f 'f j - C THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1920. - , " "TV.:. THE BULLETIN BOARD BRINGING UP FATHER BY GEORGE MMANUS Copyright, 120, International News Bervfe tfttAVT. TOB THE OBSERVER 5 i-i. t - C t if Nashville, Tenn., Sept. i. The xtra session of the Tennessee leg islature will adjourn at 12:30 o'r'ork Saturday afternoon, according to ac tion taken today. Paris. Sept. 3. Ton thousand Bol hevlk troops are marching from Persia on Georgia, according to a Tlflls dispatch to the East Express Telegraph agency under date nf Sep tember' 1. The !''... Rti Rolsheviki also are menacing Armenia. Rijshun soviet coniiiussaries co-n-mand these troops, the dispatch aays, with former offices of the Bolehevlki army. Turks and Kurds are Joining their ranks as they ail- Tante. Bcranton. Pa.. Sept. 3. The United Mine Workers of Americ.-i today telegraphed President 'Wilson requesting him to direct Unit the Wage agreement Higncd yesterduy by operators and miners he re opened for the purpose of giving the miners an additional Increase in wages. A telegram was also sent to Secretary of Labor Wilson saving the mine workers stood toady to meet the an thracite .operators separately or Jointly. Montevedlo, Sept. 3.-Tln l"r tigruyan governnn'iit has decided to send a cruiser to welcome King Al bert and Queen Kliz.ilietl. of Hel gium, on their .iriiwil on bounl the Brazilian battleship San 1'anpla in American waters The sending of the cruiser w is .le. i.leil upon as a suitable tribute m the lielgian rulers and the Helgian " "pie. Sciailton. la, Kriil. .1 A com mlttee of thirteen wis appointed by the genera scale committee nf the anthracite mine winkers today t take action with a view of having the agreement signed esteiday by the L'nlteit Mine W .ikeis ami the operators reopened f..r the purpose of making new (Iciiiands. London, Sept. 3. -C,e Duffy, o calli-d aml'.'is I-fh republn- to l i . elven 24 hours by the 1 1 ;i .1 n ,,f til- d. lias I t n I'rein ll gov- ernment in who li t. stat i lc.iv d here 1- i.iii-i today. it was officially New Tork. Sept. Cerard. formei Gorina'iy. has a i Of chairman of the II -.lames .rn i .i.s uir to -pi-il the po-t fiiianic roniinit- tee of the d-mocrntn mlttee, il was .umour by Senator llari'i.-'ii nitlonal cnni-c-I lici e t oda m i barge of democratic he.ol.iiar1 rs during th White absence of Chairman As head of the fmnn it wis ..nnound M have general supeivisi lection of demo, ratx funds. oni m it t e raid will f the ol tampalgn Haxleton, Pa.. Sept. ". Only five1 anthracite coal mines in the Hazle ton district were able to start today on account of "vn .ui-ns" taken by the men as a prof st against the wage award. Of the first mines running only , one has a fair tonnage. The output was cut yesterday to '.Mi per cent, ac- cording to official figures given out by the Lehigh Viillcy railroad to day. i MISS GLADYS YATES BRIDE OF DR. ALLEN FORT: Special to The Observer. Sanford. Sept. 3 .".t their home ; on Oakwood avenue, in this city, i Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Yates gvt a most delightful dinner party , and reception Wednesday evening In honor of Rev. and Mrs. U K. Blackntiin, who were married in the First Baptist church of Nashville, I Tenn.. Sunday night hy the pastor. Dr. Allen Fort. , Mm Blacknian. ulio was Miss Gladys Yates before marriage. In the eldest daughter of Mr. be- and Mrs. Yatee, has been attending Pes hod v Normal at Nashville the I for ! the past year. Kev Mr itlacknian. who is a native of Coldshoro .and a graduate of Wake Forest college In the class of 191. has been at tending the Southern Haptist The ological seminary at Louisville. Ky., for file past two years. This happy couple m-t at a stu dent volunteer conference last win ter, when thiir romance began. Mrs. Blackman will accompany Mr. Blarkman to th- seminary for the next two years and complete a spe cial course in training, after which they expect to go to a foreign field. Mrs. Blackman is a great -niece of the noted pioneer missionary. Mat thew T. Yates. SULTAN IS DECLARED A PRISONER OF THE BRITISH Constantinople. Sept. 2. (By the Associated Press.) The National-: lets, declaring that the Sultan Is a prisoner of the British have deslg nated the Amir of Afghanistan tem porarily to represent the Caliphate. The eultan has established corps of the "seventh police" to watch the I officials about him. Including the grand vizier, whom he suspects of withholding information from him. The relations between 1he sultan, and the grand vizier also are strain ed. The Nationalists have demoted the officers responsible for the re-1 cent successes of the ('.reeks. ! MARTIAL LAW IN WEST VIRGINIA IS DISCUSSED Williamson, W. Va.. S. pt. 2. Col oneL Burkhardl, oin lua mlor of th United States troops on duty In lln Mingo county coal strike 7on con ferred here today with .Iu.1k- Jain. s Damron. of tin- iruit rmin. rela tive to a derlaratlon of inaitlal li in the region wlifii- 10 nil ilisonlfrs occurred. Nt Rtat.iiifnl wns iHBiietl fter the conference, but It Is known the colonel and the Jinl:e arklii'Hsod meeiwgeB to (Joveinoi- Corn well at Charleston, on the tiucsiinn of mar tial law. ,28 womkn ni:iisTi:ui:D. Montgomery, Ala. Sept. 3 When registration book closet tonight In the three principal counties of the State. Jefferson. Montgomery and Mobile. 6,289 women had registered for the forthcoming general elec tion, which number will be greatly augmented under legislation ex pected to pass the Btate legislature in extra session Srtpleniber 14 whereby registration- hooka in the (4 other counties will he opened. One hundred and fifty thotiRand X:cio!,.0.Lh'TraJ,e r""psente1 Jn lilC A. I..LI1. ...uovui... Monay back witi.1 gucauoa U HUNT'S Salve (all. In iht rraatment of ITCH. ECZEMA. KIMOWORM. TBTTCR of hit Itching akte ancataa. Tqr a It mat boa at atar rlakv The K. It. Dealt- Vrug Co. ARMY OF SQUATTERS TROUBLING ARKANSAS Have Possession of 2,000 Acres of Most Fertile Land. 100,000 of Them Encamped. Rlylhevlllc. Ark.. Sept. 3.-An army of squatters, said to nuniher over 100.00(1, Is encamped upon the banks of Pemiscot bauoy. In Mississippi county, Arkansas, from I.lttlo river to the MIhkoutI state line. Within the area appropriated hy the settlers are ',000 acres of the most fertile land In the Arkan sas delta, much of which la in a htKli slate of cultivation. The new arrivals lay claim to the land on theory that when Hie gov ernment many years ago surveyed the lands in this locality, Its ugents ilid not include those lands when Inundated hy the Maters of remls cot linyon. Hence, when under the sunken land" grant the surveyed lands were cotiviyed to the state nf Aikauvas. thev assert, title did not pass to the disputed area. It is claimed this area, though covered with water at that (hue. since has become llrm soil owing to the re cession of the water to the present narrow channel of the bavnii. Large land owners are said to he aroused hy tl e movement which threatens i ,.f valuable acres of their plan tations. Many of the tin.ts are pitched on html, adjoining the cor porate limits of Ulythovilie and the , eltv presents the appraiance of a heleagureil city. l.i'K-il action over the action of the squatters was fore cast tonight. It is the settlers acted under n pre arrangid plan by foi -matlon of a settlers' tights uiuani zntlon. WARRANTS ISSUED FOR SEIZURE OF COAL BOOKS K noxville. r-sult of a i part of the with coal i Tenn . Sept 2. As a hang- of policy on th- goy. rnnicnl In dealing p-ratnrs .ilid brokrt'3 rhaig-d wi'h olaiiiig the I,cv-r act by all-Ki d j i r fi t ri ngr in coal, s-v-r.ai warrants u-ro Issued today for the pi !ui e of books and records of at 1 1 n st M-ven companies which Iniv- refn-d to siirr-nd-r their rec ords to ffil-ral lnsp-itlon volun tarily. All cf the warrants for seizure of books or e ,u';iliiM out of town coni panles. th- nani-s of which are he itig wlthh'M pi ndipg the service nf the papers. Th- warrants were issued hy I'nltcd States Commissioner .1. Pike Powers, at 111- reipiesi of d-part- ment coa! of Jntir- ap-fifs working flvos in this district in AGREEMENT SIGNED BY GENERAL SEMENOFF Washington. Sept. :i An agree ment has been signed " by C-neral Seinenoff and representatives of the Vladivostok regimes under a na for unification of the SemenofT and Vladivostok regimes under a na tional assembly, the state depart ment was Informed today. 1'nder the agreement Seinenoff is reported as r-t, lining his authority over the Cossacks and as comman der of troops in the Trans-Baikal but relliHiiiishlng all other powers. leneral Semenoff coincident with signature of the agreement Issued an apprnl to all Russians not to submit to the holshevikl or to the former adherents of the czar, pro claiming that the right to govern restrd alone with the people, HELP WANTED MALE l.iwik mt th othr man J 7 AO nnrt M.ftfl hlrtw, thn look tu otir ffi ftf t-h rt If nurs hi" not 1 h" if-nt. 1m'i Imv t htn T S MhIvako t'.i, d N. Trvnn Hi . 1'hur 1 n f r 4 10 flny m and whiiijk mm. 'iirniiiir fftti f 1 7 r." li. .(.. h !' h . r- u. r thr'1 (:. 1 I ' 1 1 ; i n our mfrnitrri ir ."rk N",r1 ln M . rinfr '"f ! er ri 4 l'i W itnlrxl l.mwl htie Itnrhrr. dive tft prr V. K '"l-y, Sintfj1ll. N I- 4 I" Wanlil A rxwik ksrwr. Im two Nulrit- ni'-n N'-rth furdlnn AIhiiio Kami I,ik1: t'iifnpanv. Snow Hill, N 4 I 1 w nti-:i thokoi 4.11 1 v r. x v r. r i- K'K! MA I.K M KN" MiKAl'H r. U T ' HK'ilN' WultK T oNi'K KI'IIMSH FIKKKHKNTK AI'VISIMi V' 1 ' II A ' i K . WMKTIIKH MMUtlK.lt K SINUI.K. ANH SAHUY i;l'KTKI' KKIM' I.KT TK Ft A I I It KSS K KKSH A V nil. Mil. I.. ki:i:siiav, s 4 :. Nntrd A pii hi trll. t illrtwlor for the North KiiroiiiiH Tultn ul"in hkm-k intn:i f T I ll" II'' A t f ' 1 1 1 T III ' HI I tl-. " ("'I'll ' icntty. Api'Mt mil 1 1 ' t j 1 1 hHc u-'-tM pT "x I'wri'' nn Am ji rrcml r.is i.f t U bTruinMi ti t " ' i"ii a h UH t t en IP e, ii c na I'T i xiu'riiH'i1 n ii '1 ! ;t I tr rt'iitrt-i w ti h mo iiIhmI. in flrwt l-'H" i .i t.l r n Tutwi i ii1..st' M. Hrai'T. '.'-t utlV- !di nun, N mil h Aj.pl I fur N -Hii Unt-i On ffood whllt hnrbrr, ftU." larhor shop all.-huri llrrp Writ ('tintmrtnr If jou arf In nerA .f HKt-r I ihii j-ui.pl "iir wiinls tlr litiiit ji l--p sanlliHV wrll All Kiirfit' tnt-fi "fT I mnk" u.-llfi for nil k mils .-r unUT Huppll nl lnu j-i i purpni"! littUK" Wfllf itli'I PUMys tnii'-l fer watfr All " -tW r ua tm h t .(! Writ rr !'" n. n' 'nrllnlf, S ' A . t mipen - " Kt-Ki-tfrnl ilruiCK'! wanted tu lake rlmr f Hlhul luoi lTUK V liii.nlh ;...1 -." Ai.p'.y in I'lilrilrw Sulfin. N (' $l.'ii p.r r t u 1 1 1 1 1 I irilK hu.-tli.r. liidtiin ii fcllled- 1. ... Ii -Mm tn i i , u in il x Hi.- Irnrn liHrlirrinc. linr Uillteil llo.l ll fi.rr 'lillimri wtlltt H M. li, iimil .1 . mi Al-cl ll"" Tl- 'Ini'-nl mo.! . or mil i . I . n.- a'j.'.n :n -if Unntrd Kir-tt M.-Ji. Mlll.lt ni'-'it. for i kht nm n A I ph ti I Minn 1'lUiilb l;iit;' t'ti, N . , Iih . Wll- ttvntril inicfnt b'ku. '-.t-r (;. .. v: hn t mi I m r v il;iiL-.ii.H . M.:i nml rrr.rnrd f i If i s l H 1 1 t ' 'I (ll 1 .i r t h i , 1 Wanted at imrr, lilKh-rlaaN thoniillrlily ri- l.i r' ir i 'I sh.ic hi.I.-ih;iii Im l..i- i- iiiil Mturi- tin. .il i.mhi fur h i 1 -litii' ll rf.t --,M''i: Shi"- s: i I-" Lvan.i St. I'lnr'ni n. S f. :7 tf Learn at home ot nrhinl. nhnrtlittnil book. ki'iipliiK mi i-rmlll. poi.lt inim Kurnlr.d 1;i1wh'iIb L-olli'Kin. Hltfh Puint and 'ma tnn, N I- 10-9 MarlilnlMtw Wanted ira1r emplojment. Apply In i-rinn. Corker Machtna and Koundiv Co . ilaatonla. N C 1-tf Wanted Sheet iron work ers. Lixperienced in erect ing blow pipe systems. Dixie Manufacturing Baltimore, Md. -1-lo Wanted At once first class baker. Wizard Bakerv. Gastonia, N. C. 1-5 T IF THAT UY 1 CONN ;1N. I'M 40NN CO OUT IT PAYS TO R EAD AND USE OBSERVER WANT FEMALE HELP WANTED Wanted Young lady for elerlral nork, h" Iihs tiMtl Hum ipr!eiie In Ft.. li"Br;t.hle wnrk A Rood rhanre fer l-n.niel !nn I, rlnht psrlv. Will piiy 1 r, . r wr-l I start Willi. A'l'lr8 I -I w i ri-. Hr inn.'rvr. i intt- Kiperlrnced S Mvr HI houne Ctrl. Apply :t Surao Wanted To lite with fandljr. pit I I K Fifth St All- W TKI COMl'KTKNT STRMMiKV- PIIKIt S K I SAl.AUT. STKAI'V KM I'l.nVMKNT AI'IdlKSS YAHNS-44. i'ABK oHSKRVKIl l-T Wanted loans women, alien IN to HO, to rukf tnirn" h trMlnliiK Hoard. room, Isuiulrt. tuition nrol li" prr nionrh iln-tunl .-Iibi!!" for reulnt rt Ion with th iOi!. boar! A'Plr Superintendent SI Mart IImiIhI, Athens, lla 3 1-13 Wanted Two girls not un der eighteen for ushers at the Academy Theater. Matinee and night. Must have references. Apply to manager 12 to l today. Office second floor. Mf Wanted Two bundle wrap pers. Apply 2nd floor, Mr. Courtney or Mr. Black, Ivev's. " 4tf SALESMEN Wanted Sid llne nalemen with e perl- en. ti hnnille our lln of nult rasen on , LininiHHlnn llrffrences rerjutr1 Stat1 c x i-j I'-nr Southern Trunk A Bur ( 'n . In-. P Tnt 41fi. Potrnbur(E, V 4 .r IIM.II I. ASS OX KRA I.I. LEHMAN iiM.V KXPKIUKM'F.P MKN NF.KH A P P 1 T MIST 1 1 A V F. rn W M KIWK CO, c'MATTANOixJA. TKNN. MI1A S"'M 4 1n Wanlefl Fiperlenred automobile tire mi I cuiii a n ho i an prndure t-.xcen'nl orporiunity with one of the lamest Tlr iiuiiiufa. turerf Write Px f2l Khr p.tt. N or 'phone ?21i :i tf S I.F.SM N WANTED.. Ffahli(hd manufartiirlnir firm ants "hJ'-"!!!"!! to nll He S pr cnt preferred f.., k with 'in p'r cent bonua of common 'T' imis expt?rl"nre dcctrnbl, but not "S"-R-ntl;it Mr Mrt'onnell, Hnom 1:' t Hc.n Motel 3 r. U AMKI FO R THE STATE OF NORTH CAR' 1.1 V TWfl EXPKHIKM'KI' SAI.KSMKN T SKI. I. M P f.F.TK KINK K U i 'llK I'l.nTMINii T RE TAIL TltAl'E AIPl.h'ANTS Mt ST MK WKI.I. A('(VtTAINTi:it W IT If N'lltTIf I'ARfil.INA Tit A I 'K ANI Alll.K To PIUlrfF. MKAVY V4L IMF, i K HI 'SI NESS L1HKHAL COM MISSI" ins hks rrtn'TKi tkrrtt n IKS orh'K SHIPMENTS APPLY IN oN HAM'WHITIMi TO P t ld I.T: ATLANTA. HA. 3-S Wanted Experienced automobile tire v-.il.'MiKin who proilii'- ' Kxi'llnt opportunity with on of t h lflrcst tlr" niH nuf ;i - t nrTs 'nt" Hox ,M.'l Char Iotti', N c , or 'phone 221 "U-tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ' Mill arrlte inside uf 10 fliu'". nne car nnd ln- I -t . :ir i.f Whit llouno palnl Alui In frui f..r ?. In Jn-Kal harn-ln. l!l ,1. tu-f i 1-1 Inn lal N.i. K N n! air 'n . 1'hn.rl'it 41" Wnnll I'm rti t-Ml(.l ,'i "li' ( r . . w n! to Inrtmt nirttill Amount of I nir. til huHinpfm Kor In- . -'. cure nbucrvfr rod For hull tronil hii Itfiioon f KeiHil harlwiire im-if i L I in i.r H"llmK. ta) h f .).... i.. A (i ilrct h fttore, dntnic it nry l"0,nno ill h Htid must Hurdw ii r ' 4-10 itrrr.i utorr, ch trade. Bt ;.m ft i.-t. turf hulldltiif- 'n lni?-tiiff U w ft lit. )l ItPt uri Iim-'I vfl. .'t- loliK rooiI hiiHlnfMN. Slrk- js4.ii r..r m'IIIhk r v r . rv. (ir'-piiHlicro, N ' -1 ' Hf fur Sh1 I -. li Thin li TH'K iiiiitalr mil nlore. Kt.M-u .l.hn W 1 ' t A lnrr t han 3-tf M IKIOI. 1 1 A V K I; t ait Lit I i Ut A A S K I N M ITS IOR TIIK lKIVN. H K T1IKM. ' ASH nit I'HKTIIT. i Jl.'?1 A l-'KW llol'KS' WiiltK Si lliiiil. WILL SHUN I'AV S1IT HNI.V II n" A WKKK S t: K 'I HAI'K ST :u-l.i Wanted Man with Wion and aerrlcea to Invent In man u fart urlng butlnota; aal ary and half prollla Call 10 a m. today. 41 South College St., uptitalra Carload Fruit Jars just re ceived. All sizes. Harda-way-Hecht Co. 2-5 You can find a ready market for lumber, shingles and all kinds of building ma terial by using Observer Want Ads. This size type 5 cents per word each in sertion, eod K RECITATION CMTITLCO" THE CHARGE" Of THE LICHT CRiCADE' BY COLLY I THINK IO R.ATHELR HE.HR; HIM AUTOMOBILES AND TRUCKS For Kale or Trade Oodg touring ear. I.ookN ltlt ntt . fine r-nilillon. Chiir lotle Motor Cur Co. pod For Siilf Itjr owner, lft?0 Oakland Hit l-urlinc mr Coixl flo..- MariEalii for rash, or ttlll irn.le f,,r l'ool roadslT. "h 1 1 at 1 4 W Sixth 4-S -Auto llenlrr W rit for prlrrn new FonU. lmiiifltH'i' hipimiit. ioi 'iUHntlll'r. l'-r,Minnl. til W l-tnl St. Nrtv VorK II 1 ..r Salr llulrk Lour; I1MH model, four a 1 1 rf anfl In A t nljt ion. A bar ti fur mn It NaV H.ihoii for s lling. 1 Dip nionev. A.Mr.-f K. i ' K, S 1 .1 MoulevHTd. 4-fi lror Sale One Ford Ford tourinif rar. Metal Co Phone tune-ton truck, one Piedmont Iron and RS6 od I SKI ( ARS. W have a feiv iieed cars that hav been put In A 1 condition which we can kHI cheap Mo sure and sre ihosp bamaltiH befor nu buy 19":0 dakland Sedsn, $9741 cash; bal- nni-e niunthly. 1 9 I I lakUnd i rth, ha I a ii lftJ4 naidand tnurlna; niotithly. roa ilster. (new), flfiO ran 1541 : h; bnl- iin. monthlv 19 1ft ltnadjTr 'Oakland, ra?h . ball nr.. ni'nt ti I y. IMS dakland muring, am'e ninnthl $22R f;0 rnai; bal- SiM'TIIRRN OAKLAND t"K For Sale Practically new Oakland road ster, '.-"" V M Stlne. 29 H Tryon. 2-tf Seconl lUnd Trurk for. Sale If you 'are In tliH market fur a a nod per on d - hand truck nf a etandard inaki, with e price to fult you, and terms if tlealrfd. then com to us V hava m J. M i lark. Inc. 17 W. Fourth St. 1-4 ( handler Dtpatrh, new; sun leaa than 2,- unn mil" Will pa. rini-- for quick,, Pale. Room 4 -.17 K. Trade pi. l-! For Sale On 1-ton Ford trurk. One - ton International m 1 Inn Interna tional One 1-tnn Maxwell Terms If deiored. .1 M. Clark. Inr , 17 W. fourth St. 1-b For Sale ("halmer fvrn-paatenic ex tour ing car Hun less than 20.000 ml lea New tire- H G Majfr, Realty Hldg Phone 1 7 4 ; 9 4 For Sale One brand new Ford touring. with slarlpr. nver bn run; nn rnsrlmer anil nno lat 19U touring I'rli -m right Motor Supply Co . 309 N Trynn Ptlnne 1270. H-tf Auto cylinders rrg-roona y inert work men Uilnf tha beat machinery ; work ruaranteed. Charlotta Machine Worka. 1113 South Boulevard. Charlotte. 1-tf In V. M. Stlne. He will pay yon eah for your automobile. 10 South Tryon St. Wanted Experienced re tail auto salesman. High grade proposition. Apply with references F. O. Box 152. For Sale Ford cars. and used. Pavne's Works. 26 E. 6th St. 4-tf. Mw Auto 26-tf. Wanted to lease two lots, Nns 400 and 402 Hast Avenue for service station. J. K. Wolfe, Phone 412. 31-S Used Car Bargains Buick Six touring; Buick Four touring; Overland tour in,?;. All in excellent con dition. Prices are right. Terms if desired. Dail Overland Co., W. Trade St. 3-S For Sale One Vim truck, practically new. Can he seen at lb W. hirst St. 4-6 POSITIONS Kprirnrel Henoirrnplirr Hfnlr nipii t with r1 put ;i h H rni yrxrr a tny. Slnni;f phfr - 3', :il' " rmplo - il hi' urn 4-fi ('(miptftcnt firi-f I.. OrKHiitst orsnnUt anl 'lnlr A 'l-l r" WAVTKII I-OSITION IIV V. I'K.ltl- KXl'KM 1 I ' T A I ' 1 1 ' i.NK iiPKItATi-Ui I Ml 'TAI'IH INK s. I-AUK I ' HS K It V V. It J-4 pivltlon with Irt himxIh or n.nrrlil nniti Cim furiili.h I'li'lk In. i-Hr-:i ii nl'ilM Ii i':-.rs i-Kirr. nn. A.l.li ut: O I. sitvit HWTKII POSITION MAVK 1 1 A M 1 1 . K I i HI'll.IHMI, IHTi'll l.I'MUKR C MI' I MAN' AIM!tKHS V SKUVF.lt AS Ft IK KM N. I I. A H( HI I IN' HI I AH l.Nii. I'ARM AM M A NORTIlKliV .' W. li. I'Alli: nil :i 5 Wanted Poult Ion 111:111 Iniw 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . UnnMii In 1'nitl fur iliHOKtnir ram I Ibser v it an MMlemnan 1-i.f.M . l IIIIK iili'umiiti I't' i WNTKI IVIIKK ON 1'IKM ' IIAMil.K ALL K1NHS MnliKHN KAHM MAi-MINKHV IK 1'ISlltK.li. ll'I.I.Y O.MI'KTKST Tu SKIIVK AS Sll'i:l: INTKNMKNT AIM IIKSS KAIIMKIIT CA ItK CiH.--JU Kit . n.a,i nwwr. m,.t Id, "pad UfTrwr ll.-,t . . I - HONOR ,THE LKHT BRIGADE ADS FOR SALE ror Pale-250 keg- wire nalU at W.0 pr i o d. nere .snip day onW re relvei Wire orders V. H. Medlln nennetlnvllle. p r. 4-6 Kor Sale One lot rof paint for Or; one (t m..m r-.nf j.;,int f.r 0r Lens 'than Imlf prln- (. fi Tryon 5 ( nurlnttn 4-10 ror Sale The tnt lul of army rota. Won't nnt lonjx St'Ti-l jour Mit.-rs ijuirk. $.1 arn rr k"i mm Us-. (4 SO for per f ri'li new. K S SalvjiRo Cn., rt N I rynn f 4-in I-or .Sal K. 4 P. trartor lo handle three tinttiMN Vluwn I I r N, i-ultr .Ki'kfr anil jiulviTlr parts arricr! In stock. Koulpped with aperl.il pulley with high luiwrrcil molor Trttin to suit after SMllNrHilnrv ilmnnMtrallori la made. J. M Clark. Inc. 17 I'niirlh St 4-10 Fr .Sale t'ndrrwned tjipewriter. No. 5, with nnk unil ohair Kxcllent condi tion. John W. I'osi ,n- f,,, ;09 V. Trade s 3 tf Kor 8ale One elght-dlek grain drill, A-l condlllon. Thone t'otinlv "HO: v H "all 3 5 Kor Sale One fable plann. $200. Smith St. S07 N. Thl la TIIK piano aotre. More quality, mnr plnnoa and mur. survlre than any nthir piano store In th ('arollnaa. John W Poet A t"o . :09 v Trade St. 3-tf . R. S. PIANO KOI. IS FOR SKPTEM- IIKK NOW IN J K CKAYTON A CO.. J I 7 S TllVON ST 1-5 Kor Sale Oilier tractor rilak plowa, dlak harrows and ciilnpacKer. Dealer write us for wholesale prh cs. Sehorn & Hipp, t'harlotte. N'. (T. 31 gl.00 A WEEK, $1.00 SCHOOL HI ITU FOR THE BOW. . BEST MATERIA!, LATEST STYLES PRICES RIGHT LIHEHAI. TERMS II nil A WEEK $100. ASKI.NS, 4;. EAST TRADE HT f 31-U For Sale National cash register, 10 K machine, fine for barber ahop; $200 V. M. Stlne. 2 8. Tryon. 16-tf C'uneo. Aak "the 1It tonlo your barber. for dead hal ,lr." 1-tf Ievy'a eje glasses fit all eyea, 7 East Trade St . upstairs. none better. 1-tf For Sale Hundreds of almoat new $--bage cana. all atzea. Carolina Junk and Hide Co. Phone 74. 1-tf For Sale Fire Insurance n atro tg com panies Be sure you are protected. F. K. Harlan. 2U H Tryon St. Phone 392$. 20-tf Q. R. S. PIANO ROLLS FOR SF.PTF.M- HER Now IN .1. E CRATTON CO. 21 7 S TRY' iN ST 15 Carload Fruit Jars ceived. All sizes. wav-Hecht Co. just re- Harda-2-5 For Sale Three Phase Gen erator, 30 K. W. 2,300 vi.ll complete with exciter. Address Box 187 Tryon, N. C, " 4-6 SPECIAL NOTICES If you llv out of town fcnd iin your order for ntTli'T.' rain rnatf. wrih J',' Wm thpm to vim f'T fll l'i Alio fhirtf wrth 17 50 to $ 5n, fur no r'-fund jour mntif Ifjinii ;ir fpit inir Ui;i it dA hp1 1' S Snl aK ' ' . No. a S Tryon St.. iharlll 4-10 Sti-e to Property Ownrro i'iHii-i, I' worry urm r i f I (tuaranlPt' to hi no piiy. 9 days fr11 H on f Imrtor, rare uhsi'rv lr. Fro pert j ut l h ; t kriy op ;i 11 k or irlnl. AddreH I, AltOK SI'MAV. Thf St vr( villi1 Irlytfrln rhurrh mr 'lialli intt t h" work) liftmen f Churlotte ; Labor !Sunlny htvici-, nxt Sunday. St.ptfinlifr 6. tiiMol inul. a snappy ami tirlftht nrvir and a hearty wplroni" Ser n' at 11 n tn . Thr HvprnvMIe mr stops In front of tho churrh every 15 min ii t With fra trnal Rrett tnftf. W T P K A It MAN. rft r ; ); i Ti l 'M, t "lr k of SKflon ; W A HI-OAN, Chairman of I'eafono 3-4 hal alia I. awing? l.o and behold! hr Im.i 'ptarted a iiiHttriiFis factory nf hla ,,iii Latipl liniirnvrri marhlniry dues I.. II.M .iiK. flu; a Hiihur nnil nn lilt, juh I'h-.ni' 1111r .irilorH l" l.-.KH .1 .1 I Lau'lliK Hi-'iT" the lrol l-iisi ihlrl y yi'arii ) i.f Charlnit.. 2 0 lr. 8. Lev J. rhone 13 34. Dcntlat. F.. Trade Street. 1-tf .MHtlretine, feather bedn, pllltiwa renovated. I'ul Into l inks I'lllnwa niH'le lo . . i-i l.-r fith'T from uur nun feHIIfTH nr LarK- a!ii.rl iiit-ni nf finest tlrklnRn Hi. .nn LMtS-.l .1 T A. Lawlnu - If M;ii kri el inrikr'S :t breakfast when in'iiln rlv priipiui'il lhat nothing. e'p ;m .ipiirnacli! I'rovldPd you srloct Iin rlcht K i nd nf a ntiifkcrel. You i it not tnkltiK chances when you getm inn nf our genuine Norway Mark: fti lXJlircaiiSH Ihpy nrc alHlutly in i class by thcnisclvcs when you con sider (inillty. MI1.I.KK VAX NESS CO. Carload Fruit Jars ceived. All sizes. way-Hecht Co. AGENTS just re- Harda-2-5 U (tmrn ntd rrprewntatlvei'i for Ihr Arthur Murray Moving IMrture Mothnd .f Lt-arnlntf to Panrc, 1'nl'iu. tiw, nml h imvn HurrertM. Kver limly fiirtrtiifttd. I.ik i1h Inn a Km' Wrile for bonk -l"l nnd HRnry prnponlHnti Arthu Murrav Svufin. !"pt. M , Aslivtllp. N . jj.se tlse Ibserver Observer lllant - lids "ant nds r wr he . v II D4Kinl I I I .'r I - T V We. V-r-., INk ) I k O I T "WELL -I'VE HAO ENOUGH OF THI- - i THE teao mr ttn WANTED Wanted To borrow about ft ,000 o tint mortgage real estate Address K. X. X., cars Observer. 1-6 Wanted Threo or four unfurnished room or house. f Phone 33f4. 4 Do not lake our say - go and examine someone elae'a rain coata for $26, thon look at oura for $11 9$ If they r.re not aa good as others at $2R, don't buy. II. S. Salvage Co., N. Tryon St, Char lot l e, N. C. 4-10 Wanted An office about ltili. Preferably near P. A X Htatlon. Address P. O. Padgett. Box 1027. 4- . , , ; Wanted By couple. Are or el x -room apart ment or house with steam heat and all modern conveniences. Call Ib7-V. 3-5 Wanted To rent at once one room con venient to bath, by married couple. Ad dresa Couple, care observer. 2t Wanted A good aecond-liand motorcycle, one with side car preferred Address Box 1027, slating kind and price. Char lotte Lumber t'o. 2-4 WANTED MORE IIOMF.S TO HFIX AT ONCE F. C ABBOTT A CO, PHONE 3022 OR 2 4 4 3 -.1 . 9tf Wanted To renovate, make over, clean your pillows, feathers and mattressea. Phone IKflft. I. awing 2-tf Wanted The public lo know' that J. T. A. Lawlng. 'phone No, 16H8-.I, epaa no connection with the Rogers Mattress Factory. Proper phone 3047-1.3. Routs 5. Box 19 l-l Wanted To boy a goal with harneaa. fall 3599 I 1-6 Ladlea Attention Hare yonr skirt ac cord o n pleated Work returned promptly. Price )1 50 per skirt. We also do knife, aide and box pleating Mall to Mrs. J. P. Lee. Fayettevllle. N. C. 29 4 Moving and hauling.. Long distance haul ing a specialty J C Warren. 1102 N. Caldwell St- Phone 1166. Night 'phone 2212. 26tf Mattresaes renorared. oiade orer Into new tlcka. Thon- 1 6M8-J. U-lf Wanted Barbera to push Conco. "the lire tnlc for dead hair" It makee you friends. Connor & Wallers Co. ltf Wanted To buy yonr Iron, raga, boo km bnd magazlnea. Phone 74 and we will call. Carolina Junk and Hide Co. lit Wanted To bay furniture and atoves. Charlotte Stove Co. Phone 477. ltf Carload Fruit Jars just re ceived. All sizes. Harda-way-Hecht Co. 2-5 Try our Record Service De partment. Records for all phonographs. J. E. Cray ton & Co., 217 S. Tryon St. 3-5 Wanted To buy carload of cottonseed meal and hulls. Write me your best prices. Lee V. Rogers, Clyde, N. C. 4-5 FOR RENT For Rent n-room apartment now varan! , ITS tnonth. $ 2 f. premium Kts laso six ninnMis. W'riti AnilrouH. rars Obnrvrr 4 For Rnl Mrrly rnnnprtlnu balh. Fifth St. ftirnlahrtf fronll room. rrlvntw family. 7I2 K in For Rent Furnished front room, privilege j or tiatn. 1 r,a"t rmin- u 3-5 BUILDING MATERIAL Brick Prompt deliveries. Wire or write for prices. Asheville Shale Brick Co., Asheville, N. C. 20-18 EDUCATIONAL. Violin Twin- rnw- npon September 1. IfeKlntirrn nl ml vni-fl Murinl Htu illon guffln a 'ollege nnd linfi 3 Hnuvf vnrd VloIlnn for bb1. A. P. I.ajntp I'hnn 1769. :-5 MALE AND FEIWALE HELP Wintril Two lad,! fof offlrr work. Tvp tt prfTri'! A Inn nun man frr -T fice Tall 13 Trust HMr Wanted A main and wlfn to work on tired n;1! boa I ; mih n I" run rrn n r fire ; wtf to rook AIpii other men to u rk on flif'ift b'lHt I'on't write If von don't want to work Write or wire Wail" A. Watmtn. Andron. S (' r' MACHINERY A few more rroaa-eilt aawa left, for fl.fto anil 12 (!. I'. S HalVHRe Co.. No. li N Tryon St.. Charlotte. 4-1" Machinery for Kala In alnek: llerrulea gaa tnrlnea, Weatlnghouaa motora, Cur tla air eompreaaora. United Htatea elec tric drllla, Attvanre ateaif. pumpa. Kacle circular aawa. W. O Jarrell Machtna Co. Charlotte, N. C eo.l Have lialf on machinery. ,We buy, aell. eKrhanicn, repair, rrbulld and appralae machinery of all klnda. Atlanta Ma chinery Ehannf. Atlanta. Oa 31-6 Farqohar engine and aawmlua earrted In atocK. I.aika atock aawa and acceeaor lea, aluo ahaftlnf, hanera, pulleys, belt Inir. boiler tubei, prompt dellvcrlaa. Spartanburg Machinery Company, Spar tanburg, S. C. For Sale One Sft-horae I.lddell holler; one 25-hora Llddcll enKlne. one .Hl-horae Kra City engine. All doing good work Price IM'" Ala,u o"' pneuma'lc eleva tor ayiteitl for 2-gln i.uttlt Two ateatn trampr, ahlnglf. naw, rotn mill and crunht-r t agecJa, bHrgalnf If y"U need any a,biSVe and want It cheap aee F. V. Taylor. Stanley. N. C. 2-4 AW " DO TOO THINK, l'N iSOINNA, rr THERE AN'UITEN TO THAT CUT aRACAiisT ABpoT 7 THE. A.t CONiPA'NT?" THINK. OF CHARGE. THEX NSA.DE.- mmmMimmmmmi rsanma - POULTRY, LIVESTOCK, SEED Cabbage planta, fall and winter beading, alao collard planta ready for ahlpment. Express collect, 600 for tl.tO: 1,000 and over 12 2S; 6,000 and over 1.00 par thousand. Poataffs paid, 100 for 40o; 600 for $1.00; 1.000 for $3.00. P. B. Hull. Rock Hill. S. C. l-l Rust Proof Oats, Qover Seed and Turnip Seed. Phone or mail us your orders. Davidson & Wolfe, Phone 412. 22-tf DR. H. CALVIN RHEA veterinarian Phone 27! Office I0( XV. Sixth St. I. T. LEWIS. K. K. LEWIS. D. V. M . t. V. M. Graduate Veterinarians DRS. LEWIS & LEWIS Of fir Telephone 1 601 . Realrienra Telephone 166-819. Office 235H E. Trade Street CLOVER CRIMSON n,OVgR, 7 60 Bl'. f'AXl'T fl.OVKR. l 00 BI'. NEW CLOVER. II 7S Bl rem clover. $: i nr. I1I HR CLOVER. :0r LP ALSITE CLOVER. 126 00 Bl' H VKTCH. :c I.n ; 26c FOR 100-LB. LOTS a nnRi'zziA RTE. 13 SO; OR J 75 FOR 10 MC LOTS SOI'THERN AND OR 12 50 FOR 10 HI R P. OATS. II 3S ROSEN. $3 00 nV.: LOTS Bl'. ; 1 1 25 FOR 25- Bl' LOTS FI'I.OAN. It 90 BIT.; 1 n FOR 2B-BU. LOTS Arn.ES II 60; 11 SO FOR ;S-BI', LOTS REP AND WHITE ONION SETS, 3 36 HI' WHITE ONION SETS, $J 7S Bl' AMERICAN SEED CO. Ill E TRAPS STRKET. THONE 3961. REAL ESTATE For Rle fl-room banfftlow, IMIworth. now vjkhhI, $7,fi00. rhnne Tetrrs and I'on- For Kle 6 -room rottae, Fourth ward; $s.fi(io rhone 4 .s i r 4-S Fur Sale 6-room niodrrn rot (aire, newly ralntil. flr)t rlanf ronrtit Ion. North rhurrh lit reel. Fourth ward F. Ian. 20 S. Tryon St. Tel. 39CR. K Hur 31 -C For Sale Five-room tmnicalow In Wood lawn, on p ha fly fifl of Ft reet ; eaay walking: rtlmance of paasenirer station and nhovptn(f diotrtrt. Ho unA In Rood condition. Viv for It with tent money F C Abbott Jd Co , rhonn 302H and 4f.37 C F. Harris, f-alenman. 'phon 3022 31-23 For Hale Four-acre lot on Mttradam road - just Inslile rtty limit, on m:.in highway very low for nulrk sulr F. C. Ahhntt Cn . Ral Kstate I ep rt men t ; T M. Abbntt. Mur. Phnnp 3022 and 46 37 J. liar ley. salesman, 'pbnn 302? 21-23 For Rale Fltl.t-ronm bunitalnw In Ill- wnrth Han fumade hRt. new nrae. Itood fruit. rnient bnnf-mont. nbe shndv yard, fcond ntffhhorhond. one bler-k from ct line A barn-alt. for quirk Mle F'rlr lll.onn F C Abbott A CV. phnne 302 and 1' 4 4 3 - J . l-20 or 8ale Sty derto appratlnlnc real tate; ten years experience; uiiDltsen opinion based on Judiement and Investi gation to buyer or seller. F K Harlan. J0 Trvnn St. Phon 392 11-tf For Sale 6-room house. South boulevard A splend.d Inventment. Irlre, only IS -250 F C. Abbott A ('1. Phonea 3r2 and 2H2-.1 22tf Fr fimif, Houae No. Stateavllle Avenue. Appl' t above addreB 29 4 Wanted W want you to build hi one Consult us about our prlis on lots In Wllrtntfir an Heights. F C Abbntt 'n :in?2 nnd 20i jour own attractive 1 Colonial I'hones 2- 31 l-'nr hale 6-room bungalow. flnora Furnace heat. In th bargain fur H.I.0O Qutrk Abbott A I'u. C. K llama, f'honea 3122 and MIS. "llardM-ood plnea A .1- K C KMleaiiian 25 31 For Sale fl-room bungalow In F.lliabelh aertlon Large lot, Itlri-li dnnra A uplendld buy at I&.7E.0. K C Abbott & Co I'honea 3022 ami :iU J 29-31 For Sale Manufacturing alle. nn South Trvnn atreei i.r Caimli-n rnail t From 4 ai-rea to 30 acrea Srttr ltlvorlh aec tlon Acrrnntble to rallivnv, nar street car line, and front two good roada F ( Abbott A Co. Real Katfltn lcparl nient, T M. Abbott, Mgr. I'linnca 31)22 and 4f37 .1. C llarlcy, aalfsman, phonea 302 2aid 2w3n 29-31 LOST AND FOUND Found Camro pin. Owner mar ecure name hy raMlnj" at ''hurrhlll ApN nn'l prtvlnic for h1 4 l oaf Kp rlnjr with four kri n. Kinder 'lihorif Max I'arrlh, No. J T .'.. ami re elve reward. Found The Ant or I.unrli. 33 South Tryon. to tie th best eatliiK plat - In th" ' . ty Try It ami be convinced .'4-22 Lou I fly 'Iiur1o(t entlnv 1ioune, eTeitl goo 1 1 r untoiiifrB. They are now h t t h Alitor Lum li, 31 South Tj rcn The-r are ovoral reafions. 24-22 FARMS AND TIMBERLANDS For Sale 355 arret of land. 141 mllm front Charlolte, 2 mllea from Allen Htatlon on V & 8 R R. ; t hree-eiRht h of a mile from N & 8. t rack, with Rood lota t ton for Hiding" One million feet of lumber timber, eatlmatfd by a lumber expert: three nr four thounand lord of necnnd growth tree. Quality of noil good and rom para lively level, Mr L'onald. Con rord. N i S-6 I'm Rent Two nr tbree-l.nre Turin, 20 in Tea of il maadow ; 2 mil'.' font i f Kuntersvllle. 8. A. Him. It. 1 . I.. Ll. lluntoravllle. N. C. 1-7 Wanted lo Sell: I farm. 450 nore; I farm, 150 acrea; 1 farm, 96 acrea; I farm, 1 8S ar-rea Thee farm" are all flue cotton and tobacro land. Alao fine for corn and stock raining. Kor nrt U-ularn ilrenn J It IteVane. Acme, N. S 1 -6 For Sale Small tract ot aplrndld farm land, cloae to cliy. best of location, near Bugar Creek church; fln neighborhood and Ideal for raiding truck chicken, etr. ; aaay terma. Phona 3t28 F. E Harlan. 20 8 Trvun 8t. 1-tf Rval , flbsorvrr 1I,,U U,M end Uiprvi r Hint Hjn SUCH ' CN5(!ANcei ' RAILROAD SCHEDULES. Arrival ana departure or paaaencer train 'at Charlotte. All train dally tin leaa otherwla Indicated. Tha followln; achedula flfur are pub Uahad a Information and not fuaran ta.d. 0 SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM. (Station Weat Tld Street. ) - ' A 1111 Arrive Depart fidm for 11:36a Atlanta-Ulrmlncham I Hi I Hi Washington. . i U:4ia 1:16a Richmond 11.45a 7:2la Waiblncton-Naw Tork :tl6p 26a Atlanta T:lta 1:26a Atlanta T:10p 1:25a Columbia 1:00a 19:16a Tayloravllle iJ OOp :46a Waanlnt-ton New Tork 10:20a Waehln(ton-Nw Tork t Alp 10:50a Richmond l;!0p 10:20a Dlrmln(tiam-New Orlean... I:40p 12:26p Carleaton-Columbla 11 :00a 12:46p AVInaton-Saleni 1:10a l:46p Greenville-Weatmlnater .... 4:2tp 4:10p Ureenaboro-Danvllle 2:00p 6:60p Atlanta ll:16p ?:16p Auguata-Columbla T:l6a :10p Tayloravllle - 1:00a I 26p Near Tork-Waihlnj4on 11:10a :10p Columbia 4:tip 1 60a Atlanta . :40p New Orleans-Atlanta 10:10a ll Oflp Waihlncton 4:lia (:10p Baiiibury. Winston-Salem. Barber Mooreavllle 11:10a Washln;ton-Richmnd 11:00a a Dally except Sunday. SEABOARD AIR LIK RATI. WAT COMPAN1. (Statlou Nortn Tryoo Btreat ) Arrives Depsrn from for :00a Monroe 6;00a 10:00a Rutherfordtnn 9:04 l:26p Ralelah and Wllmlncton . . . . 10 :00a :12p Rutherfordton I:16p 11.26p Jackaonvllla i:00p 11.35p WIlmlngton-Ralelgh. . , . a.oun 11 35p Norfolk-Richmond 1:00a :0fia Norfolk -Richmond' l:10p 12:26p Wllmlngton Kalalih 6:00p ll:35p Jacksonville 6:00a NORFOLK BOrTtTERN RAILROAD. (Slat. in. Sixth and Collets Btreeta). Arrives Depart. frnm: for l:46p Mt. Gllead. Troy. Star. Aihubori Plnehurat. Aberdeen, Rait If h . . 4 46a JOINT CITY TICKET OFFICE. 207 Weat Trade Street. Telephone No. 20. PIEDMONT AND NORTHERN RAILWAY COSIPAM. Arrival and Departure of raaeenger Train, at Charlotte. (Station. No. 11 Weat Flrat Street. Tha following achedula fig-urea are pub lished as Information and not gxara i teed Kor Gaatonla. Belmont and way sta tion. (Station. No. 11 West First Street ) Arrives: Departs: 8:00 a. m I.uo i. m 10 00 a. m 10:00 a. ra 12 00 m 12:00 m 8 00 p. m 2:00 p. ro 4 on p m 4 00 p. m ( 00 p. m :M p. m 10 45 p m 1 1 V P m All trains connect at Belmont Junction to and from Belmont J 8 CURETON. Oen Pannenirer Aft T. L. Black. Commercial vawat HITECTl TRUSTdJipG CHARLOTTt-KC r" auiuo ia.aaaooeT CHAS. C. WILSON F. A. I. A. Mom. Am. Soc. C. E. AiicihTi-:rr HOME OFFICE 804-807 Pnlmetto HnlldlnB COIiUMBIA. S. C. P. RANCH OFFICE: IIl (.n K. WHITE. Mgr. A. I. A. 208 Flrt Nntlonnl Rank GAS'I'OMA, N. C. ' oldfebt In Ailierlcu, best In U)t world. " and with the Incompara ble AM PICO make the greatest munkral combination extant. Have other makes comprlslnf (reateat line of Piano shown by any dealer In fh oiith. Vlcii. .nU 1-ti uiieivica. TalKiaa Marhlnea uiul Records. Violins. Hultars. Mandolins and Sheet MiihIc. Tunlner. Roflnlahlne Movln A.VOKEWH MUSIC blOHfc; 0 Years In Business Hera Phone 91S N. Tryon ft. 0 I: .."?-v-v"r. ;-. . , y-"U-'''::'

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