M .u i;'" r ''-r k t (I I ',V V I V' ,1 ' . "" ' '"V.I 1 k ,'v , SECTICN B CHARLOTTE SUNDAY OBSERVER, SUiNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1920. 11 iff , M-a1. Observer Want Ads Produce Results and PAY THE ADVERTISER Resulting in an increased patronage every jnonth AUTOMOBILES AND TRUCKS l or Sals Now Oakland touring ear. been used. Phone 817. N 21-29 J'ord sedan, .1919 model, far sale or ex change, 1920. Complete, with starter. R. U Sibley. Albemarle, N. C. It lor Halo Model 90 Overland slightly used. New Wtllard battery, 2 new cord tlrea, reasonable. O. E. Norman, 'phone 256- 8735. f 21tf ;For Hale On account of the death of Mr. J. E. Shaffer, we offer for sale hie Little Overland Four Touring Car. Brand new. Term can be aranged on part of sale price. See O. E. Norman, care Dal) Over land Co., or J. M. Renfrow, oare Gilmer Moore Co. 21-22 FOB BALE S BRAND NEW FORD TOUB- INO CARS WITH 8TARTEK8. 1 NEW PORD SEDAN. 517 W. FOURTH 8T. I'HONE 24. 20-22 For Bale New Ford Hedan Telephone 283B. W. C. Alexander, Jr, 20-tf For Sale Lexington club roadster. Looks j like new. Runs like a watch. A-l eondl- i(nn h.fi. nulcklv A haririfttn. ' Phone 1S41-J. 20-22 l or Bale Twa new Ford touring and one roadster, with starters. 80 North Tryon St. Phone 1270. 6-tf I', and J. Carburetors (inarantees fifty to hundred per Sent more miles. C. W. Cain, Charlotte, N. C. 12-12 I'nr Bale If you want a Ford ear come to headquarters Wholesale and retail. 1 Flivver Auto Co.. Fast Sixth Bt. 14tf cee V. M. Mine, tie will pay roe eaab tor your automobile. 20 South Tryon St. ltlf . Cylinders regrotind eno ronr worn eylla ders to ua We make them good as new. Charlotte Machine Co lOtf 'or Bale Hupmoblle 5 passenger 11 model, 6 good tires, new top, new battery, $660. Hup 7 passenger, $780. Saxon Six 6 ; passenger, $660. V. M. Stlne, 29 S. Tryon St. lf ! Automobile cylinders regroundi plstors and j rings made to fit. Charlotte Machine Co. 0-f , ew 1920 Ford, aslf starter, all Improve ments. $775. Sharkey telephone $386. 22-21 l or Bale Brand new Ford tourings with , starters. Also laid models slightly used. ! P. & O. Oarage Co. 22 j 'or Rent Oarage spare to party handling used cars or other automotive line. Spe cial proposition to new car agency. Hox j 983. 22' . t l or Bale One I-ton Belden truck, with -1 ton rear axle, worm drive, new aolld tires, truck In perfect condition. One three quarter ton Republic truck, good condi tion. Ona slightly used half ton Vim I truck. One Ford roadster, demountable1 rlmx The above named trucks and car , mUKt be sold. The American Motor Co., 616 West 6th Rt. 22-24 WIZARD, JR. Only Standard Automobile for j $395.00 The only automobile to be completely built in the south. No state distributors, county rights being closed rapidly. Act quickly if territory is wanted. , Wizard Automobile Co. Charlotte, N. C. S-tf. FOR SALE: FORDS, FOJDS Wt carry in stock new and rebuilt Fords for sale or ex change. Payne's Auto Works, Charlotte's Reliable Car Mar ket, 26 E. 6th St. Phone 3768 17-tf Buick, Model H, 1919 7-passenger and two Fords for sale. Apply C. C. Codding ton, 432 W. Trade St., Charlotte. 15-23 Ford touring 1915 model. Motor in fine shape. Good tires. A barga infor $375. Phone 4038, 410 W. 4th .st. 22-23 Briscoe Roadster new tires. Excellent running condi tion. 1919 model. A real buy. Phone 4038. 410 W. 4th St. 22-23 Dort Touring 1918 model Good tires Excellent me chanical condition. Briscoe Sales and Service Co. 410 W. 4th St. 22-23 For Sale King 8 Roadster used as demonstrator. Will sell at bargain price to quick purchaser. Can also furnish new King Cars of all descriptions for imme diate delvery. F. L. Wil son, Gastonia, N. C. 22 Wanted By Automobile en gineer, contracts for Auto parts, machine work, cast ings, assemblies Nickel Plating Tool Grinding in any quantity or quality. J. Zagora Mfg. Co., 1309 Mint St. eod STORAGE TANKS. STORAGE Can make prompt shipment on any also Tank, for Gasoline. Oil or Acids In 3-16-Inch, 1-4-lnch. 6-16-inch or 1-8-Inch Bteel. Wire or write for prices to JOSEPH E. 706 Holman Building. Distributor Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina. REPRESENTING TOUNOSTOWN BOILER AND TANK COMPANT, Toungstown, Ohio. , - a opeoiai rrrces Oct My Speolal Prices AUTOMOBILES AND TRUCKS I'BED OARS. 1 11 Oakland Roadster 1 Oakland Touring . . . 1 118 Franklin Touring 1 118 Overland Touring All these cars are In A-l shape, or terms. Southern Oakland Company. $176 soo 1,160 260 Cash tt-t Foe Sale Used ear bargains Maxwell, I- passenger roadster. Maxwell tourlnt. lflt and 1919 model, excellent condition. Lib erty six touring. Saxon alx touring. Saxon four, roadster. Maxwell "30" tour ing, price $200. Kin "8" touring. Cule "8" 7-passenger. Franklin touring. All cars at bargains 1. & o. Garage Co. For Sale truck, i ir . r i -Une n&ll tOn DUICK , . .,, One 2-t0n retUlIt Republic truck, one 1-2 ton Briscoe, closed body. Terms. J. M. Clark, 17 VV. Fourth St. 22-24 SEE Motor Accessories O., Vulcanizing department, for your tire troubles. They can end them. Free seiv- ice, 312 S Phone 287. Tryon St. 22-28 For Salts One Dodge Broth ers roadster, 1920 model, practicaly good as new, one Oakland touring 1920 mod el, practically new, onej Hupmobile 1918 model $650, one Briscoe road ster, good tires, run less than 3,000 miles $650. Charlotte Motor Car Co., ion r fL . . -1. - i 1 Used Car Bargains 1920 Ford Sedan practical ly new. Anderson convertible road ster, exceptional good shae. 7 passenger Oldsmobile Anderson Sedan, demon strator. 4 passenger sport Ander son, 70 H. P. Motor, good as new. Anderson Motor " " s Co. 322 N. Tryon. : Phone 2337. SPECIAL NOTICES Wanted Number of colored houses to sell. .1, 4. 6. 0 rooms. Near square and on the outskirts of city. Houses, care Observer. 12-23 American Railway Express Company Sale of Unclaimed Frelghta Unless previously called for and charges paid, or otherwise disposed of, the American Railway Ex press Company will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at publlo auotlon, 206 South Church street, Chsrlotte, N. C, Tuesday, March 16th, 1810, about TOO unclaimed and refused express shipments Including matter accumulated at Char lotte and other offices In North Carolina. J. K. Skaggs, aupt.: N. P. Leery. Agent: J. Leo Phillips, Auctioneer. eod Drug addictions, nervous diseases new methods treatment, ethical. New man agement sanitarium. Reduoed rales Jan uary only. Write or call. Crowell Sani tarium. North Caldwell St., Charlotte, S Bale of Freight, Refused and Unclaimed, for freight and storage for account' of United States Railroad Administration. Plrector Oencral of Railroads, Norfolk Southern Railroad. Articles of mer chandise, marked and unmarked, to be sold In compliance with the law at pub lic auction, Thursday, Feh. 26th. 1820. at Norfolk Southern Freight Depot, Char lotte, N. C. Morris Oross, Auctioneer. J. II. Barrett, Orneral Claim Agent. 22-13 Dr. S. Lory, Dentist, 7 K. Trade Bt. Phone n$t tf Fresh Bhlpment of Philadelphia Cream Cheese, Neufekatel Snappy, L'ederkranni Roquefort, Imperial, Pine Apple. IlmberKer, Grujcr, Pl mentft, Kraft, Swlss.Camembert. Also another barrel of fine Dill Pickles. MILLKK-VAN NESS CO. Wanted Bang all guns off for the Selwyn Bellman's Annual Aristocratic Ball. Call up 1605 for Captain Crawley or Lieutenant Gor rell concerning invitations. NO MF.DIIM WILL RRACB THE BUSI NESS INTERESTS OK THE PIEDMONT SECTION MORE THOROUOHLT THAN THE OBSERVER, THOSE SEEKINO A POSITION OR WISHING TO SECURE A BETTER ONE CAN OBTAIN QUICK RESULTS BY USINO OBSERVER WANT ADS. ADS ET IN THIS SIZE TYPiC I CENTS PER WORD EACH INSERTION LARGE SUNDAY EDITION READ BT MORE THAN 100,000 PEOPLE. 34tf STORAGE TANKS. TANKS CUNTON Athens, Ga. on Tank Tracks on tui iruoas . REAL ESTATE HOMES FOR BALE. 8-Ronm hunfilnw n..r PnnhL-t.rl.n hn. pita). Hot air heat and garage; beautiful'' shrubbery: 10 young fruit treos. Price at ; office. (-Room bungalow East 7th Street, fur-'! nace and garage; house about three years I old In excellent condition. Price $6,600.00. Room house Colonial Helrhts 2 years I old. Hardwood floors; furnace and gar- 1 age. Would cost $1,000 00 more to rebuild) tne house than we aro asking for the liouso and lot as It stands. Price $1,000 00. s-Koom bungalow in Piedmont nicely ar- i ranged; hardwood floors In 4 rooms, l ot 76 ft., front. i blocks from car line. Price $6,000.00 6-Room bungalow hardwood floors In all rooms; splendid neighborhood; S block from car line. Price $6,160.00. r. t.. ahiwtt and company. T. M. Abbott, manager. Phones 802 A 248 1-J j W. C. Harris, salesman. Phone S02J 244S-J c- Harris, salesman. Phones 802S 1SH tf For Bale A nice sis room bring alow on WU- i moo re drive. Practically new with modern I copveniences. will make price and terms right. U. A. Smith, Phone 1130. . 20-2 DO TOC WANT A BARGAIN T 1 j Cottage at 1301 Thirty-second street. North I Charlotte, beautiful lot 100 by 200 feet. I House has all modern conveniences re- ! cently been overhauled, repainted. Six rooms and large bath down stairs, the upstairs has never beef completed, but left so that two or three more rooms can be arranged cheaply. This house wss i built about six years ago, when labor j and material waa chenp. and cost $3,000 I to build. Tou can aecure this bargain for j $6,000, two thousand cash and the bal- j ance on time, six per cent Interest. H. K. ! Roedlger, Greensboro, N. C. 20-2: t on, "the live tonto for dead hair.' your barber. Ash Itf For Bale My services anything regarding real estate In city. Ten years experience buying and selling, can advise you rela tive to values any kind of property. Con sult me before buying. I shall give you unbiased opinion on thorough Investiga tion. K. K. Harlan. 208 South Tryon Ht . Phonss 311 or 247. 16tf For Sale Splendid corner, vacant lot, near the pines at a bargain. Phone 3128 or 2470. F. K. Harlan, 208 South Tryon St. lttr For Sale -room bouse on Park avenue, besutlfully finished In hardwood, furnace I Abbott A Co., Phones 8022 and 244S-.T. 22-24 WanteA -Number of colored houses to sell. 3, 4. 6. 6 rooma Near square and on the outskirts of city. Houses, care Observer. 22-28 VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY FOR BALE. I am offering the Connelly Mineral Springs Hotel property' for sale. This prop erty consists of twelve acres of land, on which are 7 mineral springs, the one Main spring has been noted for Its Medicinal properties for 60 years. The hotel Is a substantial building with 07 bed rooms, comfortably furnished. There ts one 10 room dwelling and four cottages. I have my own Electric Light plant and water system. This property Is directly on the Southern R. R. from Salisbury to Ashe vllle. and on a beautiful knoll within 100 yards of the depot, and at a medium eleva tion at the foot of the mountains, with as fine a climate as any In the state. In fact much better than higher places for most people. The State Central Highway, a fine ssnd-clay road, passes by this property and will no doubt In a short time be made a hard surface road and on which thousands of tourists pass yearly to and from Ashe vllle. Thus making this place Ideal for tourists both by R. R. and Auto travel and thla property can be made one of the most populsr resorts In the state. Thla hotel was full to capacity last season and I can show a good percent profit on the price I will sell It for but for good reasons I will sell at a bargain. If Interested In such property come and see It or for further In formation write. WM. JEFF. OAVIS. Owner and Proprietor. Connelly Springs, N. C. For Bale Valuable piece of real estate, olose in i KA r..i frnm eallenad frnntlns 96 feet on Seventh St. running through block I . s-t.htb at Nine room house on 8ev- enth St. Two thre room houses with water on Eighth St. 'Phone 2748-w eod FOR SALE. Dtlworth, Worthlngton, S rooms, hard wood, heat, garage, $11,600: Park Avenue, t rooms, heat, hardwood, corner lot a beauty, $16,000. East Boulevard, new, 8 rooms, large lot, heat, hardwood. $12,160. South Boulevard, 8 rooms, heat, a bargain at $8,600. Fourth Ward. North Poplar street. 10 rooms, stsam heat, 2 baths, a dandy, $16,000. North Pine street, 10 rooma, I baths, cor- ner, $8,600 North Pine street. 8 rooms. $5,800. North Clarkson street. 7 rooms, modem, $1,000. Various Locations. West Post street, 6 rooms, modern except bath, good lot, $C,760. Colonial Heights. ( rooms, modern cot tage, a good buy, $3,600. Slegle avenue, C room, modern hungalow, good lot, $8,860. East Vance street, B rooma, modern cot tage. $3,260. If these are not interesting, I can find It for you. F. E Harlan, 208 South Tryon street. Phone 8828, or 2479. eod Special Investment of Colored Property houses on large lot close In, all now rented, a good paving Investment. Price only $8,000. F. C. Abbott A Co., Real Estate Department. C. F. Harris, Sales man. Phones 3022 and 1688. 22-23 For Bale 6-room bnngalow on Statesvllle ; Ave., house In splendid condition, rooms j nicely papered, nice bath room, nice elec- I trio fixture, good sire lot. has solid brick l foundation, double wslls and floors. Piioe ' $6,260. J. E. Murphy A Co. eod For Sale 6-room cottage In. First ward, modern convenlsnces, deep lot, splendid gsrden, ha'f block from car lino. price $2,626. J. E. Murphy & Co. eod If you aro contemplating purchasing burl- 1 ness property It will be to your Interest to see us We have seversl sttractlve piece llstsd for sale. J. K. Murphy St Co. eod For Sale 7-roem bwnralow In Elisabeth. house In splendid condition, has hardwood floors throughout.' nice bath room, rooms nicely papered, attractive porch, splendid heating plant, good neighborhood, shady able of street, one block from car line. "-Ice thla week 7.800. J. E. Murphy Co. eod For Bale It-room reel dene e. In North Char lotte, large lot about 100x200. house com narativelv new. an'enrtid condition, rooms beautifully finished, slate roof, splendid hestlns- plant, macadam street. Price tt few days, 17.800. J. E. Murphy Co. eod SALESMEN A Mr Income assured on qn'rk-selllng tti cent household necessity. Every home a prospect, every housewife want one or more. Bell on sight. Write todav for proposition. Send 26 cents for sample. Loeb-Stronreon Corp, 147 West Broad way, New Tork. Salesmen, Your Onporlnnlty Vacancy March th for competent salesmsn or ex msrehant to be employed direct by a large Cleveland corporation to sell mer chants a needed high-class specialty In North Carolina terrltprv. Permanent po sition: earnings 1100 00 to $800.00 per month: commissions veld weekly. State experience. Address H R. Lower, Box 180, Station "C," Cleveland, Ohio. Wanted Three oxncrleaced specialty sales men who can do things to call on gen eral mercantile trade with strong unique line hacked by Irresistible advertising. Commission contract worth $500 to $800 monthlv with drawing account. Milton Mercantile Co., Davenport, Iowa. Do yon bail an the retail trade T Attractive sideline proposition to sell rice; state present lln;. territory covered: how of ten; don't apply unless retail salesman. Box mt. New Orleans. La. SALESMEN WANTED Wanted Traveling salesman to sell furni ture, floor coverings, etc. to dealers as a side line. Our firm lias been established 15 years and is well and favorably known. We have a good line, priced right Our catalog la attractive and contains helpful selling points. Good coimiiiHsion. l'ittn Furniture Co.. ISL'3 East Main SI. Hl.h mond. Va. eod Distributor wanted In every town for Speed ollne; $300 to $600 per month; rxcluslvi exclusive , territory; automobllo fr to workers j S.eedollne Co., L-t 123. Hallas. Texas Bide line salesmen for greatest self-vulcan- Islng aum-patch on earth. coi:im.sion basis. Gold Brand Products Co.. Atlanta, ia Nalenman In every town to lake orders for "Made-to-Meaaare" clothes Opportunity to make big money and build permanent business. Thousands of wli knA-n mer chants started this vay. We furnish complete equipment, for use In st.iri or traveling, free Wrlt Sales Manager, Meyer A Co.. 8:11 W. Adams St., Chicago. Salesman for coffee by long established, well known roadsters with established trade. I'nusual opening for hard working, suc cesxful road salesman who wants larger opportunity. Home ever week-end See ...I. v 1 1. riir. riiuei cojwyn, inursiiav 26lh. Positively do not call unlesu have unquestioned record as road salesman to Grocers. No beginners, Inside salesmen, nor failures. 22-26 JOHN ItAlMOARTH CO. OGDKN AND RANDOLPH CHICAGO. , j Established manufacturers of exclusive I calendars and adv. specialties want an able ! I salesmsn for Charlotte and vicinity. Com- ' i mence work Immediately. Liberal com. i proposition. Illg opportunities. Act now. ' Closing territorial contracts. Salesman Wanted Also for small towns. Commission 10 per eont. Liberal sd- ! vances receipt of orders. Complete line j laces, cotton dress goods. Samples 20 pounds. Import Textiles Association, 222 i Fourth avenue. New York. s Salesmen working wholesaro and retail trade of any line are offered a dignified. fast selling side line paying 26 per cent commission. Superior Manufacturing Co., Ill Fifth Ave., New York City. 8 Straight Salary fSS.OO per week and ex penses tn man or 'woman with rig to In troduce Poultry Mxturle. Eureka Mfg. i Co.. East St Louis, 111. 22 j Brokers and Salesmen sell shares producing on company paying monthly dividends. Liberal contract to producers. Hankers Finance Company, 802-4 Western Indem- nlty Building, Dallas. Texas. Salesmen make $2A.OO dally welling our gum and peanut vending machines, pack age gum, peanuts, candy, extracts and spices. Commission paid dally. Ameri can Qum Corporation. Memphis. Tenn. BALES REPRESENTATIVE WANTKI). I ' A large Eastern manufacturer of a home New Windshield Compound Wonder of specialty selling through retsil drug, de- the century, used by thousands of motor- partment and hardware stores, desires to - Ists. Large profits assured. Sells at place a high-grade sslesman In this terrl- sight. Selected territory Open. Interna tory as branch sales manager. The man ws tlnnal Specialty Co., 1811 S. Troy St., want may not read want ads, so tf you I Chicago. know of someone big enough ror a oig paying aalea franchise, clip this ad and call his attention to It This man must possess ; a super abundance of energy and enthusl- ' asm, must be fully capable of directing his , own sales organisation; must know the , drug, department and hardware trade; must nave gui-eage reierenc must be cspable of earning from $12,000.00 to $20,- 000.00 a year. Liberal commission inn ter ritory arrangement. Write fully at once. Give all details In first letter. Strictly confidence!. FITZGERALD MTO. CO MP A NT, Torrtngton, Conn. RETAIL SALESMAN MEN'S CLOTHINO FT RNISHLNO GOODS OR LADIES WEARINO APPAREL. hTm..,r ahw.,V.nW.ppr, the .Zl .r.inin. necessarv for a noaltlon on our sales tfr Stats are. education and business ex- perlence. Observer. Aflrlrena I.. M II. and I.O.. care M. H. and Co., care Wanted High-class truck ' ilAneuAH A rwtl tr fvrt x"i r tf nvnpr'tprir P 1nf1 Pl'Vf? rpffT CALJCI 1CULC U1IU filVW I CI CI .nrac I hirlntrP Mntnr I 3f Company. 20-22 Wanted Salesman to sell well Vnnwn 1inf . in Nnrth nr KnOWn IIIIC- 111 INUIUI UI South Carolina territory. Ex cellent opportunity for travel ing man who would like well paying position .where he can be at home at least half of his time. Postoffice Box 272. eod Lubricating oil salesmen, or successful specialty sales men can make big money by selling our high grade motor oils and greases di rect to the consumer; get our proposition before your home territory is allotted. Replies treated confidential. Pennsylvania Petroleum & Refining Co., Cleveland, Ohio. S. Experienced Specialty Sales men Traveling Via Auto Our products used by the United States government. Full protection on territory with opportunity for pro moting to State manager. Our salesmen making from $500 to $1000 monthly. Write complete details per taining to past experience and furnish references. Re plies 'treated 'confidential. North American Fibre Prod ucts Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 22 For Bala 100 shares Anderson Motor com-, man stock.' Best reason for selling. Ad dress "Motor Stock." eara Obaarver. It AGENTS WANTED AC.RNTS WANTED GVIt'R. We have a great proposition the greatest opportunity ever offered solicitors who are willing to hustle. Ws want at once not lass than six reliable agenta, men and women, to take orders from bouse to house for our eu Known remedy tnal is nounu to sen on Its merit We show our confidence by . v. vi i tion to commission of 15 per cent, ami I Vuur cotrlmlsston will of course le your irreatsst income "'""" " " m. to 3 p. m Cherry Tone 10 a. m. and 1 p Medicine Company, No. Malrs. .11 I nurcn HI Up 21-22 I Splendid light manufacturing tmalnese , suitable for lady or gentleman anywhere. Experience unnecessary. Profitable and Interesting Fartlculara free. riper, ly Watts Dldg., Hlrmlngham. Ala. 2: Our city and country agents making money fast. Mrs. Smith, Va., first month, over $100; Mrs. Itronks, Va., over $160; Thompson, Tsnn., $200; Horn, Ua.. $100; Long, Ala., $160; Hill, Ky, sure tlms, over $75; Jenks. Ark., $121. pleasant rerlned work. Write today for free agency terms. Fslrv Creme, Face Pow der. Hair Klnlt Pomade. Illg list Charles llelf Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn , 8 '.1 2 Cherrv S Agents $100 weekly and automobllo furn ished agents everywhere Introducing marvelous new automobile Invention Doubles efficiency and life of any car Naves Its cost flrnt day. Territory going like wildfire. $28 sample outfit free. Write quick. Oves Company. Dept. 83. Louisville, Ky. H We start yon tn business furnishing every- : thing, men and women, opportunity hfo- : time to earn $30 to $100 weekly operating I our "New System Specialty Candy Fac. ' torlea." Home, anywhere; booklet free Ragsdsle, Co.. Drawer F.. East Orange, i N. J. 80 I (10.00 worth soap, perfumes, etc., LneasKlsn Co . Dept. 401, Ht. Louis, free. Mo. Can you sell to colored people Writ Decker Chemical Co.. St. Louis. Mo. ! ! 0.t- profit made by 81 agents selling Scott Official History of Negro In World War. Hals just begun. Millions will be sold. Hutto, of Georgia mads $68.60 first two days. Kasper. of Mass made $48 66 eleven hours. Live agenta make $1,000, In three months. We are headquarters. Pay express, give premiums, ship prompt ly and allow best terms. Outfits free. H. I.. Phillips Publishing Co., Atlanta, Oa. 1 Agents $7.87 hourly absolutely guaranteed for selling ten $1 cans hourly gasoline 2c ! gallon. Money back guarantee. others do. Tou can too. Write Federal Chemi cal Works, 20 W. Jackaon, Chicago. Agenta Bell raincoats, garhardlnea, leath erettes. We deliver and collect. No ad vance payments Sample coat free. Largest commissions. Temple Raincoat Co. Hox 66 Templeton, Mass Watklns Famous Products sell and satisfy. This means a wonderful repeat business for you. Our New York factory means prompt service. Write for details today. Watklns Co., 24, Winona, Minn. AOENTS AND SALESMEN. To sell sn automobile .accessory; qulcr Seller; no competition: guaranteed to sat isfy. Sells $10 00 with a libers 1 discount. Will consider exclusive territory Call or write. Room S 2204 8. Michigan' Ave., Chicago. I Agenta 200 per cent profit. Wonderful little article. Something new; sells like carry right In pocket write ' "l i K-neral manager. 358 American Bldg Cln- I .iiiiili. viiiu i clnnatl, O World' Greatest Auto Invention science solves puzxlliig problsm ; no more rain or snow blurred windshields; Mystlo Cloth works like maglo; deposits Invisible chemical film; one rub keeps glaas clear 24 hours; one agent sold 6,000. Security Mfg. Co. Dept. 264, Toledo, O. (it) Where Money Flows Ths farmer hae the money today. We have what he needs. Tou show It to him and f out of 10 will buy. Our Aladdin karoaene man tle lamp creates a ssnsatlon wherever In troduced. Five times a bright as eleo trlc saves one-half on oil. Four sales a day means a yearly Income for you of $6,000.00. No experience needed. Over night trial convlncea Excellent (pare time and evening seller. Rig or auto nec essary. No capital required. Sample sent for ten days trial and given free when you take up th work. Exclusive territory. Get particulars. Mantle Lamp Co.. 14-16 Washington Place, Dept. 861, New Tork, N. T. Tailoring AgenU Wanted SeU men's mnde- t0.mCasure suits. Earn big money. Only producing agents wanted. State experi ence. Write for spring and summer um pies. Leeds Woolen Mills, 230 S. Frank, lln, Chicago. Wanted Several live agent to sell monuments and oth er cemetery work, only those that can get the busi ness wanted. Address C. W. N., Care Observer. 22 MACHINERY W bay and sell new and second hand machinery of all kind. Including elec trical equipment, mill supplies, concrete machinery, sawmills, snglnes. boilsrs and textile equipment Crymss Mac hi nary and HuddIv Co.. 124 Austell Bldg., Atlanta. Oa. n-u For Bale Cheap good 28 H. F. atemm en gine, Erie City, center crank. C. I Tay lor. Tuckertown, N. C. I8-II For Bale A 10-60 H. P. Fair Bank Moras tractor with or without plowa Dlso hor row and seeder. A splendid outfit at a bargain for plowing, harrowing. Running a saw mill, cotton gin or whereevar power Is needed. Address Traotor 186, car Ob server. 21-13 For Bale 1-70 H. P. boiler with stack and fitting. 1 100 H. P. rturn tub boiler without front or fitting. 1 1114 bal ance valve Atlas suglne. 1 8x24, 4 aid Fay and Eagon No. 12 planer. 1 30 H. P. Alms boiler mounted on stsel wheela I 20 H. P. Atlas engine to match. All th abov very low prices snd hundreds of other bargains. Hunter Machinery Co., Marion. N. C. eod MOTORS !N STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT (ROBBINS & MYERS) 3 PHASE-60 CYCLE 220 OR 550 VOLT ONE H. P. TO 30 H. P. ELECTRIC SUPPLY AND EQUIPMENT COMPANY 220 WEST FIRST ST. CHARLOTTE, N. C ELECTRIC SUPPLIES jUwLw i llw UUI I a!.? MACHINERY NOTICE. For Bale: Two batteries each if thres 70 t'-n Inch saw cotton gins, each battery con nected to double box screw press with steam tramper, suction feed, elevators, condenser, fan, pulleys, shafting, leather belts all ready i . ,, .,,,.-.. ,,, ,,.r ui, i. k... .... i hav. ,oM prop.r,y where this gin is located i anil machinery must be movsd bv March 1. wm ,kM ..ch hatterv for 11.600. or vm ,),, j,soo for the whale ytem loaded " i cars natesburg for Immediate ahlpmant. -vhiH ou,.it I. ,.. riaHsbvirs and can be sasn erected A harr.ln fr nnlcU ale ll. One Bates Corelss 160 H P. engine In cond order which waa used In connection ' sdovs outnt wnicn will sell for 11.369 t ..nit une iiiu rt. I . una nunurea iounils prsi- enre Flrownell boiler good as n.w with (0 I f ..it brsnd new smoke stack and all a -e-e irles which will sell for $1,600 for tmmed Hhtpment f. o. b. cars Batssburg. This outfit will have to be seen to be ap ireclated and Is saslly worth double the pries ws are asking for It In order to move It quickly. Tf Interested telegraph us and corns look It over. I I1ATESBURO COTTON OIL COMPANY. Batesbnrg, B. C. Electric Motors ttO-rolt, S-phaae, one each ' .T. 25. n, 15, io. 1, 6. 8 and 2 horns- 1 power sixes. 440-volt, S-phase, 30, 26, 2 : .' and 10 horsepower sixes. 2200-volf, 7i. l". 40. 8f., 26 and 20 horsepower sixes. .'.! and 220-volt, single phase, 6. 8. 2. 1. t ami 1-2 horsepowsr sliss. Also In Mock flrlll prssses, lathes, milling ma- lilnes anil shspers. Machinery and Sup ply company, R. 8. Petty, phone lt. tireenwborn. N. C a BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $300 lJOO additional profit retail eon fectloners. druggists, grocers, on Initial Investment $80.00. Others In your line owning Wheatcraft Dlapsnstr for hot pe anuts are making originator 102 Hroad- a. v V 16 1 Tn i : rr ; 1 I will buy your Jewelry stock and fixtures for cash. Pay all that It's worth. If you want to sell and mean business. I communicate at once Frank Hose, 4 i East Third. Dayton, Ohio. Wanted Party to Invest four or live i thousand dollars In a well established pay- log buslneas. Will pay not lass than 26 per cent. Business located In Charlotte Addresa "Charlotte Merchant, care Ob- server. eod Wanted To boy an Interest or whole of a thriving business In a growing town In North Carolina or South Carolina of from eight to ten thousand population. Good schools, climate and surroundings Is a big item, business must bear close Inspection, wive full particulars In first letter. Ad dress I, ft Hot 2i. Richmond, Va. eod Wanted Trams for logging. Will contract hauling million to, two million fast poplar toga two miles on good road. Must be re liable party with 20 to SO head of stork. Wo can furnish five log wagons and camp for men and stock. Lee Lumber Mfg. Co.. Mt. Airy, N. C. eod No drugs, no operation, no Him Inst, Home self treatment for piles, constipation. Ho frequent urination, proatrats trouble, rec tal disorders. Immediate and lasting re lief. I'lessant. easy, Inexpensive. Brochure mailed free fh plain wrapper. Electro thermal Co., 22S-A, Homan Bldg., Steu henvllle. O. g Nubetanttel Manufacturing Corporation wants rapabls men to establish -enoh and manage saltsmen $100 to $1,600 nec essary. Tou h ma is own money. Will al low expenser to Baltimore If -u will qualify. Foi particulars, sddreis Secre tary, 418 N. Howard St., Hel-mcre. Md. $116 dally Income paid restaurant man who Invested ioo In oil. Multitude or others; did as well some better. These men , didn't buy stock they bought ground I leases. We'll tell you how Free. Bails men wanted. Just writ Tomllnson. Belleville. III. The bank will pay yon 4 per rent, Would you be Interested In 24 per csntf Write Bankers Flnapcs Company, 802-4 west- I rn Indemnity B.dg., DaHaa, T.,aa. Advertise successfully, economically j in page Advertisers Pocket Companion tells how; quotes rates In leading publications; mailed free. Standard Advertising Agen cy. St. Louis, Mo. 23 THE TRUTH ABOUT OIL BCSINKSB Before Investing a penny In oil stooks get the facts. Read th Oil Presa Tou will thsn most likely make money at thousands havs done. Many opportunities aro over looked and money lost by lack of first hand Information. These are unusual tlmea for small Investor to profit by the great oil discoveries In th Mid Continent. Texas and nurkburnstt fields. Eaoh issue of th Oil Pre Is brimful of valuabl new about th oil Industry and recent successes. More than 200.000 readers a . month thousands have made money through Its advice. A lata Issus togsther with the "Markets" containing quotation on listed and unlist ed tocks. as well as a colored map show ing ths Kansas and Oklahoma oil fields free on reouest. Address Oil Press, 1508 Republic Bldg., Kansaa City, Mo. S00-ol,S00 additional profit. Ltstsn! Re tall confectioner. druggist, grocsrl Wheatcroft Dispenser for hot peanuts opens new business! Great In profit! Wonderful In performance! Beautiful In appearance! Originator. 303 Broadway, N. T. ! The World craves stiver We have It. Colorado' richest Silver Mlnss, $4,000,000 produced. Rlchsst pre bodies awaiting development. Limited stock offering to public. Ideal Investment Co., 188 Brosd way, New York. A successful proprietary medicine i world's greatest tonic laxative makes first pub lic stock offering. Inexpensive to manu facture; yields tremendous profits. Writ Immediately. Oceano Product Co.. 2$ City Hall Pine. New Tork. Splendid light manufactnrlng business soltabl for lady or gentleman anywhere. Expoiieno unnecessary- Profitable and Interesting. Particulars free. Plpr, 18 Watt Bldg., Birmingham. Ala. 22 For sale A ad arson motor common stock. Trailer Real Estat oompany. Greenville, 8 .C. 2-" Wantad To bny half Interest In millnery store, or millnery department. High Point or Winston-Salem preferred. Mrs. II. A. Day, areenvllle, N. C, care Oen. Del. For Sale Knitting Mill, run- ning, making ladies and men hose. Fine needle. Ad dress H. L Co., care Obser ver. 22 I have for sale at par, stock in an unusually successful lo cal firm which has never made less than 5o per cent on the capital invested, but now needs more money in order to expand. The profits from business on hand will enable this Corporation to pay at least 25 per cent divi dend at the end of the year, even should no new busi ness be accepted. For inter view, address Box 99., 1 7tf For Sale The entire furnish ings of the Phoenix Hotel, now in operation- but must close in few days. Address Phoenix Hotel, Charlotte, N. 2021 POULTRY, LIVESTOCK, SEED Cabbage plants aro aearoa. Order aatekxr. Prices: F.xpress f. o. b. shipping point. 11.80 for 600; $2 60 per l.0; 10,000 or Vi'e'5 per I-0, pl . II for 160 per l.ooo No C. o. D. Oarderi I'lunt Co . Hox 801. Charleston, S. C. 21-28 h'ar M-i- e Mni. - n . . . i - hum ww.. uavs soar nwaer Oray Jsrsey mnk cows now will haea l more later. I'rlces $100.00 to tilt (oi I thebest. ; c. A. H, Bsker, Mount Holly, h THR DEMAND In nTBONO FO FBOD UCTS OF FAR14 AND OARDBM. IF TOL HAVK LIVESTOCK. POCLTRT. SSBD PLANTS. KQOS. OARDE.H OR FARM PRODt-CTS OF ANT KIND FOR SALE INSKflT AN AO UNDER THIS HBAD rNO. AND IT WILL REACH OVER 100, oon PEOPLE IN THE PROSPEROL'M PIEDMONT SECTION. LARQB BUN DAT EDITION. J-tf For Bale Voung's strain thoroughbred white leghorn egg,, j.'nn for setting. Phone eod For Sale a pure bred Borkahlro io so. $12.60 each; 200 grade Berk shire and Duroo shoats. 6 to it, $10 each: 4 registered Duroo sows, with pa per. $26. Fair Hill Stock Farm, Mecaume Utver. Va. to One registered herkehlre boar (our ba- dred pounds inanterpleee blood. prlo- seventy-five dollars. u L. Llgon, Eno rse, 8. C. t, Baby chicks varieties IMot weekly circular. Chattanooga Chick Co., 112$ Fnust Street. Chattanooga, Tenn t:- For Sale Early W-Jar epoealej velvet beans, over DO per cent germination In 2 bu. hags only $t.li per bu. FsJrey n Beed Btors1Orangsburg. S. C. 2j Karly Whits Spanish-peanuts In 10 lb. sacks only Up per lb. Kalrey's Seed otore, urangeourg, h. c. 22 j ., r 3 . .. r'rlJr Spring Burt Oats, finest quality 0 pu l ' J0 per bu. Falrey'i . Seed Store. Orangeburg fl C Beat Feed onto, now 8 bu. kssga oady 9LM per bu. Fairey's Seed Btore, Orange- i Durg. a. ;. 1 'nr Bale SO pure bred Dnroea 4 moatthg aid 80 100. 20c lb.; 200 grade shoats 60 to ; . $10 each, 100 large thrifty pigs, sat- israction guaranteed, $7.60 each. Fair . Hill 8tock Farm, Mechums River, Va. It For Bale Registered Duroce. C. Matthews. N. C Route 28. M. Busk, IS For Sale White Wyandotte rwekerala. 4M N. Church strsst. Phone i!3. 12 I'm Carbola, the disinfecting, germ-klllbsaT, white paint. In poultry houses, dairies, barns, basements, etc. One pound pack age make, one gallon paint, J6c; 10 lb. package $1.26 postpaid. Free literature Cooledge Paint A Ulaes Co., Atlanta, ta. FOR SALE DELIVERED PROMPTLY, FRESH EOOS FROM MT BINOLB COMH RHODE ISLAND REDS BREED ERS THAT SCORE HIOH IN TTFE COLOR AND EOO PRODUCTION. SBT TINOS, $2 00. PULLETS AND COCK ERELS $4 AND ft EACH. PARIS KIDD, HUNTERSVTLLE. M. C ood For Sale Reeleaaed Lespedosav Bead High purity and germination teat, tt.lt buahel, f. o. b. Calhoun Marketing Association H. 8. MltchslI, County Agent, Calhoun City, Mia. REDUCTION BALK OF RIOK tUDI HOLSTEIN8 AND OUTONIKT. OKI OF THE BEST PRODUCINO HBRD6) IN THE STATE. BTRICTLT 4 TO GAL LON COWS. THKBB COWS ARB t TO 7 TKAR8 OLD. T. B. TBSTCO, NOT A REACTOR IN THRBE TBARS. WILL SELL AS A WHOLE 21 OR 3$. YOU " AN MAKE TOUR OWN SELECTION OF FRESH COWS AND HXAVT SPRINO KRB. FRANK SHORTER, WS8T LYNCH HURO, VA. . i.-MHi Single comb Shod lalaatd Radar aha layri (liny. seven prlsea Cockorala, $3.80 and $6: eggs. $3.60 and II per IS. Roberta Ray, Llndsn, N. C Rout f. eod Mitchell' Faultless Bred bred modern Improved king, the utmost productive boll wssvll dodger Bottom. Th largest foro of distinct ruper-produotive character ever originated. Th earliest large boll. 40 per cent lint, th bast Bro il no l-lock, storm and drouth resistant, distinctly as represented. result of 10 ysars breading. Frio $4 buahel $11 per 101 lbs. Mitchell's R-Im proved Kmc. only (lightly earlier, smaller boll and more proline strain, $1 buahel; $8 par 100-lb. sack. Sugar Loar Cotton Farm, Youngavllls, N. O. s m dJi u :iJH " ItU AJVM TfvwTUi Lexpedeca Hay and Llvastoext Botve the boll weevil and th high prtoo labor problems South' greatest fo4L pastur age ana lana renovator, itagalras cultivation: rsrtuisatlon aac ant and hand tend 101 aerea. afakaa worn-out red hills 110 to lilt an aura. V Book seeds this month. I saw yon Il ls per bushel. Be quick, get amis , and literature Sidney J. Weber, Baton Rouge, La. 81 For Bale Hero aro Jnst wbaA yoa been looking for. Big bono Poland-China pigs, 80 days old, and wslgh f poaada, Satisfaction guaranteed or money baek. I'rlc 128.00. Place your orders new for spring delivery. W J. PhUUsa, Bt 1. Appleton. Tenn. - Peas For Sale Iran peas SJU saiaod poas $5.00. f. o. b. Swans- Rast Yarn, Bwanaea, 8. C. Earth Almonds. Has a flavor that M - cellent, resembling th eoooaaat. Basil y grown. Seeds lOo packet postpaid, Evans Seed Co., Montloello, Fla. in i-- J. T. LEWIS K. U LBWIS. I. V. M. V. V.M. Graduate Veterinarian DRS. LEWIS & LEWIS Office Telephone K87-180L Residence Tslsphon 148-811. Offlc 288 H E. Trad Bt. S3 Irish Cobbler, par bag Red Bliss, per bag Burt Oats, par bu. LIS Texas Rust Proof Oata ner bu Lll Texas Feed Oata, per bu LH Cook's Re-Improved Cotton sesd. per bu Get -There-First Cotton seed, per bu..,. . AMERICAN SEED CO. Chariots. N. C. . 311 Fast Trad St. Phou IH1. 14-tf j For Hale-Have eight Jacks, srOl soli fotr. ' Registered Holstsln oows and oalves sags I or terms or will trad tor real estate, otl or stock or automobiles. J. A. Newol.. Newell. N. C. lb-la For Sale Red Clover Seed, bushel $31.50; Wheat Straw, baled, car lots, $15 ton, f . o. b. Cleveland, N. C. For immediate acceptance-. W. W. Roseman & Co:, Cleveland, N. C. 19-33 FOR RENT Good house for Nswsils, N. C IT A. NoweiT la-ll Small hotel fa rent la good tow. Build ing recsntly ovar hauled. Thla towa baa been supporting two hotels but has nana in operation at present. Address, Hotel, care Observer. ttf ,t For Boat Ground floor stflae thre Meoka of square, on block of postofflo. Pa 321 or 247. P. E. Harlan, Mt South ' Tryon St. "'- - '-tt For Rent FurnishetJ, 'private 1 entrance, close ' in. Phonej 1299-J. if0-22 i For Rent To g tlsmaey sanely fial8ii room, moosrn convsaienco, oenrraiiy i. catod. prlrat hom . ; 111 & ftk fltraat. ' Phong m.j. j$mkfk- A, M-M i' i - Additional want: ad i3, be found on page- 1Z-A