the ch.u;lou.: observe: SUREST BY TEST Something for Everyone Everywhere for Somebody OLDEST AND BEST .Everything for Someone Somebody for Everywhere Phone 75 OBSERVER ANT s OBSERVER ANT w OBSERVER s OBSERVER? A NT A Phone 75 ... 1 Gbrver-Warit'ftds. I . S 1T OBSERVER (T Wants w NT .- , '..- - . " --- - - - . - - - . . 1Y)T OBSERVER n TtfT OBSERVER r ;WAfT5WANT3 AUTOMOBILES AIS'D ' . . . MISCELLANEOUS MOTORCYCLES. I CALL tZt for bot bread. Oncer rolls, pocket i rolls, bane, .eta - Fnch.t'g Bakery. FOR SALE Brand new Ford touring Thon 12$. - ,.- car bodlea Charlotte Wagon and Auto - ' ""' 1 1 " - Company. Charlotte, S. ft ' WHY NOT let a man handle your eolleo- : -. . . tlons who understands the bimlnesaT D. FOR SALE ONE 111$ HODEL FORD Wellona. Attorney -at-Law. 17 Law Bid. TOURINO CAR, PRICE $2M: ONE 11S 'Phone $62. . .: , J FORD TOURINO, $22$; ONE It-It FORD , ; TOURINO, $32t; ONB OPEN DELIVERY MADAME on Faanacht's Charlotte- BODY. MS; ONB FORD RADIATOR, 110. - made bread accept no other. At all gro- W. A. FRYE. 11 W. FOURTH 8T. 'PHONE cers, Fawiachf Bakery. 'Phone tit. - ,- 1117 OR Ul-J. ' PEPSI-COLA M bottled with pare artesian FOR SALE Charmer 111 torpedo In first- water. claae condition; aelf (tarter and electrlo . ' lights; reason for selling. Is -o Jarre for ALL REFRIGERATORS at cost. Farmers business. Address """T. B- if.,"' care Obeer- Hdw. Co. , ver. ' sT Vi t TniT-mw i rT . T DRIVB rheumatism away y drinking Ba k AAh?K KXC?ANGE ior ond- rtum Rock Bprtng. Water, hand Ford, one extra rood 7-year-old S,"VU"r' .A,d" 801 M1- Chr" ARK for Fasnachfs better-baked bread. ' rolls, etc Accept no other. At all gro- vnt ntirnv -. , rr il.'i' 1 . cers. Fasnachfs Bakery- 'Phone 22$. FOR QUICK SALE 1111 Hupp touring car. wt?ii 0b'-Vh hV UClt.,Z V- BARIUM Rock Springs Water, ch king ef BherrlU. Repjbllc Motor Track. Charlotte all milclnat waters, aids digestion, re. vitalises the nerve. , F?----.5SSiiC rly; ,v',rland flv: BUY DIRECT We -are you dollars on ltLTjLUi MIWtri,"ta?er.??d "weeping compound.; 100-pound barrels rl 'nt.."": tmy K'uP''d: at 1 cents per pound F. O. B. Oxford: Cash, care Ob.erver. )ower , prlcs but w , approTll). CYLiNTR rnnnivn lf not ,l"f,t'"-y. we don't want your n... .h V. Z,i : . V tREB"RINO- money. The Clean Sweep Manufacturing Our shop la equipped to reborn any cylinders n,fnni v c from l lot 1-t-ln.; oversize pistons and ' UXIOrn' "' rings fitted; Ford work a specialty. W. O. Hays's Osrage A Machine Shop, Camden, flALB Stoddard's Works; handsome S. C. edition, new. H, care Observer. FOR SALE I16 model Indian motorcycle, OLD-TIME family bread fresh every day. two speed, fully equipped. In good run- Kasnacht's Bakery. 'Phone 222. nlng order. J. Vance Bell. Pine Bluff, LOST AND FOUND. LOST 2 B. L books, nsme en them, Henry GUI. Return to Mechanics, Per B, et L. Assn. STOLEN Ford automobile, license ' No. 1111; grsy seat covering, rorbln patent lock. Goodyear tires. Notify C. A. Thomp son. 7 N. Pine 1WT Ons lady's Elk pin engraved R. V. O. ' Return to Hotel Selwyn for reward. LOST One cameo ring between . Hotel and Charlotte Sanatorium, return to Observer. CV.ral PI taw rIOST $7i currency; two .tens, live fives, .balance ones and two. In rol) with Mark elastic webb around. Mrs. C. A. Wedlock. M aouth Church SALESMEN WANTED 8ALESMEX and collectors wanted. We want two hustling traveling salesmen and collector! for soft housefurntabing Install ment goods; trade already established. Write, giving all particulars, to Box 112, Charlotte, N, C HELP WANTED--FEMALE; WANTED Cigar salesmen everywhere to sell to merchants; pays up to l!5 weekly and expenses or commissions; experience not required. Rex Company, Kanbas City, Kan. WANTED Three lady waitresses: experi ence not necessary; will furnish room and board. Address Box tlJ. Lamberton, N. C. WANTED At once, young lady to clerk In retail store; must be nest and good ap pearance. Write, stating age and experi ence. Address F. A. J care Observer. SALESMEN InaJIfd suto fuel; long estab lished; one-third cheeper; sold under positive money-bark guarantee; county mm,!re.i?'?f" """""ft "u """ South Haven, Mich GIRLS Now la the time to Uke a course In the Ideal Millinery School; trmmer rate $30. 4H Whitehall St. Atlanta, Oa. LADIES Make shields at home; ! per hundred; material furnished; no canvass ing; send stamped addressed envelope for i oarticulars. Superior Supply Co.. Dept. B, For Sale Real Estate Unimproved wr a ItrL Is - L. t oaasl A BIO MONEY! Show .u.omobiH.t, how t. "."to Vo 17" o? burn free air. '""'" ,nd "h ' ,or "pany. line Sell the LITL FIKND. a fiend for i ,".. ,. hm ,h. I power, mllesce and (tasoline saying. "New Address 1701 East Ith or iranre Pitfr. r r u-iaiti. slt w FOR PALE Two large varum lt loraleil en Crescent Ave. "lonlal Heights, will sell at coat. r will trade for Improved property. Thlea-Smllh Realty 'n . mo Com TBerrtal Bldg. 'Phone S27J Human. Sales Dent. D. Cincinnati, O. . " .rrr , r' WOMEN WANTED Full time, salary $15, SALESMAN for senenO mercantile trade In ulirlint.l Knalery to wearer; 5o N. C. to tell a new proposition ..f merit; houf tUne. perma,nt; experience . n. j mpi. . . ' ii I unnecessary. International Hosiery, isorns iraci: wprmy im riini- n. mih.-. , FOR RENT t-room house. No. Hit B. tth.St.: all OonvenlencesL imirirait Tni C& . - s .... . .. unnecessary. town. Pa. FOR SALE We hi.' . ItoolevaM on sh:ilv snl lot w hit h p i II Murphy 'o "iliiftlcii on il' of street, a sell for K.OINI Smith lllxler Co., Wholesale Jewelers, 195-34 Car- I tin Bldg.. Cleveland. O. , . M . j .. . . ... -.- WANTED Lady who has had experience ! SOI SALESMKN wanted at once, sell magls in ladles' ready-to-wear to assist In our I motor s-as: 110 per day; one quart, price ' boys' and children's department. Ed Mel ! $3, equals r.O icallons pasollne in inlleaie; ; Ion Co. I.ion't delay; your territory may le open. Aut i Kemeily Co.. Evans St, Cincinnati, O. j ONCE Ten ladles to trsvel. demon- FR'RALK We have -itust.d In Ellzslx-th. .In the iilnrs. on pan-il tr(-et and ear line, seme of the most sttrmtlve lets to l.e had fa the city. It will be to your Interest to . . iia If v nit u r IntrdMtAft fn . Ifl to Blld a home ..n J. E Murphy Co. 1 no collecting, no expense or risK to mer- Irhant; we tnke bark all unsold goods. an- IV)ti g.M.B At s Imriinln. or iirhCnite fnr I Held Mfg Co., 20H Sigel St., Chicago, farm lands, inhislil- undeveloped business i SALESMEN selling restaurant, hotel, cafe, I clirnr. iiool. drux. K'-neral store trade i-Hn do blic business with our new lve pocket rjoodrlrh Drug Co.. Dept. 470, Omaha, Nebr. side line, all merchants towns iiici.uov anu strate and aell well established line to our dealers. Previous experience not neces sary, flood pay. . itatiroaa iare paio. under want It; $5. 00. commission eac h sale; , WANTED A real stenographer, young ladv with experience, speed, education and 111. property In heart of charlotte V.eason, i wner ordered to Mexican border with Na tional Guard Address "Officer," care Observer. SUMMER RESORTS SALESMEN WANTVIt WANTKI-- VVe want a live solicitor to rep resent us In Charlotte. Mut como wel recommended and furnish us IG00 personal bond to rover samples We sell only guar anteed goods and extend liberal terms To customers Aur reprosontatlve In Chatta tinoica Is making good money A good huat- 1 ler should do eciuatly as well in Charlotte ; Don't answer unless you can ua!fy. Ad dress Edftsr Smith. Southern Sales Man- laser for llarrls-doar Jewelry Co, Mux 111, Jtidement No other kind need bother ap plying Permanent position with poseiblll tleii Address Accuracy, care Observer. J'OJL RENT l-room apartment, ' 40$ H " B. . .emu, oi., jo; room, apartment. - East 4th St.- $11.50; $ noma, $1$ W. Tth Bt, "n v- rropsi. wen ats Mt Pbon ll$t. ' ' : y,.. FOR RENT Desirable honae, , location. ciow in, oa car tine; part of house re tained by Dresent occunant If aatlafnntAi-w: Address B. car oWrver. ... Mc'dlrine Co., ,leinihis, Tenn. DONT GIVE CP your vsrallon but come to Connelly Mineral Springs Hotel With the bridge across the Catawba Hirer and , tnta (a iw , i i train servi'e rwiureu you can easily i , get here now The flood did not damage )UVK KKW K,t places" for experienced ray plant in any way. as was reported, but salesmen; best tironnsltlon belnif offered; neve Keen running nsht along Good hotel experience; rive references Iireeden una nrvivp. i:n" nnciersi wsier. riKni on the R. R. and low rates. Come rlnht alontr or write for folder and prices 1 am ex - I porting big crowds for Aug snd Sept. Wm. Jeff Davla, Owner and Proprietor, Connelly I Springs. N HOW IS THE TIME, the I.lthla Inn thn ; place, for a rest and reriipernllun Try (ha new manwsement. The Llthla Inn A J. Oagley. Leasee , I HELP WANTED MALE W f. iMu: a rAC'i'citi .III'.', c-oniatmnir nbout fifty acres fronting on the Seaboard Railroad. Piedmont Northern Railroad and a good macadam road. This factor" site is within five miles of center of Char lot :e lias water for factory purposes, This la rne of the most sttractlve properties for the money that can be bought around Char lotte. It ran be bought. If taken at once, for 2on per acre. J E. Murphy A Co. PINE f iPPtlHTl'NITT for party desiring to open c igar, mid drink and candy store In one of best towns of State. Address Store, rare Observer, INSTDB TTRE8, Inner armor for automo bile tires: double mileage and prevent punctures and blowouts; quickly applied; cost little; demand tremendous; profits un limited: details free. American Accessories Co., Dept. 46, .Cincinnati, O. 4 Livestock, Dogs n(l Pets WANTED Three A-l solicitors to travel; inuwt lie of, neat appearance, also furnish reference Apply Mmitlsy 9 a. m to 12; ; p m to d. Mr dates. Helwyn lintel SPECIAL six-weeks course and good set of tools for $2G. This la your rhancte Wages while learning Moler Barber College, 18 N'rlh Korsyth street. Atlanta. Oa. FOR SALE PHI bull terrier pups l.r Wells. Winston Salem. N C. FOR SALIC Pointer puppies; four bitches, ens dog; beautifully marked; lemon and .white snd liver and white, ten weeks od and welt developed; sire Speedy Man, he : ny stannous nap, nam Miss Virginia, aha Sold trial winner. If you want one as good as can he had, write quirk; dog 20; hitches IIS. If not satisfied on delivery , year money back. B. L. Mason. Charlotte, N, C FOR SALE Maxjcan poodle puppies; fine pets for children: price reasonable. F O. t)aten, Mooreavllle, N. C. I Speciil Notices WANTED KlrstrlnsH automobile repair man: must lie experienced in repairing different makes of cars, give refereni es nixt age and mention the cars with which you are familiar. Address P. C. liox !M&. Knux- I'vlHe, Tenn WANTED Al once, an experienced man with a small capital to manage "a first class pool room ilolng a fine business, two new HrunswIrk-HBlkc-Collender Co. tables. Carolina Inn, Cheater, 8 " tf) O. FOWLER'S SATI'HDAT SPECIALS, 'gash only: Fresh country eggs. SSr tlox ; ?ork chops. ;n.-, ,-eul i-hopa. 1, 1 for le, vesl stew. 10c . best cuts round steak. He, 1 for 35c , choice pot roast, I2r; .choice ruts stew, 12'ir; hamburger, ground from choice meats, I6e, 3 for 25c; i Hfresh creamery butter, llr lb ; premium breakfast bacon, sliced, 30c; chipped beef, '.double dried. 40c premium sliced ham, IOC. Complete line of fmiey groceries. liOW rash price. H ii KoWLEtl, Mar ' ket. 614 S Tryon Phone r,tl. SI0 FLU II.imi allowed distributing free soap samples Pocket Hemp Co.. Lebanon, V H MEN WOMEN wanted. Government Jobs; vacant leu const n tit ' i . ITfi irontfi Write j for list positions now obtainable. Eranl;lln Institute. Dept. l'S7 H. Urn-heater. N T EARN $2:1 weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, majcstlnc; experience un necessary; details free. Pr'-ss Syndicate,, 142, St Louts. Mo. FOR SALE Drug store; no better location anywhere In the State; good paying busi ness; a bargain and a chance of a lifetime; must soil to further other business Interest: get In tonrh at once and look into thrs tirop.islt Ion ; reference and Information glad ly t'lvi n DruKs. rare Observer. DON'T wash automobiles: dry clean them with lightning cleanser; every car owner buys on sight; wonderful new money-making proposition for agents; free details Lightning Mfg. Co., Dept B 45, Cincinnati, O. CAROLINA'S Only Cut-Rate Tire Store. Hc-y. there, Mr. Tire Buyer, money saved is money made. We save you from to to 40 per cent on new, fresh tires and tubes, guaranteed 1,600 miles. Flak. Firestone, Pullman, Goodyear, United States, MrOraw, Braender, Gordon, Nauaau. Mansfield, American, National, Racine and other standard makes at these prevailing prices: WANTED Boys for soda fountain. St owe Ajr Co. .las P WANTED -Twenty-live experienced slatcra. Apply Tallassee Power Co., itaclln, N. C. WANTED $0 men apply at West Trade Pressing. Hours 1$ a m. to 1 1 a. m. and 1 p m, till 2 p. m, Monday, Aug 21. WANTED To make special commission contracts with agents, all or part time, for our liberal monthly premium sick and ac c ident insurance. Huslness Men a Cat unity Co, Wlnatosj-Salem, N C. FRESH NATIVE MEATS dally Hot , ui steak Jtlr It, ; veal hnpa. ir, it. ; mi tealt. 20c lb roast eef from 12 to !. It,. W. T Hrlssle, $0 E. 7th St Phone JIM. RECEIVED I Yot'NO MEN wanted to run on passenger 1 train as iii-wn agent; good promotion . 115 j c ssb tmnil required; don't write, but come to Hamlet, N C, M A L. station Van 1 N'oy-lntcrstate Co FRESH rorNTRT EOG9, FHESH I.OT I sliced baon in bexes. 3i-. new barrel 1 large mackerel 16c. g.,...l wheat. It.-! peck; awe..t potatoes. .Hi neck: best' cream h-e BRIDilKKS Theme r.i 2!c Prooipt CO. ;U N i'i delivery ll-gs St. WANTED Live, energetic parsons to wnrk entirely new proposition: big money in It; persona wllh some knowledge of optica pre ferred Address Ilox ti72, Spartanburg. S c BOOS ic Icoy.EN 1 will pat 2r,c UOXrlN Foil ycil'R Kcc;s DELIVERED I MAKE PROMPT HKTI'RNS ON AR RIVALS OF Kill I'M KNT. J W WILKf 0 NORTH ELM. UREE.NHBORO, N. !, CEI.ERT PLAN TS ;oc oiift REBOOTED Celery plants, all lurlett..,, Tin per l.onti. by expr,,t safe delivery guaran teed): 4c- .. r 100, pc.stpnld Cabbage ante to O. t. l c r i F W Rorhelle A otM, Chester. New Jersey Students to Iciirn telegraphy; sec-urcal . fall term opens Hooti'm- WANTED posittoni her . reliable school under expert manage tnent. Write for enilurMeinents. Charlotti Telegraphy School. Charlotte, N. C. 1 Foil SALE -Op., of the best located gro cery stores In Charlotte; clean stock; the price Is rlxhl : the store is making a good profit and Is In the center of plenty of good trade. Grocery, care Observer. WE START you In business, furnishing ev erything; men " and women $30.00 to $200.00 weekly operating our New System Specialty Candy Factories." Home or email room anywhere. No canvassing. Oppor tunity lifetime. Hooklet free. Ragsdale i'ii., Drawer F, East Orange, N. J. I WOITLD CONSIDER gelling one-third or one-half Interest In my business to the rlcbt man. I need a partner that knows how to hande men (the employee) and a good mixer with the trade, retail Install ment business, heel, floor and window cov erlngs. The territory embodying most of the mill towns In N. C. and K' C. It would bo necessary to stay on road a good por tion of the time. Some capital required Old established bueiness and very few that Is better If Interested give particulars In detail, othegwlse, Slxe. 2x ... H0xS ... SOxSti... aixSV,.. . 32x4... .14x3 V,... 31x4 ... 32x4 ... 33x4 ... 14x4 ... 3f.x4 ... Sfix4 ... 34x4 H... ari4vt . I44... 37x4... 34x5 ... 85x5 ... 3i6 Plain. Nonsldd. $6.70 $7.37 7.20 36 20 20 10.11 21.38 21 (15 22 51 22 91 17x5 2165 7;i 10 30 10 4 11 82 13 . 3 t 15.75 15 00 16 5 17 14 105 134 212 22 22 12 68 13 50 24.97 15.85 tt.& 2$. 12 Oray. $1.05 2.10 2 48 2.55 2.50 2 75 3.30 3 45 8.5S 3.55 3 75 X.86 4 52 4 03 4 77 4 88 6 14 5.50 6.6! 6 8 Red $2.15 1.32 !.7 2 83 2 88 3.04 2.56 3.8 5 1.85 4.04 4 17 4.29 6 00 6 13 6,10 6 41 4.72 6 10 6 20 $.31 Pepsi-Cola Bottling plant, corner Sixth and Brevard, and get pure crystal artesian drinking water free. FOR SALE One $-faucet Walker Iceless Soda Fountain, complete with charging outfit; one 5-galIon icecream cabinet extra. Heed only one season. Write C. Q. Teal, Mt Farlan. N. C. THERE'LL BE no qneatlon about the fresh ness of your bread lf you get It at Fas- nscht's Bakery. 'Phone 321. FOR PALE Ear corn, barley, rye, crimson and burr clover, turnip snd mustard seed, Texas ' rust proof oats. Davidson A Wolfe. BEST LINE of Iron beds In the city, and finish and size you want. Special prlc on Dressers and chiffoniers. Farrls Bros. A Bergeron, 10 N. College. MADAME Insist on Fasnachfs Charlotte made bread accept no other. At all gro cers Fasnaeht's Bakery. 'Phone 321. WANTED Tou to know, our better-baked bread Is delivered to all grocers dally Insist on our bread always fresh. No higher In price than the ordinary kind. Fasnachfs Bakery. 'Phone 32$. BARIUM Rock Springs Water oures ecsema. TAKE CARE of your eyes If they trouble you. let me fit them with the proper glasses. F. C. Roberts, 24 S. Tryon St upstairs. CUT RATE TIRE STORE, 10 4 K. Trade St. Telephone 3046. P. O. B. 1, Charlotte, N. C. CUT-RATE TIRH STORE, the only one In the Carolines offering big Inducement at almost half price In the following brand of tires- Flak. Baender, Goodyear, Gordon and Dlannnd, and all other standard brands. We quote below a few of tne smaller sixes: 21x1 plain $1.70; nonskld $7.11; 30x34 plain $9.16: nonskld, $10 30. Write us for price list for other sixes. Cut-Rate Tire Store, 104 E. Trade St.. Chsrlotte. N. C. 'Phone 104$ Charlotte, N. C. save your stamp. Box 202, OPPOHTt'NITIES for good Investments ojion to people In all walks of Ufa; send f.r mngaxlne "profitable Investments" free; tells how to make your dollars work. The Huffman Company. Houston, Tex. FOR SALE Modern fuVnlshlngs In good hotel. Shelby. N C ; building well lo cated and can be leased Indefinitely. Ad dress I). Z. Newton, Shelby, N. C. FOR SALE Cleaning snd pressing busi ness established 1011, doing good busi ness; reaenn for selling, leaving city: grlrs tir.O Address Ifartman, the Cleaner, 4710 Myers Ave, Norfolk. Va. WANTED -Energetic man for responsible, permanent position In North Carolina, paying not less than IZ.Fimo tier annum; must have automobile, preferably a Ford, I anil $1,000 In cash. Acldrcns National Da ! velopment Company. Bedford, Va. CRAW riTirs specials fresh $le; Ftanklln tump sugar tor. Klngan pure isrd 11 t,t ', n sure lard. '. Pbeir- IMS l7f. TES- F.rms 10 It,. I'.ge. K Ingan We leach you the barber trade snd position In our 1 bain of shop at wages for $.10 Atlanta Itarber Col 10 E Mitchell St. Atlanta, Ua WANTED Te buy sawmill proposition that is not making money on account of had management ; must be cheap and easy terms. Addreas P. O Box 4J, Charlotte, N C FOR RENT Wanted, to build automobile sales room or warehouae on lot 80x100 ft. No. 6 E. 7th St.. for party who wfll make satisfactory lease. J Arthur Henderson Dill SALE Dentist practice In town of r.noo. iriie-tlie ajnno; will aell for Invented- Address "IV T X ." rare Obeerver. BAKED ritKHII f-AILT. FINciElt ROLLS $orketbook r et or eight rolls In a pen are something good for 5c. FAS HACHTS BAKERY Phone 328 "BURNETT'S VANILLA -LESS NEEDED, truer Savor --always good 15 and 26e . Mr bottal. MILLER VAN NF.SS CO, S7 Worth Tryon street Phone 2376. LOW Whole 1$ N PRICES ON SIGAR, EITHER sale or retail llltlDGKRH A- CO, College St. 'Phone 1(1. KICK FOR TODAY. "NANCY HALL" PO- tatees, nice large baking apples, grapes oanlaloupe,. bMB nd ma. sweet 1 leeppers, okra, snap beana, corn, tomatoea, lettuce and cabbage phone ue your or alerav Phones 20 -jl. JNO. W. SMITH HOT WBATHER DELICACIES! JAPAN ' ewe deep sea ersb meat, Canadian lobster all tails and clawa. North Carolina aarlms, cooked ran shad, very appetis ing, any kind of French sardines shred, dad eodfUh. Crass A Rlaekwells sour gherkins, Burnbam a clam boullun. big lot French mushrooms, all sixes, fresh .-. gaata t;ura prunes. Dundee's orange mar malade. Imported frankfurters, East In- 4 Ian carry powder. Cross A It lark well's ' pal ni ansa cheese-, ellve relish snd the best marennalse dressing ever sold la Char- ' Wte. 0IOMON-KLUKPPELBERO CO, g i : Tb Detioa lessen tore." W A NTED llrigbt young man to nslt In office and store; apply In own handwrit ing F. T M. tare Observer APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Small furnished and apartments and houses. Mrs Rob- bins 'Phone :i2. j CLOTHING salesman for Isrgoet tailoring nc-ern In New York, must bo exp.-ti- ene-ed to take orders fur suits and nvcrcoata tn measure, from factory In w'r-r, to re tail at lll.fiO, $1160, $.!-e f,0 uoi.i1 oppiir- tunivj. n.r men was s ng ai.iiliy , .., w..r f,.,nhed 143 nee month er ..u-vura v o . si r,. iMM rt . new y..,- ,,... ., No. 10, Bulldlns. or I Foil RENT Four apartments In the Co j lonlnl Apartments, corner of North Tryon Jimrt Ninth streets; two on first floor ami I two on second floor, five rooms each, beat Situations Wanted Male WANTED By man experienced In country banking, to begin at bottom and work up In Charlotte bank. Banker, care Observer. $1.60 AND AN OLD IRON OET8 YOTT A NEW 12.50 ELECTRIC IRON. SOUTH ERN PUBLIC UTILITIES CO., 42$ & CHI Run STREET. FREE! FREE! Pure crystal artesian drink lng water. Bring your bottle or Jug to Pepsi-Cola Bottling plant, corner Sixth and Brevard. ANT OLD TRON. ELECTRIC OR OTHER WISE. AND $1 60 IN CASH WILL SE CURE YOU A MODERN ELECTRIC IRON AT OUR OFFICE, CORNER SOUTH CHURCH AND W. 1ST STREETS. THIS OFFER IS ON FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY. SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES CO. FOR SALE Seven-room ottage. Davidson, N. C. acre lot, on macadam street, fine grove; will sell choap. 8. J., care Observer. FOR RENTHOUSES FOR RENTTwo large stew dwellings. X A H7-1I n r -i "-- . : IF TOU are moving in town or to nearby towns, we have the auto truck. CMl ua. Phone 214. Lawlng-Robblna Furniture. Cv WANTED WANTED If you have town property or iiuiu juu want xo sen, write or wire at once. We will sell It for yeu. Pie. utuue, nou isuiu wo., Aioemgrie, n. C WANTED To buy a five-room bungalow tu isuwocia. Aaaress B. B. B.. care Ob server. WANTED Dollars for new eode fourteen ruooer wire ana loom. Smith Novotoy Electric, 20 West 1th. WANTED Purchaser fine cash register, lo o .Si. Address a N. O., P. O. Box 568. For Sale Real Estate Improved ; WMMSNNASHSSIMMnMSIMnsSMSeSMWMHMMSMWHMMW' NICE l-roqm cottage In Sunnyaide. water gad sewerage, $200.0 cash, balance B. eft te McClung Realty Co.. Commercial Bldg., Phena ltii, FOR 8ALE Are you looking for hand ' some home in Elisabeth, Myerg Park or DllworthT If you are. It will be to your Interest to see .us, as we are la touch with handsome homes that can be bought at reasonable prices, J. B. Murphy Co. . FOR SALE Modern bungalow In Wood lawik It will nake yos a real home." Price very low; good terms. McClung Realty Co. 'Phone 1154. . FOR SALE Vary desirable 4th Ward home very cheap: $ rooms, modern, elegant hady lot This Is a chance of a lifetime to buy a home for less than the cost of the house. "Bargain," car Observer. FOR SALE Are you looking for a horn close in ? This comparatively new home la altnated oa North Myers street, has even . rooms and nice tot We are very anxloua to close this property but at once. Will make reasonable term and reasonable prloe. J. B. Murphy dc Co. ' FOR SALE Property corner Ninth and Caldwell streets. 00x180 feet, six-room dwelling and storehouse, 18x50 foot, with stock of groceries; excellent location for apartment houaa R A. Beattle, Agent FOR SALE Comparatively new six-room bungalow on Kingston avenue, - la fine condition, . has slats roof, nice bath room. cement walk and steps and paved street FASNACHTS Bread Is baked fresh avery day right here In Charlotte Ask rour grocer or 'phone 328. Faanacht'l Bakery. I This house can he bought. If taken at once. " i - a - , n i a -i i I lor ss.vco. J. d. juurpuy as BARIUM Rock 8prlnxs Water eliminates 1 ' 1 urlo acid' from the system. FOR SALE Beautiful building lota, Cen tral avenue, $1,050: Amherst Ave., $1,150; WANTED A second-hand safe with boon -Kingston Ave., $1,S60; Vail Ave., $1,200; space approximately 17 by 13; state con- Colonial Ave., $1,000; also choice 6 -room ditlon and lowest cash price Address cottages, Kingston Ave., beautifully nnian Drug Store, care Observer. FOR SALE Hot bread and rolla Superior quality at rasnacnts Bakery. 'Phone 328. WANTED All persons having eyestrain. headaches, blurred readlnr. come tn Te Barbara, Eyesight Specialist, Theater Build ing, for glasses Moderate prices: satisfied customers; expert examinations WANTED Purchaser for fine gas range liuwp. x-none zoix. WANTED One aecond-hand refrigerator In gooo conainon ror small meat market. E. A. Morgan, Wadesboro. N. C. WANTED-Hote- with, eighty to one hun dred rooms; will take long lease; must be furnished. Address p. o. Box 942, Char lotte. N. C WANTED Parents to have their children's eyes examined before entering school. I wilt examine them carefully, without charge 'Phone 2$. Dr. Barbare, Eye sight Specialist. Piedmont Theater Bldge WANTED You to know that Jarrell Ma chine Company still running night or day except Sunday, regardless of high water. TRIPURE will Insure against contagion In water. Phone No. I. BRING IT IN ANY OLD IRON AND $1.60 IN CASH OETS YOU A MODERN O. E. IRON. THIS OFFER IS OPEN FOR A LIMITED TIME. SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES CO., m 8. CHURCH STREET. SALE PRICES or war prices T Which will you pay T -Prices on Hoosler Kitchen Cabinets will- advance when the present allotment Is gone due to the advance tn all raw materials from which these famous cabinets are made. Now Is your chance to get one of these cabinets on the wonderful elub plan of $1.00 cash then $1.00 weekly which quickly paya for them. Don't delay. Decide today. Lawlng-Robblns Furniture Co.. 24 S. College St. 'Phone 214. The only place In town where Hooslera are sold. ALL REFRIOERATORS at cost Hdw. Co. Farmers WANTED Position as principal or super Intendent of good school by college grad uate with experience. Address Principal, care Observer. WANTED -By honest, competent end ex perienced young man now co,nnected with Atlanta hank, permanent position with re liable Arm In Charlotte; five years' experi ence In bank work: A-l references from present and past employers. Address "Com petent," csre Observer. WANTED Position as teacher, assistant In high school department or Intermediate grades preferred: or will do primary work. Address Box 192, Statesvllle, N. C. WANTED Position as automobile me chanic or private chauffeur by young married man with several years' experi ence; good reference. Address John J. Thomas, 105 Dork St., Wilmington, N. C. WANTED Position aa engineer and ma chinist. Address Machinist, care Obsor-ver. WANTED Position by accountant, corre spondent and all-round office man, capa ble of taking charge of offlce. Address "D. M ," care Observer. WANTED Position by sales manager ex perienced In handling men and increasing sales. Address "D. A. R," care Observer. FOR SALE Second-hand brick lumber pin book cases, chnlrs. tables, sideboards, cheap. Gem Cafe. M. M. Gardner. FOR SALE Second-hand Iron fence, good aa new. Dr. 8. W. Pryor. Chester. 8. C. SALE PRICES or war prlreeT Which will you pay ? : Prices on Hoosler Kitchen Cabinets will advance when the present allotment Is gone due to the advance In all raw materials from which these famous cabinets ere made. Now Is your chance to aet one of tbeae cabinets on the wonderful club plan of $1.00 cash then $1.00 weekly which quickly peys for them. Don't delay. Decide today. , Lawlng-Rnhblns Furniture Co., 24 S. College St "Phone 214. The only place tn town where Hooslera are sold. BICYCLE repairing of all kinds and sup plies. Myers Hardware A Sporting Goods Co. TRIPURE la the purest water In the world. Phone No. 5. TRIPURE is fully arreted. Phone No. I. FOR SALE We have a number of second hand and slightly damaged computing srales to close out at a bargain, cash or time. Charlotte Scale A Fixture Co. FOR SALE Second-hand slicing machine In good condition: first check $35 gets It Charlotte Scale A Fixture Co. FARMS FOR SALE York. EARN $10 weekly writing names and ad dresses; no c an va sieiiig , partd elate fur stamp, tl C Smith. Little llm k. Ark call 'phone No, 43t. U'AISTEDRoom And Board COTTON MILL HELP WANTED. card room, spinners, winders; M hours : W A NTED Room and hoard tfr gentleman weekly, permanent work, no labor trou- ' and wife, one child 4 years old; must be ble; highest wages paid and best living reasonable and close In. Address O. D. J., conditions In U. H ; floe climate, seashore, . '-arn observer. ' cool eummsra, mild winters, beet public J " i "' ' schools, libraries. hoapltala, amnaenienta, ' WA NTED By traveling man. Blew room 118,000 population; better conditions anil' and board In private family, close In, for opportunities for you and your e hi'dren 1 wife and child 12 years old. Answer M, Address J. S., 1$ Eighth HI., Now Bedford,; csre observer. v Maes. ' Situations Wanted Female and leading Co I lege. Government that ap peals to manliness and develops Self con trol. Beautiful and healthful location In Piedmont. Carolina. Commodious hrlrk ORTFFI IH'S CASH GROCERY ALONe) I bulldlnao on elevated, shady campus Splen- MT. PLEASANT COLLEGIATE IfiBTl-TUTK "Merit, tha Measure of Hueceaa " a high- I grade Institution for young men hihI i ' ' u"' ' 1 1 ' ' burs, iireuarlns for business life, teaching. WANTED On or before October 1. position or advanced class In College and Culver- i as stenographer and bookkeeper by lady eity Accredited rotations with University with experience; can do any kind of offlce work; best references. Address "Combine lion," care Observer. wllh other orders Saturday, we will sell : sugar and flour at coet 24 Iba Melrose or kilxa both and IS Iba sugar for II 17, No. 10 (Snowdrift lard et $110; No. 1 : Irish potaYtoss, peck, tie; bard head eab , bags, lb., tHi white tnveea for seasoning, ib., leei sliced pineapple, $0e site, fur ' 14c el bred aprteots, site, for 14c; Tip Top bread, $ for te. Ail goads are ef highest ejualtty and prices lowest 111 W, Trade 1st 'Pbon list. eltd athletic grounds Total expenses, In- rltidtn unlfiiriM f..e Ih, .Iom nn,tr lCfiA Many things you will want to know set j vlll". forth In Illustrated catalog sent free. Ad-' dress I o f. McAllister, a m.. Principal, MT. PLEASANT, N. C. STENOGRAPHER desires position at once; six years' experience In law offlce; ex perienced In taking depositions, etc.; good references. Addreas "8," Box 4S, Fayette- N. C. WANTED A position aa housekeeper or matron In hotel or boarding school; beat of reference. Matron, care Observer. CALL - PIEDMONT GROCERY CO. I FOR . good things te eat Fresh vegetables, spring chlcksas, baveoa, sliced boiled ban, anything Its can MaM leg gulck lunch, 'iboaveg tMl-tltl t- x u tn-nxwEix, Tin orocertmah, appreciates four traee, does sot elates to cut price, but ruareslees asai geiaJlty. Ms Try hint. atttr and Pboa 111 llt jl WANTED Assistant auperlntendlrnt N. C. cotton sheeting mill: ll.Oe'O pr annum; give reference, experlenca, age and family, and don't, apply unless ready to change, at prlc mentioned. Addreaa "Business, ' care WANTED Flrst-caa tlrkl Oce, car Ob- WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent by September I. 4-roura bsuxgaJew, With all modem convesJenea JTJaUM ot.esleas HHi. WANTED By young lady stena-bookkeep-nr with college and business education, who' haa held with success responsible of fice positions, for past six years, permanent position In Charlotte; A-l reference. Ad dress "Kxperlensed," .car Obeerver. WANTED Position stenographer avad ear Obeerver. by experienced lady beekkpr. Worker, WANTED By young axarrled si tun as eteaographer for three or four hour is the morn lag; a in years' expert eneet prefer boglnaiag a best Sept L 'Phoa tea A . ' " ' ' MISSISSIPPI and Louisiana Improved farms, $t to $30 acre; Vlcksburg district; bulletin free The Barbour Realty Co., Vlcksburg, Mlaa. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. $$.000 buys 220-acre farm five miles Colum bia, S. C ; five. room cottage, barn, sta bles, two tenant house, good water, half mile of church and school, splendid neigh bors. Terms, half reah, no encumbrances. Land level and big bargain. Would also like to sell or exchange my old home place containing 2S acres, thre mile of Whit Oak. S. C Fairfield County, on Southern Railway: six. room cottage, two tenant FOR SALE Butcher's refrigerator 10x7x 10. one 10 ft. round marble top counter, all good as new, caeh or time: will sell cheap for quick sale. Charlotte Seal ft Fixture Co. FOR SALE One pair Stlmpeon scale, on grocery display counter tli gal. Bowser oil tank, cheese, knife, coffee mill, al In good condition. Address City, car Observer. ALL REFRIOERATORS at ooat Hdw. Co. Fanners $1.00 FOR YOUR OLD IRON APPLIED ON . A NEW ELECTRIC IRON. HURRY. TIME IS LIMITED. SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES CQ., 428 S. CHURCH ST. '-r . WANTED To buy vulcanizing outfit for casings and tubes at once; nothing but good outfit wanted; give make, description and price In first letter. Address J. A. Walker, Darlington, & C WHY men leave home to eat at Brown's Cafe, 30 North Tryon, Southert Cafe, $0$ w. t race ot ed Inside, $5,800; aUo nice bungalow, E. 8th St: extended; also nice 7-room house. 110$ E 7th St.; dandy nice homes, $2,000 to $15,000; eaay terms, running 2 to S years ( pr cent semi-annually with reasonable cash payment ir you own your ioi i win build your house and loan you the money. J. Arthur' Henderson. SOUTH TRYON 8T. cottage, on paved street, for quick sale at ll.sou: r u. Abbott ft Co. FOR SALE-r-The Jno. M. Wilson residence. Elizabeth avenue, with lot is icei aeep. affording fine garden. F. C. Abbott ft to., Commercial Bank Bldg. FOR 8 ALE One thousand acres timbered land, 4 million feet short ana long teat pine, one million feet hard wood. W. J. Davis, Eltxnbethtown, N. C. H0ME8 BUILT and sold on terms to sutt purchaser In. Fernwood. Ellxabeth. Realty Development Co.. 606 Realty Bldg. 'Phone 3002. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Two connecting rooms, first Boor; modern conveniences, nppiy cue Graham St FOR RENT Rooms board. 'Phone 1794. with and without Barium Spring Water Bet ter Tnan Drugs. Bulletin of the North Carolina State Board of Health says we use more Drug per capita than any people in the world, and further states that It la one of our most harmful hab its. In many cases Drugs irritate tne membrane of the Stomach and Bowels and do Infinitely more harm than good. The wonderful Barium Spring Water soothes and heals the membrane of the trtomach an dbowels, acta freely on the kidneys, drtives Uric acid out of the system, purifies the b'-ood and . revitalizes the nerves. It costs you nothini? to try this, the greatest of Nature's remedies, if you receive no benefits from the first ten gallons. Phone 738 or write Box 6-0. BARIUM SPRINGS CO., . (Adv.) Barium Springs, N. C. WANTED You to call 328 for better-baked bread, rolla, plea and cakes Fasnachfs Bakery. WANTED Clean whhe rags Apply at Ob server office. FINE WATCH and Jewelry repairing. C. F. Lemmond. watch Inspector for Southern, Seaboard and Norfolk-Southern railroads. Dealer In high-grade American watches 20 East 8th Street, Charlotte, N. C. WANTED A many aa will to come to the Pepsi-Cola Bottling Plant and get pur crystal artesian drinking water free. POULTRY AND EGGS FOR SALE Regal White Wyandotte cock erels, one dollar to three and a half; Duroc-Jersey pigs, five dollars each. Mt Rydol Farm, Amherst, Va. FOR SALE Three pool tables or will x c:hsne for Ford automobile. Addreas Bog 421, Charlotte. N. C, AGENTS WANTED WANTED Life Insurance agent for North Carolina; wonderful opportunity open for ambitious men with clean record who can houses, school and churches within half ""lU " "1 ' ...1 " J.7;..., " Mnk .,,. . . prejuueo unci wnwi ndli-l'ariiviuac.ine; UUS1- for Chslot J m I 'ZJI9 1rTM,n'ln't ! net-; liberal contracts; hearty co-operation, hrlnc-" '"'w'S!- 5t..?SrE: ! Write quick If you can deliver the goods. FOR SALE R0 White Leghorn pullota. Q. Deaton, Mooresvllle, N. C. NOTICE graph Company, Charlotte, N. C. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 1,000 acre best undeveloped farm land In Hoke Co., four miles from flaeford, on mile from private aiding on A A R. Ry. 100 acres In cultivation, 200 acres cut egnwh. all easy to clear. Public- aaael clay road divides prop erty In halves, million feet poplar, pine and cypress timber. Reason for selling, too much land. Add re "Farm," car Observer. Address A. O Blotcky, Spartanburg, ft. C. General Agent, For Rent Stores and Offices FOR RENT Storeroom. 100 N. Tryon St.. $1,000 PER MAN per county; Strang In vention startle world; agent amased; ten Inexperienced men divide $40,000; Kor stad, a farmer, did $2,200 In 14 days; Schleicher, a minister, $19$ first 12 hours; $1,200 cold cash mad, paid banked by Stoneman in 20 days; $15,000 to date; a hot or cold running water bath equipment for any home at only $$.$0; sef-haatlng, no plumbing or waterworks required; In vestigate; exclusive sale; credit given; send no money, . Writ letter or postal today. Allen Mfg. Co, 274 Allen Bldg., Toledo, O. TOWN OF NORTH WILKKSBORO NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. Sealed bid will be received on the grad ing, paving and otherwise Improving certain streets In the Town of North Wllkesboro. N. C, aa the Board may direct.'' Types of paving will be sheet asphalt (not lea than 20,000 sq. yds.1, and granite block. Speci fications will be furnished to bidder only, by depositing $5.00 with the Town Clerk. This will be returned If a bid Is received. Bidders must tile with their bids a certified check In the sum of $1,000, as a guarantee that contract will be entered upon and bond executed promptly after the award. Fail ure to do o will forfeit this check. Th successful bidder will be required to file a ' bond In the sum of $20,000 with some sat- iniaoxory guaranty company,, t safeguard th proper performance of the contract Th Board of Commissioner roaarvt th right to reject any or all bide. Bids will be received until' 1 o'clock Aug. II, 1910, and read In publle Immediately thereafter. After tlift for due considera tion tu Board will announce It decision. A, B. SPAINHOWER, Mayor. W. A. BULL18, Town Clork. J. N. AMBLER, Consulting Engineer. . f STAFFORD, Chm, Street Committee ANNUAL POPULAR AUGUST VIRGINIA SEASHORE EXCURSION TO NORJX)LK AND RETURN VTA SOUTHERN RAILWAY TUESDAY, AUGUST 20. 1916. Southern Railway will operate An nual North Carolina Norfolk Excur sion this year on Tuesday, August 29th, Three special trains. One spe cial train starting at Marlon, going via Barber and Winston-Salem. One special train starting at Charlotte ana one special train starting at Salis bury. All thrge of these trains wiU consist of both day coaches and Pull man sleeping cars, leaving starting point afternoon Tuesday, August 29th, arriving Norfolk early morning of August 30th, and return, leaving Norfolk Thursday evening, August 31st. Two whole days and one night In Norfolk. Low round trip fare for this eursion from ur iiciui ..o.n.s will be: Charlotte $4.75 AGENTS for high-grade article; easily carried: easily demonstrated; hlg profits; well located for retail business, or auto ' descriptive hooklet free. Appalachian Mer- tire and supplies. J. Arthur Henderson. ( c-hundlslng Company, 211 East Main St., - - '- , , Johnson City, Tnn. 1 , inn. busaun csuiiaing, 9, v.aaron nr., np- noalte Southern Kmrul icukI room for WANTKtV Lives rents In . all ' maris of automobile or rubber, tire business, with I State to aell York gae saver for anto- baawmeat and second and third floors also ir d eel reel, elevator for large car, f. C Abbott Co. FOR RENT Haadaota new. brick store foot ef a Tryon; a tin location for gen arai merchandise; special prlc for 'Brat year to tight party. F. C Abbott AC. FOR KENT. Th beat laeattea In th Stat for Depart meat Store; e Mare, tret floor ef mod- era, office . boildlng. Hit In V. Hardy, riM Of a 1 see no .ii ii . ill ii . iJ mobiles; absolutely guaranteed. For par ticulars address If. D. Arraasld, Fayette rtll, N. a - ' TEACHERS WANTED TEACHERSKers and translations bought, I sold aad xchanged. - Send lists, also magnate - subscriptions, -catalogue ' free. Teacher ' gasply Compear, Greenwood, NOTICE Th Palace Barber Shop. K. Trade, la under the management of J. E. Mtlllkln, who will see that It Is operated under th moat sanitary condition and that satisfactory service 1 rendered by hi as sistants. LISTEN GOOD. At auction, on my farm, at HolUburg, flag - station, main line of Southern K R., lo cal stop tkeraj Automobile Uke road to th south at Bailey' More, on National Highway, 2 miles east of toll bridge over Yadkin river, ill acre of my red tract farm. In surveyed tracts of 2$ to II acre each, I mile from Spencer, I mil from Salisbury, 10 tulle from Lexington, South ern Power Una cross th farm. Term. each, balance m II month: Bid can t mailed t Clement Clement, Salisbury, N. C, and to McCmry McCrary, Lexington. N. C On Saturday. Sept. 0, 111$, at 11 o'clock. Mo bras bands fake bidders Dav Leoaard, Asettonewr. Per further psrtllars adiires, WD. Mearevgrow, uawood, Savklawi Co, K. -Q, High Point Reldsvllle North Wllkesboro . . . Mount Airy Chester, S. C Gaffney. S. C Gastonia Marion , . . Hickory Statesvllle . . . . . . . . . Acheboro Slier City Concord Lexington 4.75 Greenaboro Winston-Salem Elkln Mocksville Bock Hill, a C Blacksburg, S. C. .. ,. Shelby . . .. . ; .. Morganton .... NewtOn .. .. Albemarle . . . . .'. . . . Liberty Pares from all Intermediate points ' on name baa's. Tickets good going and returning on special train only, except that from branch line polnta tickets will be hon-' ored on regular trains connecting at-, Junction points with special trains. : Splendid opportunity to visit Nor, folk and see the many attractive points of Interest, . Including Navy Yard, Fortress Monro, Ocean View, , Newport News. to. , Pullman reservations must bo made ; In advmncev , For further Information and reser vationa , e your nearest agent or wrlta '" . '--'-'-'.- -"'- f-.,'''' ' , .' H. rBT7TTS.,D. P. A ; ; Cle&rtotU, K. .. 4.75 . . ' 4.50 .. 1.75" .. 5.25 . . 6.25, .. 6.25 . . 5.25 .. 8.00 . .. 6.25 .. 6.25 . . 6.00 . . 4.7.5 .. '4.60 .. ' 4.75".'. .. 4.75 ,. ' 3.75 .. 4.00V. . . 5.25 , ' . . 6.0't ' .. 5.25 .. 6.00 .. 6.00 : . 6.25 .. 6.25.' . 5.25 h , 4.50 1 k e

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