uniuprsitv Library ForTheStJ g-ffcSr"' -Kead ' The Carolinatiraes . Every Week :, ',. ' c 98$ 1 V tfJSPfS 091-380) ' ' Words Of Wfcdon A prudent pmoi profits front personal ex . perfence,, a wis oac from tie experience of others. , ; --Joseph Cofihn, M.D. The'ooly people wko mike up mistakes are dead people. f . ; .Heir. Henry Alford Porter VOLUME 60 - NUMBER 33 Durham; north ca:.:lina -Saturday, august 21, 1932. . JELEPHCN2 (919)632-231 PRIPE: 39 CENTS ' By Pamela Banks In Durham City Schools, junior high school died ' in May, and when school reoperis next week, sixth, seventh and eighth grade students will attend mid die schools. , t ' ' . . : o' .r.The middle school concept is a new and growing approach for improving the education of students caught in the limbo between childhood 3 and -, adolescence; The concept .seeks to produce better j students by broadening the educational obectives. The jniddle school concept also attempts to ad , dress many of the emotional and physical pressures . that plague; students who : are developing from 1 ' childhood to adolescence. " ; - " ";. . Jy-- ; 'For example, -a key' component of the middle school guidance and counseling program assigns ' each student an advisor who helps him gather and ;' understand school rules and regulations and other ' , information vital to success at that school. r; . During regular twice a week or weekly meetings . with suidents assigned to them,? advisors will also . ,'. Jiscuss approaches to personality development, and ; - Mher issues that encourage the value of education. In another example, math in middle school is not aught as an isolated subject, but teachers try to lemonstrate math's relationships to other subjects, ' uch as English and social studies. Proponents say his method stimulates students to have more in crest in education, and to see its value more clearly. In Durham's new middle school . classrooms. students will have no more than three teachers, for 'the basic courses. The basic courses are language ' arts, social' studies, mathematics and science. Each teacher will specialize In one or two subjects. : r For. other subj ects, such as music and art,:! students will have different teachers, ','? As a practical matter, what this TnearfS is: ( , , Students will change classesJess often. Among other things, this will reduce the number of distrac- . tions they face. - w - ' -t ' I A, Students will be taught to understand Jhe various ways that subjects relate to other subjects. Students will benefit from the fact that each Hammonds enough focus on the needs of adolescents. He also", says junior high schools, create too wide a gap bet-' ween elementary schbol and the next grade level. The , criticisms notwithstanding, middle school proponents in the Durham ' City school system believe switching from the junior high to the new . concept solves several problems these students and their teachers face. ' "The junior high age has always been a difficult" population for school systems to handle because of the many changes youngsters are going through," said City Schools .superintendent Dr. Cleveland ' teaching team plans together with the same obec tives in mind for their students. Therefore, more.at - tention is focused on magnifying strengths and por- recting academic weaknesses. " ' But though the concept receives high marks in -. Durham -where it was adopted by the board of education earlier this year, the approach' dpes have its critics. ' '. J Y r' ; Some critics contend that the concept pampers students and does not place sufficient emphasis,on pursuits. However, supporters of the middle schools 1 in cluding Dr. Frank Weaver, Durham City Schools associate superintendent are equally as critical of junior high schools.-Weaver says in many cases junior high schools are just "little high schools," and are too heavily subject-oriented, and do not put .The middle school program will be implemented . at Brogden, Holton, Shepard and Rogers-Herr r schools. ; - .Weaver says the plan has not caused any extra ex penses and officials believe the plan can be operated In junior high schools. ; This allows teachers to devote instructional time to areas as needed. . ." ' '.. The Durham plan schedules 200 minutes per day for the basic courses. Other courses such as music, 'art, reading, physical education and occupational awareness will be taught during the remaining 100 minutes: The basics will be taught each day of the school year. The school year has 180 days. On 45 of those days, students will study reading, art, music and other electives, along with the basics H In addition, students will get physical education and career awareness instruction on 90 days of the schoot year. -' ,; Each of the three grades will operate on a dif- ferent daily schedule. The sixth grade classes will have longer time blocks, with fewer class changes. without additional costs. For example, the switch The. eighth, grade students will have the shortest does not require any extra teachers. Since the first. ' lime blocks and more class changes as a method of of the year, according to Weaver, middle school , preparing them for the 55-minute, seven-period teachers have been involved in intensive staff school day in senior high school, development workshops to prepare them for the . Currently, plans are being finalized to hold open new approach. house at all middle school centers on August 22, a Among the features the, teachers must adjust is , day before school opens, "time block scheduling." ' School officials will announce the specific times Time block scheduling is one of the unique func-, for these sessions later. The session are designed to tions of middle schools and. differ significantly from the standard 53 minute instructional periods give parents and others a chance to better acquaint themselves with the new program, - a ii - tx . 1 L i IK h .-4 . ' Hfi fcr ' && HI 4 k Haircuts And Checkers See Page 3 Deltas Hold Reunion See Page 4 Dips". Is The Best In Chapel Hill See Page 8 Heavy Campaign Debts Dim (ShaiiGelolMiehau over City School Sypvrinlvndeiil Clcvelund Hammond Dr. James A. Clarke Named, Hal if ax .... " ' . ' ' ' ' . . r.'.V..'": . ' County School Superintendent clothing, but that is about man of the Congressional November," she added, all," she added. "At least Black Caucus, Senator City Schools Open Monday; County Schools Follow Next Week Dr. James A. Clarke, director of the Division of Communiiy Schools,; Department'1 'of ; Public Instruction, Ralcijih, has been appointed .superintendent of Halifax County Schools. With Dr. Clarke's ap pointment, there arc now three black superintendents in North Carolina school systems. Durham City and Nor thampton County arc the other two. Since his employment with the Department of Public Instruction ' in December; 1977, Clarke has worked in the area of community education and community schools which includes com-: Civi I Rights Co mm ission Issues fm Study On Discrimination Washington, DC The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights this week . issued part I of a two part study on racial 'and ethnic discrimination in federally-assisted pro grams for older Americans. Tilled "Minority Flderly Services: New Program, Old Problems Part I." the study ex amines minority elderly' participation in Title III. funds arc- provided to state and area agencies, on aging I io provide nutrition services (con-' grcgatc and home-, delivered meals), multipurpose senior centers and a com prehensive array of social services such as ' transportation, health, outreach and housing, including renovation. . The . "Commission's study was undertaken " following the issuance of a 1 977 age discrimina tion study by the Com mission.vThat study in dicated that older members of minority groups were often vic tims of age, as well as racial or ethnic discrimination. This hew report is based on six ' Francisco, case analyses. An Area Agency on Aging (AAA) is respon sible for developing and administering plans for a comprehensive and coorr dinatcd system of ser vices for older persons. The i 180-page report points out that the AAAs ( Tucson,, Arizona; arc not actively involved - Tulsa, Oklahoma, in outreach activities td Commission ' also include more minority i tempted to include F.uro cldcrly in their pro- Ethnic Americans in the grams. It also notes thai study but found, without, these agencies arc not . exception. data were collecting data efficient- i unavailable. ; i ly which would allow s The Commission's fin fbr effective monitoring dings and reebmmenda and evaluation of their tions for the entire study programs to determine will be included in Pari the 3 extent of program , which will be publish- participation by elderly . cd later. Part ll will also, minorities further minority ol ten excluded from ag- j mg minority experiences ing prdgram planning" In ' connection with 1 l)U. l:UKI By Joseph E:di4en ' throughg , .Kennedy, , t of X7While mans voters want district,; , saict-.tnat-jt)ia;K ;v I1 s Mcs- muacnuscs,. anq Durham ' lawyer.' H.M. that she haslalked Id ,sayrowern.Tyalehtrne- Senao-r.TJary'nHart, of "IvliclceyMichauxto run that they are going to sup- PeoP,e say 'they think they Colorado. a Write-in campaign dur- port Marin over Valentine Can , trusr Marin over "They. hav all express ing the fall election; the se- if Michaux does not go Valentine." 1 . , ed their disappointment," cond place finisher during with a write-in: - ' Since his defeat, Ms. Gill said. "Kennedy the July 27 run off faces " Marin is ' clearly ; a Michaux. has been getting told Mickey that he an almost insurmountable Republican? You know telephone calls from na- understood what happen hurdle. His campaign is where he stands. Valentine "nal politicians such as ed. It's not over yet and it more than $100,000 in is ; wearing, democratic waiter fauntroy, chair-won't be o debt. So the chances of runn ing a spirited and suc cessful write-in campaign that would lead to victory, in. the fall over the Democratic candidate I.T. Valentine , and; the Republican hopeful, Jack Marin, appear to be most-, ly wishful thinking. Yet Michaux, broke though .his campaign may be,, still; holds the balance of powtr in the November election and C"' everyone from Valentine to Marin to Governor Jim Hunt is trying ib win his support and the following of the 50,000 plus voters that cast thejr ballots for him. V Valentine has been try ing to meet with Michaux since i he run-off accor ding to a Michaux aide, Ms. Pat Gill, but a meeting has not been set up. In a related matter, one political expert who was American Indians,' Alaskan natives, Asian, and . Pacific Island Americans, blacks and Hispanics. They arc: o.:'i..w.. inunity use ol scnooi -aevctend organization of close to the Micham camp, county Honolulu,- Hawaii: San 't California" local .scihhh iniaiu uc,ca.y iui iw and a ;.mcna inc punutui icmw Tlie,cimnvun.ity-oriented that he damaged by not ; agenciesi 'nrograins and 'supporting Michaux dur- ' ' .. .. ..n ...... "t: . u ..nmnn:n groups; organization of "Everybody is kind of volunteer ; programs: i upset with Hunt," she and. the adont-a-school I said, "he sal on his hands program eiilistyig the ,vand that is not going to oc relieve overcrowding and support and cooperation ' easily forgotten. He could long bus rides. County vf businesses, industries. j;have helped us and when school officials believe;? churches. comnmnit y we 1 needed him and he these transfers will: organizations and agcn: '-disappeared on us. The enhance the educational cies. , , ; ? next time around we just environment. v, Prior to coming ... Io . might disappear on him." In the city schools, the , said that .major change is the new; not made tin .middle school program conccrninii - a -graacs SIX for instruction and cur-; .wnlc-in. Man v of his sun- eight, under this pro- riculum m the first black ' norlers are still urvinv him cram, last year's fifth By Pam Banks Over the next two" weeks, more than 24,000 Durham Cpunty students will flock back to school, re-enacting an annual ritual of mild chaos and confusion before education settles into its normal, nine month pattern. Durham City Schools will open for students Monday, though teachers began working a week earlier. In .the county, schools open August 30, and county teachers started working Wednesday. Ms. Cindy Gardner. schools- public relations officer, said the county schools have no new instructional pro grams this year. But on the other hand, dozens of students arc being transferred from schools thev attended last year to other schools to help superintendent. "We're getting off to a very fine start." The city schools will conduct an open house program Sunday in all schools to kick off the new schoot year. Open house hours for middle schools and high schools are 3-5 p.m., and open house hours for elemen tary schools are 2-4 p.m. Some 777 classroom teachers and other education professionals, including principals, guidance counselors, media specialists and librarians make up the faculties and staffs of the ation by elderly cd later. Part ll will also b V"-- f0'"" lI m,j WPC ics. The report ; contain the results of a H 'V ?,U v notes I that national survey' of slate ; Ashcv lle; as Michaux has i v ; elderly arc and area agencies cover- a c super.niendent y h.s mind ec North Carolina Willi for in ix uf w, UUUOI, f "Valcnlinc really made limiied written materials deliverv of ' older ?lntclttW. He has also - a race issue out of the available on acintf nro- Americans act nrokrams, 5rvc a principal in k campaign.'' Ms. Gill said. other than English: and Civil Rights is an in--rr,oU -Mecklenburg thai there are almost no rfi'neii'lciii hinrtrlU.nn -rnoO sysitnis. bilingual employees to fact-finding agency con- assist non-English speak ing elderly. The six cities selected race. for the study have, among them, substantial representation of and Vhc, complicated thincs for ' himself bv savins f shortly after the election A imwna cum laude that our support of his ccrncd with discrimina-' rB"a ?. ;V3,'hti Pd ?"t uM "uCsscn; tion or denial of canal Sm,ln J ' University, , tia. People heard that and nmte?. on' of Sie Taw ' Charlotte; Clarke holdsV they are ,not going io he-aiKe nf rn.-e rnlnr '"0 ,M.. J BIIU M. A. v lOrget It," She added. cradc students will at tend the sixth grade at one of four former junior high schools ' Shepard, Holton, Brogden and Herr. J.(Y "Skeepie" Scar borouKh, III. was elected president of the National Funeral Directors and Morticians Association during Its 45th national convention held August Rogers- 8-12 in Orlando, FU. The organization Is com- "We are looking for- prised of approximately ward to a real good year 2800 (predominantly religion, sex, - age, han dicap or national origin. degrees from AT State i- Ms. Gill, . who coor (Continued on Page 3) dinated the voter effort in spite of salary freezes and lunch program in creases,M said Dr. Cleveland Hammonds,! Durham City Schools Durham City Schools. Hammonds said the system begins classes Monday for its 8.500' students. . about 12 teachers short of what the system should have. According to , Ham monds, the shortage is caused by the method the state board of education uses to calculate hc number of students I in each of the state's school systems, and the birth rate decline that has been around since about For the past two years. Hammonds continued, the state ha underestimated the city teacher allotment and later had to assign more system after a tally of iS!i. cturlonlc Hnrino th first .t M W W mmm " - - ------ ten days of the school' year revealed the state's undcrcount. However, Hammonds is not' sure the state will grant additional teachers this year, even if the estimate is short, primarily because of the legislatively imposed freeze on teacher salaries. If the state does not provide the addi tional teachers, then the local school board will have no alternative but to provide Tor them out of local funds alone. :i The Durham County school system had to hire 120 teachers last year with local money because the state's teacher - allotment does, not altow the county system to have the quali ty of junior high school programs it desires, ac- Mack) funeral directors from 35 states. District of Columbia. Jamaica, . cording to Ms. Gardner. Bahamas, Haiti and Ber Ms. Gardner noted muda. (Continuedon Page 3)