-t. i.i r -. . . - -yr 7 -, - - ii- frol.2. ; s . " FlUDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1820. ' ! HALE1UH,(N.C.) VTllNTKD, WBEKLT, CV tnoAS & ItATtVRY 2vrmj of Subuription : Three dollars jer year, '.. liJll'to be iaid in udvatif.e No DaDer to bt continued ionr than tbiee months attcr i.:rt;n UP Ltt& KING OF SPAIN yacr't subscription becomes dact and noiicil TO THK. CORTEX. Con-fituiion. 'The PresiiJonf, Don J.lsn nd.iresed the Kin, wbo inVmediatelv af- tcrwards reid tho following Speech thsreof Hhall have been pivoil. Tju-rinemvntd, not nceediiw; 14 liiiea, Rre 5n tcrted t'tricc for one dollar ; for tweatyfive cents each subsequent insertion : and in like jini'ortion where there ia a greater tiu!tt' of 1 ioc tlias fourteco.' Theoaah must Accomp :Ov tliosu ficra persons unknown lo vbe editor. ' gKo subscription cwi u any case be received without payment of at jeaat gl 50 in adTancc : and no discon'inuaii'je without payraent of ar Tfrn, wAeis t the bptifla of the editors Foreign.' Ii(sno?j, July 27. The Pari paptr of tb$ 2llh Lava; ar r j' veil.', Tfacj re filled almof t exclusively . ni'h. the ifturt of .SpiQ--Oa-il ioth . .SioTiin approrrd of 40 ftddref t to ih; ttjt. l'n doeutuetjt, fier eoagraiolut jug ilie K.in, fitc. ttuM refers to the tiod'U Americiiu larritories.--'' TLe iuli. tii .t to uoion f tbe Cortes tvilh your ily' g9?erntnentf the re-establiabiueul bf tbe ConsttluiioD, and the faithful ac in)lishtueat of pfomuet, by removiug nil jtreUit for disirusi, will facilitate tbt jiacilicutioa of uur lrania:rine ose aiuuo. The Cortes, ou its aide, will let l!) opportnniiy escape lo propose aod liJ'-pt tbe 0rsetary measures to rtestal. tjb trTjnilily iu ibote regious, iu order lo unite ibft Sjiarnards of both hemis pbcres iu one happy family ' After reading of tbe addres the minis far of pardons and of justice announced, tbal the kiog bad deemed it aeeessary te sucure the jc-rso.is of the tiixty.ntne indi vidual vb bad signed tbe address to hi mnjes y agaioat ilio eoastitutioaal system iu 1911;, and that they were con iiotd ia various convculs. 3omt7umerilhat a diapprobation f too Constitution ef bpaio Las been exuib it:d, oonliiiue tj be put in circulation $ but they appear to be without mueb,if any fpuudalion. , A letter from Madrid, dated the 11th " QnfJTI.EMB,l)EVUTtB9, " At length has arrived the day, 'the object of . my adeBi witbea, on vbieh I see uiywtlf surrounded by the repreneols-livesof-lbs heroic and generous Span'isb uatiou, am! in which a sikna oath Ira completely iJentilieJ cty interests a ! tboseofaiy family with the iatorcsts of my people. a . When excess of evi's prriher j tbr clear mamretMlion of tho voic j .or' ihcj nation, lorsurly oneared by lamentablo circuiustaiices, which .ougbt to be eraged from our memories. I immediately deter mined to embrace tbe desired system, and 1 tt-j &-3,oath to the pol'tieal' copstitu j lioS of the nioiareEyseoncd"'lby'"Thc (Joneral and Lxtraordi;mrj Cortes in the year 1812. i'tren did tin- V,ruir,. as well as the uation, rive ila I. gi imuto r glst. my resolution uhhj ito ,e sjontauoons anu treev linn coarrrnMl!e to my own iiittsrests and tliosa of tbe Spanish peo ple, whose l';ippinog has rn-ver ceaed to bet the object of my :incerest wishes. My heart thus ir.dissiohibiy united with the heart? of my cul.jects, who arciaUn my children, tbo fniare presents tome only agreeable images of confidence, love ami pnmpenty. Willi what satisfaction must' the grand ipectaclo be contemplated, hitherto unexampled in the history ot u magnum rnous nation, which has passed from one polilioal ctate to, another without convul sion or yiolenev suhjectinp her" enthusi asm to the guidance of reamn, under cir- eumitaoces wbmh nave covered with mourning, aod iuundated with team, other less fortunate countries! inst. contains the follntviug particulars.' A decree, dated tho 30th of June, pro vides, that the pardtin graated to foreign er madts prisoners in the service if the Suolb American insurgents shall not ex tend to Bnglfthmep who oisy have enter Ad into sucb service after the 3d of July 819, the day on whieh the foreign en iutrgeot bill was passed by the JkUio arllamect. Other tfeofec hara been iaed in the King's name, orderia the lull and complete giecation of a great number of decrees passed by the Cortes at JLadiz. The most remarkable of these enactments are the following: Tbe re establishment of the national order of St. Ferdinand the abolition of tbe torture ; th organization of the council, of state find tbe supreme tribunal ; the suppres sion of the Inquisition, and every autho- jrityof th . ' kisd xvith the destruction of All emblems and monuments relating hereto : tbe reservation of the title of Majisfy to the King alone $ tbe fixing of ihe annua! donation forme royal House hold at 4 ;,000 VOOof real j the suipend i ii the exercise of other funotion by the deputies during the session the estab- Irshment of Ihe liberty or tbe press ana tbe juntas of censorship (but which exer cise no previous censorship finally, the regulation of tbe article of the Constitu--tiou relative to the appointment of a re . geaey daring the Kiog'syninorily, and the transmission of the supreme a jtliori- tv hv the ll-penev to the Kinuc, on hit earning of ege. The Government Ca sstt'o merelv recaDilulates the titles and rfdtes of these deoreiB, some of which, inay be seenr .are of great importance. There are others of a nature wliiob must astonish those foreigners who reison on . nbat passes in Bpain witlioui knowing tho country y for example, a deereo of the Ciirto of tbe 3ib of Juoe, 1812, declares St. Therssa mtronois of the Spaios. Ono ' Mbew's tbe prohibit against printing no Constitution Wiluudt tue acinuniy oi givcrntnen'.. J. : "4l2fiT.Nn OP THE CORTES IN M DUiD, JULY 9, 1820. : The extraordinary Gazette of-Madrid - ive-s an interestina aticount , of the pro- feedings J this memorable epoch ia the establishment of the risrhts of a creatna- ion. The Kins-, nroceeded to the hall of 'he Cortes at 10 in ihe" morning BOflona T'unied by the Queen and the Iofaotaa Thfly were received by two grand depa- . atjon of the national representatives. "iien ins AiBj?aiy entereu an iub miu Jiers stood up, as well as tbe diplomatic ' "Jorps in the tribune on the. right of the fhronl;-' The Councillors of n4te, Qene rals and Magistrates, oeeup-'ed the other tribunes. Ibaimnienso multitudefwhicb filled the ffiKej-ie's could not restrain ble, and relying on :l.e patriotism and good will of ti e pnople aod the wisdom ol their represeutativrrla-'wh6ni I shall always have remorse witb'cntire satis faction, i It is to lie exacted that the te-cstab isliment of the eouslittttiAnal system, urn! the nattering prospect whieb that e-ent prescnis ior - tutu re, may, .hy remov ing tbe pretext. :f which snalignity has ouen ablb to dike u.lvantago in the ultra nrine prjvinef.M, noioclh .the path to the pqlication of those which are in a state of .g!iHlnm ir disturbance, and rendct nnist'ce?SR-y he Cicp'nyment of any other means. The examples i.i' moderation and me f v" I outer Riven b I enmsular bp;itn, t hi jnst prido bejongm- t j a vor I by and g-netvus a natioii aud ihe wise law whir-h uie promu gated conformable to the ConsliU'li(i;i, will contribute to this object, lo Liie tblivion of pa'M evils, aiJd wilt (Jfa-v -"er s.h opairrd gru&d my tbrohc-wsner.ficii.g to tho love oftbeir common country hit the recollection hicii might breuk or wrskcii t!i.t frater nal tics by which they oug.it tj be utiittd In our rcla'i'in with torein coun lrien iho iinst p.:rfi-ct harmuoy i:i gei:irul prevail, with t'n.' exception .l soma iew differences, wbkch, though they have 'ma di-torbed the txislinrj peace, have giACii rise to discussions which cannot be ter minated without the concurrence and in tervention of the Cortes of ihe Kingdom. Such arc the Jiir?rpncj8 podintf -witri tbo situation ed to the Path A c-jpy of the speech atti ibut-jcelebraled advocate of our 1 t'.a is given in tbe French pa lie id the efTnlnt rmntrrf the streams of his tloquenct j f light rapid as thought, iiisio nn ngmning, e COOlDI tributes and the powers of the ?at orators of antimiity ; ntv but he is either the impcruoui wlieirmnz torrent of Demos, pers. but w.th some doTi!jt ns lo lis au rhrntieity. It is aiil, however, ihnthr nppcareil neJt day iu puhlir, with the Archbisho) of Janina by his side, am; that they both proceeded to set an eXamJ pie ot workirg on the lVrUtication. On tho Fam day ho disarmed the Tuiks, anil made them ieliveT' lioHt&re to liim. fl hIso toofe hostnqos from the Atbanians.ilhe epkndid Conflagration ofl ing that t l ey profess the Mussulman reli- 4utrM"cs leathing, accnznalat; gion. Ila has caused a proclamation to b her station and public jhoDor icad in the Greek churches, iuviting the power almost of miming mo: peoplf? to tak3 up nrm for ihe defei.ee of net annual incoifae of the ex Jhdir religion. He offers every one that ibis single brain iaitc, if ant erlmts, a. bounty of loo piaster,, &nd 4t tbe net incotno of the largest piasters a month of pay. .Three terms tlte Eastern ?hnr have procured for.hitu a great number of SrwiS? f I rccru.t. Me is said to an army of ?JK n ,DD?re? -i 5D or-o me, moe than S-irths of whonf urc . w .tmprovss bv th f lrei?ki. - :": :,rT. ' v' 'TpFJT r nondred er slave au. :A Who was James Monroe?";? qf a brVklayer in the town ' bridffe, i Dorset;'- Who is iJai Irbe I The President of these I and what has placed hi rn' abov! and crowned heads and. princ j nay, in the most exalted statin1 ball of earth ? Edutatinn ia ' rani re peristal of the colam fame, supporting a "shaft of j lowering attitude, whose Curint ttal w high above fhc clouds. I Pojneslic. congress which rrpresents thi biglify fa vored nation. From it nre expected prn dent indulgence for the past, ard enlight ened firmness for the future ; and that at the moment which confirms the bappiuess i of the present aod succeeding genera lions, the errors of the proceeding epoch may b hoped mspiayea ui jufiiee, oeuiocence antt g virtues which always ,l j v , p'lon .io avoid lte connerineiices Ihe errors of the proceeding epoch I e . i . V k i t ir -r . . may arise from ibis want of re c boned in oblivion. It is also v.;.- . , , ... . ,, ... , , , ,, . ciislmg s-tiijulat ocs, the tecnsiv that multmlied examples will be I ,rf, : .. ,D. ..... a . i lentrrmi it in lue jcur 1810 w yed ut luUice, beuifieence and. e:',-lir:h. ,, v ,, .J , . oerosity ; & . I ST! t 1 1 0 Urfl Irri4ll:i n. f T at f ntf in nyytn- recommends; and which, bavin been .,.; r . nrincr i- wcm in. .. . . 3 a Avrittr-Ki the Laston Star, - niton mo euicary oi learning, quotes the fol low ing" as examples of the power of ed ucation. ' Our town is in tho fortunate posses fiion uf all the talents requisite to sfford ' i f a . every tniui in it, anu a great many mote, tne Deat means ol education. The Miss Ilairisses. are moat rfeseiviniri United Slates of America rcsneetina the vourS ladies, under the direbtftns ,0f i'batically, in this instance,, has Floridasj jind the marking ont tl-.a b;iini-j Mr. KmrnnnR, or perhaps better, lfn darier'of Louisiana. Contests likewise dor a lady in Philadelphia in three or exist occasioned by the occupation of four weeks, tidier (if them, with. the as-Monte-Viedoj and other Spanish jw.snes-! sistanro of two sxr threetlittlo volumes j ions on the left bank of the river Plata ; frtiight qualify herself for adding a de'l lint I !irmli n pnmn Imn I in-. nTu..;, I..' , . ... .. . . . 0 ..-0.. v. i -; pUr, mem ot tins uum to theif present great increase and to ihe ry. great benefit -of the community.- ladies of too much proorisfi to and oe content with ordio. system, tne prestrvation of which i now Br-V ,u,ne Bni1 "seitiincss. JMccU 1 ettempt Ihe irei. tai und deeided maxim i,f Km.'10 firc ,l'ir enlcrprize and exertwns hv pcan policy.. The ilcgeocy of A! ier3rctT,'r,''n.1s thciii of Miss Annmith ' i has given indication of a wish to reucw!firl f Uiis ouolate of Maryland, who! its old nsteni of j OBtlcssness and ngg-es-j witli uo pretensions, hot her talents aiirf fion. lo avoid ll-e coneoneiicos wi.u-!i ('duration, rlevntfil h. v rlii.oi.ii. i .J X ----- - r a x. a mwi s c.O ' i respect of.teacLer. till l.isli entimatioa ,nd an. plauso encircled her name; "Abonl thitl 'I'eBe men of her best materiiiH time the itttellivrnt inhshilnita nf Titiflr tSOell tllins. Peiivirlpnrp roa Unt liiidge (Virginia) engaged lur scrviresJ erected an academy for her, and called it after hrr. This lady by her zealous ?TOOTVcdri2W'HsJrtu11c of fif- cumstanses has hitherto adjustment of these dif that tbe jnntice end rto prevented the establishment to the very grer J.ft.ie.nces, I l,ope cf Gn cmo!aroe)J a moderation i f ibp - . , Pt P . ' . MiW.s vuuu.n. . , ,:--;i.,. ,u:w :.i i , it' n.ufiii ucwm oi tut comi The general attention of Europe is vy""'" " , u 5U,U0 u,,r "M , op- T, - , w directed to the proceedings of AUavt w'" roti a ",?,,U T!-" -mil do!n nar... t.fn', r.r.,L.. t..F r.ltlie !,!1,,c,, "formable :.. the pacrlic tl0T, nive treaty it it tlu" iw'ji M, ui me ii'i-iccine maritime lorees kin of the founded on cood edneafion. unci .--v. - . . ' . ii uy intense stuuy and application? herself to be power, with stat honours, and wealth, following traia. Why then should not A one oF our irkklayers, or ha tniiorfl, or cabmet-makera beco! hire President of the United S; The same path is open to the.Uf winds ur the ftidrs of a fl'fopn a , red mountain t and ther elevatp cle is not to be gained withoo' out ariarht. with the earliest a i . a I verest ani most intense mental: But the m ize is well worth the the higheat exertiorr. win ii. oo satu that natnt; soch thing, Piaivjdence was bosi hem ; but providence is as boil others Nature lefc these diatnji rough, as many of the pebbles ;l J educaliun fcsVtrnre' mgti ' rj ty thoasand dollars. And I would say M'o Pit hich illumines, and to these ladies, emnla c this noblo ex aroplo of hicli female worth. Study night , and day, and never think that you which the Secretary, of State, to whom that department belongs, will present, will show its diminntion and embarrass ment, and will excite the rfcal of ihe Cor tes t seek and select, among ' the re sources still possessed "by the nation those best suited for meeting the engage ments and iudispensib'e charges of the state. This enquiry will serve more and more to confirm the opinion, thaUit i essential and argent toestablish public credit on the immutable basis" of justice and good faith, and ibe scrupulous ctaer vance and fulfilment fell engagement $ which give satisfaction ond tranquility to creditors and capitalists,", native aDd loreign, and relief lo the tieasury. 1 ful fil oue of (be most sacred duties which the royal dignity and .thejove'of my peo ple impose on me, in earnestly recom mending this irnportaut object to ihe se rious consideration of the Cortes. The administration of justice, with out whioh no society ean exist, has hith erto depended almost exclusively on the hcir and probity of iho jntlg s ; but now na.ls atihiect to known ami established principles, it all'irdit lo tho citi. 'ns new and strong ground of security; and mill greater improvements are lo bu expected, when our codes, carefully improved, shall attaiti that simplicity and perfection whioh the knowledge' and experience of the ago ia which wajive are capable of giving. . v lu tho interior admini-tralion diin eulties are experienced, which proceed from old abuses, aggravated during those latter times. -The persevering applica tion of tho gqrernment, and the zesl with rwln-innaiB nhanrvvd rinri pee aojang taeprrpie, eugm to oeauu, u i (;(, Jutv flftl)e Cortes more etnctly practised in th congress of. tft C0DSa,e j,eacrfc happiness through their representatives, invested with hejthe medium or'wiso and just Ias, aod circaoupeet and trauquil character of. lnereb'v t0 ploteel re,io, the rights of legislators. -- thoerown and uf l!ie Cit.-zans. to aUn ii -lt is tow time to ondertake liio ex- M t0 , , (iee lo watnIl fcver l!)(.;know half enough, till you aro perfectly"" Acauemy tquai in wu. aminatioD ofthostaie of the nation, aod execuli()H and fulfilment of those law8,! i.ttomidishcd in all knowledge'; in"all;Pmtyey and Jlon roes: es, to commence those labors indispensib e and e,peciaUy 0f ,he f.mda,,,. mal law of it hat is to bo taught : and in all tntt!iods,du-, and among the sons of ior ine appnciiui wi itaiw.w . the monarchy, m whica tbe hopes aod: of teaching it to tne evils profluceu uy anoieni oaue3, M.i8hes of l)l0 nixnish nation are ceul.r- sincerely wish mv pen could do more an J augmented by the invasion of the eue-eJ; lb- wi D8 m. mttti K(fa,efa, and tu,tirft tti ,L, mtmt i.lrr.sti. trtnir.- my, and by the erroneous jyslem ol tue mnst coni.anl m the, ran.h!ih-Wi ,... .i..."-. i..-i.. ,i. l' . . . . . . inn auwit;bt iiiuoi uucray iiincciiis int ,"l,!,:lu,,,5 ment, and to the entire an J inviolable .....,..;, .,r xtA n,K,. ii.t.,n. lMieaecoont of the pnblio revenue, I. i r.ft n. ,i. I" . ' I 111 LILI I lillllll III I IIU llllllllll UIIUU. IL'C nu r I . A T A. a 7 11. 1 ..... .. . .. ican so mucn lenu to mase ii a ue.sirauii cr wnicn that Uonslitution crania luinej , e xi V--n- -,n., ,, ii . i.i i aco for Strangers, and will so rapidly thai will also consist mv duty, my de-1 iucr,caso "r IlulatIoii, as holding out iiht. anri irv. t. iv.'if ! ar.t hrin- I.. j"sily the highest character fr the ad tiarfal.i'..n 1 1... o-rr t n ,t i.tlnlnrv piilPr. ValltaECS llf. CdUCBtioil. V I d) Hot believe nrise. after humhlv imnlorine the aid ami' that our mercbant and mechanics could iruidanee of the Author of oil rood. I re- make a better investment, than to build quire the active co-operation of Ihe Cor-; tv.-o good school rooms, capable of eon know it has been the fashion to cecry tdacation -. but it Jwa9 the cry of .ignor- te, whos.e zeal, intelligence, patriotism,': taining taeh from 103 to 120 children, a id love to my royal person, Inad rne li Iksido thieronal benefit to their own hope that they will concur i.i all the-ne .children, they nould receite a hand- ccssary measures lor me .-attainment oi flu,na interest by the iacreascd CUitoiB tuen imponani enos, iuus. jiisniymrj ...: f; tjra- an augmenting population. euuuueuee oi inu ueroie uaitua u; tbey have been elected." ? The President replied :' The Cortes be.s heard wh. r satisfaction tbe wise address your majesty has eipresscd and gPier.Mi3 t.ei)tinieiitf, an.' the state of tiit nMimi. Tlr I. sunts lo your mnj'sty it ti t ? thanks for the nt ze i "f1 vou D'omote the c-'ieral frosp- '. . , and J . w i proiuu's to co-opei ate With )o.i jJujea- iy i laltlligjoce, and t.i oninbuie. Dy ad possiblt) means to He aitainrneOt of the important olijecla for which it has baeu convoked7 . The ceremonies of this auenst solemni ty being end.'d, i'h?ir Majcs' iesand the Infantas withdrew from tho Cortes wi' the sama retinue w ith whieh lb y. had eol$red ; repeated ofics of Viva d R"J j la&CottMl resounded through the Lii'l, and all reUrued to t&e.pilaee. America, and throws their radii into other countries. And have! at this moment genias and ta! Academy equal to Wirt chauic.3 too and Would to . Ilij, couild fire their young bosoms noblest ambition. They can nev vvbat they never aim at. A .MURDER, f a highly agj character, was last week conim? lhj wife of Mr. illatfi Baker j vicinity of Liberty-Town, in tbi The perpetrators eseepted, ther human i vn in rilna tl. fiurri. and matters had been so artfully i as to induce lbs jury of inquest ti " funii oiwl ila atoitt rniflnaniiin. Splf'.Hi. .'.'.cessi and, thank God, their cries are . ,. becoming evevy slay fainter and fainter. U.d Ignorance is fit only for tbe tyranny and nrn- dipp'fiition of monarchies. In a repub .'fu! lie every station is open for every man, that it was an accident. But so t that il marder will out,' that t was scarcely eoaimitted to its 4 earth When suspicions were whieh led to a further scrutiny ijdi&closure of a most cruel and d( murder. 1 be circomstanees, as ed uy the unhappy wretches,, i man and woman tbe property of -1 kef, are a follows. Mrs. Bk encased in the stable, in luilkin ruly cow, from which the calf he been taken, was followed by the i'roes, one of whom went behind nulled her on her back, while tl ich 'every man oukt to be enlightened byLUngod a large pitch-fork into I, all the powers of education and btudy In the rorrupt old (Icspotis.ns and hi ui archies of J&irope, inoriey is power; but tn a republic, wisdom , is emphatically els. Mrs. Biker was far advd pregnancy, arid it is conjecture have expired immediately, a t does not Sppear to have been r y ALT PACHA. Letters frm Epiros are slid, to state, -t,s.h ..,f. n.l ih nruvinoial au- that Ala Pacini, on-receding ordeis trom thorities, labor to establish the simple ihe, Porte to evaluate; ' some . Pr.,vinees, and benificeiu municipal system adopted had a conference with B.r. homa. by the constitution, are lessening fLa oh- Maitlau l, but was no. eneouragid to i.,pe staclos.and will, ia time, perfect a de- fur any awis eoee from M be Lrli.th g,- t.-.-. r i. .i.u K;rth haa anessen- verniuent. lie laefl. reiurnen io jan-Pa, .khisitialinrjuenoeover the publio welfare aud and su.omo.ted a council of the mosl d a. 'sideslnrssneritV '" - tingutsbed I'urks of the country. t he ifoia.11 h Vhe army and the navy coll more Turks advisnd , submission. 10 tW, themselves Ini'siii.j fonh into lend aecla matiuns and Vvae! The King took hi eat oin a laaz.nUceot throne, on the vi ivMicn wasuispidveu ine royai iiiaizuia. oiiqy u,u u.j ---- -- - - . . . -i:. j; j ... u;. ..Mi.i, As sooa as the king bad seaied himself,' particularly for nty attention and soi,ei-kt.ut m. .UdrVet aleFr thsQtieen, the Inlaatal, the Presidanf nftude. I will be one of my first cares to Htben called tog.lhet lh -ihartesUiaUtb onwn. Afler a short Daase the President "inert 10 the manuef iuosi eouvauiou. -r v - "...", . . .. .- ... . i. . i.-.h . . m. .(...rMimn iB nau s idiuiiiiou in mil so important, people uy siauug mat bo nau occh airicii iadispscs lo taoiseysTiues oy mo auijsiiy w uifwu. Aier a suori pause ias 1 reiiueni jiuciH iu iuo iu&muc. hwh. Mse, and with tti1 Sosrstaries proeffeded, the nation,' combining, a far ' .' receive the King's oath, which was the advantages of forces, ?kea injlka majuner pressrlbad by J&ejwita thatcwaomy "W power: and station. and honours, ahdllhre being uo other wound exc order to conceal the foul deed, the? . . i - tf.i - 1- 1. 1 ... W eu me uorns oi me cow wiui uri'v, . i . i .t iney turnou iter loose anu p'Jve iu that the cow had killed their r twcalh are in her train. iScod I turn1 back the page of ancient history to howi you this fact in the republics of Greece) and Home f ro, onr own times, our! own country, nay, our little state oliUr ,t. lA(i ftn fn Raltim Maryland affords the happieat, the most Uitte Was no white person oo.lhe p' s riking litustraiioiis ut tins mu. i.but some small children and an eu hifVe already given yott a glimpse -of dy, the mother of Mr. ' Baker "iss Ann Smith w ithout pretentions heighbtrl soon assembled an inq j without beauty, without patronage, still held on the body when, from M rislmr hv the force of mind and cduca- oil" eharacter of the cow and tki ti in, and intense study, and consequent t"1,1 bcr honsrtbe ioij i.;i. rir.prf.ih lv hAhmir sausneu ue must nave causea iu in.. .. L, ii., n.ker ' and riches. or Airs- JJiker. ( . Who wn. Mr. Wirt, the nrcsent At- After the funeral, dnubts were torney General of the United States ? A poor, boy of our state; - of the pillage of Bladensburgh 2 What has givoii hiin one of the first stations iotbs coun ry, with a handsome' income ? ' Gooi! t'duiratiuLN laboorious study and appli cation, and roosequent knowledge. 1 Who was William P 7j A pool ted by some person 'as to tbe cor if the verdict of the jury. ..1 LosJ were mentioned to three or fotiri aeigbbori, who returned te the bt' entered upon an examination jof the Duriog Jhis .examination,: wliiev several boars, ifiey persisted in ! heir innocsnee. Uut a guilty co l yoald net permit them to rest. bay, of An:iapj!i. T.!.at has icarninuhelhwvitg moroing they made a ti aad ii v i tiff titst lawyer j ta most at Bfeinea st tae wVe.'s tacif iti