X x x 20 CHARLOTTE SUNDAY OBSERVER, SUNDAY, JANUARY 21, 1917. ! v r 4 CAROLIN aa. - - HICKORY Hickory, Jan. 20. Mm. J. A. Mar tin was hostess to the Travelers' Club Thursday when quotations were from the Bible and from Chapman's Trans latlon of Homer. Mrs. J. L. Murphy rave a paper on "William Tyndale and Bible translations," Mrs. J. L. Riddle on Chapman and his translations, Mra!-E. B. CUne gave a reading, and Mesdames Murphy. Chadwick, Aber nethy and CUley sang serial Sixteenth - Century hymns. Mrs. Joe Abernethy entertained the Embroidery Club Thursday. Mrs. T. F. Stevenson read from the club book white the other members plied busy needles. Several new members were - elected. Mrs. Fred Abernethy entertained three tables of auction Thursday night in honor of her sister, Miss Louise Coleman, of Aiken. S. C. Prizes were won by Miss Gladys Reid and Joe Murphy. ' The "Woman's Missionary Society of the Reformed Church held its month ly meeting Monday with the president, - Mrs. C. C. Boat Miss Louise Jones was hostess for the Do-As-You-Please Club Thursday with every member present and Miss Louise Coleman, of Aiken, S. C, and ' Miss MatUe Moye Adams, of Durham, visitors. Mrs. Alice Harbin entertained the Abel A. Shuford Chapter, U. D. C, Monday when an Interesting meeting was held. Mrs. Fred Abernethy entertained Che Wednesday Book Club when Mrs. d. M. Sherrill won the prize Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shuford enter tained the Owl Club Friday night when Hugh D'Anna won the prize in the games of auction. M r. and Mrs. F. A. Henderson rave a dance Wednesday night in compli ment to Miss Mattie Moye Adame. of Durham, who Is visiting Miss Kate El liott Mr. and Mrs. Roy AberneUry en tertain ed at dinner Tuesday night. Their Tuests were: Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Mclutosh, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Far abee, llr. and Mrs. Hugh D'Anna, Mr. and Mrt B. B. Blackwelder, Mr. and Mrs. A."A. Shuford, Jr., Miss Lenore Bourbeer and Orin Sigmon. B. 8. .Neill entertained the O. O. Club Tuesday night at the home of Miss Eliaibeth McComb. Miss Mary Field. Ton Pruett and Mr. and Mrs. Frank McComb were visitors. Mrs. C. R. Warllck wan hostess to the Music Club Tuesday evening when Miss Margaret Taylor was a visitor. Papers were read by the hostess. Miss Seagle and .Miss Hallman. The music numbers were given by Mesdames J. N. Hatcher, J. L. Mnrphy, George Bailey, W. B. Meiunes. J. L. CUley, Misses Essie Seagle and Margaret Mc- Comb. i Miss Constance Bost entertained the Entre Nous Club Wednesday after Boon. Hickory Grove, Jan. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Jordan and children of Gastonia have been visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Key Jordan. Miss Annie Lou Hagler, who has been with her father, Sebe Hagler, has returned to her home In Kan napolis. Mrs. Will Thomesson has for her guest her mother, Mrs. Meggs of Charlotte. Miss Zula Stegall, a student of Matthews High School, spent Satur day and Sunday with her parents. any time of tke day . jjakerh Cocoa is a good drink, as wholesome and nour ferungas it is deliciouj. Waller Baker O Ca Ltd. DTA8U3K.0 iqo DORCHESTER, MASS. J : i Homes That Impress T7.HEN FRIENDS CALL and you see them notice the comfortable surroundings, then is the time you feel more than repaid for the outlay and the tbne spent In making your home a source of pride to yon and to them. Ifs poor economy to do without the things that make the home complete. When furniture or furnihings become out of date or tiresome, just the addition of a food piece here and there will renew your pride in your home and make It more appealing. Your Home Is Only As Comfortable and Inviting As You Make It lt us help, you in the selec tion of your furniture, of In the rearrangement of your home. We hav some pleasing designs and styles in the things you should have furniture you'll Just like to nes tle Into. It will surprise you to see how reasonable good furniture can be. COMPLETE HOME FCRXISHEKS. SATSIFACTORY TERMS ARRANGED. Lawing-Robbins Furniture Co. 34 South College Street CHARLOTTE, X. C. , OlT OF THE HIGH REXT ZOXE. A SOCIETY Mr. and Mrs. John Stegall of this place. ' Miss Ada Simpson of Charlotte is visiting with Miss Beulah King. Mr. Swlnk, hear this place, died suddenly last night, death being due to heart trouble. He was burled this afternoon at 3:00 o'clock at Newells. The teachers of this township held their monthly meeting Friday after noon at this place. Mr. Matthews and the committeemen of all the schools were present LINCOLNTON Lincofnton, Jan. 2ft. Wednesday evening Rev. W. H. McNalry enter tained the official members of the Reform Church at dinner. Mr. W. H. Alexander of Hopewell was a visitor to the city Wednesday. Miss Brvte fltutu left Monday for Palatka, Fla., where she will visit relatives. , Mr. K. L. Lawing was a Charlotte visitor the past week. Miss Hattie Ramsaur left Monday for Winston-Salem where she will be the guest of Mrs. R. M . Courtney. Minn Lizzie Curtis is visiting her sister Mrs. M. L. Bynum in Char lotte. Kev. and Mrs. Cyril E. Bentley and Mrs. Walter E. Bentley left Sunday for Brooklyn, N. T., where they will visit relii fives. Mrs. W. E. Anderson visited her parents in Clio, S. C, the past week. Dr. Z. Paris returned Wednesday from Charlotte where he has been undergoing treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jenkins left Monday for Lawndale where they were the guests of relatives. Friday afternoon the Parent-Teachers Club met in the Graded School Auditorium. The regular routine of business was presided over by the president. The girls of the domestic science class served the club with cof fee and sandwiches. Miss Lily Mary James was hostess to the Do-As-You-Please Club Satur day afternoon. GAFFNEY, S. C. Gaffney. S. C, Jan. 20. One of the most delightful social meetings which has taken place in Gaffney this sea son was that of the Crustbreakers' Club, which met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilkins Thursday morning. Mrs. E. H. Gaines gave a rook par ty Tuesday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. J. C. Lipscomb on Victoria avenue in honor of several visiting ladles. The Sorosls Club met Tuesday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. R. H. Brown on East Frederick street. The program was supplied by Mrs. J. K. Wood and Mrs. H. Fay Gaffney. The next meeting of the ctub will be held with Miss Mayme Jefferies, January 30. Mrs. T. C. Petty entertained at an informal sewing party Thursday af ternoon. Bowls filled with fragrant flowers of color made the living room attractive, where interesting events were discussed. v Miss Harriet Haynes, of Henrietta, is spending the week-end in Gaffney with relatives. Miss Edna Davis, of Wlnthrop Col lege, Is spending the week-end with Miss Esther Goudelock. Miss Martha Carson, of Rutherford ton, is a guest of friends in Gaffney. CI ASHEVILLE Asheville, Jan. 20. -At the regular meeting of the Woman's Club, held this week with Mrs. T. F. Malloy, at her home on Merrimon avenue, the members of the club adopted reso lutions extending their thanks to ex-Governor Locke Craig for his work for the cause of women during his term of office. The uniform courtesy of the Governor on all questions re lating to women, and his appoint ment of a woman notary in order to give women a foothold in the State's affairs were highly praised. General and Mrs. Theodore David son entertained with an informal luncheon at .their home on Liberty street, this week, in hOnor of Mrs. Colin MacRae. Mrs. R. P. Smith was "at home" Thursday afternoon In honor of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Bernard Smith, a recent bride. About two hundred guests called during the afternoon to meet Mrs. Bernard Smith. Miss Bessie Owen of Lake Toxa way and Mrs. Gray Gresham of Ashe ville were quietly married at Lake Toxaway last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gresham will make their home In Asheville. Society is highly Interested In the Progressive Bridge Tournament In augurated this week by the Asheville Country Club. Realizing that many of its women members do not care greatly for golf or dancing, the club instituted a bridge tournament with weekly prizes for the winners, and a grand prize for the top Bcore at the end of the tournament. Miss Made line Loughran won the week's prize this week, the first day of play In the tournament The Tar Heel Book Club met Tues day afternoon with Miss Lulu Moore at her home on Merrimon avenue. Mrs. Andrew Orr entertained the New Bridge Club at her home on Merrimon avenue this week. The first prize was won by Miss Mary Orr. The Girls' Card Club has changed Its name to the Wharee Club, and the first meeting waa held Friday with Miss Katherine Horner. One of the most brilliant social events of the week was the dance given by Mr. and Mrs. Julian Wood cock at their attractive home in Grove Park. About 60 dancers were present during the evening. Supper waa served at midnight. Miss Emily Bourne entertained with a birthday party last Saturday in honor of her own and her brother's birthday. Miss Bourne's birthday and that of her brother, Mr. Billy Bourne, coming on the same day, January 13. Miss Bourne's party took the form of an elaborate seven-course luncheon. Miss Daisy Wlnslow entertained Friday evening with a dance at her home in West Asheville. About fif teen couples enjoyed Miss Winslow's hospitality. A miscellaneous shower was given Wednesday afternoon to Mrs. Richard Henderson, a recent bride, at her home on Woodfln street LAURINBURG Laurlnburg, Jan. 20. Mrs. James L. MacNalr entertained at a miscel laneous shower In honor of Miss Bet tie McDougalL who Is to become the bride of Rev. J. B. Thompson next Wednesday night, January 24. Hand painted scorecards were passed for a rose contest, in which Miss Mary. McKinnon received the prize, a lovely cake plate, painted In pink roses. The bride-to-be was presented with a hand-painted rose picture. Pretty little cupId cards were passed for each guest to write a toast or wish for the bride-elect These were made Into a little book and presented to Miss McDougall. Refreshments, con sisting of a salad course, followed by accessories, was served. Following the refreshments, Mrs. MacNair pre sented Miss McDougall with a beau tiful boquet of pink and white roses, and a basket collection of beautifully hand-embroidered articles. Mrs. Roy L. Hammond entertained Friday afternoon in honor of Mra Lonnie Hammond and her guest. Miss Dean of Windsor, Va. Four prizes were given to the following ladies. Mrs. Robert Everett Miss Dean, Miss Smith and Mlse Bettle MacDougall. Preceding the games a musical pro gram wai- rendered by the following ladles: Mrs. Bettle T. Shaw, Miss Pauline Showalter, Miss Eva Coving ton and Miss Mary Grey. A salad course with accessories was served. The following Invitation has been Issued in the city: Mr. and Mrs. Ishara Cox Edgerton request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their sister Miss Elizabeth B. McDougall to Rev. Jasper B. Thompson on Wednesday evening, January the twenty-fourth, at half after 6 o'clock Methodist Church Laurlnburg, North Carolina. Miss McDougall is one of the most popular young women in the county and her marriage will be of great Interest xo many people. Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Alexander Gregg was hostess to the members of tho Elizabeth Browning Book Club and a number of Invited guests. The subject for study, was "The National Gallery." Papers were read by Miss Eva Covington. Mrs. Peter McLean and Miss Mary McKinnon. Mrs. Hin ton James closed the program with interesting current topics. Following the program progressive rook was played at eight tables. Mrs. J. T. John won the prize, a box of corre spondence cards. After the game Mrs. Gregg served a salad course with ac cessories. The club adjourned to meet next Tuesday with Miss Lila McLean. ELKIN Elkln, Jan. 20. The most delight ful social function of the past week was the afternoon party given by Mrs. Richard M. Chatham Wednes day afternoon In honor of Mrs. Rich ard Smith. The guests were received by Mrs. Chatham, then Introduced to Mrs. Smith. Dainty score cards were giv en out and partners were found for an interesting game of progressive dominoes. At the close of the game it was found that Mrs. -M. A- Bigs had scored highest and was awarded a picture. To Mrs. Smith was also given a picture, the honoree's prize. A salad course, coffee and mints were served. Mrs. E. F. McNVer waa hostess to the Young People's Missionary So ciety of the Methodist Church Tues day afternoon from 3 until 6 o'clock. A salad course and chocolate bon bons were served by the hostess, as sisted by Miss Lucile Glenn. Beside the regular members of the society. Misses Maude Greenwood and Clara Bell were invited guests. Mesdames E. L McNeer, E. Q. Click. M. A. Biggs, A. G. Click and R. M. Chatham attended the concert given by Madame Gadskl In Winston Salem this week. Miss Nell Owyn is the guest of fMenr11ri North - WHkewhcee lht week. Mr. uml Mra. A. M. Smith and Mt.iS Hallie Smith have gone to Florida to spend the remainder of the Winter. KERNERSVILLE Kernersvllle, Jan. 2Q. Mrs. Paul Nash and slater. Miss Mattie Leak, gave a rook party at their home on Main street Thursday evening, their guests on this occasion' being the members of the Kernersvllle Book Club and others. The January meeting of the Ladles Aid Society of the M. E. Church was held on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. N. LInville, on Salis bury street, with nearly all members of the society la attendance. Mra William Morton, the president, con ducted the devotional, following which a business meeting was held, during which plans for work during the year of 117 were discussed at length, chief of which was the re furnishing of the parsonage. . A double marriage which came as a complete surprise to relatives and friends of the contracting parties was solemnized recently, when Miss Julia Wilson became the bride of Jay Smith and Miss Emma Wilson the bride of Allie Wlllard. the ceremony being performed in the presence of only a few friends and relatives of the con tracting parties. The brides are sisters, being daugh ters of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson, who reside near Kernersville. Mr. Smith is a son of Mrs. Melissa Smith and Mr. Wlllard a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Willard, both being prosperous farmers of Forsyth County. The first meeting of the newly-or-ganlzed Society of the Moravian Church of this place was held Mon day evening at the home of Mrs. J. P. Adkins on Salem street, with the president, H. E. Shore, presiding. The subject for discussion during the evening was "Criticism." and the members discussed many interesting phases of same. Following the business session a very delightful social hour was en- ' Joyed, during which Moravian sugar ! cake and coffee were served by Mra Adkins and Mrs. Cornelia Hastings. Those in attendance Included J. J. Korncr, Philip Fontain, David Ker ner, Jesse Bowers, Gid Kerner. H. E. Shore, Carl Kerner and Pete Hast ings. Miss Arrie Hester of this place was honoree Saturday afternoon at a rook party given by her friend, Mrs. Frank Linville, at Oak Ridge, of whom she has for several days past been a vis itor. At the last meeting of the Aycock Literary Society held on Friday after noon in the auditorium or the graded and high school building new officers were elected for the year. The ladles of the Betterment Asso ciation met in interesting session on Wednesday, afternoon in the audito rium of the school building. MONROE Monroe, Jan. 20. The Van Dyke Club met with Mrs. Estelle Stuart Thursday afternoon, the members re sponding to roll call with names of Southern leaders in the war of 1812. Papers were read by Mesdames Stuart, J. T. Griffith, V. C. Austin and E. W. Crow. Mrs. Loyd Thompson, of Lincolnton, was an out-of-town guest Misses Virginia Lee, Mabel Smith and Mary English served re freshments in three' courses. Mesdames Gilmer Joyce, T. W. Huey and J. E. Stack entertained a few friends at rook Tuesday and Wed nesday afternoon. Refreshments were served after the game. The Study Club was entertained Thursday morning by Mrs. J. B. Cop pie, the members responding to roll call with current events. Mrs. Roscoe Phifer had charge of the program which was carried out in the usual way, every member taking part Espe cially interesting was the story of t.'yrana de Bergerac, pleasingly told by Mrs. A. M. Secrest. Mrs. H. E. Copple assisted the hostess in serving a salad course and stuffed dates. Mrs. I. H. Eldridge and Miss Beryl Eldrldge, of Washington, D. C, are visiting Mrs. E. C. Winchester and Miss Cora Lee Montgomery. Mrs. Ella Lindsay entertained a number of friends Thursday morning and afternoon. Rook was played at four tables each time and the hostess served a salad course, coffee and sweets. Mesdames R. T. West, I. B. Bourne and Miss Rachel Armfleld as sisted with the hospitalities. Miss Lottie Mae Blair has returned from Greensboro where she attended the State meeting of the Equal Suf frage League. CHERRYVILLE. Cherryvllle, Jan. 20. One of the most enjoyable social events of the season was a rook party Wednesday afternoon, given by Mrs. D. P. Mc Clurd in honor of Mrs. J. R. Nixon, a recent bride. Those .present were the members of the Fancy Work Club and Mrs. C. B. Fetner of Char lotte and Mesdames John J. George and David R. Mauney. The Fancy Work Club met with Mrs. J. E. Holt Thursday afternoon. The members had been requested to bring only needle and thimble. The hostess announced that the work for the afternoon would be for the bride, Mrs. J. R. Nixon and each one present hemmed a dolly. Mrs. Nixon was the guest of honor. The hostess served refreshments. Miss Mary Williams of Davidson and Miss Beulah Wilson of Gastonia were in town Tuesday to attend the wedding of Miss Vera Howell and Matthew A. Stroup. Mrs. A. T. Dellinger and little son, A. T., Jr., were the guests of Mra David P. Dellinger Thursday. KINGS MOUNTAIN Kings Mountain, Jan. 20. The Busy Housewives were entertained by Mrs. M. E. Herndon Friday after noon. Mrs. Arthur Crouse read a pa per entitled "Preserve the American Home;" Mrs. F. E. Finger read "Do You Know Where Home Is," and Mrs. Herndon gave the poem, "Home is Where the Heart Is." After sewing the hostess served a salad course. The guests present were Mrs. Sage Fulton, Mrs. Harry Falls and Mrs. Allred. The Social Club met with Mrs. J. S. Hood on Thursday afternoon and rook was played at four tables. The guests present were Mrs. Arthur Hay, Mrs. Ixuin Neal, Mrs. Ed McLaughen, Mrs. H. N. Moss and Misses Marie Moss and Kate McLaughen. After the game the hostess served refresh ments. Miss Pearl Fulton entertained a number of her friends at a birthday party Saturday night. The Civic League held its annual meeting with Mrs. D. C. Mauney Fri day afternoon and officers were elect ed for the ensuing year. The Young People's Society of the Methodist Church entertained about j 2 5 friends Wednesday at the home of Mrs. a. ll. 1'atterson. The entertainment committee Of the Civic league will give a play en titled, "The District School," on Fri day evening, January 28. Mrs. Leslie McGJnnls and family have moved from here to Charlotte. Otto Hood left Wednesday for De troit. Mich., where he will attend school. Mm MUt MUUr and a. number &t young people gave Miss Margaret Kenilrick a surprise birthday party Friday evening at the home of her sisier, .Tirs. j. rj. ljimoru. SHELBY Shelby, Jan. 20. Members of the Thursday afternoon club held a meeting this week, Mrs. Paul Webb being the hostess at her home on North Morgan street Rook was the game of the afternoon, and after the cards were laid aside, the hostess, as sisted by her sister, Miss Elizabeth McBrayer, served a salad course. With Mrs. W. B. Nix as hostess, the members of the Cecelia Muslo Club met Wednesday afternoon,. At her home on West Marion street Mrs. p. I Hennesaa was "at home" Friday evening. Rook was played progressively throughout the evening. Miss Stella Scroggs rendered a num ber of songs after which the hostess served refreshments, assisted by Mrs. George Hoyle. i Thursday evening, the retiring pres ident of the Addie Ware Phtlathea Class of Central Methodist Church, Miss Qussie Slslt entertained this class. The first part of the evening was devoted to business, Mrs. George Hoyle being elected president A so cial hour followed, refreshments be lnd served by the hostess and 'Miss Mabel Jetton. With Mrs. I. C. Griffin as hostess, the Twentieth Century Club enjoyed a most Instructive afternoon with Ibsen, the great Norwegian dramatist and poet, as the study subject for this meeting. Besides the regular mem bers, the guests were Miss Nancy Tiddy, and Mra John M. Black. The Chicora Club met on Friday afternoon with Mrs. L. P. Holland the study for the afternoon being South America. Instructive papers on Brazil, Reo de Janeiro were pre pared and read by Miss Frlck, Mrs. R. L. Ryburn and Mrs. Hennessa, after the program refreshments were served. NORTH WILKESBORO North Wilkesboro, Jan. 20. Tues day afternoon, Mrs. Gordon Hackett entertained the Rmbroidary Club and a number of Invited guests, compli mentary to Miss Lura Finley, bride- elect for February. A salad course with coffee and bon bons was served by the hostess assisted by Miss Beach Gordon and Grace Fnlley. A banquet was given by the T. P. A. members of the town Friday evening served by the ladles of the Better ment Association. Six courses were served by Misses Elisabeth Pllson. Grace Finley. Flor ence Bingham,' Bessie Gordon Finley, Kuba Morton, Ines Horrlne, Lura Fin ley and Helen Rhodes, Louis Horton and Frances Smoot, after which the master of ceremonies called on vari ous members for impromptu speeches. Mesdames Arthur Finley, C. G. Pll son, Misses Grace Finley and Eliza beth Pilson were Joint hostesses to the Daughters of the Confederacy Thursday afternoon at a social meet ing commemorating the birth of Gen eral Robert E. Lee and Andrew Jackson, a number of members took part In the program of the afternoon. Refreshments were served. ROCK HILL, S. C. Rock Hill, S. C, Jan. 20. The reg ular meeting of the Eueplan Club was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. L. Barnes on East Main street, the study of art was continued. Despite the unpleasant weather Tuesday afternoon an interesting meeting of the Outlook Club was held with Mrs. J. C. Roper as the hostess. The study of Latin-America was continued. A paper was contributed by Mrs. E. E. Cloud, her subject be ing "Review of Bryce's South Amer ica, and a paper, "A Woman s Con quest of Huasearan," was read by Miss Mary McGowan. Roll call was answered with current events. A salad course with coffee was served by the hostess, assisted by her niece, Miss Plain Value in Large Measure THE money you spend for a Goodyear Cord Tire buys just the tire. Every penny of it is exchanged for its equivalent in tire value, nothing else. Delusive discounts, definite mileage guarantees, "free" service and like fictitious inducements go by the boards in such a purchase.' You pay for the good that is in the tire, and only thatfor mileage, comfort and the sure satisfaction such goodness means not for manufacturers' insurance, not for sales promotion "discounts," not for so-called "free" service, And Goodyear Cord Tire sales persist and increase 'without need of these artificial attractions. To those who judge on performance, the tires themselves are attraction enough. 0 The greater comfort they provide, the economies in gaso line and operating costs they assure, the longer mileage they deliver these are inducements effective beyond all others. If you would enjoy the advantages of a tire in wEncb distinction is matched by endurance, activity balanced by security, flexibility buttressed by strength bay Goodyear Cords. Their slightly higher price is far outweighed by tieir vastly greater worth. And buy them of the Goodyear Service Station Dealer his purpose is to help you get out of Goodyear Cords all the mileage we have built into them. Which is greater mileage that you have experienced before now. Tkm Sign of I As Gooiyar Strviem StmtUm Deesr Helen Childs, and Misses A'ma Bow man and Isabel Boyd. Mua Evelyn Frew contributed a number of selec tions on the piano. Mrs. J. B. Johnson entertained members of the Amelia Pride Book Club and a few friends Tuesday af ternoon at her home on East Main street This meeting was set aside as a "recreation meeting," and the regular program was dispensed with. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Taylor, of Ral eigh, arrived in the city Tuesday and are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. T. A. Crawford on Hampton street Mr. Taylor la a former Rock Hill boy and has many friends here who are glad to welcome him and hla bride. Dr. and Mrs. L. & Hay have as their guests this week, Dr. and Mra. JB. J. Hammett of Allendale. Mrs. Hammett is pleasantly remembered here as Miss Nelleen Hay, having vis ited here on a number of occasions as the charming guest of her broth er, Dr. Hay. Mrs. Harry Tudor Jones and baby have returned to their , home in Nor folk, Va., after spending several weeks in the olty, the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Roddey. HAMLET Hamlet Jan. 20. The Hotel Cen tral was the scene of a pretty affair Thursday afternoon, when Miss Doris Milham entertained six tables of 43 in honor of her sister, Miss Mildred Milham. The guests were met at the door by their hostess, and usher ed into the left parlor where several rounds were played. Mra Harry Geiger winning the prize, a piece of lingerie, which she presented to the guest of honor. Fink and white mints and punch were enjoyed dur ing the game. Those present were Misses M. O'Brien, J. Duke. M. McDonald, M. Milham. A. Hoskins, M. McNeely, O. Hyman, E. Grantham, E. Baldwin, E. Hunt M. Stradley, G. Sherwood, and Mesdames Geiger, Vaughn, Goldberg, Ei. A. UBCKCJ, MCABHIII, nUQSOn, San- ford, Burg, R. Terry, W. Terry, Leigh, Chapman, Townsend, Long and Mil ham. Mrs. A. R. Vaughn estertained at three tables of 42 Tuesday afternoon in honor of Miss Mildred Milham, the object being a handkerchief shower for the bride-to-be. Mints and fudge were served during the course of the afternoon. Miss McNeely having won the highest score was awarded the prize, a box of stationery, which was presented to Miss Milham. At the end of the game the guest-of-honor was showered with handkerchiefs. A salad course was served. Those pres ent were Misses Doris Milham, Mil dred Milham, Elolse Baldwin, Naomi Ellis, Julia Duke, Mary McDonald, Mamie O'Brien, Elolse Grantham, Evelyn Hunt Gladys Sherwood, Myr tle McNeely, Olivia Hyman and Mar garet Vaughn The following invitations have been lrsued: "Mr aid Mrs Claude G. Milham request you to be present at the marriage of their daughter, Mil dred Virginia, to Mr. John Steele Birmingham, on Wednesday evening, January the twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, at S o'clock. All Saints Episcopal Church, Hamlet, North Carolina." GREENSBORO Greensboro, Jan. 20. The Tuesday Eucher Club had a meeting with Mra W. A. Devin, at her home on Magnolia Court. There were 24 members and guests present The prizes were won by Mrs. W. B. Merrimon, Mrs. G. S. Ferguson and Miss Gretchen Taylor. After the games the hostess served a two-course luncheon. Miss Marlon Boatwright, of Dan ville, Va., the house guest of Miss Gena Adams, was the honor guest Monday at a bridge tea given by Miss Adams, at her home on West Market i street There were three tables of The Goodyear Tire & Akron, Ohio Gndytar Tins, Heavy Tntrist Tuba and ' ' Tire Saver" Autumn art tasy to irtfram GoJytar Strvitt Station Dultrs rurrjwfurt. players . The prize was won by Miss Mary T aylor. The guest of honor was also presented with a souvenir. Mrs Charles A. Hines entertained a numr'ber of friends at a tea Saturday af tern oon. The home on West Wash lngton;street was decorated with pink sweet ireas, ferns and carnations. About' 2 00 friends called during the afternoon). Members of the Euterpe Club had a meeting 8i iturday afternoon with Mrs. J. Norman- Wills, at her home on West Gaston stf-eet Some very enjoyable papers wef e read by different mem bers. S V The Thursday Afternoon Club was entertained yby Mrs. W. A. Hewitt, at her home ln Fisher Park. The Roundt Posen Club had a meet ins; with Mra J. H. Walsh, at her home on Bellemead avenue. Mrs. Clay Williams entertained at cards Friday and Saturday afternoon In honor of her guest Mrs. J. H. Ham, of Charlotte. S The Reviewers" Club held a meet ing with Mrs. ClJiude Hodgin Thurs day afternoon, at .her home on Ashe boro street Miss Marion Jomes was hostess to , the Entre Nous Clntb Wednesday aft ernoon. There were three tables at which bridge was plltyed. The prize for the highest scorxe was won by Miss Jennie Vanstory. After the game the hostess served refreshments. LUMBERTQN Lumberton, Jan. JO. -'The Research Club was entertained Thursday after noon by Mrs. C. B. Skipper. A short business session was held, presided over by the president; Mrs. E. K. Proctor. At the close of 'the program, refreshments in two courses were served by the hostess, assisted by lit tle Miss Anna Freeman. ' In honor of Mrs. Junius J. Goodman, Mrs. James D. Proctor and Mrs. Charles V. Brown received Friday aft ernoon at the home of Mrs. Proctor on North Elm street between the hours of 4 and ( o'clock. Little Miss Elisabeth Jennings was "at home" to a number of friends Saturday afternoon at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Jen nings, the occasion being her eleventh birthday. One of the most delightful rook parties of the Winter waa that given Wednesday afternoon, when Mrs. Charles Brown entertained members of the Embroidery Club and a number of additional guests at her home on North Elm street Mra Brown was assisted in entertaining by Mrs. W. H. Anderson, Mra J. Q. Beckwith, Mrs. John C. Fuller and Miss Elisabeth Dexter. Mrs. B. W. Page won the prize, a basket adorned with blue birds, for highest score. At the close of the game a salad course with hot rolls was served by the hostess, assist ed by Miss Dexter. A feature of the afternoon was a solo by Mrs. Page. ' The Young Matrons' Club held its annual business meeting at the home of the retiring president Mrs. A. W. McLean, Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Officers for the new year were elected. DELICIOUS ft LIM A MINUTE L k-Adior MUl nUr-HW (whist- IWt mii hat WlUr J FUSS OTALTBFoX roa axi mku Hull w4 mm is It UaiM Mb Rubber Co. i