first locally to become Life Members. ; National. recognition was again given Dr. Fisher in 195H with hi-, receipt of the Nalional Recreation Association's Golden Anniversary. Award for his outstanding efforts in the field of recreation which acknowledged his development of a superior com munity recreation program. His church recreation program was the forerunner of many of N.C.'s city and state efforts. He started the Durham City . Wide : , Softball League. Long before America engaged the I SChinese in international ping-pong, White Rock: sponsored a traveling ping-pong team which went: . all over the United States to compete and provide a-- magnificent cultural exposure for the students in- ..i.,J u;k;- Dnxt'e 'rhnrrh House" and "Par- VUIVLU. T IlllVi 1WIV " - " sonagc" were the citadels from which "Rev" (as he was affectionately called -by his youngsters) ' operated these athletic programs. The White Rock ; "Torpedoes" (the team's name) were on target and set a precedent in basketball, softball, ping-pong, checkers, boxing and other sports. "Rev's" pro grams provided a. feeder system for North Carolina College and other black institution's athletic pro grams; For many these programs made Rev. M.MV Fisher synonymous with recreation in Durham ; , His outspokenness made many, wncomfortable for he didn't always talk; about what ought to be or could be or what was politically expedient.. He talk ed about what is and what was. He was an ardent supporter of black businesses providing the inspira tion and financing , for mary when times were tough. He championed the cause of the little man and showed him he was important as veil. He was neither a segregationist nor separatist, just a pragmatic realist. Dr. Gerald, Edwards of the Na tional Institute of Health related that it was Rev. Fisher who helped him become the first black paper carries. for the Durham Morning Herald in 1934, opening job avenues for income previously denied v to blacks. In approximately 1939, the first black law' student was enrolled in the UNC Law School with the help of Rev. Fisher and others.; Clearly, Revf Fisher understood that what the black man needed most was an opportunity, Given that, he could, make his own way. Dr. Fisher's life was about pro viding this opportunity for others. Fisher's efforts were supported by those who had the courage to stand and say wt are men and women of accomplishment, dignity, beauty, and potential. Every New Year's "Night Watch" saw the black community gathered to review their past and plan for their future saying "Here I am Oh, Lord, use me." He knew that the message was more than economics, fame and the here and how. His words of advice often noted, "You can be right and everyone else can be wrong. If you believe that you are right be willing to stand alone and stand up for your beliefs." "Rev" never dwelled on the price that had to be paid for taking such a stand. "The Reverend Doctor Miles Mark Fisher educator, author and pastor of White Rock from 1933 to 1965 believed in spreading the gospel into all aspects of community life for he understood "The Old' Time Religion" and it's good enough for me. Subscribe to The Carolina Times Callfoday-682'2913 For constipation you'll call it "The Overnight Wonder" Ever feel uncomfortable with your laxative? Then it's time you tried the gentle medicine they call "The Overnight Wonder." It's today's Ex-Lax" and it relieves the discom forts of constipation by helping restore the body's oUh natural rhythm. Try it tonight. You'll like the way you feel in. the morning! . Chocolated or pills. Ex-Lax is "The Overnight Wonder." t. Take ony as directed -0s few.','. ' 13 u La nnn MIL c hi t II r 0 OJ Uuul ft;. n r SrV .MTTL-'m civilization flourished in i,' : - , 'HM ' J f '' Egypt. It was this cul- .;j" f SW2i33 ture that built the Ml'l ? Great Sphinx and K.-f s j i . i w -j. 1. 1 1 u . vi i uvi annus, nivcmcu -hummmi yiXiiw&2 ffnr:'tiissmf i Tony Jo ,w-;- )u..ni)iiM Six thousand years ago, a highly advanced Black civilization flourished in F.ovnt It was this rnl- rA -. ture that built the L f Great Sphinx and pyramids, invented Writing and filled the land for centuries. ' Or so contends an exciting and con- troversial theory of Black history. Is it , true? And if so. what has taken the Black man from this exalted position to the bottom of world society today? , Find out when Tony Brown's Journal takes a look at this provocative subject in How Black Civilization Was Destroyed. This week on your local PBS station. In the next show, Tony Brown's Journal presents Trouble in Paradise, an investigation into a report that Harvard University's Black students were intellectually inferior to its White. ' And later in March, Tony will present Should Martin Luther King's Birthday fe a national Holiday, teatunng guBL Interactive Service, a live-audience re- ; sponse system mat teis unio viewers share their opinions with the rest of the country, and Is Work a Four-Letter Word?, a discussion of the findings that attitude among Black teens may be as big an obstacle to employ ment as discrimination and social literacy. 1 his March, keep in formed. Keep tuned to Browns Journal. Presented by Pepsi-Cola . Company. William Jackson, Jeffer. James Armislead served as a spy under Lafayette and spy for the Union For an issue of the Tony 'Bnwn's Journal magazine, containing copies of program transcripts and .. v.-.v hiformation, please enclosr $1.50 and send to: L 1 '' TV i?r(wn Pioilm tions ''' :; ' ' " :-.'; ' ''"':y': :-''lS:;t " 0 ') -. ' -. '. -:.K AM! CVli'l . ::'.!!'.. WUNC-TV CH. 4 TUES, MAR. 9, 7:30 PWI I'lI'M AM) i'l MARKS O! AKI KM,Mfl( ) l' , IT.KC HA.sk. NY

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