.Three 'NjC; -'Companies' Itotzil Ca f i. - - - J.!, t' . - . NEW YORK Three on. the "BE 100" was North Carolina firms are Wallace . & Wallace listed among the nation's 'Enterprises; Inc. (New largsst blafik businesses, , Yprk) posting - revenues according to the Tenth Anniversary "BE 100"; :theHst of the top black businesses, published by - Black Enterprise in its 1 special June issue. : Total revenues for the thfte companies equaled $51,089 million for the calendar year.' ' The nation's largest black : businesses at ' $81,183 million: Johnson Publishing Co. (Chicago) held the to black consumers and ;firms involved with energy distribution. The i Apolitical clout black j Americans have acquired .in " several j major 'American cities has been number three position . ;translated into business with revenues of $8 1 : 1 83 for black-owned con million; with a 55 per st ruction ; ; and service cent gain in sales, Fedco' companies panies listed over, this -; period demonstrated.' strong and sustained growth from 1972 to-' 1981. Sales reported on line "bc iuu f show an increase -- from $473 .million in J 972 to $1.9; .billion m 1981, a gain of; ciTYOFDummr.1 Wtatwl CtttJ VkllWl bUW MlllliOllliOHl V.'srk bvotos Use responsibly far it S5!n!rst':a tzi r.t of malrcarance ana ccr.5trec:::n el rr.sr :n tystam and was!S2s!sr ecHscilsa tiitsa.; : Foods . - Corporation, (New York) retained its '.number four position posting; revenues of. $80 million;' ang this year's number ; one growth i ram in tne present at-? imitation, mosphere of government; jvv budget cutbacks, I am :. : very much aware that'''! ;v : ; " those . firms which de-' V; V rOr udlQ pend 2 considerably :Vlon';. 7i(:7- (government business 'are " ;ui(Ta. : .much Xmorej C-Av.v:::''vV" precarious position thani ELVIS ; PRESLEY, ' Requires craSantlcn from fcl;h icfesol. EscJislsr's C:;r:i ; 81 per cent in i constant; requires flvi (5) years experience hi wstsr iS'.strtta- dollars, which factor out,: ;, mdor tawasa erfSfletlfln awtsm cafcfasasei titd , construction to include three to four years experience In a manasement or administration capacity. ; f BtADUNc date: Kay 31, issz tATL7."Ay, f"AY b. i:;:-tj:2 ca:.:u::a t:::::-7 i WwtttvJ o f I 'r n ' ' EXCaiEtf CA.:::n C.TCSTUSrTT for im an ier wscsa eta art tn:Lr:-x, criaStn, foiaslrfcss,, cssctsl. Aivsrt'-ii er tesarasce s:.':s experience v '.- prsTsrrsl VJL t$ rs;;-ti. SlscaU feaw " trastpsrtsa. Cor.t!n;t;:a ealarycommlexi easily ras;s $13,C:3-$23,CC3 annually for B6S3f. CaiU. Jardaa, K2-2313. ' a c Scci:I R::c:rch Associate I glomerate which has re-;. ' Uur , 1982 List is a tained its number one T hairsbreath away from rank On the "BE 100";; the $2 billion markl We Tor thertenth consecutive see strong performances year, posting revenues at by companies" involved in j.' $91 .700 jnilhon; retain- the i new technologies, ing ..itjjiurnbjer Ug spot jthose that cater primarily demonstrated a 24.2 per cnt growth in revenues - leader Thacker Con :al they jumped from struction Co., (Georgia) $1,531 billion in 1980 to v obtained the nunjber five $1,901 i billion in 1981. . spot posting revenues of -,The cut-off point for in- $71.8)0 million. ' elusion On the "BE 100" - In commenting on ) a was $6.5 million. ' , decade of ' '. black Tne top live com- j economic -progress, Earl i ao ousiness wun tne panies are: Motown In-1 G. Graves, editor and. private sector, , put dihtrics ,(Los Angeles), f publisher of Black Enter' despite ,r president l the entertainment con-1 prise Magazine said: Reagan s call -to large corporations to provide more opportunities for those Who have tradi tionally been excluded.""' The North Carolina companies .ranked among the nation's Top 100 black businesses are: number 21, International & Dqmestic Develop ment Corporation, Fayetteville, $21,507 ; million in sales; number 38, Sam Jones Lincoln Mercury, Inc., Charlotte, with $15,000) million in sales; and at number 44,, Fuller Oil' , Company, Inc, ; Fayet- ; teville, . with $14,582 million in sales. The 1982 "BE 100" j has a geographic analysis showing 32 companies in the North Central states, ! 29 in the Northeast, 28 in the South and 1 1 in the I West. i This year's list marks the Tenth Anniversary of ;thp "rf inn' rvim-f Farmer's Market Attendant 500 ; are those which deal ex-! albums... foreian i and'y clusively in the. private! American. 600 45'i with sector Most Tilack com- picture covers. Rare videos :: panies would prefer to and promo material. Some! autographed; 556-2720.: 556-6181 or; Startina Salary $4.C3hr. Incumbent would bo responsible for recruKlnp; ven dors, assigning vendors parUng spaces, advertising. dWriautlng and enforcing Market rules, checking sales items, and accounting for dally revenue. Preference wBI be given to applicants with prior experience in produce or market goods and demonstrated experience bt dealing with the public. - i r; " DEADLINE DATE:. .May 28, 1882 - Laborer I LCQ3I NOllCOSi ' ' Work involves the performance of a variety of manual - , ; ;.tc labor tasks. Requires completion of the eighth grade and at toast three months experience In heavy manual labor work. Requires valid N.C. Driver's License : . . ; DEADLINE DATE: May 28, 1832 Compls&a of cs;e course work in psychology, society education or related social science, wit! course work in statistics, research methotfotstf, and one year of experience In gathering, edging and analyzing data , for social research. Background should Include adcscent education deveJoplng training mstarlsis for adolescent education. Including training manuals, working with autistic or ether severely handicapped students, especially adolescents. Project ends 9-30-83. Salary range: $15,812 - $23,558. For an application please contact the Employment : Division, 111 Peiiigrew Hall, The University of Karth ; Cara&na at Chapel H3, Chapel HID, NC 27514. (919) 882-2831. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AFFIRMATIVE AC TION EMPLOYER. ' 5 i , Help Wanted HVAC Supervisor II ; STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA , V h 0URHAM COUNTY ' " Administratrix notice y , Having . qualified as ; Ad- 1 ministratrix of the Estate of1 MARGARET MATTHEWS SMITH,1 this i to notify all persons, firms'! jand corporations having a claim j Against MARGARET MATTHEWS.. Computer Operator 1 Substantial journey work experience including the In stallation, 'maintenance', or repair of atr conditioning chillers, air handling systems; chilled watcher distribution systems, end control systems In an In dustrial or large institutional setting; or an equivalent combination of education and experience. Technical skills must include HVAC systems design, modifica tions, Installation, maintenance end repair. Supervi sion of skilled mechanical HVAC technicians required. -Good communications skills, oral and written. Salary range: $15,612 23,558. For an application please contact the Employment Division, 111 Pettigrew Hall, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. (918) 962-2831. EQUAL OPPORTUNITYAFFIRMATIVE AC TION EMPLOYER. V Starting Salary $11 ,CS9: Applicant must have a minimum two (2) year Associate smith, deceased., to bresenti ueureD w uaia-rTOcessinu anoor one ni year oi u- them to the undersigned within six perienca In a medium size operation wKh data com months - from the date of first munlcations. Experience on Burroughs equipment Is 4 fTXl m rosm0N REQUIRES SHIFT WORK 'recowerv All nersons. firms or-FR0M 3:00 P.M. - 11:30 P.M. 1 corporations' indebted to said , : MARGARET MATTHEWS SMITH, please make immediate payments: i This 19 day of May, 1982. ! Carolyn Elaine Smith Administratrix Estate of Margaret Matthews Smith 1314.Willowdale Drive Durham. N.C. 27707 PUBLICATION DATES: ' The Carolina Times " . May 29. June S. 12. 19. 1982 DEADLINE DATE: June 4, 1982 Park Custodian (Recreation) .'Starting Salary $3.35hr. Hours: Varied " Applicant would be responsible for ail maintenance and janitorial duties in the Durham Athletic Park. Re quires at least six months experience in outdoor maintenance or janitorial duties. . DEADLINE DATE: Juno 4, 1982 Telccommunicator I (Public Safety) Starting Salary $15,576 : Incumbent would be responsible for the receipt and I -r Congratulations Carpenter's Proudly Salutes Wilbert Leathers . ..wb are DrouD to dimuuitve that Wilbert Leathers is our "Salesman of the Month" for the month of April. Come and see ; Wilbert Leathers and let him show you a new Chevrolet car or truck.. As a, professional with years of experience Wilbert is 'ready to help you with any automobile need. ml Wibert Leathers 7 7 i STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY ' EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of 'tha aetata nf UA7EI CUQHV . ' w. . .ru.bw w w . . . . . . . I - '. DAVIS, this is to notify all persons. , vansmissnn oi raoio, wiepnone, ana leieiype masugBi, firms and corporations having i . end dispatching police, lire and emergency units. Ra ciairn against hazel jmroy , qure, the ability to speak clearly and concisely In a weB- K'. fjj jlRqu,r, ths from the date of first pubiica- n graduation trom high school and at least six months cona tion of this notice or same will be municatJon experience. SHIR WORK REQUIRED. . pleaded in bar of their recovery. DEADLINE DATE: June 4, 1982 .nil rmi9uii9, ituiis w vuiryviatiuna k Indebted to said HAZEL EMROY DAVIS, please make Immediate payment. Tl his 5th day of May. 1982. Barbara uavts Hams Executrix . : ; ; Laborer! (Part-time) Starting Salary $3.35hr. v i Responsible for cleaning city parks and some minor raualr to olavaround eauinment. Reauures comoletion of ! ; Estate rt Hazei feoyoi, ftl&Mh (8) grade and at least six months of heavy i r, ... . Vvr..!! manual TaBor wodu ?,,rr-m,rv& -,nt? hmi,W Marietta. Georgia006? v .i U UtAULINc UAlt: may ZB, 19SZ f PUBLICATION DATES: 'v '':' I A-.-ui-,. ..-- :...., CERTIHCATION (IF REQUIRED) MUST BE INDICATED ON APPLICATION. ONE POSITION PER APPLICATION ONLY. For Information and application contact: V Personnel Office, First Floor City Had 101 City Han Plaza Durham, N.C. 27701 Telephone: 919683-4214 An Equal OpportunityAffirmative Action Employer. I The Carolina Times .; May 8. 15. 22, 29. NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE . Having qualified as Ad ministratrix of the Estate of Rosa E. Lomax, this is to notify all per isons having claims against the estate of Rosa E. Lomax, to pre- tent mem io the unoersignea ' : within six months from the date of .the first publication of this notice or same will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. I All persons in- debted to said estate, please make Immediate payment. ? j This the 14th day of May, 1982. Ruth Edgerton Mills 309 East End Avenue Durham, NC 27703, j PUBLICATION DATES: i The Carolina Times - l r May 22. 29, June 5 and 12, 1982 J Job Evaluation (Classification) Analyst Experience in fob evaluationposRion classification. Requires excellent analytical and public contact skits. For an application please contact the Employment Division, 111 Petiigre Hail, The Unlversiry of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. (919) SS22S91. EQUAL OPPORTUNITYAFFIRMATIVE AC TION EKPLOYER. Maintcnanco Mechanic III Completion of grammar school and three years of pro- i gresshre experience In the performance of tasks! associated with a wide variety of mechanical or budding trades; or an equivalent combination of -education and experience. Prefer candidate with a ' strong power plant operations background. Salary range: $13,092 -19,548. For an application please contact the Employment! Division, 111 Pettigrew Hall, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel HIH, NC 27514. (919) 982-2991. EQUAL OPPORTUNITYAFFIRMATIVE AC-! TION EMPLOYER. Translation Specialist r Completion of graduate level course work In French,.!, ; Including experience m the international training and ... nearcn nem, to include experience in translation of : documents related to those fields; or an equivalent combination of education and experience. Fluency in French and familiarity with different vocabularies us ed; In spaclli? activities, including business, demographics; medicine, communication ana educe- 4. t Hon essential. Ability to know and select the specific ' vocabulary and the particular linguistic level for translation necessary. Salary range: $15,612 - 123,558. . For an application please contact the Employment Division, 111 Pettigrew Hall, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. (919) 832-2S91. EQUAL OPPORTUNITYAFFIRMATIVE AC TION EKPLOYER. Bookkeeper FULL CHARGE BOOKKEEPER, experience required. FamiiSar with PL, balance sheets, bBling, accounts receivable, payroll, etc. Cal WOBS-FM 283-8327. Equal Opportunity Employer. . 7 wmm I t l- (;XJ J in 'ip. m m hi n bits it irr 5 mm up f'mmm nm mMmm ni Top original liqiilffiiM 1 , TWoMtlbht;Mrong polyester . :-' cwHxxy- - :'A ' ffkh tnadhr outstanding handling : and tetacton - A ; Trt SiM 1 OurPric y Z r . Trr Vi j ' ' 1 : is" vk& n " " I a l D) 'iff V n n UULJ ' jF'eMW' ai iiiripeinifteirbQ SPRING FEVER SERVICE SPECIAL , Two Weeks Only! Mon.,May17-Frl.fMay28 Oil cnange Lubrication Any American Car 0rU2Truck V-D:tts!a 0.00 .:. . . ' .: t . v. Front End Alignment wTS dJHOipl CtNvVMN Plus LJ N.C.Tax, ; u Plus U N.C. Tax ; KEEP THAT GREAT GM FEELINQ WITH GENUINE GM PARTS 9 CM CJAUTY ' wMau kwnoaa eosr&u tlta.DrMrtawnDtfhnvreC2-U31 tOm THAN JUST USGD CARS.. .CARS YOU CAM DELIEVG INI 81 Ford EsCOft 2 dr. hatchback. 4 8p.FAC AMFM St, wire wtSeels, ex couent 0corKrfiy.......M.............. C3 ChsyrclCt Cfc"Jon 4 dr. hatch bacKAC, PS, 6 cylinder for economy. CD Usrcury Ccbcct 4 ap.. 4 cyt. AC low mileage, fuel eaver., C3 Cu!d( kjsrk 4 dr. front wheel drive, AC. PS, PB, extra clean..-. . 79 CcS2' Cri 4 dr. loaded with equipment dieeel engine for ex cellent rule mileage..,. . 7$ Fcrd F!nr.8Rt 2 standard trans for best eoonomy, 6cyllnder- 77 Fcrd 4 cylinder. 4 speed. ; excellent ; economy, extra 79 Jeep CJ-7 Automatic. 4 wheel drive, tun roof, hardtopk.- 79 Ftefi Herte3n4df.4cYt.. 4 ap; (peal one owner carr. 79 Pz!i 51 0 2 dr. tedan. 4 spd., '; cyt, FAG radiate, good on gas.-..u . 77Chrc!ct Chn!3 4 sod., a cyl, good condition: priced to seilJ. 78 ! -iChblicSst Vca station. Wagort, auto trans.. 4 cylinder, extra clean. See & drive to appreciate. 76 Chevrolet ChCVCtta Excellent economy-car. automatic trans., AC, . see to appreciate L. . . 74 Deeun 719 Automatic am radio, fiood dependable transporta- ttonL SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE . ' . ' " . . SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE wsS ' I (I :.:M "XiEJ 'm (SMJ3 ter. - -J 1 '4 : 11

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