Legal Notices! j Help Wanted NORTH CAROLINA ' DURHAM COUNTY : . CREDITOR'S NOTICE The undersigned having qualified as Co-Executors of the Estate of Lola I. Riddick, deceas ed, late of Durham County, N. C. hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims -against said estate to present therr to the .Undersigned at the office of F. H. Brown, Attorney at Law, P. 0. Box 2005, Durham, N. C. 27702 within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice or this notice will plead ed in bar of their recovery. . All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. , This the 5th day of October, 1982.- - . Robert L. Stat on William A. Stat on -Co-Executor's. Estate of Lola I. Riddick F. H. Brown v Attorney at Law PUBLICATION DATES: The Carolina Times October 9; 16, 23 . 30, 1982 NORTH CAROLINA ; DURHAM COUNTY CREDITOR'S NOTICE ' HAVING QUALIFIED as the ad ministratrix of the Estate of John nie Preston Johnson of Durham County, North Carolina, the under signed does hereby notify all per sons, firms and corporations hav ,lng claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned or her attorney, Albert L. Willis, co MALONE. BROWN and MAT THEWSON, P.A., Post office Box 867 , 705 Kent Street. Durham, North Carolina 27702 on or before the 30th day of March, 1983 or this notice will be pleaded bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned at the address of the Administratrix given below. This the 23rd day of September, 1982. Cassle Lee Johnson Administratrix I P.0.BX8671 Durham, North Carolina 27702 PUBLICATION DATES: The Carolina Times r . I A A 4B nft 41AA UClUOBf C, , 10, CO, I30. NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS Having qualified as Ad ministrator of the estate of NELLIE B. FRANKLIN, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having. claim against Nellie B. Franklin, deceased, to present them to the undersigned within six months from the date of first publication of this notice at P. 0. Box 1932, Durham, NC 27702 or same will be pleaded In bar of their recovery.': All persons, firms or corporations Indebted to said : Nellie B. Franklin, please make immediate payment. . ; . This & day of .Octobers?. Mechanics and Farmers Bank Administrator - Estate of Nellie B. Franklin P. 0. Box 1932 Durham, NC 27702 PUBLICATION DATES: The Carolina Times NORTH CAROLINA I ' DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having qualified as Executrix of the Estate of Frederick 0. Sultt, Deceased, late of Durham County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all per sons, firms and corporations hav ing claims against the estate to ex hibit them to the undersigned at 300 Wachovia Bank Building, Durham, North Carolina 27701, on or before the 2nd day of April, . 1983, or this notice will be plead ed In bar of their recovery. AH per sons indebted to the estate will please make immediate payment. This the 2nd day of October, 1982. - HATTIE E. SUITT, Executrix of the Estate of Frederick D. Sultt Eugene C. Brooks, III Attorney at Law . 300 Wachovia Bank Building Durham, North Carolina 27701 Eagles. Legal Notice Pl3y . . , NORTH CAROLINA- .' ntmuAU rniiNTV - (Continued from Page 5 : FILE NO. 82 SP 778 when Central, under $4.87hr. Apply George L. Quiett, won is: Municipal the MEAC crown and finished at 9-2. LIBRARY ASSISTANT I -Town of Chapel Hill. Part time temporary; 20week, mornings, up to six mon ths. Requires high school diploma, six months library, or clerical experience; or any equivalent. Library ex perience in acquisitions preferred by Oct. Bldfj., 30S N. Columbia St. EOAAE. ASSISTANT TO THE MAYOR - Town of Chapel Hill Mayor's office, under Mayor's supervision. Assist Mayor in research,1 analysis, preparation of reports & correspondence, and office management. Provide staff support to Council's members and committees as requested. Extensive contact with general public, press, other govt agencies,' advisory board members, & Town depts. Attendance at night meetings required. Re quires degree in jour nalism, public or business adm, political sci, or related field, and 2 yrs exper in .print journalism, research, or administrative staff work, preferably In local go ernment setting; or any equiv. Requires good writing, verbal, analytical, & interpersonal skills. Starting range $17,074-19,765; excellent benefits. Apply by October 18: Municipal Bldg-AM, 306 N Columbia, Chapel Hill 27514. EOAAE. in O'Kelly Stadium in the inaugural encounter. ) The Eagles will start j 13 seniors on the offen-. sive and defensive units;, Norfolk. 9.! ' I NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE Of tfM power of sale contained in a cer tain Deed of Trust executed tP. Tom Davis and wife. Marjory H Davis, dated June 26. 1979. ant recorded in Mortgage Book 1005. at page 282. in the office of the The Eagles' 4-0 start is; Register- of Deeds of Durham .v-:. u-rf 1Qf t bounry. worm wruwu. ami Real Estate YOU may be qualified for; " a three bedroom home with; monthly payments as low as $118.00 per month with; Farmer's Home.Adminlstra-j lion ; Financing. Contact! .Associated Realty for details. 493-6732. .. Help Wanted BASKETBALL POSITIONS -Town of Chapel Hill. Part time, temporary; 1020. hrswk, nights & weekends, from early Nov thru Feb 1983. Must be dependable. Scorertimer positions require general knowledge of basketball; pays $3.35hr. Referee positions require ex- Eerience officiating basket all, preferably 1 yr; pays $5-8game. Apply by Oct 18: ParksRec Dept. 200 Plant Rd. EOAAE. Mechanical Drafter Prepare detail, layout, assembly and outSoa draw tags. Must have excellent Inking tfcBis. Assttistt Degree in Mechanical Drafting or equivalent required plus related drafting 'experience. Permanent er tem porary positions available. : For prompt consideration, send resume tt Personnel Manager, SPERRY CQRP . P. 0. Box 2211. Durham. r2770fc. An-Equal Opportunity Employer Artist Illustrator II University of North Carolina Center for Public TV. Position will provide graphic design services to all because of the default having been, made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof - subject j to foreclosure, and by Order of the Clerk of Superior Court of Durham. County in 82 SP 778. the under signed will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the door of the Durham County Judicial Building in Durham. North Carolina, at 12:00 o'clock NOON, on the 20th day of October. 1982, the property com veyed in said Oeed Of Trust, the same lying and being in the Coun ty of Durham. State of North Carolina, in City Township, and more particularly described as follows:. . TRACT I: BEGINNING at a stake on the west side of Alston Avenue 56.5 feet south from the south side of Dupree Street, at the southeast corner of Lot No. 1. and running thence along and with the south line of said lot In a westerly direction 145 feet to a stake in the east line of Lot No. 2; thence along and with the east line of said lot in a southerly direction 56.04 feet to a stake, northwest corner of Lot No. 27: thence along and with the north line of said lot in an easterly direction 145.1 feet to a stake on the west side of Alston Avenue: thence along and with the west side of said Alston Avenue. North 21 degs. 1 8' East 56 feet to a stake, the point of BEGINNING, and be ing Lot No. 28 of the J.A. War ren Property as per plat and ' survey thereof now on file in the Office of the Register of ' Deeds of Durham County in Plat Book 3. at page .130. to' which reference is hereby made for a more particular description of same. See deed dated May 6. 1925 from M.F. Scott and wile. Minnie L. Scott . and C.B. Roberts (unmarried) to W.R. Stansbury and wife. Lula Ruth Stansbury. recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Durham County. Plat Book 74. at pag? 341. 1 IT'S DONE THIS WAY At left is Avery Tharr- . iagtoa, trainee for instructor. Purple Sash, and at right is "Trigger" Leake, assistant instructor. Pur- pie . Sash, third tip, demonstrate a martial arts move. The class meets at the East Durham Martial Arts Center on Saturdays 12:30-2:30 p.m. Khalifa Martial Arts Classes Awards Program Set for Sunday The Khalifa "Martial Arts Rung Fu Class which met on Saturdays groups , tions. . New and demonstra members who ITUSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1332-TKE CCfX'A . State Of Black Community. -Continued From Page I, i And if the condition of the black community im-1 i proves any at all between now rfnd next year, when . i we take another in-depth look at h, the change will !be brought about because blacks individually and collectively employ the following six principles of success: - v ' ' Set A Coal: Goals give life direction and pur 'pose and for best results, goals should be directed, out from the sdf, rather than inwardly, toward the, self. Goals also must be specific and fine-tuned. For . example, last week we quoted Brenda, a long time resident df the black community underground. She ' says: "I want to be somebody." That is not a goal . because the statement .does not set a specific, quan titative objective. But what if Brenda said: "I want to be a magazine writer,' earning more than $30,000 annually wiihih iw hcm . v& to the second law of success. Be Prepared: Preparation is vital for success because it calls for research and planning. While education is one of the major ingredients of preparation, it is not' the only one, or in many respects the most important one either. One of the most serious elements, of preparation, one most often overlooked, is the need to unlearn error. For example, we have been taught, both directly and in directly, that whites are successful because they are white. We are further brainwashed to believe that it would b? decidedly "unblack" to use any principles that whites might have used for success. Blacks who do that are often considered traitors by their com We often refuse to believe that many wnues are at the W.D. Hill Recrea- oit,cd duri.n? tne montns successful because they have committed themselves ha moved to the Ul . JU,y' "J"1 an" to mat result., maae wnaiever sacrmccs nave ucvh tiuii uas iiiuvcu iu wvz - r East Durham Martial ' aepinroer w Arts Center where the City Recreation Depart ment placed . classes formerly held at Lyon Park and East Durham Centers also. The combined Karate Terrell ; Jackson, Don Rico, : Thomas Boyd, Lanny Covington, Lipscomb . Gore, Grant Pegram, Christopher Pegram, Michael Burke, and Frankie Johnson. x y? l : A and Kung Fu classes of hU7Lh .hirrf tin pwh M!me r ,nH his Green Sash, third tip, Floyd Mims, Sr., and Sherman Fogg will hold their awards program on Sunday, October 10 at 3 p.m.. at the W.D. Hill Recreation Center. Inr eluded on the program will be gospel singing W.B. 'Trigger" Leake, Purple Sash, third tip, has been promoted to assistant instructor and Avery Tharrington, Pur ple Sash is an instructor trainee. More NCCU Students Head For Business Careers t , departments of the center. Responsible for design tor : auvorusing taiii(jdiuii, uiui;iiuia3, iusioi, aiiw cv page monthly program guide. Applicants should have a range of design experience including printing design, broadcast design and photography. Ap plicants selected for interviews should be prepared to present an exemplary portfolio. Four years experience in graphic designart andor education required.' Bachelors degree in related field preferred. Salary range: $12,540-$1 8,708. Apply by: Monday, October 18, 1982, to: UNC-General Administration, Personnel Office,: P.O. Box 2688. Chapel Hill, NC, 27514. EQUAL OPPORTUNITYAFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER. ENG Technician Applicant must have 3-5 years experience In repair of electronic news gathering equipment specifically RCA TK 78 cameras and Sony U-Matic VTR's. College or technical school graduate degree on equipment. 1st2rid or general class FCC license required. Please send resume to: Ed Wall, Chief Engineer WTVD Box 2009 Durham, North Carolina 27702 E0E. No calls please. Tract II: BEGINNING at stake . on the west side C Alston Avenue 112.5 feet in a southerly direction from the south side of Dupree Street, and running thence North 6? degs. 30' West 145.1 feel lo a stake: thence-in a southerly direction 56 feet to a stake: thence South 62 degs. 30' East 145.2 feet to a stake on . the side of Alston Avenue: thence along and with the west i side ot saw Alston Avenue in a .vstake.rtne.para. in. bink-:.: inc. ana Doing Lots no. 4 ana 5 of the Alston Avenue Shlpp Property as per pfat and survey thereof now on file Int eh office, of the Register of Deeds of Durham County in Plat Book 3. at page 135. to which reference is hereby made for a more particular description of same. See Deed from E.J. Utleyand wife. Viola Utley to Alice M. Pirie. dated July 14. 1926 and recorded In the said office of the Register of Deeds of Durham County in Deed Book 82. at page 352. Also see deed from C E. Phillips and wife. Frances H. Phillips to W.R. Stansbury and wife. Lula High Stansbury. dated November 19. 1945 and recorded In the office of the Register, of Deeds of Durham County. Plat Book 162. at page 402. By Joseph E. Green With the nation's economy plummeting and large numbers of people including col lege graduates stan ding in unemployment lines, students at North Carolina Central are reconsidering their future f employment plant. . " " ' There once was a time j Jsivhen Central graduates fi,JLii.-i;-iirr''rit''.--w-a.-.J recognize that. That is one of the reasons that .they come here.!' According to Turner, women outnumber men in the program two to one. He said that more and more women are entering the program each year. Women make excellent corporate heads, he added. Central's program is designed fori students jie,pad; required, in other words, followed the six laws of success. r The third law of success is to stay in good health. Success requires an incredible amount of hard work. Unless we eat right, get sufficient rest and exercise, we are not likely to have the energy to be successful. Good health includes mental health, which is often dictated by how successfully we con trol our emotions. Quick and violent tempers "are not conducive to gpod mental health. Vindictive at titudes, negative thought processes and other ex treme emotional responses all indicate poor mental health, a blockade to success. The fourth law o success is to develop drive. Drive is the ability to move forward, inexorably toward the goal or gdals you've set. Self-discipline is a form of drive. Good planning is a function of drive. Being able to make decisions that prevent any desire from getting in the way Of reaching your goal is a function of drive. Drive also means to push yourself away from any habit or activity that would cause you to neglect your goal. The fifth law of success is resourcefulness. This could also be called creative problem solving. There is no journey to success that will not be fraught with pitfalls and problems. But, contrary to popular belief, all problems begin small. If we bfing all our personal resources to bear on the problem when it first crops up, is much easier to solve. Unfor tunately,what most of us tend to do is to ignore the problem until it almost totally consumes our lives. Then, major surgery is required to rid ourselves of the problem, and at that point, we often would rather live with the problem. Resourcefulness is the ability, learned ability mind you, to recognize problems early and to jump miamer'dr'thrvTtaysf all, our might so they jU not g in the When thev would become . . The sixth law of success is perseverance, good when they would become teachers or ministers or: social workers. Now, all ' that - seems to have changed. Students at Central want to become cor- C orate executives or usiness managers. They 'want to go to the top and they want to earn more than average salaries. According to officials at Central's " business school, nearly 1900 ; students at the university want to enter the pro gram which hopes to ' have tts own computer math. Students can pick up those math courses during their first two years of undergraduate school and then use them in the business school program. "Not many students who leave our program, go on to graduate school," Turner said. "Most of them go right into the job market. There are some who do decide to get their master's and do advanc ed study." Turner said that the increasing number ot center by the end of next aroKln the 0N SELECTED CONTtf.TNTAU AND yrRCURV- XRT8 THRU FORD MOTOR CESMT FINAMCgiS ' . WW FIRST TIME SAVINGS! ALL 1632 MODELS IN STOCK jf CAPKI J017 BELOW DEALER COST V'S BELOW DEALER COST BELOW DEALER COST Jk , y NLUW DEALER CjSBZLOVt DEALER COST1 f mil-- VOLUME courrmY for LINCOLW MERCURY WMK.MUI H Willi, MT I Durham 49147f Chapal HM t29-104 SAVING AND EXCEPTING from this conveyance is thai property conveyed for street widening purposes as shown on Plat recorded in Plat Book 18, at page 141. and Plat Book 77. at paga 36. Office of the Durham County Registry. The record owners of the above described real properly as reflected on the records of the Durham County Register of Deeds not more than ten (10) days prior to the posting of this Notice are Tom Davis and wife. Marjory H. Davis. Pursuant lo North Carolina General Statue 45-21. 10(b). and the Oeed of Trust, any successful bidder may be required lo deposit with the Trustee1 immediately upon conclusion ot the sale of a cash deposit of ten percent (10) of the bid up to and including $1,000.00 plus five percenl (5) of any excess over $1,000.00. Any successful bidder shall be re quired to tender the full balance purchase price so bid In cash or certified check at the time Ihe Trustee tenders to him a deed for the property or attempts lo lender such deed, and should said suc cessful bidder fail to pay the full balance purchase price so bid at the time, he shall remain liable on his bid as provided for in North Carolina General Statute 45-2 1.30(d) and (e). THIS PROPERTY will be sold subject to all prior encumbrances and taxes and all 1983 ad valorem taxes and assessments. This sale will remain open for ten (10) days to receive Increased bids, as required by law. Dated this 28th ' day ol September. 1982. ' W. J. Walker. Jr. Trustee. William A. Marsh. Jr. Attorney KrUBLICATION DATES THE CAROLINA TIMES October 9 and 16. 1982 Subscribe To The Carolina Times Call Today 682-2913 4$ " year According to assistant dean John V. Turner, recruiters from major firms and companies from ail across the coun try come to Central. He said that a graduate of the business school does not have much difficulty finding employment." "Our business pro-, 'gram is management training oriented" said Tomer who has been at on the Central faculty 'since 1949. "We have a vmv fine Drosram and many . companies Hazel Plummet Bowling Scores The Hazel B. Plummer Bowling League scores for October 4: , Ladles high flame: 1 226-Walterene Parrlsh. igg-PrlscUla." Malloy. 94-Bernlce Snipes. Ladles high series: 547-Walterene Parrlsh. 542-Mancy Pinckney. 529-Bernlce Snipes. Men's high 919-Llnwood 202-Jim Dyer and ueorge Thorn. 20 1 Ronald Miller. Mens high -series: 576-Linwood Taylor. 366-Jim Dyer. 560-George Thorne. High Team Game: 87 1 -Pacers. High Team Series: 2397-Tigers. Four Game ;' Winners: Blasters.," "- Others: 520-Flo Roberson. 513-Prisclfla Malloy. 509Erma Reid. 541 Ken Snipes. 339-James S. Harr ington. 508-Jamin Peddy. 506-Charles , , ; Parker. 505-JosepW Parker. 200-Chartes Parker. " Split Conversions: Bernice Snipes. 5-7: , Ma'fl"" Massenburg, 4 7-9: Ruth McDonald. 6-10-7. business program has resulted in overcrowded classes and even a few night classes. He said that school officials are working on ways to eliminate the over crowding. "We are expanding our facilities and con stantly working on im provements in our pro igram," Turner said. "I expect that students will : continue to pursue business degrees and we j want to provide them with the best education possible." old stick-to-itiveness. We simply have to give ourselves enough time to be successful. It won't happen overnight. We must work at it, dedicate ourselves to it, and simply not allow ourselves to believe it won't happen. Finally the state of the black community will be changed only if we as individuals correctly prioritize the three categories of problems we all face. Our number one priority should be a concerted effort t control the problems of human nature. We are on own worst enemies. Our second priority should In to eliminate the negative influences of background and environment. Finally, we should attend to the problems of race. " In conclusion, while the state of the black com munity today is not good, it won't get any better until each of us individually decides to serve the community by making ourselves better. And as we improve, then we have both the insight and the energy to help others improve. .Downtown . (2431 Duirwaaa dl CSff ilsSSS2ft3!"8' 1tS1 CstMro toCrwSa V-8, AT, P8, PB, (, f7pne AMFM, km mBta , ' f 7C 05 ; iwi caw Kcpw wow w psaaangar. v-a, at. ro,na, 1 1SH dm. Crvto CtaaeJe 4 dr outiom, 2 ton tbhtV4bAT.tiPB,Air . ItSI ChMCttvtSa4dr, AT, AO. game: Taylor. ELKINS USED CARS 81 RELIANT 4 Dr. SS99S 77 GREMLIN 2 Dr. Spdi.. .AT. AC. 6 Cyl.. 3 ... S999 CHRYSLER , AT. AC... NEWPORT SS295 79 V0LARE CUSTOM SW. AT. AC : S3995 77 V0LARE PREMIER SW AT. AC S1995 79 FORD LTD 4 Dr. AT. AC . .. S4899 SO OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME 2 Dr., AT. AC . ri. $6350 73 0L0S SS REGENCY 4 Dr.. AT. AC $1895 79 CHRYSLER MEDALLION 2 Dr. LiBARON , AT. AC. . . ... S5495 77 0ATSUN 110 4 Dr. AT. AC....... ..$10,900 Expressway At Mangum.St v . Pttcr.3 GS3-5511 1 Om. CsSan 4 cyL, AutomatSo, to, P3, - ts?Pif 7C3S CZZm OuSan tuaraaM AT. iPi. POL AC wiop,apBnwnawauwwMW issi am. tsoiti ct at. fa. pa, ac. mmrUi apOTt WDM QQHn, OLDTONn, ; 10THor!m4oyU4apl,ACU. tCtC5SCatpfTaiiCSa-. ' tlmAaAia7Blafartotc4eru8 menm wtndawa, powar door took, Um. 6AV2, I ;-1STl PerJ tigsaia Gda AT, ACL AUFU, kxal 15T1 (Oft; tSasm Carts YB, AT, P3, P3, NX nen 2075 itn PorTaa Traa AU V3, AT,P8,PB,Air.low 1S7S Peri CmsH t dr V-8, AT, P3, P3, AG; ir79CCVAAT.P5,A)rConaWsa tnr ft wiywwwrrgyrrsr' imCVartd8VanV.AT,P8lPB,A2 ts t J 4fc 4lM PW Pav AMt( 1S Om. 0-11 cyL, autorntac, PS, Air 1SS9 CUSS Cana Daai AT, PS, F9, air. Boa torn wu&$, i awrnr, rfiW i t , , - - 1CT4CCsgiaDoor.eeyl , T.J i lilt CbswrtQl luBpsSf 4 Dqotm

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