CHARLOTTE SUNDAY OBSERVER, SUNDAY FEBRUARY 15, 1917. 13 ) titr THE . u LIGHT ce V Modern Mastodoelc EmbrogUo. i decade or , more but when .Wlllard Somethlnsr over a million aeo. when mammoth and dinosaur became entangled In a series of physical grap ples, the astounded blighters living in that age were confident that all rec ords In the way of size had been mashed. , This, of course, was some time be fore any mention had been made of , a Willard-Fulton affair, i When these two stray into the same tent, the dinosaur and the mammoth will fade gently out of the frame. Record Sizes. ' The Willard-Fulton affair," when it Is duly Inaugurated, will smash all ring records in anything approaching a championship affair. , . ' Back in 1891 or 1892, when Sulli van met Corbett, the amount of bat tling flesh in the arena was 874 pounds, counting the combined weight of both men.- The lightest heavyweight engage ment In the modern ring was the Cor-bett-Fit2simmons affair, where the two main actors weighed something under 860 pounds, less than 176 pounds to the man. Corbett and Fitz simmons together weighed only about 66 pounds more than Wlllard alone weighs today. The record heavy weight affair in the way of total dis placement was the Jeffries-Johnson engagement at Reno. This pair lifted the scales well above 400 pounds, around 430 to be fairly exact They were together the two biggest men that had ever met In a championship affair. Added Weight wmie there was no chamnlonshlD claim attached, all weight records for a single engagement went skidding merrily when Jess Wlllard met Carl Morris a few years ago in New York. Both men were then charter members of the White Hop Association, and both were dubs of the first degree. The boards creaked and groaned that night when they started floundering around, for Wlllard weighed 241 and Morris 238, a total weight of 479 pounds! This pair weighed 140 pounds 70 pounds to the man more than Cor bett and Fitz, and yet either Corbett or Fitz could have beaten the pick of the two with a crippled hand. This matter of 479 pounds looked j to be a record that Would last for a and Fulton meet it is likely . to - be badly, smashed. For there is a bare chance that the two husky citizens from, Kansas and. Minnesota will en croach, upon ,600 pounds, unless they can take off more flesh than many now believe they are capable of lifting. Fniton-Willard Weights. Fulton fought his last fight at 223 pounds. When he meets Willard he will need all the weight he can mus ter, so he will make no great attempt to prune away any more flesh than he is forced to cut down. When Willard met Moran a year ago he weighed In at 260 pounds, aft er six weeks' hard training. Since then he has added at least 25 pounds to his massive frame, and no matter how hard he trains he will be lucky to get down around 270. Under these conditions Willard and Fulton together will weigh over 490 pounds, an average of 245 pounds to the man. Ten years ago no one would . have believed that two men even approach ing this weight could have been found with sufficient skill to be around the top. Jeffries, at 225 pounds, was con sidered a marvel. That weight looked to be the limit that any fighter could ever couple with effectiveness. But human flesh, despite the high cost of living, is apparently developing added proportions. Fulton and Willard will not only weigh 490 pounds, but to gether their combined height will be about 13 feet Fulton's Chance. A few weeks ago Fulton's chance against Willard looked to be thinner than a drink of water. The mere fact that Fulton has beat en Tom Cowler and Charlie Weinert since .is no great boost. But the manner of the administered beatings is another matter. The big plasterer stopped both men in less than four rounds using on an average less than two rounds to each. - Weinert and Cowler are not won ders by any vivid stretch of an elas tic imagination. But no pie-fed dub is. going to beat them in this short span. And 'when it is remembered that Wlilard lir.u fought but one ten-round affair with in two years, Fulton's chance comes apparent He may not -vvii he will be something more th lop-sided Joke. He Is the first man to face Willard with a sufficient reach to adjust his batteries for a broadside. The others have never had sufficient range to carry. '1 wonder," whites Hart Karl, "if It ever occurred to ball players and club owners that tht fan might decide to go into the striking business some day soon. Then what would happen?" . . - . Just as St Louis and Cincinnati are upon the verge of holding public jubilee meetings, the baseball strike will probably be called off. Those two eminent cities never seem to have any luck. "Cobb and Speaker will not strike." Not unless it is over a corner, anyway. The one great thing about football Is that even where there is a salary list the outside public is never put ad jacent to the details. There should be a censor to keep the mention of kale away from the annals of baseball. SINGLE POINT GAVE VICT0RYT0 QUEENS Coal From Foul in Twilight of Came, Worked Downfall for Charlotte High School Girls. By the scanty margin of one point, the Queens College basketball team Saturday afternoon defeated the Charlotte High School quint in a game played on the Queens College court in Myers Park. With the score standing 14-14 and less than a min ute to play in the second half, a foul was called upon a C. H. S. player. A Queens sharpshooter a moment later caged the ball for the deciding point of an exhibition which was spectac ular from the opening whistle. The greater portion of the afternoon's scoring was accompanied in the first half, which ended with a count of 12-10 in favor of the ultimate vic tors. Misses Barbour, and Dudley were the outstanding stars for the highs and Miss Marion Wilcox for the collegiate outfit. Saturday's game was the first i. a series of three meetings between these two teams. The general pur-Wo will be invited to the rmalni!,- en counters, which will be stagp en '. t.o Y. W. C. A. floor. The llne-nps f-':iturdn C. H. S DAVIDSON COLLEGE FIVE AGAIN DEFEATS Y. M. C. A. Charlotte Hgih School Downs Horner Military School and Employed Boys Win From In termediates In Preliminaries. WINSTON AND RALEIGH SENT MOST HONOR MEN Special to The Obsrmr. Chapel Hi II. Feb. IT. Winston-Sa- honor men within the past five years, according to statistics just com piled by the registrar. Each of these schools have had seven men In this time, who have averaged at least 92 H during the first term of their freah- lem and Raleigh WxU School have j man year. In alH 14 schools have furnished the L'tuvers.ti of North ; sent two or more men who have made Carolina with the greatest somber of j this average within the above-men tioned time. , , ' Greensboro ' and Charlotte aye not far behind wii Jo. six. men each ;arsh Tille has sent three; Warrentort three; Bale's Creek !three; Salisbv-j. three;", the Webb Sch ooL Tfenne" .wo; Wil mington two; t TaAkinvi' ,wo; Dur ham two; Rc ickin.'ham i ; Episco-i pal High Sch ool. tirg.. V two. The Davidson College basketball team defeated the local T. M. C A. team again. Saturday night for the fourth time this season by a score of 3S to 14. The game was not as fast as former ones, both teams not play ing the ball they are capable of. For the visitors Hengeveld played a good game, while for the locals, Marsh and Propst the two forwards, displayed I tne Dest anility. . Following was the line-up and points scored: T. M. C. A. Position Davidson Prospt (4) King (8) Right forward. Marsh (6) .J...., Childs (6) Left forward. Howell (5) Hengeveld (12) Center. Crook Reese (10) Right guard. Beadle (1) Walker Left guard. Substitutions: Davidson. McAlister (2) ofr Walker. Fouls, Reese 4 out of 6; Marsh none out of 1; Howell 1 out of 6; Crook none out of 3; Beadle 1 out of 2. Referee. Graham. Time of halves, 20 minutes. In the preliminary games of the evening, C H. S. deefated Horner 18 to 1C, the game ending in a tie, extra time being needed to decide the win ner. Austin, for the high school team, and Bowden for, Horner, featured. C. H. S. also defeated the North Char lotte team, 25 to 4, Williams featuring in this game, and in the employed boys and intermediate game the for mer was the. winner, 16 to 9, Pritch ard featuring in this game. The next game for the locals, and which will also be the last will be played next Tuesday night, when the visiting team will be the University of Georgia. Before this game and be tween halves, the Horner team will play Baird's. ;6fcKDflER MEETS K1L0MS AT ACADEMY OF TUESDAY Mlssw- MHdr-.: Corner:! : bum . . Rut's C Bout Is Expected to Be One ci the Best of . Season Four Round Boxing Contest tc Pre cede Main BouL . '..t.'tlii.i C usut; M: rxr Wilcox -ac-eth Hdxtman "5 ives. Time of St Mi HERE if a quiet retreat, centrally.located, yet far aowgh re moved from the busy business, section to afford absolute rest and seclusion, wherein the treatment of drug mi. alco holic cue hat been a rtudy for morf tjuta twenty yean. The moijapprovcJ methods of treatment hare been adoittedand the iluii and exoaristcc 'auiieJ by tpecialixed effort for more than Veneration mam fetch patient ef&rfjrit 1 j 1 ! LJ&. rmmt STILL HAVE FERFFCT PFCEMT Oae of the best wrestling bouts of tue season is to take place at the Academy of Music Tuesday -!ght when "Pink" Gardner, of tliif oity, meets John Kilonis, "The Gree De mon," of Asheville, and formerly of Norfolk. Va. Kilonis is said to be a wr.rl-r no meaa ability and a".-, '.v. vance dope wi!! r-'v sometbir? ;-' surrounding! and a cubtna that rivals that ot many of tk&V" V1' 4p any deiired information. i . .V H Like Ratting vt " 4 I w 1 , Invest in a KupeMem Suit or Overcoat at a Saving of 25 0 --Wf-cttrfeft9Ct tRen H will be worth your while to select a Kuppenheimer Suit or Overcoat. May we demonstrate this fact to you? BIG LINE OF BOYS' OVERCOATS AT COST Shirts! Shirts! Shirts! Complete assortment of laundered and soft QQn Shirts, $1.00 and it, 25 values at .... OVi Our prices are always in easy reach of all. "We Save You Moiiey." V; Wallace & Sons 3143 AVeit Tjra3e Street Clothiers and Furnishers for and the Boys. I STORES : Charlotte, Salisbury and Greensboro. L , ; ' - i r wltmin..of . tho Caiatv., .lusketball ho tspmbotr tt victories) scored, be- cznses or. its uuai mas!acre of Flne vKlIe and. Hbeuesor; last week. . The results of ames played In the boys',. dMAO last ' Friday, -were: Gochraae ?, mnVIUei 11; .Cochrane J,. Sbeneir 4l;Drtta If, Arlington 4, and JShopton a a. observer 11 SKrWanflT;'.V.Iv tf l (oo .jrierttavEt'M'iiVf- ' X'.ooo ShopTo,JVV..'V'"i, ."' 1 . 750 Ili'P.t. U'.T 1 k ot l.ifuo '. tAiKD S SCHOOL S .vid f - Thi? Olwrvef. I V r .". : ' l. 17. An interesting i- -rir .twtsketbill was played in the .! -.vthi;ic Hati h"ra last night by Mon- . :t its! row Athletic Association and ,e.i.irj)iaird High School of Charlotte, ISIJLIV ... t'M A MatthewsV i' ' y Hickory Groyey i,- Arlington :X v, ' J .9 . ... - A .ICS 4 . .000 Bbeaeser oatiarsyilla Cochrane overwhelmed 8tamatB, SO to 0, la"' theanty game play4 by jhe girls In . the County League' last wvek. Th leans standing Is: .? i ' Oeohran t , t ; 1.00 Shopton v.. I' i 01,000 auniersniie x Dertta . ... .... . . . 0S Hickory Grove 0 1 Plnerille Stainngs .000 STATESYlLLtDOUstLES. . . SCORE; ON CU1LF6RD . .Special to Ttw Observer. Statesvllle, , Febi lZ.-rStatesrille'B basketball team . strengthened; Its. claim -on the championship - of - the State?'. tonight , when shb defeated Guilford's fast teard on the local floor With a score of , 26 and St., 8tates vllle's entire team' played t brilliant ball, 'the guards playing in -especially good,' form. Holding, for . Statesville, icered 18' field goals. Massey, Gull ford's sturdy little left guard, played a food game. Atatesville's next game will be played on 'the local flpojLaejaiWdi 4srglrrtne craOtteam from the, University of Georgia. The line-up was as follows: BtatesTille. Holding . Strupper ., Etheridge Morrison . Position. Right Forward. Left Forward. Center. . . Guilford. . . . Jone . Smith Zachery . . Walser Right Guard. . Brady Massey Left GMard. WE DIDNT KNOW. IT WE; , ADMIT IT MOST FREELY In no unoertain terms Kings Mouiv tain rises to the point of disorder and refutes alleged, claims of Winston High School upon the Western half basketball championship. Also the Gaston County contention goes further and mentions certain qualities pos sessed by the new claimant. But read it: , To The Observer Sporting Editor:-' I note in ; your . account of the Winston-Charlotte basketball game on Friday, you say Friday's victory prac tically cinched the Western North Carolina championship for Winston, etc ' Now Just where did yoa pick up that dope? ' Co you know that here in Kings Mountain' we have a team that in all respects.: represents in full the old historic powers of oar ancestors who summed tht tide of British victory In the American Revolution T t We have a team that for pure grit, quick thinking, speed and endurance, lis remarkable Jor A school teanv and these Qualities are coin to carry uikift I on to Chapel Hill, and the 8tate ' for wht m tor ' championship.'!' - Kemember'thls, "lor h-" '" A' 'i 'W . 'tin a nroohecr sure ami eertAin. i . . ' . S.iif XATZ. Room O. 240. v GEO. E. LOVKJLL. SCt Indiana Avenue. Chicago, TIL suiting in a score of 11 for the local taant and 17 for, Baird's. Many spec tators' were present The feature of the piayiac was Vinson, Goodwin, and Nash for Monroe and Person and Spong for Charjotte. The line-up and scorevjs followR: , Monroef1 Posdbn. ' Baird's Hineon.. I , . . . ; . V Spong,' 0 a tef t - X'oiward!' '..enten- , NashlV Terrell-! ':, Right Guard. 'Left Guard.'," .Garrison . .Oraer i t Pritchard :vi CURED PY CATARRH 'if r ITJLDjri AjSIIIFLElWAY Wlifcsel Ayparatas. labalera, SalTee, " Lottomt, Harmful Brags, Smoke. or Electricity, .? tP$J)idNigiii l It saw way." It Is something, ateo lately eifferaat. -No lotions, apnya or aickly w lllnr or crmi. 1 Mo'atoailaor,' or mmr uptnU of aar'klnd. Hotatm to moko. or.lnh&J. y N. ttMmtns or'raoofaMt bmmos lie eowdorf Bontlsotors; satkooo 1ns In tho aooMIfotmiac.ot tkat sine-at ; V' IL - Somothlnc Bw and IHTttnt onrao thine aellsktlnl aad hoojthtnl. omtkls( tnataatlr ouer fL Ton do not bar la wait, and . Unset and pay oat a lot of monar- Ton can atop It orernlfhl and I will (ladlr tell yon how FREE. I am not a doctor and thla la not a ao-cailod doctors preorrlpUoa but I am cured and my frienda arc cared, and yon can ba cored. You auSeriaf will atop at onco Ilka raacte. I Am Free Yoy Can Be ' ' Free Mr catarrh waa fll'hy and loathaoma. It . mad nva 111. It dolled my mind. It aadao ( mined my health and waa waakenfhc my ! wUL Tho aawklnc. couchinc. aplttlns made mo obnoxlova to all. and my foul breath ' and dioa-nwUns hablta made oven my loved.. ones a rold ma eeenUr. hfy delht In life waa dulled nod my ' f amities Impaired. I. know that In- time 1t would brio a me to ' aa on timely srara, beranao OTory memawt i of tho day and nirht H was alowlr vat anrely eapplac my rltality. j Bat I foenid a oare. and I am raadr to tell yea about It FILBB. Write mo pramsu f If. - : , . EH5K JUST ONE CENT oney. Jot year- nam and ndV , postal card.aay: "Dear Sam I Please toll me how yon eared vans I catarrh and how I can ear mlaa." That' ! aU yea need to say. I will aadontaad. and 1 wUI write to ye with Complete informs- 1 Uoa. FREE: at. oato. Do sot delay. Bead I octal card or write mo a tetter today. ! it's thlnkof turning this safe onttl yon aed fur thla wonaarrul treatment T dress oa FAIK LIST PRICES i J ' I wVtw7 7 The 'otatJir-l cl j-.p'i ' tor hoaiti-M'---.'.' i Cmvp f rr-'it, ' - i . : ' r -et i wt I i . wj ;: ' Wjf 4riiii,ircT; yon r meat j. Pay aa V ' :t "? fcsJ") fan . 1 - : s t -i't 3li 20.00 -ai.o y-HV' 33x4 3b05 i Us4 22J5 23.70 V J I aj.45 34.00 V Z -4.00 1 1 1 'S3! M.JO! 30.65 5 a I B a re! L i FAIRTREATMEJ JtwJJS s jsam"" OIM" BLACK SAFETY TREAD TIRES IbiLdcrwirittcjjii by GO0DI1E Good Faith. 1 . i 7 ASUPEF-GtjARANTSE th'i lecis(i word and good f".! h oi tb B. F. Goodrich CSrjtiy taVeo the flight i rt xbp&tw of p. risk eft CV?o4r7A:h Bkr' Safety Trwsd Tte. 5 29M f ;MrJ? 29-7b4;3X.J0 !. y-Jr1" S bO 18J 55 I f f--- 3s5at' M.W. . ?-. ;t S3k.; Jiif.! 35.1 i -tt I 75 J 4t5 43.W Yon must zst r service from a trosdrich tire, or Goodrich- wsxtls it back forthwith. t -liki'tloodrich KlUfe'Av3rUiAi MEtIT steps upland, aquarra r , the; jle$t f that, tire, aejutwes It "gUal jtt4 iorcmsl7 with liberal at' piTttBKQt, imtnd to satisfy, you. . Goodrich 094 faith will see-every Goodrich tire throath.. ". ' v-.v. r -- ; j " I There tre no coBditiens, no catch words - to Goodrich's world-wide invitation: ' , . ' P j ' v ' Sack U ' Goodrich ANY Goodrich tire you' v hetieveowesyouutQtftihtJ'i' .Or!sr threeffc year Doalsr '4 He B. F. Goodrich Company AIM sjakar el tko ulilratil tins oa Uk Deri Raeta wn BM ST id mi Nsnoaal AaXaaaaUa RjamaJ Ukaaapiai oais, slaiteanOsea laiaa,,.- r . fi Local Accrfri.: 22$ N. Tryon St. Pfione TMTAN , . - . - - Fmrtwijws .nmartnaTJOa-rt ManUat SMT Cattl "'""'""""" awjasmBBmamBBaaamaJ '..- . : . w . . - aft...... . ,Iif Ji v i Jk3 . . - . I geggg M'l Ml I mini .1 II I I . I' ' I I ?' a e '"1 Pidiio, Consider- . T7. II llsa . -eJ, f 1 1 I I M T I P "TyeweJ STYLE 705 Ivers & Pond Upright style fir : , Knabe Mignonette Grand - - " .?, An instrument of rare in diViJuality, the 'simple ele gance of its case design cover-, hif entrancing beauty of tone, delicacy of touch and remark able carrying power. Style 705 Ivers & Pond was specially selected for us by the makers. Their factory ex- perts inform us that it is one of the finest pianos of that model ever pat out Takes up only S ft 2 in. by - " 4 ft 6 t-2 inir space yet lias every highest attribute of v the largest concert grand. " " " The-Knabe Piano is practi-v , r carfrom its castors; irp;iThevf ; best materials that money can3 buy, are used and they, are to built by men who have spent r a lit etime at tne wort , . ana ;: who take their time. I ? Catalogs describing: other high-grade I vers & Pond and Knabe Pianos, wilt ,be mailed you upon request Terms may always be arranged- : 4 . vi

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