CHARLOTTE SUNDAY OBSERVER, SUNDAY, JANUARY 14, 1917. A P A GEO F G-AST ON I A-H A P PENINGS BANK QPEfJED LAST NIGHT IT ALL Four Stories of Steel and Brick and MarbleRest Room for Women Fine Reception S. S. Mauney, President. Special to The Observer. Gastonia, Jan. IS. The First Na tional Bank of Cherryvtlle last night opened their new bank building with a reception to the people of Cherry- lHllan mnfl iha aiiPMiinilini tam4tAi The new home la of ateel and brick. 1 and eomiata of four stories and base ment It la equipped with the latest bank equipment and marble. A ladles' rest room Is provided in the building for all shoppers to the city. The top floors of the new building will be used for club purposes. S. 8. Mauney la president of the bank, W. A. Mauney, vce ffresldent, and M. L. Mauney, cashier. CHERRYVILLE'S BANNER NIGHT AND RECEPTION Cherryvllle, Jan. IS. The First National Bank gave a public reception last night which was attended by hundreds of our people from 7 to 11 o'clock, and this marks the opening of this bank In its new, four-story, SSO.OOa building. Just, completed. The wives of the directors of the bank together with other ladles, serweo. punch, dishing out twenty-five gal lons. The Lillian Atkins orchestra furnished music for the occasion. The officers and a number of stock holders showed up the different floors and sections. This institution ts a great asset to the town. Having begun business In 1904 with $6,000 capital and growing anu incrmunns lu dv,uuv capital ana about $10,000 surplus and profit, till 1917. after having paid cash divi dends, amounting to 110 per cent of Its capital. Hon. S. S. Mauney, former member of the Legislature, Is presi dent, and his son, M. L. Mauney, cash ier.. The first floor of the building will be used for banking, farmers' room, and stockholders' and directors' rooms. The second for officers and the third and fourth for lodges and lodge reoeptiona There is no better or more complete structure In the State. ARLINGTON OFFICERS ELECTED JANUARY 11 Gastonia, Jan. IS. Officers and di rectors of the Arlington Mill were elected at Its annual meeting held last Thursday In the offices of the company as follows: ' President, 1. L. Jenkins: vice presi dent, J. Lee Robinson; secretary jmd treasurer, L. F. Groves. Directors, J. Lee Robinson, H. M. Cleveland, D. R. LaFar, L. L. Jenkins, L. F. Groves and a N. Boyce. Gaston mm . l y a I. - Ca- , u 1 ) Too MUCH f Your Opportunity For Furniture and Wood Working Plants, Knitting Mills. Good labor supply, cheap electric power. Best Bystem of schools thruout county. Splendid shipping facilities. Truck Farmers Will find the opportunity of a llfetme. All produce raised can be sold In county. For Information of any kind, or description of available farm lands for sale, address C. W. ROBERTS, Secretary. Greater Gaston County Association, Phone 130 Gastonia, N. C. GASTONIA AND GASTON COUNTY FOLKS The 26th Series of the Stock of the GASTONIA'MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Is now open and YOU are Invited to join. OVH RECORD L 1916 4,844 Shares Now in Force. . S42.100.00 Matured During Year. 85,000.00 Cash Distributed to stockholders In ft Monin S42.SOO.00 Mortgages Cancelled. Time required to mature stock years and 6 months at coat of S8S.60 per share. Loans made from S to IS months after application. Stock Loam and withdrawals in 80 daya You can Save Money by this method and get good .profits besidea Our stock earns more than ( per cent annual Interest. E. G. McLV'RD, Secretary und Treasurer. Office at Gaston Loan SPECIAL DIVIDEND OF 50 PER CENT IS PAID Excellent Annual Showing by First National Bank $50,000 '' Added to Surplus Account 10 Per Cent Dividend Offi cers Elected. Special to The. Observer. Gastonia, Jan. IS. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of this city was held Tuesday. January 9. All the 1,600 shares of stock were represented. I The report of the officers of the bank reflected one of the most suc cessful years in the history of the in stitution from the point of earnings and increase In volume of business, the deposits having increased during the year about 100 per cent In addition to the regular 10 per cent dividend paid the stockholders, a special cash dividend of 60 per cent was paid during the year. The sum of $50,000 was addfd to the surplus account, increasing that fupd to $160,000 and leaving a bal ance In undivided profits of $40,000. The capital stock of the institution is $160,000 also. ;r Directors were elected as follows; L. L. Jenkins, J. Lee Robinson, R. R. Ray, T. L. Craig. J. O. White, J. K. Dixon, O. F. Mason, S. N. Beyce, L. F. Groves. S. M. Aobinson, W. J. Clif ford. B. H. Parker, S. A. Robinson, J. H. Separk, F. L. Smyre. The five last , named were added to the board or directors for the first time Tuesday. The following officers were elected: President, L. L. Jenkins; acting vice president, J. Lee Robinson; vice presi dent, R. R. Ray; cashier, S. N. Boyce; assistant cashier, M. T. Wilson; teller, D. M. Robinson. T. L. Craig was elect ed chairman of the board of directors. NORTH CAROLINA SETS PACE FOR OTHER STATES Special to The Observer. Gastonia, Jan. IS. Gastonia is put ting the State of North Carolina in line with what other progressive States are doing. The State of Ala bama has Just organized a State Chamber of Commerce with Gov. Charles Henderson as its president, and on December 6 at Harrlsburg, Pa., a State Chamber of Commerce was formed for the State of Pennsylvania. Another State organization that has proven worth while has been the New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce. While there are other State organi zations many have fallen by the way side, because they were organized on the wrong basis and for the promotion of the interest of a few people. GOOD RESULTS FROM ARMSTRONG PROPERTIES Special to The Observer. Gastonia, Jan. 13. The fiscal year of the Clara, Dunn and Armstrong Mills of Gastonia and the Monarch Mill of Dallas, of which Col. C. B. Armstrong Is the head, does not end till April 1. It is stated, however, that the year 1916 was a good one with these mills. In addition to the regular dividend an extra dividend was paid by each of these mills January 1. aha! so VAREKfllTMY HAT ALWAYS County Is and Trust Company. dotV BANNER YEAR CITIZENS' BANK TWO NEW DIRECTORS e Col. Armstrong Elected Vice President in Addition to A. C Myers Average Increase De posits 40 to 50 Per Cent. r e Special to The Observer. Gastonia, Jan. IS. The year Just epded was the best experienced by the Citizens National Bank In its history, according to the reports of the officers to the stockholders and directors at the annual meeting held Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock in the offices at the bank. In addition to paying the regular dividend of five per cent semi-annually for the year the bank passed a handsome sum to the surplus account. The deposits have been largely in excess of those for any pre vious year. At times during the year the deposits have been as high as 100 per cent above previous high records and for the year the average increase has been between 40 and 60 per cent The stockholders re-elected the old directors, namely: Andrew B. Moore, H. M. Cleveland, W. T. Rankin, J. M. Sloan and A. G. Myers and added to the board D. E. Rhyne of Llncolnton and C B. -Armstrong of Gastonia. Mr. Rhyne is one of the principal stock holders in the Avon Mills and a large property owner in the county. The directors re-elected all of the old offi cers, namely: Andrew E. Moore, pres ident; A. G. Myers, active vice presi dent; W. H. Adams, cashier; John A. Hunter, Jr., assistant cashier. In ad dition, C. B. Armstrong, also, was elected one of the two vice presidents. EXTRA DIVIDEND BY OZARK MILLS 5 PER CENT Special to The Observer. Gastonia. Jan. 13. Nineteen sixteen was one of the best years in the his tory of the Trenton Cotton Mills of this city as It was with practically all of the mills in Gastonia and this sec tion. This was shown by the reports of the president and treasurer to the stockholders and directors at their annual meeting Tuesday. During the year the regular five per cent semi annual dividends were paid, these in terest periods coming April 1 and Oc tober 1. In addition to these an ex tra dividend was paid to stockholders January 1. All of the officers were re-elected. They are: J. K. Dixon, president and treasurer; E. N. Pegram, secretary; L. L. Jenkins, vice president; A. M. Dixon, superintendent. Also all of the directors were re-elected. They are L. L. Jenkins, H. F. Forbes, Frost Torrence. E. N. Lineberger and J. K. Dixon. "S. O. S." SENT OUT. Gastonia, Jan. 13. In a letter re ceived by the Gastonia Chamber Sat urday. C. H. Pugh, secretary of the Elizabeth City Chamber of Com merce, says: "A splendid stunt! Hur rah for Gastonia! I shall be present" Another man writes that "Our Cham ber of Commerce has been on the 'bum' for several years. I hope you can get the State organization started and then help the smaller towns out It will be the greatest thing the State ever did to promote substantial pros perity." I nuiimiu nediiy dim 1 Insurance Company J. M. Holland, Manager, G ASTONIA, N. O. TALK WITH liaithcocli ! Gastonia Real Estate" Office Glenn Building Opposite New Bank Building Try Pbones 288 or 68. Gastonia, N. C. TRY Royal Cafe AT NEW STAND Across Street From Fostoffloe Good Cooks and a Clean Kitchen GASTONIA. N. O. FOR SALE: Registered BERKSHIRE PIGS Oakland Park Farm, g.r. pps,Mgr. Gastonia, N. C. 1 J. U. SEPARK TO START SUNDAY SCHOOL WORK ; Meeting Friday Night to Get To gether for Interesting Im provements for 1917 Rev. Mr. Jordan President Special to The Observer. Gastonia, Jan. 13. The officers and teachers of the Main Street M. E. Church, South, met at the home of J. II. Separk Friday night for a get together meeting. A permanent or ganization known as the Officers and Teachers' Council was formed with Rev. H. H. Jordan, president, and J. M. Holland, secretary. After the discussion of various sub- jectt perulning to the nday hool work a delicious salad' course served. J. H. Separk is superinten dent of the Sunday school and is plan ning for some interesting improve ments for the year 1917. Beginning "0nw? J2C.h'?' ,??i",nJL will be started to train the young .a dies and young men for teachers In the 8unday school. IMPORTANT MEETING TUESDAY- BESSEMER CITY Special to The Observer. Gastonia, Jan. IS. President R. C. Kennedy of the Bessemer City Cham ber of Commerce today issued a call : for a meeting of the Bessemer Cltyjj Chamber of Commerce for 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night, January K. at the city hall. At this meeting some matter of importance to Bessemer City and the surrounding territory will be taken up. The Bessemer City Chamber of Commerce is a unit of the Greater Gaston County Association, and C. W. Roberts, secretary of the association, will attend the meeting. FUNERAL OF THE LATE MARTIN H. SHUFORD TODAY The funeral services of the late Martin H. Shuford were conducted this afternoon from the Main Street Methodist Church. The officiating clergymen were H. H. Jordan and J C. Galloway, the latter of the A. R. P. Church. The church was filled with friends and relatives of this prominent and beloved citizen. These were the pall-bearers: J. P. Reid, W. L. C. Killian. Jno. O. Ran kin, D. T. Morris,. T. W. Wilson and J. W. Dixon. CARRIES STORY OF DALLAS. Gastonia. Jan. 13. Town Develop ment, a magazine published in New York City, and received today, car ries an article on the successful com munity progress meeting recently held in the Town of Dallas under the directions of the Greater Gaston County, Association. CHERRYVILLE GIRL DIES. Cherryville, Jan. 13. Bonnie Put nam, daughter of W. A. Jutnam a well-known merchant of this place, died at a hospital at Raleigh today. The body will be brought here and the funeral will probably take place Sunday afternoon. THE GROWTH OF GASTONIA Depends in large measure upon her Transportation Facilities Fast Passenger Schedules. Prompt local and through freight service. Courteous treatment is of fered by Piedmont & Norton Railway Company The First National Bank GASTONIA, N. C. Capital Surplus and Profit Total Resource Officers L L. Jenkins, President S. N. Boyce, Cashier J. Lee Robinson, Active Vice President M. T. Wilson, Assistant Cashier R. R. Ray, Vice President D. M. Robinson, Teller Director Thos. L. Craig, chairman; L. L. Jenkins, J. Lee Robinson, R. R. Ray, J. O. White, J. K. Dixon, O. F. Mason, S. N. Boyce, L. F. Groves, S. M. Robinson,, W. J. Clif ford, B. VL Parker, S. A. Robinson, J. H. Separk, F. L. Smyre. Armington Gastonia, N. C. G. A. GRAY ADDED TO GRAY COTTON MILL DIRECTORS Regular and Extra Dividends. J. I Cray, Superintendent. Report Indicates Prosperous - Year L. L. Jenkins, President. Special to The Observer. Gastonia, Jan. 13. Tuesday morn ing at IS o'clock the stockholders and directors of the Gray Manufacturing Company held their annual meetings at the mill offices. Reports from the officers showed that the mill had ex perienced a prosperous year. The mill has paid Its usual semi-annuai am jl - M ... A.. 1Q1I -"dft January" 1. Directors were chosen for the en- suing year as follows: L. L. Jenkins, T. L. Craig. J. H. Separk. J. U uray J. AV. Hastings. J. Lee Robinson and G. A. Gray. The last-named is an addition to the board. the other mem- bers having been re-elected. The directors elected officers for the ensuing year as follows: L. L. Jen kins, president: T. L. Craig and J. L. Grav. vice presidents; J. H. Separk. secretary and treasurer. J. L. Gray ; Is superintendent. PARKDALE MILLS PUT IN MOTION FOR FINE YARNS Lee Robinson, President J L. Gray, superintendent. First Annual Stockholders Meeting Tuesday New Plant Gastonia. Jan. IS. Tuesday at noon the first annual meeting of the stockholders and directors of the Parkdale Mills. Inc., was held. Di rectors were chosen as follows: J. Lee Robinson. J. H. Separk, J. L. Grav, F. D. Barkley, L. L. Jenkins, J. H. Mayes and T. L Craig. Offi cers chosen were as follows: J. Lee Robinson, president: J. L. Gray, vice president: J. H. Separk, secretary and treasurer. This is a new mill and the machinery is being put into op- -ration this week for the first time. It will make fine combed yarns. J. L. Gray is superintendent FLINT MANUFACTURING CQ. ELECT THEIR OFFICERS Special lo The Observer. Gastonia. Jan. 13. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Flint Manufacturing Company was ! t i j .. , . . .. ft n . o a'.Ia.i. 1 r-1 U iiiuisuaj nun iiuuii ai i, u iiyvn. Directors were named as follows: L. L. Jenkins. H. M. Cleveland, L. F. Groves, 8. N. Boyce and J. R. With ers. Following the selection of the directors officers were elected. They were: President. L. L. Jenkins; vice president 8. N. Boyce; treasurer. L. F. Groves; secretary. H. H. Groves. TIME WILL TELL. Gastonia. Jan. 13. An officeholder In the receiving line at Raleigh, said to a prominent Gastonlan: "I do hope we will meet under the same auspices four years from now." and he was sin cere about It and looked It What did Bickett want to butt in for? "Everything Good to Eat" at a Clean Grocery Store Pure Good. Prompt Delivery Prices Right Harry-Baber Co. Inc. Phone 4 and 444. GASTONIA. N. C. $ 150,000.00 190,000.00 2,000,000.00 Caatonta's New. Modern and Tbom. I owshlv rp-to-I)ate Hostelry , Opened for BusioesjTAiijr. 31. Jtl5. l Opoortte tmyTn Passenger Statton ) AMERICAN PLAN: S& Per Day and I pward. LEAKE CARRAWAY ON GASTON'S ACTIVITIES Importance of Co-Operation Be tween People of Cities and Rural Districts Publicity Di rector Optimistic Gastonia Chamber Model. Special to The Observer. Gastonia. Jan. 11. During bis) visit to Gastonia Friday, Leake Carraway. director of publicitv for the Soothers Public Utilities Company of Charlotte, had a clever word to say concerning the work of the Gastonia Chamber of Commerce. "The work of Secretary Roberta." said Mr. Carraway. "looking to the proper co-ordination of the activities) of the people of the rural sections of Gaston County and of Gastonia Is la the right direction and it is going to mean as much for one as for the oth er. The sooner the people of the cities learn to co-operate with the people of the rural districts the soon er will the best Interests cf all be conserved. And when the outlying population learns that It Is to their interest to co-operate with the urban population they will enter heartily into any movement whlcn looks to tne growth of the cities. "This Greater Gaston movement la In the light direction and the Gas tonia Chamber of Commerce Is being held up as a model to similar organi zations throughout the country. The publicity which has already come to Gastonia by this means and through The Charlotte Observer is worth a year's ordinary work of the ordinary commercial organization." NEW BAPTIST MINISTER IN CHERRYVILLE CHARGE Special to Tbe Observer. CherryvtUe. Jan. IS. Rev. D. F. Putman of Roxboro ban arrived and entered npon the pastorate of the Baptist Church here. Mr. Putnam served this Church for a number of years In the pan and. Is) welcomed back rn our midst It is expected that he will shortly launch a movement to build a new church, and be has already received a proposition from one firm to furn ish all the brick on condition that a $10,000 church be built The opinion now is that the offer will be accepted and that the move will materialise before long. MAYOR ARMSTRONG WILL ENTERTAIN MAYORS Special to Tbe Observer. Gastonia. Jan. 13. While Colonel Armstrong, mayor of Gastonia, was at the Governor's Inauguration in Ra leigh, he invited the mayors of the State to have their next annual meet ing In Gastonia. The Invitation was accepted. Mayor Armstrong stated to day, to your correspondent, that he did not know yet Just what the date would be, but he thought the meet ing should be productive of Inter changes of views that would result in good. The question of city govern ment Is now an active one and the mayors are giving their attention to It W. T. Rankin, Pres. and Tree. E. B. BrttttfB, Secretary OL B. Ainmic. R- Grady Rankin, Vloe PressdenBB, Gastonia Insurance & Realty Cq. paid nr CAPITAL, M0.0OO.0O. Insurance, Real Estate, Loans, Rents, General DIRECTORS W. T. Rankin. Pres and Treaa. Ozark Mills and Riverside Farm. R. Orady Rankin, Vice President. S. M. Robinson, See.- Treaa. Lowell Cotton Mills and Peerless Mfg. Co. R. R. Ray, Sec-Treaa. McAden Mills Thos. W. Wilson. Merchant GASTONIA, 5. a Gastonia Real Estate ts as staple as gold dollars, - - We are dealers and can supply yon with Real Batata fa Oastam County suitable (or any purpose. Monday, Jan. 15th. Robinson Charlie Chaplin j In His Newest Matmal Coanedy WnAA i ,f 'THE RINK" OllUC KJJ This Is positively tbe funniest , a. Chaplin Picture yet made. Ton SllOeS, HOSlCry, Jtl&tS SHCl cannot afford to miss t. FIRST CHAPTER OF Poo THE PERILS OP OCR GIRL REPORTER Btorrir" ch The Home of Good Shoes story In this bis new series founded nAvii W il on fact baaed on real incident In 7aSbOIU3f Xl. U. Newspaper Life. Cocker Machine and PATE0NIZE v Foundry Company J. L Adams Drug Store Builders Of Opposite PoetoffK and Just ReUabaa, Textile Machinery GASTONIA. X. C. PhotlC J 5 Soft Clean Grey Iron gastonia. it. o. Castings. IDEAL THEATRE movdat Mortar Colors s Pearl of the Army Anything m the wun Building line PEARL WHITE . a, . ' t . JNO. L BEAL Bntton of the Seventh A Military Drama. Gastoni N. C FRANKLIN HOTEL GASTONIA, X. C Near Soatbera R. B Station. Mrs. S. F. XEW, Proprietresn. $2.00 a Day American Plan. mm gas plm Philadelphians Have Been Nego tiating for Some Months for Purchase and Rehabilitation of Lighting and Cooking Fa cilities. About a week ago outside North ern parties made a visit to Gastonia for the purpose of prosecuting in quiries that have oven somewhat ac tive for a year past in connection with the acquisition of the Gastonia gas plant This corporation having been In thn hands of a receiver and under court order of sale, the proper parties have simply been getting together. Most of the prospective purchaser are Northern men and It is under stood that the gas facilities for both cooking and lighting ptirposea wilt be rehabilitated. Mr. Tlmberlake has been conversant with the negotiations but advised your correspondent today that there would be no immediate conclusion of the negotiations. Some of the men interested are Walter Whetstlne, G. C. Allen. John MeCu'ley and J. B. Shattnck, all of Philadelphia. The new facilities will be specially grateful, it la believed, to the cotton mill operatives. NEW GROVES MILLS START; PRESIDENT L. L. GROVES Special to The Observer. Gastonia. Jan. IS. On Tuesday, January , officers of the new Groves Mill were elected as follows: Presi dent, L. F. Groves; vice president, I L. Jenkins; secretary, H. H. Groves. The directors named were Messrs L. F. Groves. L. L. Jenkins and E. C aiarsnaiL CAROLINA SECRETARY COMING TO BIG MEETING Special to Tbe Obeereer. Gastonia, Jan. II. John W. LMaWL. president of the Columbia, 8L O Chamber of Commerce, writes floors tary Roberts that he expects to at tend the meeting to be held la Qaa tonla February 6. at which time W. P. O. Harding, governor of the Fed era! Reserve Board, will make aa adV dress, and when the secretaries and business men of the State will distress commercial organization work and ths) needs of the Carolina. 800 TELEPHONES IN NEW CITY DIRECTOR Special to The Observer. Gastonia, Jan. IS. The Piedmont Telephone Telegraph Oo. of Cata tonia today Issued a new telephone directory of tS pages, listing some thing over eight nundred telephone. C B. Armstrong. Pre, and Clara and Dunn Mr. Cos, nod Monarch Cotton Mill Oo. J. K. Dtxon Pres. and Traaa, Ya ton Cotton Mllla, Andrew H. Moore. Treaa. and Oeav Mar, Loray MlUa, Pre. Clttoena National Bank, and 80,. Treaa. Mayes Mfg. Co. E. B. Brittaln, Secretary. ROOMS-; Larze and ComfortatV TABLE and SERVICE Homelike.!