Z2 CHARLOTTE SUNDAY OBSERVER, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 19 i?. 1 - CAROLINA SOCIETY LU3IBERT0N MONROE SHELBY KORGANTON . w-.v i n Tlrrinlm lt I Shelby. Feb. S. On Friday after. ' UamatM. F.h 1 fra Dorr Bo hM, Tneadav th Boon at hM" bom on Sooth Washing- I (ar was hostess on Thursday after rtalB4 at ' , ."! etreet, Mr T. D. Batetnan w!o. to th. Embroidery Club. Alter followteg gweats: MMl li-,1B, 1 I hostess to the member of th Twa- ! a pleasant hour of sewing and con man. Ula Barnes, or M.-iton; i tieth Century Club, at their regular versauoa. the hostess eerved a aalad Olbeoa and Julia Tat am. of McCo.l; i Mmj.m0nthly meeting. fceuree. Mesdame S. Frisard. Hyams Rttth RusU. MesJame J. r. taney. With Miss Mae Kendall a beet. ,sd R. L. Hufmen were invited . Marv r. Mi. numon. 01 i tmmm. i""" i the member or th lsftnenia im.mM and K. I Payne. ln)oyed a pleasant meeting ea Friday i The Attaroa Book Club, which ii Mra U. H. Meerei entertain id i afternooa. "North Carolina Writer-I thi winter studying "Famous Wo- Lumberton, Feb. .Tuesday after noon Mra N. A. McLean and Alra John Knox received at the horn of Mr. McLean, complimentary to Mr, J. Weaeott Edmondson, of Jacksoa. ville. Kia., hoii guest of Mr. Knot. Mis Erti Sinclair, of FayettevW, th guest of Mr. McLean, and Mrs. Juniu J. Goodwin, a recent bride. Those receiving, other than th host esses and honoreea, were Mr. A. W. McLean, Mr. B. K. proctor, airs. Hugh ii cAUister. Mr, R. C Law. rence, Mra C. V. Brown. Mra. T. C ! Johnson. Mrs. . Alt. H. McLeod. Mia Q. McNeill, Mrs. McNamara, Stndv CInb Wedniav morning. Mra Cugn A ah craft was leader, and each member took part, making th !son quit Interesting. Mra .T. J. Part, of Chariot, a farmer aaabw, waa a gueti of th stub. Th Tuesday Afternoon Club was entertained this week by Mra N. M. Redfara. Rook waa played at eight table. Out-of-tewn guest wore: sfsdaas T. J. Payne and J. L. Hye. of Charlotte: arisses Atlanta Olbaoa and Jail Taram. of McColl. LUia Bar of Maxtoa; Esther Par ker aad Tlma Morrww, of Albemarle; lira. C. M. Kadfera and Miss Velma Hra assisted ia enrvlng a salad seers and mints. Mra C M. Redfern entertained at three table of rook Wednesday morning la honor of Mia 6ara Quin nrty. of Ayden. gnec of Mrs. Al bert Redfern. Mesdaeiee J. M. Fair law. Jr. aad K. M. Redfern assisted la as ilm refreshment. afternoon with Mrs. H. L. Riddle. Mra Riddle hsd for special discus toa "Mrs. Pankhurst" and "Billi Mra E M. GnrZln was waa the subject for discussion, the fol-'j men." cad an enjoyable meeting thia lowing- interesting writers Deing me studies for the afternoon: John Charle McNeill. Isaac Irwin Avery. O'Henry. and Thomas Dixon, Jr. At th conclusion of this prof ram. the hosts eerved refreshments, aasiated by Mies Ruby MeBrayer. Mrs. George Blanton is entertaining at a series of parties at her hern en West Marlon street, rook being the chosen game On last Thursday even ing Mrs. Wanton was host to 12 of her married friends, an J at the close of th gashes, refreshments were served. Miss Margaret MeMurry pre siding over the chafing dish. Again the following' evening Mrs. Blaaton was at home to the same number of friends. Ferving an ice course later in the evening. On Saturday afternoon Mis Ma Kendall was hostess to the Ce!la Music Club. A eplerjdid mu'leal program eras given on Friday evening at the College Mra. I. T. Townsend, Mrs. Irvln Jea. kins. Mrs. J. A. Sharp and Mrs. Ira B- Townsend. In honor of Mrs. J. Wescott Ed mondson, Mra. IL II. Anderson enter tained Wednesday afternoon at two tables of auction bridge. Mrs. Charles iMirs.- in tne oining room a cour,.Brown and Mrfc & u Holloway ty- .uocnewn w "u"'1'"" . ln for "p (core, each received rSr.Cvb ,p'"bf,, en.y'nff dainty .mert toweC while th. honor I'rtJ1" KrLk'T.avi. H I pink silk ho. Those play- I?r2'1(,nk Da,'S' B Ing were Mrs. Edmondaon. Mrs. John Brwol and J B Riddle. KnM Mrl cbarlM Brown Mrs. B. onMWednU Mra Frank I'avis. of Fort Bayard. XAm PtM&nUn' V, ho w here on an extended visit ren?f 1iUowr- m i. to reUUvesLiUra Brirtol s Kuests Elisabeth and George WWt- wer. Metdames W. A. Harbison. H. n?1(1 ntertamed at rook Thursday L Btdoi. W. L Dana, Robert Davis. ; fternoon tn honor of their sister. E U EJwards. Koyes and Frank Da- ; Mi; Jrro Wtfield. who has been In v: a siUd course was served. I Aaheboro for the past year and her Mra Bessie Rountree left Friday eesu Miss Annie Moreing. of Ashe fnr m tnmit r,f sevoral weeWs to rla- : born. fJeroat Thnrsday aftemoon. Paper were read by Mra J. M. Blair and Mis Abb Blair. Invited guests were Meedajnee H. E. Coppte. J. B. Coppl. Joel Grlflln. Watt Ash craft. B C. Ash craft aad F. E. Wilson, of GatTnev. Msadame EmsUy Fletcher and N. M. Redfern served refreshments The Woman's Club held an In'er etlag anting la th reading room at UftV UIJ UAU ni.Jr.J u-r , M A A VA m ' 1 ' -U.S. no9t" t0 ! Inn. when he pup'.U of M'-ss Bertha Hotic, gave a reciul to a large audi ence. The music pupils of the 16th grade, under the direction of their teacher. Miss Helen Doner, gave a recital Tues day afternoon at the school audi torium. On of th large' fractions of th new yar was the aftno'-n tea given on Thursday by Mrs. Joh Mauney and fives and friends in Wilson. Mrs. G. P. Erwin has gone to Unl vr!y. Misa. to visit hr son, .E J. Eraia Mr It T. Oaywell is visiting Mra Roi-ert Gartt in Durham. J!r. J. II. Hyams has returned from a visit of several "weeks to Sia:esvil!e. Mrs. Erwin Curtis left this week for as ertended visit to Akron.- O. 5!rs. Ross Fraxier is spending the week here at the home of her fathe-, Dr. J. R Ar.derson. Mtss Margaret Bristol returned home Mondav from Statenville i The Lumbee Research Club enter tained a number of their friends at a banquet Tuesday evening from t to ; 12 o'clock at. the Hotel Lorraine. Mr. E. K. Proctor,, president of the club, i presided as toast roistrera MOORES VILLE club voted to Join the Federa- of Mrg Mal;nv and M Wi:t Arey. frern Mra T. W. Lingre, State presi- Ward Arev. at the home tf the Utter, complimentar y to Mi Nan . Rale gh, where she will b the guest ' Mooresville. Feb. S Mlsa Lillian McConnell was buete& to the San Souci Club Saturday afternoon from S to 6 o'clock. After an hour or more of sewing the guests were served a Miss Rose Davis left Thursday for ; course and hot coffee. The Strattford Club held It regular recent brid. Welcoming the gue?e at the front door were: M-s. J. ef Mra Parker. Ml?" Neta Shaping went to Nor ton. Kan., this week to accept a posi tion. dent. aeceprJiJSjanlnptauon to ad- Lndsev RoM and Mri w j. Roberts. J Miss LJlli Morris Is spendin; the a future. Several committees wre appointed, one to make a social sur vey ef the city, one to organize a civic league among th colored peo Recelvir iilames W ard ArT, Josh Mtuvr. will mother. Arer, W. J. A rev and M: K:il:An I AaWInf the ruests into the dinirjr room PwI ZJZ r l. . Royster. Receiving and serving ysiciaji about the qrnttn la Mesdames U A. Blanton and which are not being enforced as they ! . Rlnlnn hr Miw, , ' KendaU. Ruth Mundy and Mibel Mc- week at Rutherford College with her meeting with Mra. Clarence McNeely Tuesday afternoon. A business meeting of the Maids' and Matron's Club was held with Miss Clara Mills Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Wednesday Afternoon Club met with Mrs. Bruce McNeely at the last meeting. It was decided at thia meet ing to buy new books, at an early date, to be passed from member to Fort Mill. S. C, Feb. Z. Among member. At the close of the after number of notable social events of noon Mrs. McNeely served refresh- the season, one of the most brilliant -ments. occurred Tuesday evening at the ! The Idle Comment Club met at th FORT MILL, S. C. ahould be. It waa decided to begin in siiu-sr (woraoi nu., ; Brayer. Miss Anrile MUler then asked Bffnam. w w 1 the ruests into the coffee rom. coffee C" . t u " . .""r" , laiMtr nnmn thmurn wnlcn rw VS i . . - - . - fi'jn.r- ui ji i biiu jiis. . . new.vo uunttr ui .urs. j&iiivs ij. vuuuu ntu- " - " - , n ni. cAMMn n v ipb I'a ii I urnn vi rm . . . i i . .. . .. ,, . " j - lewume nirri w i;ru uto uiuica ui nesaiv anernoon. inis was a. hdcciu may And employment. i r i . in ifr ,h. .. ' Friday afternoon to th members of retaserv Th. rooms pursda, AfUnjoon jT.ub and a I uurituri lift uuiuunt guwiat The Civic Leagu met in its retralar monthly meeting en Thursday after- war prettily decorated with bowls of airina Mil ) Valma Morrow and Esther and'r: V." Mneberger and the Misses Araea the Fort Mm Presbyterian Church ! meeting, the occasion being. In a way, under use auspices or tne Home mis- i a farewell party to one of the club' sir.arT Society tendered a reception i most popular and loyal members, Mra and linen thower In compliment to George C. Jones, who leaves this week the Rev. and Mrs. R. K. Timmons. for charlotte to make her home. Re Alsiost 10 guests were in attend- j freshments were served, ance who were received by Mrs. J.I A newly-formed club, the Thursday Lee Spratt. Mrs. John J. Bailes. and : Afternoon Sewing Circle, met Thura- Ms Has White. Kerresnmenta dav afternoon with Mrs. G. O. Freeze OXFORD Oxford, Feb. J. Tuesday afternooa the garden and forestry department of the Woman's Club held a meeting In the library. Mra R. G. Lassiter, the chairman of thia department, read an interesting paper on landscape gardening. Mr. and, Mrs. T. L. Caudle, of Wadesboro, spent Sunday in Oxford, the guests of Mrs. Caudle's mother, Mrs. Alice Gooch. Rev, William Black. ' evangelist, ef Charlotte, has Just finished a ten-days meeting In the Presbyterian Church. The Carteret Literary Society of th high school met last Friday. Th da bate being: "Resolved. That Oxford should have a new high school build ing." - Affirmative, Rives Taylor and John Perry Hall: negative, Morris Parham, Sidney Currin and Frits HalL Mr. Phillips decided la favor of th negative. Dr. Eugene C. Branson, ef the Uni versity ef North Carolina, delivered a lecture In the auditorium of the grad ed school building Friday afternoon. under the auspioea of th civio depart parunent or tne woman's imud, "Come. Let Ls Live With Our ChiU dren," waa his subject - ' - NEWTON Newton. Feb. I. Th Thursday Book Club this week was entertained by Mra W. C Kenyon. Th literary program was carried out as planned and refreshments wr served. The Daughters of the Confederacy will hold their monthly session with Mrs. 4. Tate Killian Monday after noon at S o'clock. Mrs. George A. Warlfck was hostess Tuesday at .luncheon to the seven members of the executive committee of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Western North Carolina Methodist Conference, who met here in business session Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. George E. Coulter and daugh ter, Mrs. Beta Goforth, hav returned from San ford, where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Coulter. Miss Willie Gilleland. of Conord. has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wagner during th weak. Mra J. Tatea Killian has returned from Raleigh, where she visited Mr. Killian, who Is a member of the House and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Barwick. Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Murray, of Maiden, are now making their home In Newton. MOTHER LOVE THE HARM IT MAY DO mean service and self-forgetfulness. Then are its rewards greatest. Hap py mothers often say that their chil dren, as an Inspiration, hav don more for. them than they have ever been ablt to do for their children. , r . - LIQUIDATION STATE BANKS OF EMISSION PROGRESSING Mextee City. Feb, . Tb Uqulda. tloa ef the Bute banks of mission provided for by recent deoree. Is progressing rapidly. Commissions which correspond In a measure to Federal receivers in the United States have already taken over the Stat hanks In Vera Crux, Puebla, Queretaro and Guanajuato. - BULGARIAN GENERAL PRAISES SOLDIERS v., m aiKn.ri w. .r. i.it- noon at th court hot!?. Mrs. W. B. big Mrs. Estell Stuart, have been the J N l- president, presiding. Plans were conaiKlr.g of sandwiches, coffee, and rectpieats f Beach social attention . Monday afteraeon Mix Mary English eternised at rook In their hoaer, Ta dy afteraeoa. Miss East Green, aad Taeeday avealng Miss Normal Bell gave ssutie. Thursday morning Misses Janie aad Myrtle aanders en ' tartained anal Tharsday evening, Mrs, A. M. Cecrsst gave a rook party. Mm Albert Beaten entertain at made for the district reciprocity day. which the Federated Cloh of Shelby Boyd. Mus Bes Spratt, and Miss Dora Oner where favors were pre- will entertain this year, th last week ' sen ted by Misses Hattie Belk and Ag in March. ' aes Link. From out-of-town there were present Miss Florence Thorn- I wen ana aire. j. iv - noacn, oi noes iHilL S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. ! Mack, of Hartford. Ala., and HIGH POINT General Radko Dmitrieff Compli ments Successful Offensive on the Riga Front Petrograd. Feb. 3. General Radko Dmitrieff. the Bulgarian general who fought against the Turks in the Bal kan war, and who took service with the Russians early In the present struggle, has issued the following or der ef the day to his troops referring to their successful offensive on the Riga front: "Neither blinding snowstorms nor paralysing frost nor impassable marshes could check your ardor. "After long hand-to-hand strug gle you broke through in spite of Vnrviuw) Fob 1 Mm I tin w the murderous tire of hundreds of Lisk entertained the Norwood Book I machine guns, the fortifications, the as hostess. A delightfully informal mints were served in tne aining room, afterr.oon was whiled away with - "" needle work. The hostess served a salad course. NORWOOD Mw Club Thursday afternoon. Refresh ments were served by the hostess, as- redoubts. and the bomb-proof shel ters which the enemy has been con- ... . . ! . ; Mary Mack, of Columbia. Ten n. mgn romt. ren. . ice most rv- -,.mk, e ,k R9.Kinr , . , . . ....,i.. . .1 -an mmmt 1, nmws ntaruunn si' i.v" .. . . .. ., . - .... ... - .. . ... glslea Vy juesasmes Lnaries univin ""n i iim mumui. rook Wodaeeday aftersee honor !c'"urml ,u,"lu"n Maids B.k Club met with Miss an1 u W. Hart. Guests of the club! "You penetrated these works of MJs Qniwerly ef Ayden. occurred Wednesday evening in WCCT France mitb as hostess on Wsdnes- f.jo.- xj . --a .insnlrim aiUn Ev.nmih, . UBma. I - . . . . . - REIE. M. AU, 1 W BUU J -" f " f w J I W T. I1BI J Mm Allea Heath aasiated In serving Mr- "a MrV r ;-.aran 1 eniertaici d, aftemoon of this week, the host- Vance Lowder. ' you cleared a passage with the bay- a salad course. i" ridg and roon complimentary to t having present aUo several In- The Ladies' Aid Society of the Pre- onet. thus saving tens of thousands Mra. a Bikes was hostess to the I Jf"- Edward K,nr ilh- Mi Mary .t,,, guest byterian Church met with Mra. 8. P., of shells for other and better ends. u 1711 vras isnTMiar anernoon. j -' - ' 1 jnouimj m- Barnhardt Tuesday afternoon. Re- Among tne oooty captured are nasmngton. wno ior tne pat to rurne to ton miii mesaay morning freghmenta were KCred ! thirty cannon, fifty machine guns, weeks hav been house guests of Mr, after a month s tnp to points in Flor- , Dr Rn(1 Mrf Kar, Blalock left i 14.000 riflea 60.600 . uniforms, the HrmoJ1- , i T Tuesday for North Charlotte, where . treasury chest of the f4th Infantry Masters William and Gilbert Ra-! Arthur L. Gaston, Z . Davidson. Doctor Blalock will locate for the ! Regiment, containing 135.000 marks. airw--u inc icunsu. ia me IL ricim i fah ii "rvi ' a PtacUc of his profession. Mrs. Bla- ,ana le.uoo Domes of br&ndy. room. iae naiviwrneiv ociuna ikjok 1 - " - and case of stationery riven as hieh Mr- Mr- E- G- Gaither. of The program wras carried out along the usual lines) and refreshments erred., M dim W. J. Boger and T. Is. CroweO. and Misses Esther Parker and Velma Morrow, of Al ' keaaarla, were Invited guesta ASHEVILLE ATbessarlev rb. S. Mrs. C. J. Maaney waa holt to the Merry Matrons Cteh Wednesday. Every member; with one exception, was ' present to enjoy Mrs. Mauneys hos pitality. Mr. MUton and Mrs. price sang eld melodies, sxeompanled by Mrs. Mauney. Tb testis, assisted by Mrs. Whitwortlt aad httle NU Whttworth. served s luncheon. The Bridge dab met with Mia Theresa King Tuesday afternoon with v si few Invited gvasta. " Mm J, K. XiBtta was hostess to the CordUa BooJl- Clab Tuesday after. . Boon, -i Mrs. F. BL Blarnee gave a dinner lock goes to Baltimore for a month's bleb "' ua,l"5''. visit to hr oarents. seore prigea were won by MLa Mary lu- .-I-e:- T V." r1" a.u"n Wednesday afternoon at S o'clock 1 a quiet wedding was solemnized at j this place, the contracting parties be- j 1 0 . inic v iiimm nenrT aawv inu alias honor guests were presented with em- tK- 'w., xi' vml Genna Nichols. Cowell and Bob Amos. Each of the tb week of Dr. and Mrs. T. S. Kirk- t guests waa given favors of claa- .. , ... . ,.r. t r.i.v -T-K- Mrs Otis Pattos and Mrs. W . J V, ,.WA 11111, U. V... .the week-end guesta of Mrs. FRENCH GOVERNMENT IS NEEDING ALCOHOL BY WErOJTA WTLOOX. I "1 hare done everything, endured everything, and always shall, tor only one reason my love for my eon, says Sarah Bernhardt, th greatest, the moat famous womaa in the world. Thus does Bernhardt, at II, verify the statement of the scientists that maternal lev Is the mightiest ef all human love. It ia th fashion, la this century of the glorification of the child, to give nothing but praise to the wonders of maternal love. Whoever suggests that it hold any danger Is regarded as an enemy of society. -. Nevertheless there are soores of ex amples ef th misery which la wrought by this, th most powerful and the most enduring ef human af fections. It often threatens, and sometime! it destroys, the existence of th family. Indeed, it generally causes the first serious domestic discord. The young husband Is apt to he jealous ef his first born before he loves It. By the time the baby ia a month old he dis covers what he should have been taught before be married, that ma ternal leva transcends woman's love for man. Oood men beoom reconciled quick ly, for they know that there are man kinds of love. But the selfish man, the unthinking man, makes th young wife's preoccupation with the baby an excuse for hunting up eld bachelor friends. Then he takes the first step In the very bad habit of staying away from home until late at night, Young wives, too, should knew the science of the situation. Nowadays young mothers are inclined to be somewhat over-aealous In maternal vigilance. The more highly educated they are, the more seal they have. Tet it Is often very unwise to be so "wrapped up In th baby" that they Ignore the father's comfort, rights and happiness. It is far easier to save a home by a little compromise at this time, than it Is to make over the inherited in stincts and traditions ef a certainly not uncommon type of husband. Perhaps the most unfortunate of all children Is the "only" child. Such an one must endure the undiluted strength of maternal lov. "I cannot possibly part with my child." says th "perfectly devoted" mother. And for this selfish reason hundreds of ambitious boys and girls are never sent away te school or are kept in the father's business, or In the mother's kitchen. "I can never live without my daugh ter," is the reason many a mother gives for invading what should be a sacred place, the home of a bride and groom. Mother-In-laws occupy a conspicu ous place In cases or divorce for sue- a glass of real hot water with a tea nation of affection. There Is nothing ; spoonful of limestone phosphate In on eartn so unrelenting, so persistent. ltt M a harmless means of washing and so mischievous as a mother's in- j out of the gtomach, liver, kidneys and fluence over a son when it Interferes ; bowelSi tn, indigestible material, between him and his wife. , .t. Kiii toxin: thus Equally pernicious Is th selfish Lansing, sweetening and purifying Jump from Bed in IVMng and Drink Hot Water Toll why varysns should drink hot water eaeh morning btforo breakfast. Why is man and woman, half the time, feeling nervous, despondenth, worried; some days headachy, dull and unstrung; some days really Inca pacitated by illness? If we all would practice Inside bathing, what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of thous ands of half-sick, anaemic-looking souls with pasty, muddy complexions we would see crowds of happy, heal thy, rosy-cheeked people everywhere. The reason ia that the human system does not rid itself each day of all the waste which it accumulates under our present mode of living. For every ounce of food and drink taken into the system nearly an ounce of waste material must be carried out, else It ferments and forma ptomaine-like poisons which are absorbed Into the blood. Just as necessary as It is to clean the ashes from the furnace each day, before the fire will burn bright and hot, so we must each morning plear the inside organs of the previous day's accumulation of Indlgestibts waste and body toxins. Men and women, whether sick or well, are advised to drink eaeh morning before breakfast. domination of devoted mothers over the entire alimentary eanal before !LnKm,lrri.C!?nin, S!,ta.2S!5SS PlW oro food into the ovw esa vs v '""IHW.. aCTl M Afrtdialtr rarklth mebao iham ssr . DV wjx crv 14 V bit w assise -( ver stoa- anxious to leave home, and so Im patient of parental control as to have the mother demand na take all the wages which her children earn. Hun dreds of mothers do this thing and bewail the ingratitude ot the child who objects. JThls Is not the kind of maternal love which Inspired the great French actress. Maternal love at its best Millions of people who had their turn at constipation, bilious attacks, acid gtomach, nervous days and sleep less nights have become real cranks about the morning Inside-bath. A quarter pound of limestone phosphate will not cost much at the drug store, but is sufficient to demonstrate to anyone, its cleansing, sweetening and freshening effect upon the system. broidered silk fans. Mrs. J. Edward Kirkman and Mies , Tloir.pon Robert X. Capps of Lower Meek The ceremony look mt.,nn.ni r. aa nnn r.iiA. piace at tne nome oi tne nnae pa- cohoi per day ln the manufacture of rents, Mr. and Mrs. William Nichols, ; certain high explosives, it la said, has Avery Kirkman entertained at card b.nb.jr5 County was a guest this week tnB P of the family and a had a mere effective Influence on the Tutsday afternoon the guest of hon-: bt Mr. and Mr, j i, Capps. few Inumate friend. She entered the alcohol question in France than the or being Mra Ed. K. Willis, M, Alex E. Young, of Charlotte, vis- Parlor on the groom s arm. there being efforU of temperanee advocates. The aiary towm ua kiss uiue eeu u- tted his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. n" ""-n, "r- " ey j consumption of alcohol for this pur ua. . i ours, aunne tr-e past weex end. ire" v .. Misses Venetis snd Zillah Smith Eliiott Parks, of Lynchburg. Va., were hostesses Monday afternoon to , is vt.urg relatives in Fort MilL the V. D. C. The meeting was pre- I e sided over by Mra J. Edward Kirk-i LEAKS Y1LLE-SPRAY man. president ,t,-c . . vr ix ijM aj, rru. o. Airs. i. Mra H. C. Kearns. Jr.. Mra E. K. , I.lllie Bell Willis were entertained on LJNCOLNTON 1M ( .. 1 . . . V. i ww u v ii 1.1 ii u vm iuiia IU0 urw ' ent rate, will amount annually to 12. 1 500.000 gallons more than France j produced before the war. The Gov jonaa j ernmant has already bought 17,'00,- 1 (nnAlnlnn f?H t f A came home from Raleigh Monday to 00 "on" aD' 1 AIW UVI SCI V VBJ Willia Miss Mary Cow.U and Mia. il.V5" Z?a.5r1?..10 lne 1IU,tor' Bl." "u. , w., fthe manufacture of th powder used w" .o.u-T i.nw.n. . ' a. . riilli: .nln,lu in th. lor.,. a Dusmess visitor to tne city tne past " V VUUI UI 1. .arty to the followtog ladle Th.rs-! Wednesday afternoon by Mra GurT c. ,! 'i, week. toy: Mesoame W. B. MUton. C. J. rns. at rooa. a saiaa course was tn , w!a4 C0UrM. I Mrs. A W. Webber was a Charlotte MMaaer. K- Frice, W. H. Snuggs. , ereo. t Satardav afternoon llitm in. visitor Monday. iS D" McCurdy Ml !wre W"!i9 Vith MTrl! ?Bth. Ro; Mr. J Frank Anderson and little C. M. Palmer. ,WiIlis were again entertained Satar- nuh In lhe rtccpUon hall and parlor wn. J. Frank. Jr.. arrived in the city A imdal event Of much interest was. day when Mrs. H. Irvm Coffieid cave :fht U);M were piaci (or rook At Monday for an extended visit to Mra sua tnformaJ party Tharsday night a Joint rook and card party to aboat th conclusion of the aame Miss Laura Anderson's parents. Mr. and Mra " ey "S .-euie mson tn the mty guest. The prizes were won by a,,,.. ho;d n ,hB h;.htt. . Summer Alexander. DSETIFHEI - home ef Mrs. J. D. Morrow at Badin. Mrs. J. Albert Hart and The evening was spent in interesting Bravens. games, after which the hostess served ' Messrs. Bob and Ed Rann wre refreshments. Those ecjoyisg Miss. host at two dinner parties jriven Mr Vinson's hospitality, were: Misses Harmon's guest, th frat Fridar . Blanch Button. Lois Trotter. Louisa ning at the Elwood. and the second Earper. Catherine Loughey and Ethel Saturday evening at the Man,h House, ? Had-, and Charles Tounts. P. E. Lexington. ' STrti-5iJ!lJr"ry' I S' ArthuJ- I I At the orjranliation meeting Tu-- . htrrtly tad Thomu Hamra. j. National Child Conservawr. Leaira. i ii i the f !l'wine ;!irt ih were tW'.n) Presidenl, Mrs. F. P. lr.gran;: vice I president. Mrs. J. W. Harn; Itarv, Mrs. J. V. Wil?on; treasurer. Mrs. J. W. Chandler: re&orter. Mra KOHL BURN. PUFF UP ton won the haft of pink carnanoss piven as visiters' priie Friday afer- '. - . m noin' wh'-n Mrs I. Thurman Mann . Can t Mai I IT fnr artr iwas hostess to the Gamma Zat Club. ! -Miss naynie l.ll Sm;-h. of Jack- y son, ienn.. is tee guest ot iirs. com II j kins. Hiss Nellie Dr.das has returxed from a visit to her s:s.er, Mrs. W. C Boren. at Par.arr.a. Mra David Clark Is vtsitinc rela tives at Carey. Mr. and Mrs. Albion M:'.ll will leave the ftrrt of the w-e" tr ai ex I tended trip to Cuba. Mrs. A. A Tate Is visiting m Flor ida. DRESSMAKERS STRIKE. 'Paris. Feb. 3. Two strikes have be gun in the Paris dressmaking trade. One concern's male cutters, who are mostly foreigners; the other Is ex clusively an affair of Parisian Bruce Lander, who has been visit- Tniamewes. as in. young gin gar- to Mrs. J. W. Hopper, a bride of a few lng his mother in this city for several 1 "'nl w?r. ro ,J ,' n pr0" -es A telegram was then read weeks, ha. returned to Brooklyn. X. T. j J anst being paid lower wages Hr the kocteiw announcing a kitchen 1 Mrs. John C. Ramsaur and little son. Ulan betore the war. shower, wbkh was brought in by a Charles, are visiting relatives in Rock MMMwHwaaHMniK maid ic a large t-asket and to each UtH. S. C. Mr w C ' reived the pnie. which she presented r-tx was att( beJ a receipt Kefrooh- Mi's. Annie Hoke and Miss Kate meets confuting of a salad course and Michal and R. M. Michal left Thurs- ; cream aad cake were nerved. 'day for Wilmington, where they will; Miss Martha Taylor. LeaksvUle'a vlBit Mrs. John Hall. rum gifted pianist, left for Richmond Mrs. Raymond Browning returned ( Tuesday to aeni&t in a recital to be Tuesday from a visit te Cliffside. j g:va there on Thursday evening. i Friday evening and Saturday after- BOorf Mrs. Julius Buttle entertained in I honor of her house guests, the Misses i Greene, of Monroe, and Miss buttle, of Shelby. QUIT MEAT IF YOUR GREENVILLE, S. C tired, rvToOeii, calloused feet or corns. Greenville. 8. C. Feb. senh A. McCuIlough Is ChSCAHETS fob IE BOILS IF HEADACHY. SICK Mrs. Jo- , x- vn; planning a ' u uutwusucoa, ua uivwu, ttdkf& T for Mty VW IKI foot trouble." aC taUleSIiOOnful OI SaltS number of affair for her guesta. Miss ' COlds .llldi&6aitOII and t l- 1- il A Roberta Clark, of Baltimore, and Mr.' ' " .6 . if l5A'k hurts Or lilad- and Mrs L. P. Naylor. CoL John 8. COJlStipatlOn. der bothers. V."e are a natioa of meat eaters and o-r t;J : t:led with uric acid, says t i i i r -l . eWeB... S LUmpHin, i r a rinesai vnj. m viuinei wi . . Mrs. Mt-Cullough. Is also a guest at the ' ,.. T i,A. McCuIlough home on Washington ; Cujwjf WCI ittBU juiu uw and bowels tonight and feel fine. Your tongue is coated! Look inside our wat' 1 Wanted GASTONIA kind of a laxy chair did you tak ex x nJ, hti erciae in?. Now don't think it doesn't " rvl.ljl.W 7.n.C?7. " i, matter, because it's your bowel that When year kidney ache and feel SrdirifteraoolTii her home on Whit- OW Vryd fn voul IZ' like Iuph of lead, and you have Mtt street mouth. That doesn t help your pop- Teal can be haDDV-footed in a mo- Revolution, w.il tent Use Thr" and never suffer with Torrence, roiliratara norrano a O- teader, raw. burning, blistered, sw. l- ,onla artist who trade he- debut tn fw ion Vila wee. i.s Torrnee ' lea. tired, aching feet. "Tlx" and only "Iter tak) th pain and soreness out of eorit, caJQouaes and bunions. . As soobj as you put your feet in a ThT" hath, row iaat feel the happi Tseas soaking la. How good your poor, eld test feel They want to dance for tiona which Miff no vour feet and 'caoa sore, ' inflamed, aching, sweaty ..feet. -- road. l m Tt R Hnimtnn waa hoetes to ' a ae 1-kr.own authority, who warns tne Monday Kridge Club at her home ! us to be constanUy on guard against on Washington street. iidrey troub Douglas Jenkins. American Consul j Th- Vi.'r.ev. An their utmnat tn frea -. i k . ! i - ' n i n ir.i ilumu. uu iiviiiv . -m . . . . . . . the blood of this irritating acid, but iaav- i. visitinw his eld friends her your "a,ch cover anu see: inats ma W.rre weak from the overwork; n Ore'nvlne Conw JSln. What haVe, S. "JtK thev ret sZugguh: the eliminativ. ti.1 a"T? .VI -JVi rSLT 7h. ' wg? What were you drinking? What j sat c tg aad mus the want is re- home of Mra A. O. Furman, ; la-nee ia ta diooo to poison tne en ure lyi.fm. , v... -,.n. a hlnehonn Sat VjamniH. reo. a -.r evem rir ?jn- usual interest to the music lovers of lUastonia win c-cur ve-tr.e-lay eTen- r.irfini; i-ains in the back, or the Minn Catherine Heard, of Augusta. lng. rebruary ., at the .whool a-idi- artM i cioudy. fall of eediment. or Oa waa honor guest when Mis Oc toriurn. when the .l!:am Giston tb h!addr U irritable, cb iging you taVia Arrlngton ntertained th tnapter. uauenters or the Amnf to eek relief during the nlKht: when Thnrulv ri,t nnh this week. present Miss Mirie job hav severe heada-hei, nervous I Raturnav Mr. IJndmv Smith en- afid dwy spelis. sleeoieMnes. acid tertained in honor of Mr. Horace stomach or rheumatism in bad weath- SwannelL ee te from tfiiir r.hartritiiut ahuiit 1 A . f ait ounce of Jad Sa is: take a table- j v a nni i lh nicst, gentlest cleansing they ever , sinful ln a r a. of water before KAUlil i experienced. Take one or two Cas. breakfast eah m.rning and in a few I J carets ton ght and wak up feeling i days vour kidneys will act fine This i Badin. Feb I. -The social event of fine and Bt. All Headache, Dullness,, fame ; salts is male from the arid I the week was the reception tendered Biliousness. Bad Breath Stomach1 of grar-i arid ieir.on uie combined the Rev. J. E. B. Houser Monday j Sournes. Cold or Constipation gon wsh iKfcsa tv.i ha? h-er, ud for gen-! evening by the Ladles' Aid Society of wake up with your head clear, tongue erii.or. to njh ar.rt s' mu atn -!oir- the cnurcn in I ommuniry nau. a u.., HMU uuw- ged k:4r.ey. to neutralise the acids ' thoroughly enjoyable program was In ciir. o it is rr, ,i,sr anurcs ' riven. About two nunarea enjoyea in will be a.isted bv Firnor L'raberto .Sorrentino, an Italian tnor, whom many (;a.tonia muic lover , heard with delight in concert here" last year. Che two classes of the Mission Ftudy Ciub of the Firtrr Presbyterian ru. v. . i , . . . . u'arity or your earning capacity. Be side a person with bad bowela is tn a bad y And a coated tongue )r a bad breath are sure signs of bad bow els and poor digestion. Why don't you get a 10-eent hog of; Cascarets at any drug .tor, and slve J your liver and thirty feet of bow s ir.espnsive and cannot maker a e irhtful efferves- rater verv Dleasant evening. 5f iss Kathrine Rimmer, of Danville. Pa., arrived here today to visit her Mrs. E C. Wltoon. with Mrs. R M. Reid, leader, and the other with Mrs. J. II. Workman, with Mrs. D. R La- of irri:at!on. thus ending urinary and tflf mm teAfter i kl.Ji i mm . . wra- '. ! "ivrii. M T r". ml The Gaetoma Woman's Betterment! Jid Fa:t i tw vr srpsruoCTi sxore. Association met Fri4T at Cer.'ra! ' toHsre- lnetaet foot relief. Laugh at foot uf- school auditorium After a b-isine rert it:hja.watr Arink .nitnAtwutv- brother. F. R. Kimroer. of Heftder-! don't bother you all neat Hay like ferers who ewmphUn. Because roursessidnJje .fiersifieajrursc ja 'i-",'" - tahing a "V " q number ,ot sOx4aaltanUaoli-Orcalomel-Caarajeiai " r )vtpf; terer ;o.cg" to boihtr of the sanitatx.r. tomir..M. of iLitai oc::cKa3;r to keeo the kidneys cial events have been planned in herjl-eing perfectly harmless is best chiUj mt bui jwa amp any mora 'Mrs. u. K. .Lat er la chairman. caji aad active. honor. aren s laxative. e s active, step elastic and ' complea. ion rosy. Cascarets work while you s'eep never gripe or sicken. Cascarets act so gently that you hardly realise you have taken a thorough cathartic. They 30 women to join out HOOSIER Kitchen Cabinet Club Which Starts Tomorrow Now is the time of all times to get this scientific kitchen helper. There isn't a reason on earth why you should drill double-time back and forth from the cel lar, the pantry, the cupboard and the kitchen table get ting each meal, and clearing away the dishes and uten sils afterwards. The Hoosier does away with aU those miles of useless steps. No other kitchen cabinet in the world has the 17 vital features that the Hoosier brings to your kitchen without extra cost. That's why more women demand the Hoosier than any other five cabinets combined. Join this club now. Our terms will interest you. Lawing-Robbins Furniture Company Complete Home Furnisher. 24 S, College St Out of the High Rent Zone t