CHARLOTTE SUNDAY OBSERVER, SUNDAY; MARCH 25, 191 7. 23 .Charlotte Observer Classified Rate Dally or Sunday ONE CENT PER WORD Minimum 13 Word ,-. I Telephone 78 Advertisements win be received by phone for tomorrows paper. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY State Distributor Wanted for Automobile TrailerCar. (FOUR WHEELS WITH AUTOMOBILE CONSTRUCTION THROUGHOUT. VERT NOMINAL PRICE.) ANTICIPATED SALES THIS TEAR. FIF TEEN THOUSAND. NATIONAL ADVER TISING WILL COMMENCE IN APRIL SATURDAY EVENING POST, ETC. STATE DISTRIBUTOR MUST ARRANGE FACILI TIES (WITH OUR CO-OPERATION) TO OROANIZE. APPOINT. 8UPPLT AND LOOK AFTER DEALERS, GIVING UNDI VIDED ATTENTION TO THE TRAILER CAR BUSINESS. BUSINESS. OVERHEAD EXPENSES VERT SMALL. FIRST TEAR PROFIT8 SHOULD BE FROM tlE.QOO TO 35,00O. FOUR TO FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS CAPITAL REQUIRED TO HANDLE DIS TRIBUTION. AUTOMOBILE DISTRIBUTORS NEED NOT APPLT, AS OUR BUSINESS IS NOT A "SIDE LINK." NORTH CAROLINA IS THE ONLT RE MAINING SOUTHEASTERN 8TATE NOT UNDER CONTRACT. PARTIES WHO CAN QUALIFT FOR THIS OPPORTUNITT MAT OBTAIN PAR TICULARS AND SEE DEMONSTRATION BT MAKING WRITTEN APPLICATION TO W. H. OLM8TBD. FIELD MANAGER, PELWTN HOTEL, CHARLOTTE. WANTED To exchange ood automobile for real estate D. Baxter Henderson. BPLENDID opportunity for druf store and grocery. Success assured to right man. Full particulars available. E. C. Qrifatb, 114 8. Tryon St. ILLINOIS manufacturer wants manager with 10" to 1 1 10, open store, handle new PeLue-a-Ton Phonograph; retails $15 or more; plays equal to any 150 Instrument: should clear 15.000 first year. DeLuxe. 1437 Carroll Ave.. Chicago. TAKE THE CHILDREN to see the trained animals. FOR SALE Ten-year-old business at a bar gain, thoroughly equipped French dry cleaning and dyeing plant, located where thousands of visitors spend the Summer every year, Everything ready to step Into. For particulars address Boa No. 401, Wil mington, N. 43. HFXP WANTED FEMALE WANTED AT ONCJ. EXPERIENCED LADT STENOGRAPHER. MUST BE QUICK AND ACCURATE. 8ALART FIFTY DOLLARS PER MONTH TO START. FINE OPPORTUNITT FOR ADVANCEMENT. ADDRESS EXPERIENCED, CARE OB SERVER. 1150 SALART for It days work paid wo man In each town to distribute free cir culars and take orders for White Ribbon Concentrated flavoring. J. 8. Zlegler Co., Chicago. $ 1 SO SALART for ID days" work paid wo man in each town to distribute free cir culars and take orders for White Ribbon Concentrated flavoring. J. S. Zlegler Co., Chicago. INTELLIGENT parson may earn up to $36 weekly, spare time at home, writing for newspapers; send for particulars. Press Syndicate, 71 A, Wash., D C. WANTED Primary teacher for two-teacher school; two more months of school; aal sry 140. Supt. T. B. Attmors, Stonewall. Pamlico County, N. C. AT ONCE Ten ladles to travel, demon strate and sell well established line to our dealers; previous experience not neces sary; good pay; railroad fare paid. Good rich Drug! Co., Dept. 410. Omaha Neb. GIRLS Now Is the tlma to take a course In the Ideal Millinery School; prepare now. 98 Whitehall St., Atlanta. WANTED Ladles to earn vacation ex penses. Eastern party visits Washington. New Tnrk, Niagara Falls, etc.; Western party visits Yellowstone Park and the West. Two weeks' vacation of travel and pleasure, all expenses paid. Will not Inter fere with present employment. Miss Ger trude Upchurch, Raleigh, earned vacation last year, writes "Simply delightful." Bend for free Illustrated particulars. Southern Woman's Magaslne, Nashville, Tenn. WANTED Needlework helpers. Send 10c for full outline of your work and needle work Instruction book and t full size balls Klgln maid crochet cotton. Write today. International Helpers' League, Chicago. 111. HELP WANTED Male and Female WANTED Lady stenographer, lumber. IS5 rntuhlnat inn mm rnil tft l,H, . I nngrapher, law, ISO; man pay-roll clerk. I roil, man nienograpnrr, coal, aiv; lany j stenographer, merchant, $40; man stenogra- I phnr, automobile, ISO; lady stenographer. : law, $40. Make full application with ref- ' erence. Piedmont Business College, Lynch- j burg, Va. . MEN-WOMEN, $25 weekly collecting names and addresses; no canvassing: send stamps. Buperba Co, S l. Baltimore, Md. t ma oniv tum chirk imj iih i i buttermilk In ft I. . V I ioxm tor int first thrte weeks. It -raize strand hlihv-ki,k tk.t & SMHS ataaHihi ln nnlrlrtu n,A k. 1 i S" i,).P", ml,r- Cost only Ic per ouy Bag ii.uj. I'kgsZJcMc. At Your Dealer. DAVIDSON AND WOLF. AT A PRICE FOR QUICK SALE Packard Seven-Passenger Touring Car BURWELL-WALKER CO. 211 S. Church. Phone671 Notice to Contractors We desire to submit estimates on your requirements in structural steel, reinforcing bars, ornamental and mis cellaneous iron work. Fenestra Steel Sash. Majestic Coal Chutes, etc. All designs, estimates and detail draw ings or reinforced concrete and me tallic structures are prepared at our Charlotte Office. Send ua your plans or fist of ma terial. sotTirrRV F.xr.ixF.Enixt; co. Realty Building, Charlotte, N. V. Branch Office, P, O. Bo IJ7 wrrwitiy-l.'. 4J? 14 AGENTS WANTED TAILORING AGENTS Sell cool cloth. beach cloth-mohair suits, mad to meas ure. Any styles wanted. Prices lower than ready-madee. - Sample eatut ready. - Caa make big money on this line. Leeds Woolen Mills. Chicago. II L WE 8TART TOU In business, furnishing everything; men and womea: IJO to $; weekly operating car "New System Spe cialty Candy Factories," horn or small room anywhere; no eenvelng: opportun Ity lifetime: booklet free. Ragsdale Ca, Drawer F, East Orange. N. J. I WANT SELLINO AGENTS Big money and fiienda The Csalrte inverted inde structible gas mantel sells at sight owing to Its proven high merit: millions In use; Usalyte doubles the light, saves 1-1 gas and outlasts a dozen others; every sale of Usalyte makes a steady customer and friend; every Usalyte guaranteed perfect. Don't miss this opportunity; write today for sample outfit (with full selling Instructions) of 100 Usalyte for fS, SO for IS. dozen Tic. prepaid; retail 16c each. 1 for 25c. Refer ences, Dun ft Co. and Corn Exchange Bank. J. L Rpbin, Manufacturer and Patentee. 110th 8t. and Park Ave.. New Tort AGENTS Ambitious, energetle man desir ing to establish himself In business pacing 100 per cent profit is offered exclusive ar rangement with growing concern. Write Room 1017, 17 Exchange Place, New Tork. WANTED Life, sick and accident InsuN ance agents; liberal commissions for all or part time. Business Men's Life Cas ualty Co., Greensboro, N. C. AGENTS Big textile mills want ambitious men and women everywhere to show lat est dress fabrics, neckwear, hosiery, under wear and sweaters; 400 styles: easy sales; values beat stores: many making over 130 weekly; all or spare time: complete sam ple outfit atarts you. Steadfast Mills. Dept. G 8, Cohoes. N. T. AGENTS 100 per cent profit: wonderful lit tle article; something new; sells like wildfire; carry tight In your pocket. Write at once for free sample. E. M. Feltman, Sales Mgr., 11 American Bldg., Cincinnati. O. For Sale Real Estate THE D1VIXO GIRLS will show the proper capers in swimming. FOR SALE A bouse and cottage on easy terms. 'Phone 1161. FOR SALE Good building lot cheap, ten blocks of square: gas. sewer, etc.; very easy terms. Address "Lot." care Observer. MECKI.F.NBURO HEIGHTS, adjoining My ers Park and Tranquil Park, fine acreage home sites, one to ten acres, overlooking the city. F. C. Abbott & Co. Trust Bldg. FOR SALE Ten-room house In center of town of Davidson. I- M. Flow. Execu tor. Derlta. N. C. KOR SALE West Trade street, the finest remaining business building site on this street between postofflce and depot. Will double In value as business develops en this main thoroughfare. F. C. Abbott A Trust Butlding. FOR 8ALF large acreage tract, within city limits, for Investments or for Imme diate development for some large Investor. F. C. Abbott A Co., Trust Building. FOR SALE East avenue business lot right In line with developments. F. C. Abbott A Co., Trust Building. FOR SALE Myers Park lots. Two of the very finest corners. 100x240 and 100x2e. both facing Queens Road. F. C. Abbott A Co.. Trust Building. FOR SALE 28 -acre tract Just west of city, long railroad frontage, a Ane factory site or 150 low. cost lots. F. C. Abbott A Co . Trust Bulldlr.g. FOR SALE Three-acre home site, smooth. level land at Myers Park, opposite Hor ner's School. Will sell half of- tract for right class of house. F. C. Abbott A Co . Trust Building. FOR SALE An attractive t-rnnm home. close In. on paved street, has hardwood floors, steam heat, comer lot. Price $4,100. J. E. Murphy A Co. 'Phone 141. FOR SALE A splendid .Investment. Prop erty fronts 10 ft. on N Tryon St.. run ning bark towa-ds College St. about ISO ft. Has several houses, also store house on same. Price $12,500. J. E. Murphy A Co. 'Phone $41. FOR SALE Business property located about 200 ft. from th square. The prin cipal owner has left this State and If you act quick you can buy this property for $11,000. J. E. Murphy A Co. 'Phone 142. FOR SALE Vacant lot fronting Park In Piedmont, price $1.2i,l: vacant lot on Gra ham St.. price $1,000: vacant lot on States ville avenue, price $404. J. E Murphy A Co. 'Phone 842. FOR SALE A splendid piece of business property fronting 45 , ft. on one of the best business streets in the city, running bark 1st ft., within m blocks of the square and a splendid location for garage. Price for quick sale, $175 per front foot. J E. Murphy A Co. "Phone 142. Special Excursion I-'curet Via Southern Railway System FROM CILRIXTTE, X. C. $ 0.85 Macon. Ga. Account Chau tauqua of the South and Southern Conference for Ed ucation and Industry. TJck et on sale March 17-Aprll 4. limited April 10, 1917! $3t.2." New Orleans, La. Account Cencral Federation of Wo men's C'lubu. Ticket on gale daily during April. Limited to May 3lBt, 19l7. Stop overs In both directions. $12.35 Washington, D. C. Account National Society Daughters of American Revolution. Tickets on sale April 10-15. inclusive. Limited to April 30, 1917. flO.05 Atlanta, fla. Account South ern Cattlemen's Afwoctation. Tickets on sale April 2 and 3. Limited April 11th, HIT. $13.35 Birmingham, Ala. Account National Federation Music Clubs. I'nited flood Roads Association and Kankhead HiKhvVay Association. Tick ets on sale April 13, 14, 15, If,. 17, 18. Limited to April 25. S B.40 Atlanta, fia. Account Atlan ta Music Festival. Tickets on sale April 22-27. 117, Inclu blve, and for trains scheduled to arrive in Atlanta, before :00 P. M. April 28. Limited to May 1st, 1917. Round trip rate from otbar points on same basis. For further Information, call at City Ticket Office. 21 Soutb Trroa St The Southern Sever the South." 8, E. BURGESS. D. P. A, Charlotte. X. c. COTTON WASTE We buy for immediate or future delivery all grades waste, comber, pUker, fly motes, etc., thread waste, hosiery clips. Also llnter and remnants of cotton cloth, and any material of value. Send samples. COOK & COMPANY, GASTONIA,N.C. SALESMEN WANTED CARNIVAL, grounds oa First street between Tryon and Church. WANTKD Good hustlers to write life, ac cident anil health Insurance, separately or combined. In all anoccapted territory la N. C Don't apply unless your record to clean and yoa can reach the better classes; not Industrial. O. W. Patterson. General Agent. Belwya Hotel Bldg.. Charlotte. N C SALESMAN for general mercantile trade in North Carolina to sell a new proposition of merit: vacancy new; attractive commis sion contract; 135 weekly for expenr-e. Miles F. Bixler Co.. Wholesale Jewel-, 1111 Carlin Bldg, Cleveland, Ohio. SALESMEN Sell rich looking ItxSI Arti kraft felt ran as a sideline. Kelso, Bat tle Creek, Mich, sold 14 dozen last week: his profit. 175. Wholesale $14 50; sample prepaid, $1.40. E. Condon, Pearl St.. Bos ton. Mass. WANTED Salesman or manufacturers' agents on new line of electric fana and changeable window signs, etc.; liberal com mission basis. A. I . liSl Cherry 8t . I'hlla . Pa. 8ALESMAN wsnted for special line Winter dry goods and blankets; factory to re tailer; splendid side line: liberal commis sion. Bryn Mawr Mills. Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED Experienced salesman to repre sent us In the Carolina and if possible In Virginia, to sell our line of boys' blouses and knee panta. Those visiting the men's clothing and furnishing; goods trade pre ferred. In applying please state full exper ience and give former and present employer as reference. Tub-Clothes Co. IT: Marietta St., Atlanta. Ga. WANTED Agents in North and South Car olina to handle bst selling specialties for automobiles; good money for hustlers. H. L. Morrow, Manufacturer's Agent, Char lotte, N. C SALESMAN wanted: one who has a small automobile preferred: to solicit business oat of the city. Cut Rate Tire and Acces sories Store. 14 E. Trade St. SALESMEN that can produce results with a line of merit that repeats: unlimited field: salary or commission: write for par ticulars. Murphy A Lange. Cleveland. Ohio. SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnec essary: earn while you learn. Write for large list of ore nings and testimonials from hundreds of our students who earn $190 to $500 a month. Address nearest of flee. Dept. 1M. National Salesmen's Training Association, Chicago, New Tork and San Francisco. TEN experienced salesmen for Immediate work: have special exchange proposition; give reference: stale territory' wanted. Bree den Medicine Co. Memphis, Tenn. SALESMEN Cov-r small towns, place punchboard assortments on consignment, I side line: $3 per order. Devon Sales Co., wimamsourg. aja. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Half of spartment consisting of three rooms, butler's pantry and large porch. Desirable location and near center of city. Every convenience. Rent reason able. Apply corner Ninth avenue and Bre vard St. FOR RENT Furnished apartment, April 5; live rooms and bath, in Colonial Apart ments. Apply Apartment No. 1. 'Phone 2141-W. FOR RENT Apartments furnished or un furnished with and without heat; room for couple with board. Apply 1 West 7th St. SEEDS AND PLANTS PLANTS From high-grade seed; tomato. pepper, egg and potato: best varieties. Write for our prices: save money. Farmers' Plant Co., Martin's Pt . S. C FOR SALE 200 bushels prolific seed corn. Lewis improved prolific and Llppiard's Improved proline at $1 per bu. I have woo sweepstakes for the past 2 years at the Charlotte Fair. 8 C Red eggs from $2 to i for IS. Ridgeway Farm. E. A. Morrison, Prop.. Stony Point, Rt. i. N. C. FOR SALE Tomato plants now ready for setting. 25 cents doten postpaid. C. J. McEwen. Matthews, N- C. Southern Railway System Schedule figures published only as Infor mation, not guaranteed. No. 21 4:10 a. m Dally. local for Wln-ston-Halera via Mooresvllle aid Barber. Connecting at Barber with tain No. 11 for Asbevllle. No. ! 4 35 A: M Dally, Birmingham Special for Atlanta and Birmingham. Pullman drawing room sleeping cars, ob servation cars and day coaches "New Tork and Washington to Birmingham. Pull man drawing room sleeping cars Rich mond to Birmingham. Pining car ser vice. Day coaches. No. IS : A. at Daily, local for Colum bia and Savannah and Intermediate points, connecting at Savannah tor Jacksonville. Parlor cafe car to Savannah. No 44 A. VI Daily, for Greensboro. Danville and Washington. Close connec tion for Raleigh. Durham and Eastern Carolina pointa. No. 11 T: A. M Dally. Aagusta Special, for Columbia and Augusta. Sleeping cars, coaches and dining car service. No. 11-1:11 A. M Daily, local for Atlanta and Intermediate points. No. 14 7:1 A. M Daily, local for 8tatss ville and Tarlersvtlle. connecting at 8tatesv!lle for Asheville and points West. No. 14 :! A. al Ialy, United States fsst mail for Washington, Richmond and points North, pullman drawing room sleeping cara New Orleans and Birming ham to New York. Dining car service Day coaches to Washing-ton No. IT 10:S A. M. Daily. New Tork and New Orleans Limited, Fast throuirh train carrying observation, dining and sleeping cara Solid Pullman train for Atlanta, Macon. Montgomery. Mobile and New Or leans. Connects at N Oilcans with "Sunset Limited." fast through train for San Krsnriaco. No. 11 1 4S A. M Daily, loral for At lanta and Intermd.ate points No. Ill 11:1 A. M. Daily, local for Rock Hill, Lancaster and Columb.a. v. a Cam den and Klngville No. 1111:11 A. M. Dally, for wmstnn Salem and local points, connecting at Barber with No. 11 fr Asheville and In termediate points and at Winston -Salem for Wilkeeborn. Mt. Airy and Greensboro. No. 44 lie P M Daily, loral for Greens boro and Danv.tle and Intermediate points. Xo 44 t:M P. M taily. local for West rhinstrr. S. C. and intermediate points No. 17 4:iS P. M. Daily. local for Colum bia and intermediate points. No 11 P M Dally, for areensbnro, Richmond and Norfolk. Handles Pullman cars Charlotte Richmond and Asheville to Norfolk. No. 14 :! P M Daily, urept Sunday, local for Mooresvllle. Statesville and Tay lorsville. No. 1! 7:4$ P M Daily. Augusta Special for Washington and Nw Tork Pullman drawing room sleeping cars through to New Tork. Dining car. No. 11 13 P. M Daily. New Tork. At lanta and New Orleans Limited. Solid Pullman train, dining car service. Draw ing room, sleeping, observation and club cars to Washington and New Tork. Ne. 41 ii P. II. Daily, for Atlanta and Intermediate pointa Pullman sleeping rars and day coaches. Charlotte to Atlanta, connecting for Birmtaghani and Chatta nooga. No. 31 1 1 P M Daily. Vo ted States Past Mail for Birmingham and New Or- ' leans, Pullman drawing room aleeplng car New Tork te New Orleans and Br j minghans- Dining car service and day coaches. No 1 1 lie P. M. Daily. Birmingham Special for Washington and New Tork Pullman drawing room sleeping rars te ) Washington and New Tnrk. Day coaches 1 te Washington. Pullman sleeping car Birmingham te Richmond. Dining car service. Tickets, sleeping rar reservations and de tailed information ran be rbta.ned at City Ticket OfScr. No. II South Tires Street. S. E. BCRGESS. I" P. A . Charlotte. N C. 1 IM. Wl Tlir.B P r nr v r w HIP. ptyj in. Situations Wauted Male WANTED Position with wholesale grocery firm by young man who has had alx years experience In retail store; best refer ence as to character and ability. Address Bos 11, Chadwick Station, Charlotte. N. C. WANTED Position wanted by young man as chauffeur; can drive any make; best reference. Box 101, Mt. Ollead, N. C. WANED A-l bookkeeper and office man ager desires position with good firm. Thoroughly capable of handling all eorro- 1 InAaHMiM I t I ! k rntin jteteifi with en office. A. J., care Observer. WANTED Experienced stenographer with college training desires position, prefer able Insurance line; state salary offered. It. C. X.. P. O. Box 68$, City. WANTED Young man with fair duration wants position with some office work: good worker, versatile disposition: gllt edge reference; will consider anything. Ail- dress B, care Observer. WANTED Position by high-class salesman: well and favorably known to trade In North and South Carolina: employed but desire change. Box 111. Charlotte. N. C. ! WANTED Position as bookkeeper: ten years' experience: best referenre; age 3&. married. Address "Office Man." rare Ob server. j WANTED Capable, energetic married man I desires sltustion as superintendent cotton mill: practical and efficient. Address Cot iton Mill, care Observer. THE BIG SHOW will start Monday night. March It. First street. I .ems sll week. MISCELLANEOUS WE HAVE cut prices to the bone on 18 per cent acid sacked, tagged, or In, bulk, f. o. b. Charleston. It means a big saving In money to you. Demand Is enormous. Why not place your orders before the supply Is exhausted. Write, 'phone or telegraph Cal houn Agricultural A Investment Co, St. Matthews. S. C. EAGLES CARNIVAL will be here Monday. OALLI-CURCT elnrs the Valse Song from Romeo and Juliette on Virtor Record No. 74511. at Parker-Gardner Co. HEAR the Mad Scene from "Lucia." by Galll-Curci. at Parker-Gardner Co. FURNITURE moved and stored. "Phone 1014 first. Get lowest price. Southern Bonded Storage Co. PIANO tuning and player regulating by an expert. All work guaranteed by F II. Andrews. No. Ill N. Tryon St. SOCTH CAROLINA. Sl'MTER We collect anywhere: no collection, no charge. Why not try it today? Rhame Mercantile Agen cy. Sumter. 8. C. MR. BRABBLE ssys Barium Rock Water Is the best on earth for stomach and kidney trouble. Phone 731. SAFETT RAZOR blades resharpened. sin gle edfre blades, 35r: double edge blades, ioe per dozen. J T. Scarboro, t East Trade St. HEMISTITCHINO and Plcoting. all goods pressed, called for and delivered. Mrs. Florence Oglesvy. 'Phone Sll-J. PLATER PTANO owners, read this: If you are not on our mailing list send In your name at once as well as names of your friends owning players and for your doing this we will send you one music roll free Large stork of rolls at :5c. Chas. M. Stleff. Inc.. 21 S. Tryon. H.VVE TOU TRIED Fasnacht's Raisin Bread? Thin Is something new he Is Introducing. Tou can't help but like it. FOR RENT Cottage, 707 North Church street. Apply 'phone 249. USED AUTOMOBILES ONE OF THE BEST Japans the road. troupes on FOR SALE Cadillac Eight; fine condition throughout. C. S. Andrews. 'Phone 497. Boa 641. FOR SALE Saxon Six touring car. Andrews. 'Phone 417. C. S KOR SALE Hupmoblle: electric starter and lights. C. S Andrews Phont 417. FOR SALE One-ton open body Studebaker truck in good shape; self starter; will sell cheap. 'Phone 817. FOR SALE Cole 40 sixty tread touring, 1114 model. Delco. starter, good running order, 1210; one seven-passenger Chalmers six-cylinder, perfect condition, driven less than 1.000 mllea. extra tire. 1800; or will trade for D-4S Bulck, small Chalmers ail or 1114 Hupp touring. Bos 247, Maiton. N. C. FOR SALE-FARMS A PORTION of the receipts will also bs donated to the Police Pension Fund. FOR SALE Small farm on good road. strong soil lying well, watered, one mil from railroad, near Inolr. Fine for horns or investmsnt ; will bring doubls the price In few years. R M Knox. Newton. N. C. FOR SALE 14-acre farm 7 miles from Charlotte on good macadam road, 40 acre in good stste of cultivation, t acres la pas ture, 100 fruit trees, running water, land lies well, has T-room 1-story house, all nec essary outbuildings, near good graded school and ehurchea We Consider thla a bargain. Price $1S per acre. J. E. Murphy 4. Co. Phone 142. FOR SALE 17-acre farm about T miles from Charlotte on good macadam road, near good graded school and churches, has long frontage on road with 14Uj acres In cultivation, land lies well. Price $60 per acre. J. E. Murphy & Co. 'Phone 842. REPAIR DIRECTORY LOCKS REPAIRED, Keys Tltted and Mad. Trunk and Bag Repaired. Myers Hard war Co.. 1$ E. Trad 81 'Phone 141. CHARLOTTE CO Expert Vulcanising. Accessories, All Standard Tires. 4th and Chiircb Sla 'Pnon I'll FVRNrn'RK and Upholstering. Work Guaranteed A H. Parker, 11 1 N Brevard. Phone 1171. HARNESS REPAIRING, Traveling Bag Suit Cases and Indies' Hand Baga Hutchison. Seaborn A Hipp. 811-11! N. College St. Phone 291 ELECTRICAL REPAIRS, all kinds, eld and new house Hornets' Neat Elec tric Co . 1 and 7 W. 4th. Phone Ml. PLI'MBINO Repair Work a Specialty. We Do Work for Cask W. - Presaoa. Phone 1214: N'.gr J441-J. BUILDINGS of all kind repaired, also new ones built quickly. Phone 4211. J. T. Wla. PAINTING Elnlrtlesj. Olailng. Var nish Stain, floor Wax and Paints Los O Cruse Company. Ill E. 4th SL Phone 11. IF TOUR ROOF LEAKS, or I full of pis hole. Liquid Cera! will Mop leaks, guaranteed 1 year. Bhumaa Broa Psion 47$. BUILDINO VOV1NO. Roar Raldag. floor Katcing. Uetnr.f. Work Anywhere learns, II W. I I It Theses 117 ead llli-W. PIANO Tt'VINO and Repairing w . FURNISHED ROOMS EAGLKS CARNIVAL for benefit of school . book fund. FOR RENT A desirable furnished room, close In. "Phone U37. WANTED Two young men for furnished room: meals nearby. Apply at 107 East Boulevard. WANTED WANTED Old false teeth. Don't matter if broken. I pay $1 to 15 per set. Msll to I.. Mazer. 1007 S. Fifth street. Philadelphia. J Pa. Will send cash return mall. . I TIIK JOK HERBERT Shows nre clean Take the entire family. The Eagles won't i stand for anything else I WANTED One good second hood Hoffman steam presser: must be In good condition; state price. Write De I.owder. Albemarle, N. C. WANTED Good second hand small roller mill In good condition, state how long used and name of manufacturer; also price. Phuping A Puteet, Morganton. N. C. WANTED You to know that all the lead ing grorerles keep Fasnarht's Raisin Rread. Always fresh. WANTED Everybody In North and South Carolina to know that Jackson Spring Hotel is open. Summer rates now. Kor analysis of water and booklet, address W. P. Martin. Manager. Jackson Springs, N. C. WANTED You to know we rebuild auto mobile engines, etc . we regrlnd cylinders and make oversize pistons to fit and guar antee every .lob we turn out. Let us send you a card explaining our work In detail. We want a live garage man In each town to act as our representative II. A. Rut ledge. 1319 E 10th St. Phone SHJ-.I. Charlotte. N. C. WANTED Small National Cash Register. keys from 6 cents to $1. total adder; must be In good condition. Address Bon "A9, Newton, N. C. WANTED All persons of sedentary habits and sufferings of torpid livers to go to Williams Sulphur Springs, on .the Dowd Road. 3V miles from the city. Water free. WANTED Everybody should go to Wil liams Sulphur Springs, on the Dowd Road. 3S miles from city. Water free WANTED Men and rlrls to learn barber trade. Pull d'wn 116 to S25 weekly. Spe cial six-weelis course and good set of tools for 12.r. Wales while IcarninK. Moler ltar ber College, 18 N. Forsyth, Atlanta, Oa. WAN'TFD Students to learn tclcitratihy, typwrlt'ng, eHc. : big demand; positions for those who are comiiftont. Charlotte Telegraphy School. 31 South. Church. WANTED Couple of gentlemen for two rooms, also meals; everything new anil first-das, at 3"1 V, N. Tryon. WANTED A purchaser for two million feet of iiine timber on stump in five miles of R. R E I- Propst. No. !1 W. Ml St WANTED Tou to hear "Home, Sweet Home." sung by Galll-Currl. 12 In. Victor Record No. 7451 1 . at Parker-ilardner Co. WANTED Tou to hear three special rec ords by (Jalll-Curcl. I'arker-tjariJner Co. WANTED When you us mineral water try Barium Rock Spring. Mr. I'harr says It Is the best in the world. 'I'hone 738. WANTED One five or six-Inch four-side moulding machine. Must be In good run ning order and cheap Want prices on IT to 16 bushels clay or cow peas. J. W. Lew Is Co., Lumber Dealers, cor. Brevard and Ird St. WANTED-Piano tuning by StlefT tuners! Take care of your piano Have It tuned once or twice a year. 'Phone 196. Our charge In city Is 12.10 and work 'guaran teed. Repair work and reflnlshlng cases Is also solicited. Chas. M StlefT, Inc. WANTED Old faleo teeth; don't matter If broken. I pay .11 to 110 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by .return mail. F. Terl, 401 North Wolfe St., Balti more, lid. LOST AM) FOUM). SEE TlfcE RIPE FOR LIFE at th Motor dome Eagles Carnival. LOST IN ACADEMT OF Ml'SIC, ORAf B AO CONTAINING MONET AND KKTS REWARD FOR RETITRN TO OliHKRVER OFFICE STRATED On brown bay mare mule about 13 hand high. 'Phone 8111 or !7I. FOR RENT HOUSES THE OLD PLANTATION Show Is a dandy. FOR BENT Furnished house for Summer month, close In. For particulars address "R," car Observer. FOR RENT Furnished complete practical ly new delightful home for six months or longer. All modern convenience on one principal streets. Address "Owner," car Observer. FOR RENT Two five-room cottages la Myers Park; all convenience Telephrttl 1071. an For n-ii Store$ and OfjiiH. The FOR RENT Larg first floor offlc I bualnes district. Will rent as w' the rent desk room space F. C. Abbot'; Trust Building. .toumor FOR RENT For automobile, rulibe'2 ton? other business requiring central 's una one or two stories and basement, ilritinh F. C Abbott & Co , Trust Building th ftsh ; r of ,- mmml mwwsw sww'a 01 n HHtiKh jus, with HAVE IT REPAPiuTO . meat and Don't throw It away teamer .nimunition. a good as new if you tateriala; St. one of tbe rtjpalr Or ma list' ,',f 5 Dramatist, tons Kross in uit. Nan ten. o lino WE WELD and do any kl "' " , L""B . Attn erou work Rgent Garage, 101' 311. 3.1U0 tons tdxon Maru, WILL ARB Battery Service 4)0 tons gross n-pairs uarrett uerag.titre, Hiitlsh vard. I'hone i::i eter gunB, 4.- rivcira nininrs n'ff "nd cocoa: or old ones repaired. A of 3,800 tons teed. Call 1114-J ns rioks) with ish steamer of 0UICK REPAIRS. Night and parcels Sunday. W. O. Jarr.lL , , f , -Phone 34T. ' . .-I" : Staut, Nor- WATCH REPAIRING C 100 tons Bross, Watch Inspector for Sriecknockhlre, aid Norfolk Southern. 10 12 centimeter4 11' )ss, with coal: FTRMTLRE Repairing. uteamer tit I'.efurnisalng. No. I 8 . oal; Katherina tamer of 2,900 2401. DON'T throw your old tiat; Rhodante them repaired by Shaw earner of 3,000 m x. College. ; Esmaraldas AUTOMOBILES Wc de xi1,.'1" any make of car. Wood..'111"1' OtAlCl, North Cburcb Stl 'Phon l " t'nR fTross jss), with 12 LET I'S MAKE your old hetst; Detneter- anoe Shine Hat Cleamlth 7.5 cent'l Trad. Phon 1411. housand tons WE REPAIR high-class ts Kross) with ranges and cook stoves, "t'anier With w. Ill R Trade. 'PbonPOO tona Bross, IS YOVR Bt'SIXEJiS British steam A Itttte reminder fca Cerman port will help. 11 h 4 ift prison r TIL NK IT f- fMOrfE-10 - FOR SALlwMisceUaneou. COTTONSEED" MEAL, selected quality. Cheapest feed and fertiliser on market. INHEEl MEAI, se For prices writs F, W. Brode k Co., Mam' phis, Tenn. ' - TURNIPS! TURNTPSi TURNIPS! Just re ceived car Canadian Rutabaga Turnips. Dealers send us your orders. Rear Produce Mdse. Co. (Wholesale). Wilmington, N. C. FOR SALE Well machine cheap or will exchange for vitomohil. Address "Well Machine," care Observer. YES, SIR, the merry-go-round will be there. The kl'ls will show you. FOR SALE Straight Iron clay peas: eennd mixed peas. The II. O. Leidlng Co., 144 Fast Bay St.. Charleston, S. C. FOR SALE 225 bales cotton, grades good mMUlinB to low middling. Moncure Mill Oln Co . Moncure, N C FOR ..SALE Egyptian wlient, finest poultry feed grown; enough to plant one aero, two dollars. J. A. Davis, Route 1, Tarboro, N. C. SACRIFICE price on 1 per cent scld. We can eavi' you money on 16 per cent acid, ns we not only bought early before sdvance, loit are now namitiK bljr cut In prlre to cIobc out same for this season. Write, 'phone or telegraph for prices either In bulk or sacked tabued. Calhoun Agricul tural A Investment Co. Ft. Matthews. S. C. FOR SALE At a sacrifice, one Everett I!ahy Orand piano, used only two years; original cost $7o0. 'Phone 65.1. I'ATtTY needing some ready cash wishes to sell tsn shares slock, par value, 1100, In well established reliable manufacturing con cern In charlotte. Business Ims more than doubled In pant two years and now crowilcd to the rapacity with orders Addres Box 969, City. FOR HAI.K Peas all kinds. Write for prices. Pure sugar house molasses, 85c per gallon in barrels; P. R. molasses. 31in; (leorprla syrup, 45c. A. II. Davis, 1303 Tay lor St., Columbia, S. fj. TEACHERS Send for our catalogue of banners, pennants, flags, diplomas, certifi cates, promotion cards. Also medals, class pins, class rings. School Supply Co., Green wood. H. C FOR SAl.E Antique clock; can give pedi gree; 3-panel S-day clock over 100 years old, running order. Address "Clock," care Observer. WANTED Buyer for picture show In town of Ruthcrfordton, N. C. Bargain for quick sale. (1. j. Held, care Hamilton Mil. Co., Charlotte, N. '. PEAS FOR SALE Mixed and speckled peas 18. 26; Iron peas $3.3fl F. O. B. Swansea, S. C. Quantity limited. Rast & Varn, Swansea, H. C. FOR SAI.K-Iust received 400 barrel Nan cy Hall and Porto Rico seed and eating sweet potatoes. 203 North College. J. A. Cllnard, Produce. FOR SALE One Scotch collie dog, trained to run horses, cows, hogs and chickens. Color, dark brown to a black, very obedient and a good watch dog, one year old; price 110. Writ D. L. Neel. R. No. 1, Woodleaf, N. C. FOR SALE Well located cafe doing fine business with big fountain and bottle drink trade, on paying basis; can make more money with small capital here than with five thousand invested in general mer chandise. Cafe, car Observer. FOR SALE Forty (40) second-hand up right pianos taken In exchange for StlefT Thoroughly worked over, splendid tone, bar gain prices. Terms, 14 down, balance 11.60 weekly. No Interest. no collectors. Tour chance to have that long wished for piano. See these Instruments. They must be sold at once. You will like them. Chas. M. Stlcir. Inc., 219 S. Tryon. FOR SALE Square pianos, good tone, thoroughly worked over, 125, 140, $50, 176. Term. $5 down, balance 75 cent weekly. Chaa. M. Stleff, Incporated, 219 8. Tryon. FOR SALE Refrigerators for every purpose. Ben J. Corey, Stat Mgr., Ayden, N. C. BARGAIN $700 Seeburg electric plsna.'". sale at less than half price, In goc' ot dltlon. Writ or call Pastime Tt home cord, N. C. s out, were the Federal POULTRY Attn out . e.e...w..i.... order.f were made FOR sale ilenufflciai ntatements is- .h . ru .'Departments. No ex mated and workl . . . Carneaux Peeor,inlPanled them except a inai reorganization 01 wilber's s departments, effective gam of (a designed to facilitate de " vr tion of command. Follow ui'u, , 'the Executive order bringing your w-vy up to war' strength: tell any virtue of the authority vent liros , in the President by the act spritr congress approved August 29, 916, entitled an act making ap- MA' piopi'latlons for naval service for c the fiscal year ending June 30, i 1917, and for other purposes' It Is hereby directed that the au thorized enlisted strength of the Navy be Increased to 87,000 men. (Signed) WOODROW WILSON. The Navy must enroll Immediately approximately 20,000 men to reach the required strength. Secretary Dan iels supplemented It tonight with per sonal telegrams to newspaper editors all over the country urging them to aid the Department in every way in their power to obtain the men. Conirrcss to Devise System. Congress must determine the sys tem under which an Army Is to be raised. Today's action provides more elastic, machinery, found necessary as a result of the recent border mobili zation, the enrolling and training of a great Army, whether raised as volun teers, by conscription, or through a universal service bill. The object of th creation of the new departments of the Northeast and Southeast was to distribute among three central commanders the work of mobilization in the States most thickly populated and from which the greatest number of soldiers must come. The present Eastern Depart ment directed the mobilization of ap proximately 80 per cent of the 150. 000 guardsmen sent to the border. With 440,000 men, the maximum au thorized strength of the National Guard, called out in addition to what ever volunteers might be summoned, the task would be too great for a single departmental organization be cause of the vastness of the supply problems Involved. Instructions to National Otiard offi cers, issued more than a month ago to rover any future mobilization, showed plainly that the War Department had learned its lesson and proposed to de centralize its inobilSrfitlon problems as far as possible. Departmental com manders will supervise the assembling of Slate troops in their districts here after, and will take over immediately ore, the call for Federal service the task of rerrultlng for the guard and regiments through organization of re serve battalions. Wood's Transfer. The transfer of (leneral Wood from the Eastern to the Southeastern De partment caused considerable specula tion among Army officers. No ex planation was glveh, and Secretary Baker declined to comment. The Eastern Department,, even as It will be after the new organization goes Into effect Is regarded as the most Important.-of the six because of its great economic development. As a general rule, (hat department falls to the command of the senior Major General 'of the Army available for such duty. General Wood Is the ranking officer of his grade. General Bell, who now HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Experienced colored operator fer garnstt machine. Apply V. S. Bedding Co., Memphis, Tenn. WANTED Efficient secretary at once la lawyer's offlc; well educated, mature ag: good salary with advancement, perma nent. Oxmar L. Henry, Rockingham, N. C. WANTED Toung man who has had sell ing experience with carnival; salary and expenses paid. Address Carnival, care Ob server. WANTED A fixer for Wild man rtbbers and Scott A William knitters. A good posi tion and will pay good wage. Writ K, csre Observer, Charlotte, N. C. WANTED Railway mall clerks; $76.00 month; sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 321 V, Roch ester, N. T. .i WANTED Colored man, quick, any age, In every locality, amazing offer! Wear a beautiful new 1917 model Spring suit of clothes, how It, attract attention, recom mend ua to your friends; sensational new plan; marvelous emhlum society Insignia button fro. He appointed our general agent for your spare time. Earn easy extra money, enjoy elegant pood time, work near home, or travel around. Tremendous nw society plan, creating world of excitement. Every rolored man who reads thl, writ quick! Receive full particulars freo. Mag nificent book of beautiful cloth samples, se cret wholesale price", how to Join and rep resent this mighty tailoring society In your spare time. Address General Manager, Bog 136-H, Chicago. PHYSICIAN I have the best opening In State for settled physician. Don't answer unless you mean- buainesa. Address "Beit Opening," care Observer. WANTED 600 railroad men; 8-hour law creating great demand; no school; send 25c coin for application. Southern Informa tion Hystom, Washington, N. 0. WANTED Within 30 days, "right" man te take rhorge of cotton mill not In N. C. i give reference; fine opportunity for right man. ".Mfg.," care Observer. WANTED 200 men; all classea; In con struction of hydro-electric plant; good wages; comfortable quarter. Broad River Electric Power Co, ClifTslde, N. C. $20 WEEKLY mad writing name for mall order houses; no canvassing; particulars for stamp. The Uuide Company. Memphis, Tenn. $100,000 MANUFACTURING corporation " wants capable man to manage offlc and salesmen; possibilities unlimited; from $10 to $700 capital necessary; you handle own money; will pay expenses to Chicago If you are man we want. Manager. 1011 Republic ' Bldg., Chicago. TOUNO MEN wanted to run en paangr train as new agent; good promotion; $13 rash bund required. Don't write, but com to Hamlet, N. C, 8. A. L. station. Van Noy-Interstate Co. WANTED Representative to sell accident i and health Insurance to Seaboard Air Line Railway employe. Men with om y railroad experience preferred. Addres Branch Office Standard Accident Insurance Company, Bristol, Va. WANTED Dlatrlct manager for th best seller and money-maker on earth; ennr moua income all year round positively te nured Gold-Brand Product Co., Atlanta, Ga. WANTED Government employes; big pay, aure work. I will prepare you "In a inert time at small cost. Must b American citi zen. Write for my free book EC (11 to day. Earl Hopkins. Washington, D. C. WANTED At enee. motion picture machtna ' operator; one who thoroughly understand projection. Address Exhibitor, care Ob server. . WANTED Circulation man for live IvWtV afternoon newspaper; a .'"? !' gtv references and "lA""'',!..,.. nent Inh iddres-iWn81DllltT. . ' server. .otrent, following his COn with Governor McCall, f YiaMefinsetts, Friday nlht and yes- ' erday with Secretary Baker, reached the conclusion that as the Federal Government Is responsible for the sit uatlon which creates the danger ot ln ternal disorders, it also should assume " the burden of providing adequate pro ' tectlon. Under the policy he has re- solved upon and put into execution, no state or no private manufacturer 1 will be called upon to bear the ex- ' pense of military police work. Many ; plants of various kinds have sought such protection either from the Fed- eral or State authorities, and the War Department can now decide what -course to take with each such ap . plication. Congress will be asked, It Is under stood, to expedite espionage legisla tion In connection with this phase of . the situation. , At the Navy Department,, It was learned that Congress also would be requested to authorize an increase be yond the 87,000 war strength limit for" ' enlisted personnel, now get. The or, ganization of great fleets of submarine) chasers will make necessary the en- , listing of many thousand more men . than planned for when the present act ; was framed. Every fighting ship now in the service or soon to be completed. could be manned with the 87,800 -Jackies, but there would not be a iuf-v llclent margin to allow for the many ' necessary auxiliaries as well. Signed Order Saturday. ' The order to recruit to war strength , ! was signed by President Wilson yes- ' : terday when he and Mrs. 'Wilson -called at Secretary Daniels' office. It was not made public, however, until details for carrying it into effect had been arranged. The recruiting setrv- ' Ice lias been running recently with redoubled energy and accomplishing v good results, 'lender the new. order, however, emergency funds will be v employed to again redouble efforts to ' enroll suitable men. '" ' The President found It necessary to day to take further measures' to con- ' serve hla own time for official con- ' ferences in connection with the pres ent National emergency. He directed that hereafter only conferences of the most pressing nature be arranged for ' him. Tomorrow he will see Charles J. Vopicka. United States Minister to . Rumania, Bulgaria and Rervta, and K'ter In the week will confer with Senate and House leaders prior to the) convening of the special session of Congress a week from tomorrow. . , The War Department has nearly v completed preparation of its appro priation budget to be sent to.tho Cap- ' Hoi on the day Congress meets. Ac companying the request for funds lor vaiious Army purposes will go recom- , mendatlons for such legislation n Army organization as may have been, decided upon. President Wilson . ' epected to talk these matters oer uith his congressional visitors and i itch a decision as to the system un der which he believes tho Army ' r.linuld be mobilized, so that bills t any out bis program may be pre- - pared in advance. . VIRGINIA COMPANY TO DO POLICE DUTY Newport News, Va., March S. ; Huntington Rifles. Company C. Fourth Virginia Infantry, was called out this afternoon by Adjutant Oen- , eral W. W. Hale, Virginia, to do pollca duty at important points in and-near the city. Two-thirds of the. company was 'ordered toipollce the waterworks and the ship yard., 'and the remainder will be held under arms subject to call of Colonel Foote, of Fort Mon- . .-..a, r.,- th. civil oiilhnrlllea. , i.

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